HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-03-12, Page 154 • .0, dc. • .0 Tbe attitude counts DEAR READEAS: With so niuch being said and written ahout teenagers these days I, thought you might be interested in an open letter that ,hit my ,desit today. Here itis: DEA11101)Tiroday youcame to me for a job. From the look of your shoulders as you walked out, I suspect you'ye been tiirned'down before, and maybe uhungry for romance." I trope that. dingbat reads your column every , day because I've got a message for her. Here it is: • Don't be crazy, Michigan -- be thankful yoU have a faithful husband ToVTi1y1t he's not the most exciting lo,fer in the world, so what?, Every husband no Matter how exciting, '• cools' Off after a'few years. And .-You-~43611--bY-naly-th4,ktds.out of high school coOt find work Well, don't believe it. I hired a teeiXa'ger today. Perhaps you,saw• him on your way. out. He was ,the boy with the polished shoes. •He wore a necktie. He didn't have any experience either - but his attitude put him on my payroll instead of you. That boy cared enough to Make an iinpression. He left his leather jacket fit home: His suit was a little shabby but it..was pressed. His fingernails were clean. His hair wasn't exactly short, but it" the ,-.444tel" • •oir This serious -looking young fellow is Roger, aged year and a bit. Ile .is a sturdy boy of English, French Irish background, with blue eves, very blonde hair and skin. • • Roger has never been sick. He is a happy boy who loves to be with, people and is alert and responsible. He enjoys- ,* toys but likesevenbetter the contents of the kitchen cup- boards.. . • Roger is a very actiVe baby. Ile crawls at -top speed and. can pull himself up to stand. Occasionaift he forgets to hold on and then collapses in astonishment when he' finds himself vvithout a prop.- - - • - - To inquire abotit adopting Roger please write to Today's Child,Department of Social and Fhmity.....*Senim, Parlia- ment Buildings, Toronto 182. For generil adoption informa- tion ask your Children's Aid Society. • one and fair James Richardson & Sons Lid • • • 0 'Serving The Feed Dealers of Western Ontario PHONE 524-8388, GODERICH was neat. And it -wasn't first thing y QU - noticed when- you looked at him. ' The way to get a job is to use the same approach as when you are trying to get a girl. No guy in his right mind would try to impress a chick in a dirty shirt and faded jeans. And it doesn't hurt to case the . Situation: Have sone facts. The kid I hired instead of you went to the trouble to find out what° we manufacture! • You might ,not believe it bilt there are' hundreds of 'employers --in---this, town who are looking for bright, young , people who are •smart enough to go after a jobin the old-fashioned way. way, When • they find one they ;they can't wait tci unload sortie' of; their -responsibilities on them. For both our sakes, get -e -ager;. will you? —THE MAN WHO • PASSED YOU BY .DEAR, MAN:. Cool, man,. cool. Thanks for writing. • DEAR' ANN LANDERS: I just read ,Jhe letter from- the ---Illiehigart--Woman -who has -a • faithful -husband who adores- her, seven fine children and is • • thought was the man of my dreams. He turned out. to be a lying crook and a chronic drunk. He had a habit of burning things he had no use for. (My 'scrapbooks, irreplaceable -pi cturestif-mretrildrenTandlilY clothes.) I lived in fear of his violent temper. After five months I left him. ,• Every woman who has an 42-s-a-gOod-thing-.