HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-12-29, Page 1Subscribe Ibr The EXETER ADYOUTE. Only Olt from new till Xannar9, 1.894, Give it trial, The ADY0Ciav —when iiL Aale Bilis, Hand oil's, Lette Reads and hirivempes-in fae all kinds of printing, EXETER, 0Nr.ICARIO TITURSDAY DECEIVIBER 29 1892. NO 29()' The 11,161sons ' , ank., (Chartered. by Parliament, 1855.) Paid up Capital ... - • • • • • $2)°°°7°°°. Rest Fund,. • ••• , .... ,,,,,., , 1,100,000, Head office Montreal. F. WOLFERSI'AN TROMAS, Esq., GENERAL MANAGER. Money advarte. .1 . aeod Farmer's on their own notes w..1. one or more endorsors at 7 per cent per annura. Exeter Branch. Open. every lawful day from 10 a, m. to 8 p. in., Saturdays 1.0 a. m, to 1 p. m A general banking business transacted otTBRENT RATES allowed for mon- ey on I)eposit Receipts, Savings Bank at 8 neneent. e ' ST DtER RURDON , • ., . Exeter, Jail 28,088, Sul) Manager ' ••••••........}.4.44.11l1.0,........•.614•0•61.....1.x.als• i TI -1E ' eirt,....a.../..-4., b......,......... ,„ y_p,Ar„,x4K, git, ..V f ) is publishea every Thursday Morning, 2 at the office, . / 101N -STREET, - EXETER. • Bs. ilhe SANDERS' PUBLESISING COMPAN SI . TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid' in Advance. 81.50 if not so paid. aLc1.-nsertIm9a-i.s, met.teari 0=. .2S.pi•lace.- • tioxi. ' --- ' No paper discontinued un til all arre.aragois. are paid.. Advertisemen.ts without ?Pawl c' itii.e.tions will be published till forbni and *barged accordingly. Liberal discount mo,de for transcien.t advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turned. out in the finest style, and at moderato rates. Cheques,money ord- ers. Stc. for advertising, subscriptions, oto• l'° be made payable to Sanders Sz Dyer PE 01'111E44.)ES „,_..-.....,..................---.. cietrareit ;Directory. TTT MEMO t.11.4.1. GRITItefi.--Rev. F. IC `eotor. Sunday Services. 11 a• m sahbate Soliool, 3 r .m. Holy n, ist Sunday of each as.0 nth at ervice. and. in months of five Sun-, Evening Service of Ith. Sun day of h.. Holy Baptism on 2n.d. Sunday . ontli at morning service. I* °DIST OFEURCII.--Stlalles-st ,Rev. A. L. ,Eastor. Sand-aY sssvie•es''•"" '' al 80 p.m. Sabbath Sch.00l, 890 p. ni. A.IN STEEET-ii,ev. W. MeDonagh, Pas- bbath School 240 p. in. '1.1.118BYTE1iIANOliWICI.1.—ROv. W. Martin, tor. Sunday Ser vices, E. Lt. rn., aud b.30 p. au . bbath school, 8.15.,. in EXETER MARKETS. Wheat per bushel_ , . $0.58 to '0:0 BarleY • • • • • • • , • • • • • • 85 to • 87 oats .....; ''' • ,,, .... • • • 20 to 27 peas ,, .. , .. .... .... . , ..... , 5109toto,51 Buttee • ' • ‘ • • * ' • ' • • • •,., • • • • • • • n to 11 i' . ' ° • ' " ' " " ' Ee rs .,.. 18 & 18 -.• , • • • • ,, 1.1ekeil per 1 0 .. 6 to 5 .. 7 to 8 DUCkS " , . N. . 6 to 7 Geese " . Turkeys n .... .... 9 to io Pork :. . ... .Potatoes per ous , .. i5050toto70500 Hay per ton .... .‘•6.00 to 7.00 HensalL Sodom. , Farquhar. RillsoTeen.. 0 'OATS WANTED. ' Gnoti clean white oats, present price 2,6 toi,20srlep000risirtsr;ifoliitlavitinteb:m0ttetastti.tttlassznitithaut totsclispoo.stle,i(74reaeseTeLeefe4ertmtt: elt:gslanil ooltit meal mills. D. v.."Qu'i4li'r The discussion on the 4‘Indian and Negro" e,ainc off las't Wednesday, and resulted in fan Or ,of,r, the negro. , S The sloulees4ttihonoffejeaitileuxatr31Ar, iesdflQiertiklaa2a• evening, against Capital Punishment_ ,a, Sweet loads ,--.... The shooting mated) , on Friday last Wa8 a deeided SUce.ess, Some ne000df shooting was done although nal 8h0S0 ell OSe n had never tried trap shoot- lag before, Sides were ' chosen by Captains J Purdon and T. Bell. ,The ScnooL ExAm"----ATiox-On It?,1031ti, :iriht,t.hle,aptataresnetvsearttid hsi S. S. No, 7, Stanley The es ttend d ley u.pwards of ;veaduvaisitorseand over a dozer ' for capital punishment, C ,Prouty is st