HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-03-12, Page 7• From the Minister's study GARWOQD G. RUST: ,St. George `s Anglican Church A symbol of division . Protestants, when you think about it, have taken a strange attitude to the crucifix. Protestant theology is absolutely den£remm cd—VOli Tie-deat i of Vhrlst as the atoning power of God for " man's redemption. ° My own Anglican Church has stated the centrality ,of thesCross in the consecration ;prayer.. at n4.°rera°TavTa • holy'" Communion. It is, .a confessions of 'faith that Jesus "made there, by his, own ,i, oblation of himself once offered, a full, perfect, and sufficient sacrifice, .oblation • and satisfaction, for the sins of 'the • whole world."` This is a fine summary of what St. Paul and other New • Testament writers believed about the crucifixion of Jesus. .I think ' most , Protestant churches would echo these words in their own statements of faith as to the meaning of the Cross. Is it not curious, then, that • we have shied away `from representing Jesus crucified in the 'ornaments and decor of our churches? The crucifix' is looked upon as a particular symbol of the Roman Catholic Church, and has, become a symbol of our * _divisions . rather --than .of our ;unity in the faith._ There are, T .know, several . reasons for this that reach back into the religious controversies of the sixteenth century. It is a r harne'that-by ` zer fatin"g the Obituaries MRS. SARAH BELLE BROPHEY Mrs. Sarah ° Belle Brophey �.._. i .._.i Heights, moi::, WiLLIAMS CEMETERY MEMORIALS differences we are prevented from acknowledging that the' crucifix is a serious and 'valid helpto our own devotions. -the iproblem--is 'sits -serious -tor-, 'Roman Catholics because the crucifix is is practically` a badge of honor •, for them y that iS, they are ' not, in some cases, able to 'seeits limitations as a Christian, ` With both Roman Catholics and Protestants then, it is all or nothing, We value the crucifix or we dislike it. The whole thing is emotional bigotry which distorts faith and restricts devotion. I am prompted to write about this subject because recently I bought 'a srziall reproduction of Salvador • Dali's beautiful painting of "The Christ of St. John of the Cross." The painting depicts Jesus on the Cross, and suspended above theblue waters of the Sea of Galilee. The crucifix is painted against a black sky, but below it and illuminating the figure of Jesus is the golden light of the rising sun. The crucifix dominates the painting. Far below it we see people on the shores of Galilee - a fisherman with his net, a man ..standing by his.-beat,-.axi.clp .4anothe :.:personoivalking.L=4he., -beach. What makes the picture most ,striking and unusual is that we do not see the face of Jesus. From- his --hands; -'nailed--to--the- cross, we receive an impression of the hrarror of crucifixion. But Other,.impressions contradict Dooguonoo " Y. mouth in'ured A seventeen -year-old Dungannon area .youth was. A injured recently when the snowmobile an which he was riding was in collision with a car . driven by. RQsem`lry Eedy, Dungannon. Mark Dauphin, son of Mr. dM Joe D hi wasngs, nJesus, baptistry And inscriptions - -Stratford - Ontario , *onoId C..hlic :gIlum Representative 215 Wellington., St. S., Goderitch 0.Phtife 5244272 Or 5244345 The combination' of electricity and water in the bathroom • • can -be -as- deadly -as'-. the mixture of alcohol' and gasoline on the road; warns the Ontario Safety League. ' v • died Saturday, March '7' after , an illness of three years. • :She,. -was' the former Sarah .9, 18.84 to Charles and'Margaret- She 'w,a.s married December 28, 1910 Seaforth to Fred ; -Brophey who