HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-04-16, Page 5t ir* n ir,ect 101%, onr•A)rw, yfilino Home again, and 1 just wasn't cOnie". back to the stlimY - sure if I was glad or not - it north for a few months, there is. wasn't fair to my °family here a great enthusiasm for the • struggling...in the cold, Tbiow,, bicycle again and there is more but really 1 would have loved ttf•-and more talk about making stay and stay and,STAY! Goderich a. lovely teurist toWn , 1. can honestly say I'm glad I with trails and byways for missed the big blizzard (don't people to g,o the healthy way - think I've missed one in ov.er 20 (without polluting the •air) - by years!) and I was caught so often bicycle. Now, how.about THAT! driving in them . that I've had I think it Is pat arid Ware I ▪ nightmaret about them - • don't ride a bike, I'd sure like to struggling so to ,get out of that see a club formed and young and great white blanket that would old travel -to the many - envelope me that I'd end up in a interesting s•pot s around here, - heap at the bottoin of the bed have .pienics•ete, and get out and under a Pile of blankets! get healthy! Within little more than two . Theyoungfolks Will be happy • hours away friini the licit sun, I • about this and Will be getting ' , faced the bleak -dead-dm- their bikes spruced, up for the aged?- countryside .,of HOME unincier - AND the safety with the consolation that spring campaign which, is coming up CAN'T be too far away. ' soon. Parents - remind the I did get a thrill at the sight of children that they should get my snowdrops and one crocus! I their bikes in good order now.. • . clawed at the frozen leayes with It may save you some money • my bare handsto free other later. crocuses trying to get thro to the I seemed to have missed the .- sun. . discussions regarding the youth I thought, "You'll probably. centre. . freeze to death now - but at Dear knows there's nothing, least you win have. had a bit of here ' for Our young people - • sun," Luckily for me they didn't • they tear up the roads, running freeze and there are a great to .Kincardine dances and other many more now, ,and I really entertainment there for young enjoy them. people. They .buzz all over the I noticed sap running from a countryside where. - if ' the -damaged tree and next day truth were known - they'd be bought a nice .can of maple happy to. stay in town if there syrup, which had ONTARIO in was an interest for them. large letters so,? that people There . ARE a few groups should notice Quebec is not,the interested,- I mean concerned - only province to have .good for these young folk and we maple syrup. must 'get them together -poo!, One of these years I hope to 'their ideas - then get the ideas hit one of thefeStivals with their • -of-the-young -people-and surely ---4-syrup-ant.paneakes-ete, etc.:Too- soinettlingirilLcome.ofit: • -bad there are none closer' to I mentioned some time ago, home. I'm sure we could have a that the Goderich Horticulture spring festival or carnival type .Society was going to make celebration Which Could- be a things elcciting for es. - Well, great success- in our -own -area _WRY_ sure are as you can , see but we can't seem to get anyone by their ad re: their Home enthused enough in this glum Gardeners' Clinic and Workshop Weather to wOrk one up. • next :Tuesday nite at Robertson — Speaking of _Sticcess ) I• was School. • real happy to leardthe "Hats off .1., There is no admission charge to Hats," dessert tea and hat and you have. three seminars te • show was a great success and the choose from: Jean McKee on Sorority Girls Say again, "Thank Perennial Borders and Plants - you, - all of you!" this should interest a great many Spring brings out the hirds since these ° old reliable,the • and the bees and the sugaring Perennials, give you a beautitUl 