HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-03-12, Page 5Round and About 0t ► JUC.UU SI :NAL STAR, Tk'l 8 pA' ". MAR L4 week at 'this time on Well to get back to normal " U looidng out over the lake I was, I have a -very nice item for your :surprised to see WATER from • Calendar. The ladies-. of -the the shore to the horizon -- today • Maple Leaf Chapter of the theref s only ALL white as far as I,Q.A.E. every year have a• real you can see and I'm still' amazed. interesting , Luncheon Warty I should think when the ice is which is'always well attended. bloWn in upon. the shore that it This year; 6'tho later than other WAid take a bit of time to cover 'years, they have been fortunate' "fiat great expanse of water ` enought to have Mrs. that's Mrs. when the wind changed and Pierre Durton consent to be their decided to; blow •itr all -bask -again: ---speaker--'Phis" unchean- will take" The „shore line is certainly place;at North Street United * very lumpy' at' this time, so I Church .•o n Wednesday, guess the. ice that did blow back September- 23. So mark; your , out (—not `blow' --- I.should say calendar and other groups take was forced by the water pulling notice as there. is, no need ° to and bumping it around) must be have other events too close to spread thinly •and= the• frostitig on , „ this one. top hides. the open water April 3. The Foresters. of our between the chunks. out of town district are having With Murtha This is always, the time of their Spring . Dance at year that children get into Hdrbourlite Inn. • Everyone `trouble and many are drowned. I knows the good times at THESE-, wish the teachers would explain -dances. They may even hae - to them that these chunks are square dancing at intermission individual pieces hiding under a and that's always fun. The very thin cover of snow and just Bluetones supply the music and r. waiting -for that little smartie Mrs. Tom Moore ' and Mrs. who won't. listen to his or her Wayne Horner may be contacted grownups. for tickets. There's even a door I understand our river is open prize to top off the affair, in many places • and doesn't), Hats. off 'to Hats — The intend to be rambunctious t Sorority Girls Dessert Tea and spring. Now, the Bayfield River Hat Show is this Saturday — I hear there are rumblings and (March 14) at North Street growing pains and betting on United Church Hall. You will be when it will "go out!" - helping: the girls with their I recall watching one year for Children's Aid- project and this event on the Maitland — and having a very enjoyable SIIre enough -- I missed it! But, afternoon to boot. Hope you it is always a thrill to me to see - have a ticket, there will, be one _the great surfaces split — 'sitting." ._:, -sometimes--with -an --alarming This Friday and Saturday crack, like a shot out of a gun' evenings the G.L.T. play, to heave and smash around as "Murder Mistaken" will be on in the water beneath the ice rips its the MacKay Hall at 8:30 — I way faster •and faster towards think. ; the lake. Almost any spot along :You will enjoy the play and the Maitland s banks can be, an there are many new people N interesting spot for you if you taking • part in it. I think little like to watch this struggle of rice Ruth Leonard ' has done a "and' water. tremendous job with all these We have always enjoyed, the beauty: ,of Pipers- Dam, 'just out on the ouskirts of town. For many summers I was puzzled by- ° - the sight of grass on the twigs ,..,. and branches of bushes on the . shore - many, many feet above the water, but the grass was always caught around the twigs from the ,same direction and stretched ' more '"or less �., horizontal. It just didn't make sense. I final-ly.'convinced myself that there must have been a great wind in :the fall that blew towards the lake and caused this ' freak trimming on everything. I didn't want to show my ignorance , by asking anyone about it. I just thought I was ,smart to figure it out for myself. • Imagine how "smart" I felt when we went to the same spot- one potone very early spring and had water splashing ,fin` our feet — and we were a good 12 or 15 feet above thewater level as I "had known it in the summer. 1 couldn't believe my eyes. I still feel that this mighty -river is: digging down deeper and -deeper eaclr'spring and some day it will be like looking for the Colorado River at the base of the Grand Canyon. ,Of course I don't expect to be here when this .,comes about but 'what a dream! What a _dreamer — I heard you! Anyone with interesting tales, about our Maitland River? I know there ate plenty of them, would you share them with me? I won't tell a soul,— while you are looking at me! . 