HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-03-05, Page 11illllllIIIlllllihllllllll,IllllllilillllllllNll INiMlltltllllltllllllll .o. f 15. NOTICE to CREDITORS ' 1 6, PUBLIC O. ICE NOTT 11.11.111111111.1., ALL 'persons having claims against the. Estate of CHRISTY CAMPBELL CRAIGIE, Widow, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who, died on or about the 15th day of January, 1970; are required to file,the same with full particulars with the undersigrnedby the 21st day of March, 1070, 'as.afterthat date the assets of the estate wilj be distributed. r • DATED-, at 'Goderich, Ontario, this 19th, day of ,February, '1.970. PREST and EGENER, .Barristers, etc.; 33 Montreal Street, GODERICH, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. 9,10,11 , ALL persons having claims against the Estate of FLORENCE MCWHINNEY,• Widow, late of the. Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on—or about the 16th day of January, 1970, are required to file the same, with full particulars with the underned by the 21st day of March, 1970, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at" Goderich, Ontario, ,, this 18th day of February, 1970. PREST and EGENER, Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal Street, GODERICH, Ontario. Solicitors for,the Estate. ° 9,10,11 ALL- :persons °having : claims against • the—Estate of -GEORGE SILLI"B, Labourer, late of the Town of Goderich,' in the County of Huron, -who died -on or about the 2nd day of February, 1970, are -required to file the same'with full particulars with the undersigned by . the 28th _ day of March, 1970, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED . at Goderich, Ontario, this 25th day of Feb5uary, 197Q. PREST and EGENER, Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. `Solicitors for the Estate. 10,11,,2 16. PUBLIC NOTICE • TAKE NOTICE that the Corporation / of the Town of Goderich proposes to pass at his regular meeting to be held et the .Town a11, West.. Street, Goderich on Thrirsday, the 19th day of March, 1970 at the hour of 7 p.m a By-law authorizing the stopping up and closing -o5- ' Huckins, f Mitchell and Mooney Streets, being part' of Lots 3 and 4-, in—the Second- Concession •in the Township of Goderich, now in the Town of Goderich and - revert The fee 'therein to the Town of Goderich. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at its said regular 'meeting, Council shall heir in person or by his Counsel, Solicitor or Agent any person who claims that his lands will" be' prejudicially affected by the By-law and applies to be heard. DATED AT GODERICH, ONTARIO this 19th DA'S1 OF Feb. 1970 S. H., BLAKE Town Clerk 8;9,1`1,11 SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS UNDER AND BY VIRTUE ' of an Execution issued out of the Supreme Court of Ontario, to me directed, against the lands and tenements of Finlay MacKenzie Samis, Defendant;- at the suit of Canadian Imperial 'Bank of Commerce,' Plaintiff, I have seized and taken in exeebtion all thew right; ,title, i n terest . and equity of redemption of Finlay MacKenzie Samis, Defendant, in and to: All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Colborne in the County of. Huron and being composed of Lot 7, Concession 10, Western tivision in the said Township of Cr lborne,• containing, 100 acres, more or' less. _ - _ All of&which "said right, title, interest and equity of' redemption of Finlay MacKenzie Samis, Defendant, in the said lands, I shall offer for sale - by public auction in my office at the Courts House in the Town of Goderich in the County of Huron, on Wednesday, the 18th day of March, , 1970 at 2:00 o'clock in the scftennoon. Terms, 10% down day of sale, balance within 30days. f: " nazi .trice' : ;p orttl AX,ykis`„ 4c l She, County of ,Huron. 9,; 10 • Ashfield Township has organized a; Recreational Committee consisting of Bill Back, Warren , Zinn, Allan Hackett, John Austin, George Moncrief, Finlay M,aeDo;nald.and Russell Irvin. This committee is interested in promoting cultural, educational, physical and social activities for people of all ages and hopes to. utilize available grants. TO determine if there is interest in this - area, questionnaires are. being distributed. These questionnaires • are not a,ppllc"able „ to this rammer only, but also for long 4 n e planning. Please fill out andeturn the' questionnaires and if you have further questions, contact one of the committee members. 