'trees! (My own rhyme!) ugg and garden year. after year without the ships stuck in the ice floes too much'work - on your part; and people planning tdput away Stan Paquette of the Dept. of their Ski-doos or whatever they Agriculture is very capable of are. called and . take to the handling' all questions regarding - bicycle!: - , • • pest, and disease control in our Dear old bicycle - so area; and Ben Hoogenboom of neglected by the grown ups for Exeter Flowers is well versed in 4 , so many years in this part of the planning and` maintainin_Alienaon. to Reconciliation, g the' Or ' So do coMe* out int! 'yoy wifl be glad you took advantage of this club's generont offer, The first, SeeOnd and third of May sees another Art Setninar, with that well known artist Aja Millar of Toronto area. His classes are always well attended and all those who attended the one last fall - or wish they had - will be glad to near there will Ie the denfonstration on FriclaY nite and real work all day -Saturday and Sunday. So if yeti are interested in painting in. ANY media - keep this weekend open for help from an excellent teacher. You will see mom regarding this next week. Another reminder - Goderich Little Theatre is. well into their next play 7 a cornedy for May 21, 22, and 23. Those of, yoU who plan " on attending. the Sorority Dance on Saturday-nite May 23, had better plan to see the play on . the Thursday or Friday. I see I have an appointment , with the dentist marked here for May. It gets to be a pretty full calendar! " May 23 Arthur Circle of Knox Church big Rummage Sale; May 27 Victoria St. Church Lilac Tea. DONNYBROOK The April meeting of the U. C. W. was held 'Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Hilliard' 'Jefferson with a, good attendance. ' Ars. Sain,Thampson, who, had _vbarge4ToLthe..../neeting4aveAhet. call to worship. The theme was "Our Christian Task." Mrs. Thompson mad the Scripture lesson and gave the meditation entitled, "I believe in loving good ' Mrs. Stuart Chamney gave the minutes of the previous meeting and the offering was received. Mrs. William Hardy ° took charge of the business and "'also read a poem. - An invitation from St. Helens . to a special meeting for April 14 was accepted. ° ,• Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson w,as nominated by Mrs. ThompSon and MIS. Hardy' tol act on the. Manse Committee. Each member is to bring something ;,orsale to the next Meeting to raise funds. Mrs. Margaret Leddy took charge of the topic "From . . • • VI EVERYBODY seems to have,,a bike! " They meander along the streets and it sure slows down the traffic - but what's your hurry? We're all travelling so fast we can't see the good things atound us. Since the two and three car family has become a' must, it became too risky to go about on a bicycle - even the motor bikers have had a great deal of trouble. Now that so many people .are able to spend the winter in the sunny south and PARK GODERICH 30 THE SQUARE PH.ONE 524.78U AIRCONDITI For 7 Days • Thursday, April 16 to Wed., April 22 Broadivaci (*blossom. oivihe swat • ••''' • FRANKOVICH PRO3ucTi0r10 Walier• 'norm •MOITHall oroman eaCTLIS FLOWN& Introducmg 0011)10 "WM is TOM TECIINiCOLOR0 FsfOrtl Columbia Pictures (ADULt ENTERTAINMENT) - ONE SHOWING ONLY at 8, P.M. in Thursday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday TWO SHOWINGS FRIDArand SATURDAY at 7.30 and 9.20 :40) Saturday. April, 18, , MATINEE ‘Tiko thand Shark" e At 2.00 p.m. A Young Islander Who Tamed A an -Killer Shark Coming Next:°. , "Butch tassidy and the .....Auridanett,Kid" (Adult Entertainment) - 4. ViMy veterans were honored last Thursday evening, April 9 it the 'annual Vjmy briquet,put on .by the Royal 'Canadian. Legiori; branch 109. Showriduring a pre banquet social gatKering are, from the left, William Westlake, Art George, Harold Chambers, branch 109 president Harold Allen and Percy James. - staff photo Kingsbridge news. LAWYER'SPEAKS . ." He is one of a• family -of five Larry has enjoyed all of his 90 Last Wednesday evening, St.