HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-04-09, Page 15r
Fits into ,-udget
can a#fo.rd beef
"How can I° feed any family , 6 medium carrots
beef at present prices?" This is a. 1/2 cup barbecue sauce
typical question being asked by (homemade or commercial)
most food shoppers these days. Brown meat on all sides in
The home economists, of the fat. Place in greased roasting pan
Canada Department. of ,..and sprinkle with salt and
Agriculture have some timely pepper. Cover' tightly , and roast
tips on, the selection of good at 3'25 degrees F. until` tender
buys in beef. , " • (21 to 3 °hours), Add vegetables
Fbr -comparative shopping it about 1 hour before end of
is realistic to compare the price cooking time;; Uncover roast for
per pound with the number of final 20 minutes o.cooking and •
servings it . will provide, This, • • brush , once.. or twice with
indeed, is the real cost of the barbecue sauce. 6 servings.
Generally speaking, • of*. • DEVILLED FLANK STEAK
bonelesspound of
yield -three-tofoursery•ige,--and• 2 pounds flank
one pound with bone will• yield . 1 cup chopped n
two to 'three servings. If the"3 tablespoons fat - '
meat contains much • bone,fat
and gristle it could be expensive eaches : make
On the other hand, if meat. is
completely devoid of fat it may icaI
.�ery �co n on� esserts
3 tblespoons flour
teaspoo>r salt
'4/4teaspoon pepper
14 teaspoon. paprika
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon prepared Mustard
1 teaspoon vinegar
11 -ounce can tomato sauce
1 cup beef bouillon
Cut steak across the •grain; in
1/4 -inch strips, Saute onion in fat
until . transparent (about.. 5
minutes). Add meat, aud"brown.
Stir in flour. Add dry seasonings;
sugar and remaining ingredients
to. bouillon. Pour over, meat,
• cover and simmer until meat is
tender (4 to 50 minutes). Serve
with buttered noodles. 6
trimming a cut has had, may vary
from one store to another, Wonder what' to have for
Unfortunately, it is often dessert? The home economists
difficult for the consumer to_ of the Canada Department of
• determine this until _she gets the Agriculture suggest that. you
meat home and unwraps it. •
open- a can of golden' peaches'
The lower priced cuts of beef • and bring the --sunshine,' right to'
- include cross or short rib, round, your kitchen Counter.
rump, shoulder or chuck, flank Peaches canned in Canada are
steak, blade and brisket. These practically all cif the freestone
are "less expensive because they variety. This means that the
comprise a large portion of the flesh separates readily from the
carcass, are in less demand, and stone. .These •canned peaches
need, special attention from both , make a particularly ' flavorful"
the butcher and thecook. product.
If the •butcher spends much -•
They are available as
time trimming bone and _fat,. 'halved" or "sliced'; and in
then -making- rolled -roasts or :different :• sike ...cans, :the `most
-boneless --steaks, -this wilt add to • popular being the :19 -and
the retail cost, but at the same 28 -ounce sizes. The syrup is -45%
time will furnish more eating per sugar, the equivalent of a syrup
made of 1 cup sugar to •1 cup
_A_.thrifty,.,_shopper with- .
._ --
family to feed .may buy a large canned' 'peaches, 'the difference minutes). 6 servings. , •
piece of lean beef for pot being related to shape, color and PEACH CHEESE, CREAM ..•
roasting. From this she may cut -maturity only, not to food ' • •
some pieces for a stew, Swiss value. Most •of the canned 1..28 -ounce can sliced peaches .
steak _ror mincing• before she Peaches are, graded Canada
cooks the pot roast. . • • p 2 envelopes gelatin . V
Coice. They. must be of good 'cup peach syrup _
Before storing fresh meat in 4 1/2'cup
cup milk
texture and flavor but the side produce• g inspectors check samples at the,
• the home refrigerator, the paper may vary within the, can. `• 2 8 -ounce - packages cream that much to one anon
and transparent. wrappings- •
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons butter
1/2 cup milk
1. 1/2 cups peach syrup (water
added if needed)
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 tablespoons butter
Drain peaches, reserving
syrup. Dice peaches; Mix flour, 2
teaspoons sugar, baking powder
and salt. Cut in 2 tablespoons
leave a sin rtadtpace i, Ilhe MAIM
'Wish to tree a )Its
hen the " maple „ sap
waning.` apiq, Cl�nd-p*rea'' .+ y
"Dumplings's aro ;served ' for
„dessert in Tony "renchi o;..
Canadian homes, The home
economists- ' f the ' Canada'
Department .of • Agriculture Sha?
their recipe„ kere"
butter until mixture resembles
coarse bread crumbs. Add -
peaches and milk. Mix until just w
-&-cup baking dish. - . ----syrup time"•,is.here:=again...,now ,the,Mnamgs;anrl.:.address f_' naller containers. Sheshould
combined Turn into a greased For the devotees of maple Pure Maple
The next best thing td. enjoying the aroma of boiling- maple syrup is to taste it. These "Maple
Dumplings': are dropped into the bubbling syrup, covered°and bolted- gently for 15 minutes. They
should be served immediately. The recipe, originating in the kitchens of Frencl)aadians, is
provided by the home economists of the Canada Department of Agriculture.
BuYin9.storing syrup
Maple syrup dumplings
11/2 cups maple syrup.
- 3A cup water
11/2 cups sifted. all=purlose flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
3/9 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons shortenig
-3/4 cup milk r
C`omine ' maple syrup with
water and bring to a boil. Sift would liketo call on you; with
dry ingredients, Cut . in "housewarming gifts" and,
shortening until • mixture information about your new
• resembles coarse bread crumbs: --i1 t°r'`°-•• "-i' °0es ll{.-•bec'.