-*--*omerrget—horrorable-hushand-and aiaTifily older they need more rest. You should thankGod every night' said he's a great father, generous, for life's richest blessings. Your and kind and he's looked up to real treasures are under your • by everyone in the community. nose, Michigan. Get smart and • Most important, he adores you and leis you know it: I had a husband who wasn't enjoy them. - • WISER IN CALIFORNIA ' DEAR WISER: 1- hope the quite as good as yours, but dreamer read your tletter. It almest. After 25 • years of should wake her up. marriage I ran off with what 1 • . ' [ •1:1C!YOUALWAYG ENJOY KEEP pINIz oPTL cCTE yT0Ou NI.40Yu0sU ER? -AFIRE ScREEN A FIREPLACE HOME. - permanently. • Peld -ANP NEVER 1-EAVE- CHILDRE.N UNSUPERVIsED NEAR - YOUR CFHC r, • „ 001M41014 SKNAL SJAB THURSDAY,141‘408 12, 1970" 3A , • . .Beginning of March, and our neighbors still have 'their out- side- Christmas tree lights glowing. Glowing with rage?' Glowing with passion? No, they're -just glowing because the snow is so cleep they can't get out tcrun- ping them. ,„ • But glowing is something there should be more of, espe- cially in ,,the miserable month of March. There must be some- thing in this Sad, rotten, • mixed-up, wonderful ‘World to 'glow about. Let's find it, you • and I together. So, what glows? The sun. Peeple. If the sun, or people, cease to glow, they're dead. -, Ashes. Dust. Just as our neighbors' Christmas tree lights are still glowing because they can't get -at them for snow„our spirits, and yours: I hope, are .glowing 'because they, •to,o, are still plugged in, and no amount of snow and_ice is 'going to stop them from casting their light. There's always .som-ething-to glow about, though .at --times our light seems to he hidden. • Our daughter is not as sick , as she seemed. ,She's sicker., Unglow. But my sister, and all her aunts:and Earl Munroe ,of London; Ont., with whose sis- ter Jean I was madly in love in Grade 6, and Mrs. Rhoda Beal of Weyburn, Sask., have. writ- ten or called, to express their alarm and concern„And one of her old -teachers, and a neigh- bor, both sent. her a rose.. Glow. • • —And. „fpels great one day, and full of beans and •• v› • •I r.1 Eve body needs a glow -on • , plans and smiles. Glow. And , And; of courSe, there's POW: that very evening she's corn% tion, the poor man's COVniu, pietely pooped and utterly de- - .nism. It's, the capitalisM, Qf the pressed, ,Unglow. And in-ry wife, aft o years of worrying •and ., sweating about the kids ( unglow),. be- cause they 'don't have any life insuranee has finally decided " Ahat: , high time she started • worrying and sweating about me. Glow. 4gThhtse.re are all sorts of things to turn off and on about, be- sides belated Christmas tree There's • the state •of your health, for example. If you can get along on anything less than. all fours, you're in business. Ask any arthritic. . There's the state of your mindr.,If you have an IQ of, 80, °relax. It's ptobably higher than any mark you ever got, in school. If you have an TQ of 150, relax. Who _needs .it in this push- button world? ,• to. And then, there's your spirit-. nal life. If you believe that God saw the little sparrow fall.. bully for you. And if you won- der why He ...didn't do soine• thing about it, you've got plen- ty of_company. 1970s. Everybody is against t—EitefttL.,.the,-104109,0ades and the hydro and government, "and the town that wants a new ' industry' at any cost. No -glow. And there's inflation'. This produces a very definite glow, • especially , among .the middle • class. Some of them are glow- ing so brightly they're apt to: blow a fuse. But there's always the Just Society. Just what, and just where, and just when, have yet tobe' resolved, but there's no question that we have a just Society. Just. as long as y o ti 'r e in the $20,000 -to - $30,000 bracket. No, definitely, glow. We all glow occasionally. Let's try to glow a little bright- er. But anybody who glows all ,the time should take •a cold shower. . Sometimes my wife is sad. Sometimes she is wonderful. And sometimes she just plain •.glows. That's the best, Try it. CTHE RED CROSS IS PEOPLE LIKE YOU HELPING I) PEOPLE LIKE YOU mt. Youw. UTOINSURANCE - See or,Phonep MALCOLM • MAINERS-. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT. ST • 524.2.412- IIIIMINP { Pleasant Surroundings For and Good Food • THE GODERICH RESTAURANT STE:4K HOUSE, and TAVERN • • 1-'i, • A _THIS SPACE , • RESERVED FOR YOUR AD 1 • • DOUBLE PASSES TO THE PARK THEATRE BOOKSA STATIONERY PAINT, WALLPAPER Cards For Al! Occasions- * Gifts * Books * Stationery Supplies 1," Records ANDERSON'S BOOK CENTRE 33 East St. Goderich 'don Langridge 140 Warren St. • [BUILDING MATFRIAL Ip- GODERICH BUILDING CENTRE. Mrs. Vernon Glenn • RR 4, Goderich • *524.8383 Cambria at Anglesea e , ° 'pAINT . • -*---WA.LLPAPER * CARPETS * TILE *, "LINOLEUM • "'Your Complete Home ' Decorating Centre" la McAR.THUR and - REILLY LTD. West St Goderich * FRIGIDAIRE • * WESTINGHOUSE • G IBSON HOOVER • Sal& and Service • James- Drehmann • 149,13ayfield Rd. GERRY'S APPLIANCES The Square — Goderich. Now Owned and Operated • by Chuck Jewell WORK BOOTS 1 EXCELLENT SELECTION Regular or Safety Toe, 14 Different Styles DAVE GOWER'S Industrial '8(' Garden' Centre Hamilton St. 524-8761 asmisimmarommY ^ • _ NM - t• TO THE o THE • The Ncirnes- Of Six. MEN'S WEAR t R. G. Emerson • 136 St. Patrick St. --'---- —_.. _.„..... ___ . .. For That • Signal -Star Subscrib- ers Are To Be founcl In Ont.: Of These Ads a Now Showing Wed. Mar. 1 1 to Sun., Mar. 1 5 JEROME HEILLMAN4ORN SCIlLESINGEK PRODVT,ON ADmit ANC' EloTR.T.T, ED THISSPACE RESERVED . - FOR YOUR AD _FURNITURE Amami wow . Now a good salary Opportunity -security - for you in a business career Goderich • Business College ' NIGHTSCHOOL Typing, Bookkeeping, Shorthand (Tues. & Thurs. Evening) 524-8521-" • SEWING MACHINE Sit FLOOR (ARE SALES & _SERVICE Authorized SINGER Agent Phone GIL- RUMMENIE Bus.: 524-8431 Res.: 528-8916 .• • Flair 0 IN MEN'S WEAR EARL RAWSON MEN'S WEAR On The Square, Goderich Es. THIS SPACE IiESERVED. ° FOR YOUR AD SHOE STORES For • FASHION —RIGHT SHOES- Hugh Leddy , • RR 6, Goderich- The Place To Go Is ROSS' SHOES ,The Square Goderich 1 R. W. Bell . 56 St. Patrick St. For The - FINEST in FURNITURE • LODGE • • Furniture Gotierich • 1:3e Sure To See Our Display Of ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS ,• THIS SPACE • • RESERVED FOR YOUR AD , SPROULE • SHOES Footwear For „t0,The,,Family 524-gl 74. Kingston St. C.Iderich TELEVISION PHILIPS PHI LCO • Television SALES • and - ERVICE 524-9432. • RIVETT'S TELEVISION -- RADIO 34 The,S,quare- Goderich TRAVEL SERVICEg THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD 4, THIS SP):va RESERVED' 4. FORYOUR AD • THIS SPACE • RESERVE(' FOR YOUR AD D. A, KAY & SON Painting and Decorating -Contractors Painting, Wallpapering Draperies, Floor Sanding 33 Huro-n Rd. 482-9542 Clinton THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD • CONTEST RULES Each -week the names and addretses Of subscribers will appear in the BusinesKsDiretory. rs, -Look for your name and addrets in the ads. • -Take, the,Bsinwilitattory:aidtsuiabte•idAntficatiOMA, the advertiser in whose ad your name appeared and Vitttitikflatiltdalftkitlitt,tkiiiiiit) 11'4 'Only Subscribers to thiSignalStar aro eligible. • h • •