HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-04-16, Page 16ti
A By -Law to regulate traffic "in the Town of Goderich and to control and regulate the use of Streets and
Boulevards in the said Town.
WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act, .R 'S.O. 1960, Chapter 249, and the Highway- Traffic
Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 132: Councils of local municipalities may pass by-laws regulating traffic on the highways
within the said municipalities and controlling and regulating the use of the said highways and boulevards appurtenant
NOW, THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation} of the Town of Goderich enacts as follows: -
For the purpose of this By-law
Commeroial;s•Motor Vehicles — means -any motor vehicle having permanently attached thereto a truck or delivery
body and includes an ambulance, hearse, .casket wagoen, fire apparatus, police patrols,_niotor bus, and tractor used
for hauling purposes o'n the highways.
(b) Corner — means a point of intersection of curbs or edges of the portion of the highway used for vehicular traffic. •
(c) Crosswalk -- means that part of the highway at an'in,tersection that is included within the connections of the lateral
lines of the sidewalk on opposite sides of the highway measured from the curbs, or in the absence of curbs, from
the edges of the roadway, or any portion of a roadway at an' intersection or elsewhere distinctly indicated for '
'pedestrial crossing, by signs or lines or other"}narkings on the surface.
(d) Gross Weight — means the combined weight of vehicleand load.
Intersection means the area embraced' within the prolongatioin,or connections of the lateral curb lines or if none,
then of the lateral boundary lines of two or more highways that join one another at an angle, whether or not one
highway crosses the other.
One Way Street — means a street or highway upon which vehicular traffic is limited to movement in one direction.
Park or Parking when prohibited, means dr standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, except when
standing temporarily for the purpose and while actually engaged in loading or unloading merchandise or passengers.
(h) Pedestrian — means a person afoot, invalids and children in wheeled carriages or sleds. -
(i) Pedestrian Crossover — means any portion of a roadway, designated by by-law of'a municipality, at an interseetion
or elsewhere, distinctly. indicated for pedestrian crossing by -signs ors the highway and lines or other markings'on the
surface of the roadway as prescribed by the regulation.
(j) Police Officer - means a member of the police Morce, or any person authorized to enforce or carry out the
provisions of this By-law. -
(k) Roadway — means that part of the highway that if improved, designed orordinarily, used for
does not include the shoulder and where a highway includes two or more separate roadways,
,refelrsrto any one roadway separately and not to all of the roadways collectively.
(nt- .S fety,;,�-•Azneanss-tlie rea or -space• -set apart within a roadway' for the exclusive use of
.— prateter, is r •-•c re indicated-iay.-official signs as to be plainly visible at.ail•tit ies`•wlsi
zone. - ;r.
vehicular traffic, but
the. term "roadway"
pedestrians which is
ie set:apartvassaisfety •
(m) Sidewalk — means that portion of a street between the curb line,s.or the lateral lines of a roadway and the adjacent
a, property lines,, and shall include a permanent laid sidewalk or pathway intended -for the use of pedestrian. traffic.
. Vehicle, .• x=.
•- 1-n-) �Stan�d•-aK'-Standing._— ..t, except for the
when prc.�hibited, means the halting.of a vehicle whether occupied -or or no �•
purpose of and while actually. engaged in receiving Or -discharging passengers.
(o) gyp---='whenr required; means a complete cessation ofmovement.
(p) Stop or Stopping ---,when prohibited, means the ,halting of a vehicle, even momentarily, whether occupied or not,
except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a constable or
other police officer or a traffic control sign or signal.
(q) Street —1 means the whole of the public street allowance lying between the property line -on one side and 'the
property line on 911 other side and includes the roadway, boulevard, and sidewalk, pathway or footpath. .
(r) Highway --r includes a common and public highway, street, avenue, parkway, driveway, square, place, bridge,
viaduct, or tressle, designed and intended for, or used by, the generalpublic for the passage of vehicles.•.
° (s) Traffic. = includes pedestrians, ridden or herded animals, vehicles, street cars, and` other conveyance, either singly or.
together, while using any street for the purpose of travel. I
`Traffic Control Device — means any sign, ,or roadway. curb or sidewalk marking, or other device erectedor placed - ,
under authority of the Municipal Council for the purpose of guiding or directing traffic:
' •(u) Traffic Signal— means any device manually, electrically or mechanically operated for the regulation -of traffic. `
(v) U -Turn — means to turn a vehicle within a roadway so as to proceed in -the opposite direction..
