HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-03-19, Page 4DfG S
printers were 'determined not to print an tkin till
sure it would offend no one, tkere would L,e
littlea'fvery , printed. .,.�-,,7 Benjamin .Franklin
A question intent
him instantly ° ".,.like a speeding bullet,"
to his target, he might, just might, be`able
to keep the 'dogs un.der`. contrdl. Sofar he
should be col mended- on, his efforts. He
iobjpcting to the cbst of licencing. _, is. fighting: an uphitibattle with little or no
bitches at $20 per head. Spring• is just help from the town bylaw. At best he -can
—around -the. corner and- -more complaints" y hopeto keep the *problem` down. alittle.
wit!,' start to pile into the Town, Hall and t't, would seem better 'for councils to
the Goderich Police Department take some action that Would help the dog'
concerning dogs trampling' flowers, catcher do he work asked of him by
digging up flower beds, ruining hundreds providing him with a bylaw that -made'
of dollars, worth of bushes in the town, sense, and which would have sufficient
etc., etc, All of thegg complaints are valid., punch to stop the dogs before they get
Town council has taken steps' to cut out of the house. (There we .go blaming
down on the number of dogs running at, the dogs for the problem as everyone else
• ;arge by hiring an.animal control officer at does. It isn't the dogs that are to blame,
$150 per mon-t.-- He has been made a it's the owners who let them run loose.)
Special Constable, fitted with a uniform, Making the owner of a bitch pay $20
and has a truck in.which, to place dogs - per year to own it will hardly stop -owners
once caught - and a place. to keep them of dogs from letting thein run loose. And
while waiting for their, owners to- retrieve We differentiate here between bitches and
thein, dogs using the term dogto describe the
All of these provisions have been males of the species. We would hazard an
designed to correct"a wrong dogs being educated guess that there are more dogs
allowed to run at large —'AFTER the than bitches running loose anyway.
wrong has been committed. If council will concede these, points,
If it is, the intent of the town dog then surely the members of council would
bylaw to reduce -themumberc�-f`-bitches in • _agreethe est method of .clog..- or itch--
the town, then the bylaw will most control `would be -prevention ra r than
but if the intention of cure.
certainly do its job, Put some sting into the bylaw and
Complaints from taxpayers about dogs
'running at Targe have started to arrive at
the•'office ,of the Goderich Signal -Star:
Letters to theEditor have started ;to come
Canada is not alone in its wasteful expenditures by governments,'
Federal or Provincial, on useless projects. In the U.S. the pursuit of
Flying Saucers has at last beeibstopped, but the acreage:cut in winter
wheat has failed to reduce theJ97Qoutput and price support costs.• -
The Farmers Nome Administration continues to pour' money into lE ••
farms lacking reasonable prospects of success up to 15 years after '
debtors first became delinquent. The -Drug Administration is
continuing hearings on useless regulations- on the sale of vitamin
food supplements. The Dept. of Transportation has putnearly half a
million into a door-tordoor bus service in Flint, Michigan, 'though
has failed to attract enough patrons•
the bylaw is' to control the numbers of the
anidei that -are permittedto run at large,. -
then itis not doing its job and isn't even"'
designed to do that job. It's a question' of _.
Council will argue the $20 annual fee .
for bitches is .intended to . control them,
on the assumption that they attract the
dogs and are, therefore, the greatest .
offenders. ' if they are picked Lip. That amount will
assume the animal sting a little, but apparently not enough
is•- Treason �l�le� tQ .-<w. s������
control��officer would have no animals to to make too much , difference. "There' are.'
control if .they were not allowed to run stilt far too many dogs being let loose. A
loose. The $20 fee: is Supposed to prevent .stiffer fine would put the blame_ where it
bitches from being allowed to run loose. .belongs and owners of bitches would no
• We have no idea how: - - longer- be -penalized just -for owning one.
The bylaw under which`Goderich dogs People would keep their pets with them,
are now controlled was "borrowed" from where they belong; the flowers and hedges
another municipality. -YCouncii felt if it .would ' staff in b ter shape; the town
for that munici a#ity, it would look ,better• Ile dog catcher would
w�sL.gaa�lp,ertou3h to � .
w.as good enough. for ,Goderich:. But two get rnpre sleep and the police department.,
wrongs have never yet made a right. could - carry ° on with. more , important
We do not envy the work' of the local work. .
