HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-03-19, Page 1424 000$14,1014, MO AL.5PAft, UR;SPAY, MARCH 19, 1970' • p With -Shirley, . Keller Woman to Woman. I: -struck a responsive chord I got some reaction from a suggest. or plan something more last week. • few eteenagersg in town. , totheir liking. - •• For •.'.. the, first . time since At „fit they. were reluctant This watri't the first time I , coming, to God'ericr I have, had an avalanche• of comment about a. subject opened in this column ..: and it was the bit about the teenagers •and their "recreation" Rroblems_that did it. • All . ;ay Thursday I talked to people by telephone, on‘ the street, in their homes, in my home and at their businesses, concerning the charge that teenagers in Goderich don't have anything to do in their leisure «hours. I listened . to . a variety of viewpoints but through it. all I heard very few solutions to the problem •:. and EVERYONE is agreed that there is• a problem, though there is some disagreement just what the• problem,- really is. • To give you some idea of the cross-section of Goderich citizens to which 'I spoke, I will report on just four conversations. I won't betray their confidence by giving their names. That mustbe my secret. - One conversation was_with_ -.mother who has •a couple of teenagers as well as several other children growing, up and fast approaching those difficult years of decision. ., This particular mother takes her responsibility seriously. She tries to be a good mother and to provide 'the best possible influence for her children while they are at home. But the moment the ' children step, outside :her door, they " are in another world` and ripe for. all the temptations that go with it. This . mother doesn't mistrust her own children, ' or 'even — teenagers.. teenagers. in ge`tieraL -• She just feels, • that boysand girls, particularly those ,between the ages of 13, and 17, need all the help ° they can get ' to navigate that period as easily ..;and as pleasantly as ,possible. an opinion on any --had ward a. similar complaint organized youth program in front a youth worker. Just a town. L imagine this is because month or so ago, I talked to a they are afraid it will be nothing woman who`hook her head in more than "extra -curricular disgust at low-energy teens who regimentation", ... • just an have to have everything planned extension of school. ' and carried out for them. J One lady , &aid • , there. was But when I° explained to ,the plenty of organization geared to kids that I saw this thing as a • the teenagers but• she 'wasn't sure program to permit them to do whether it was the right kind of SOME of the 'things they really organization . and wished 'the like to do right here in beautiful young people would come Goderich, they began to ask forward with sone constructive questions." and workable alternatives. What kind of a program r. would it be? 'Would there be * ° * supervision? Would they be able to do their own thing? When ' 'would it be open? Who would be Then there was the wife of a mechanic who called me to tell `eligible to attend? me that her husband spends a Of course, I didn't have any few hours most every•night with answers, How could I? teenagers who, drop in at his - But I did tetitheni something service statjon just to talk about that I--think-should_ be repeated: here ..• and mothers, -please ,go These aren't bad kids, she get your teenagers so they can told me. They , are good, know this too. • clean-cut average .young men ,If the teenagers in Goderich who really "dig" cars and want -a Youth Centre or a youth everything that goes with them. program of any kind, they • must Her husband, she said, enjoys show some interest ... and the the kids and kids seem to enjoy - right - kind -,-,of interest.- They her husband's . company. They should be prepared to meet must. They - keep coming back. parents and other interested She suggested there were adults at least 1 if way by taking probably lots of other boys and some initiative to prove that all girls who had interests that teenagers are not • irresponsible weren't so easily satisfied. drug -shooting, Sex -driven If you are interested in cars`, • maniacs whose only desire iS to you can hang around a service make lifer miserable as possible station if you -find one where the for anyone older than 30 years. owner likes_ kids and manages to 'Teenagers should be ready • to find time for them. But- what sit -down and talk sensibly for a about the youngsters who have a few minutes with their parents, love for.guns or boats or sewing with their teachers, with the or. music ,or • ,drama or town council, with the service hairdressing or' judo or .. well, you use your imagination and fill in the blanks. , Where do these kids go, particujarly if their parents don't share the same interest. Or maybe their parents really' don't care too much in the first plabe. This caller believed these kids would enjoy and benefit from a Youth Centre if there was one in Goderich.