ephen. leader against it. If Mr. Sweet makes ----- as telling a speech on this question as one, of those pleasant affairs which he did on the negro, there will be but usually ealoSeS a flUtter of exeitement little prospect of capital punishment took place iit the residence of Mr at being abandoned very soon. The Filikbeiner 9111 con. on Wedues' day Sodomites are anxious to have a dis- 21st inst. The occasion being the cussion on the Poor House with any marriagecf his second aaughtenChrist club, before he County Council meet ina, to 'Mr. Wm. Dearing, of the 2nd in Jarman?, as after, all interest will comsof Stephen. The ceremony was be lost. losing side was at the expense of the SliPper' and great' credit is due the ladles for providing such an excellent feast. The following is the score, each contestant fired at 8 birds. T Bell 6, T. Routly 5. S. Passmore 7, J Heywood 5, E, Stone 3, R. Sweet 4, I. Brown 3, J, Bill 7, M. Clifford 1, G. Bissett 2,-43. J. Pardon 5, T. , . Minkin 6, P H • F unkin 6, l', Price 3, W. Page 3, A. McDermitt 8, T. Hey The prompt and aeon "at which the questions Put 7wn ing teachers were ansevered, their teacher has been doing itthooris.ouhg.0.1Tily, and a large e e e ata. n the SOetlylt all( proves the great popularii At the close of the tion g and interesting was gone through, and the manner in which the pupils Municipal Cards. To THE EnEnTorss OF EXETER, ....,,,...,. Having, at the earnest solicitation of ratepayp•s representing different shades of' oponog, acetipted the nomination for Ite 'N't.' I. resneetffilly solicit ',lir influenee .1. 'a tO oti • ' '; 1- lv a nrh3i, jar 7 p 1 a llp _ p,11•,0!•;* ...,. , . bef„re glirjet=iirli.:1,"111,•3:1,"I'n'LL ti(t) gsrfir° able that a certain number oe the eopseseet. atives should bring to their duties cinalifica- tions nob as Inlay clnarnely:-A hubi- nebs tsraining and praetical experLnce in Municipal work. If intrusted NVibll a. share in the represent- stat ation of Exeter, I shall makce it,MY nOnn endeavor so to ;Lot tbg to jostIty the confi- deuce of my friends and to merit the appro- balder). of my felloNv citizens. I regret that time -will not permit a per- soual canvass to a31 and I have 'therefore tb content myself' with the only means now remaining of aslting your support at the polls. . Wishing you a happy and prosperous New -rear, I am 1 our 01a:client Servant, . . 10 THE ELECTORS OF EXETER. rli. — I am agoin in the field for Councillor and respectfully solicit your influence and vote Thanking you for past favors and hopoing to be remem b,.red lit the polls by all, next Monday, I am, 1 ours 'Tritely, E n CimusTIE. To r.r.ETE ELECTORS OF EXETER.. performed by the Rev. D. H. 13rand, of Crechton in the presence of about, one Sunshine. , nunarea couples. 9.'he bride Was as ids bane Miss The Christmas festivities in wood 4, T. Ogden 3, S. Speare 5, T. Passmore 4,-47, Capt. Heywood, act ed as referee. themsolves was appreciated ' L. was given a splendid pre bum and mirror) aeeompan sisted by two bild•sin annual k• a s a Murtha Dearing alld Miss Maggie connection with the Sabbath school ` KitiMP, here, ware held on Sunday and Konday ROdgerville. kindly worded address to feelingly replied, Mr. L. tees and were each attired ni a beautiful grey cashmere, and each last, 25 and 25th hist, when W. H.Gane i • •" cr y, eann, a Silk veil and carrying in of Amerstburg,de.livered his celebrated their hand 'orange blossom boquets. leetule,"Sense, common andotherwise." The oToom was supported by Messrs. The people heee are very fortunate in ''. A very pleasant and interestin o wedding Ceremony was performed at't the residence of Mr. Charles Harrison, here, on Wed. 28th inst., whereby his ,..t. GOderieh COI. Inst, to study I . ceirowngih.aidse certificate. Ma, efforts. ONE W110 W Chas Isaac and Jacob Finkbeiner. '1 he their selection of Mr. Gene to conduct presentS were numerous and costly, these services as the people in the 4 " • youngest daughter was united to Ar thur Francis of Winchelsea. The cere- Greenwa7 4 t ‘.