10 21. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FRANCHISE DEALERSHIP AVAILABLE The above -ground and in -ground swimming pool business is Canada's fastest growing business. A small investment will establish your own ' profitable business. For further .detaks.,.:apply .101,,,Box, -61; The•Signal..Star_ A. BIRTHS C9R•R,EC7ION, r. McCORMICK: At St. Joseph's General Hospital, • Sarnia, on February 21, 1970, to Mr. and Mrs. Pat McCormick (nee Connie 'Jones), a son, Kenneth.Pau1. D. IN MEMORIAM • MILLS: In loving memory of. a dear wife, mother_- and • grandmother, Violet Irene, who passed away one year ago, March 4, 1969.. • There is no•partirig from those WP love, • - No distance can divide, For each day in -memory's garden, - " We still walk side -by side. , • -•- Wherever life may take us, Whatever we may do, "I'he . memories of the years we shared, • Will keep us close to you. — . Lovingly remembered by husband Charles and family. 10x- McINTYRE: In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Richard McIntyre, who passed away March 4, 1959. Those we love we never lose, For always they will be; Loved,remembered, treasured in - our memory, - Ever remembered by wife and family. — 10 r MUNN.: 1n_ loving ' Patrice: - _ W- Gone from earth so swiftly, Just like a flower in bloom}, So young, so fair, so loving, - . Yet called away so soon — Ever remembered by mother, dad and sister Debbie. 10x F. ENOAGEMENTS • Captain. and Mrs. Howard W. Leafloor are pleased to announce the. engagement of their daughter, Linda June (Lynne), to John • Lyle Henry, son of Mr. and Mrs,. Robert Henry of RR 1, Blyth, Ontario, The marriage will take place on. .Saturday, March 21, 1970, at 2 p.m:, in the Protestant Chapel at Canadian Forces Base Clinton.--- 1 O p ,, '. .,. e G. ' COMING' EVENTS MR. AND MRS. VICTOR ERRINOTO.N ,,are cerebrating their golden wedding" anniversary, Saturday, March 14. Open house at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Errington of St. Helens from 2-4" p.,m.; at the St. Helens'' Hall from 8-12 p.m. Tiffins Orchestra. Everyone welcome and no gifts please. — 10 • COLBQRNE Township Home and School meeting, Monday, March'' 9, at 8:30 p.m. There will be senior sports and also some of the public speaking speeches. There will be a talent table. — 10 SALE .of . home -baking, Saturday, March"" 7, 1:30 p.rn., -Salvation Army Hall. Sponsored - by the Home League. — 10 „-RED -CROSS CAMPAIGN' MARCH- 16 TO MARCH 21 INDUCTION - Service of Rev. Robert Raymont will be held Friday, March 6, 1970, at 7:30 p.m. in North Street , United Church. A reception will follow in the Christian Education Building. ,Everyone' is in}ited to attend. —..10 THE REGULAR monthly ' meeting ' of the Ashfield Local - 342 will be held in the Town 'Hall, Lucknow, 9 p.m., Thursday,' March. 5. ' Guest speaker,' Blake 'Sandford,. Ontario Sandford,- Ontario Regional Direct r for N.F.U. — 10 MR. AND MRS. WM. WESTLAKE•;,` RR 4, _ Goderich, wish to invite relatives, friends and neighbors to Open House, ,. on March 7 from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. in honor of their 50th Wedding Anniversary. — 10 DANCE, Harbourlite Inn, Friday, April „3, 1970. Dancing to the• Bluetones 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. Sponsored by the C.O.F. L 1901 and 86, Benmiller. Limited number of tickets” being sold. Get yours early. For tickets phone 624-9840 or 524-7029. 10 memory --of _ E. CARDS OF, THANKS - McWHINNEY: jVlrs. Lloyd McWhinney and family express_ deep appreciation for , expressions of sympathy, for cards, 'calls • and. the • beautiful floral• tributes and donations to the 'Heart • Foundation, - to friends, neighbors and relatives during their recent ;bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. •Glenn Noble, the nursing staff of Alexandra Hospital, Dr. J. W. Wallace, McCallum" Funeral Home, pallbearers, flowerbearers and all others who assisted in any way. —,10 McINTYRE: I wish to thank relatives and friends for cards and visits while I was a patient in hospital.._.. Special thanks tp 17ir: A. B. Deathe, Dr. R. W. Flowers, nurses and staff. — Elsie McIntyre. -- 