predeceased her January 28, 1943.4She resided ih -Cleveland Trot -1;1'1927 to '1945; in " Godqich ‘froTh t945 to 1948; and in 'Cleveland &Om 194.8 to She was a member of the Anglican Church and of the Survivors include Miss Irene Ohio; two brothers, Arthur Boole, Vancouver and George Soole, Winnipeg!, She was: so, predeceased. by one daughter, Funeral service wis from McCallum Funeral Horne, March 10 with Rev. G., G. Russell Interment was in . Maitland 'P NATHANIEL BARTLETT - *Nathaniel Bartlett, Maitland Manch Nursing Home, died March 7 In Victoria Hospital, He was born in December, '1899 in Barbados to Arthur Bartlett and Theresa Callander. There are no known survivors. He was an adherent of St. -George's Anglican Church. Funeral service was March 10 ,.at Stiles Funeral Home with G..G. Russell officiating. '- Interment was in Maitland RAYMOND LAWSON ALLEN Ray_mond Lawson Allen, 14176 Riverview Drive, DetrOlt, Michigan, passed away at his • home dn Friday, Februark ,27 after an illness, of many years. Mr. Allen 'was, the only child of Mr. and 1VIrs. Raymond F. Allen (formerly Anna Law.son). tO the Goderich residenee of his andparents, captain' and Mrs. lp.zeander Lawson and in later yeart with his aunt, Mits.' Jean LavvSon, at the LaWson home 'at Wellesley 4nd Quebec Streets. Mr. Allen is survived by his The funeral. service was 'conducted by Rev. George D. Jeffrey of Scovell Piesbyterian Church, Detroit, on Monday March 2. Interment took place at Detroit's Grand Lawn • Cemetery. CANADIAN TRANSPORT COMMISSION -f3y its Railway Transport Committee QFPUBIJC HEARINGS In the matter of the application of: I -Canadian National Railways, .to discontinue passenger -train` service between: Area (Province of Ontario) Toronto —Palmerston Palmerston --Owen Sound Palmerston—Southampton Stratford —Kincardine ° Train No. 670, 671, 672 670, 671, 672 656, 668_669 662, 663, 664,• 665, 666, 667 ,Stratford —Goderich. 660, 661. ; II -Canadian Pacific Railway Company, to dis- continue passenger -train service between Toronto a •wen Sound, in •the Province of Ontario, provided by passenger trains Nos, 302, 306 and 307; III -Canadian Nation& Railways, to discontinue. that portion 'of their passenger -train service, between Toronto,and Guelph, in the Province of Ontario, provided" by passenger trains Nos. 986 and'987. - TAKE NOTICE that the Committee ,has deter- mined etermined under its Order No. R-6313 dated August' 5, 1969, that the amounts which constitute the actual losse's attributable to each of the above described passenger -train services in each of the prescribed accounting years ate as follows: •r (C.N.) II (C.P.) Ill (C.N.) For 1966 - $414,073 $76,640 $126,955 For 1967 4547962 .89,606 141,060 For 1968- 480,244 97,935 147,313 ° a -TAKE NOTICE ALSO that `I UBLIC HEARINGS • of the above APPLICATIONS will take, place -commencing at .the hour of 9:30 .a.m. at the following places and dates: GREY COUNTY COURT HOUSE, OWEN SOUND Commencing March 31, 1970 WELLINGTON COUNTY COURT HOUSE, • GUELPH Commencing April 8, 1970. It is the Committee's intention to consider the application of Canadian National Railways shown in 1' above as the first order of business at the hearing in Owen Sound commencing on March. 