\. e extend to the worthy and happy neighborhood and surroundiing corm couple our best wishes and congratu' try are always pleased to meet with , • • iations. tinS popular preacher and his two ser- irons on Sunday and lecture on Mon mony was performed by the Rev. H, J. Fair Hensell in the presence of a ' ` ) number of guests. The presents were 0 numerous. The bride left this Rev. Mr. Baker, of Cre Changed pulpits with. Rev. J. last Sabbath. He preached . . Municipal Nominations . day night only added a larger instal ment to the good will sherished for him morn. ing, for her future home in Winchelsea, We extend congratulations. . terestino. and Instructive ser 6 Jas. Brophy is very sick. H. . THOKERSMITII--Iteevel Shephard, ac by his old flock in this locality. -Many . . elarnation; Deputies, Walker wed Me. visitors are around spending their hol K' - C 1 ncillors, Rankle. McLean, La idays in this vicinity. Anions' the -, a.' ' °I a ten, MeCloy, Doig, - Patterson, Dames we noticed John Wilcox, Albert Hall and Breadfoot. and Miss Ella Halls. -Chris. Stoneman BAYFI.ELD.--Reeve, and Cas -iS visiting at Mr. Eyre's.-Mr. G. W. t le ; Councillors, Mar ks. Few lie, Fraser Holman's three little children are just Simons, Sewett, 1Vild and Thompson. recoverinao• from a severe attack of c-rlet fever. -Great sorrow was felt OTEPREN.-lieeye, V. Ratz; First 1.81Ceal • e on receiving the news of .the Deplitv, II. Eil her, Second Deputy C • ' - > '''' death of Mr. Thos Halls of Belleville,. Sherritt; Councillors, Fred Wuerth, Deceased was a -nephew of Councillor Richard Hicks, all by acclamittion. Halls and was well known here. -We HAY -Reeve, George MeEwen, J. C. are to say that our frieed Frank a Finn. -About 4•o'clock on Saturday evening. last, the residence of Wm. 0' Brien Hav tp WaS burned to the ground. Mr, O'brien was at a neigh. ors and Mrs. O'Brien went out to the barn to do some chores, on returnin a. to the house, she saw clouds (if smoke issuiuts from the roof. It is sup a posed the fire originated from a defec• tive chimney. Almost every thing was burned up. All the clothing was des troyed, scarcely any thing was saved No Insurance. bad cold a ute.ek ago and has der the doctor's care ever st: R. L. Wilson and family am last Monday from Fd y Mill; the week visiting his rnat.v . The Christmas Tree Enterta Boston Methodist Church las evening. -was the best they for a number of years. Ti filled to overtlowince a was • 4., could not gain admittance as return to their 'homes. The acted their parts excellent in tationa and dialogues In My many friends havinf; requested me to all o w my n a me i 0 g u la fore the electors of Exotor for Conneill”r. I hove decidd to do so and now solicit your influence and votes. Wishing you a happy .,iew Year I am. Yours Truly, W:G. B1SSETT. TO THE ELECTORS OP EXETER. ...._ I beg leave to animal -lee that I am Scan- aiaate for Councillor l'or 1S111 .tnd respot- f ii , I. •t , , . ., i ,, , .1 faajars.° ..crAsili°Ingt Vian'llineaViY( vote,14.11'exanZ I am Y our 101,Cdieun t Survatit, T. IL McCALLum. ....,.................. glad ,..tea son , First Kalhfiaisch, Robert Pet • • Halls is almost. fully recovered froni Deputy, j. H, schnellesabert Ternhal.11; his sickness with Typhoid fever. Secorld Deputy, Mose•s Geis.,..er, Win. . Zurich, -- 20 Gout discount during January p tree a large arch was erected cred with evergreens. Over many beautiful and valna ..as-- Cald well ; Councfnors, John Voelker, R. Cromartv. McMurdie, Beilj. Suturus, William Battier. The concert in S. S. No. 5 was a EmpuLpii—Old council ie elected. grand success. The school was packed COLEORNA-Old council re.clected. to the doors. The comic readings and recitations by Mr. McCallum were well SEAPORTII-Mayor, W. M. Gray; n' applauded. byW. W. Thonison leas D. Wilson, D. Ilolmstead; Reeve, M. Y. • .