HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-03-05, Page 14TULIRSDAX, MARcU 5, 1970 With Shirley 3. Keller Woman to Woman I'm iting, this "column a few hri ie -to -be to plan:ahead for her I do want everyone to feel F, `-----days early this -week in order wedding. story in much the same, free to use the column For that I may take a vacation from manner as she ; plans the rest of Octogenarians and Those older. FelIruary 28. to March 8. My •her wedding details. She should I believe,' that when' a -man or a "husband and•I are heading south. try to" fill out the wedding form woman reaches 'the age of 80' We may or may not get to for the newspaper BEFORE the , yearsor better, it is a milestone ` Florida....it I>depends on our wedding and arrange with the which should be remembered. frame of mind en route. Our trip photographer VERY EARLY Most folks are proud to have Is not really planned, you see. for photos for the newspaper, iteehed that -grand- old age_ and We intend to do what we like That -way there ' is no delay ' are delighted to be , honored - when we like. It is the only way because of the honeymoon and' through mention of it. to travel as far as we afe the problems of setting up a new • , Of course, there is no 'chance concerned. house....and the wedding story, that we will use a name without ,> „ * * appears in the newspaper while someone's permission to include I'm short of material for this the wedding is still news!. it. We await your telephone calls column this week mainly * and' letters. The service is free because I haven't been out with b've been hounding in recent and we are very pleased to hear from all of the.ladies for the past few days. weeks tor some reaction --pro you. * I've heard-from:some of you but and con — to my proposal for a I find I really have to get out children's day care centre in This may, be a good time to and around to get the feel of - Goderich.....in fact, in any town >�emind the readers that • this things. column goes to , press' Tuesday g you care to mention., F -` I maybe should mention that I would like to report that an morning' Any items tel- be included in .the column- should I had the .honor to be the article is .scheduled for the arrive oy n m deck before 5 m. • ' . Phvto B Malik • speaker a the last meeting bf • March issue of Chatelaine a: Monday evening • - • • if you were -Liftable to po me 'Dutch` hyacinths for yourself this year, take heart — they are Hospital , was , great fun and ,I enjoyed for day care centres. . In the past couple of -weeks, I A high value first mortgageioan on a residential or unproved farm property will cost you less than you think--' and you can arrange for convenientnfs paymeto write it off. If the property is rf good risk (and our experienced mortgage people will be glad to advise you), don't let money stand in your way. Just 'phone Victoria and Grey. the H •tal Aux itlary meeting- concerning Canada's urgent need have had some uests which every moment of it. Of" the 1,500,000 working .:.bair�.:.t�ee�, zraal�.;�l.:hecause • . . 1 • I--spoke-about-my first love-- women in Canada,`• -snore than -..uzoxii .31as:°Teanhed•=e.ztoo.;:iate_ the newspaper business ,— and 500,000 have one or more ,. how to use the local newspaper I m sorry to have disappointed PaP children under fourteen. This is a total of approximately one and some of you but it couldn't be ° to benefit the local organizations: :I also invited three-quarter million children. helped. , ,,,questions from the floor and got . Of these, 380,000 are " quite a few,' I must say, pre-schoolers whose • mothers in hear there are signs of One lady asked about aren't with them during all or pring around the countryside. I wedding stories. It seems there is . part of the day, and 695,000 certainly hope this is true a great deal of confusion ' u n d e r= f o u r t e e ns 'w i t h One of the best .signs, of unsupervised before -and -after c• ourse, . the early Easter this school hours. year. Somehow it seems to me What- is °being done tohelp that spring coincides (or should them? - coincide) with Easter. Don't call me to complain, ' though,- if A few day care centres already established are a result Spring doesn't arrive by the first • available at any florist and at almost every supermarket frgtn now on, The cost is small, and in • • • return for a very cec tmodest amount of care — say five seconds each day to , h k ho t so• • the. 