HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-03-12, Page 1114; SERVICES AVAILABLE. 15.11..QTICE to CREDITQRS 21. BUSiN.ESS OPPORTUNITIES TRI -TOWN. BQOKKEEPiNG SERVICE Income Tax and complete *record preparation and . maintenance. .~Lawrence Beane Brucefield--482-9260, 51tf REGISTERED --Electrologist. T�-- *r.emove „ unwanted hair" pe,rmanentl'y, for , free • consul'ta,tion, information;' " appointment: Phone 524-7695, - 11;12,13,14' DRESSMAKING and' alteratiotis, Order now for lop spring. Phone 524-8480. -- 11,12 11,12 DEAD exams ,are dangerous! Let us remove them and other trees .safely. Also tree pruning and custom sawing. Call Roy's Tree , Service at, ,• Teeswater 392-6069. - 11-27 SEWING MACHINE REPAIR For all makes and models of sewing machines." Free pickup and delivery in town. Phone 5.24'7756. - 42tf LAMB'S Delivery, Moving, Hauling. Phone 524-9657: - 10-18 FOR your' Antenna Sales and Service contact Alvih's TV, 162 Mary Street, phone 524-9089. - 32tf HAVE your rugs and •chairs cleaned by dependable cleaners. Call Superior' Maintenance, phone 524-8892;• _Goderich..- 24tf 15. NOTICE to CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the 'Estate of HERSSELT SANDY KOLKMAN, Farmer, late Of the .Township of Colborne, in the County of Huron, who died on or about, the "24th day of August,' 1969,• are required to file the same with full - particulars .with - the- undersigned he undersigned 'byy the "'4th day of April, 1970, as after that date the assets of: the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, 0 Ontario, this 5th day of March, 1970: ' 'PFtESJ' and EGENER, Barristers, etc., on re r , GQDERICH, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. • 11,12,13 ALL persons having claims against the Estate , of. JOHN E R NEST JOHNSTON, Retired' Farrarier, late of the Township of Goderich, `in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 26th day of January, . 197-0; are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 4th day of April, 1970, as after that date the' assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, ' Allis 5th day of March, .1.970. PREST and EGENER, Barristers, etc., GODERICH, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. , 11,12,13 ALL persons having claims against the Estate of"IRWIN ISAAC •CARRUTHERS, Miner, late of the Tow,t1. of Goderich, in. the County of Huron, who died_ on or about. the 26th day of -January; 1979, are. required to file the same with • full particulars with the undersigned by the 4th day of April, 1970, •as after that date the' assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 4th day of March-, 1970. PREST and EGENER, Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal Street, •GODERICH, Ontario. - 11.,12,1'3 IN THE ESTATE OF THOMAS JOSEPH HOWARDS' LATE OF THE TOWNSHII;' OF COLBORNE IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, FARMER. All persons r claiming against the above ,,,Estate are required to forward full particulars of their claims' to the, undersigned on or before the 15th Slay of April, 1970, after `which date the assets will be distributed, DONNELLY & MURPHY, -18 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. • 11,12,13 REMEMBER HELP YOUR RED CROSS ,r. ALL persons having , olairns against the Estate of CH ISTY. CAMPBELL, CRAIGIE,. Widow, lath of the Town of Goderich, the County of Huron, who died. on or about the 15th day of January, 1970, are required to file the same With full particulars with the'ukidersigned by the 21st day of Maieh,1970, as after that • to the e e - is of the .state will km distributed, �, DATED ° at Goderich, Ontario, this 19th day of Februarys, 1970. PREST and E.G,ENER; Barristers, etc:, 33 Montreal Street GODERICI•h„'Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. 