HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-03-26, Page 13Ann Landers VIODERICII'Sle?WritiTAi , " ` URSD • 1 Those beautiful eyes_.belong to Teddy. six months 'old. Ile is a healthy, happy baby of white Canadian and black / West Indian parentage. A strong, well-proportioned boy, he has light brown hair just beginning to curl, long curly lashes and light coffee -colored skin. Teddy is an alert; friendly, responsive baby who loves• people and is not a bit shy. He smiles, readily. laughs aloud and is quite chatty with his toys. He likes to watch anything moving - the TV picture, the mobile over his crib and ,especiallychildren playing, Ile enjoys playing with -small articles he can handle. Teddy is, a hearty eater and sleeps well. This lovely baby needs parents who will appreciate his heritage.' To -inquire about adopting Teddy please write to Today's i il%, "Department of Social' and Family Services; Parlia- ment arl ament Buildings, Toronto .182. For general adoption informa- tion ask your Children's Aid Society. DEAR , ANN LANDERS; • Don't, back down on tat Rotterdam marriage ceremony between two homosexuals. You were :right, •I have before me the full report as it appeared in the Zurich press. The "bride" was a -24 -year-old blond. ' male. The groom was a 26 -year-old fellow whoowns a prosperous and well know -111M. Both': "bride" and Room wore dark business. suits with white carnations _in the lapels. -The_ - "brii'de",ware a trace of • malteup • and carried a white prayer book. Her -- or his - inoi her cried uen- - gulc�'' - bunds were - exchanged. There were pledges of lobe and. a. promise . to be "faithful until death cfo us pafrt:" After holy' communion and . a ' few sprinkles_ of water the ceremony was over. Everyone hugged' and kissed and left the chapel t, to celebrate 'With champagne before the "newlyweds" left for a honeymoon. Dutch Catholics were enraged when word of the wedding :leaked t� the press. They are now demanding that action be taken against.. the priest who celebrated the wedding mass. The happy couple said, "no matter what anyone says, it was .a real wedding." • And that's the straight, story. -- CHICAGO DEAR CHICAGO: Straight? Well - thanks for. the' story. DEAR ANN LANDERS: We • rented this lovely apartment a few days ago and signed a three-year lease. This morning (Sunday) we were practically thrown out of our beds by the ear-splitting sound of church .a bells. The chimes started at 7 a.m. and rang every fifteen utes until -noon.-I- have such a _ headache I -can't see straight. My husband is :furious that we werenot told of this before we, signed the lease. We have talked to three other families in . this building. Tfiey are also miserable but because it's a church they don't want to complain. If. a tavern made this - kind, of 'noise it would be shut James Richardson & Sons Ltd 'ServingOntario The Feed Dealers of 1Ne5tern PHONE 524-8388, GObERICH 9 ispute down in rhve minutes. What~ do you suggest we do, Ann? R ZAPPED. DEAR ZAPPED: Church,,bells have been ringing for thoJds •of years and I have the feeling they aren't about to be .silenced. Cheek with a .lawyer before you give,.up 'arid buy ear plugs for Sunday mornings. DEAR ' PERSONAL4TY:. DEAR --ANN- LANDERS�"Y 1'reten�driig Tis die. halcdest work problem is my husband's ex-wife there is. No wonder you, -;are and • . their three/earTold ` exhausted.'. daughter. I'm being used . as a • Hunt up a sitter who will be free: babysitter 'at 'least one available on short notice. It'll be afternoon a week: Some ` well worth the cost. The afternoons run into evenings.. Principal, cause f o r ---f--1--wanted--to Make7care ,ofa,,,erAcontloaattade failures is • small child 1 would have one of trouble with children from a my own.