HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-04-02, Page 6GQOgRI S;GNAL-STA'R, Tl URSDAY, APRIL 2;1970 . Ontario . now have is f ,. ar1 Qme formal protection in the quality of drain tile and plastic tubine_ they will. buy this year, ti ays PrOresioi Ross Irwini 6. Choi of Agricultural Engineering, University. of Guelph, • A series of three specifications were formally n recognized at the Annual Meeting of the Ontario Farm Drainage AsociatY n, . w h i.e h 0 created. Minim, voluntary standar& to be used in the industry, says, Professor • Irwin. The standards were designed : by 'three committees established a year ago by the sat r Axl thein recommendations were accepted on a' tentative basis, which it is hoped Will' be made permanent • in the future. These standards have come about through a consensus of manufacturers An . the industry, and are patterned after those of the American Society, for Testing Materials, for conditions found in Ontario. but have been modified slightly Professor, Irwin _ notes that clay drain tile may now be specified inthree qualities. Standard quality drain tile, usually used, for farm drainage, must have an average , minimum It should also be remembered that drain tile 'must not be less than 12 inchsizes over 12e inches,in lgth the length and, for drainage, mu e s anc.lards el lshiing strength of 800 pounds. per 'ideal foot. The crushing' strength for extra -quality drain tile is 1,100 pounds, and for heavy-duty tile is 1,400 pounds per lineal foot. These two the types must be dense and not , absorb, more than 11% weight when boiled in water for 5. hours. • Concrete drain tile. sp ecigeations are slightly different from those for clay 'drain . ,tile. Standard quality. concrete, drain tile must have a crushing strength of 900 pounds per lineal foot. Extra -quality concrete drain tilemust have a .-crushing_ _strength._ _ of :•_ 1 -,100 -- pounds • per lineal' foot: A "special -quality concrete drain tile is nlanuftured from special cement . to withstand acid or sulfate soils: on .the inside, be, approximately circular and straight, and have smooth butt ends. brain tile should give a clear ring when held free of the ground and •upped with a light metal object.' Extra -quality drain tile , is usually used indeep, wide trenches. A specification' for plastic drainage tubing has been accepted; however, because of the- properties of til material, the tests, for this product cannot be directly compared .with those used for clay and concrete drain' tile. `, It is hoped that engineers will nowtkse these standards for the �specifiication. of materials to be aq ° usecTin a�ilarainage work: S Larnes „ ends ieasoi .o e Wilkinson Copies of a synopsis f these standards may be obtained from the Ontario Farm Drainage Association, P.O: Boxy 459, Parkhill. FIEEPUSLICATIOIJ OF: SQCIAL ITERIS AND WEDDINGS The Goderich „Signal. -Star will be pleased to publish, FREE OF CHARGE accounts of social events, lists of visitors, bridal ' showers, trausseau teas; birthday .parties of children and of cburse WEDDINGS, INCLUDING PHOTOGRAPHS/ We emphasize THERE .IS NO CHARGE for these news items. PLEASE CALL 524-8331 or drop the items into the 'office before noon Tuesday of each week, We will be -happy to hear from you. Weddings must be received ,not later •than one month following the ceremony and mustbbe in writing.- 44111‘, riting;- Sunday, March 15 on County Road 12 south of: No. 3 County Road, • Larry Alvin Horne,. 57 West William Street, Seaforth was Involved in a single ear accident resulting in extensive ensive damage to the vehicle. Horne . received injuries, ' Sunday, March 15 on 1,41X26, Con. 2, Hullett Township' west of Highway 4; a vehicle parked by David Cooper, Dinsley Street; Blyth; rolled forward and suck a building , resulting in minor damage to the vehicle, • Wednesday, March 18 on a parking lot at CFA. Clinton, a parked vehicle owned by James Bondy, C.F.R. , Clinton was' 'William Wilkinson, a native of Goderich and a 1966 graduate of Goderich . . District Collegiate .licences sought must not., be less than the ' diameter, says Professor Irwin. - Car check Drain tile must be free from cracks; checks, or chips extending into the body of the tile which would • decrease' the strength. They should be smooth The Ontario Department of Transport is working towards the possibility of introducing a 'probationary licence for young drivers to %help curb the disproportionate number of collisions involving drivers aged 16-24. But inexperience may not ' - be the main cause of • young -driver smashes; youths 16-18 :::ee= n ll ° ,t 'than�� t2 p• . These were some of the 'facts "Check Your Car - Check Accidents" poster, and 'news releases. - ' - The latter ' stressed the . Diagnosis; the results Sof periodic inspections in Nova Scotia and British Columbia where they are well-established; the progress being made towards nation-wide -car checks and the responsibility"` ,of the driver.. • Large easel -backed posters and display posters are being made available to ' those concerned with car checks. ,In addition, material has" been - prepared Tor radio and, TV. Campaign background ' A re -organized CSC Vehicle Safety Committee sett -the priorities for, and gave direction to the ' Campaign at a most , successful -' tineeting.- Council urges all 'Canadian§ working for traffic, public and industrial safety to support C Check because it touches directly or indirectly -on all o1. these. . fields. Anothermajor Canada Safety Council traffic safety promotion is underway, laying the foundations' for the April Car ,Check_Campaign- -- - _ Two points are being stressed * The .Promotion of compulsory, • -periodic - motor vehicle inspections ' - for . aIi'• vehicles on a' uniform basis from coast to coast; • * The moral and legal responsibility • of, motorists for the safe mechanical condition of their vehicles whether or not they live in those provinces or areas, where mandatory -car checks are in force. CSC President Norman H. Bell urges • all Canadians concerned about the high traffic accident toll tis' support 'thed__ campaign . aimeat convincing motorists of the need to keep • their vehicles . in safe• condition during the campaign and throughout the year. "Traffic deaths and injuries a would be reduced by as much as 10 per cent if all cars were in such good mechanical condition that they would -do what ' the drivers: want them to do when they want the vehicles to do it," he said. "If not, cars are lethal- -weapons." Campaign material Counciltas prepared a new leaflet, "10 Point Diagnosis of an Ailing Car," for the campaign 'in addition = to . the Prevent Accidents check list, two-color O.* disclosed at the opening session. of the recent ODT Road Safety Workshops` in Hamilton. The three days of meetings provided information, and inspiration to some 700 safety -minded people who took part, including directors and. staff of .: the Ontario Safety League. •ThSD€- O quotes- some -of-th other intetesting comments made -'during a session on "Motor Vehicle Administration and Road Safety", • -- WoIf hearing held The , ' L ,Tic• lieairing , e Legislave Committee on Tourism, Wildlife and Fisheries o Car ec are widely known as -the "wolf -hearings." 'This 'week at the annual -hearings in Toronto opposing factions advanced arguments from' manypoints of views Dr. Martin Edwards, President of the Federation of Ontario Naturalists, stated _ at the hearings that Ontario has the unique distinction of possessing within its' boundaries one of the -few areas in North Anierica where large numbers of people, may easily hear timber wolves: - He urged that the wolf be recognized= -ns -a valuable'part of: our wilderness heritage and be given the same level ' of protection as other ' game animals. The . anachronistic bounty program should also be terminated as ineffective and biologically unsound. A number of studies - and surveys 'of accident ' causation point the finger directly at the individual for vehicle failures. The great•..•.....:,_percentage of accidents • due to vehicle malfunctions can be traced back .to the owner'•s abdication of responsibility for the upkeep' Of Ehis car. Individual responsibility - "It's Up to You" - is the key to success of "Check- Your-Car-- Check our:Car--Check Accidents." County Council ' cuts, -health estimate (Continued from page 1) have the librarians travel to Goderich to' , . make their book selections. Then the books would be packed and shipped out to the. various libraries via • a smaller more economical vehicle than the present, bookmobile. It has been proposed to buy a station • wagon or some similar vehicle to make the • deliveries. This system would be faster and would require only one man to, deliver the „books. % v Sheardown told council he and his committee intended 'to streamline this "half-assed" library operation.