•}adtig catcher. He is outnumbered by The decision is for council to make. It
hundreds to one. I'f his uniform was more has had a while now to assess the value of
the "fight the forces of evil" type of suit, the :dog bylaw. Taxpayers' complaints
comolete with o inbuilt power to project . indicate it is time for a change.
make the fine 'heavy for -allowing 'clogs to.
run -loose land- makes ail --fag fees the same.
if council still feels bitches 'make an
undue contributioh to the problem by
enticing dogs away from- their homes,
make the penalty for them, being allowed
to run loose stiffer than for dogs. • o
Under.. the,present system, offenders
must pay about $4 to get their dogs back
I, agree with every word in J.
Russell's rete letter about dogs •
in Goderich.
We are now supposed to have
a dog catcher. . There is . no
difference . in loose dogs on
Warren Street; on every walk I
meet them elsewhere as well.
• Last year our dog was bitten
four times while on chain in our
• backyard, and once on the
corner of Warren and Cayley
when I attempted to take him
for a walk. 1 am lucky (so are '
the owners of the other dog)
that trying to protect our dog I'
have not been bitten as well.
The other, dog is still running
around. The owners must kno.}r
' the laws like everybody-else-arld ,
one can only-assurne they`d° not
care or have reason to feel tiny
_ area above such laws which only
apply to others.
r?ur Datil shuud -.died.. _ last,
winter after an operation, but
our new pup will be ready to be
brought home in a few weeks. I
do ifot find it difficult to look
after our own dog, but must I
put up with others? What makes
it even more puzzling is that
some of the other dogs come
from hones with large fenced -in
There' should be much stiffer
fines for people who refuse to
keep th i dogs. under control.
And the law should be enforced:
It, is no imposinghardships on
anybody: It is simply asking
some people not to impose their
dogs' on other people, so that all
could ,enjoy their pets in peace
and comfort..
Elsa Haydon
Dear„ Sir: - -
I. was 'sorry° to see by this
week's paper that Jack
Cummings - is looking for
someone to replace him, in
reporting our local sports:.
He has always been fair in his
reporting, giving equal space for
all teams. What if he has made a
few errors in the course of time
- who hasn't? No one is perfect.
I, b irng the mother of five
wonde ul sons that have all
. played ockey for Goderich, and
were o teams that have brought
trophies and honors to our town
no one bby wiris the game, it
is teamwork - feel that men
theta s , a .,, ki; d L.r ack
Cummings, Howard Carrot, Don
Elliott, Don Fritzley,, Bill
Fritzley, Don Hudson and Gord
Walters and , countless others
need• more credit than they
They are 'the target of many
gyick-tempered remarks and
they take them in their stride:
Instead of criticizing all the
town sports at the arena, why
not come down ta_ the arena,
watch the boys (ewp (f you
don't have one on the, team)
take a look qt. all the' men giving
a�'flllllllllllllllllllllllflUllillllllllllllltiHl111111111111tIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIII I IIIIIIIIi1111111tIII11111111111111111111111Tllllllilllllltll
Be kind to people when
on the way doviin.
Photo by Ron Price '
IIt111111111iltlll Il
nnt�l nl'mR151Imi�uuunulnon �
Words of wisdom
you are on .the way up in tiife; you
may, meet the same ones when you are -
Remember When'
freely of their time to contribute
to' the good citizens • of the
future. . •
Come, join -us all at the arena
for the first game our Pee Wee's
play in Young Canada__.Week.
Let's raise the roof , on their, •
behalf. They deserve ,it.
Stay Jack.. We excuse ,any
.mistakes. They are so few.
Yours truly,
"Mother of 5"
The Goderich Agu-e Skating
Club ° wishes to Thank. Yon -for:
your help in making our carnival.
a success.
Thank You,
Joyce Bolton sec.
Dear Mr. Shrier:
---Our-class-liked-the newspaper:, -
Before we didn't know how the
newspaper was put together. It
was nice of you to take us .on a
tour around to all the different
places. Our -class liked 'the
printing machines the best, but
^ we liked everything else too. It
was a good experience .for. us.