- gone south to spend his Christmas holi McLean, E. C. Colman, Dr, Campbell 6 . . days. -Miss B. Park is home for the Dr. Smith; Deputy. Jas. 'Watson, Cr, E - holidays It is rumored that peop,e Henderson. F. S. I'reelin, E. O. Coleman - - *- are prepering for a grand wedding n per off Tweeds, Overetnitings, Mantlinss, Jacket- logs, Shawls and balance of "Fall Dress Goods, at APPEL & ZELLER,S, Zurich. Excellent sleighing. -Mr. Morris Ehnes, of Saginaw Mich., is under the 7 parental roof at present.-Alr. Henry De.ichert is visiting friends and vela_ tives in this vicinity at present. -Miss Hannah Moritz and Levine Truemner after spending several years in Dakota have returned home. -Xmas passed off merrily in this village. Festival:: ReyS. tuner an .. . i C • '. d R L W'l very instructive addresses children and parents. The si the children and choir wasc Too much praise cannot be Mr's. A. M. Wilson for trai scholars in their recitations logues and Miss Rose Br training' their 'singers. Their will not soon be forgotten. the presents were beautiful a youR ..oi i,,,! ',..``. '''..?.."-.)i.511111P '‘V ... . 41R.....6.- , -_,......-......- HEALTH. _ isd li ....A. _.e.• 1.titt ...,,... 4 'C •`". ,• ..., . ..i,,,-/ " f-1' 4 .:,.•• ri. . T I . .4' Frofes'sional Cards. ..„-..............................-..............„-....,....—....,.. Tr.E.INSMAN,L.D.S,..Fanson's Block ..."."--.. ,,,.t. two doors north of Carling Store, STRSET,EXSTE1_,t ex.traets teeth without 'loin. A.way at Densall ou 1st Friciay; Aliso, Craig on 2nd and 4th Tuesd.a,y. and Zurich on last Thursday of each month. .A.y..-,znoltreerly.......arrecoilmitissastocrusarlawavomoom.....monsev ri H. INGRAA.e.3)nivrisr, Menber Royal 1,...)* College Datil:al Surgeons, successor to H. L. Billings. i' Office over Post Office Exeter., Ont/safe anaesthetic given for A of teeth. e o the pamiess ex raction EinGrld. Fillinas as re uired. •r'ess...-,......./......------------------ ... .---,.'70 Kirkton. 'Wednesday next, -best wishes. -Mrs. . . . R Norris P-lS now lying tn a very eriti- cal condition and the doctors say there As announceds churels catn of St , the concert in aid off of the S . S. . 'e is not much hope for recovery.-Slessrs Paul James and Isaac Norris are borne from last Thursday evening. Considering. James the extre.me severity of the weather Toronto University to spend their va and the nneoinfortable state of the old , cation Town Hall the audience was fairly Miss Letitia Hamilton has recovered with an ex from a severe attack of inflammation, good. They were greeted wt . - --111r. John Miller, of Heesall, paid cellent programme contributed by Mr. . 'McCallum, of Exeter; who gave several Cromarty a flying visit on Sunday P characteristic readings and recitations last. -Mr. L. Speare, of Ilensall, spent which convulsed the house with lanai' Sunday under the parental roofs -Mrs. ter; by Mr. CS. L. Sienese whose collie James Miller, Sr., had a very- severe rendering:of songs ill character great- attack of brain fevei• on Sunday last, ly amused the audience; by Mr. A. E. but under the careful treatment of Dr. Teskey, of St. Marys, whose selections Naismith, of Staffa, she is recovering on the clarionet, accompanied by Miss lowly,and we hope to see her around. Dickenson on the organ, were much again soon. -Miss Lena McLaren, who appreciated. and by Messrs. Taylor has been working at the millinery in 7 Hespeler, is spending Xmas holidays were held in the, Evangelical and Lutehran churehes Christmas Eye._ Mr. Edward Polland, of Bay City, Mish, and Miss L. Rennie, of