- boys and one girl. One brother years and in all this time doesn't Joseph's school Association heldJohn • is still living. ,. . know of one bad friend that he a meeting in the school gym. With the exception of a few has made. This was quite evident ' - A number of parents and years working away from home, . by the number who came to call school supporters attended to Larry has lived all of his life in on his birthday -both young and hear Dan Murphy of Goderich, Ashfield and attended St. .old, including his pastor, Rev. member of Huron County Board':,'4oseph's Church Kingsbridge. Father Cassano. of Education who was guest - Some of Larry's. fondest Larry was honored by A , memories are the good times the dinner party at the home of Mr.' speaker. PERSONAL young people had together as he and 1VIrs. • Jim Sinnett, where was growing up. House -parties several of his friends gathered to Mr: and Mrs. Joe, Courtney and Mr. and M. John Alain and visiting were common. . vtlipinheistrsi: many more years of visited Frank Austin,' a patient in During the winter months Victoria Hospital, London, _en the young men borrowed the family team and sleigh, gathered John Wallace, six2years Thursday -Mr. Austin Austin surgery again Friday. up the young neighbours, younger than his brother, Larry• and ..„Kianud also a resident , of MT. peter cm2crtirf ,cif , ..drove-to-liintalLior.in_ev.enin, g gsbridge attended. , 11=11ton-7...visited-Mi. :and 3•41s;•.-- .of dancing and funin oneof.the - - Mark Dalton on the weekend.- • two hotels - 1 -----Botfraneirmre-.bachelors,sibolli -there. ' Mr. , and Mrs. Morris „ Listening to ghost stories told still active; heating and eyesight e' Schuurmans and family of by the older generation also good. Both are intersted inthe London visited Mr. and Mrs. provided nriany suspense filled community and, are N. H. L.,.. Jack VaiLOsch Sunday. _ evenings. When walking home hockey fans. .l-, - .- .eirl Guide leaders, Mrs. Jack after dark there were certain , Kingsbridge isproud ofits Ti ' Paul gert , Mrs.C aeser, Km. , areas to be avoided as these were senior- citizens and we wish Larry many more Happy JiM Sennett, and Mrs. Bayne most likely to be inhabite,d by ,Birthdays. hMcLennan • attended t e , ' .. . these spirits. Leadershiptraining camp in St . , Orangeville Saturday-. The topic was campfires. •' ' Mr. and Mrs. DoUg Frayne of Lloyd Bradley, .a 17 -year old With • chop sticks were Gilbert Frayhe on the weekend. Forest District High School, son forget. :1,_. . Lloyd bought sbuvenir gifts to his?arents, his sister Lynn .and ' br ther Mark . alai, • his grandmother,, Mrs. T. H. Bradley, Huron Road, Goderich. udenttoursiapan BfantfOrd visited Mr.. and Mri. Grade 12 student at Mount experiences he would not soon Jim Sennett has received ,his of 0. P. P.' Constable Lloyd chief engineer's license and is my .Bradley and Mrs. Bradley, the S. S. J. A: W. Inglehart. forrnerfy of Goderich, returned Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Frayne home from a 15 -day tour of Moved back to their home -here -Japan. • last week after Spending. the ' The 1 -tour 'flew by, jet • to winter months in Lucknow. ' Anchorage Alaska and landed at The ticket draw -sponsored by Osaka Japan -a 14 hour flight and the C. W. L. was held at the included a five day visit in 'Annual." ineeting' last Monday :Tokyo and six days at Osaka '70 venOrg-.--The---winners-wererfirs Aandseapinprowemsr_Anincilen.,_e So here is your chin& to get study book. expert advice on your gardening problems. I don't want to infer that you can't get 'expert advice' frOm the Club at any other time -- because you can. This group. has a great many, experts who are happy to help in any way and they are really interested in seeing .Goderich stand up to their. 