HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-03-12, Page 1• ._ ... ...' '' 12. YEAR, 11THURSDAY, , , 197 lilMfnH11111IIIi11111118111111111111111111pB1t1111IlllIBBIUII111111111iIIiII1U1111IIill11l11111I1111111llIII1A11 II 111IUIllll11IIII111111111Ntlllh11111!111LNIlHlill41IIlHB▪ Qi(1111I1 Bl!o.,!I!Ig t 111N1i1�il!1Nil11N NII 11 18 . No passenger trains .Unless the 'people of Hlron County act quickly they are going to be left without a ,passenger train service. Canadian National Railways and Canadian Pacific Railways have requested permission of the Canadian. Transport Commission- to cancel, passenger `train services In the area bbunded, 1 codericLOwen _ •Sound and Toronto, because, they claim the services are losing money. The commission will lfold`a public " hearing into the request in Owen Sqund on March 31: ` Huron MP Bob McKinley intends to be O. that meeting on behalf of the people of the county. But he will `need sorn.e_ammunition. If you, use, have used, intend touse or want (others to use a passenger train service in this area; if you. do not want this area of the province cut off „from other areas; if you do not want the railways to take Targe sums of money from this area in freight without providing at least sortie services in° return,` if yuu so nafi caut•to--be-ferced 1cr- use road tri ,icdui=_irig winter , storms, write .to Mr , . n. ay and tell him, so,- A,ddress.Your Letters to Robert B. • McKinley, MAP. Huronj,� West --Brei-, Parliament Buildings,Ottawa. No . stamp, veil.! required. Area' mtinibipal councils have already • 'started to move to stop tIie° action- intended , by the railways. Just for once, get out your pen and paper and back those municipal councils up. Write to complain and write TODAY. Arenaplans delayed by OMB decision; await information on education finances Plans for a $150,000 renovation program for. Goderich Memorial Arena were ▪ temporarily set back Thursday night when council learned the Ontario Municipal Board is holding up the town's proposed debenture issue. s .. In a letter to council, the OMB said consideration of the request _was being held up until financial' information is obtained regarding the Huron County education program, ' Town clerk, Sherman Blake, suggested • Youn Canada Tourne coieS to • When the first. puck is dropped March 20 for the beginning of the Young Canada Pee Wee -Hockey. Tournament of- the- Goderich,_ '' Lions Club,- the tournament will come of • age., It was 21 years ago this year that the first tournament was held with, 12 teams taking part from such "far off"'plaees as Wingham and Seaforth, Chesley and Leeburf9. This year 86 teams axe entered • with youngsters travelling from . Vancouver, •- B.C., and Greenwood, N.S. to take part. _. Referee in chief will be Stan Stokes, who will be in' the spot for the 16th consecutive ::°year. Bill Beacom will control 20 referees from : the Goderich area, including Jack Meriam who has been a retree with the tournament since'the first game. The local ' • - referees, take the early morning games to LL allow officials from out -of town time to travel in. Out of town "refs will come from a fax away as. Quebec. - „ - ; , .„, ..,... _. . Highlight of the tournament will be the annual East-West exhibition game, played this year between Vancouver and Canadian • Forces Base,: Greenwood, Nova Scotia. That the town find out whether the county education, board is proposing any capital expenditures and if it is not, notify the- OMB and it might speed things. up a bit. • • Work on the arena has been scheduled to start in April. In -other business, council accepted an offer from Goderich Building Centre of a chalet,style building far use as a tourist ..,information booth. - •- = : Responsibility -for maintenance and :a.. —insurance on the -building would be the town's.