HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-03-05, Page 15411 • 11, TODAY'S*Cltt. BY HELENi ALLEN C1 Ann fowlers • ! O. • • 001Elt $INAT,e.$,440 THURSDAY., MAR1I 5f).970 1,44. 0 . ! , 0 ' * . 6 . left ill t, DEAR ANN 'LANDERS:A- Now and then a mother thought you were too young to makes the mistake of insisting remember Andy Gump — thethat her son choose between her comic strip by Sidney Smith — and the gilt My mother-in-law but was wrong. You pa did this and she lost — not Only • remember -and you swiped /from her son, but her grandchildren as it. A character in the strip well. • named Widow Zander used to We have two little boys and. give some pretty good advice. I'm going to reinernker this One of the things she said often leSSon when they bring their girls was, "If you want to have a friend, be a friend.”1 . , • What you lack in Writing abIlitoId grl, you Make up for in memory. Congratuations. 7 MEXICO CITY NEWS' •• DEAR , MEXICO: Muchas gi:acias and buengs noches. • ol • • •.• •.• is smiling cherubic looking baby is Shawn, seven and a half months old. With a Dutch, English, French hack - ground, plus one Canadian Indian grandparent, he is a big, healthy boy with blue eyes, long -black lashes, brown. hair and olive skin. . • A placid, easy-going boy, he enjoys company but can amuse himself contentedly with his toys when no one is near. He loves paper and one of his favorite games is to tear it up. Shawn likes- to be on the door where he travels by pulling himself along on his stomach. He is used to children „,andjikes.40.0.atch -them playing. . '-There-is za -history of -drug-taking-in this -baby'slyck- ground so he needs parents to whom this would not be a worry. They should be peopie- who will want to give- their new son a- great deal of attention and stimulation without pressure. . To inquire about adopting Shawn please write to To day's Child,, Department of Social and Family Services, Parliament Blandings, Toronto 182. For general adoption ' information ask your Children's Aid Society. James Richardson 8i Sons Ltd Serving The Feed Dealers of Western Ontario PHONE 624-8388, GODERICH HEALTH & SAFETY . h,ome to me. If they choose a couple of three -eyed gorillas, I'm not going to say one word against them, I'll accept them with a smile and keep my mouth shut. — CHARLOTTESVILLE DEAR CHAR: You have a good set of brains, Dearie. I hope you have a • Memory to match. Mainly for Mother$ b 'C 1 if y aro art DEAR ANN LANDERS: Every now sand then someone asks for an Opportunity to sit in your chair. play I be the one today? I read a good many. letters in your column from mothers who find a lot wrong with the girls their sons pick to marry.How sad-that---these--m-others-fi'il-to understand that a normal boy is supposed t� cut loose • from Mom's apyon strings and Ake a riOnie of his own. Common Sense Measures Help Prevent Falls Two. recent letters have ay . cusp(' me of sOinething inex- Lusable losing my zet. One was from a chap -1, nay, en't seen since %%e played la genier as kids. Up said a re cent column shOwed a negative approadr..and beseeched the not to feel, that Way. I think he's' also a health nut of some .kind;becati'se he,' urged Ole- not to let' any "fim- body, Such as • nieotine or alcohol, to enter my system—L.-Y(ju're right, Bob, • yur, spelling is trrible. hut thanks, pnywpy) ' 4). Another was from a lady .whose daughter I taught, She said I sounded as though I had the mitwinter bines. aiut cheered me by telling me that her daughter thought;1 was grea, even though she had hated school. Thank • you, too, Nlam, and I know your name, though you didn't sign it. • But don't ,worry, ehaps. '1 mi-ght sound a trifle misanthro, pie at times. I always have. But theres plenty of hilly .in the old goat yet. I don't intend to • -slash mY wrists. At least, not until the present ' curling bonspiel is over. I need them. Possibly the earliest joke in • histry' involved a caveman who tripped an# fell over a dinosaur bow-. Falls are still thought to be funny today -- As long as someone else takes them. More than half the injuries from • falls in the home are sustained by persons under 15 and over 65 Years of age. The Council on Family Health, non-profit:organization