HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-04-02, Page 9rE The Sty ;Joseph's w .. to thank the Gc!derieh Sigri -Star for ea*celient. coverage of their meetings during the pasty , ar. M^ 14 COMING .EVETS (MANT RU IMAGE SALT. The • dies 4'f St. Geoxgek'S. 'Chureb,e. North Street,- Goderich, invite you, to drop in at their big rummage sale on. Friday night, April 10th' at 7:30 ..p.m. or on paturday morning April llth at 10 o'clock. Bargains Galore! -- . 1-4,15 piviiNG EVENTS �. AUCTION smet AUCT•ION SALE. ,of livestock,' machinery, hay and in will be held for 'froward ohnston, Lot 7, Concession 3, AehfieIdd ownship, one. corner -south two corners west of Dungannon on �. b Thursday, April 2, 1970 at 1:30 pan. erns cash, Farm, sold.' Allan McIntyre, ,Auctioneer. ;12,13,14. .70anOITS4LE"--- f Farris, and, Farm Implements of . the estate of Thomas C. Turner at lot 21 . (H.R.S,) Goderich Township, %Mile west of Flinton on No. 8' Highway on Saturday, April. 4; 1970 at 2:00_o.'clock-p.m, FARM: The 'farm consists of approximately 110 acres of rich. clay loam soil; well drained and all land,level and workable. On this property is a 1'/a storey ,On house, full insulated, and covered with aluminum siding, a modern kitchen, a sun porch, a nearly new oil fired furnace and a pressure systemserving both house and barn. nl n this property is also a bank barn, 74' x 56'i in good condition. This is a desirable property withchoice' land, and Well located. IMPLEMENTS: M.H. 22 tractor; rubber tire wagon with flat rack; set of McKee Harvester Blower pipes; 1963 Studebaker Lark automatic, 4 -door sedan, low °a mileage. Te*ms: On implements and automobile -Cash • Terms: On Farm --10% down on date of sale :and balance in 60 days, with the_ farm: sold subleet to reserve bid. Donnelly & Murphy Solicitors for the Estate ...: -Edward-W..Elliott-- -.1, .- NOTICE"`fd CREDITORS Auctioneer. - 13,14 4. SERVICES .AVAILABLE B. DEATHS TRI -TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Income Tax and complete record preparation and maintenance. • Lawrence Beane, Btucefield-482-9260 "• d 5.1.tf . SEWING MACHINE REPAIR • For all -.makes and model's of sewing machines.- Free pickup and delivery • in • town, Phone McLl AN: In Ooderich on Tuesday March 31, 1970 Charles A: McLean, beloved 'husband .of Margery Lumby, dear father. of'. Mrs. Paul, t -l. (Sandra) Dirksen of Winnipeg. and Mrs. John- D. (Jane Universal' 'of St. 'Catharines: Resting at the McCallunl E'uneral Home. Funeral service 2:00 o'clock Friday afternoon. Interment Maitland Cemetery"• 524- � s, 2tf MEMORIAM- Donnelly EMORIA 1N.. 1 TAX TIME AGAIN! 'CANTWELL-HORTON: ' In Are you having trouble with cherished memory 'Of our dear that return?- . Mothers and Grandmothers, PHONE 524-6842 Alive Cantwell who passed away Y; 1964 and and Horton . F-•oc.Oluick.Spegializedr.Service • who passed away April 4, 1966. T1 Shorts -$3-$5.00 Though their smile is' gone Ti Generals - $20.00 and u forever their 1 hand we cannot UP.: And Huron Accounting s touch, till we have so many memories, Goderrch Of the ones we loved so much. Their memory is our keepsake, Open 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. for your With which we ll.never part. convenience 4-18 , God has them in his keeping We have them in our hearts. LAMB'S, Delivery, Moving, Lovingly remembered by Cliff; Hauling. Phone 524-9657. - Lill and family. --14 10-18 ' DEAD elms are dangerous! Let us remove them and other trees' safely. Also tree pruning and = custoth, sawing. Call Roy's Tree Service at Teeswater 392-6069. - 11-27 FOR your- Antenne-Sales and Service -contact Alvin's"TV, "162- " Mary Street, phone 524-9089. - 32tf HAVE your rugs and chairs cleaned by dependable cleaners - Call Superior Maintenance, phone 524-8892, Goderich. - 24tf CONSIGNMENT -AUCTION SALE at the Goderich Paladium Hwy. 21 South of Goderich on Saturday, April 11 at 1 p.m. Mike Cummings -Auctioneer Anyone wishing to' consign reticles phone 5249064 or 524-8485. --14 14. SERVICES AVAILABLE S -'TV- A-C.