- ' a e arc 4 The Rev. Robert Raymont was inducted as minister of North Street United Church last Friday evening during a special service. Left tolight are Murray McGill, clerk of the sessions; Rev. Barry, Passmore, Wingham United Church, guest speaker; Rev. Robert Raymont, the new minister; fievr--Harold Currie, ,.chairman of 1.1 . • The building- would replace a camping World Day of -'Prager held at St. trade p Y Council passed a by g purchase of the former Victor Lauriston Public School from the Huron County board' of. edueation. The school was closed last June and reverts to the town under the provisions. of an early deed at a cost of $17,000; the original price of the school.- Permission' was granted tai the Church of God'" to erect a 45 -by -132 -toot church on Huron Road of .a•cost of $40,000. - Paul Baechler was appointed to ' the Goderich Tourist Committee. game will take place at 9 p.m. on. o Wednesday, March 25 and to make sure the folks at homedon't miss it, the 'Greenwood ,boys- are bringing their own radio transmitter to broadcast the game dome. 'By the, time .the end. of the tournament comes, some 25,000 boys will have played in it since it started; close- to 10,000 goals will have been totalled up •over the 21 years in the 1,500 games played. That's quite a, record when you consider it started:as a dream by Nip Whetstone many years ago. a eli se r used for the ast few ears: law au - The annual World Day of Prayer service' was held°in .St: - George's • Anglican Church Friday, March 6. Itis celebrated• with fellow Christians -in more than 130 countries on the same day. • The theme this year , was Take Cou •rage." About 150 ladies attended. - Mrs. Garwood Russell greeted customer service rec Bell Canada set -records in almost all 'areas of 'service to customers during 1969, states the Company', 1969 Annual Report, issued to shareholders today. - _Neverbetorein ....its -history did the company so •many additional teleYphones,- serve so many people, connect so many long -distance and local calls, transmit so 4nuch data," the report -states. Of the -302,000 telephones added to the network in 1969, 84 were in Goderich, bringing the total number of telephones in The Goderich Little Theatre ll stage its first drama of the Rita Ross, as Emmie, the maid; Standing is John Turr>tier in the Current season on Friday and Saturday di this week under the lead. role as�Edward Bare; Marj Robinson, who plays Charlotte ri r• direction of Ruth Leonard. "Mu oder Mistaken," a two act Young; Gil Rummenie as Phillip Mortimer, the lawyer and seated mystery by Janet Green, is the second production of, the local 01 front is Kathy Jenkins' as Mrs. Jefferies. Absent when the little .theatre group. The first one, Barnaby, a comedy photowas taken was Shirley McMillen, who plays•N`onica Bare. — - pantomime,.washe!d at GDCI 'in. November. From the`Ieft are staff photo. �nunautnluumnnnull llnnunannuuinlituululnlluB1111nI1nnI11i111I11111I1p1IIIlI1I11tI11pI111111In11111111rnIII11IlIIlI11111I1111tin111II111I111111I1111111111I1III11111111In1InIIIIIIIIIIIIlI1llllhuunnuntuiuiunnm3,nuunrnlnmrnunuun111I1111I11ur1n1111nnnumunnnnuunuuu nnnulruu1n11nuni111� the worshippers and Miss Marion Aldous. • Special music was by- a music. `,Special music was • by a choir of ladies from local congregations. Mrs. E. F. Sale was in, charge of the service, 'while others taking- part were 'Mrs: William -Barlow, Mrs. James Remington, • Mrs. S. C. Argyle, Mrs. Buchanan, Mrs. R. H. Cornish Huron -Perth Presbytery who conducted the induction. '-Hey