this yin age, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony last Tuesday. We wish ptheeroltitasplpifee• .couple a happy and pros . Crowded. out last week. Miss Smith, milliner at E. J. Spack- man &Co. Exeter, was the guest of Miss Lillie Hersey last Friday night. - Miss Lillie Hardy, of Exeter, and the Misses M. urdock and Johnsons of Hen saiewere the emests of MissEdith Stein. bach last Friday night. -Mr. Dan Dyer, r e 1 A on. tae ,..DvOCATE) and wife were the a „nests of Mrs. D. Steinbach Friday last Dan did considerable business while here, his old friends aro stand.ing by him, the ADVOCATE'S able, among them were a Persian lamb cap and overco to Mr. C, H.' Wilson, comm Unientent, No, 48: of Maccabe by his friends in this Order. Stepton and Richard Web Philip Baker a committee of )1 attended and made the pre This speaks highly of the feeling existing, in this Societ mheeatin•tbsearetedre mAandeadgmlailiboya• ii • and 15 cents was charged at which amounted to over John Sherritt, Deputy reeve, hen and all the other membe: Year, were re-elected for anot This speaks hiesh•, a lv of the wi, ion made by the Ratepayer, Township of Stephen. - IF YOU ARE RON DOWN EiRilr a , ,1 -...‘ medico. ' - - T )3 WH TELY,, M.D., C. M., PHYSICIAN u . ancnargeon. Office and residence- Dorner Victritt and. Elgin streets, Goderich, Ontario. -. • It Will . Will -_,, Win Will Yourself .' E., - .. • Make You Tone Your Make You Strong, Make 'foil Again, losi , Eat1 Nerves i `' . Feel Like "Ii -NR. I. A. ROLLINS. OFFICE -MAIN ST. If Residence -Corner Andrew and North ;treats, Exeter, Ontario. .........................................7_=......„.„ "ila. P.P. XcLAUGrHLIN, MEMBER Oh ..L., the College of Physicians arid Surgeons patario . Physician, Surgeon and. Aneouch- enr. Office, 1.7ashwood, Ont. -.67------=)-7-7'ittsenatter of FIR. P. A. AMOS, • , -.7 , • 7. .. ... .L., College of Physicians and Sulgeons, osetario; licentiate of the Royal O61.1.44.pf Physicians and Surgeon's Eclinburghi, boon- Hate of the .9'aoulty of Physicians and' Sur- ,,,,••eons, Glasgov,-; Fellow of Trinity .111:cdfatil ooliege, To onto. Office -Dr. Cowi3tea,for.* flier residen e. and Hazelwood, accompanied ny miss • with her parents. Elazelwood on the organ, whose must- and fsubscription list is booming in this vicinity. -While BIRTH*. cal performances added considerably to the evenings entertainment. Rev. Around. About Us. your correspondent was eatiu,g supper at Mr, D. Steinbach's one day last week heard issuing from HEYWOOD-Tu Exeter, on I the wife of Mr. John Heyw ,------"".';1-" . ..... .IliegaL • ' • i""'• -•re ---4,."---"'"'";-4- . cabanas, EARaisTEuesolacre- ten, Con've5ancer, Notazy 'Public. -Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeteri.Ontario, v,to Loan. • : . , . . Mr. Steele also eontributed a reading entitled "The Last Hymn." .A. vote of Mr. James Cochrane, of Mitchell, sounds were the parlor, such, as are made by a little son. thanks was cordially °Avers by the narrowly , escaped being killed last . a - week. While fellince a tree in Mr. audience to Mr. D. Brethour for his a . . conduct in the chair, and to the -sever- Robert Jones' wood a large piece of a . 11 f • • •1 d the • dead limb fell and struck him upon a performers W10 1111116 le le sato • gramme. We understand that the the head, causing a deep gash, which b • . is required several stitches to bring it proceeds, after paying a expenses, were satisfactory. The concert was together. brought to a close by sipging • the Mr. E. C. Steele, P.L.S., of Toronto, . National Anthem. ' ' son of Rev. H. D. Steele, of Kirkton, . . met with an accident on his road from child preSsing on a piano key and as no person or child was in the room at the time, it was the cause of great wonderment. On going into the par lor to seek the cause, e7large pet . cat belonginss to Miss Edith S. was dis- a . covered sitting on a piano stool thump. ing away at the keys, and apparently enjoying the discordant music which it was producing, As a musician, DEATEM. — HANDPoren.