-�.R=ANGER' Repeirs To AIL Makes Of TV ,By Licensed Technician 258 Huron Road Phone 524-8925 • ALL persons having claims against the Estate, of GEORGE GOLDTHORPE MacEWAN, Retired Insurance -Agent Broker, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 15th "day of January, 1970, are required to file.the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 11th day ofrApril, 1970, as after that date the assets of the estate willbe distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario; 'this" 16th day of -March, 1970. and`EG"ENE , Barristers, etc 33 Montreal Street, GODERICH, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate, 34tf 12,1.3,14- JOHNSTON: In loving memory of nay dear mother, "Mrs. James G. Johnston, who passed away April 3; 1934. Ever remembered by her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoy and family. - 14x HORTON: In loving memory of a dear Mother and Grandmother Maud 'Horton, who passed away four years ago, April 4th, 1966. You gave us •years_of'happiness, Then came silence and tears, - But you 'left us wonderful memories, We will treasure throughout the "—wears. You were a loving mother; So very good and -true, A better mother never lived, Your equals are but few." Loy-ingly - remembered by daughter Flora, and. family. -• 14 Reasonable Rates McGEE'S Goderlch - GRAHAM ELECTRIC • Cdmplete Electrical Service , Residential Comrriercipl -- 155 Keays Street Phone 524-8670 GoderiCh, Ontario. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANEU ' WORK GUARANTEED Write or Phone • , • Harvey Dale, Clinton PHONE de82-3320 202 Queen St„ Clinton Phone 482-9372 ACE RADIO surd TV Servtee, Frank Wilcox, 60 Picton St. NIL Goderich, Ont. Phone 524-7771 -. Effective April 1st - OPEN WEEK DAYS SATURDAY 8 a.m. till noon 205 Nelson St. 524-9514 Wilting ell scrap metals; handling bolh het and used steel A, BIRTHS TELFORD: Jeffery Steven is ' Planning 'a " new home? or hisileaby sister, Lorinda Anne at searching for fresh ideas for in Alexandra Marine and Geeeral older home? An In-The•Home Hospital on March 27th. PrOttd • consultation with - interior arents are Roy and JoAnne, • be the waiver. Call 623-4464 foYr ` - de "istalf of 2t -id East. 14 REGISTERED Electrologist. To muLtiErig: Sean proudly announces the safe arrival of his remove • unwanted % -, hair baby &other, Brennan .Michael permanently, • for , free,' who 'was born,on March 24th at consultation .,.. information, Alexandra Marine and tlenerit • E. CARDS OF THANKS RUSSELL: I would like to express my sincere thanks to my -friends,- neighbors and relatives for visits, cards, flowers and „treats while I was a patient in ,,Alexandra Hospital. Special thanks to Di: Watters, nurses --and--sta•f-f-o€ -Znd-floor-- cest-and .._ to North Street U.C.W. -.Mrs. Bert Russell. - 14x l':,woulc4like, to take This opportunity tot,. :express my " sincere thanks to everyone. for cards, gifts and visiy while I was. in hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Rev. G. R. W. Flowers and the staff of the Goderich Hospital. - Mrs. - Christine Ross. - 14x : ALL persons having clairns against the Estate of FLORENCE III,ENE SAUNDERS, Widow, late of the , Town of Gips:16HO, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 24th day of February, 1970, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 26th day of April, 1970, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. - Ontario,_this 25th day of March, 1970. 33 Montreal Street, GODERICH, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. 