The Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-04-16, Page 14R Oft .SXONAL STAR, THVR$ AY, APRIL 10, 1970
With Shirley
Wornan to Woman
I have been advised to "cool until they are a little older and a
for a Week -or so about the little wiser.
Youth Centre that ,is prOposed Yet Julie Waldron and her
‘•-• for GOcierich and I suppose that committee .appeared to be
is a wise suggestion, I hate to convinced that this would be an
bend yOur, ear every week ahout educational experience for the
?the same old problems. students at CHSS something
I do want to report to you from which they would derive
, though,. on the presentation -of a lasting benefits. And what's
group of young people froin more, they convinced the Huron
• Central Huron Secondary School County Board of Education.
in Clinton to the Huron .CoUnty , Wen, it remains now to be
Board of Education recently: seen juSt what Will happen. It
The group, led by Julie will be interesting to find out
to know .about the life Of my
grandparents becauvie, „he told
me, he knew them well: '
That was 'thoughtful of him.
Come to think of it there are'
lots of things I'd like to knOW —
things that grandchildren can '
only learn from other senior
citizens because ,your parents or,„:„
'your aunts and' uncles do not
remember. After all, they were
only children when your
grandparents were in their
Waldron of Clinton, amazed just how successful Education * *
most everyone at the meeting — '70 will lae. There is another seminar
and I,' might add, there was a Apparently, all "the teachers planned for Goderich Pgychiatric
large attendance • at that sitting in on the presentation to Hospital on May 12. This will be
particular meeting including the Board were not as impressed a day -long session concerning
several teachers there to talk as the Board members. • "Children and Their Learning
abonA salaries. • One teacher (not from, CHSS) Problems."
Miss 'Waldron was backed lip' told me Miss Waldron's understand the course will
by about ten other teenagers, all presentation was "the most be of particular interest to
students at CHSS. They have. profeSsibnal snow -job I've seen teacherS, but vi all' interested
,persons are - in lied to attend.
planned a three-day experiment in a long While."
for their school with the • * * * • Registration, I believe, will be
...approval_of _their ..principal Bob
To be.'called'Education '70,
the kids will have a free -swinging
schedule for three days during
which time they will not be
they probably will, Miss Waldron
suggested, because the program
planned for Education '70 has
one „of the grooviest timetables
. From what I've read and"what
, have lined up about 30, speakers
who have agreed to come to the
school to give lectures on a Nide
variety of subjects. The speakers
PHONE' 524.833!
Band Sgt. Robert Fowler,
who is with the Canadian &My
Band and son of Mr. and Mrs,
Howard Fowler of 133 Britannia
bandsmen chosen, to travel to
Wett Germany and Greece along
with Mickey Rooney, etc, of
Hollywood fame, to. entertain
Canadian Forces on • peace
leeping duties thew areaS.
Band, Sgt. Fowler, has already
travelled . ektensively With the,
Canadian Army National Band,
in* Europe, and performed at
'Canada's Expo in 67. lie was
transfered by the Army •from B.
CI to Ottawa, where he and his
family now make, their -home. ,
Dorothy and Victor Ross was
entertained recently by their
many friends and relations on
the occaSion of their 25th
wedding . anniversary.
Ross was born and raised in ."'
frequent visitor here down ,
through the years.
- DRIVERS! Spring is just
around the corner ... also just
around the corner there will.
soon be Children on bicycles,
wagons and on the run. -
Adjust your driving habits
accordingly. and "make Sure:"
Goderich Guides and
In Pack One, Brownies were
working on their Golden Hind
badges. The . girls were _peeling
Pack •Two ,I3rovitnies have been
working' on their . Signaller's
Badge in. semaphore. ,A week
ago, Lieutenant Maureen Elliott
tested the girls on' hand signals.
'This coining week, Mike
13,omin will test the girlS for
their Athlete's badges and girls
'from other packs are •invited to
take their tests at,the Same Wile.
Pack three settior girl's were
working on , their semaphore.
Girls working on their Golden,
Bar 'were 'tested on their ball
throwing abilities,.
Brownies in Tack' Four were
practicing the' last half of.111e.
requirements for the Athlete ,
Between the Guides and
Brownies, 53 girls .earned their
For Octogenorians
Slow dbwn and make a donation .
• -which 'were .-answered .-,tby, the . Those mho..attended..the .last donation„of time.
,have been handed in and -are -probably -by very. anxious -to get
tabulated. I imagine the a seat at this one. Mrs. Angela
recreation board had its first Dawson is in charge for those
glimpse '-of the resnits Monday who want mote information.
last week and so we gave them'
results from questionaires filled
the 50 -cent tour of this town.
in by 15 year-olds: 'It was a.
