HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-04-16, Page 181• • • AOPERICH BIQIAL-STAti THURSDAY APRIL 16 1970 TODAY'S CHILI) BY HELEN ALLEN ToOptolekgrarn Syndicafe • Here is Eddie, a chuckling cherub of 10 tnonths. He's a lovable baby, always. good-natured and cheerful. Heloves company and is accustomed to a lot of attention, and he isn't. at all shy with strangers. Even getting his five teeth hasn't affected disposition. 'Eddie sis 'a healthy,' sinal! -boned boy with dark grey eyes, brown hair "and fair skin-. He iSn't-Tranding yet, but he's very mobile anyway, traveling in his walker or just rolling across' the floor. A chatty baby, he. doesn't seem to mind that .nobody understands him. He is N:,ery- responsible to inusie. . Little is known ,of Eddie'.s background, except that it is. partly Anglo-Saxon. So this dear little boy needs parenktywho will love him for himself. To inquire about adopting EdOie, please write. to To (lay's 'Child, - Department of Social and . Family Services, Parliament Buildings, 'Toronto 1182. For general adoption' information ask your Children's Aid Society. James Richardson St Sons Ltd Serving The Feed PHONE 524- alers of .Western Ontario 88, GODERICH • nn Landers Tragedy .-GOdi. fault? DEAR ANN LANDERS: go ahead, 4shail. Any other order first. I -didn't .know what k 1/4 Recently newspaper account adVice yon can offer 'Will be to order because everything on described the collaase of a wall greatly appreciated- NERVES the menu looked expensive. l. which killed three men. Several IN LOGANSPORT. decided to play safe and Order a "fellow workers ftad a narrow DEAR QN. I. L. Your violent peanut butter sandwich and a eSeape: One of the luckier men reaction to •an affair which is glass of milk. It was the cheapest made the statement, "God was, clearly •none o your business thIngi could think of. Billy's needs to be analyzed. WhyL'are mother asked me twice if I was you taking this so personally sure that's what.I wanted. I'a1d, that it is making you ill? My "Yes." Everyone else ordered advice is to give notice at once whole dinners. I felt like nut. and find another job. ' What 'should I have° done? . DEAR, ANN LANDERS;, BETSY few days ago my boyfriend' s DEAR BETSY; You should parents inyjted me to have have asked the others to order dinner with him and his family first. and taken Yourcue from in a fancy caf e. It was his 12th them; birthday.' (I am 12 *O.) Please Do you feel ill at ease. . out don't jump on me for dating of it? Is everybody having a because this was not a date. It good time but you? Write for was Billy's, birthday and his two Ann Landers' booklet, "The Key To Popularity," enclosing with your request, 35c in coin and a long, self-addressed, stamped • with us." His remark made me uncomfortable. It implied that God was not with the three men ,Whe were killed. I was taught that God loves all' His children and His love is perfe,ct. Should I vhange my thinking.and believe that luck is more of an element in our lives , than we care to admit? Or perhaps, I should accept the fact -that there is no God.,dan_you help me? --T. M. OF SHARON • DEAR' T. M.: I can only tell you how I feel. I respect the rights of those who do not believe in God but I do not share their view. God means something different 'to each of us. My God does not visit disaster on those who displease Him. Sorne of the finest people I know have had the worst tragedies. Why • certain individuals are singled out for life's cruelest blQ.ws I do not • know. But I DO know that faith in God can help heal sorrow and heartache, and I am sorry for. those. who do not have it. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am .secretary for a very ttractive man.- He and his wife,have been married nearly 30' years. They are both' well likedin this commttnity. He hOlds prominent board positions and is 'a wheel. I happen to know my boss has been having an /flair with a vieltritan who works here also. They have been extremely skillful*about -keeping it quiet. learned by accident that they are meeting in a downtown hotel. Whenever Mrs. Boss comes to the office I get a terrific attack .of nerves. I become so upset when he kisses her.hello, I nearly pass out. These past two months I've lbst weight. I cannot eat and J cannot sleep. I've considered having a talk with my boss but I can't -bring myself to do it. If you tell me to brothers and one sister were there, too. Because , I was the only outside guest they asked me to envelope. AY$ 0 C I IDA1). DOFS'NT- K Now IT. YET --BUT JUNIOR -HAS' SOME DO, IT YOUR- SELF IDEAS • OF HIS owN .741)4Y VA`G POr 100/.5 W- our or legACI4 F OH I I -PRE CFHe • There's nothing like a little change at this time of year to pull you. out of the Aoldrums. That'S.what my wife said when the school holidays were' com- ing up. And she was right. Most of our friends were going somewhere: Skiing, Flor- ida, Jamaica, Mexico, South Carolina. Family obligations alid lack of cash' vetoed 'anything like that, but she had a wonderful plan. My brother-in-law and family were going to Florida. They live in the city. We'd go to the city, stay at their place, saving a big hotel bill; take in a few show, and step out to dinner a couple of times. be just like home for you" Says . "You ean take your exam ipers and nark them, you wo 't have a care in the,world, w'11 have some fun, and it will fe a nice. change for you." It was. Our daughter was home for the weekend, but was going back to the city to stay in the grubby hole her friends rent. She wanted to take back her cat and kitten., She was pre- vailed upon to wait until mid week — when we were' going down — for the animals" sake. .First mistake. Word got around -among her friends. Second mistake. To cut it short, we left for the city- wjth two cats, four teenagers, two big boxes of grub for Kim, enough clothes' to- go to Eu- rope, and ine- in a surly mood. Arrived at Kim's abode and carried up tie food, only to discover that three teen-y-bop- pers had beat her to it, and there wasn't room for her. Took her back with us to brother-in-law's 'house, a hand- some place indeed. Picked ut• - the key from a neighbor, as arranged. Turned key in lock. It bent. Played with lock. Stomped on key with heel to straighten it out. Couldn't. Fi- nally or swung open. Great relief. Fumbled for lights,. all lo- eated in wrong place. "Phew! This place stinks," said Kim. She wasrright. Dopey sister-in- law haa not turned refrigera. tor off properly. Freezer was unfrozen, water all over floor, meat putrid. Solid hotir of mopping up, scrubbing out frig. All hope of hamburger gone out ,in gar- bage, rotten. Eventually, I made a mess of crumbled buns in a large tin of , spaghetti sauce. It tasted like spaghetti 4,auce, which is pretty strong without spaghetti. • , House was cold. Turned heat well' up. Nothing happened. Stem heat. An hour later it wa 80. Turned heat way do Nothing trap pene d. St Tiied'washing. dishes. N{) hot water. Afraid ',to go out to show, or anything, because of faulty key. Might never get 4n again. Suggested: "Let's get the hell out of here and check in at a hotel." No takers. Too tired. Watched TV and went to had ' Next day same -thing. Hot water came on, for no reason, but wife -and -daughter bick- ered...most • You can't win 'em all reason. Had company. Sent out for food. Stayed up too late. Fell asleep. Awoke to great squabble and daughter leaving, with her cats, Persuaded her to settle down. Time a.m. and no buses running. She's not so. dumb, and agreed. Third day, worse. Freezing rain and snow outside, no food and raw nerves inside. My wife was rigpt'froin the start. It was just like home. And my exam papers were still in, the suit- case. Finally took bull by horns. and went out on town. Down town packed with solid mob, barely moving traffic:- Had beautiful dinner in crowded joint, after standing in line for half-hour. Hamburg for me, , coffee for the girls, who wer- en't hungry from feminine perversity. At last, saw a one- hour revue, at 11 p.m. Home at 12.30 .a.m. - Next day, took Kim down to her house, with cats; All foci we'd brought for her was eaten. . 'Back to house. Wife slaving to clean up. I said: "L'm going home, Period!" For once, no argument. Home through bhz- • zard. Stopped by cop. But, ah, that' home sweet home. No cats, no kid. • - • Ther&snothigJfkeaJitt1e ...change. FOR 1701fR • • FIRE INSURANCE See or Phone MALCOLM MATHERS • GENERALINSURANCE IWENT. 46 WEST $T. • . 524.9442 • TO THE For Pleasant Surroundings and .Good Food THE GODERICH RESTAURANT STEAK HOUSE and TAVERN , 1 THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD I BOKS& STATIONERY PAINT, WALLPAPER, IN'! DOUBLE PASSES TO THE PARK THEATRE • Cards For All Occasions * Gifts * Books. * Stationery Supplies le Records ANDE11:501\ES BOOK CENTRE 33 East.St. •Goderich BUIL IN,p MATFRIAL GODERICH BUILDING CENTRE 5.24,133133 : datribria at. Anglesea I • * PAINT * WALLPAPER * •CARPETS * TILE *„ LINOLEUM "four Complete Home Decorating Centre" McARTHUR and REIL'LY LTD.. West St Goderich /611S SPACE RESERVED • -FORY.01JRAD ..`,0 * FRIGIDAIRE * WESTINGHOUSE * GIBSON * HOOVER • Sales a nd „Service Mrs:Flprence Bridle 9'2 Brittania GERRY'S APPLIANCES The Square - Goderich Now Owned and Operated ° by Chuck Jewell ; Stsams, • • BOOTS Mrs. HughGardirier 181 Wilson St. EXCELLENT SELECTION t Regular or Safety Toe 14 Different Styles DAVE GOWER'S • Industrial & Garden Centre ' t, The 1442mes Of Six Signal -Star -Subscrib- ers Are To Be Found In Om Of These Ads Now Showing a Coming Next for Seven Days "CACTUS FLOWER" (Adult Enrcittainment) 1 MEN'S WEAR - SEE Hamilton St. 524-8761 REGULMIADPN PAGE 5 FOR DATES AND TIMES ' THQCE. I c RESERVED 'FOR YOUR AD FURNITURE Mrs. B. Westman 56.Stanley St. • For7he — FINEST 'in • FURNITURE LODGE Furniture West St. 7- Goderich 'arimaidirkeirerromm;iimilafte -80'Stile-fti Ste • Our Display Of • . •ortiaiNAL or!. PAINTINGS 1,1 , . ,1414 sous gouir Now a good Opportanity-security for you in a business career, -Goderich .Business College NIGHT SCHOOL Typing, Bookkeeping, 1 Shorthand. (Tues. & Thurs. Evening) 524-8521 \ THIS SPA4E4) RESERVE D Voun.Ap .1* M. MacAuley 167Elgin Ave: W. •1 0 FOR THE BEST IN SEWING MACHINE SERVICE .8t,REPA1R Call G. ,RUMMENIE 524-8916 Authorized Singer Service 441,1 THIS SPACE RESERVED *Oil YOUR AD 4 • 4„ For That CERTAIN Flair IN MEN'S WEAR EARL RAWSON MEN'SWEAR On The Square, Godeich • THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD • SHOE'STORES Fbr FASHION RIGHT SHOES The Place To Go Is ROSS SHOES The Square Godrich .SPROULE SHOES ,Mrs. Kenneth Stove •48 Newgate St. , Footwear For - The Family 't'24:151.14 Kingston St, Goderioh. 4,^ TELEVISION PHILIPS 1 PHILCO Mrs. .1:phn W. Porter• 144 Gibbons St. oIour Television S and ALES ERVICE 524-9432 ' • RIVETT'S TELEVISION - RADIO 34 The Square Goderich. TRAVEL SERVICES THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD '4 • THIS SPACE . RESERVED • FOR YOUR AD D. -A. kAY &. SON Pairing and Decorating 'Contractors • 'Pamting, Wallpapering Draperies, Floor Sanding 33.114rqn Rci. 482-9542 Clinton ' . • CONTEST RULES Each- week the names and addresses of 6 subscribers vvill appear in the Business Directory. - Look for your name and address in the ads. -Take the Business .Directory and suitable, identification to theidvaz't4set what°, ad yournameappearstanft., idkispAsatutsattefb•scSatttrtlity night clOilittn; Only Subscribers to the Signal -Star are eligible. 4.