14,15,16 17. BUSINESS NOTICE MED,ICAL'' Massage, Ultra -Violet, 118 Anglesea Street, phones, house 524-7617; Breckow, Reg. M. 26. ,MDSCELLANEOUS WOOLWORTH'S Easter Benny Coetest Winner BARBARA HANNA 113 Lighthouse St. Goderich, Ont: 14x We do all tyPes JEWELLERY REPI,k111 * -Ring Siting- * Claw Retipping * Watch Repair ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Clinton, Seaforth and Walkerton iiimmomm 47, ZINN: We wish Vo cess aux sincere, thanks andpredation to relatives, friends and neighbors for floral tributes, messages of sympathy and donations to the 'heart„ foundation, and the Canadian Cancer. Society. A special thanks to 'Dr, J, : W. Wallace,- nursing staff and orderlies .of .2nd west A. & M. hospital, Goderich, who` so kindly cared for a loving husband and father. for so long. • Also thanks to the Stiles Funeral' Home, Rev. R. Rayrriorit., and Rev. Ja E. Hummel and ladiesof the U.C.W. of Trinity United Church, Ashfield. -- The family ohne a e n!in inn F. ENGAGEMENTS ADAMS: wish to thank relatives and friends for flowers, 'cards and visits while I was in Sick Children's War Merriorial Hospital, London. Special thanks to Dr. Leitch, Dr. Marshall and Dr. Whelen and nurses and staff. Larry Adams. - 14x IVERS: I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many friends and neighbors who reinembered me with cards, gifts and floWers during My stay in Wiegham Hospital and since returning liorne. Always deeply 14 The Jolly Millerriwish to thank all ,,who attended their Variety Show at• Colborne • Central School. They. _ would like to announce that' from proceeds of the show - they are making ,., donations ' to their chosen charities. - 14 GOWER:" I would like to take this opportunity to thank my friends, relatives and neighbors for the ' treats, flowers and babysitting while I was an out-patient at Victoria Hospital and since returning home; also thanks to Dr. A. B. Deathe, R. B. Passi, nurses and out-patients.. - 14 JOHNSON: I wish to thank relatiyes, neighbors and friends whcr sent cards, flowers and visited Me 'during ,my recent illness in Victoria Hospital, Londoe. Thanks Co doctors and nurses on third floor, also Dr. J. W. Wallace, Goderich. - Wilbert • L. Johnson. - 14 , Phone 6244286; 14k 14x Mr. and Mrs."Walter Daer are happy to , announce the engagement_ of their only daughter, Judith Ann, to William .S, Vanstone, son of Mr. and Mrs. Verdun Vanstone. The marriage will take place at Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich; on April 18th,,1970,at 3 p.m. -- 14 AUCTION SALE Rectory Lawn, Saturday, June 6. Sponsored by thew Anglican - Church Women of St.,Ge.orge's. Watch for further announcements. -14 PLEASE RESERVE May 12 for the spring concert of the Treble Singers at North St. United Church. Tickets.will be available 'from any U,C.W. or Treble Singer Member. 'Adults $1.00 Students 50c. -14 REGULAR ;.. I.O:D.E. meeting April 7th at 8:15 p.m. at- the home of Mrs. Sam Anderson, St. Patrick St. Fees are due. --14 Mr. and Mrs. Ken - Williams, Saltford, are happy to announce the engagement of their youngest daughter Mary Grace (White), to John Pridham, son of Mr. .and Mrs. Harold Pridhap3, . Palmerston, ` Ont, Wedding -. to - take place in April. --- 14x a SLJN Shop CARD PARTY and 'Crokinole sponsored by Sunset Circle, April 9th; , in 'Orange Hall at 8 p.m. Admission 50c. Prizes and lunch. -- 14,15 HOMEISANO Sale, Set, APrif 14, 2 p.M.tlt the Salvation Army `Hall, Ooder'ieh. ,Sponsored ,by's the Horne League. .14. A BUS will be . leaving the . Salvation Army, on Apri'1 1,8th for Toronto at $.30 AM.. returning same ----day. Anyone wishing to go please contact . 529-7648 for details. Price $3.75' return. -- 14 ,. RUMM.AME SALE at St.'Peter's Church. Hall On Saturday- April 11, 1970 • from 1:30 p.m. to' 3:3:0p.m.