HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-04-02, Page 5• 4 k Letter t� for consideration F HIGHWAYS DE APPROVAL" Int course . of control has been re view of governm Thus in reco Highway 4�° at C estimated cost of announced that th will be only $26 - "remainder is to department. of 'h government, of c collect $123, gaso)lne, sales ' an and, by •anal, larg in this county, 1 share 'of adiniiiis The ccouncill simple folk; r money ` and ,s Thought best, i the county. Careful, t committee, w from William Blyth, for at with a brok "payment n the edit�r. OLLOWING-' ARTMEN'' he century, languished in nt "grants." nstruction. Linton at an $150,000, it is e. town's share ,500 and that be paid by the ighways.", The ourse, will first . 500 through d income taxes • q, will collect -it' together with a tratiop cost. ors of 1870 were aised . their overt . pent' it as. they ' n the interests of oo. The finance ith an account Sloan, M.D., of tending a "vagrant en leg, reported: t recommended." A GOOD W. E. Elliott - DETERRENT I have been reading Mr. Ross-',. articles on a deterrent for crime. Canada is a Christian country, and I was wondering whether we -- -have been reading our rules lately; that Is, the rules for the kind of conduct one would expect in a Christiaaii country. A Christian' Jule book is his Bible. Maybe a lot of the younger folk . don't know what to do. Maybe they've never read 'the rules. The railway companies have found it necessary to hold periodic meetings when they review the safety ; ;rules. For ex' ample -,Did you step oyer the • i ontineed 'frt?m, Page 4+ -rails when cirossing track instead of on theta? Many .,people have fallen on slippery rails. Safety rules pay off but ittakes a lot of education to make people safety -conscious. , kiow many young people realize that at the end of this life there is a judgement day? And we Will he judged by the "Word of Cod" anal by His laws even as we who 'break our country's laws are judged by what is written on Canada's statute books. Maybe if we read God's rales and found out what is required of us, it would be as -good a deterrent for crime as anything else we could find. • Sincerely, A Reader ', THANK YOU On :behalf ..of. the Ladies' ,Curling Section, of the Maitland •Country. Club, Ltd. I should like to express our thanks to you and to your paper for the excellent coverage you have given our 'bonspiel-- and jitneys this past• year. • Eileen Palmer (sec. treas) Ladies' Curling Section Revisions in 1910r'stamp programme The , Post Office Department has announced that the release of a stamp commemorating Alexander Macre „ ie, discoverer of the -river bearing his name and the , first explorer to reach the Pacific ' overland north ..of Mexico, will be advanced from yJuly, 1.5 to. -June. - 25. IV ''dam' 41' al SEE PAGE 9 ---' Other changes in the revised .schedule will result in the Sir, Oliver ' -Mowat stamp appearing on : August 12 instead of September 18 and the Group of Seven_ .commemorative will' now be issued bn September '18 instead of on August 12. A complete listing` for the' .remainder of 1970 is as follows:: ` April -15, Henry Kelsey; May 13, 25th Anniversary of United Nations; June 19, Louis Riel; June 25, Alexander Mackenzie; August 12, Sir 'Oliver- Mowat; September 18, 50th Anniversary of Group 'of Seven; October 7, Christmas; November 4, Sir .. Donald Alexander -Smith. How good a drivr ,oir are you ' Do you always 'signal when making turns, changing lanes, when pulling over to the curb or on to the road shoulder? A good driver signals; always. • • When you dosignal3 for..a • turn, do- x� do it soon -enough A good rule of the thumb is to To� early. -fruiting can injure apple trees. have that signal on about 90 feet before making your turn... • When making a right hand turn, do you stay as close as possible . to the right hand curb? ihre have seen some drivers actually veer to the•left and then„ 'and rivers without adequate sewage ,treatment add to water 41a.rii.. `of phosphate poiIutin justified There is a great deal of .. "viewing with alarm" going on concerning the poisoning of our waters "by phOsphaten synthetic ' laundry detergents. This is justified, because the facts have been proven' by •competent authorities that phosphates discharged into lakes make a wide sweeping righthand turn, very often:, coming pollution. - dangerously close to oncoming Agreed, they are only one fact r, but