For those ,, of us who have
revelation, let me tell you, and if
the kids have answered honestly lived in or near Goderich all our
(and they were to be as honest lives, there 'isn't much' exciting
about that. But for visitors,
as .possible) parents and other
Goderich has lots and lots to,,see.
imnressiOn of our young people. • , Surely the tourist committee
• On paper, the, kids look very can , capitalize on Goderich's
normal and although they. are unique 'location.
restless they are far from being • ,
are top-notch resource people, ., ‘: . „ I don t want to sound like a
too — people with plenty of the ' lost , generation some
broken record, but judging from
experience in their chosen fields. adults suspe:t* *, ,
the 'wither of teenagers I've
. Hon. C. S. MacNaughton,. for With ' our youngest child talked to recently in and around
instance, will address the confined to Alexandra Marine Goderich--who_either babysit or __
students. So will Dr. PleVa Rom and General HospitaLfor almost. . .would like 'to babysit, -there is a
- - the University of Western all of last weeks, I have built up a crying need for a babySitting
Ontario. His topic will be rather healthy respect for the course. '
pollution, I understand. medical learn working in At the Ranger meeting I
Company of Young Canadians is One of the worst misgivings I'
coming • to . diScuss youth -had about moving away from
involvement with the kids. There( our last home was the fear that
will be speakers, on almost every we would lose that friendly,
subject that has any, interest to close association that we had
young people — including sex, . always had with the' medical
drugs, world affairs.- ' • . • folks there.
It was 'evident that Julie " My fears were stilled last
Waldron and her committee week. I'm content that
_were 'serious about this thing. Goderich's medical staff is as
There was absolutely no donbt competent and as concerned as
that these kids - had planned any in, 'any town of comparable
EVERYTHINC. There was. size.
nothing 'for the Board to do but In our case, we visited our son'
_ _ to sanction, the event. . dailY. We were pleased, to be
And the Board gave its whole 'allowed this privilege. In -some
hearted support to Education hospitals, the rules' prevent it
10—all the Board that is, except because the child is sometimes
one man, John Henderson, RR 5 distitrbed and unhappy when
Seaforth. Mr. Henderion is the mom and dad leave again.
- member for Hullett, 1‘.4cKillop, ° We were urged to visit our son
the village of -Blyth and the town beeause, as one nurse advised us,
costs-Irnix_nothing -and it
- could save -a life. -There-is-ma
sbetter donation --
of Clinton. --F-the child needs the constant
• Henderson was not sold •on assurance that his parents
Education '70 and he said so. He - haven't forgotten him.
felt the kids were asking for too Very special people at the
Much say, in what wept on at , hospital are the Candystripers.
school — and he strongly urged These are teenage girls -who
the Board not to &ant that eXtra„, volunteer their time and energy
freedom to the students. - to helping . -out around the
Although Mr. Henderson hospital. . .
1 tclidn't state it in so, many woids, I know -they brightened our
I got the impression that he son's day by dropping in from.
expected ,vinekhing unpleasant_ time to time to read him a story.
to come out of Education "70.1 or just talk to him. Thanks girls
think Mr. Henderson was getting for all the nice things you do for
' cold chills at the thought of people. It is appreciated. ,
their own training programs. A caller at the office last week
I know exactly how he felt. j was a gentleman from the area
had the same kind of Shivers, who knew my both gFandfathers
maybe because in the natural -- Nels Pearson Sr. and Ernest
order of' things it isn't supposed Seggus. p,
to • be that way. '‘ Kids are This man invited me to call on
• supposed to be guided b adults „him in the event that I *anted
learned that the babYsitting
course offered in Bxeter last
year was pretty good — but
there was one major problem,
according to a gal who took the
course. '
"After we had graduated,
certificate and all, no one knew
about it . really," said the girl.
"There was still no way to get
How about a babysitting
course followed by listing in a
registry of qualified babysitters?
Parents would simply refer to
the list of "graduate babysitters"
and feel relatiVely confident that
they are' • getting someone
I understand a babysitting
registry in Goderich has been
tried. As this true? With what
degree of success?
try it!
— and those ,okier
The Gtxlerich Signal -Star takes great pleasure in extending
happiest birthday greetings to the following members of the
Octogenarian Club of this newspaper:
Mrs. Francis X. Emery, 102 Gloucester Terrace who marks
her 90th birthday today, April 16;. ,
Amos Ball, 122 Gloucester Terrace who will celebrate his
84th birthday April 2Q.
- If you know of who. will be v.iebrrating an 80th
birthday or better in the. near-futurer-write or telephone The
Signal -Star with the names, address, age and birthdate of the
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If the property is a good risk
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Chivers Jams $1
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Ground Coffee bag 00.
Schneiders (5 varA
Sandwich $
Spread Roils a'ogs,
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