HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-04-02, Page 12NAL-STAR,.THURSDAY, APRIL 2,1Q70 4 ,With° Shirley a. Kelrer, mN• r1...4Y• ;�ai�,�s'�%, .it omen to Woman Although Faster was very chiller id .1970, did we really expect_ x*ch, else`? 'After Easter in March is bound to be • something' less than warm and balmy. - Our family went home for Easter. There is something about worship tin your own church with folks'you have known all your life that warms your heart to the very core. Traditionally, Palm Sunday in our congregation is confirmation Sunday, too.. And on Easter Sunday, the confirmation class' joins the congregation for the first time in Holy Communion_ This years class consisted of six girls I have known since they • were babies. It put a small lump in my throat to see thyed in their white gowns a a tar. * *_ Come on, Goderich. Let's get on the bandwagon this time. -Stile it is' a b% fob. No.one.said it {wasn't, but let's at least be able to say we tried. * * * • I understand. that the youth. -at First Baptist. Church t are thinking about running a coffee house again this sumiper. I had a little chat last week with Rev. Arthur Maybury from that church. He told nie that the coffee' house ran' last summer, but mostly through the daytime. Young people work in the daytime,• he found and didn't frequent the premises as much as he had hoped they would, This. year, the open hours will be somewhat different. I understand Friday and Saturday evenings. will` be the prune target. • However, this project is not yet Interest in a Youth Centre is off the ground. I'm waiting now still high...but-not high:enough it.. -to -hear^more-about it. • seems...To:.dateT we_have=just five -Rev: Maybbiiy rlid-w t�e33 me names listed at the Signal Star of that the establishment Mast adults who would be willing to summer had a record player, tdt tune and effort =to the tables and chairs and the management of a Youth Centre makings for coffee which the in-Goderieh:...._ _ ._...___..._._kids._..Will ....bel- 'able to_ fix That is usually the way of its themselves. Very informal isn't it. Mothers , and fathers surroundings. (kids too) get all hepped up over , an idea that sounds terrific, but * * * when it enures right 'doWn`to the . --nitty-gritty Of the whole thing, everybody backs off like a pack of frightened rabbits: . • If there is going to be have their names In but like to read --someone else; Goderich, it must be -done by you. This is no time to sit' back and let somebody else do for 'you and your children wjiat you should do yourself. There are indications that the' recreation board in Goderich is consideringhe feasibility of a "' youth " program of some sort. The members, of . course, will want some kind of assurance th . • . back them up in their effort's:• Last week's editorial in the Signal -Star invited • people to indicate their willingness to help with the project by leaving their names on a list of persons who could be contacted for assistance in the event 'that help was needed. , •- Right • now., there, are five names (all women) on the list. GODERICH PHONE 524=8331 Mr: and Mrs. Lorne Badman of Comber, Ontario, spent Easter weekend -with Mr: and Mrs. Bert Badman, Mr. and Mrs: Al . Wright and Kathy of, Goderich. Their ' children. Barbara, Pamela, Cynthia, Patricia and„David, having visited their , grandparents through Hockey Week, returned home with their parents. Frank , Cook, 91 McCain Street, .Port Colboriftlrfortrierly of Goderich, who 'has, . been attending marine school, a division of Niagara College for the past , three winters, has received his Masters Inland Certificate. • • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook and About' weddings From time to time, I get calls from. girls - who have a wedding story for the` newspaper but nowth a afford the cost of having it printed in the Signal—Star. So . they telephone me- to ascertain the cost.. It is FREE, _FREE, FREE, I