is minister of Hensall United Church; and at far right, Bob Smith, chairman of -the board of stewards and secretary to „the official board. George's Anglican arid Mrs. 1-i. Rivers. . The:. offering: was'` taken by Mrs. D: .E, 0. Slemin, Mrs. D. Wilson, Miss Lily Blanshard and Mrs. D. Clements. The guest speaker, introduced by Mrs. M. E. Campbell, was Mrs. G. -Beecroft of Belgrave. She delivered; a thought-provok- ing address and charged the women to "take courage" and .. atafLphoio. Church have faith at a time when change part he' seems o much a of t 'world. Projects assisted by the World Day of Prayer Offerings, are many, among them the -World Council of Churches, ' World Council of Christian Education and Canadian - L,ouncil of Churches. service to 4600. The total number of telephones served • by Bell reached 5.7. million doing the year. Taxes amounting to $18,640 in Goderich during 1969 were part of the company's $148,516,000. tax bill for federal, provincial and -municipal governments.. . ,Bell's 1969 payroll in Goderich region amounted . to $22,788.17. Total company payroll was $273,972,000. Telephone calls originated by Bell Canada customers climbed 'to more- than 34 million on the average business day. Town -band elects officers for 1570 At a recentmeeting of the Goderich town band the following executive was appointed. President, Don , McMillan; treasurer,- Dr. Jim Peters; secretary, Mrs. Shirley McMillan; librarian; Miss Gerda Potzel. Social convener, Fred L'aisen; budget committee, -Stuart Shanks, George Griffiths, -.Dwayne Linney; - music committee, Miss Nancy Hills, Charles Kalbfleisch. ' Forthcoming ` engagements include concert at Huronview, Clinton, evening of Monday,- March • 16; participation in the 111:00 a.m.-worship service of Victoria Street United Church, •Goderich, Sunday, April 5 `and a band concert at London's Story Book Gardens, Sunday, Julie 7. • Thanks to the guidance and patience of • bandmaster Charles Kalbfleisch the band :is maturing and its repertoire -is' gradually increasing, • -• The bandsmen look forward to playing • more concerts this summer- than in past years. ' The band has rgom for a limited number of—new members who are prepared to practice diligently and attend rehearsals faithfully. _ • _, salute. our. a■ • rs.on�u�er1= The Sinal -Star SER a You have made' Goderich the finest shopping centre in this �g VES AS A MESSENGER to bring the buyer region. Your shopping habits and buying skill have thrown ^the . and the seller together. We respect your shopping habits, and are' =_ spotlight on Goderich, and •have caused other communities to cast proud to join the followi,ng merchants in a "SALUTE" to• "YOU c envious eyes in our direction: •Mr, and Mrs. Consumer. F.• A %The merchants ` advertising in the Goderich Signal -Star �Aberhart's Garage; .\i'gyle Marine & Small Engines; A & P; Arthur F.F.Et "GREATER GODERICH DAYS" pages in this edition have long wa , , Bros. Fuel; Apple Park; Bannister -:Motors; -Baird Motors; Beauty been aware of your value, but have recently come to appreciate you WE DMR U Lounge; Blackstone Furniture; Breckenridge Hardware; Blue's a . even more, When they compare safes receipts and bank deposits with ., lip, AND MRS, CONSUMER I Supermarket; Conklin Lurribe>`_; Crystal Lake Mobile Homes; Coach 1'other communities throughout the district. House Travel Service; Culbert's. Bakery; Club Grill; Campbell's; Don . " Hoist Real Estate; Dunlop . Pharmacy; Edward Fuels; Ernie's =� � 1, air ` Hairstyling; Fashion Shopper French Dry Cleaners; Fincher's Smokeildin ' Your knowledge of fine merchandising keeps these merchants busy, �, ' orl... ,,; au Y g' Goderich Motors; Goderich Building :.