HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-04-16, Page 12A GGDJRICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 16. 1979 •tu . ... ... �_.... Y :k`'.�'. .....,a..� .:.;Js..i,. • Eskimo student pilots John Amagoalik, left, and Sandy Gordon, examine thesingle engine Cessna they .have been flying in recent weeks at Sky Harbour. airport. John, who started the flying course only a few weeks •ago, is working towards a commercial pilot's license. Sandy, has completed his commercial pilots courseand: is preparing for a flight test April 24 to determine his qualifications for a multi -engined aircraft lipense. Story and' photos by Sandy MacDonald 4t Eskimos-.tirain__as__ busk pilots Sky Harbour -- it's. a name that's becoming more and more familiar to- young Canadian Eskimos anxious to acquire a pilot's ticense. The flying school operated at Sky Harbour has acquired two such Students in the past several weeks. One of " them, John Amagoalik, 22, has travelled all. the way .-from- _ his native., community, Resolute Bay, .to . obtain a commercial' aviation license. John, who speaks English . fluently, may have been influenced in his choice of career by an older brother, Markoosie, who took the commercial pilot training course here two years ago. • • _tl Markoosie, now a veteran pilot or the Canadian Arctic airways, returned to his old training . school, last. _week, said Sky Harbour manager Doug Hung "He was on his way to Toronto to take a DOT examination for ,his multi -engine license, said Doug," and he stopped in to say hello- to some of__ ..his former acquaintances here." %The second student pilot at Sky Harbour, is a young fellow, aged .20, with -.the very un-eskimo-like name.;of §andy Gordon. - •Sandy, who comes from Fort Chim-o, in northern b Queec, has logged about. 360 hours flying' time since he .first • started training at Sky Harbour for his private pilot's license. Having obtained this and his commercial : "-"'pilot's .. license, Sandy is now concentrating his efforts on getting a multi -engine aircraft -certificate. , "For the next few days, until he. appears before a department of .Transport flying inspector on, April 24, Sandy is spending as much time as possible flying his -training modeT,,` a tviiln-engined . Apache,. Veteran Sky Harbour pilots. : Don " Fisher and Bill' Cruickshank share the job of providing -flying lessons for their two Eskimo students: Both trainees are sponsored throughout the instruction p.eriod by the federal government's Department . of Wei1LWaw�n�sLCeuncii accepts drainage report The April session of council' for the Township of West Wawanosh was held Tuesday . evening, April' 7, at the Clerk's home, with all members in attendance. The minutes of the March meeting were read and adopted on motion df ' Councillors Experienced Decorator INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING AND tVALLPAPERING Reasonable Prices ' Free Estimates Radius of 15 Miles of Goderich W. Pedersen 161 Brock Street Phone 524-6667 After Six 2t,tC. Rutherford and Foran. It was reported. to Council that if it was 'desired to have the Assessors count the dogs this year, notification must be received from the municipality. The Clerk, was instructed to write the Assessment Office requesting -=this service for West Wawanosh. Frank F. Thompson of Dungannon appeared before Council regarding Township insurance coverage:. Coyerage will be as it,was last year.- ¢ The Engineer's Report on the Boyle Drainage Works was read. In attendance were Cyril $oyle, Gerald Van Aaken, and the Engineer , on the project, Wm. Shifflett of the firm of Gamsby and Manerdw, Guelph, . After some brief, questions and explanations to the satisfaction of the owners concerned, the report of the Engineer on the, Boyle Drainage Works was .accepted on motion of Councillors Foran and Aitchison. Earl Durnin and Russei1 Irvin appeared before Council concerning a drain -on their respective properties. A petition 'sigried-by the two gentlemen was accepted by Council on motion of Councillors Aitchison and Foran, and the Clerk `was' instr'ttcted to contact the Engineer regarding its survey. Three tenders received by the Ontario Plant Food Ltd. (GRO - GOLD) IS NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS UNTIL THE END OF THE SEASON *Ali High Analysis In Bulk Or Bags Available. *Custom .Mixing ,And Spreading . Equipment' Available. . *Anhydrous Amtnonia For Preplant Or S! fledressing. *NH3 Applicators Available At Plant. ,F(Rs COMPLETE INFORMATION CONTACT .4- -BRIAN { BRIAN .. A LLAM Plant ,Manager Northern Affairs • and Development. In order to qualify for a commercial _pilot's-. training course; they were -required la-, have a Grade 10 standing and a recommendation. from tfieir school. .