'l is t :reasonably mois—_the-hyacintiis.awilt.rewaccl:you-w naysAattragrance—Choosabulbs,which .have -- ardIy-begun•* tr•show- cotor;-and- s --wiles ave w -joy-a* seeing --the• fiowerssttnfoid•fully,-jncl moreover, that lovely first breath of.Spring'livil! be in your home from the opening of the first bell. concerning . the publication of --- these delightful items. First of all, the .Signal -Star (and_ most newspapers I feel certain) supply wedding forms to brides who'Gwish to have their wedding, stories printed in the newspaper. It is .. a . kind' of fill -in -the -blank •arrangement and jf the bride answers all the q'uesl ions in . clear; • concise „ langnage it is a simple matter for the women's 'editor .,,of the newspaper to' weave the whole thing ' together •• into a ' story concerning the wedding. Occasionally,, 'we have brides' who do not trust the newspaper to write the story correctly. So, P . the bride or her mother . or a • trusted friend ,writes the entire story - ' in 'full —. and: hands it in tothe newspaper. That's nice • too, particularly if the story' is neatly handwritten or typewritten and ifit contains all the details which •are important to a weddingastZry. I maybe should point . out here that because . wedding stories ' are published free of charge, we do reserve the right 'to edit the stories — cut them down in some -cases •-- if we feel it is necessary. Usually, it is not "necessary=, • - A>id -then there are the tough ones. Once in a, while a bride will • bring you a sample of the dress .material and a sketchy description of the gown and expect . the story writer to explain in exacting detail the of -individual initiative. It is only of April. yC * * recently` that certain government ' ' Do' you want -to -read: the organizations have begun to take social news 'in the -Goderich •• an, interest in'. the „very.great Signal -Star? Then you should do problem.. In. its Marchissue. • your ,part to contribute what Chatelaine discusses the steps , You can to' the social column. that must be taken in order to If You have ' had visitors or if remedy this deplorable situation. you have been away for a First, if others are to he made holiday, please telephone me or fully aware of the problem, the ' drop me a line giving me>ajust 'the Canadian Woman. must avail, barest details. There is �o charge herself, of every opportunity to for this service and wed.?. like to promote her cause, Talk about hear from you. the need with other mothers, at- ' * * school associations or church l had a chat a few days ago groups. • Get an action committee, ,:with a fellow who feels that the going in .you'r, neighborhood, the, Signal -Star caters. to just a few story suggests, to. study' localpeople. The news, he says, is all needs, local, provincial and about ,,'certain clique of penile municipal laws, possible'sites for in Goderich and it gets a little - — a .flay care centre, -sources 'of tiresome to read.' .funds. I have to agree :with him in.'. Some other suggestions 'the part. Very often the news is story makes is to write to the about the"same•few people, over ministers of your provincial and over again. But that s welfare and education because it is always the same departments giving them your people. who make the newsby ideas and ung for theirs. Ask „ getting involved in community your member of parliament, affairs' your MPP and ' your local Every community has the crowd which , becomes busily councillors what:the-ir views are. engaged in almost everything Nothing will be -accomplished , that's going on in town....and without effort and support on �. every community has the group the part of all women....even the, which prefers to sit home with women in 'Goderich and area. their. feet up rather than expend * * * the effort'neces�ry to be° active u,cide style- .and cut.. of the wedding •' of Chate • article y mall}•; the • Marc issue rnuuity affairs -..---.