- She thought it was'a capital idea and urged me to press the issue. clubs, 'with anyone who . will listen, about what THEY, THE KIDS, will contribute to this thing.' Teenagers have to -find some ways~to inspire 'confidence in the ' older generation, . and then to back that up with plenty of good old-fashioned follow through. If the kids say they will She 'wants her - teenagers off use a Youth 'Centre.,' if provid,ed, the streets and out of the with respect and for`;the purpose restaurants, notbecause there` is it is intended, they should live anything particularly wrong with up to their word. these places but because these : spots were not •'. second home for teenagers away their ideas known. If there is no. .from'home. • communication. between The ^She wants her teenagers to be : Establishment and The Now actively engaged in something Generation,_how can there ever that will take their Interest off be a solution? It is not wonder, the little habit-forming sideroads' that some folks say teenagers are some young people -often follow_ lazy and apathetic when arid focus their attention onto teenagers • themselves seem to something that , will broaden. 1,4 „no effort at all to solve their horizons and give their lives • their problems by the regular new excitement. tried and proven routes. She knows it is a large older and he knows it will not be intended to be a ` And teenagers should make s accomplished overnight. his mother reminded me that not every teenager has the amount of money t� spend that some national - magazines and television shows would have us believe. Therefore, any' organized plan for G.oderich teenagers should not be too costly for the kids (or for -the .. taxpayers) She recognized the problems entotrnt-e`re ,,.—,.by 'every organization to get responsible people who are ready, willing aria able to give of their time to work on various projects, ,and she knows it will not be a simple matter to enlist the services ,of :men and.women who -are suited to work with teenagers on this basis. • ' Yes, she had some suggestions. She counted several gymnasiums in : town that she felt should be opened one or two evenings a week to young people who want to wrestle or play badminton or " toss a basketball. She would like td -see a club room. somewhefe . hi town that, could be opened two or three knights a week to. the kids. Maybe they would want to sit around alnd. platy records', maybe they'd just like to have . a glass of pop and; talk; Maybe rbe° : theytd ^ l ke-'t o dance a . little; could ' be' some would enjoy a game of cards or an evening of Scrabble. YVho knows what'it would be? " Naturally, , volunteer , adults ',Would have to be on hand' to. supervise these kind` of actb4ties. there world be problems, disappointments*, , frrustrations, lre'tr'taes - But -the -teenagers of Coderi�ch.au'e,worth �ihisitirid iaf rlce, she feels.,; Apd'�;whats, ore,e if .somebody would, back. her 'upt ahe'd be the, first to vo1uhtee her " i k ! * *• And_ 'there are charges of laziness. Thursday I spoke to one man whoclaimedhe had no .sympathy for the teenagers of Goderich �(or any other place for that matter) 'because . the kids were doing nothing to deserve sympathy. ti This man has worked .with young people and has found them to be ungrateful for the time and effort expended by adults on their behalf; too rude to say "thank you".; and too; lazy to take enough interest to o * * * Local or hostess namid niodeLfor others the "111 Neighbor" Conference held in London recently, where Qoderich's special, brand of `Face-to=Face Friendliness' was cited as an example to other centres, and Betty a model for aspiring Hostesses. The three Fs Face-to,Face Friendliness -- characterize hostesses with• the Hi Neighbor Welcome Servi .s...Mildred Richardson, • its. executive Nice -president. • A Calgaty • resident, Mrs. .Richardson was in Ottawa recently for regional meetings of her organization, "We call ori new families who have moved^ into the cities or Well, I'm pressing the issue and • I'm ' . inviting more comments, • especially from the teenagers. My telephone number is in the book and my door is. open. - . There are rlihnors that a Youth. Centre is in the planning stages, but `I' know very little more than that. If a . Youth Centre is'in, the making, it should be carefully set, up . so that. it doesn't fall flat right at" the start. It will have to be the right kind. of environment to attract the teenagers, and' unless the `teenagers accept it, it is of no real val_"ue at_all,- That's why