HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-03-05, Page 5• 4 RaUnd and Aboui With .Martha. Events of interest to all have been many and varied this last - two months. This year, — I have some indication already, will be a busy and interesting one. If you are marking your calendar as often as I suggest; then, it is beginning to look like" a crazy -quilt of scribbles and at the end of the year you will take another look thro' it. before throwing it out. It can be .a i record, or, , ae,, diary of your activities and Interests which will , make a 'surl'irising story of yours and your families' lives. "Not, many keep a "diary" now-a-days...and the large sized •calendar . is even better, since it doesn't get cluttered up with sentimental stuff. Keeping a diary — or a record of some kind is good training for the young folk as it teaches them to keep track of things they should do and places they should go — and helps them to be punctual and at the .right place at the right time. Encourage your youngsters to do this, it will help them organize their days and it is great training for the time when routine and timetables are a necessary part of their daily lives. Well! how did I.get on THAT subject? — Oh, I know -- my calendar is spread out beside me and it sure is a crazy looking fnass of scribbled notes. But .that's ME, ° a —conglomeration .af bits. and •pieces; °never Iu31 "moment:, always -doing Something interesting. I can turn- my hand to dozens of activities - and I've ,; tried them all. One phrase I have never been able to use, is - "I'm . bored, stiff!. I. sure feel _.smxy:..,:far. these people who •"don't know what to do with themselves." It surely must be dull. "Life gets tedious (or "teejus") — don't it.". .110 , • 41 group, with a big grin on his face, and sawing'away at a violin that :lay, against his tummy. At that time, I don't think he `could HOLD it up under his chin as he Was so huge. I don't know if I had ever seen a bigger than, and . that violin ,sure looked mighty .small. • Isn't it funny the sillythings yoe remember about things you., do. All I can.' recall about that "DO" ' and it was about 20 year;$. -ago, I'm sure; Is that we were dancing ' AROUND the • orchestra, and Bossy just SAT there, didn't change position or expression and just pushed that bow back and forth against the violin. I think in those days too, he was too shy to YA-A-HOO as he does so often, now. There- was also a weII known character on radio, those days, that kept your toes tapping with songs like "The Squaws. Along the Yukon are Good ,Enough for Me!" and "I Traced Her Little Footsteps in the 'Snow" and Other dandies. "Cactus, Mac" he was known as! Another one I always got a kick out of — Was the Irishman McKinnon, I think' was the name. Anyway he had no teeth, sure could put over an Irish song, like "Who Put the Overalls in Mrs. Murphy's Chowder!" He could step dance too. Come to think of it - I think he STILL hasn't his teeth'-- and I wish °he .would .get:,.them!...Teeth o no,.he.. was very tpopulaimiciTtLlikezto -bear -him -again, a' tittle oftener, as we hear very few funny songs now and 'I think it would be a nice change -of -pace. Change of pace— a lot of you will.-.., be...q. interested_ in... . the, wonderful performance of the music of the Sisters. of St. Joseph Choir. The Festival J-Iall Sin Stratford on Sunday, March 15 will see this group perform and,' it y will cert inLy. be_a wonderful change of pace. It starts at 3 o'clock and °you can pick ftp \ our tickets at ;the Signal -Star s ffice 'or frown awry member. fro This Saturday we will see a partial eclipse of the sun.starting „about 12:25 p.m. (noon)- and its darkest about 1:40 p.m. Fat goodness sakes don't go 444. _Ptd_ you hear big RossyManir read that poem recently oft their T.V. program? He seems to find some dandies, but that is one of my favorite ones and I'd like a copyof it sometime. I remember the first time I saw big Mossy,•. I just couldn't stop' giggling every time I recalled him sitting in the midst of that lively C.K.N.X.