9,10,11 ALL persons, having claims against the Estate of FLORENCE McWHINNEY, Widow, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 16th day of January, 1970, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 21st day of March, .1970, as after that date the assets of the estate will. be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 18th•• day of February, 1970. PREST and EGENER, " Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal Street, GODERICH, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate: 9,10,11 ALL persons having claims against the Estate ,of GEORGE. SILLIB, Labourer, late of_- the Town' oil Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died 'on ori about the 2nd day bf February, 1970, are required to file'the Same witiryt lT particulars` -- with the undersigned by the 28th day,' of March, 1970, as after that date the assets of the estath- will be distributed.' DATED at Goderich;. Ontario,- this . 25th day of February, 1970. • PREST and EGENER, Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. 10,11,12 16. PUBLIC NOTICE TAKE ° NOTICE that . the Corporation of 'the Town of Goderich proposes to pass at his regular meeting to be held at -the Town Halla West Street, Goderich on Thursday, the 19th. day of March, '1970 at-the_hour of 7 p.m. a By-law 'atithorizing she stopping up and closing of Huckins, Mitchell and Mooney Streets, being part of Lots 3 and 4, in the Second Concession in the' Township of Goderich, now in the. Town of Goderich and revert the fee therein to- the Town of Goderich. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE Council shall hear in person or by hise Counsel, Solicitor of Agent_„ any person who claims that his lands will r be prejudicially affected by the, By-law and applies to be heard. DATED AT GODERICH, ONTARIO this 19th DAY .OF. Feb. 1970 EARA money in spire time. Men or women to re -stock and collect money from, • New Type high quality Coin-operated : dispensers in your area, No selling. ' To qualify, must have . .car, references, $750 to .$3,000 cash. Seven' .to twelve hours weekly can net excellent income, More full' rrre. We invest with you .and establish your route. For personal "interview write: B. V. DISTRIBUTORS rAwi TED, 2480.. Tecurriseh-• Road East, Windsor 19, Ontario. Include • phone number° 11x 2. TQ GIVE AWAY FdUR Terrier Pups to giv away. Phone 482-3133. -11 ' CARDSQFT HAIRS giaaIII IIIA.111.1IIHJIINIiIIilllllllrlttllll Olil SOO`#;'T: We wish4Q .express our sincere thanks to relatives, friends anti neighbors' for the beautiful •, floral . tributes, charitable donations, messages of sympathy And :many acts of kindness during our recent sad bereavement. Your kindness will always be remembered. Mildred and Ken Scott and boys. i11x. • ,,FISHER: The„nily of the late 'Joseph' •„ Isher wish to `thank friends, relatives ` and" neighbors ' for the flowers and expressions of sympathy during their recent bereavement. We particularlyr acknowledge the ' "kindly • -attention_ of th+e MeC l `m. Funeral Home, the willing services of • the pallbearers and Ftev. L. Warr. -- 11 FOWLER:I wish to thank relatives -and friends for flowers, cards. and visits while I was av patient • in Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, and Victoria Hospital, London. Special thanks to Dr. J. W. Wallace, nurses' staff and ambulance drivers who took me ,.to London. - Gordon Fowler. - e 21x•` A. BIRTHS LEE: At . Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on March 6, 1970, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee, Goderich, a daughter, Tammy Lynn. •Mc,1(EOWN: At Belleville General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Paul McKeown . (nee Mary Lowey), on February -23, 19170, a daughter, Kelly Marianne. POGSON; • At • AlLexandra Hospital, Goderich, on March 3, 1970; to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pogson, "Goderich; a son, ChristophereStuart. • TYROVOL.AS; "At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on March 3, 1970, To Mr: and Mrs. Michael Tyrovolas, Goderich, a daughter, Georgina. WILSON: At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on March 6, 1970, to °Mr.: and Mrs. Kenneth Wilson, .Goflerieh, a son, Bradley Thomas. ,VANDERWAL: At Stratford General );Hospital on February 28, 1970, to Mr. and Mrs. -John Vand'erwal, a son, Melvin ,William. . STRAUGHAN: ' At Royal Victoria Hospital, Ontario, on February 24, 1970, to. • Mr. and Mrs. Benson Straughan, a daughter, Heather 'Victoria. ; Barrie, McCARTHV`: 'In C:ollingwcood General Hospital on March 3, 1970, , to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McCarthy (nee - Sharon ' Ryan), a daughter, Teresa Marie. • B. DEATHS SPROULE: I wish to thank everyone who,, visited me, sent cards, flowers and treats while I was a patient in Alexandra Hospit7L�'Speeial thanks to Dr. A. B. eathe, Dr. R. W. Flowers, nurses and staff on first. floor. - Howard Sproule. 1lx PROCTOR: I wish to thank everyone who was so kind to me while I was a patient in Goderich Hospital. Special thanks to- Dr. Watters and Dr. Doorly and nurses and staff on 2nd East and West. - Brenda Proctor. -• 11 WESTLARE: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Westlake wish to express heir appreciation to' alt relatives, neighbors and friends for the gifts and visits which helped to make their..day a most enjoyable one. 11 BOGIE: I wish to express my sincere thanks to relatives• and friends who visited me wh•ile--I-- was a patient in Alexandra Hospital, also those who 'cared for my home and attended to many other things for me. • Thanks 'for. the letters, cards, flowers 'and reading material. Special thanks to Dr. A. B. Deathe, nurses and staff 'on second floor East. - Mrs. Andrew Bogie. -.11 WALTERS: , Sincere,,„4,anl s to My friends and relatives • for all 'the acts' of kindness, the lovely flowers, and the assistance given to me .d,p„ring„the loss of my dear brother, Wilfred. Special thanks to Sgt. Ross Crawford-, the 'ambulance and hospital staff, Rev. • G. L. Royal, the . Stiles Funeral Home; and the boys of the Legion who held a service and= acted - as pallbearers. -- Bernard R. Walters. - 11' • 'G. COMING EVENTS STAPLETON: In Windsor, February 18, 1970, William Stapleton, in his 58th year. Son ;of the late Con and Mary Stapleton,dear brother of Con, Detroit, ,ichigan. - 11 x • C. BRIEFS BLUEWATER' Chapter O.E.S: ,Fashion Show, Victoria Public School Auditorium„ Wednesday, March 18, 1970, 8:30 p.rn. Fashions by Schaefer's Ladies Wear Ltd., jewellery by .NT. Ormandy and wigs' by )leather Beauty Salon. ,Admission $1.00, ',Tickets at door or call 524-7812 or 524-9284. - 10,.1,1,12 • The C.P':&T. Fund -'-- Committee . of Goderich- Oddfellow and Rebekah Lodges have wheelchairs and other equipment for ' loan, free of charge. Contact Amos g'"-Mbon, ar..: `'.. , p on 524-9623, or Fred . Fritzley, Wilson St., phone 524-7217. S. H, BLAKE , Town Clerk 8,9;10,11 17. BUSINESS, NOTICE MEDIC' L' Massage, Thermo-fih-erapy . and Ultra -Violet 118 Anglesea Street, hones, house 524-7617; o fice, 524-6281. W. C. BreckoW, Reg. M. 13.. PERSONAL NEED SPIRITUAL:HELP? Attend our special. services. • United Holiness Chapel 62 Cambria Rd. N. Mar. 12-22 7.30 P.M. 11,12 Why Do Doctors Say ... "THE*SMALLER YOUR WAISTLINE, THE LONGER' YOUR LIFELINE"?' REDUCE. 