..4)--1/eil4ctP = in glides a motor vehicle,- trailer, traction engine, farm tractor, roadbuilding machine, and any vehicle
drawn, propelled or driven by any `kind of power, incl owerr-but--does-not-inel.,a�.d -r t^rizeit'
snow vehicle, the•cars of electric or steam railways running only upon rails.
(x) Boulevard — means that portion of'a street between the curb line or the lateral lines of the roadway 'and the
adjacent property lines.
(y) Motorcycle — means a self-propelled ;vehicle having a seat or saddle for. use of thedriver and designed to travel on
not. more than C'fiYee wheels in. contact with the ground,.and includes a bicycle with a motor attached, a motor .
scooter and a snowmobile.
. , .
(z) Motor Vehicle - includes an automobile, motorcycle, and any other vehicle propelled or driven otherwise than by '
muscular power; but does not include the cars of electric -or -steam railways, or other 'motor vehicles running only
upon rails, or a motorised snow vehicle, traction engine; farm tractor," self-propelled implement of husbandry or
road building machine within the meaning of this By-law.
}1P nnP A11 , ,
(zz) Heavy Traffic — For the purpose of this by-law, heavy traffic and=h'eaYy tr-uek shall e o se -and°- same and shall
mean a truck having a Gross Vehicle Weight in excess of five (5) tons. - . _
,N04, 17 OF 197
(.b) No person shall stow, static .or park "a vehicle other than a taxicab in a taxicab stand when any .such stop or
stand has been Q£fiexally designated anal appropriately stgrted. 4
(C) Every person, firm, or corporation licensed to operate, a talica h in the Town of ,Goderich shall be permitted'
Parking space In front of hie° or the company's premises sufficient to park one taxicab and such parking,'
space shall be designated a taxicab stand and shall be reserved for the use of the holder of said taxicab
license, his Agent, or employees, for taxicabs only which are included in'his license.
(6) Angle Parking PermitteIiaon Specified Streets s ' , -
-When properly worded sighs have been erected aid are on display, no person shall park a vehicle on the streets or
parts of streets hereinafter named,. -except at an angle of forty-five degrees smith reference to the edge of the
roadway • and so that the right front portion of the vehicle shall be nearest to the edge of the roadway, and a
distanceof not more than six inches fronn the curb or from the' edge of the roadway:
(a) West side of South Street from the Square to the south side of the Woolworth property. .
(b) East side of South Street from the Square to the south edge of the lot cif Goderich Motors.
(e) •On both,sides of Montreal Street from the Square to Market and Lighthouse Streets. •
On both sides of West Street from'the Square to Waterloo Street..
(e') 'On•both sides of Colborne Street from the Square, to St. Patrick and Church Streets.
(f) On the West` side of North Street from the'Square to a point one hundred feet northerly.
(g) On the east side of North: Street from the Square to Nelson Street.
(h) On b'oth•sides of Hamilton Street from the Square to :Victoria St. „ -
(i) On both sides of East Street from the Square to Victoria Street.
(j)a On both sides of Kingston Stre$t from the Square to Victoria Street, except in front of the Canadian Legion
Hall, lot 174. _ -
(k)' On the outer circumference of the Square.
On' the south side of Newgate Street from Hamilton Street to the west limit of the laneway leading to the
Post Office.
On the north side of St. David Street from Kingston Street to a point two hundred feet east.
On the east side of Waterloo Street from Lighthouse Street to St. Patrick Street.
On the north side of Britannia Road West, from Essex Street to 'Wilson Street.
On the north side of Elgin Ave. from the intersection of Kingston Street, to a point 86 feet westerly. ---
-•-On the west side of McDonald Street from the north-east corner of Goderich Arena south to the intersection
of Blake Street. -
On the east side of North Street from Anglesea Street to Gloucester Terrace. •
'On the north side of Nelson Street from North Street to a point opposite the east limit of Church Street.
On the west side of South Street from Elgin Avenue to Piston Street. '
On the west side of Victoria Street from Bruce Street 68 feet southerly. - -
(1) Turns
(a) Every person_in charge of a vehicle before starting, stopping, turning or changing its course shall take the
, necessary precautions to see that such movement can be made in safety and without irrterfering with other
traffic. • •e *'
(b) No driver of a vehicle shall make a U -Turn upon any street unless such movement can be made in safety and
• without interfering with other traffic.