� � Gord s Sporth• =_ constantly looking for bigger and better values, to pass on to you. � ;�� & Gift Shop; , �, Garland's; • t�'oderich These firms are proud of _their. -.new merchandise. They pride . Centre; Goderich P:U.0 .; Graf s Fina; Gerrard s; ..arland s, p .. � g themselves in that they can find the identical item in Goderich that Discount Centre; Goderich Restaurant; Hibbert's; Hoffemeyer 1 you can find anywhere and in most cases, for less. money. • Plumbingq & Heating; Henderson's Book Store; Hat Shop; John g �, r„„„�„ & Jeffery Son; Jewell Brothers Appliances Kentucky Fried Chicken You can shop to Goderich with confidence, The shopkeepers here Take Home Store., t ionel's Sunoco; Lodge Furniture; W. J. Mills 5 McArthur &Refill M -W Motors; N. T. * Iare your friends. Their purpose is to supply you with the best 'Motors; Mill End Store;y; M quality merCYtandise, at the lowest possible priced . Q • fl Ormandy Jewellers; O'Brien's Market; B. R. Robinson; Rawson Style . n•y• Shop; Rieck Pharmacy; Rivett Radio & TV; Ross” °Shoe Shop; Shop e " - , oes; .$chaefer's Ladies Wear; South End Body Shop; Sky g the, GREATER GODERICH DAYS ~ for THESE Sproule Sh merchants. Ranch, Singer Co.; Shore Gifts; Schaefer's„.Interiors; Worsell Bros.; <a oolworth's. 'tt,?.?:F.•`:CA .;!47,1'. __,,7 "• i .r,c7,, '.-I<'»34�,.,'1 �"Y.2�''M pn. "'M,na r pr .,1 r 41:”. .r;.�°: r:,M M ,7 i ifs.^oa�w tst tett 7uwL ,eh i n :,...:a.ti sryA�C'»'G":,'::�' k't,t, 'zIl :Alas „t .. � yL'�L'Nr. •...vv.... •'... , . J: p....,.r. +�.,d-3,i t.k.x 5,:Y`: t.1 .. 1"�;; e,, ec,...'`:i'j' '',.�`,,iE" . AkJxfl.:st''' r:» te. .�` • :.�'� � . � .. S1ti11'11t11ti{1'1SS11411111{1S11SIfS{1111f1111i11111111111i1ti1'11111St1111SStii'111�ti11it11141111ir. NNINIMIliHiNihlljlliffili lliffighlI 1 Mill IIIIIlllllllllIIIiiiii101111111it1111111101IIIIIIII MIIIIillii111111 1111111111111111i111111111111111111111i1i1i1�111111111111i11ii1ti111i11ti11ti1i1{1i1i111i 1ti111111t11ti1i11Si1itiiiK'Iti111111iiUii111ti1Si$S14N The girls of the'Juriior Viking Team at GDCI won the WOAA "AA", basketball title last weekend defeating Ingersoll 34-18. The score at the time this photo was taken, shortly before half time in an early galme with Tillsonburg," was 2E1.10. The girls blasted the Tillsonburg ,team 54-23. It was the first year' Goderich had been entered in the."AA" series, having qualified this year when enrollment at the school topped -800. GDCI girls win title For • the first time Goderich District Clement had eight.' Collegiate Institute girls' bastball teams Results• for the day° are as follows: Junior were- entered in an AA championship this semi finals, Ingersoll 27, St. Mary's 23; high year and they walked off with the title. • scorers on each team respectively were. Mary The school qualified for AA designation Clement with 12 and Lorrain •Folkard, 14. this year when enrolment went over 800. Senior semi finals: St. Thomas Parkside, The "Junior Vikings Girls Basketball Team 44, Central Huron Secondary School, under coach Moe Dowds slammed its way Clinton 26. Scorers, July Gifford, 14 and through a perfect season of wins and a 51-23 ' Dianne Carter of Clinton With 26, the victory over Tillsonburg Glendale in thesemi highest score of the day. - finals and a 34-18 wire over Ingersoll in the Senior semi finial, Tillsonburg Glendale finals last weekend to take the'WOAA doube 49, Stratford 31; scorers Debbie 'Sits, 11 and A title. • Marg Price,, 12. ' „High scorer for ° the home team was Sue In the senior finals Glendale defeated=. Duckworth with 15 in n eac`h'gamei for n M-. PIarkside 44-27 7 with -high scor e H s from Betty Hd`:alnt'a:-,N uM1 i ,: eyd-:tho i she, also with scoring + - b