31, and then to consider•the'application of Cana- dian Pacific Railway Company shown in II above in Owen Sound after the completion of I. The Committee intends to consider the application of Canadian ,National Railways shown in III above at the hearing in Guelph commencing An April 8. However, all persons who wish to do so may `present their views on the discontinuance of "any passenger -train services listed above during' any b1 the two hearings and in either''pla.ce. Persons who" wish further information respecting any of the above described passenger -train ser- vices may write to the Secretary, Railway Trans- port Committee, Canadian Trar'tsport Commission, • 275 SlateeStreet, Ottawa 4, Ontario. Dated at Ottawa; Ontario, thin 26th day of February, February, 1,970. C. W. 11UlVlP, Sec setary, Roihl?ay Transport Committee. in, the groin and badly _bruised knees., The mishap occurred on the 4th Concession - of Ashfield Township. ° A . 'passenger . on the snowmobile, Terry Lafrarnboise, was not seriously ,injured. Police Chief guest speaker at Kinsmen meeting .. Goderich Police Chief Fred Minshall was 0,the speaker at a recent meeting of the Goderich Kinsmen Club. His tqpic was the drug situation in Canada, Members of the Kinsmen decided to form a committee to look int the drug situation. Nexteeting is March 23. THE 13113L,E TOPAY Juan+ a young Jaltliari from, `ter 'Week reading the book. the Main town, of San duan, 6titan in, Quateinfila was vises iting a friend, lie. was •Shown • a book whichitis friend was about to throw in the fire, re- marking that the ,neighbours had said, it was 'a' bad. book, -Don't burn it," said Juan, ''sell it .to me." So the friend solei it to him for 20c, It turned out to be a New Testa: meat. He decided to read it, and spent all day Thursday, Friday and Saturday -of Eas- U. Thep on e;.Su4day afternoon he tote to , trail with his young wife an walker to. the iukrie of the tr iator of the New 1t'est t, three hours" journey awayp saying that he had read Cod's Word and was ready to believe in .Christ as his 'Saviour. It was his first, direct contact With Christians ;• since then he has suffered much persecution but cqn- tinues to have a hunger .for the study of God's Word. ChjjrchofCo (CPE VTECOSTAL). Oldest Pentecostal Denomination in North 'America . . Pastor: REV.'OMER HENDERSON Friday, 8:00 p,m. -- Youth• Services: • SUNDAY SERVICES 10:04 a.m.- SUNDAYSCHOOL 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p -m. -'CHURCH Corner North and , Nelson' - MacKay Hall Phone 524-7129 W, -E -L -C -O -M -E. BE SURE TO. SEE "THE =RESTLESS ONES" T. PRYDE and SON MEMORIALS - MARKERS& CEMETERY LETTERING CLINTON - EXETER - SEAFORTH Goderich District Representative FRANK McI,LWAI N 524-7861 or 200 Gibbons St. - 524-9465 REG. J. BELL 45' Cambria Road S. - 524-7464 daa Jfyour.._choice of used ,:caf s,is ... M. _ • • r sf ei '-rr dutt don't DGE • • 1969 DODGE SWINGER 340 Two -door hardtop, • V-8, 4 -speed, positraction, radio, krinkle top, 14,000 miles. -Peppy and sharp; J61694. 68 DODGECHARGER'. Two -door hardtop, 16,000 miles, 318 V-8, automatic, ,- bttcket seats, radio: Scarce model. Immaculate; J60547: - 1968PLYMOUTH FURY 111 ;Sports, two -door hardtop, power _ steering, power brakes, radio, bucket seats, vinyl roof, whitewalls, etc: Definitely same as new; J61992. 1967 DODGE MONACO 50$2 Two -door hardtop, V-8., automatic, power steering, power brakes, vinyl roof, radio; whitewalls, console. Red and white. Smart! J60795, 1967 'PLYMOUTH: FURY I1 Two -door hardtop, V-8; automatic; power.steering, radio; tinted. glass, whitewalls, discs, krinkle top;' J61.139. 1967 PLYMOUTH, FURY Stationwagon, six-cylfnde., automatic, radio, wheel discs, tinted wjndshield; X5332. 1 1966 Dodge Poiara 440. Four -door sedan, V-8,,automatic, radio, whitewalls, wheel discs. Really clean and original; J61057. si 8 1966 Dodge Coronet '440. . Four -door sedan, six -cylinder motor, automatic transmission, radio, whitewalls. Meditnn gold finish; J63186. 