- ° 14,15 • CHARTER NIGHT CHARTER NIGHT for Ashfield . Local 342 will -be helpd Brookside Public School, Thursday April 9th at 8:30 p.m. Walter ill r„vice-president of N.F.U.guest .speaker. Everyone Welcome. --14,15 W_1011A1A-STAR, THURSDAY e think wo, have or -the cost of fin toting. "KNIGHTS of Columbus 88th Anniversary, Candlelight Dinner and Dance, !Saturday April 11, 6-1. $6.00 per couple. Limited tickets available, Pat Osborne 524-7184. -- 14 Notice To The Public I have purchased a bigger backhoe this year with 18" and 24" buckets: with 'a 141/2 foot backhoe to give you, the public, better service. For backhoe work of any kind, call: CLIFFORD.HUGILL • 376 HURON Rb., GODERICH 524-7170 Swim Wear and Sports -Wear GRAND NOW ..OPEN Monday to Saturdat Prom s21 2 passenger We have the new Gremlin. A beautiful new North\American car with all the comfort, performance and luxury epeaapte ' expect from a North American car. But Gremlin is a ' subcompact The first of its kind ever, sold in this -country. v It's small enough to turn around in 33 feet, yet weighs. enough to give a solid, stable ride. It gets terrific fuel economy from ether the , standard 128hp Six or the optional 145hp Sik. It can be bought as a two passenger or four passenger model which permits even greater economy. We proudly salute American Motors for -its foresight in manufacturing a car which will fulfill the needs of so,many people; so ably. And we are very pleased to sell and service . this great new automobile in this area. Pre:delivery, destination charge and license extra. GRAF'S -- iERVICE AMX - Javelin Hornet Ambassador -° Rebel BAYFIELD ROAD• HWY 21 - GODER1CH, ONT GORD MUNROE, PHONE 524-8411 Cpl -u' 'RAF • BERG - -Service Installation * Bunk Feeders • nnual Spring FINE 1:11111.1kLiTY HARDING CARPETS Featuring SUTTON PLACE: High and low, loop dense pile, 2 colas: Gold Tweed ancl Oriental Gold. Reg.. $11.50.sq. yd. Sale Priced $9,.75 sq. yd. • acrylic fiber by -115 1SLANIkEALLS: High and low loop dense pile, acrilan: Moss Green. Reg. MONTERREY: Harding's Newest 'best Selling'3 Toned acrilan carpet 4 • colors in stock. Reg. $11.50 sq. yd. MAJORCA RUST 11 ft. 6 inch width. Sale Priced $9.25 sq: yd. ROMAN COIN 11 ft. and 12 ft. width Sale Priced $9.25 sq. yd. MOSS GREEN 1:2 ft. -widih. Sale Priced $9.95 sq. yd. ROMAN.GOLD 11 ft. 9 inch wilititWifh heavy denity rubber back, Reg. $12.95 Sate Priced $10.95. subtle two-tonelinish. A popularchoice amon6 people MANY OTHER ROOM SIZE ACRI LAN CARPETS IN STOCK - who prefer some pattern. WITH SIMILAR. DISCOUNTS SPRING LAWN & GARDEN FERTILIZERS * WEED KILLERS., * GARDEN SEEDS SPREADERS AVAILABLE HARDINGS 501 Du PONT NYLON Dt PONT • .t0t 'AP 01'11 PAM Featuring CLARINETTE: High, and low loop ..2 Tone nylon, excellent wearing qualities, 2 colors Gold Pepper and Blue Green, 12 ft. width, Reduced to To All Our Customers -FEED MILL Clinton 482-9792 44, ajoir, dralimmoiallk °Wnlirgur THE RED CROSS SERVES YOU NOW IS 'THE TIME TO FERTILIZE Your LAWN Let us apply SHAMR9CK` CHEMICAL'S FERTILIZER to your hOivn. This is a non -burning fertilizer - it Won't burn yotir lawn. Weill also rake - your lawn. „ Art's Lan4scaping 166 EIENNETT)41"..E. CA-LEDON HILLS: rliard'ing s largest selling luxurious cut and loop CALEDON HILLS - the cut and lOop styling of this MANY 'OTHER FINE QUALITY 501 PU PQNT NYLON CAR$ETS 'IN STOCK AT SIMILARILY 'RDUC,ED PRICES carpet creates lyxurious debth. Choice' of 12 com-,, 3 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD ,GuyE BEATTIE'S 3 At BEATTIE'S CARPET DEPARTMENT you have .a Ghoice of rolls ends to choose from ... reduced trom Make your choice in your own home with geattiei:s,help- 461 decorating service. All carpets are installed by Beattie's trained staff and gdaranteed quality of „ • The Harding carpet you choose is backed by the manufacturer's written guarantee of quality. And we guarantQe' eXpert instnliptiv,, courteous service; continuing ptisNction. -Come iii now. „:emake your choice a Harding carpet. dLINTON .4624sit