HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-03-05, Page 9�i►sr public school voIIe] tournament held. 'The first`. public seheer volleyball tournament open to public school from Huron County was held At the Goderich District Collegiate Institute. on Saturday, February 28. Twenty teams. ' took part representing 11 sehools. lF The tournament was a double elimination one with consolation 4nd grand champions in both boys and girls division, ' Schools -.represented were: Colborne Central (boys & girls), • Robertson Meroria. - (boye: «girls),• Victoria, ,Qoderich (boys & girls); Brookside (boys & girls), Brussels (boys ,& girls), Grey Central (boys & girls),' Turnberry Central (bays & girls), Howick • ('boys & -girls), Blyth, (boys), Exeter (girls). , Play began at 9:00 A.M. and '4 'ended „at 3:00 P.M. Consolation Finalists in the boys' ., division were the teams from Howick Central .and Victoria schools. Bob Swartman presented the, trophy which was a donated by Pickett and Campbell Ltd. to the Howick boys, Consolation Finalists in the girls' division were the teams from Grey Central and Turnberry Central schools. Bill Black presented the trophy on • behalf of ' the Bapk of Nova Scotia to the Grey Central girls,. Grand Charnnpion finalists in the boys' .,division were the teanisfrom *Colborne Central and Grey Central Schools, Mr. W. H. Knisley, Assistant Superintendent of Schools for -Huron County presented the trophy he donated to the teani- from Colborne Central,, Y — '- Grand charnploir finalists in the girls' division were the teams from Colborne ,Centraland Howick Central. Susan Gower presented the trophy, which was donated, by tiller -Staff and Students at Colborne Central to the Howick Central girls, 1 - The participating stu1Ients spent . Ian ' exciting day as indicated by their shouts of ° enthusiasm and at times almost .'frenzied at+tivity. For many it had been their first experience in a gymnasium ,this size .and an event of this nature. M}tch credit goes to Mr. Harman, the Physical Education director at Colborne Central who was largely responsible ' for the organization of the day and also Wayne. Horner, his staff and students at G.D.C.I. who officiated; kept score -and payed- an active.part inthe day, As these trophies are annual, it is hoped that 'thistype of tournament will be continued in the future allowing more of the public and separate schools --to • participate. _. News from Colborne Cental w' KINDERGARTEN The boys and girls' have been busy learning about doctors,- , nurses_ and dentists. We are all trying very hard to remember our Good Health Rules: It is easy to -get confused — did' you •know -that milk'is good for' you because it makes your—iteeth. curly? Most of the plants and bulbs „ that we' planted are growing well. We have hyacinths, tulips, radishes, grapefruit, lemon and orange plants and many flowers. GRADE FIVE Grade— re 'is working • on projects on„ Australia in Aocial studies. 'There 'tare . many different 'frtopics to work on. Some kids are ` getting { information from encyclopedias and some are sending away for it., I find it interesting to read about Australia and I hope others do too. - Lisa Whitely,. SCHOOL PROJECT The students of Colborne Central, School have taken o.n a new project . of adopting a child from' Hong Kong, ten to telae years of age. The cost °. of supporting this, child will be about $17.00 a month. The Christmas Concert money will -help finance this p eject as well _ as'raising money through -dances,, bake sales and other ways. ' SPORTS 'G On Saturday, February 28, 1970 with' the co-operation of Mr. Horner "and his staff; our schbot's physical education teacher, Mr. Harman. convened a volleyball . tournament " in the G.D.C.I. gym. Teams , from eleven schools . -throughout ^h' as Volleyball Grand .fiqampirns- 11. •The boys' team from ColborneCentralSchool ended the first Huron County public school volleyball ton 'nament as grand champions last_ Saturday: The event, which had 20 entries 11, schools in the county, was held at GDC with Clare -Harma of Colborne Central School as convener. Left to right are sta ng: Clare Harman, physical education "director at Colborne • ntral School; Wayne Allin, Shawn Whelan, Torn Willis, Bob echard, Allan =Bogie, Ronnie Willis acid Fred Schoemaker. Kneeling in front are Danny Duncan and Paul _ Ebagan_ — staff _photo_ - Huron County competed in it. The grand