-In Exeter, on hist Isaac Handford. aged e and 6 months. HODGINS.-In Lucan, 161 Hodgins, beloved wife of Jo ins, in the 80th year of hei A r r.... ,4 • T ITDRTYWS.-..n ()LAC= 011 rola CIIRONIc COUGII IT IS ALIIoST SPECIFIC. '. t,DICKSON, BA.RRISTER, SOLICITOR • cif Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- talr, Commissioner, &c. Money to loan )ffice-Fanson's Block, Exeter. ' ' in illksulmonaryDiseases with made. •th 'et' f bl d th tion as well as wi sm. Ingo oo e ' — ' effects of this remedy are ve marked, 17 50c. AND $1.00 PER BOTTLe: DE SURE YOU GET VAC"- Do ill. W.! The Carrier Bay. , 7 he, ADVOCATE Carrier Boy, in ac honored. eustom, eordance with a timeroads will present his card and compliments to our readers to day. No doubt h e .„ will h• go Immo after is long tramp with it light heart, ready for a brio•ht s . , , , :. , . k' Ann jot ous pew yetis, as he WIShes all MS kind friends. He is a faitl f ---1-u-1 said Ma IWS few slips in any fellow, ,- „ . weather, . His difficulties aVe 110t a few • end his o'er t - 1 f' tl ( 1 ' • , < , . 6 icia al i u lleSS ie gratifying. to hiS CM ployers. "----------"------e—s- p.LLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC- •L'j ill's' (3"veYan"r8' 8"" B. V, Efrido,r. J. EL T..10T .....m.4.................m.......m.rml................rnmeco. .... 4fiss-sss - , . Auctioneeas St. Marys. Thestage driver's horse Dashwood.William having taken 'fright, MrSteele jump. " Thomas Cat Steinbach" is a novelty.- As a concert gcing, people, we believe X.A a Andrews, Father c Walter Andrews, formerly CHRIST1vIAS was a very quiet day ,in • ed out of the buggy, dislocating his our town °wipe. to the severe snova: left shoulder. Through the kiudness e, the citizens of our town are unsurpas- sed by any other town in the County • weed 77 years. a e ‘ se ts. taaOteen,Witchelsee... Licensed Auct- 1.1., ioneer for the Counties of Perth and Vtiddlesex, also for the township of Usborne itles promptly attended to and tormsreasou •ble. Sales arranged at Post office, Winchelsa 7 eeeeseene------"------ A J'. ROLLINS, late of Manitoba, Licens- tiLyed Auctioneer, for the counties of' Hur- sn, and. Middlesex. Residence: 1 mile south of Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders by mail or other- wise promptly attended. to at reasonable prices. Pt storm which has rendered some be' the of Dr. Irving, who conveyed hiset- almost inipassible-The Evan- lent out to Kirkton, Mr. Steele is get , '• dSchool1 ' i • , ci .• c ting along comfortablY• gelical Sun ay mai t len, ii is • . , , . Inas Tree on Christmas Eve when a Alex. Calder, who ran a sawmill in very enjoyable evening was spent-. by Huron County about two miles from • ' - • friends The Lit -Blyth for John McMillan about a veer children and their friends, e. , , theraus also held their's the sameettern ag;o, was arrested. in Grand Rapids, in °' equal success.-- n Mih., on t . are o em- ' with l ' 0 MondayArch Saturdayo i a ch we f ' • • evening a sleigh -load of Dashwood 'bezzlement, The surnplaced in the ,. ,,, - , i d , t m . Daniel warrItnt ds -$200; ' but Mr. McMillan 3 mine . ran„,s, - a e Babylon Line, and put in a olallas that Mr. Calder ran away in eseea 7 jolly time until an early hour.---Sever..