- twine will also carry an; �. written b Dr. John Rich I agree, too, that If; would be On one occasion (not a nice i more -people could Goderieh, incidentally)' I .hada discuss the new morality that they were engaged in various •young lady bring tome her dried has appeared simultaneously upweddingbouquet so that I o community efforts...but q with the pill and other advanced • somehow that's as- difficult to could describe her ' ,flowers:' I'm • methods of contraception. no expert on flowers even when -Psychologists, sociologists achieve as finding gold nuggets .theyale, atheir very best! hips; lice maids' .sandbox. It, ,just ry and anthropologists alike. are Andthereare times when the doesn't seem - possible to ,flooding us with new mother of the bride feels she - information and forcing ,us to motivate some people.' Once- again, though, let me trust -get ,involved. It could be re-examine our, time honored invite you to send me your she thinks . her baby girt is , beliefs" concerning love and suggestions for stories which you incapable o€j doing anything marriage, and what it is that feel should be published in the right so mother engineers the constitutes ``'normal ° sexual local paper. I'm always pleased'` wedding story for the pry. behaviour.'' ' ' to hear your suggestions. Nine times out of ted when • For perhaps the first time, . mother takes over, the story will the people's choice can and must go 'wrong probably because the be an in°dividual'one. Does this daughter and the.mother are not mean, then, that conventional completely agreed what should marriage will eventually become • be included in the report. ,� obsolete? Of . course, -, there are exceptions. - There . are times :. We got out over 80th when mothers do not really birthday club off the ground last interfere, but rather they are week and it may have, been a • helpful and reliable- sources of rather bad time, to be honest. information. Since I won't be at my desk Generally though, mothers for this issue I won't be able to •shouldremaittin the background check into the few names which where wedding stories ,-are, have been supplied for me....Qr concer'tied. . - to take telephone calls regarding • Once again, I caution. , the the column., 'f p l get o IR a- b' iontreal,'psychiatrist, who`'wi11 their names -in the paper because For Your . - INSUANCE ''seeorcaal MisiclEwasi 44/Worth St. — 524.9531 'ASM y,l.tdr, etonald'O. MeetWan . Peter S. MacEwan • Experienced Decorator INTERIOR AND - EXTERIOR PAINTING ' AND WALLPAPERING Reasonable Prices Free Estimates VG TRUST COMPANY. I: fl uff; illan er Elgin And Kingston Streets SINCE 1889 •24=7381. 'Goderich in Tomato Squce Top Volu 'Fancy _ TOMA T . . JU�CE.� ■ Westinghouse 40 -60 -or 100 Watt Soft While rLi ght Bulb Pkg.•'of 2 a 48 -or: ,: Tin 1• ■ 1 1. 1 i i f... mmmm mom.? mmmmmm .iii 1 • ow writ m Kellogg's ; !m i*m... t : York Frozen 1 1 .4 1 4- wr, i.4.410. Chicken, Beer. Lir .mFiafes o4•'TulCeyi MEAT PIES'[. ...Viva°.=.,: G. assorted Colours Bathroom Tissue 4 Burn Coleman's Sweet Oven Ready Bon,�eless Pickled • - • PICNIC with" PICNIC dressing, 79c,b• Cottage Fresh Pork" • ROLL BUTT OR SHOULDER CHOPS 7,94;.'1'b. 72s Brown N Serve, Product of Israeli (size Jaffa Oranges .Doz. U.S, No, 1 Green Cabbage - ed. Canada No, 1 • 2.Ib Marsh Carrots Bag Radius of 15 Miles of Goderich W. Pedersen 16; l ck Street_ .Phone 5246667 After Six Reserve Your. Set Today! Imported English 9m - DINNERWARE off open stock prices. -. a e Choose from many exquisite pot. terns.' 28 piece set of 9 piece . %ompleter, set ,yours for lifer 14 layaway receipts. ' (with' „every $5.0O • grocery Pur- chase) 'o total of only $13.86. 28U Put the world at your fingertips wit the World scope... •++, «--4:, ' NcYLOPEDA 22 illustrated information Packed • - volumes, --Hardbound--covarsr -aye* 7,000 pages, '26,000 subjects - coveted. Upaoted to 1969. -Large size format (61/4" x 9¼") P • Volume:,2 to 22 ° only $ f .90 ..cele Start todayl Aylmer Fancy, -, ASSORTED14-0=. VEGETABLES _3 this O :oo_ Libby's Foney, Halves or Slices PEACHES 28-� . 39 /. tin , ,Top 'Valu Assorted Flavours - SOFT 1O -oz. Q� DRINKS it) tins IG Top Valu °. INSTANT •10 -oz.' COFFEE jar 1p I. Tomato or Vegetable°Top Valu -oz' tin Zip o DOG FOOD 1.5:-"' ton ► Top Valu . LIQUID 124 -oz. DETERGENTp( . btl. '3 '%, Micrin . ORAL -6 -oz.. ANTISEPTIC Li btl. Schick Super Stainless Steel RAZOR. disp of BLADES. t Prides Effective Match 4 • 7 Incl. 0,' -lite' te'al* the, -t 3i ' h)' fr>yril xr i nrtlYiie"s ` w4