champion trophy for the boys was awarded ' to the boys from the Colborne Central School. It was a close and suspense -filled match in which the boys played very well. Congratulations! The grand champion trophy for. the girlswas awarded to the girls of Howick Central School, Runners-up Afor the boys were, Grey Central School. Runners-up for the- girls Colborne, Central School. Our girls played extremely well and f we wish to congratulate them: The consolation trophy for the boys was won by Howick who played their final game against Victoria. - The trophy for ?the girls, was Kwon by Grey who ...defeated ' Turnberry. On-'", the whole 'it was a ve'ry eventful day. 'Mr., wish to express ourthanks to Mr., Harman and Mr. Horner and his staff who made it possible. RED CROSS -DONATIONS Money is coming in from classes ,to be donated to the Red Cross. Youth. Contribution to date are: Grade 2, ' Mrs. • Robinson's Room,, $2.80; Grade 3, -Mr. Sander's Room, $27.80; Grade 4 and 5, Mrs. Harrison's . Room, $2.31; Grade '5 and 6, Mrs. Gower's Room, $3.50. Special congratulations to the students in Mr. Sander's „Room. for`their effort. ., SCHOOL ASSEMBLY ' On. Friday morning' an assembly • was held ' in the auditorium displaying the pupils' abilities in, singing and acrobatics. , The first act consisted of •6a choir including the pupils from grade 2. The next act was • the kindergarten • class presenting a song. The next ,hal-f of the assembly was the acrobatics. using the equipment borrowed from Goderich . High School. Eacheclass from grade 3 up displayed their skills. A number -of the parents attended the assebly. On the whole the assembly was' pretty, well done. Pupils ' will r be putting on a similar display at the -Horne and School meeting on March 9. • Shawn Whalen 11110114111111111111 Actir►ities k for the project ".FEATURING Fatun!' have. begun with HolineaViliell. The group held its 'first meeting' on Monday, February 23 at 7 p.m.. Business for the evening included . planning the time and place forzneetings.1The time is to be 6.39 Monday ,nights. at -the -the -home of their leader, Mrs. John Westbrook. "" .'he election- of officers was held with the following elected: president, Diane $;sedges, .vrce president,: Janet Rodges; secretary,. Jan. Ginn and press seerety, Bonnie Westbrook, Other members 'of the club include Marilyn Rodges; Debbie Rodges, - Nancy Ginn arid Rose Vain.. The ' group chose GRAPEFRUIT GALS as the name of the club. For discussion % held contests on identifying different fruits- €rom- ‘pictures; the importance of eating fruit, uses of fruits, why we eat food and cooking terms. These were later discussed. For .,group work the proper tnethods of measuring were " "shown and Mrs. Westbrook and . Bonnie made Grape Spark. which we all enjoyed, Winter " is thh dangerous.' season , for .drivers. The Oatar%o Safety League and. the ,Ca.: `railways warn drivers that a c ct 65 percent of level' Cr,, ng; • accidents occur during the winner 'months ,when ;roads are slippery acid visibil_it'b ..pool`} Drivers . , shotuld. be: especially, : cautious 'n+ ar railway :crossings; . when roads' 1144064'4.; The RESTLESS ONES Park Theatre March 16 & 17 MAPLE LEAF MILLS LLLIMITED SEED DIVISION ::EXETER. 235-0363 For Person.alServi•ce- - And the;Kin-d--of Quality You Can Depend On . • . SEE YOUR LOCAL ,DEALER HARDI-GREEN PASTURE MIXES. New and Improved Varieties of • CLOVER • TIMOTHY • • GRASSES FIELD SEEDS & GRASSES 1 16- THE SQUARE GODERICH OPEN EVENINGS TIL 11. P.M. SUNDAYS 10 A•,M. to 9 P.M. - H T E SABRE. BUTANE- -REQ $3.95 anteed 3.29 ALSO QUALITY LIGHTERS: BY SCRIPTO, • MPO, AND BENTLEY • (REGULAR AND BUTANE) FISIHER AUTOMATIC E �$ 9 _ 1,99• IMPORTED BRIAR- ,;; as o ;, 99' MEDICO .PIPES,' ELECTION EXCLUSIVE AGENT FortBRIGHAM$BRIAR PIPES From 3 .5n up. 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OR SUNDAY P ° WE HAVE A WIPE RANGE OF KODAK FILMS - EVEREA'DY BATTERIES SY,LVANIA FLASHBULBS & CUBES BOX CHOCOLATES WHENEVER THE OCCASION ARISES, P • Choose Your Box Chocolates From Our Selection Of Neilson's , Rowntree Dairy Box and Black Magic, And Cadbury's Milk Tray • /.' FREE Do.. ItYourself. TV or RADIO TROUBLES Vllhenever Your Tubes Need Testing, Use Our , Tu be 'Tester. we rARRV'" A t0MP .,ETE LINE' OF fo 1- T -M P B. OA R C T C E O D S G sS I E Fc TA L. F A. IT L T ME S i s B C 0 .X c A T E s. T TE U5, BT EE : " • iaM 'uuild4:YJ.A�4,N, •�lI�J4JliuteUaN.: