HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-02-26, Page 18ERIn!'taigNAL-§ Art,. *aUUaRSDA T.',,'E,1 ! U,ARY Ano Landers. Friers DtAR ANNDANDERS: I never read your column; but I stumbled across it accide tally yesterday, You certainly have a nerve claiming, credit For •, he • saying, "The only way to have a friend is to be one." That motto did not originate with you. The credit' belongs to . Ralph Waldo Ernerson. It:Opeats .in his Essays on Friendship. ' • • I'll betthis. is one letter you won't print, „ FLORIDA. DEAR - -FLORIDA': I hope ,you honor me again today by • accidentally stumblingacross my "subject -Matter- might' be of interest. Please read the following Tetter: DEAR ANN LANDERS: I've known for some time that you think you are God, but I didn't realize your identity problem was so severe that you would claim the Lord's 'word as, your own, I 'refer to His, counsel on friendship as it appears in the St James version ofthe Bible. It is as follows: "A man that hath friends must show -himself `friendly." _. DEAR ANN , LANDERS: Nothing is lower than a person who steals ideas. You did NOT originate the line, "The way 'to have a friend is to be one." I heard '.Edgar Guest say those very words from the platform in Detroit at leaseforty years ago. I can't remember whether it was f• rom a poem or if he made the statement in a lecture. Anyway, I wrote the phrase down because it struck me _as worth remembering. You owe your 'readers an apology. -= BIG, RAPIDS, MICHIGAN DEAR BIG RAP: Thanks for youlletter. Please read the next one. Derek is a good-looking bob', g g as you see, 19 months old. Scottish, Irish' and German in origin, he is nicely built, with ' big blue eyes, very long dark lashes, fair skin and rosy • cheeks. He . is in excellent health. • Derek is an affectionate 'Iad° who loves to he cuddled. He's not boisterous or rambunctious but he likes to be with other children in . the midst of their *activity and he knows very well how to get into mischief, which means into, clpboards and drawers. Sincehe is a good-natured, easygoing boy he would be an lade[ son for` :inexperienced parents to: start their family. To inquire about adopting Derekpleasewrite to Today's Child; Department i of" Sbc al and 'Family Services, Parliia- • inent Buildings, Toronto 182. For general adopton nforma- tion. ask .your Children's Aid Society. " e• -� on 81- Sons Ltd James�- 'R�c-�a ds Serving The Feed, Dealers of Western Ontario, PHONE 5248388, GODE$ICH 7 w DEAR ANN LANDERS: In the past you've, been .big enough t°" admit it when you are wrong. I hope y_ouu_wiil do sq again. You claim' to have made, up the' • .phrase, t,The way to have a friend is to be one." Robert. • Louis Stevenson wrote those • #ter words,, Hem's - the eompiete. .sentence: ' "To have a friend is to be one; not just once in a"while, or when it's convenient, but year, inand year out,"' I hope I see this hi the paper,. INIR. X 'DEAR MR.: ° I hope soy, too. And here's more. • So, dear readers, this is wpat . my Wail has been li)e! these: past several days. •Your letters .prove once again `there{is nothin e.,'. ,. l� w under the Sutn'-- and: I'Im ° nat claiming that quote as Mine, For all I. know it may have been said by Ralph Waldo Emerson, Edgar Guest, Robert Louis Stevenson or the Widow Zander -^- and It undoubtedly appearsrsomewhere in the Eible, CONFIDENTIAL' TO JUST TESTING: Cold as a well -digger's knee, eh? I_ -"dc n't.--think --she'd 'appreciate the comparison. Make another card b>r forget.lt,. —'HEALTH & SAFETY Mainly for -Mother by Carol. Hart Follow Your Toddler and Learn If one of the great pediatriciflns found it useful to know the work- " of of a tnind,.surely a► mother would find 'it worthwhile, says the Council on Family Health. . Dr. Bela Schick was past his 99th year when he died, in 1967. Dtit'- ing his life he develuped.the famous immunity test which.helped in the, eonqu'cst of that. _dread chi}- 4.