•. Helpful Hints .. . from Miss Classified During the past 10 years the Points System has affected 600,000 Ontario drivers. That:is - the number who have been warned by letter, interviewed or -suspended. In 1969, 8Q,000 drivers were given re-examinations. • Since' October 1968 certificates of mechanical fitness have been required before car ownership can be transferred. I.n 1969 there were 70,000 fewer transfers between individuals'; 40,000 fewer between dealers. The mew. regulations have created ' some -.problems, but' •seem to be having the desired effort in. removing.. some. of the.- - unsafe cars from Ontario roads. "The wrecks 4 are still being duimped somewhere, presumably, but not in .Ontario. e - • Another 'result ' -is"that 8' to Institute, recently completed his third and final season with the St. Lawrence University varsity hockey team. -' The Larries finished eighth among eastern colleges in the '' States and compiled an overall record of 11-15. - -: Wilkinson, a senior, served as captain of the . SLU skaters this season and scored 35 points on eight goals and 27' • assists. A great stickhandler and skater, Wilkinson' was moved from defense ..to forward by Coach George Menard midway through the season and responded by scoring in the team's last fifteen. consecutive games. In a 9-5 victory over Colgate after the switch, "Wilkie" tallied a goal 'and three assists. During the season, the Larries • captured second place in the Holiday Festival • Hockey Tournament at Madison Square Garden in - New York. 'St. Lawrence defeated highly regarded Boston College in the Garden and .. again later in the year at .Canton for their most impressivwins of the carripaign. Bill is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Wilkinson of 125 South Street in Goderich. struck I y 'ati unknown vehicle 'resulting in ,ilriinor damage to the vehicle. Thursday, March 19 on Hullett Township sideroad 5-6 south of County Road 25, David Charles Rain, RR 3,•• Walton was. involved in a single car accident resulting in minor damage, to his vehicle. Saturday, March - 21 on Highway 86, west of Lucknow, Warren Grant, 316 Mill Street, • 'Port Elgin and Bradley Condy, 56 King Street, Waterloo were involved in a two ;car accident resulting in extensive damage to the vehicles. Vera Catherine Grant, . 316 Mill Street, Port Elgin was fatally injured and . driver Warren Grant ' received. --injuries: -- M`otori'sts! Know what to` do if a tire blows while you're travelling at Highway speed? The Ontario Driver's Handbook -says ... Don't jam on ° the brakes. Instead, take your 4+ foot off the accelerator concentrate on steering and let your ear roll to a safe stop.. Remember, jamming on the brakes when.a tire blows could cause your car to overturn. AD ULORE •-- THE GARrER 54E0-(6, OraruADA's HARDIESr Pt COO most 1`0:1mERAOS (LE otOES i'r's AI tApc,E• R F cucrive efaptaciT? THE. Ayeae-i 's Numt35R. OF VOVNG is ABORT, TWeNrsi OR Tt-me-r9 4-ioweVet GSev •NYk' `ts cUcsr utucommO(C• r' 10 -year-old , vehicles have more , or less disappeared from used car lots. ''Also missing now are many hole -in -the -wall dealers who used to sell $50 junk heaps 'to high school Students. A snowmobile driver suspected of impairment 'while driving on a roadway may be required to take a breathalyzer test. • . In 1969, •3259 people we're convicted for driving' while under suspension. The panelists were ' all senior ODT officials; David M. Duncan, .Edwin •H '.Brezina,-Herbert.__ J. Aiken, William J. 4McIntyre, Hugh N., Gilchrist, Walter B. G, : __ Reynolds..' . -.• SEE PAGE 9 --- Thank Thank. You Sale CONTINUES EVERYTHING 10% TO. 50%, OFF- •. ER-RIFiC SELECTION OF USED .CARS Remember- to scan the Want -Ad Section in The Signareacli week. It is the community's market place; it presents a cross section of'- prices and values; it tells you at a glance - what the employment, Ieat,estate, automotive and fina:ial' situations are'in•the Signal -Star area. Don't 'forget td watch The Sigrt�il's Waal' Ads.....it's as', thrifty a habit as placing a ° Want Ad!, CALL CLASSIFIED SU -411 SPECIAL THIS WEEK * APR. 2 to We have ,the largest display in Western Ontario. Now is the time to make 'your selection while prices are at their hest. ROYAL DOULTON FIGURINES - 0/ 0 OFF Royal DoultonDinnerware Sale continues at,20%,off.. Hurry -- offer expires April 161. ' • 4,- ,q - If you have been looking for a used car you will realize the variety and quality that is at McGee's and our prices are always adverti ed..,o `69 :MODELS -C-H'EVROLET BELAIR SE -DAN - V -8 -automatic, radio, double power; $2895. DART SWINGER 840 H.A R D'1'C5F1 = 4 speed'; stireg ip radio $72195. FORD CUSTOM TUDOR- V-8 automatic. OPP. car; $1895. ;, - Y X68 MODLS BUICK LESABRE -'Two door hardtop, double Power, radio, etc; $2595. GMC,HANDI VAN.