10 - . GINN: We wish to express our `sincere thanks to "- relatives, friends and neighbors for the beautiful floral tributes, charitable donations, messages of sympathy and the many acts of kindness during our recentt bereavement. Special thanks to the Rev. Dr. A. J. Mowatt and the Stiles Funeral .Home. — Family of the late Florence Ginn. — 10 ` ARGYLF: I would like to say thanks 'to -all "those who turned out Saturday night to the stag, ' held in my • behalf. Special acknowledgment to Len Jenkins,. Tom McPhee, Bruce Harris; 'Pe"d Williams and Clayt Laithwaite. Thanks,— --Steve Argyle, 10x REMEMBER Help Your RED CROSS TO HELP KNIGHTS of Columbus dance, Saturday, March 21, dancing 9-1, lunch, $4 _ per couple, 'limited tickets available.' Pat Osborne 524-7.1$4. — 10,11.,12' RECEPTION and dance for Mr. and Mrs: Douglase,I,(nee Janette Merrill) on -- Friday, March 6, • at Dungannon Agricultural Hall. Scott's Orchestra. Everyone welcome. — 10 4 BLUEWATER . Chapter O.E.S. Fashion Show, Victoria-- Public School Auditoriuxm,' Wednesday, . March 18, 1970, 8:30 p.m. Fashions by Schaefer's Ladies Wear Ltd., jewellery by N. `11.' Ormandy and wigs by Heather Beauty Salon. Admission $1.00: • Tickets at door or -cal -1 524-7812 or 524-9284. — 10,11,12 • BETA Sigma Phi's/`Hats Off to Hats" will be held Saturday, March 14, from '2 to 4 p.m., with well-known Mrs. Humphries frn' London' to demonstrate and commentate. Dessert Tea will be served. Admission. • $1.00. Tickets available ' from • any Sorority Member or phone 524-9691 '524-6825. — 10 1'3. PERSONAL Why Do Doctors Say .. "THE SMALLER YOUR • WAISTLINE, THE. LONGER YOUR LIFELINE"? REDUCE 6 TO 10 LBS. IN 10 DAYS! e ' WITH THE AMAZING "SLIM. DOWN DIET" ".Each meal allows you to paturitiryou are full" Send $1.50 C.O.D. or Money Order for Diet &-Weight Chart to: . IIIIarTic_Enterprise"s r — Calgary S, Alberta; Canada. aa.., B'y JACK;CUMMINGS There are . two teams remaining in the GI.M',H«A►z playoffs, the • oldest , team, the Conklin Lumber Juyenilea* and the yq nigest. team, the Legion Squirt All Stars. The coaches for the Juvenile All, Stars, Gard Walters and .Bill F ritzley • have , done.` .an outstanding job, • Alley have: devotedumiany extra hours of their time to mould a contending team and this is .the first time that a• Juvenile team has gone this far r•ln the • seri-finals and it Is hoped t ar, they will be in the Alt Ontario Finals by the weekend. » ' The other 'Goderich- Minor Hockey All Star' team which is coached by Don Elliot needs 'a win this week to advance in the semi-finals. This series is against Strathroy and is presently td at one game each. Q MITE HOUSE LEAGUE SQUIRT HOUSE LEAGUE Both the house league teams had a Saturday off as all garnes were cancelled for, the ICE NICKS '70. Playoffs will assume this Saturday as to the schedule. ,Be • sure tb be there. LEGION' SQUIRT ALL STARS Legion Squirt All Stars have now entered the d.M,H.A. playoffs and are presently tied - with Strathroy eact winning • a game, The final game to decide the winner wasla-y e Goderich � d 'at. the. Go d h arena on Wednesday March 4 at 8:3f too .late -for the--- resdlts: to be published this. week. Wednesday, February 25, the Legion Squirt All Stars won a close game 2-1 in Goderich. Opening the scoring , for Goderich was Billy Gavley and drawing assists, Jeff' • Harrison and Peter Cres. rStrathroy 'tied it up early in the third period by a goal by Jim Lockhart. The winning goal was scored on a penalty shot by Shannon Nebhoc1. late , In the final period, PEE WEE HOUSE LEAGUE In the second game of the playoffs MacDonald Marine was defeated by Baird Motors 5 -2, -- Goal scorers for Baird Motors, were Wayne Miller with two and single goals' by Jim Smith, Steve Palmer; Leonard Kolkmani and Ferg, .Burns.. B,us 'terry and John Brady were MacDonald Marine goaljetters.