- It. is getting harder and previous.spause. harder to pretend I,like this brat.. She is spoiled rotten. Two hours with her leaves me exhausted and out of sorts. . My husband loves his daughter and 1 don't want him to know how I feel about li'er.: Help. --SPLIT PERSONALITY --HEALTH & SAFETY' Mainly forIvo-ter by Carol Hart Watch Children -During Spring Cleaning Itis spring, and your home probably never had it so good. • But what about your little chil- dren while ydu are busy working, especially -the ones under five .years of age? Are they gbing to benefit by that fresh, newly Scrubbed and painted home? Or are they going to be exposed to harm because a busy adult forgot to be careful? Keep your eyes on the house- hold, chemicals you are using, says- the Council on . Family Health, a non-profit organization, sponsored by members, of the drug, industry as a public service to• promote safety in the home • and family health. • •- • Children can be very quick and curious. They should not be' left, alone .even for a minute with potentially harmful substances. When you are finished using• household chemicals, put theth,,» - away immediately, out of sight anti --relic -trf 3;c ung z: --' _.-- Think of all the chemicals used in a household today --bleaches, soaps • and detergents, wall and . lvuod'work cleaners, liquid And - paste polishes and 'waxes, Moth; balls and flakes, disinfectants and deodorizers, ` and solvents such as turpentine, kerosene and gasoline. During, the course of a Week, a housewife might use lye "prod-. ucts, to clean plumbing "fixtures, ...,.in s ect i.ci.des..an.d.. r odenti ci.des, rug. shampoos and upholstery clean- ers, and paint solvents'.and,thin- ners. Each year• finds the list grow- ing, as newproducts are discov- ered to help, in refurbishing the home. And each year, says the Council, MothersOha've.to be just that much more careful in shield- ing small children from potential poisonings. Haven't tried a" bit of dogger- el for quite a while, so I hope you'll • forgive me if I succumb -to .that rare and insane urge to writ-rion•poe ry:_'. - - • Ode to Spring 'Spring! You are simply not doing your thing: ?4'ostseasons enter with a certain - Equanrrnrty. You have been coming with utter • M ° Asininity. You're behavior's absurd And _ viii y a bird Would be dumb enough to take wing This spring. Let's see a little zing, Spring! 1 don't mind ,the slush And the snow and below Bui it's not exactly the thing. Spring. And I don't know about you, but that's all I can stomach of that particular poem. annual cattle sale, a denaeanrng tax on that $1000, X object. aspect of a fairly fine profes, sign where 'teachers area lured with booze, bigger salaries and other benefits, into teaching at Gr -eat_. Slave Lake , secondary school. And at which: school boards becomepanders. n , Along this line, don't get too excited by the government's expressed determination (, to. "hold the line" and "take a - -firm stand l-againstrArtflation,---_ in The government is, merely. trying, to , trim a ,little ,.fat off the 'cat, trying, to conceal the fact that she is pregnant and nobody wants the kittens. Strenuously. And % object j as,. -violently to the fantastic capital gains of land spectula-. tors. This fief full of dOWA, right, crocks working wit i.' oth. er people's money and .produe- ing, nothing excefat profits for themselves, 'Sock ` it to them, Mr, Benson,. • „ It promises to be an interest- '' ing spring. In Ontario,••, the teachers in Metro Toronto asked .for a ' sturdy increase. The Board refused. The teach- ers' federation- "pink -listed" the Board. This means that any member• of the federation will . be frpwned on from a great height if he or she takes a job with that Board. The Trustees' -Council of the province -has'taliated by bar- ing -its claws and exposing its yellow fangs. It has pink -listed all the school boards ,in the -province. The result • should be '- a barrack -room ,. lawyer's de= • light, and,' an • • educational schnozzle. At least (though I doubt it) this `might put an -end to .the The ,rich will continue to be rich, and the poor will contin- ue, to be poor. And the middle- class will howl bloody murder, as they always have. • I couldn't care less. I'll pay my . income tax, and support an entire family on