eretAted to promote health and safety in the home, points out that most accidents in the home are pre-' ventable if a few common-sense guidelines are followed: • The first step is to analyze your home for every potential source of trouble and then cor- rect the situation. -Throw rub, or example, often fiveup to their nanie literally. Mother should make Aire that earh has non-skid backing. They should be placed well away from the top -and bottom steps uf.astairease. fornasi•ng sure it is solidly placed on a flat surface. Rungs should be peri--' odically inspected and repaired f they pre unduly worn- 04- cracked. Items suchrras paint cans ' brushes, hammers and other tools should be reanoved from the ladder shelf. immedi- ately after use. • • ---ST-fitictaktFIW`="r"Jiru's, A TINV GLAND sri4)etki-rge. c)set's i-ic.)oF Gives OFF AN • ODOROUS SC...ENT' WE -*CN ALLOWS THEM TO 'TleACK EACH °mare , rm.siS Is cme..Le TME 'Ivrea:a GITAL GLAD. especially for young children and - the elderly. Install handrails and stair treads. Your youngster carl help kep:stairs free of toys and items ef clothing, and can assist in cleaning up Spilled liqnids and foods. Lighting should be adequate, with switches at the top and bottom.of each stairway. -Large. orbu1k itgnts,such.45 . ••• found rybaskes, pill6ws, blankets and wastebaskets should be car- ried up and down stairs care- fully, prefr:tbly with oae hand kept free for support by: the hndrail. In the bathrooi, use a robber mat...60n the flour of the tub, and use gsrahrbars When enterbrg and leaving the lothOr shower stall. The entire family should be dwarned 'never to touch electrical fixtures with wet •fiandS or while stondirtg its7cATIrte-f. After your bath, dry un wet floor surfaces.. • of , Palls can } prevented • by . furesigl.t. Discover tliespotential hazards in your home and correct them qUickly. ' We have a . great institution at our school for pulverizing those Febrtia6 blues. Once a year. we thrdw_ the curric-ulum out the u indow and do sortie - thing sensible. We .hae This. .year a 'computer couldnt have 'picked a bettor day. Ten beim\ • piles of snok‘. and a brilliat' sun. Everybody mi coliirrTil garb. : Boots and parkas and scarves and hats of alt.hues. The day began 'vv ith a leg auction' in the gym. Girls hid • hehind a curtain, with only • their legs showing. Boys hid 011 the legs (Inc French leacher, -081(‘, \\ as knocked clow n for , S3.25 and , the highest hid \v as over S7 All proceeft to sip port .loster child in Hong Kong. , ,,... Then a grand march to the I'd thoniht.- once fr .twice, ii1 * . lake. for games on the kW. ousting these individcial,.ph)'s- Snowshoe races, broomball in ically, from my class, That 4S'.4, :• whicheverything goes,„inefud-- thought that will never, again- ing tripping teachers at every eross my mind. , , „ ,, .. .' '•,'",• olipurtunity, • tug-of-war, and Afternoon. Everybody off ,4° ,• , just plain horsing around and the hockey game, .or haol<,,-to • ,`.. wrestling in the snow, No. the. ski .hiwor •staymu woo- •,,, holds barred. A fine sublima- • the .haskethall game. or hog et( lion of sex.. . - Other- group,s spiit for ..-,-turV - '-ts°Wittnj7nInctg°,1r, P1-.. °i' skating .1)!1; ...., , . - --- , -------- Mg, skiing, snowmobile rely All- sorts .. of . ot4er : things for 'it trip out around thp is- ,go,ing 90, toeArlow sculpture, Janis, snooker tournament, Choosing 6f • 'a snow (I'len- " ; i ' he- beauty 'of ilw day,ciS that ''. 'iaTnbild4rise:slair3u'Tiel'IntaW's,isttthil:lee!glieruti6'eh:Phd,Yw'3:5sf ;.\ intirting. skating. its so ainatetir. •177here are ex a beautifulIndiangirl But you could watch fat, mid- , ' rilw's oon" perts- in ever field, of course. dic-aged teachers. (*vs hulginT.; _wthats pfso; a blow agai bst the But dowcihill skiing for the first ithorror; as I hotried • . And so it went, with a Wit, wh . " time ever. Or little Grade windup dance Saturday nig)* kids, vveihing ' in at `1" 80 But the melody lingers on. pounds. trying to get ' a 40- This Mid -Winter madness' has pound curling stone M.N.. the the thin -red line- which sep, the effect of literally melting •arates teachers and studentS. ".',14--Ileirl-eyo'ne back to schoOl af- dignity when some 14year-old ° How can yoU maintain your .F ter lunch for a check-in. Then g,irl is yelling at you. - "Sweep:* a karate demonstration. To my Sweep. you .durnmy1. Or•whert amazement", and terror. I saw sonic five-foot Grade-niner three of my Grade 12 Tech stops to help you up, • when boys up there. smashing_ one- liti.