- • dien' - dren's disease, diphtheria. He leni'n'd tht• vnlue"of playing ‘ith children to win their confidence. And he told other doctors, "To be a good pediatrician it helps to. be a littlee childish yourself." So be cl little childish yourself,. advises the -Council un Family• Health. a ,tun -profit organiitttion sponsored t. a public service by,.. members Sof the drug' industry tri' pruruote. home safety and family health. 'fake part of it day to fol- low, your toddler through the house. Notice° how a youngster loves to explore, to touch. to test — and perhaps' til °taste — everything neta• to hint. You niay .find that •fallowing in his footsteps will " show you many things that may be harmful to hint. =- especially commonplace thing:: you use every day.. Follow him to • .the bedroom, Have pins, hairpins and 'eusinet- its been put -away where he can- not get at theta?' Are tttedicites forgotten on the'ttight table? lte- • ntcutber to put theme in their proper storage' ldtcee• uttt' reach +lino In th�cgbathruotn you may+ n.ut-'• flee that— yuttr toddler is a clinthert The' possibility of his climbing up to explore' the • contents of the medicine cabinet should remind. vera to -move potentially toxic• things to, a Storage •area which he cannot reach: la the kitchen, if he makes a bee line for the stove, you may cot tpliment yourself for having turned fill pot 'handles toward the back. Your ]tole explorer pray open the dgor to the cabinet un- der. the sink. This should remind you to store potentially harmful household chenti.igjtls such as b��ir„lepches, polishes,; lye' and kern.: seiit',hase liquids, and powders on the high shelves of a cabinet, or in a closet that a child cannot Bret into. One day of following your•tod- dler, Mont, and bottle May he safer• for your Wht,le family. It's an unpleasant but undis- puted fact " that most. of us in today's material society envy those who are making more money than, we are. • I'm as guilty •as anyone else, Simultaneously knowingthat it's silly, But there's one breed �."'ti doctors,...: -..that makes�.a whole lot : more money than iiaveine ei'lvy;• Doter• Jug but admiration.. We've met some new" ones in the past couple of weeks, and they have confirmed my long - held opinion ''that their's, is a noble profession. :, I know, I know., There are some rotten apples in every barrel. There are some doctors who are interested only in the buck,- There are- others who wouldn't' take a night call even If you were' dying. There are 4/the specialists who work office hours only, and knock' off $45,OQ0 a year. (Tried to get an appointment with an eye doctor lately? Takes months.) But the" vast majority of- to- day's doctors are just as deli- 'cated as their predecessors, work just as hard and long, - and are just as interested in healing body arid `mind. And proportionately,, in terms of te- dax'. ..living costs, they're': no dbette,.i1'•.�th���.thcY,,:.��acta:c:m;;,ctE: First doctor l ever met, I guess, was the one who deliv-' Bred. me, and our acquaintance was casual. Just a whack on the „bum from him, and a squall- of protest from' me. When I was a kid, our family doctor was - Dr. , 1agyard. He was a massive .man .with a mas s'ihe ca1m. When he arrived, at any hour, , you 'felt a% though God 'diad just taken over and everything was O.K. ',In the winter, he charged about the country with 'a device of ' his own creation, _ a- "Sort 'of, snow - in ]bile built from a Model T 411 'Ford. In summer, his favorite recreation was hitting fly balls to the.°',outfielders ins -our' -pro- baseball team. He copld , hit them half, a Mile.' ° In prison camp, I Diet a eOu- p1e of dandie, One was.- eoa4 black, six -foot -six and reputed . tQ� be the sol of an .African chief. I "(vent to hint.,' in some d perturbation- an. - - he said; -"If you' had that: excrescence on ybur nose, you'd call it •a pian- - .The other was a ginger - haired British_ major, a sur- geo). He was going around the ., bend because there wasn't enough surgery to keep his hand in. When he had removed all possible appendices and tonsils, on the slightest provo- cation, he -spent -most of- his time sidling up to people and asking if they'd been circum- . cised.