they are:a big factor traffic,. ,o you come to a complete ti, an hopefully high -phosphate stop at all stop signs and 'stop' content will be cut back by lights? Some drivers believe that regulation sooner or later, - y the; "can reduce their speed to a In the' meantime, Consumers' crawl; -look both waysand if the Association oi-eaiiada--befieves the general- iblic should have a way'tis cleat proceed through the,, intersection..Boy, do they face a clearer understanding of how traffic charge! detergents add to water Do you always give the pollution. •pedestrian on the crosswalk the' .All detergents made in Canada right of .way.. If you don't have what is known as a pare not o that they are easily broken down mighty discourteous one. in municipal sewage plants, When you drive do you 'give thus complete attention u� and lowering treatment costs and concentration . to your driving? preventing foaming • when Or are you, like some types discharged into a body of water. However, removing the foam whose head is' turning does not mean that all pollutants continually talking to his passengers, have been removed and' the Before you get out` of your problem of phosphate content drivers side door do you check remains. for passing cars ' first? The Detergents such as those used inexpert driver opens, his, door for washing _ clothes contain without .=looking. back. He can phosphates which keep dirt in look forward to''a damaged door suspension and prevent it ,being and a traffic charge if he re -deposited during laundering. continues this praratice long When excessive amounts of enough. phosphates • enter a body of Do you always have an "out" . water, 'increased growth by algae'" when an emergency does arise?, uses up supplies of oxygen as the A good driver is always on the tiny organisms decay. Then the defensive. He thinks ahead and is water gradually "dies." f th ted at all No completely satisfactory Young apple trees, especially those on dwarfing rootstocks, may start to fruit before the tree has reached the desired size. Because fruit bearing is ,. an exhausting process, trees fruiting' early may 'become stunted, or more dwarfed than the grower intended. Yields per acre will be reduced. Professor B. J. E. Teskey, Department of • Horticultural Science, Ontario Agricultural College, University of Guelph,. reports that heavy fruit thinning caw be achieved by use of dinitros, NAA, Amid or Sevin, but very- heavy- thinning or -the complete • removal of all ' fruit from a , tree, using these materials, can only be achieved 'ready or a unexpected you my a bad 'driver but a . biodegradable base. This means expense injury to �- _- substitute. tor--- phosphates has at the ex ease ofsome i tYmes `, leaves,shoots-and spurs: __._.. _._ ..- _ . _. '.__ _ �e_n ___.. f o thud a l th olU h- A combination of NAA, at 1.5 , . When you drive do you keep g partsper million ' m,'plus 1 up with traffic? Or. are you the manufacturers are testing other (ppm) sk w, uncertain, -'hesitant and."' alternatives and in the United pound of Sevin, applied 10 days � ' afterpetal fall, hasgiven good overly cautious type? Caution is States a .prodtict ' is- being g a good trait; but the overly successfully marketed, in which results without signs of injury to part of the hose hate'has'been the -tree, says Professor Teske cautious,. slow drivers do causeP p Y Y• replaced by a non -nu NAA at '35 ppm plu.1 gallon of accidents material. , oil has also given satisfactory Do you fully realize the • results when applied 7 to 10 importance of ' having - your• days after •petal fall. Ethrel has • vehicle periodically checked for stimulated abscission and may .safety? The stupid driver is more prove to' be a good detruitiyig�;.- ,.concerned . with operating his agent when•applied at.the 1,0Q0 vehicle with •the absolute to 1,400 ppm' rate. • minimum. of maintenance 'and Professor Teskey noted that, care. as. with --fruit spraying, ..it is a There you have it, 10 good .strongly recommended 'that the indications as to whether, or not defruiting agent 'be applied as a you are a good driver. 'Regardless dilute spray,. A gun or boom of what some people say, a good .than an air' many years experience does not gives better results' blast sprayer. Ideal ' times for.