Yours truly,
Mrs. Frayne and 4&5
By Jimmy Van Osch
St. Joseph's School,
�.�. jJ
h� (nirrirh etgnal-t+tar. r of r
• . The County Town Newspaper of Huron
Published at yoderlch, Ontario every Thursday morning by
, iSignal-Stat ublishing Limited
et BERT G. SHRIER,'pi-esicient and p' ublisher
R' NAL.'D P. V. PA10E.,-jrfarkagrng editor
SHIRLEY J. 'KELLER, n olt en's ditc►r,
, ,,IDWARDx4..n, Yf3SKl,. di/ails/4g ,manta, er ,,,
Thos. Elliott had a good
wood bee on Tuesday of this
Much interest has been
manifested concerning the
mechanical methods of. the
thrilling chariot race employed
in Klaw arid ° Erlanger's new and
greater production of General
Wallace's famous religious
spectacle "Ben -Mir" which is to
be presented at the Grand Opera
House, London, March 21,'°22;
and. 23.
d,. -
There appears to be some
reason of belief that the
Canadian Pacific Railway is
about to proceed with the
building. of further branch,lines
in this part of the province,,and
that Goderich will be an
important point in the extension
of the company's system. A line
from St. Marys to Goderich,
'tapping the rich agricultural
section between these two
. poiants, is s� aid-t'o he onthe-plats
for immediate - construction and
if so,- Goderich ' will become
more distinctively than 'ever the
port of Western Ontario. •
We offer one hundred dollars
reward' for' any case of catarrh
that cannot by cured by Hall's
Catarrh' Cure. (advert.) •
Subscrintion Ames
$6, .a ,Year — To Le;.A. S7.50 (in' advance)
Second Mass t tail. registration number - 0716
A circular letter from the
Department of Planning and
Development at Toronto,. asking
for information with regard to
industrial opportunities in.
Goderich, , and *offering
co-operation in development of
the town's business or'industrlal.
assets; was referred ''to.L. the',
industrial committee. It was
stated that the Lions Club had
completed a survey of the nature
record or not.'March 12 is
unusually early- for golf' in these
A. T. Kaltting was 'elected ,
president - of the Knox
Presbyterian - Church men's
organization,. Harold Rivers is
vice-president; Earl. „ Elliott,
secretary; J. B. Milne, treasurer;
George W. Schaefer, chairman of
the spiritual committee; Harry
McCreath, social; Albert Taylor,
Recreation. '
The sum of $28.80 was
realized in a draw for a " down
comforter, made and donated by
Mrs. Adam Foster, and a lace
luncheon set, the gift of Mrs.
Peter Graf, 'fox' the ` Red Cross
Society. .
When 1 was 20 there was no cost -of -living in ex: .tradeii on
leaders sleep with it under their pillows, -and. get cracking at da�,#f
it has moved during the night.ow
*, *
"Business must conduct its affairs in a manner designed to assure
a minimum : of friction. Government contrariwise, must follow the
,rules; since all bureaucracy is a kind of hierarchy, .it tends to become
inhuman and estranged from the life and work of men."
• An ad. for the good ship `Pasteur' plying to the warmer climes of
South America states: "Once the Pasteur. runs out of cold water
you'll be glad of the air-conditioning and swimming pools."
' There is an epidemic 'of the following type ofjoke: " ye shall all
now play squash, bi.it I will drive ze 'steamroller."Now ou'viil all
jump from this high building -to prove the triuwmph of mind over.
natter; that is, ve don't Mind, you don't matter."
- ir-a-recent-aftitie nth ' oBlue ThnrYib" "i;,itistorrin`Stamps -Atte
typesetter mentioned - The Royal Anglican Regiment. This is to
reassure all concerned that it.should have been - The Royal Anglian
Regiment -land not the whole of the Anglican --church militant here-
on earth.
A• he dmaster has refused to allow five Muslim girls to attend
school it their traditional silk trousers.
19601 a girl wearing a white ribbon in her hair instead of the
regulation black ribbon was sent home.