I'm concerned that teenagers, parents. and all. interested„ . persons make their ideas about a youth centre known to .the public:.. Use this column or simply• talk it up among your friends. Either way, the word will e, around to provide , a'-'�wl er —., base ' for decision-making officials. towns we're in, ,and we try to, Blake them feel as welcome as possible-,” she said in, an interview: ---- coming, _ "Our service is Canada's very own. It started 14 years ago; and we now have 200 branches across the country with a pproxima_tely 300 _ .hostesses." A new family family : is usually presented with a folder containing a letter of welcome from the mayor and the president of the Chamber of Commerce. It also contains information about local churches, recreational organizations,. hospitals, • •schools and local businesses. No samples are offered at the initial meeting. "We try ' to keep in , close - touch with the new families to see if we can orient them in any other way." Mrs. Richardson said.: "On, the average, . our hostesses .wilt sperid about half an hour on each Call," Later on, When the newcomer is more settled, the hostess will introduce her to the managers of local business firms who present her with a welcomirig,gift. �. The service, supporteft by businessmen in each locality, doesn't go into an, area unless invited by an organization such as the local Chamber of Commerce or board of trade. a It • . is not, operating in the United States,, but four branches are being: openndii -Australia. �--, Mrs..` Richardson has been with the organization from the start. Her background in public relations in_�'_oronte--to-prior to her marriage made her. a natural for the job, and she is. current president of the World Hostess -Association - She says prospective hostesses have to be .mature; motherly types `because many calls are made to young girls and, believe • it or not, when they move to a new city, the person they miss most is their Own mother." Mrs. Richardson , says the. hostesses . are often the first person New Canadians get. to know, and they ,must project ' C ,nada's image. Mrs. Betty :Reid, -- Goderich Hostess, took a leading part in A Midical secretaries hoId-.'meeting - The regular, monthly meeting , of ' the Huron County. °:Iviedi 1 Secretaries Association was held . in the . Auxiliary . Room of the Alexandra- Marine --and- 3eneraf- • Hospital, Goderich, on March 4. Correspondence received from the Ontario M.S. Association, TorOntp, was passed .,,around to . be read each, member. ,�. Mrs. Madeleine • Naftel, Clinton, was appointed to look after the scrapbook Ron Tucker, Hoescht Pharmaceuticals, was present and gave a very interesting showing of slides and film on Africa and Europe. Congratulations to Miss Pauline Dorking, Clinton, on her recent engagement. . REMEMBER HELP YOUR RED CROSS. TO HELP onp:ldL: McDOnqld CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 39 StP,David 3t„,5:,Z4-6253. Goderich, Ontario Awoisammaiaalivaisalal dlistiatifkaw i4S.ESSEX S'r„ G00ERICF#.` ONTARIO Available For , , PUBLIC OR. FR IVATE •PA.RTI.ES 'BINGOS CONCERTS DANCES! * CONVENTIONS Catering toy Luncheons ` * COCKTAIL PARTIES *. BANQUETS, ETC. Special attention to weddings' PHONE 524.9371 or 524-9264 rector Alexander arid Chapman GENERAL INSURANCE SEAL .ESTATE' - ' PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce .Bu ild.ing. - Gol.erich, D1a1.524-9662 . R. W. -BELL OPTOMETR IST The Square 524-7661 A. M. HARPER CHART,RED-ACCOUNTANT TELEPHONE 40 THE SQUARE GODE.RICH, ONTARIO A 524-7562- APLE LEAF MILLS LIMITED SEED DIVISION EXETER 235-0363 For Personal Service And the Kind of Quality You .Can Depend On ... . SEE YOUR LO6AL DEALER ,F`IAR,p 1-G.R E EN! -1 PASTURE MIXES New and l m roved Varieties. of • tLOVER • TIMOTHY • 1. Is is the:final week of Otis big : event— so better harry--- on down and get your share of. food savings nowt_ COFFEE 1.16 bag 8951 MAXWELL HOUSE betergent Powder • • • Reg. Price $1.17 — SAVE 28c FAB WITH BORAX giant size box 895 Monarch Butterc Reg: Price 55o -- SAVE 6c SOFT - ARGARINE 2 y2.16 tubs 44¢ KERS SLICED, SHITE, SANE pAR ..> AV Varieties including Peas, .Groan and`Beans C' Aylmer 710 -11 -oz tinsVEGETABL S NEW, IN Pp1.Y . BAG JANE PARKER Reg. ea. 43c —,'BUY 3, SAVE 29c SPANISH BAR E. 19402 CAKES 1119. �f 27c �.: BUY 4� SASE Reg. Price to =` C. 24-01. LOA VES bunches Ontario Grown, No. i Grade, Hot House, Queen Size - 4 LEG QUARTERS�� BREAST QUARTERS MIXED QUARTERS lb CHICKEN HALVES WHOLE- AUT -UP CHICKEN,. OR E3t+s ELLI.P .PO ['Fiw SEEDS & GRASSES . 1T °BEE Bit The. Piety aW. d, Or sl., S.aR' ... �4k.,NF. �kevwxtuprx.�ir;:.c�+t. ,vf+��swwa.ika�.Yal�.. dtiJa:r �►xN:.:w s u, dee. .v � r ANY WEIGHT fit CUT.. • 5 SHOWN IN THIP AD EFFE `CIV tHROUGA SATUR ►AY, :,MARtCH 21', 1970.