• radio GODERICH 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524-7811° AIRCONDITIONED A. THURS., FRI., SAT. L March 5-6-7 4 r ELVISH PRESLEY MARY TYLER MOORE CHANGE 01. HABIT" A UNIVERSAL PICTURE • TECHNICOLOR sday at 8.00 p:m. Only — 'Friday and Saturday at- 7.30 and 12.10 SATURDAY MATINEE at 2.00 P.M. Could he make her forget her vows and follow her heart... "Thur °a ,OOKING up at the surf! You can really damage your eyesight. The very darkest of film°. -- a couple of layers of exposed film if you have it -- or make it -- might if you're careful. The children aresure to hear about this - ecli , se, so be sure to warn them about looking into the sun. •, AnQther:`change of puce — did 'you bring in;. -any . Forsythia — that sunny °spring shrub -- to; force for early .flowering? Do"it, now! It only takes about a' week and you have a nice arrangement (no'.matter HOW you arrange it) to cheer up- the household. They may 'not . need much ;cheering as there are many signs of spring. now. Today the lake is open — the ice is shaved to the shoreline and itwis great to see • that water, eve, ,Afwyit is -- ICE BLUE! Apparently I had a wrong date for the Victoria Street Church Ladies' "White Elephant Sale." I hope their event was successful as these ladies really work hard for their dinners, teas or whatever they happen tp plan, and deserve your suppoit and attention. We have two events coming up that also make a nice change -of -pace. Little . Theatre play = "Murder . Mistaken" — a real thriller diller - opens on Friday March 13 and, again on March 14, Saturday. You can reserve 4yourseatsGnextweek. -- • .O.rr::Saturday.- :=afternoon , March 14 about 3 p.m. you will enjoy a wonderful 'Hat Show:' The ladies of Beta Sigma Phi. _ Sorority have their HATS OFF TO HATS1 and a dessert tea in ... the. North .Btreet..JJnited,..Church., Hall. This is a Saturday afternoon and makes another "change of pace" since these affairs are usually held . on a Wednesday. a-ftlernoon_ and. our bus °working; girls cannot attend. So thi§ is your chance to see the latest styles in spring hats, try them on, buy one, whatever you wish! Also the same weekend sees the Pegasus Players of Clinton presenting "The Happiest - Days of Your .Life" Mpresented at 'the Base Th`ea'tre C.F.B. Clinton Saturday and Sunday evenings. Itis -unfortunate that the play dates fall on the same weekend but, there were a great set of "unfortunate" happenings • to bring this ..about. But you can enjoy seeing the play perhaps on ASunday ' which gives you something different to do -- a change of pace! Our Brian Markson of the Coach House is the director and I hear the play is a RIOT! - So there; with all the changes of the paces •:I'fh sure we are going to get,you into high gear for Spring — and that is not too far away. Withour snow slowly disappearing we should have little or no trouble with floods in .this area. Let's' hope so, anyway. • K of C Dance March 21, The Travel Series on Tuesday, March 24.•Love Martha • uin BV MRS. WESBRADNOCK 4 526_ 75.95 U(W ,Of Kdox holds ,general meeting` .The general meeting of the United Church Women of K%ox United Church was held last . Wednesday evening in'' the Sunday School' room of the chinch with Unit 24n charge. The call to worship was given by Mrs. Arthur Grange followed by singing Hymh 239. Mrs, Ted Mills read the scripture.. lesson followed by the ,meditation: by Mrs.' Jack Armstrongs Mrs. — Stewart' Arnent offered prayer. Mrs. A, 'Grange read "a 'poem entitled, ' "Words." . Mrs. Maurice Bean, Christian Stewardship convener gave •a very informative talk on the Children's • Aid Protection, 'Mothers' Aid and Families needing . Friendship. Mrs. A. Grange thanked Mrs. Bean for her inspiring talk. Pastor Fry offered prayer: The offering was received by Mrs. William Dodd and Mrs. Sidney Lansing. Hymn 686 was sung and closed this portion of the- meeting. + • Mrs. Kenneth McDougall, the. president, opened the business meeting with a poem., The minutes of the January meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. 'S. Lansing and approved. The financial statement was given by the treasurer, Mrs.. Norman McDowell. , It - showed a substantial balance.- This report The Auburn librarian requests \all books to be in on 1VIarch 7th" or the County Exchange. Mrs. Harold Nicholson of eaforth -visited on Sunday with -"h r • sister, 1Vfr's.- W Bradnock, S eron • and.George Collins and .h' aunt.Mrs. Charles Str ughan. . . and Mrs.. Art Laidlaw of Wing ,am and Stratford spent e thweekend with' her parents Mr. an' Mrs. Norman. McDowell. Mr. W. J.. Craig and Mr. and Mrs. M itland ' Allen visited on Sunday with Mr., and Mrs. Robert Craig and ,family at Lucan. . sidents of the village week for the sunny da. Naylor and.Mrs. Several r 400"k off las south of Flor '' Mrs. Gordo y Arnold' Crai visited , last N. Saturday with r' Naylor Wh^b' •` a patient in Wi ghani hospital. 'Mr. Walter'- . gner returned • home last Satu day after . a couple of weeks .. a patient in Clinton hospital. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yo ngblut of Scarboro an the bir h of their daughter, Kristen -El zabeth on Tebruary 14 • in Centenary Hospital, Scarboro. A . sister for Susan -and Bruce. Mrs. `Ralph Munro returned home last week after stayingwith her son, Robert Youngblut and family. Severalfrom here attended the Ice Capades in Kitchener last weekend. Miss Lila Youngblut of Goderich ,spent the. weekend with her brother, Mr. Arthur Youngblut. , was adopted on motion of Mrs. Charles Straughan. The supply convener, Mrs. William Empey reported that 10 quilts had been completed.. Material obtained' by' the literature secretary was on display. It was decided to bring material for Fluronview ta'',the Unit meetings: , lt was announced that the World Day . of Prayer service would , be held in St. Mark's Anglican Church 'on Friday, Plait were made for the Easter Thankoffering meeting to be held on Mardh 25 in 4criox United Church. • A discussion on the Music Teach -In to be held at Five Oaks on April 10 and 11 took place. It was • decided to ma e a donation towards the expenses of girls attending the conference. Mrs. K. McDohgall closed the meeting with prayer. Membeis of Unit Two Served a delicious lunch and all enjoyed a social ,halthour together. .Hi -C group The Auburn Hi -C group met at the home of Jennifer and Shelley Grange Sunday evening. Plans were made to hold a bake sale in Auburn on March 28th, proceeds to be esed.for a project in April. AUburn No. 1, 4-H Club met. 'last Week for its first meeting at the home of the leader, Mrs. W. - The election. of officers. taok., place after the repeating of the - 4 -H pledge with the following results: prbsident; ,Sherry Plaetzer; vice-president, • Gail Seers; secretary, Lorraine Chamner,- press reporter, Sheron Collins. The assistant leader. gave out pamphlets and books and Mrs. Bradnock outlined the deb requirements and Ied in a discussion on the Ilse of' frnits. Lorraine • Chamney and Wanda Plaetzer demonstrated how to measure -' and ,Sherry Plaetzer and Sheron. Collins helped Mrs. Raitbby rhake Grape Sparkle. Doreen McClinchey,-and Gail Seers, served the delicions The meeting was closed by all repeating the Greed: 0008100: $10;s1AlegTAX,1111.1481M Yatiety: of at*iiief, Art..-H,Clok.osetiitg ThiTgerich Art Club held its reguiar 'monthly meeting at the studie last- week with Miss ISIWY FloWell presiding:. Fourteen members were present. • Daring the business session it was, suggested outside craft groilps be allowed , to display their work at the rin studio exhibit and sale. It as also suggested bus tripS be arranged ta see other QXhibitions. Mrs. Lu Legge gave a report on the Arts • and Crafts conference held at Fanshawe College, London. Mrs. Martha Rathbiirn ' and Mrs. -Lorna Vincent .had, accornpalied. Mrs. Legge. as representatives cif the Goderich Club. Besides demonstratidns, exhibitions and films of arts and 'Crafts, tivo llyely discussion groups 4ealt with econbmIcs and the future of craf4, It was agreed that there is a necessity to improve communications among groups as well as the quality of work through more educational programs, also, that the club should exchange exhibits as a -means, of stknulating greater interest in artt and crafts end to help the craftsman evaluate his work. After the business •rneeting -adjourned Mrs. Legge showed colored slides of the work of famous Ca nadian artists including the Group of Seven. At the same time she .read an iptekeStlog emn.lhtarY Q./) the brisieiteidnosrb'e,orst :otaberlmi!terip*:u'llivitedi""coos' wiso1141,tt take place March 17 at the atudjo, located in the former St, _2:110yn 4fter tll tag life and work of Viell painter. Galeria Little Theatre FRIDAY' and SATIMMY MARCH 1 14 8:30 P.M. McKay Hall, Goderich BOX OFFICE Open At Reg Bell Office Monday, March 9 to March 14 Produced by Special Permission Of The Dramatists Play Service Inc., New York 1,4 ATERING' We cater to large or smallgroups anywhere in, Huron County. We - have served jup to 500 people on a catering service. TAKE 'A; d236)(906,dg 524-7359 HOME SHOP — 87 KINGSTON ST. At The Five Points S ONE Th COMPLETE SHOW"`EACH NIGHT BEGINNING AT 8:00 O'CLOCK e"Lees Iry /Anything k.;eneratioe. r": THE BAYFIELD ROAD bODERiCH 524-7711 lAnd 4.4 IAN LA 'PENA'S ADmITTANCE RESTRICTED FRIDAY- & G, SATU RDAY MARCH c6 & 7 ,411110114 ...4444444 20th CENTURY...FOX PRESENTS bimifri de Gruhwalc1 Production The DIMENSIONS 1$1, EGAL Girl Writ DANCE C.H. S THURSDAY, MAR. 12 With A PRODUCTION THE BUFFALO GRASS • ADMISSION $1.00 With Student Card