'Most Beautiful Town in Canada slogan. • Pastor Alfred Pry closed the .meeting with the benediction. Lynch was served by. the hostess' assisted by Mrs. Wesley Jefferson and Mrs. Snowden; GOOD'CROWD A good crowd attended the Easter service in Donnybrook .United Church where seven: young people joined the church. Ernest Bp,yFIELD ROAD GODERICH 524-7.711 DINING CLOSED FOR RENOVATIONS •MONDAY, APRIL 20 UNTIL RE -OPENING MONDAY, MAY 4 .9:00 A.M. VERHOLTS GROCERY FORMERLY VERNA'S ' iiURONTROAD UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT " prize, the hand *hooked tug of pure Virgin wool, Miss Theresa Burnie of Toronto; second prize, the hand made appliqued cleft, Lia Van Diepen 'RR 7 Lueknow; and third prize, a pair of bath towel, M. l3iIiNan Osch, RR 3 Goderich. - Mrs. Blaise Martin was adniitted to the. Alexandra and 'Marine Hospital, , Goderich, Thursday. BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Larry Wallace,, son of Irish parents , the late Johanna Nightely and Patrick, 'Wallace, . was born on the 10th Concession of Ashfield Township on April 9th, 1880. in Japan. Lloyd, a drum major ,of the High School Band at Mount Forest, accompanied the Elmira High School' Band and the Waterloo -Oxford High , School Glee Club of Badenwho had been invited to perform at the opening ,ceremanies and at the Canadian Pavilion. While at Expo, Lloyd had the opportunity to visit most of the pavilions, . but thought the Canadian Pavilion excellent. It made him feel especially proud to be a Canadian. , He found the•Japanese people friendly and interesting and feels that the Japanese style of sleeping on the floor and eating , , , GODERICH ' FROSTED FOODS 65 HAMILTON STREET , MALF OR l'Ail-ItiLE SLAB BACON.., ib. 9' .,. -FULL SLICE Round STEA,K.112. 994 • MAPLE LEAF - 1 lb. Pkg. ^ PORK iii SAUSAGE . 1b59' BEEF . . AUSTRAL FANCY - 14 oz. Tin , ., 'PEACH HALVES' 25 -:- 31h OZ. PACKS IN POLY BAG s TANG . ORANGE CRYSTALS ,,, . 0 , 1, . '•' •.. . ' , LUNCHEON MEAT - 12 oz. Tin - , KAM. ; .49* _ . , uttEnet - 12 .oi ',Ier . , Sweet RELISH . -4) Twelve-year old Vicky Dieroli, daaghter of M. arid Wt.'. Manfred Dierolf received the trophy for the most 'improvedl' skater in the senior and intermediate division. Vicky has been skating with the Goderich Figure Skating Club for the past five years. - staff photo District deputy president makes official visit • An interesting, evening was held recently when the. District Deputy President, Mrs. Margaret Bowra. paid her official visit to Goderich Rebekah .Lodge No. 89. She was introduced to the Noble Grand, Mrs. Edith Craig, ..by _Junior ,Past. _Noble Grand, . _Mrs. Amelia Straughaxi.. -During • the • • -meeting' Bowra spokea few inspiring words on Rebekah Oddfellowship. Following the meeting„a very enjoyabte-, program was • presented by the following, Janice Green, Mrs. Robert McCalluni, accompanied by Mrs. J. 'Snider, Mrs. Mait Driver and Gord-aliarrison. At the close of the program, a. , dainty lunch was served by. the c o rn•m t tee •und•akr • the • convenership of Mrs. Grace Fuller. The Red Cross has been awarded the Nobel Pea4 Prize four times. BROWNIE'S DRIVENIN THEATRE • CLINTON Bog Office Opens at 8:00 p.m. FIRST SHOW AT DUSK , FRIDAY and SATURDAY , April 17-118 — DOUBLE FEATURE — : ITHEY CAME10 ROB LAS VEGAS" • ° Showing at13.30 p.m.. (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) • Eike SownmersL Lee -J. .Cobb, Jack Palance In Color. •• "THE ILLUSTRATED s MAN Showing at 10.30 p.m. (ADULT ENTERTAINANT) Rod.Steifler aair. Bloom Cartoon • Color 0 . , Coming Next Weekend: ° "99 WOMEN". and • , "-PARANOIA". , Both Shows are Raestricted Admittance KAYSER • CARMOLON ONE SIZE SALE ENDS APRIL 25