(c) When properly worded signs are erected and on display, no person operating a vehicle shall turn to the left
on entering the Court HouselSquare.
Obstructing Traffic
(a) N•o'-person-shall-drive-aty ' e{iicie-upon'oriai+o�ngany- highway'-so-•as"to bbst7r tctptraffuc-unreasonabt 7 or when
the vehicle is so overloaded that the horse or motor power is unable to -move such -vehicle at a~reasonable
rate'of speed. a
(b) A persons, operating a slow moving vehicle shall operate it as near the right-hand edge of the roadway as
circumstances and weather conditions permit.
Entering Highway
prior to driving onto the sidewalk, and shall -not enter the roadway until he can do so safely.
(a) The driver of a vehicle emerging from a driveway, lane, lot or building, shall stop the vehicle immediately
(4)- Funeral and other Procession "
(a) No person shall intersect -a funeral or other' authorized procession while it is in motion under the direction of
a Police Officer.- _
(b) The driver of a vehicle in -a, funeral or- other procession, shall drive as near to the right-hand `edge of the
roadway as practicable and ,follow the vehicle.ahead as close as is practicable and safe ,
(5) ONE-WAY, Streets (Designated
(a) Court House Square and West Street from Beach Street to the Bathing Beach are hereby designated for
one-way traffic only, said° vehicular ,traffic moving only in the, direction indicated. when official signs
indicating the direction of the traffic have been erected and are ,on display at every intersection where
movement in the opposite direction is prohibited. •
(6) _ Roller., Skates, etc.
No person upon roller skates, tricycles, or riding in or upbttariy,.cvlaatet<stQY:Y iel,e or slmpl l" deqice, shall go upon
Police to enforce By-law'— the Police Department shall enforce the provisions of this By-law.
(2) Obedience to Traffic Signals and Signs — Every person shall- promptly obey all signals given either by a police'
officer or by a traffic control device or a traffic signal.
Parallel — No person shall ;park a vehicle on any street other than a one-way street unless on the right-hand side of
the street, having a regard for the direction in which the vehicle has been proceeding and unless the right front and
right rear wheels or 'runners of the vehicle are parallel to and distant respectively not more than six inches from
the edge of the roadway.
(2) Angle Where- angle parking is permitted, no person shall park a vehicle, except at an angle of forty-five degrees
with the edge of the roadway and so that the right front portion of the vehicle is nearest to the edge of the
roadway, and,distant.notsinore than six 'arches from the curb or from the edge of the roadway.
(3) One -Way Streets Where parking is permitted on a one-way street, a person tnaY park a vehicle facing,only,in'the
- direction in which it was proceeding and with the left front and tJre left rear wheelsoarallel to and a distance of
not 'more thansixinches from the edge- of the roadway, providedthatthis provision b
all not apply where parking
-- on ,.the right-hand side of a oneray street is specifically authorized by the By-law, provided that this provision
shall not apply where angle parking is specifically authorized by By-law. -
(4). . Parking Prohibited
A.1411\_ In specified places —
No one shall park a Vehicle: .. . .
On a sidewalk, pathway os footpath.
In front of a public or private driveway.
„Within an intersection.
Within ten feet of a fire hydrant.
On a crosswalk.
Within twentysfeet of a crosswalk at an intersection other -than on the Square.
Onon street treet in such a manner as to obstruct traffic
In stitch a position as will prevent the convenient removal of any other vehicleapreviously parked or standing.
In front of the entrance to a hospital. q
On any boulevard. •
In front of the entrance to a theatre, auditorium or'other building while large assemblages are being held in
• such theatre, auditorium or other building, or for a, reasonable time immediately preceding and following
such assemblages.
(1) „ On any, street for an unreasonable time having regard for the traffic requirements of such roadway and in no
case for a longer period than twenty-four hours. • s
(ii) In Specified Places where signs on display —
When properly worded signs have been erected and are on display, no person shalt park a vehicle:
(a) Within twenty feet of,any intersection on any,throughhighway.
(b) Within twenty', -five feet of the lot on which afire hall is located on that side of the street on which such sfi.re
hall is located or within one hundred feet of such lot on the opposite side of said street, -
(c) Between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. upon that side of the street adjacent to any school property.