1860 seven boys were refused admission to the examinations
.because they were not wearing school uniforms.
1963 they said girls might,not wear black undies.
1953 they' insisted even senior girls should. wear short skirts
instead of the disgusting below-the-knee fashions. -
As every lawyer knows; laws which don't have popular support
cause more problems than to they solve. Nobody forces me to wear a '
'ker o
Molson Canadian tie, not a 'filters P'mance sict
indicate how I spent my formative years. How would headmasters
like to be forced to wear a uniform? ,r
In a Christmas Day broadcast the Archbishop of Canterbury
made the assertion 'Two-thirds of the world are facing hunger." .
What .is. the , eyidence for that considering that with a host of
observers on .the. spot .,we clid, not know, ;whether, there w starvation
or not in• Biafra`? But who are you and I to- question episc9pa�
au horny'? . ;+}r;l
. q
"Slimming Foods - Reduced." n
The pressure on Western Europe may be lifting. The balance of
power is slowly shifting to the Pacific where the four huge powers,
. America, Russia, China and Japarrwill straddle the stage. Can the
world stem the growth ofocial conflict and diffusion of power
without breakdown? The remarkable current growth of an'
international co-operation,. particularly between Western Europe,
America and Japan could be the nucleus of an effective community
'of naf ions, vital to. peace.'
BlueW.ater.-_Chapter-. 0 Francois
presented a cheque •for_$500 to
-the Alexandra Marine and
. General Hospital last week to be
used for the purchase of
croupettes for the' children's
ward. •
The town Thursday, night
decided ..to donate' . a 1923
puinper unit from its fire
department to the 'Bluewater
chapter of the shriners.
Goderich Rebekah Lodge
number 89 held its annual dessert
card party Wednesday at
MacKay Hall, . which was
decorated in a St. Patrick's Day
theme. A quilt, made by Mrs.
Irene Harnack, was wen by Mrs.
Ruth Orr:,
Goderich tax rate is about to
get another hoist. District
Collegiate estimates make that
certain.'The board has budgeted
for a municipal levy of $152,590'
of which Goderich is expected..
' '-rais "$T8;99t,.84; compared
with $50,266 last year. This is
the equivalent of 13.2 mills, as
against 8.7 in 1959.
Readers of The Goderich
Signal -Star are asked this, week
. to takert in a nationwide poll
on ° the abolition of capital,
punishment, current highlight of
debate in parliament. ' °
A two-hour parking proposal
presented by a deputation of
retail merchants to council last
December finally received
approval ata special meeting
Thursday evening,
The pub1ie school board .has,
engaged Ralph 1.. Smith, 30, of
Scarborough, as,principal of the'
senior school in the 'former
collegiate Building.,,
The application of Branch,
t09, Canadian Legion, Goderich,
for aUliquor license was one of
ten Huron and Perth Legion .
liquor applicants approved. -
The season,was opened at tli
.14taitiani ^golf eou n
afternoon, when la : R. Darrow
'and Carl Schneiker made the
roan` ds and ,found 'the course in
arkably•• good 'condition for
this. time of year. Whether it is a
What was once called the
..C'odetielf A SUMMe a,SchOOt, ,F
facility owned, by • the'
Huron -Perth Presbytery of he
Dtiitect ChureN has b ' n
; renamed Cep Meneseturrg.
Duchene. Director.
Did 'Honest Ed and 'Uncontrollable Charlie eve reconcile their
respective_ estimates as to how much Ed's tax proposals would bring
in. It would be interesting to hear from .one or the other before we
have to vote again.
The president of the Better Business Bureau ' of New York,
Woodrow Wirsig, recently took to task the governments which spend
billions. annually to 'protect" the consumer. He points out that no --•
one ever . measures the benefits accruing. from this prodigious
spending. Worse still, consumer protection has deteriorated into
prosecution of industry, vide Ralph . Nader's attack on Detroit.
`Truth in packaging' and `truth in lending' have only made_Work for
official`s, while benefiting no one. Official ,consumerists complain
they receive too few complaints to justify their efforts. Meanwhile
the `media' swallows all the official bait and accepts as truthful the
deceptive handouts of government `information' services.
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