° -fin the other playoff game,. Goderich M to .t ed,.,thhe--series- wtth a '3.1 victory over Schaeffer White Dots. Terry Piouse got two •goals and Michael Jeffery one, goal; for Goderich Motors. o Schaeffer White Dot.' lone goal scorer. was Wayne Jones. This has been a very good series as both teains have won a game each BANTAM HOUSE LEAGUE PLAYOFFS evening, .God'erich-Eievators11ed up the series with a 344 win over Denomme Rowers. Since the other' .series- ts aver convener.,. Doug Crthekshanlc advised that these two teams i11 go al it on-glaY ' °night t4 decide the winner, Mike Palmer scored two' goals for the wiTners and' Id Hardy getting a single goal. Denomme' Flowers. goal .scorers were Terry Crawford and .Kevin Meriiam. In the other series McGee .M..Parrts beat Don_Holst Real Estate 6-1; .Getting two goals,,. -... each _ for- _McG'►ee's re . J,ini Stothers, Charlie : Kennedy and Ron Sowerby; The lone" goal for Don Hoist was by Jon Ginn. In the first game Monday HOCkEY NOTES Goderich . Minor Hickey Association arranged for a bus, to take the pJa.w-' it -.0 fans. Wednesday, for the -mist g`..ne in Tillsonburg„ Dont forget this Saturday night it will be Hockey. Night in Goderich as -the second" game of the semi-finals will be y. at starting R at, t TO ATT.END.. .:..Wil 'hope non town :will r.M.} up and. ready to play' by then u- he presently 'is in the hospitaI with, a concussion ' elved. , last .Saturday'in;Centti •m _ • *+titis , SATAAS, oniG • 104400AS TAU Fl.1TTER- rn4USE, -04E11:4.•N101.17' FLiGNT 15 GuiDEP BS A eusl,7440 SOLAR ' aT 'I cAr.1 D'EcHOr,.o(ATiO ; 'B1.16.3i;?ASA13eiSA FALSE C003CCPTIQ'N,11.1E' N AVE ACUTE Vi$IQN Balm DURING TOE, DAy AND AT TW 11-IGHT. THE LITTLE DEALER SAYS: Thinking of a trade? May we have the opportunity of serving you. (f .you don't see anything here that you like, why not give us a•callr Our inventory is small but it turns over quite regularly. Our prices may or may not, be the cheapest, but we know the quality of our products is not the cheapest. We are looking forward to- a successful year but we realize we cannot make this possible without your patronage. . FEATURE BUYS 1966 -Plymouth, 4 -door -'-Station ,Wagon; features V-8 -automatic, - - power • brakes, power steering, power rear window, ideal family unit. A little polish 4rid touch up -hetet and „there will save you money. Good tires, above average body, runs very well mechanically4--- Try it! 'You'll buy it! Lic. 99805X. Corfipletely safety checked. Only $1,295. - Economical transportation. 1964 Pontiac, 2 -door, 6-cyl-inderrradio, standard shift, 'tutone paint, recently _painted, safety cheoked and read,y^to go. Lic.- H81545. Deflated price $599: v . Value Buy 1965. Half ton long box fleetside- pick tip, 'completely safety .checked including new'brakes, front end, exhaust etc. Lic. 089189-. $995. 1967 Qhevelle SS 396, 2 door hardtop, 3 speed automatic, extras. 1964 Studebaker, 6 cylinder, automatic, gdo'd runner, safety checked. Lic J63207. Only $375. . ARRIVING SOON 1,968. Javelin SST 2 door hardtop, features V8 engine; 3 speed automatic, console, bucket ' seats, radio, whitewalls, wheel discs, factory vinyl top, less than 24,000 miles. Can be seen at any time. 1965 Ambassador 990 convertible, Finishedhin Matador Red with white bucket seats and matching white top, 327 engine, power brakes, power steering, radio,' whitewalls, wheel discs, tilt steering wheel, immaculate, real sharp. Not driven in winter. , 1..969 Chev El Camino, 16,000 miles, V8, radii), whitewalls, HD equipment, custom tonneau cover,, immaculate condition. Can be seen by appointnient before new unit arrives. G:R,AF-'S r irnterican SVICE AMX - Javelin - -- omet - Ambassador - Rebel BAYFIELD ROAD, HWY. 21, ---- GODERICH, ONT. (;pRt) 11NROE PHONE 524-8411 n 'JOHN GRAF; rill:' P1,f(1:' 1)111:'RI °)'OUR PATRON AO Is APPRrCTAT!D AND NOT �11 z,l,'�TI Q.. 7"7R � FOR � .� Y . 1969 Chevrolet Impala 2 door hardtop, featurers 327 V8, automatic, radio, power brakes, power steering, whitewalls, wheel discs, etc: Lic. 948-927. Only $3095. q 1966 Buick LeSabre, 2 -door hardtop, features V-8, automatic, power , steering, power brakes, factory ,°rayl top, tinted windshield, radio, whitewalls, wheel discs, original Aztec -bronze finish, 27,000 miles. Lic. 31-95K. Truly a fine car for only $1,795. Luxury car at a medium car price 1968 Cadillac beVilie` 4 •door hardtop. Puny equipped with all the•standard. Cadillac appointrrnefts plus * Factory vinyl,, top * Cotnfortren air ctonditioning * AM/PIVI stereo Sound system * Six -way power seats** Auitomatic. leodllght. dimmers * Plus a host of other tuitions too numerous to.m.entiof. ec Ecutive"driver► "-- history, .supptitld .Lic»' 986.876. t�.S, Seriousw enquirie only please: ' 45