(d) During the months of „July hnd August on the north side of Nelson Street for a distance of -twenty-five feet
on each side of the gateway leading to the Judith. booderham Memorial. Wading Pool. ,
(e) On the,orth side of Trafalgar Street from North Street to Cambria Road and. on the sot -t - h- side of Bruce
Street from North Street to Cambria ftoad. �a ' ',,,n
f) Between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 pfm. from, the south-east beginning of Huron Road and continuing through
Toronto Street and Elgin Avenue and extending north from Elgin Avenue on Victoria Street to`Bruce Street
- "'on. both sides of the streets - ' exceptions being:
(i) Daily, ori the west side of Victoria Street from Bruce Street 68 feet southerly=
• (ii) On Sttnday, from Elgin Avenue interseetion north on Victoria Street to Newgate-8treet on both side _
of the street,
i x ....business district at any place other
The driver oil'" a taxicab shall not st�'rd or park upon any street in any
' (a.. titan a a taxicab stand, except that, this provision shall not prevent the driver of any such' vehicle from
t asap rki regulations at any .pplsee fcrr the .purpose
teitnpci at,
stopping: in accordance with other stopping or parking
.of and while actually engaged (t :,loading and unloading p g .
;i ,•
rG� _
the roadway except while crossing a street or a crosswalk.
(7) Through Street Designated (i.e. Stop Signs)
When properly worded signs are erected, the following streets or portions of streets are designated as through
streets and all vehicles -shall come to a full stop before entering or crossing the through streets:
(a) The Court House Square.
(b) Victoria Street from Britannia Road to the north limits of the Town excepting atbthe intersection of
Highway No. 8 and the intersection of Nelson, Victoria and Hamilton Streets.
Cambria Road from. Elgin Avenue to GloucesteeTerrace.
9 '
East Street from Court House Square to Maitland Road excepting at the intersection ofVictoriaStreet and
Cambria Road.
Britannia Road_ from Maitland. Road to Essex Street, excepting at the intersections of Highway No. 8, 6
Victoria Street, South Street and Waterloo Street. '
Elgin Avenue from Victoria Street to Essex Street excepting at the intersection of Waterloo
- t
West Street from Court House Square to Harbour Beach.
North Street from Court House Square to Caledonia Terrace and Gloucester Terrace,
Blake Street arid Oxford Street from Maitland Road to Wilson Street excepting at the intersection of .
Highway No. 8, Highway No. 21, South Street and Eldon Street
Bennett Street from Huron Road to Lake Huron excepting at intersections of Highway No. 21 and South
Street. -
Bayfield Road from Britannia Road to south limits of Town.
Huron Road from Britannia Road to south limits of Town.
Hamilton Street from the Court House Square to south limit of Nelson Street.
Napier Street from Cambria Road to Victoria Street.
Raglan Street from the east side of McDonald Street to west side of Gibbons Street.
Kingston Street from Court House Square to west limit of Victoria St.
Toronto Street from•'Elgin Avenue to Huron Road.
Maitland Road from Anglesea Street to Maple Street.
Harbour Street from south side of West Street to north side of Harbour Quay.
Caledonia and Gloucester Terraces -from Victoria Street to Waterloo Street,
ss -
Through Streets Designated (i.e. Yield Signs) ,
When properly worded signs are erected, the following streets or portions of streets are designed
(a) Albert Street from Park Street to the south side of Anglesea Street excepting at the intersection of East
Street and Nelson Street.
(b) Walnut Street from Maud Street to Maitland Road except at the intersection of Huron Road.
Maple Street from Bennett Street to Maitland Road excepting at the intersection of Huron Roade
as through
(d) . Wellington Street from St..George's Crescent to Blake Street excepting at' the intersection of West Street,
Elgin Avenue and Britannia Road. .
(e) Waterloo Street from Caledonia Terrace to Britannia Road, excepting at the intersection of West Street and
Elgin- Avenue.
A `i).
Wellesley. Street from Cobourg Street to,Britannia Road excepting at the intersection of Elgin Avenue.
,,Essex Street from Lighthouse Street to Lake Huron.
Lighthouse Street erdii 'Wellington Street to Cobourg Street, excepting
Cobourg Street from West Street to Lake Huron. -
Wilson Street from Britannia Road to Blak,:Street-..
at the intersection of Wellesley
(k) Warren' Street from Britannia Road to Bennett Street excepting at the intersection of Blake Street:
•(,1) Widder Street from Britannia Road to Blake Street. •
(nn) Elizabeth' Street from Britahnia ;toad to Blake Street.
(n) Eldon Strree% front 'Britannia Itoadlo Sunset Drive excepting at the interiections of. Blake Street and'I3ennett
Street. a