tell them. ' Usually 'the girls are pleasantly surprised: . I guess. that's because so few things in life are free of charge: - Beginning this week, we are tt•., .ti to =t a aocial •:e. going. There is a standing advertiseinent to be inserted on that page that we ” hope will remind /everyone of just Wow many free services • the Signal -Star really.does offer. ' ' Ifp you want to -see more social news _ in the Goderich Signal -Star, get the ball rolling by telling us when you have so ething _going ` on at- your ho se. the paper all about ladies curling- !ub elects .new officers - The annual meeting of. the • Ladies Curling Club was .held at the) ,Maitland Country Chit) on Thursday, March 19 when the' club wound up activities for the year. . The Octogenarian Club is, beginning to pick, up moifientum, I hope 1 had a telephone call last week from the Superintendent at Buronview, who had • a birthday to report. There are two nursing homes in Goderich. It- would be nice to hear from them, too. It Seems that-• someone gets to be 80 years of age or older, he or she deserves a little special attention. What better.way than to list. their birthdays in the paper so . that their friends and acquaintances can send them a card .or plan a visit in time for their birthday? - And it's free! o Incidentally, .what kind of socialnews do folks expect to see in the local newspaper? There are • weeks when newspaper editors wonder whether the people, are hoping for a scandal sheet in their hometown paper. We hear the cpment all the time, "Nothing in the paper -again this week." Well, I suppose the_minor .minor happenings around, town ,,do seem dull, when we can tune In to the juicy tidbits we hear with our coffee...like Mrs. So and So way down to that nightspot in Clinton with Mr., Somebody or Other and the 'gal from the next_ block is expecting her seventh child and can't keep her husband sober ,enough to find work to feed the six they already have. Of course, there will always - be those folks who don't like to * * * Homes in Goderich and all other parts of the county will be visited within the next week or so by Grade 7 and 8 students from -.Huron County Elementary schools in the rea:These young- " - people are taking a survey to determine how many pre-school children there are in Huron who wi1L --.lie atter- i gboard _of education schools, I think itis a tremendous idea to give . the students the' responsibility.. • to ° gatther .•tlai.- information,.. together. ,As Jim Easter Parade 1970 In your .Easter Bonnet With all the snow upon it Yo,t'11 be the coldest lady. In the EasterParade. 111 be even colder And feeling ten years older. I'll be'the coldest fellow - - In the Easter Parade. To thepark we'll go ThJqugh the slush and snow The photographers will snap us And thein we'11 be seen In the Tiine magazine, The world will read the "story Of fallen pride and glory We'll be=the best dressed corpses In.,the Easter Parade. B. MarksOn. With apologies to Irving Berlin. The election of officers was held with the following results: president;_:: Kay Graf vice-president, Doris Paquette; secretary -treasurer, Marilyzl, MacKay; bonspiej committee Hazel - Beaver, Jean Knight jitney committee, Joanne !1111414kt Mary Lapaine; draw con i tee,, Phyl Durst, Penny Peter*** committee, Gardne Lotilse Hetherington; ways an rneails committee,Auleen C Helen` McDaniel; publcity, Je Feagan bulletin board;. Seel 'Harper; instruction, • Connie Osborne, Peg Wood, A Brissette, Dorothy Worg Trophy committee, dean McDonald, 'Phyl Durst. The constitution, bylaws and rules committee of Flo CCutt, Eileen Palmer, Peg Wood, Doris Paquette brought before the membership a constitutibn which was approved and accepted. E ES you hcan Mmaintain a l antif ul enamel finish almost effOttlessly, according' to the Canadian Pant Manufacturers Association. Jst; wash the -surface wit -h ,a m1;1d detergent • solution - ori'a commercial cleaning _ agent. If you have any doubts about the cleanser, test it out in an inconspicuous place before you begin. . qtr OctogenUi an„ CIu The Goderich Signal -Star takes pleasure in extending happiest " birthday greeting;:'• to following new members of the Octogenarian Club: Mrs. L. M. Humber, 300 Main St. West, Hamilton 10, fornerly pf Goderich, who celebrated her 95th birthday March 24; • Mrs. ' W. Albert ' Campbell who:is residing -at . 