1966 DODGE CORONET Four -door sedan, s'i Acylinder, custom °radio, rear. speaker, whitewalls/wheel discs. Attractive dark blue finish; J60636. ' ° moilmirmior 1965 PLYMOUTH FVRY .11 Four -door sedan, lady • owned, - {six -cylinder, automatic, radio, wheel covers. Clean w- as a pin; - J61433. -� 1964 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE Two -door hardtop, V-8, automatic, whitewalls, wheel discs. Thoroughly reconditioned.i Drives perfect; J61.,646. 8 1944 PLYMOUTH. VALIANT V200 Four -door sedan, six -cylinder engine ' automatic transmission, chrome wheel discs. New paint .job; 169,5 Av. .,:p r,_,ra .�. h r jrq,. PONTIAC '. Goderich ..-152478391 GOPE O 010N41$4R, 1:44111i4tAY, OU 11, 97 fr. t,ta' pray tooth. The stay .#ogtrt or `FIRST BAPTIST' CHUR - (Baptist Convention of 4otalr'to. and Ruehec) MONTREAL STREEI''near The S ivare. •-- A WELCOME TO Al --1.,""- 10:00 a.m. - Adult Bible Ciass.and Sunday School For Ali 1'•1:00 ant! Mot'ning 'Worshlp. . I .-_._.._...� _ _ t�C. Ol1Jl .REHENaABLE r Supervised Nursery ... r. Minister: Rev, Arthur Maybury, B.A, B.D.. ST. GEORGE'S CH W Passion Sunda%i Mairch:,15th:. 8:30 a.m. -- HOLY' COMMUNrON.,-' 11:00 a.m, - HOLY COMMUNION AND SERMON. Sermon by the Rector Nursery at 11 a -m. CHURCH SCHOOL CLASSES at. 10 and 11 a.m. Rector: REV. G. G. RUSSELL, B.A., B.D. Organist--Chd'i•master-Miss Marian Aldous, A.Mus-, Mus. Bac. • • Knox Presbyterian Church' THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., Minister WILLIAM- CAMERON; Director of Prise SUNDAY, MARCH 15th 10:00 a.m. - CHURCH SCHOOL . •. • Sermon: "PRODIGALS AND SAMARITANS" .,r r,inurse y and.Junlor,,Cohgregation), • 1 1 :00 a.m. - DIVINE WORSHIP 7:30 p.m. - No Young People's Meeting. Entef` to Worship • Depart to'Serve North Street United Church d.Q SUNDAY,. MARCH 15th. 10:00 a -m- - SENIOR SCHOOL. 11;00 a' -m.-' JUNIOR SCHOOL. (Junior School Age) 11:00, a.m. - WORSHIP. REV. ROBERT RAYMONT HE..DIED FOR -`HIS "HIS W -E -L -C -O -M -E • Supervised 'Nursery , Mrs. Eleanor Hetherington, A.T.C.M. - Organist and Choir Director BethelPentecostaITabernaCle Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada CORNER OF ELGIN AND WATERLOO STS. REV. R. CLARK, Pastor - SUNDAY; MARCH 15th 10:00 aam. - SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. --- CHURCH. ,Coming BIBLE SCHOOL TRIO, Friday, March 13th Tuesday, 8:00 •pA. Prayer and Bible Study. Friday, 8:00 p.m. - Young People's Service. G Victoria Street United Church The House of Friendship 10:00 kin: - BIBLE SCHOOL.. FOR ALL GRADES. 11:00. a.m. - WORSHIP. SERVICE. Sermon:. "THE PERIL_ OF DRUGS" BENM1-CLER. UNITED CHURCH 1:30 p.m. WORSHIP SERVICE AND BIBLE SCHOOL. Rev. Leonard Warr w-E-L-C-O-M�E PLAN TO SEE "THE RESTLESS ONES" AT „PARK, THEATRE = MARCH • 16 and 17, 6 p.m. and 8:30 - p.m. Showings. • UNITED HOL!NESS CHURCH SUNDAY, MARCH 15th 9:50'a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 1 1 :00 a.m. - WORSHIP SERVICE 7:00 p.m. -arc EVANGELISTIC , SERVICE Special Meetings March j 2th .to 22nd7:30-p.m. Special Speaker: REV. L. J-;CHERRYHOLMES 11-12 "A VLCOME AWAITS YOU" Pastor: REV. C. A: JOHNSON', B.A. PHONE 524.6887 CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET [F,LLQWSHIP CRt7RCH"• ° NEED A RIDE? CALL FOR BUS PICKUP 524-9565 or 524-6445 10:00 a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL. - 11:00 a.m. - MORNING WORSHIP. "WHAT ALL °MEN SEEK" Evening Service, 7:30 p.m. - "Total Family" Hour ' Special Music - Gbod Fellowship Midweek bible Study -'Wednesdays' at 8:00 p.m. PASTOR: REV. KENNETH ''J. KNIGHT WESLEY MEMORIAL CHURCH 'Mt 'FREE 'METHODIST G"HURCH Park Street at Victoria H. Ross Nicholls, Pastor SUNDAY SCHOOL --- 10:00 A.M. THE WORSHIP HOUR - -11:00- Topic: 1:00-Topic: ' "THE CHURCH ON ANTIBIOTICSv - • st ENGGT iil' ` 'N41 j N5 • R V ICE E 7 .... .1�17.P.M »�u, �5 :,r.. ~. � k,. �_. _; 1