HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-02-26, Page 15From ancient
o modern
Westerners livirg irk Iran suffer
the day to day frustration. s of a
society slowly ehinging- from
ancient to modern. The lover
classes. ayr . nsidered by the rich
as soTneW,at. less than human._ It
is ill bared to mention, the plight
of the~ rc o t any social..4
* .. gathering an such remarks are
usually ignored:
Over the' centuries, begging in
the streets has become an art.
Ragged and ,dirty babies are
rented to adults for this pIirpose,
and groups of children are hired
for a few rials to beg and steal, -r
. Rock and Roll music ,fblg
Others stand around th.e treachery and violence. The, Occasion'ally the situation was
dancers clapping.in rhythm. Ilrie Persians could be' Your friends reversed when ,-a husband took
students love rock Music and are today and yohr enemies his second wife. Sometimes the
quite good at -playing IL „All of tomorrow, . two women got together and
them are too inclined to copy Over the centurieP, to appease beat him km or Murdered him.
the things of least value 'in our sticceeding ' conquerors, they When Murderers or rapists .
cultute, 'and consequently in „hive developed the art of were caught thwf - were left
danger of losing the best in their 'flattery to ridiculous. aegree, hanging in, the public square as.a
own way of life.: . . No. one tell u the truth, only' deterrent to others. Oin SoMek
. There is little atr=conditioning what he thin you 'would like 'three criminals were hung at the •
in-kanTbecause-of-insirfficient ----to-heaLlt,,:i_s_illeir custom when same time, and the morbidly
electric power, and 'during the entertained at --triF,H2Orrre7of-a-,.....cu_riouS flocked to see them. OU
s'guinmer, families bring their friend to bring floWers or,gifts, these .i, -C -*Ions -4.. -Stayed' home.
beds out on the flat yoofs of ' As in exery country, there Prostitntion is rampant iii tlie-
their hou‘es. . were lots of good people and city with a brisk trade brought
Our , third flOor balcony families who lived . 'in in from foreign countries, Once,
overlooked the garden of' the ,affectionate * harmony. , They „Li, girl of fourteen was arreste6
Iraqi Embassy. Every night we dearly loved their children 'and for soliciting. On investigation
could' see the ' family coming up the mothers watched over them the police found "that lier mother
The Iranians Aray_e_no_thought
They shattered the stillness of
night,_with the continuous
blasting of motor horns. Packs
of stray half-starved dogs
• prowled the streets barking and
Occasionally we heard a few
shots when Someone decided to
eliminate them.
A pedeitrian returning. home
late at night yould sing in a loud
monotonous chant to enlifen
the loneliness of his walk. On
the narrow lane -like side streets
you had to keep a sharp eye for
some- servant who might throw
dirty scrub water oyer a balcony
During the summer months
when temperatures .sthnetimes
• rise 'as high as 120 degrees, work
begins at 7 A.M., and all business
placeS close for Mid-day siesta.
The shops open again late in the
aftem&oh • and the city slowly
comes to life.
The good restaurants senre
dinner in a garden area at the
back, where; •usually, a large
fountain cools the air with its
' For the average person, there
is little to do, in the' evening
outside of visiting night clubs or
hotels. 'Mere is only one park
- covering a few city- blocks to
serve two million people.
After eight o'clock all the
boulevards are crowded with
strollers who walk up arid down,
, often with the entire family in
Pniv.ersity students sit on the
sidewalk with, their feet resting
books, or they stroll along the
''. themselves._ Groups of yourig
people use the boulevards, for
singing and dancing.
o ch carry'ng a closely, teaching them while still and grandmother were both •
p i HOW; - distributing . 'young to. help with the chores. prostitutes from an early age,
themselves among the five beds. They grew up .with a great sense and the child had heen brought
Since the rainfall is only about 3 of. security as needed members up to carry on „the same trade.
inches per year no one had to • of the family unit. The police tried to stop the
worry abput that. ' On the other hahd, we heard 'exploitation. of young girls, and
We -tried sleeping on our . of cases. of appalling enielt3r. they took this one away from
balcony but the noise drove us Many wives were brutally her forbears.
indoors so ye settled for two treated for Weil simple things as Local groups were beginning
electric fans. -letting a -chador ip off her face to tackle the tremendous social
During Rarnadan it was in the presence of a man. pro5lems of poverty and disease
particularly awful, as the •
Moslems who fasted all day; What is .08?
made merry at night. The sound
of blaring radios mingled with
singing and dancing, and the
smell of roasting kebab on the
night air,- seemed like Dantes
The Iranians are -a poetic and
imaginative .people but at the
same timP, insincere and
disloyal. Most of the servants
steal freelY froin their
A friend discovered ,that her
maid had been_ drinking the
children's orange juice -and
diluting' what Was left 'with
water. Our cleaning womaii stole
a number of iternsOn her first ,
day; including our toothbrushes. and L -applauded the ' Federal
After threatening her with tke. .Government's initiative in -
police she returned' everything. legislating the uniform.- statnte
• These people • Were ignorant, .08 Breathalyzer Law now in
of how to perform the simplest for?! across the nation:
household* tast. Many ,of them... ,,,,1\;1'"ow that the law is in force,
had never seen western from o coas , s up u
appliances and it took weeks of to inforin drivers what the .08
training to Make them useful, Breathalyzer. Law is and what
When a newly arrived' fri, end actually constitutes, impaired
driving.; This must be done in
asked her maid to buy a chicken
and put it in the freezer, she Was order to fully exploit this law as
a. ,deten•ent, to drinking and
unaware tnat thickens *ere sold
driving." In keeping with thiS..