- make a good driver. We have chemically . defruiting youngseen motorists who haVe been trees are in cairn, dull; warty •drivin 2O years or m'are and' 'weather with high ,humidity, or would fail a modern -driving -test. else in the evening. • The Ontario ' Au-torPobile Because varieties differ ink Association feels that the time is • rapidly coming when all drivers should be tested at least once every five years, preferably oftener. Do •you still think you are a their response to defruiting sprays, growers are urged to use these recommendations as a general -guide. Professor Teskey said' growers should experiment to 'find the best materials, rates and timing fortheir particular conditions. - H::ATTEMTION FARMERS Order Early AndMake Big Savings Now'+!. ON Save 25c Bu. , SEED OATS . Save 30c Bag MIXED GRAIN ALSO: Save 25cBu. SEED, BARLEY Save 2c Per Lb. CLOVER SEED GRASS` SEED'' _FOR EVERY 10 BU. OF ' DEKALB ..d" SEED CORN YOU BUY.- YOU GET ONE BU. FREE SO HURRY - We StiII',Have A Good Supply Of 85 And 90,DayCorn *Seed Other varieties of teed corn available are Eunk.'.s, Warwick, United, Northrop -'King, Seneca. ° SEED OATS - SEED BARLEY, CORN & BEAN CONTRACTS' AVAILABLE FERTILIZER SUPPLIED WITH CONTRACTS CHECK OUR FERT1LIZER 'PRICES, . Q, 24 24 • Potash & Aero Prifts 8 - 4- 15 " 1.3 52 0 8-5-Q 5-20- Available: PATORAN, .SUTAN_ And d „EPTAV With Contracts - , BEFORE y`OU 811?"- GIVE USA TRY G Th�rnpson & Sons. Ltd: HENSALL PHONE 2624527 ., good driver? Why not stop in at your local Drivers Testing Centre and ask for a copy of the gest. given to new drivers. Take the test. You may be amazed at just how little you ,know' about 'driving. BAY F IELP R9 AD OQDEFticti- 524.7111:• The best way to combat the problem now is W u soap rather than detelents, However, ,.this is nOt always. possible with some appliances, so "an examination was made by a University of Toronto group called Pollution , Probe which lists ''phosphates. of dozens of cleaning products. .Because Consumers' Association of Canada is anxious that the 'true, story. on phosphates ' is ' known, it published a special issue of its magazine, Canadian Consumer, which lists the Pollution .Probe analyses. FRIDAY & $ATUR APRIL The DI ' It ' is :available, free in individual copies, by writing: Consumers' , Association of Canada,; 100 Gloucester St., Ottawa4. Please mark your envelope or postcard "Pollution." BROWNIE DRIVE-IN CLINTONTHEATRE OPENING FRIDAY, APRIL 10 WATCH IH S__PA( F 'NEXT WEEK FDR MOVIES AND TIMES - • 49 SPRING FASHION SHOW at C.H.5.5. AUDITORIUM • ednesday, April' 8 a 00- P,M.: ADM-ISSftON 75c fashions from LEE'S OPEN -TO PUBLIC Sponsored by Student's Council E 00•06 POSTPCIN!.D.rR FYRTHE N9TICE .. . _ KINSMEN'S -STAG TO BE .HELD AT .THE Goderich Arena APRIL 4 8 - 12 Admission $1.00 PARK GODERICH 30. THE ,SQ_UARE$. .PHONE 524-7811 AIRCONDITIONED = For 1 Days Thurs., Fri., Sat., Sun,, Mon., Tues. and Wed. April 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 One Showing Thurs., Sun., Mon., Tues. and Wed. at 8.00 p.m. Two Showings Friday- & Saturday at 7.30 .& 9.10 o'clock (Adult E-itertainmerft) MATINEE - Saturday, April 4 At 2.00 p.m. JERRY LEWIS as "THE NUTTY PROFESSOR" Aman went looking for America. And couldn't find it anywhere,.. CANNES FILM FESTIVAL WINNER! "Best Film By NY/Director /ANDO COMPANY a rltixi,Gon with 1341ERT Pao U N,S pawns an _ Rick "Bain PETER DENNIS FONDA. `HOPPER- JACK.NICHOLSON COLOR •,Released by COLUMBIA PICTURES Corning Next: ,April 9 to. April 14— • "On Her. Majesty's Secret Service" James Bond 007 is Back! —• One Showing Nightly at 8.00 o'clock MAD,MAD WORLD, but it's fun I+:C E �Motorcycle Racing and Games ry Can. you imagine top Canadian racing Pi ofessionals reaching speeds of 50 M.P.H.' oil- specially equipped bikes- INSIDE an arena with an. ice. surface • of 190' x 85"' This is ;•hat s happening at the Wingiiam .arena on Friday, April 3, at 8:30 P.M. Riders from 'Toronto, iivit- chenei•, Guelph and Hamilton snake np the 2 hard 'riding teams. They, compete for points in a series of lip, time races and then they relax in a hilarious brawl• known as MotojTycle Ire Hockey Socter ( say it' real fast). And then -comes the Grand Prix, no, messing around 'here, .there's money riding on this one. 1 • LES Onlce ThriIIing. Exciting Fun .11VINGHAM, AltENA FRI 3'rd,L3-O Bring the family, bring the girlfriend, bi ink; your boyfriend ( but not all at the same time). We .g'uar'antee an exciting, action packed, fun evening. T • in• DON'T MISS;THISLAST RUN OFTHE; SEASON 1 Aduits $i 5OStudents16 aad Under$].QD=.12 aad.UaderSO 4 •