'the home of her daughter, Mrs. Speigleberg,, RR 2, Auburn' marked her u 86th birthday March 27. —Al ---You. ,--._know.- someone who "vvillbe 80 years of ° age or better soon, drop us a line or telephone us giving the' name, address, age and, birthday of the . celebrant. There -is no charge for -this service and we are' pleased to hear from you, ALBERT MIDDLE_ .L PAINTING , DECORATING 5249686 in 1 s'. Ronald. L. McDo na Id; .CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 39 St. David St., 5244253' -Goderich, Ontario koisk*Okaas 145 ESSEX ST.. GODERICH. ONTARIO Available For 4. PUBLIC OR PRIVATE PARTIES * BINGOS • CONCE-RTS_ DANCES * -,CONVENTIONS Catering to Luncheons *. COCKTAIL PARTIES * -BANQUETS, :ETC. . Special attention to weddings )?HONE 524-9371 or 524-9264 • 'Alexander and Chaprrian 'GENERAL INSURANcg REAL ESTATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT . Canadian Imperial Bank of. ' Commerce Building Goderich- pial 524-9662 oderich`=Qial'524-9662 THIS SPACE, :RESERVER FOR YOUR AD R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square 524 -7661- A.- 24 -7661• A - M. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT • 40 THE SQUARE GODERICH, ONTARIO .. 524=7562 TELEPHONE ou £er sa`` "`ys t' is exp ated"tlie- kids will learn from their experiences in meeting With the public and ' compiling data It is little ,wonder that our citizens are growing up faster and becoming more worldly at an earlier age. But who would want to go back to the good old days when children hid behind their mothers' aprons until they had reached their 16th birthday? .daughters Pam and Paula of Port Colborne visited recently with' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cook, Bingham Drive. • - • e survey 1 is • esigne. to give a. . fairly accurate assessment of the elementary school enrolment in the next few years. It may also give some indication of just how effective modern birth control methods_i can be and to what, extent they are affecting population in Huron County. LEG QUARTERS BREAST QUARtERS b MIXED 'QUARTERS CHICKEN HALVES Ib -Whole Chicken Cutup CANADA, GRADE "A", E'1%ISCERATEb, RED....BRAND STEER REEF FRESH MINCED (3 -lbs' or Over Ib 750) i GROUND (HUCK� b 77/ --trEVI's1 BRAISING- RIBS :Ib 791 MINCED . ROUND STEAK. Ib 971 • We reserve the right to limit quantities to"norrnat family "requirements. ,PORK = LOIN ROASTS: . . 7'f3ONE CUT -COUNT THEM'3 .TO 3/2 -LB CUT' RIB TENDERLOIN -:PORTION . PORTION /T'$d6RFATL/FE IF )VV NWT 4WEEK""):• SHOULDER OR' BUTT • JOE'S BP Service Station and Coffee Shop 411 Huron Rd.;' Goderich 524-6871 If CLAY FARM bRALN FILE * Loose or Palietted • * Delivery or Pick Up at Yard .. 5 USe Clay Tile for _ Tested' and Proven Performance --JANE PARKER, DAILY. DATED R eg:`•P'r'i ce ,59c =-•- SAVE 20c RAISIN PIE. LOWEST *PRICES o • `ORDER NOW POR SEASONAL DISCOUNTS' 514 nrarir • . STUIi0 SpscIaliYing' in ...,, * Weddi110, * Children Single ,or Group Portraits ' •• 52468/87 .dbavi .God* ch • PARKHILL ILE. ►PA .A&P WINDOW CLEANER 16 fl -oz plastic bti3 9'/ ALL TIME CLEANING CHAMP (40 OFF DEAL) Mr. Clean regular sizei1 51 1 MONARCH PARCHMENT WRAP FEATURE PRICE! • 1-lla.pks1.00 MONARCH, LEMON, CHOCOLATE, CARAMEL, Margarine GOLDEN GIINGER,i R5AD Sponge Puddings 2 9 -oz pkgs 49? ,GERBERS, MEATLE$$ VARIETIES STRAINED SAVE 6* Baby hod 64¼.ozars19? LIQUID 14 -FL -OZ BTL nli,� •Javex• Bleach 264li4 btl 9 9 5. For further derails Phone '• Lontion 438.1021 -1 Collect ALL PRICES, IN D THIS AGUARANTEED EFFECTIVE 'THROUGH SAT., APRIL 4r..,19 O 4 lj