• Both youths plan to return to their native Arctic communities where they anticipate getting jobs as ' bush pilots when they have successfully completed their commercial pilot's training - course. •tee, IIIIIiliH IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII GODERICH'S OWN .. . Two Sky Harbour mechanics, Ron McBurney, left, and Greg. Lassaline, kneeling, make repairs to a twin -engined aircraft used asa training model at Sky Harbour: Eskimo pilot Sandy Cordon, who has obtained his private and commercial flying license, looks on. After taking a Department of Transport test for a multi -engine flying license, Sandy plans to return to his native community in Northern cIuebec where he will tise his flying skills as a bush pilot. 4' a., Pens presented to The MIAs Motors, Squiry hQuse.eaguue team was presented with pensengraved with,' their naines and team number last Saturday. .-The presentation was made- by ,George Osmond, coach on behalf of the sponsoring Mills Motors at -the request of. General Medical.. Se cre taxies nice! The • regular monthly ., meeting of the' Huron .. County M.edk al Secretaries -Association was held on April 1 in the Cafteria of the Clinton Public Hospitai at 8 p.m. Minutes of the previous meeting were, read and business discussed. Tickets were sold at this meeting and .will be also at the May meeting for a purse which was donated .by Newcombe's Drug Store, Clinton. Draw to be made in May. Quest for the evening was Mr. Dan Murphy,. Q.C. who gave a very interesting talk on Wills and Medical and Legal Aid. Coffee and Cake was served by the CliritQn girls. •1 b�ckey beam 'Wiager Paul Sehutz. The team Lost only one game all sdason the final one played for the championship,, tied one all season and four during playoffs and 'lost the finny 1.0 to Kentucky Pried Chicken. The boys range in. age from 8-12 and some offt the boys will be* moving up to Pee Wee next year and could represent . the town at the Young Canada Hockey Tournament. , Coach. Qsmond said this week ,,the pla rers showed . real good team work and •put out' a great team effort: FORULE 1 large floor polisher with scrub brush - $15.00. 2 counter tops'- $15.00 each. Ham radio gear -- $200.00. 1 bolex 8mm movie camera - $150.00. 2 tape recorders - $1.50.00 each. 1 desk -- $80.00. 1 metal table - 1 metal typewriter desk - $7.00. 1 chesterfield chair -$20.00. CALL 524-6682 • Road Superintendent for gravel application, were opened. On motion of Councillors McDonald and Rutherford, the tender of Joe Kerr Ltd., Wingham, fo- r• crushing and, hauling 10,000 cu. yds. Maintenance- gravel at 79c per cu. •yd; for crushing and hauling 2,000 cu. yds. on 1969 road construction at 79c per cu. yd.; and -for stockpiling 1,000 cu. yds. at 50c per cu. yd.• was accepted, subject to approval bye. the -D-epartment of Highways. Road accounts paid totalled $3,210.65; general accounts, $2,095.62. . WELCOME S�RVC would like to call on you with "housewarming ' gifts" . and, information about your new' location. The Hostess will be glad to • arrange . you i' subscription to -the ''SIGNAL -STAR. Call -her at 524-9525 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111IIIIIII tmitIIIIIIIIIIIIt. The rates for loans are reasonable W and, no heavy service or financing charges,, There's nog red tape! I'm dealing with people 1 work with and know, so I'm not • 'embarrassed. It's simple to make regular, payments on `•M the loan everyw,payday. -If there's arr; emergency, I can get the money 1 need without delayl" .GbDERfCH COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION 34 5t. DAVID ST. n A ' Fo�dmaster 9`1. -:V1 CT Q.R .._�x Open Nitely Until 10, p.m GOD—ERICH- CANADA, GRADE 'A,. WN PACK WIENERS 2Ib1.O9 GROUND BEEF ib. 55` BQLO�t NA ; BY THE PECE Ib. 45`SAND M PIZZAS 14,0z. ea. 794 HINDS of BEEF GIANT • mo SIZE lb COTTAGE ROLLS ,b 69" FRESH, PORK LIVER lb49' SALAMiSAUSAGE:ii794 -KENT BACON u�NEIoERS lb794 . INCLUDED ARE: PORTERHOUSE, T-BONE, SIRLO1N; ROUND AND WING STEAKS, ALL ROASTS,. GROUND BEEF OR STEW lb. 79c AD;2T894I 09 . JAVEX0z79 it. REDR&�SWHITE PIES 289'RED WHITE-DONUTSgegl ORANGE DRINK 48 o_. 3e$1 KING SIZE TIDE KLEAR CHEESEWHIZ 16 ozJar 794 LIQUID WAX. FOAM RUG CLEANER 1.49 TOILET TISSUE MS Spaghetti With Sauce 5451. FROZEN FRENCH4fRIES FRANCO AMERICAN - 14 'oz. WESTON'S VITAMIN ENRICHED 1.69 46 oz. -1• 6 9 Tin Rolls 5o4 fthe For 2 lb. 3i$1 SAVE 20` O$1 St BEANS With pork 269' TEA BAGS 79' SANDWICH WRAP 2:59' HASSORTED RELISH. � 31'1" �a ATCH Sauce eand. BUTTER 2e;1 FANC.. Y GREEN PEAS. Sell IN5TANTar�OFFEE 1.69 '000A'COLA EILY 5:s1 CHOCOLATE BARS 129 LADIES PANTY HOSE 69P.. WITH THE. PURCHASE OF FOUR LIGHT BULBS 51b.BAG WHITE 4* ' 50 BAG. k� UC7OF U.S.A. "PINK PRODUCT OP .CANADA,3 "Ib, Bag: GRAPEFRU1T 129 NO.'CARROT 9 NfS. 1 1RODUCf `OP U.S.A. .—„PRODUCP OF U.S.A. • GRADE LETTUCE 239 ° CELERY 59' INAL WEEK IN WHICH ANt FRAMES MAY BE OBTAI.NEO this coo on for ONE FAMOUS ART R t lUCtION : {_ �r i4• r PA. 1.3 Ihrlt Olt LIMIT ONE etUPONPflefMMILY