1 .. - ` Last spring_ I wen_ tto ,Port Albert and ventured out on the hills between the lake and the sand of the beach. I was amazed at ° the height and the great crevasses which- split , the huge pile of snow. The water was undercutting it and a large portion . broke away while' .1 stood there. I soon vacated THAT spot. I could see there had been' _a great many people climbing the huge drift - out of curiosity — just as I had,- and it certainly gives "you.. a big lift to see winter melting quickly away. This spring go and find some special places of interest. It makes you enjoy our part of the country more — and We can feel sorry for those poor souls in sunny Florida wffo have nothing (~"but rain and wind and SUNSHINE! Jealousy will get nie nowhe a ,I am told! THANK YOU SALE CONTINUFS EVE RYTIIING rO111 10" to 50''4, Off SQUIRE GIFTS- Rd,°,11(,1(1 FIci (iotlf•r,cI. new people and you will be ,pleasantly surprised with the nice set and realize all the work that has been put into this play. That is one thing about "live theatre" — especially . ip the. smaller centres -- sc5. many people become involved and you feel -that you are part :of the ptay just as the' the incidental: happening right in . our towns PicK up your seat ticketsat k Bell's on° The Square -; the optometrist, bless him! Saturday, March 21 -- get your tickets right away from any C. W,L. or K o:f .C° member — or see Pat Osborne =when you go to. the IN and OUT store. Tuesday the 24th. is the Travel* Series nite and we discover many things about our own Ontario that we hadn't known. " Tuesday March 31 — another nite with something very interesting happening. The local Horticulture Society is going all-out to give you the best when it comes to fighting weeds and bugs to bring your lawn and flowers to their best without' a great expense and a great many frustrating hours spent in vain. You young marrieds . with your gardening problems, here is your chance to get first hand information from an expert. Mrs. George Castle of C.F P C fame will be here. So be sure to be there. It is held in'the St. George's Anglican Church - Parish Hall. Did you mark your Most journeys are uneventful, routine, almost humdrum - when drivers are fortunate. Once a car trip•becomes eventful, it can -also be terrifying. The automobile's hundreds of horsepower and thousands of separate parts .. are controlled by a person of varying -moods, uneven skills, incomplete Wl lge,.-inpprecise. jgdge lent : and affe blG a mass of dreams and worries, At high speed, in .heavy traffic, the potential for miPhap is- great Collisions 'would be even more.• numerous .if drivers were' not protected by driving habits developed through experience. The thinking process cannot initiate protective action nearly as fast as ingrained habit. If a dog runs into the path of your car, your foot starts toward the brake long before you have thought out the situation and decided on,, a"'course of action. , But habits will not protect las in unfamiliar emergencies. We have to think out the appropriate remedy, then apply it. It helps to knovy the answer beforehand. lendar? I hope I haven't missed anyone this week but for the next couple of weeks would you please call Shirley Keller at the Signal- as I am:- playing hookey but will keep you ..posted on what goes on. Love, Martha. Taylor's Comers The Taylor's Corner Cominunity Club . meeting for the month of March was held.at the home of Mrs. Ida Schneider. The vice-president, Mrs. Grace Walter thanked the hostess for the use of her home- and also the. assistant hostesses,) Mrs. Birdie Whitely, Mrs. Mabel Holmes and. Mrs. Irene Oke. Hymn 98 was sung, followed by. the Creed and Lord's Prayer. The roll call "An Easter Verse" was answered by 16 ladies. The minutes were read and approved. The treasurer and flower fund 'conveners both reported on their book •balances, Thank you notes were read from members of the community for remembering them • during Illness or bereavement. • n7L,Py'�. It was decided to donate $20 to -Ida -White, missionary in India for the many •things that are needed for the ' care of her charges there. It goes a long way, in India, and much suffering can be alleviated with " such a seemingly small amount. - Another $10 was donated to the ".Bunny Bundle." - The April meeting -milli be held- at the -home of lyIrs. Sandy MacDon.Id, assistant hostesses - will be rs., Jean Ginn and Mrs. Jane Sine- .Ir. The roll call will be "A House Cleaning. -Hi The singin of hymn 104 and the repeating of the Mespath benediction e ded the formal part of the meet'ng. ° The assistant ostesses served a delicious lunch. 30 -THE SQUARE ' PA R K ' PHONE '524-781 GODERICH AIRCQNDITIONE60 THURS., FRI., SAT., , SUN.Reom,„AN ED "March 12-13-14-15 °M"'°'•' °r" +a, <'(rl.4F :Y,!v(,�:.�•• • 4}• +H4. Y `L A ';{.Yti:•'v';'''':\ r {! ;¢••: '�j +4+Y;±Any{.•'iC { {:> F ,:r 11ROMEFIELLMAN•JOUNSCHLF,SINGER ; ? PRODUCTION ?f µ n , DUSTIN JON.<.