-- heavy duty equipment.; $179.5. • PONTIAC LAURENTIAN SEDAN - V-8 automatic, power steering; $2100. CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE - 396,V-8, positraction,ou.hle power; $2595 • PLYMOUTH FURY o III •- Two door .hard,tdp. Power equipped Bucket seats, vinyl rbof, $2495. 'REBEL SEDAN -Automatic, double power; $1595. . . • '67 MODELS P . BSJI-CK ELECTRA TWO DOOR HARDTOPFull power, air conditmenin:g; vinyl roof.; $2995. BUICK WILDCAT - Four door hardtop, double power, radio; $2295. • • 'BEAUMONT DELUXE SEDAN --- Six cylinder, " 23,000 miles; $1450. CHEVROLET IMPALA - Two door hardtop, V-8, double power vinyl roof; $1995. FAIR LANE 500 - Two door hardtop, V-8 automatic, radio; $1750.'',• FORD -CUSTOM SEDAN - V-8 automatic, radio, power steering; $1 750. DODGE MONACO 500 = Twodoor hardtop. Double power, buckets, vinyl.rpo'f etc; $2100. PLYMOUTH FURY II - Two dobe. hardtdp,. V-8 automatic, power steeri'ng; $1795. PLYMOUTH "FURY I - STATION WAGON = Automatic and radio; $1295. AMBASSADOR - Two door V,8 automatic, (Police); $795. '66 MODELS CHRYSLER 300 TWO DOOR - Hardtop ouble power, buckets, vinyl roof;.$1 895.. PLYMOUTH' BELVEDERE -- Two•door ardtop. V-5, automatic, radio; $1 195. 'DODGE CORONET - Four;door,, six stick, nadio; $99,5.. DODGE PO LA RA 440 - Sedan. V-8 automatic, radio; $1295. - DODGE CORONET 440 = Sedan. Six automatic, radio; $1 195. FORD CUSTOM TUDOR - Six automatic, radio; $795. - RAMBLER 770 - Four doer, automatic, radio. Like new; $1195. CHEVROLET IM,PALA•- Two door hardtop, V-8, automatic, double power, radio; $1 595. CHEVROLET IMPALA --Two door hardtop, 327 V-8, automatic,double power, radio; $1495. PONTIAC - Four door,' six automatic, radio; $1250. ' PONTIAC.,--.Four•door,"six automatic, power steering; $1295, PONTIAC - Two do Villautctdio; $895. PONTIAC LAURENTIAN - Fdur door, six automatic, radio; $1195. P0 N1TAC PkRlSI EN NE - Two door hardtop, six automatic, -adio; $1495. PONTIAC PAR ISI ENNE - Two door hardtop. V-8 automatic, dcfuble power, vinyl -roof; $1595. PONTIAC PARISIENNE -Two doof hardtop, V-8 automatic, double power; $1595. PONTIAC PA:RI'SIE'NNE•- Two door hard.top,•327 V-8, automatic, power steering, radio; $1595., PONTIAC PARI'SIENNE--Two door ltopCb8, oma lad-io, power steering; $1595. PONTIAC GRANDE PARISIENNE - Four door hartop, double power, radio, vinyl top; -$1 795. BUICK LESABRE - Four' door. Double power; $1595.. BUICK LESABRE 400 - Four•door; double power, fadio; $1595. r HIGHWAY 21 SOUTH GODERIf11 Open From 11 A Ni, Til 9 P.M. Seven lays A Week '65 MODELS -PONTIAC - Four door, V-8, automatic, radio; $109b. PONTIAC LAURENTIAI' - Station Wagon, V-8, automatic, radio; $1095. PONTIAC - Two do9r, six stick, clean; $795. , BEAUMONT - sport deluxe, hardtop, automatic, radio, buckets; $1095. MERCURY MONTCLAIR - Sedan, double power, radio;$1 195.. COMET CALIENTE'-Hardtop, six autoinatic,'radio; $995 - PLYMOUTH FURY II -.Four doom six ,automatic-, radio; $995: RAMBLER 770 - Two door hardtop. V-8 automatic, radio, buckets; $995. RAMBLER 660 - Sedan V-8 automatic radio, power steering; $895. • CHRYSLER 300 Sedan, double power, radio; $995:. PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE - Two door hardtop, V-8 automatic; $850. AI'R LANE 500 -'Two door hardtop, six automatic, radio; x$850. ' ENVOY CUSTOM - Sedan. Abp shape; $500. CHEVROLET BELAIt SEDAN-Si•nt automatic, radio; $595. CHEVROLET BELAIR SEDAN Automatic, radio. Perfect car; $795. 'PONTIAC SEDAN - Low mileage; $695. PONTIAC SEDAN - Six and radio; $625. PONTIAC LAURENTIAN -- Sedan. Six automatic; $650. PONTIAC CUSTOIVI SPORT - Two door hardtop, V-8, power steering, bucket seats; $1095. PONTIAC PARISIENNE CONVERTIBLE -- V-8 automatic, double poweF radio; $995. BUICK LESABRE TWO DOOR" --,Hardtop, double power, radio; $995. „ `64 MODELS 1 63 MODELS tONTIAG LAURENTIAN --• Sedan V-8 autoirtatic, power steering;$650. AIRLANE 500 SEDAN - V-8.autotttatic; $495. w ALL CARS INCLU DESAFETY ''.CHEC ► ! c .GUARANTEE AT. t .10