welfare. Maybe they need it. I've lived on bread and water for three weeks, and I know what it's like. • But there are two things. I, object to in the White Paper on tax reform.: I don't like to be taxed on taxes. That is, iL I'm paying : $500 in real estate tax, and I' have to pay income This • has nothing to de with tape ,reform; -but~ Eim-Smiley-is alive. and Well, and living ° In Limbo. Tihat's the favorite-xesii deuce ?That's a'°lot 'of young people these days. It's a sort of cross roads between Utopia and the salt mines.. _ Limbo is not a bad place to live, actually. No -taxes, no de,-"` manding job: I wouldn't mind , the odd holiday there. But I' wouldn't' like it as a permanent residence. I'd miss the old toil and struggle and sweat of real' life. It's cool in Limbo, but who wants to be cool all the time? I'll take the arena of life, . . Where you have to face the bull (and.; you can take that any way you wish) and either not flinch from the- horns, or, run like hell for the barri- cadoes. At least there's - a choice. FOR -YOUR - AUTO INSURANCE Set or Phone ` P MALCOLM MATHERS GENERAL* INSURANCE AGENT .. 46 WEST ST. - 524-9442 0 ti 5 For Pleasant Surroundings and Good Food • J: H. Mitchell; 1061,A/est St. THE GODERICH RESTAURANT STEAK HOUSE, and TAVERN THIS SPACE I. RESERVED 1 - 1 - FOR YOUR AD DOUBLE PASSES TO THE PARK THEATRE BOOKS & STATIONERY Cards For - All Occasions * Gifts * Books * Stationery Supplies... *# Records, • . ANDERSON'S BOOK t ENTRE 33 east St. Goderich Mrs. Percy McBride RR 5, Goderich BUILDING MATFRIA1 "'a PAINT, WALLPAPER * PAINT * WALLPAPER * CARPETS * TILE * „N,O L EU M "Your Complete Home Decorating Centre" MCARTHUR and° REILLY LT13. West St Goderich * FRIGIDAIRE * WESTINGHOUSE * G I BSON-, *. HOOVER Sales and S'etvrce Mrs.'B. H. Dowds 218 South St.' GE.RRY'S —APPLIANCES- The .Square - Goderich Now Owned and. Operated by Chuck Jewell 03 . WORK BOOTS EXCELLENT SELECTION Regular or Safety Toe • 14 Different Styles DAVE GOWER'S industrial & Gard.en Centre Hamilton St. 524-8761 , . IIIIIIIINWIO THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD FURNITURE The Nairnes df Six Signal -Star Subscrib- ers Are To Be Found In Onc Of These Ads Now Showing CO MING NEXT: March 26-27-.28-29 "Love Bug" A Walt Disney Feature alum rims Now a good salary Opportunity -security for you in a business career Goderich Business College . NIGHT SCHOOL 1 Typing, Bookkeeping, Shorthand (Tues. & Thurs.'El/ening) 524-8521 , a S,EWING MACHINE FLOOR CARE • SALES & SERVICE . Authorized SINGER Agent Phone GIL RPMMENIE Bus.:524.8431 Res.: 528-8916 • MEN'S WEAR t• TELEVISION f PHILIPS C. H, Homer 246 Huron Rd. For That CERTAIN Flair - . IN MEN'S WEAR EARL RAWSON • MEN'S WEAR On The Square, Goderich THIS SPACE RESERVED. FOR YOUR AD Fh SHOE STORES 0' GODERICK BUILDING - CENTRE Harold W. Shore 23 Britannia E. * 524-83?3 ctsmisisgat•=aQnglesea For The - FINEST in ' FURNITURE LODGE Furniture -• West St. -- Goderich i onaiimi 'clgeSureToSee Our Display Of 'PAINTINGS THIS.SPACE° RESERVED FOR YOUR AD •J PHILCO Colour - Tel S and evision ALES ERVKE 524-9432 RIWETT S TELEVISION— RADIO 34 The Square - Goderich `• THAVE.L SERVICES - �' r ..-, a*. For FASH ION — RIGHT SHOES Percy.Barff'er 188 Palmerston St. The Place To Go Ls ROSS SHOES Thee Square Goderich SPROULE SHOES Footwear-Filr The Family - 524-9174 .000 THISSPACE.. RESERVE'. FOR YOUR AD 5 THIS SPACE =RESERVED FOR YOUR AD THIS SPACaE RESERVED • FOR YOUR AD _ b -D. A+- KAY & SON: - Painting and Decorating Contractors. -Painting, Wallpapering • Draperies, Floor,Sanding 33 Huron Rd. 482-9542 Clinton CONTEST RULES. Each week the names and addresses of 6 subscribers will appear in the Business Directory. -Look for your name and address in the ads. -Take the Business Directory and suitable identification to the advertiser in whose ad your name appeared and -Pick up your passes by Saturday night closing. ' Only Subscribers to the Signal -Star are eligible. a VOW.,+�a�e�n,-..>c14zS*h,,,,. t;+am+,+s•37i',.a*.i:...�mti:tY`::a..�5 P•