live to ber killed and drawn by
'the servants. When the wdman olicy, Ms.-M-011one proceeded
went to. geLher--b,,ird .from, thp IWIth the f011owirig 'information:
Federal Statute now in force in
e•tery Province of cariada.
through their.own institutions as
well as those outside. A larp
portion of foreign • aid' which
collies through many channels,
finds its way into the pockets of
the . rich. '''SoMetimes. entire
carloads of supplies disappear
Very unusual
['ay fok seen.
An unusual.visitor to this part
of Ontario was seen 'last Week in
trapper reported to the Lands
and ForeSts office that- he had
captured a strange looking fox:
The . animal was examined by
Roy Bellinger, Predator Control
Officer at Goderich and
identified as a Gray Fox.
The Gray Fox is common in
some States south of the Border
and there have been reports of
them being seen in Southern
Ontario at either end of Lake
rie. According' to the Royal
Ontario Museum there are .
records of the Gray . Fox being
Uniform statute now in force
At recent safety conferences of the inveltigating police
held across .the nation and Officer, Refusal to do so
winding up January • 31.st in result -In -fines uP to $1000 and
Vancouver, R. W. Tr011ope, an automatic • 3 month
. President of Dominion---stiSpension of your driver's
Antomobile Association, - license. The breathalyzer, he
outlined their "Drive with Care" explained; is a breath analy_zer
Safety dampaign for 1970. L..... that m6sures. the amount of
While mahy other areas of the alcohol in the blood by
campaign Were covered during analyzing a sample of, exhaled
-his-addresses, Mr. Trollope:put breath. .08 (grammes per
particular emphasis on the millilitre) indicates' the level of
hazards of drinking arid driving alcohol in the blood that shows
'and 12% deterioration in their
driving ability at which -trine
their road accident risk is
doubled. 9
"pile twelve ounce bottle of
beer equals one three ounce glass
of sherry, which in turn -equa,ls a
one onnce shot of liquor.
• "Three drinks," Mr. TrollOpe
continued', "will impair a man
150 pounds or less and eour
drinks impair a heavier man.
Seven drinks for a medium sized
man- and nine drinks for a large
man and his drivineability has
deteriorated 33% Val the
risk of an ' acciden't being
increased approimately
freezer-, she -discovered the poor
thing staggering about half
frozen. °
Anyone suspected of impaired e
°The entire history of Iran is a
or drunk driving must take the
combination of intrigue,
breathalyzbr test at" the request
ollope con firmed , -are
from railway sidings.
Bribery and corruption'
operate. right up the scale of
social structure, but conditions
are slowly improving on the iong
road from despotism to
in Coibonie
found in the Rainy River
District in NorthweStern Ontario
and -also in .Southeastern Ontario
near Kingston. '
The Gray Fox is slightly
smaller than his Red Fox cousin. -
His back 'and flanks are gray and
a black strip runs down the
centre of the ,back extending to
the end of the tail.
Just whgt route our 'little
friend' from the South took to
get here is unknown' but it
certainly must have been a long
hike for him in any event.
providing the alcohol has been
consumed in a normal drinking
period prior to the examination
and providing the drinker is in
go.od health. Poor health, fatigue
and the use of drugs will also
contribute to the degree of
• "Many . peopie," .explained‘
Mr. Trollope, "have the idea that
-because they -.have been drinking
for years and are able to control
the symptoms of drunkenness,
.such as- slurred speech and
staggering; they are not drunk or
impaired. This group prObably
constitutes the most dangerous
of all impaired drivers. Because
of their -confidence in their
ability- to - drive while drunk',
they take greater risks. When in
Taft, their ability is impaired as
mach or more .than someOne
.who has consumed the same
quantity but- drinks only
• ",Aside from the frightening
risk of killing ' or injuring
yourself and/or someone else,
,Trollope -concluded; "your -
driver's license may b6 yotir
most important possession -and
the .fastest way 'to loSe it is to
drink and cl?ive."
* Delivery or Pick.,14p at Yard
Use Clay Tile for
Tested and ProVert OerfOrrnince
For further details
13kone — London 438-1021
Why Wpit Fpr Spring
8:30 A.M. to-- 8:00 p.m. For The Spring and Summ-er Months
To- past and new patrons, we will continue to serve the tbme high.
• quality, carefully prepared food.
Our dining area ,has the village atmosiihere, excellent service. and
moderate prices.
.0us Sunday Special is Marinated Beef --- Serving begins at 4:0.
„Yes, everything in our- store been
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• Drop in and see the many offers we have in •
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Chesterfield Suites, reduced as, muth as $100.00
Living Room Groupings 7—• Matching Chesterfields,
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Nlattresses — savings up 'to $44.00
A few odds endt left at half pride
Sewing Machines — uced by .50%