-Novemben, 1831, with $800 beloots•ing al et the sports here " took in " the ball to the complainant. ' The mill used to at Zurich on Monday evening. -The L be owned by McKinnon & McMillan, 0.F. Concert promises to bring a large, but the first earned went out of the crowd. on Wednesday evening. Doors business about two years ago. De- 7 C '• .t b ' t 8 tective' Allen traced Mr Alder to open at . pan, (mace evils a P. • tn. Come early and seeure Beata be- Grand Rapids, and was aSsistecl by De- fore the rush,,-rbe storm cal Christmas. tectives Smith and Darr, of that . city,' on I warrant is as said before filled the roads and refl. in making the arrest .• dered driving efter night impossible sued'by Judge A. C. Adsit of the , . 6 , t. , much to the re,gret of one of our stoney), Seventh Judicial Circuit Court of . - ' 1 • • .• • , • .. man who ,was seen next morning re Michigan. The original m anent Was turning With his weary nag at about iSsued by SqUire Manning, of Clinton. 10 aril. But then its Christmas times Mr., Calder was settled in Grand Rap M El 1. • 1 f - id5 nr•th If ' 1' - nd family conaist' te you know, -i r. i in iaum is iere rom , 1 is wi e a ine f 0, • • p an • bree Deltote visiting friends, Also Mr. II. 0 one eiown u son d two or t Kellerman froth' Michigan, Their wives married. daughtera and sons•in-law. Sceotapany theire-No more do we see He claims that he has done nothing the fa the, ef rm' of our hotansraphle wronte and much against the wishes . , m ci 0„ P t:, , . , '''' ' . .-- d • il consented to come over artist in our midst, nor do we heal the of ,his fam y hotice of his sudden • ' demise contradict- withOut the formalitY Of extradatiOn, d ..,1 — f 11 areb 0'' . tr pet •ctive Allen errived with Wan on c an- smolt. it .y •we eatinuna , a . , to fear the Wen* His studio and its Sunday at noon, and Me. Calder spent notable ciin,ri emblazoned in colors laSt oight tit the London 11011Se. He worthy of lu yandyke are alt that re- wilt be taken . to, Clinton tceday to , tirsin II) In 1'1' I ear0er etit ShOrt in Its standsbis exarniiiatten befere the snag- — . .'.i <X • - ,..,,. 1.....711: ..• -ito..1,..,,,, ....N. iakentek. A ‘ which was avidneed last Friday even- hag at School childrens, concert held in the town hall which was even surpas- . e , , , . sed by pious school enteitaiu nients. Long before the program corn- slammed people were crowding in and , ... by the time the ,eurtrain rolled up there was not even -standing room left. The . r ---e program Was a. long one, in faet too 10ug, but it was a veryinteresting one While it we:mid take too much spaco to ennumerate each performance we can. not pass thedumb bell, , broom, club swinging, and hoop exercises without saying that the same, if done by city school scholars would be given great credit-especially'the dumb bell exer- • . . ' else., Although there was but one break in.the May Pole dance the little girls aid Tent nicely indeed but if ap a , „ , ' pfause means anythilig we would. say that we.e Miss Hardy and .Master Kio . • a , . e ' a d . L111,,,(.1 WhOS ages o 1101 count mole than 4 yearwere the 'little stars of the °Veiling. The concert was a great eredit to Mr Sam J Latta and his aid- . de -stag .Tho program all through crov . . . 'Ichers iutendet it ed that the U.., , • • to be an intereSttng one and it was, and the people of Zutich have good e 1 a 0 a ,. those whom reasons to cc prou o ose t" ' they haste to look %after the ethic& ion et their ehildren, Miss Edith Steinbach ..,. . , the talented noting mnsteurn proaided at the organ during! the Otetting'S re- cital. Proeeeds amounted to $50. Sol Hardy proved hitisself 'a lightening' tie- t. het se,llei•, an4Sob Johnson, check. I' ItEA111111,11.3.G -- , brume -Spas -At the residen bride's parents, on the 28th the Rev.H D. Brand, Frani Lucan, to Miss Sims, Credit, CI ,GDEN--SOTHIND--At the Kirkton, on the 21s1 inst., X Oteden of Usborne to Mi Schmid, of Stephen, former] troit. 