‘,.e sprawled in a hopeless inch -boards with their . bare tangle on the ski hill? kmickles and bare feet, kicking • The whale community kicks and chopping with Wows that in. with fre.e swimming. ciirl- iloosietl.d kill, flipping each -other ing and ski tows around like pieces . of rubber . • We all discover. :that we're human beings. Biggest disov- Cold sweat crept i n 14 i in v cry of the year. Should have • ,.. ,,aiLinvits.zas - C;,-,ttervenAieredo-that- ,A. 011e'CWr•Y,' term, FOR YOUR FIRE INSURANCE See or Phone ° MALCOLM MATTERS GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT 46 WEST ST.. 524-9442 '--44 • 1,141, 1,4 • la I / Mi. ;11..4 .nb 4, . ,^11 • , • 1"--.4 ,* 4 .1,1, • t° 4•14.11411allalio For w'Pleasant Surroundings 'and „ Good Food" - • THE • GODERICH RESTAURANT STEAK HOUSE „. and TelVERN s 0' • 1 • THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR1AD FRIGIDAIRE * WESTINGHOUSE' * G IBSON * HOOVER , Sales and Service GERRY'S APPLIANCES Kg' Square -- Goderich Now Owned and Operated by Chuck Jewell The Names Of. Six Signal-Star'Subscrib- ers Are To Be Found ane Of These Ads DOUBLE PASSES TO THE PARK THEATRE BOOKS & STATIONERV Cards For All Occasions * Gifts * Books * Stationery Supplies • Records ANDERSONS BOOK CENTRE 33 East St. adderich • PAINT! WALLPAPER * PAINT * WALLPAPER * CARPETS * TILE " * LIN9LEUM "Your Complete Home Decorating Centre" Allen Schade 144 South St. McARTH U and REILLY' LTD: West St Goderich Mrs. G. M. Watson 88A Wellesley St. E)(6ELLE4T SELECTION Regular or Safety Toe 14 Different Styles 'DAVE,60WER'S Industrial & Garden Centr Hamilton St. 524-8/1 THIS SPACE Now. Showing DIRECT FROM ITS LONGRUN ROADSHOW_ ENGAGEMENTS! COLUMBIA PICTURES and RASTAR PRODUCTIONS Pflug BARBRA OMAR STREISAND SHARIF WYLER- RAY STARK... "FUNNY GRL" 41D IF.CHNICOLOPINIAVISOIsag MEN'SWEAR 10 1 , .• - For That ° CERTAIN Flair IN MEN'S WEAR EARL RAWSON, MEN'S WEAR On The Square, Goderich s -L TELEVISION PHILIPS PHI LCO - Mrs. H. Davidson 64 Mary St. Colour Television SALES and ERVICE 524-9432 RIVET -1"$ TELEVISION --RADIO 34 The Square Godericb .:IRAVEL SERVICES" s s THiS SPACE, RESE VED - • • .1 • FOR YOUR AD • • • THISSPACE RESERVED THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD FOR YOURAD One Complete Show Starting At 8.00 p.m. SATURDAY MATINEES Feb. 2eand march 1 At 2.00 p.m. D. A. KAY & SON Painting and Decorating Contractors , • Painting, Wallpaperirig braperies;, Floor Sanding 33 Huron Rd. 482-9542 Clinton 4. 4.- -j ir....4111111M111010•■•••• 0. RESERVED FOR YOUll AD BM. Now a goRd salary Opportunity -security for you in. a business career Goderickt. • Business , • • • Mrs. Arnold Beach 4> .173 , SEWING MACHINE • College MIGHT SCHOOL Typing, Bookkeeping, • Shorthand (Tues. & Thurs. Evening) 524-8521 -'81-- FLOOR CARE ." SALS' & SERVICE Alithorized SINGER Agent Phone GIL RUMMENIE Bus.: 524-8431 Res.: 528-8916 SHOE STORES For • FASHION . RIGHT 'SHOES • ' THIS FCE, UILDING)MATFRIAL 94. PURIVITURt • . 132 Hincks St. For The FINEST in FURNITURE •• LODGE rniture West St.— Goderich • GODERICH BUILDING - CENTRE THIS SPACE fr * 524-8383 „Angle's -ea — RESERVED FOR YOUR AD .4104 1,4: • The Place To Go Is ROSS SHOES The Square docarich RESERVED • FOR YOUR AD -THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR Al) SPACE . THIS SPACE RESERVED RESERVEP •• ' Be Sere To See Our.DisplaY - • PAINTINGS - FOR NiOUR AD FOR YOUR AD SPROULE' SHOES Victor Hey 15FooBtlwale:arSFtW. the Family 5249174 '4#07,.•^,'"*Ut.tkre....,**-^^7 •-‘, • • ikfrigstoii"St.' "G'Odelldi CONTEST , • Each week :the names and addresses Of 6 subscribers will )41 0 appear in the Business birectory. . k ' • ?. 4 ., l, 1 ' ' II —Look for your name and address in the ads. --Take the Business Directory and suitable identification to the advertiser in whose ad your name appenred and -Pik up Your passes by SatUrday night closing.. Only SubscrOxirs tq SienoleSPrfiro — 't•tr, • • vs