• ::s,, ;'As. 40, "MIDNIGHT ':� Y\ r•\ j. {% COLO1twD.Iuz. United Artists Showing Thursday and Sunday at 8.00. p.m. Only Showing Friday and Saturday at 7.30' p.m. and 9.30 p.m. JJJJ-JJJJ JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ SATURDAY - March 14-� OPMPIINMI ATI NEE 'M1 at 2.00 p.m. i.rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrr 4. Special Showing , > .. 4 ., � ` � _.•irk.. ,,,,,,c, le MON. & TOES. T t �, S �" ' � 14( March -16.17. wy it.'''l - sk • Two Shows Each111P, � 1. i t A..—�ft1Y wan ` Night '' '' GEORGIA Ill Ri SAMRSON•JGNNNY CRAMORG •Jf11�'I IRGM' KIM BARRY, w WED., THURS., FRI., SAT. March 18-21 , , , A LEGEND IN HIS OVEN TIMI! FIVE FEET H- -- . -- -IGH - -AND RISING:'-' ... . i i f rill Ur s i iyo waoM pt... a • �\ • ° ' r 46 J asii r$H ` , I HE lA I ' ky F HIS WC]RLa. D v n ,• HIS MUSIC!�� { R ' , \ •'- Its . O • .J z � II EUX111 10111 �N'• IOTIIFJ MITIELLE T Yr • TRT E1IMR, ;:w..- ONE TWO MANY MORNINGS (WITH BOB DYLAN } ,Showing Watlnaaday. And Thursday at 9.00 p.m. v 4*, 1. 4i it{tifivet daJ whirl)+*'Stitttfa'y irlA0' m. itittottat xm.' , SATURDAY MATINEE at 1.00 P.M. • t, Comparatively few people 'will ever face the ordeal of a rollover, but.dts worth -while for every driver to make a conscious, effort to remember that turning off the ignition switch might prevent a fire in a rollover. • All drivers should have more knowledge about emergency situations than they are Iikely3to need,. Here are some questions about emergencies. Some of • the answers are obvious, others are less straightforward: WHAT WOULD YOU DO lF.,. Q, Your accelerator,11-jammed and the car .began to race ahead? A. Switch off the ignition. Don't lose time try. ing to free the pedal until the power, is cid off. If -you have power brakes or power steering,. be preparedofmuscle f.c r heavy-as-I•ead•handling as soon as the. engine stops. Steering and -braking will need plenty . A „ • Q. „A deet• came out of the bush •and ran across the road ahead? ; 4 ° ” A. 'Brake', sound horn, flash lights off and on, Deer and other animals seem to'be hypnotized by 'the steady .glare of headlights, and there may be another close behind.. Q. A head-on collision became inevitable? "' A. Cut the ignition and in a car not equipped with shoulder belts, put both' hands at the top of the wheel, elbows out, and rest your forehead on your hands: The front -seat passenger, should lean forward, put his forearms together on the dashboard and rest his head on his arms. O. _While you were waiting at.a red Tight your ears and rearview mirror suddenly told you that a. car coming up too fast. was going to crash into your rear? A. Suppress any instinct to move ahead and "roll with the punch" to mini.miie the damage. That might lessen the damage to your car slightly, but it is likely to lead to a worse crash with cross traffic. Instead, bear down on the brake, brace your head from behind with your hands. Take the damage on your bumper, not your neck. O.P.P.. report Sunday, March 1, on Highway 4 north of County Road 3, Lloyd Needham, -RR 5, Kincardine, and Roger Layton, ' RR 1, Brucefield, were involved in a car -tractor accident 'resulting in minor damage to the vehicles. Sunday, March 1, on. County Road 1 north of County Road 24, Cora Hughes, 137 Elizabeth Street, •Goderic1f was involved in a single -car accident resulting in damage to her vehicle, Tuesday, March 3, on County Road 13 west of Clinton West. Limits, Steven Edgat Rathwell; RR 2,' Bayfield, .. and Brian Edward Miller, RR 3, Clinton, were involved in a two -car accident resulting - n damage to the vehicles..,, .Tuesday, March '3, on Highway 8 west -of County Road" 31 Sonia- Damsma, RR 5, Clinton, was involved in a single -car accident resulting in damage to the vehicle she was driving. - Thursday, March ' 5," on County Road 22 north of County „Road 25, Roy Wallace 1 Hardy, RR 2, Auburn; was • involved ° in a • single -truck accident resulting in damage to his vehicle. Hardy received 'injuries. Saturday, . March . 7, on Maitland Block Road west of County Road 8, William John Carrtwriglit' RR 1, Goodwood, was involved in a single -car ' accident resulting 'in damage to hiswehicle: The breathalyzer*,machine ° was used ` at Goderich Detachment Jour times in the past week. REMERIBER READY fOR RECEPTION, MEE.TIi� .^ • n 100 .ACC.OMM. PAct: - p ro• B-AYFiELD ROAD GODERICH--. 5Z4-77,1'1 DiNING And DANCING. • FRIDAY & SATURDAY MARCH 13 & 14-- DESJARDINES ORCHESTRA "BOOK YOUR BANQUETS EARL, Y" - v i • • TO HELP ARE ASKINq FOR. Put on a fresh look These boys will visit us from across 'Canada. If you wish to aid us contact .• . . - 0 524-908 524-711 ' 524-7083 in a springy turn- out! Our'coat • plus dress costumes are the ultimate faiShion,coordination! THE BIGGEST ENTERTAINMENT VALUE IN Ti`fE WORLD - $5 -Games of •Heads Up' Hockey YOUNG CANADA WEEK BOOSTER TICKETS 4DMISSION .2S FOR CHILCREN - .50 FOR ADULTS BOOSTER TICKETS -1.00 FOR CHILDREN 2.00 FOR HIGHSCHOOL STUDENTS 3.'00 FOR ADULT` , BE A YOUNG CANADA BOOSTER - Get Your Tithes Now — Good 'For A11 Week On Sale Now At ... . FROM