0 oWEET---GILT.,-At the reside , • . , bride s permits, on the 28th the 'Rev. A, L Russell, The Sweet, of Mitchell, to .Miss d a f I 1 N sccon aughter o i AMEY-LTOSKI'VS -At the resi b •'d ' ' • t • tl 21 ' re ii e S pltiell $ on re by the Rev. A: L Russel . . , • _ „ Amey, ot stephen„ to .elis; d. 1 ht • f W*11'• - secOn caug ei o i iani , tee "''cls, ' TatavEn---Serrrit-At, the resi the bride's parents, Hills& _, a 28th inst., by the. Rev. Hein , TiMain-street, of Hensall, John George T .. a Miss. -Win ira eldeat datto,htt -ear, e a ,-SlIenises with, a .astn-A the rest S IITII ti' t ' ' ' • ' Mr. seaaesbawden, on the t.,) inst. b, the Rev. A. I, Ruts ? s , ,,, , , B. 0., Mr, J, Archibald bent katoon, N. W. r,.. to Miss f, fourtladanghter of the b Bee , of the Restal Marine , .. ... „fan ...111)X.IYVIIS.FRVIEWEN•,1.* EBOSSEN33ERRY, Hensall Ontario., Lie- . . awed Auctioneer for the Counties of Myron and Perth. Charges moderate ana attisfaction guaranteed.. ...se,,,,,,,,„___,,,.,...e.-------.....—...-- HARDY, Licensed Auctioneer for tb e L • ,Coun ty of Huron. Sales Oondneted on reasonable terms. Fibrin and Farm Stock a ( pecialty. Full 'arrangements eau be raade afthis °Mee. • ________,______ -, idiniville. The nomination roceediroes here on , .. p . ' 1.. 'Monday last weire cluiracteriz ed by a great deal of mud slinging; although there was liitle. but sinolie and bowl, ino• for the eld councile who with all a .,• their•So-called mistakes. were elected by aeclamation except Mr. Cameron who will have riAeory ettano. opponent in the perSon of Mr. AJfrerr Hankins, The latter is it o•entlema i• all ti ' and. ' '-'1 ' 1' .)""' ese,rves we I at.the bends•ot the • .7 , < . . , electors . There were e' °Telt many nominations made ' as dime] but as usual did not Ma terhill'80 fled aa a there a re-lnativ disa ' t 1.- , . , , ....ppm .et in who' amyl to take great in slinging • rratti at -theist ,_ r,„ , „ f 1 ' ' ..1 nOiniUg• , 1)081E1711 , 0 , tees ler) tiM, .,..1 those ihdividueltt evol 4.e4tilitu thOt ..at ' tentloti to SotriethInts hisXstett's" •OSid of nosing. 80 lunch in -strier-S.iteiSiess, ea, better state bf .affairs' woUld 'probably ,i ..... ' ' REDWEARNOOMBProvineial Land ma"-------- s'"''• uk. . , .1: . SUrveyor and. Civil Engineer. °Lace, ,Syer Pest °nice, Main street, iiixeter, Ont. :pin, a. i ELL OT.tl nrrs.f - atensa voa, e - ,rn Fire Assurance Company, ,. • ,s, . , of Toronto, illt•Fire In' urance Co'y., 'L'6""'r" l'g1tInd•• iiiente Eire sur. Co'y., ,: ' 0 donant, Enaltend. • aetos, Ont. •nnsin*"*""sn MILLER, Voteriesane sergeore •restilt, aato of the. Ontario Veterinary •sonto,(ettheasserto 'Win. Sweet, .dividuals ;4,18 years preatioe. Ottice ana. •setisfaetion bile bleak easteoOticherci Pickerels 1) Site S.ijltL,iwlt1:,Lte.r.L.9.ki..i.t., ,..: B SALE. ix atiersigneel has for salo, s 11 t orough•leent rox Hound pi,t_ps, . ..,...s TilUrSday 6 connee. holars of' amination. two hund- teachers antler in the visit. shows, that his work ber of vis. vieinity y of Mr examine222 - program excellent 2 22 ace uitted y all, Kr_ SeRt, (al- - ed by a which he s 22 102 the or a high. • suceess• AS Tisnura, iton, ex. E. Holmes very in - mon. -Mr. caught a been un- ce.-Rev. rivedhere to spend friends.- inment t Monday have had. e church. 12 n um ber id had Ittl scholars their red ace of a. and cov- this were ble gifts. on gave to the nging harming. given to Mug the and dia. ophy for influence Many of nd valu- beautiful at given ander bof es, given Messrs. er and laccabees sentation. brotherly- . Many eing re- ee of 10 the door 35. -Mr. of Step - .s of last her year. 80 select of the ec. 29th ood of a the 24th 42 years h, Ann hn Hodg- age. 7th inst f Captain of Exeter ce of the inst., by Snell, of n. Rectory. r. Thos, ss Mary y of De- ice of the inst., 2 by odore C. nit Gill: dethritief nsto, 22 1, , Moses; Lizzie, Hoskin,. 12 donee lQf .een, on. •y Irvine, 'oyes', to, r of Mr. ence of th inst., sell, M. A In of Sae,- arali te John I '