• Stir in milk to make a soft
The label must also can and pour"" the syrup ,into
- Bring -syrup -to a - boil; stir _ -Warm;. `sunny days .-and rfrosty . • •
in brown sugar'and remaining 2 , nights provide 'ideal conditions the packer and the net weight.
tablespoons butter. Pour - over , ..for the sap to flow. At the present . time maple
• pudding. Bake at 375dg. F until , products do• not need to be
water- .There_ are -three. olden . brown _(about 40 " The first Canadians called it • aded except in the province of
grades of T . g - _" __ -..
sweet-'wale�r and although--,-,-
method of gathering the• sap. has •
:changed,- the maples still give•up . However, if ' a grade is
theirsap somewhat reluctantly, declared it must meet the grade
a drop at a time. A good tree standards. It is usually graded by
gives up- to 40 gallons of sap in the producer. The Canada
one season and it takes about Department of ' Agriculture
should be ,.removed. The: meat
should be placed' on a plate,
covered loosely With wax paper `
and cooked within twoor three
Less tender cuts- are very,
flavorful and' are best cooked in
moist heat to ensure tenderness. •
, Cooking ,may be 'donewith or
without a marinade.
,,. In . the' "Pot Roast , ,with
Barbecue Sauce"M the home,
econofnists ` " of the Uanada
Department of Agriculture use a
cross rib or blade roast and
include vegetables to make it a
ane -dish meal.
The "Devilled Flank Steak"
simmersin a welt seasoned sauce
until tender,.
For -additional ways - of
preparing" these less expensive
beef cuts with a gourmet's touch
write for your free copy:. of
"Tender Ways with Beef" to the
Information Division, Canada
Department of Agriculture;
4 pounds cross rib or blade roast
2 tablespoons fat
• Salt and pepper
6 small onions •
• 6 medium potatoes
These are 'the peaches you
serve chilled "as is" and right
from the can, or slice or dice to
make your own fruit cup, or use
for garnishing. Canada Fancy
and Canada. ,Standard grades are
not generally available. However,
'if displayed, Canada Standard is
indeed Worth . buying for ° use
when size,' firmness andcolor are
'of little consequence.
This "Quick Peach Pudding's`'
is a-worthy-ove-n-com•panion_io...a
hearty casserole or baked
potatoes because it requires •a
375dg. F oven. The basis of this
pudding is biscuit dough and the •
diced peaches are added with the
milk: • The peach syrup is
combined with brown sugar and
totter and poured over. the
• - pudding at baking time. ..
A For a dessert'party, the home
economists of the Canada
Department of • Agriculture
suggest "Peach Cheese,, Cream"
which. uses ,a .28 -ounce can of
sliced peaches. This recipe • uses
gelatin and cream cheese and is a
"make -ahead beauty" enhanced
with whipping cream. •
• 1 19 -ounce can peaches
1 cup all-purpose flour
21teaspoons sugar
cheese, softened
2 cups whipping
3/4 cup sugar
of syrup. '
packing plants to see that they
cream The maple producing., meet..the grade as claimed. T e
syrup, are
ario � Y " light
ova . Canada Fancy - a very g
Orange food coloring.(optional)amber color . with a mild.' '
Scotia. Quebec .,accounts ford by characteristic flavor; Canada
• , Drain peaches, ' reserving far the largest production. In
syrup, Soak gelatin in 1/2 cup of many•of,the maple griming' areas ` Light - light amber with a mild ,
the peach syrup, 5 minutes. plastic feeder lints have replaced flavor; Canada Medium ;
the an spigots. amber with a stronger
Scald milk, gelatin in • flavor and Canada Dark - dark
until dissolved. Cool.. Set aside a amber with stronger-
provinces are', Quebec, Ont grades for maple y p
1 teaspoon lemon,juice New Brunswick an N
A add 1 ti and stirbuckets d igots medium am
This clear plastic
hose r'. flavor
few peach slices for decorating. cris•
s -crosses the maple grove and sometimes with trades 'of
W , r.
'cess rematinder through sieve or
puree in blender. Graduasaves=., many hours c of fermentation" One gallon x{160
lly beat th ins it canes the 0 d must Crave a net
whipping cream into cheese -until sap: ga
mixture is smooth. Stir in peachlocated
ill ounces
liquid in gradually ,descending
o weight of not less than 13
lines -to strategically located pounds 2 ounces (210 ounces),,
puree, .sugar and lemon juice. tanks. Once the sap is gathered
Beat in ;cooled gelatin mixture, the boiling continues until the Small • glass or metal
and if desired tint with one or temperature of.the'sy-rup reaches containers, including the
two drops food coloring.. Pour approximately 218 degrees F. standard 26 -ounce can, are easy
into an 8 -cup • mold and chill to handle. However, the
' until firm (about 3 hours).. The maple syrup must not
Unmold and decorate with contain more than 357e water. consumer may buy the gallon
peach slices. 10 to 12 servings._ For ;those who wish to know
more. about the various maple
products and recipes for using
. The potential benefits to be them, write for, your free copy^
derived from quitting smoking of "Maple",' publication 1096, ••
place it a level of importance in to" the Information Division,
preventive medicine . with • Canada`. Department__ of
pasteurization of milli`, the Agriculture, Ottawa.
• purification and chlorination of When the consumer buys•
water, .and •immunization, says maple syrup at the retail store or
the Canadian Medical _ a roadside stand she should look
• Association. for the product marked 100%
dough. Drop by tablespoons, in
boiling syrup. Cover tightly and
boil gently 1 •,,minutes without
removing lid. Serve immediately.
6 servings.
glad to arrange your
subscription to tlje
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