• We used to hide when we saw him coming. to When our kids came along, both were delivered by a won- derful doctor, Frank William- son. Four o'clock in the morn- , irig meant nothing to him.. He'd he there, 'quiet and calm and rational, in a flash. He grew When we'carne here, we had Bi11='Neill. He had 'a theory that people needed only >'v n' hours et)zaznight: ,grooved. :on .^^-t•topical° dish zwantlLtatst-,ret cmd- )o*s: •� .u,o', keel; us kicking ers, didn't give <i hoot about money, forgot to ,hill you, but was always compassionate and on the job when you needed • Now our fanuly doctor is a quiet- Englishman with, .a coni-,;, plete lack of the ;,affectation • that the" odd IRtle-tin=goal type' doctor assuines. He has a pro- vensit'y for ,Clef strias carolling outside your house with• his 'wife arid children; and has learnedto play a creditable trumpet.' I've been curling with`a doe - tor in his 70s- lately. I enjoy his stories about the old days, When -lie used a dog team to cross .the bay, hoping .:here wouldn't be a gap of open wa- ter when he got • to the other - side. He's a courtly gentleman. ' When we picked • up our daughter at the hospital re- cently, we met ° nether species, - of the breed: it tiingish, tough, red -eyed from lack of sleep, he took two hpurs, including his ' lune', hour, to talk to us, with -- out r -:ompense. He eared. Ant one more. An eminecit City specialist, who is married to an old ,friend of -niy wife, took time from his busy sched- ule to check on Kim and allevi- ate our fears. He didn't even -know �i�ts. • "`" •zp' ret 7fin .' bunch s.;.tlle ° -• ~f)o�es, -ro rty �expei•ience.- FOR .YOUR Agro INSURANCESee or Phone • MALCOLM MATHERS GENERA INSURANCE AGENT- :46 GENT ,46 WEST ST. Y ' 524.9442 - FRiGIDAIR`E * WESTINGHOUSE. * GIBSON HOOVER Sales and Service • Fred Basler • 171 East St: GERRY's • APPLIANCES The Square -'Goderich Now Ovned'a'nd Operated by Chuck •Jewell • MEN'S WEAR The Names Of Six 9 Signal -Star Subscrib- ers ..Are To : Be Found InOne OfTheseAds illirrenrImmermisimmineif Mrs. John Marwick 173 Lighthouse Stb For That CERTAIN'. -Flair ' IN.MEN'S WEAR EARL RAWSON. TELEVISION PHILIPS PHILCO MEN'S WEAR On The Square, Goderich, • Colour :Television ALES and r. ERV!CE 524-9432 RIVETT'S - FOR YOUR AD TELEVISION — RADIO 34 The Square Goderich -TRAVEL SERVICES • THIS'SPACE, THIS,SPACE-•• D. A. KAY:- ‘SOISI Paintingand Decorating Contractors Painting, Wallpapering Draperies, Floor Sanding 33' Huron Rd. 482.9542 Clinton DOUBLE PASSES TO THE ARK i'IEATRE EXCELLENTSELECTION Regtilar'or Safety Toe 14 Different•Styles DAVE GOWER'S Industrial & Garden Centre' Hamilton St. 524-87814 RESERVED. RESERVED FOR YOUR AD FOR YOUR AD.. SEE., REGULAR AD ON , PAGE .S FOR DATES AND TiMES. Cards For ° All Occasions * Gifts • Bops *,'Stationery. Supplies '"Records' N IDERSON S ROOK CENTRE 33 East St. Goderich Horold.Baird 414- Huron Rd. BUIL17i$NG MATERIAL. CC►DERICH. BUILDING .. * PAINT WALLPAPER * CARPETS * TILE * LINOLEUM "Your Complete Home Decorating Centre" Mrs. C. E. Everett .138 North St. _ rMCARTHUR "nd 3 REI LLQ' LTD. mod rich FOR YOUR -AD. m 0 THI'S SPACE FURNITURE W. J. Ruddock 1480 Jaynes St. For The , FiNEST.in• d ° „FURNITURE LODGE. 1 . Furniture West St. Goderich ,;I 'e Sure ToSee • Ori, Display Of ORIGINAL 011 Now a good salary Opportu nity-security for you in a business career Goderich BUSinesss, College MIGHT SCHOOL Typing, Bookkeeping, Shorthand (Tues. & Thurs. Evening) 524.8521 MACHINE SEWING ilt- FLOOR CARE S4L ES & SERVICE .Authorized SINGER Agent J hone GI..- Rt1MMENIE. Bust 524.8431 w 'Res°s' 528.8016. SHOE STORES • . , For FASHION ,RIGHT' SHOES Ronald Horton 84 Kingston St. The Place TO Go Is ROSS_ SHOES The Square Goderich THIS SPACE4 C�N1EST cRULES Each week the names and addresses of *6 subscribers will appear in the'Btlsiness Directblty° 1 .--Look for,,your Warne and address in the ads. -a Take the Business Directory and suitable., identification to . the advertiser i.h whose ad your name appeared and Pick upPyottr passes by Saturday night alos`rt 'gv - : Only"Subscribars to the Sigrilal-Statare eligible. - As. v