6 TO ;10 LBS. IN 10'DAYS-I WITH THE AMAZING DOWN •DIE'j"" "Each meal allows you to eat until you are full" Send $1:50 C.O.D. or Money prderfor Diet EkkWeight Chart to: e MarTic Enterprises ..06tH Street &AL Calgary 8, Alberta, Canada, D. IN ,MEMORIAM ALLEN: Treasured memories, of a dear mother, Sybil Allen, who passed away March 12, 1968: When grey threads mar Til'e's pattern And seem so out of limb, Trust the master'we'aver -- Whd planned, the whole- design. For in life's choicest patterns, - Some dark threads must appear, • To make the rose threads fairer, - The'.gold more bright anti clear. A pattern may seem intricate, And hard to understand. But trust the master weaver And his steady, guiding hand For the pattern which he planned. • - Always remembered by Betty, Bob and family. - -11x ALLEN.; In loving memory of a • dear mother and grandmother, Sybil L Allen, who passed away March 12, 1968. God - knew that she was suffering, - And the 'hills were hard to climb; So' he closed her -• weary eyelids, °� • And yvbispered Peace Be Thine. Ever remembered by Ruth, Wayne and David. - lint. • E. CARDS OF THANKS HARDY` I wish to thank everyone for cards, gifts ami visits wileda pa0ent in Victoria Hospit 1. -Mill Hardy.. 11:x L,EDDY: I wish to thank friends and relatives for their cards, visits and gifts during my illness, Special thanks for they==:kind'ness of Cecil Adaipris'and Allan Piper, the twd\athtbnlaiice drivers.; Drs. Deathe, (ranger and Cameron; a1id.,1he,°:curses :arid , stafrc: ,pf Vit. "' Joseph's .hospital, Londoh,, Mrs., Elaine teddy. - 11 ' bb HOSPIT-*L Auxiliary meeting at -Hospital .on Monday, March 1-0, at 2:3Q p.m. - 11 CURE FOR TROUBLED - CONSCIENCE United Holiness Chapel 62 Cambria Rd. N. Mar. 12-22 7:30 P.M. 11,12 NIEETING 11 p On Monday evening, March 2, ilolmesville iI GRAPEFRUIT GALS met at.the home of, their leader, Mrs, John Westbrook for the, second meeting of theircurht ro p ject, "Featuring eaturing Fruit." The minutes were read by ,130„nnie Westbrook and approved . by president, Diane Rodges. Business for the. evening included discussion on <meetings. during exams and the' intended party with Group I and II at -I ohnesvilie -- .fait' our- . eighth'. meeting. _...Nancy Ginn and. Marilyn R ages demonstrated jellied fruit 'salad and fruit cup. ;They, also ' d'eonstrated sectiorning.,,pf an orange and a grapefruit. ' Subject inatter for the. meetir included Ontario, fresh fruit, fresh fruits from other places and choosing and using,; fresh fruit. Quite a large amount of information on kinds of apples, their uses, storage and availability .was discussed. Home assignment for the meeting was preparing and serving an apple recipe for the family. Meeting closed with the 4-H Pledge. MEETING III On Monday evening; March 9, Holmesville II "Grapefruit "Gals". met at the home of their leader. President, Diane Rodges opened the meeting by , all repeating the 4-H Pledge. Secretary, Jan Ginn, read the minutes and these ' were .approved, by the president. During, business it was decided not to.- meet ' next G. COMING EVENTS CROKINOLE Party - Come and. play crokinote. at Betimiller United Church, Friday, -March 20, at 8:30 p.m. 'Ladies please brink lunch. - 11x THE .GODERIC,H Branch of the 'Women's h stjitute Dessert • Car'tl Party and Bake Sale will be held An' the Legion Hall,-- Wednesday, March •18, at 1:30 p.m. Members are asked to bring ,desserts and, donations to bake table, - 1 1 1ZN ICI ITS of Col-vfn:bus dance;• Saturday, March 21, dancing 9 1', lunch, $i per couple,' tickets available, Pat Osborne •i 3 1718 1 10i1,12 CARD PARTY • (m Saturday, March 11, at Carlow 'Hall, sponsored by the Nile C.ommunity. ('lub. Lunch provided. Admission ;50 cents: .Everyone welcome. -- 11 EUCHRE AND '500 Card Party, Thursday, March 12, t3 p,rn., Legion Hall, sponsored by the Sunset -.Circle., Admission 75 Cents. Lunch and prizes. - 11 Monday, March 16,., as some me ihers:are wanting exams, Rose Wain , and Debbie Rodges demonstrated • "Oven Steamed Pudding" and being junior members got practise in, ,• measuring.;, Subject matter included "Fruit All Year Round" by using canned fruit; frozen fruit and dried fruit. ' Not being as familiar with' dried` fruits we :band some interesting •facts . such •as one pound of fresh apple s',contains 23Q -calories -while one,PQtnd of• dried . fruit contains . • 1250 calcii`e. Duiringsthelneetings members' • are discus"sing buying by grade 4, and -"Read the Label."' , • ' The leader provided members with a' can of "Canada Choice" ' •. pears and to, reduce expenses members had several jars of'her • - "canned fruit" which were discussed by grade and placing than in comparison to the. bought fruit. The group also had a package of mixed "dried fruit" , P SDER,iiKH SIGNAL SIONAL,WAR0 "TURBDNY: MARCR 1 whleh it ea. cr ►r d. identii<ying and-- hast Nks.StOrQ01( t4nade IMO* - sauee and merbera "ended :the meeting by ' eating their oven, steamed, pudding anSalm. Next. meeting- will, be on Monday Mauch 2$ at 6.39 p*m, firing your ideas for the clue, Skit, "Breakfast t'or a Club Girl.°'' Bonnie Westbrook Press • Secretary THANK YOU SALE CONTINUES EVERYTHING F,-orn 10% to 50% O f f SQUIRE GIFTS Bayfield Rd., Goderich xpeTiencelL DecratO! INTERIOR AND EXTERI:+� PAINTING AND WALLPAPERING, Reasonable Prices Free Estimates Radius of 15 Miles of Goderich • W. Pedersen 167 Brock Street Phone 524-6667 After Six i1 ANNOUNCEMENT 28tf MR. GERRIE GLENN Alexander & Chapman Realty Ltd. are pleated to announce the appointment . of . Mr. Gerrie Glenn as sales .,• representative. Mr, Glenn, who is married,, has a good knowledge •. of :this area and - farming in particular,, Contact Mr. Glenn at 529-7924, • Dungannon, for your real estate needs. IRISH (Irani)(,)f Benmiller United Church ,invite you to' come- out' fur a cu -p. of_ tea on Tuesday, .March 17, at 2 p.m. There will be a penny sale, Irish music and an artificial flower demonstration. U e Church Hall on Saturday, •April- 11,- 1970, from _1:30 p.nt. to -- 1'1 FEBRUARY BONUS .DRAW.. V1/INNER WEEKLY SCHEDULE THURSI5 Y, MARCH ° 12 . .. 8:00 P.M. 4r -CHH't PLAYOFFS.., JUVENILES Vs, 'DRMCO FRIDAY;,, NO PUBLIC .SKATING SUNDAY • • PUBLIC SKATING 2:00 -to 4:00 'I'.M. • SKATES NOT . ALLOWED IN • • NEW WASHROOMS ' UNLESS, PROTECTED `171U-1 SKATE GUARDS MEMBERS of 'Alexandra Marine and- General Hospital Association and. °titer,, j'nf'erested • parties are urged to"attend the annual meeting of the Hospital Board which will bei held on ,Monday, 'March 23, 1970, at 8:00 p.m. • in °the Ladies' 'Auxiliary Room of the ,hospital,' at which time we •.•••will receive the financial statement, the,auditors' report, the - report of the Board and elect members to the Board of Governors and conduct other,business. It is the intention of the Board of Governors to submit for approval, new administrative •By -Laws, If any member is interested in reading the By -Laws to be submitted at -the- meeting, they are available at the hospital., . t> J. H. KINKEAE► Association President A. P.•BOUTILIER Secretary -Treasurer * GUARANTEED INCOME * MINIMUM INVESTMENT REQUIRED * REASONABLE RENTAL * ADVERTISING SUPPORT * PAID TRAINING * EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY Mrs. S. Kelly, Goderich, receives the Ronson Electric • Shoe Shine Kit which she won in our monthly bonus draw from Fred Jewell. You 'Ma' Be 1hr March Winner Each major appliance purchase entitles ybu to enter your name in next month's draw fora -Williamsburg Electric .Food Warmer. n r, aJ(>•cri° u .JEWRBROThERS I 4 . r.„ ARPLIAi1I. ,:AzT'N `,,..LTlD, FoYrnar ;y. i tfi# "S: w i�'E'Y►:i' 11 `C`: Sl` `` : "L x:r k THE SQUARE GOI ERrCH PHONE 482-7986 EVENINGS OR MAIL .THIS CQ,UPOI ,TO BOX', 346, CLiNTON,':ON:T• ADDRESS .r ••••.•.• ,„ >