HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-12-22, Page 1tubrhe tor
Only 2'.1 4 from nowt ill January
it 180, Wye it a trial,
in need
e BIBS, 11111)a nineLotte
t-ieads and. Envelopes -in fat/
kitils of priuting,
The olsons Bank..
(Chartered by Piulitiment, 1855.)
Paid up Capital ...... $2,000,000'
Rest 1P11.11d , , . 1,100)000,
Head offiee Mon treat,
Money advar.r., . good Farmer's on their
own notes w.'.1..orio or more endorsers at 7
per cent per annum.
Exeter Branch.
C/pen every lawful day from )1.5) a. m, to 3 p.
m., Saturdays 10 lb. m. to 11 p. m
A ,generalbauking, bush -lees tranSacted
CURRENT RATES ltowed for mon -
ey ou Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 8
Exeter, Jan 28, 188. Sub Manage,r
05Xg:tCr GAbzwricat,
Is published every Thursday Morning,
at the Other),
One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance,
$1...50 if not so paid.
.23.4...s.remtirritsme Mateo erra.
No paper discontinued -until aOl arrearages
are paid. A.dyertisements without specific
directions will be published till forbid and
charged aeeordingly. Liberal discount made
for traneeient advertisements hiserted. for
Lon g periods. Every description of JOB
PRINTING turned outdn the finest style,
and at moderate rates. Cheques, money ord-
ers. &a, for ativeetiding, subscriptio119, etc. to
be made payable to
Sanders & Dyer
Church Directory.
Tarv.vvr MMO81b 0 atraon.--Rev. F. 1.1
Fatt, Rector. Sunday Services, 11 a. m.
and..7 p.m. Sabbath School, 3 p. m. Holy
Comm union, let Sunday of each month at
Morning Serviee. and in mouths of five Sun-
days, after Evening Service of 4tli Sunday of
the month. Holy Baptism ou 2nd Sunday
of each month at morning service.
MxT7tou1srcJutTRCU4amt ,Rev. A. L.
Russell, Pastor. Sunday Services,10.30 a. m
and. 6.30 p.m. Sabbath. Sehool, 2.30 p. m.
MAIN STREET -30V. W. 110D011agh, Pas-
tor. Sunda,y S'erviees, 10 30 a. m. and 6.30 p.m.
Sabbath School 2.30 p.
PNESBVISSIAN Ciltrnon.--Ilev. W. Martin,
Pastor. Sunday Services, li a. in. and 6.30 p.
ra, Sabbath. School, 9.45 a. m.
PrOreSSI011ai Card Se,...*RearrinnOtItagaf..411.0..MMI•06tOnl01.46.6•MGC.171.1112.1120 •
Ft. KINSMAN, L.D.S, Panson's Block
two doors north of Carling Store,
11A1N ST11.11ET,ExmTER, extracts teeth
without pain. Way at Ilensall on let
Friday; Ailsa Craig on 2nil and 4th Tuesday.
8.21a. Ztlrieb On laet rthurs day of each month.
lose o•
College Dental Surgeons successor to
H. L. Billings. Office over Post Office
Exeter. Ont. A safe anaesthetic given for
the ptanless extraction of teeth. Fine Gold.
Fillings as required..
V • and Surgeon. Office and. residence -
Corner Victoria and. Elgin streets, Goderieh,
Resiclenee-Corner Andrew and North
Streets, Exeter, Ontario.
.1.1 the College of Physicians and Surgeons
Ontario Physician, Surgeon and .S.(10011(.111.-
ellr. °knee, liashwood, Ont.
T.. A.. AMOS, M. D., C. M , Member of
College of Physicians and. Surgeons,
Ontario; licentiate of the Boyal College of
Physicians and. Surgeons Edinburgh; licen-
tiate of the Faoulty of Physieiana and. Sur-
geons, Glasgow; Fellow of Trinity Medical
College, Toronto, Office -Dr. BOW011'S for-
mer residence.
IN* OR, Conveyancer, Notary- Public.
Office -Over O'Neil's Bank, „Exeter, Ontario.
Money to LO
of Supreme Court, Notary Pe...ewe 0 on -
veyaeaor, Commissioner, &c.: Money -to loan
itors, Conveyancers,
Auctioneer s
111 BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Auet
JUL, ioneer for the Counties of Peril, and
Middlesex, also for the township of tisborne
Saleg promptly attended. to and. term srea-son
0310 , Sales arranged at Post office, "Winehelsa
moms= axe•.....-
3-, ROLTANS, late of lganitoba, Licens-
ued. Auctioneer, for the counties of Ilur-
on and lvtichilesex,Residenee: 1 mile south
of Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders by mail or other-
wise promptly attended to at reasonable
BOSSENBERRY,1ieusa1 Ontario. Lie-
onsee A.uetioneer for the counties of
Fluron and Perth. 'Charges moderate and.
setisfaetien guaranteed.
T HARDY, LiconSed Auctioneer for the;
I/. County of B uron. Sales Condueted on
reasonable terms. Farm and Varna Stock a
specialty. Pull arrangements can be made
at this office.
1D1RED.. W. FA RNCOMB, Provincial Land
Surveyor and. Civil Engineer. Office,
Over Post, Office, Main street, Exeter, Ont.
dertNT FOR
The 'Western Piro Assurance Company,
of Toronto,
..Tho Phtenix Eire insurance cone,
of London, Beeiana.
The Alliance Fire A.ssur.Co've
of London, England.
Offiezie-efein.stroet, Exeter, Ont,
Ta.aivis atILLEn, 'Veterinary Surgeon,
Gradtate of the Ontario Veterinary
College, Toronto, (Suecessor to Wm. Sweet,
V'. ) ovek Is years praetice. office and
ro8id0n0e one block east, of Richard Pickards
store, Oppositeiskatine Rink, Exeter, On.t,
Tee ttneerei nee has for sale, eix first-
BlsonTr, ,xeter.
thoroug bred, Fox Hound pie,
EXETER MARKETS. Q01111nUaliC,ati012.
1 at leaet lee informed me that instead. of
Corporation fauds were lost and stolen
Me ao not hold our: olvo4 responsible, for i the surplus • f h$o 2,600 in the Treasury "Putting animals in pound" is the lives. They are now doing as well as
Wheat per bushel ... .... $0.58 to 0.60 laces ex rro$sod under tlais beading )
i at the beginning of the year, they had uder of the day In our distriet.-Mr. can be expected.
Barley . , .. „ 35 to 37 .1.),OAR EDITOR:
NO 289
Centralia -hen leg for the dangeiter, It* is enr-
hiew they esceped w'
ptising , their
19 401 ea
Lard ... •
teckee per lb. , . ;
Ducks "
Turkeys "
Pork .. • • .•
Potatoes,per seas
Por:ton . . .... 6.00 to 7,00
• 26 to 27
. . . . 50±o 52
. 19 to 19
11 to 11
18 as 18
.. 5 to 5
. 7 to 8
.... 6±o 7
. 9 to 10
6.50 to 7,00
.... 50 to 50
PIO S On al 3SU/1100M
Mrs. Stoddardeof Port Hope, is visit-
ing, her graudfather, Mr. Hy. West-
eott, of Lleberne, and other relatiyes in
and arouna Exoter.-Miss Smith was
the glit.V4t of Miss Clara Hersey at
Zurich, last Friday evening. -John
Shroedor, who we made mention of as
undergoing an operation, is progrees-
Ina favorebly.-Miss Lottie Dennis,
w) has been visiting her braher at
Ayr, Out., returned home last Thurs
day evening. --Miss Edith Dyer return-
ed last Tnursday evening frum Brant-
ford, where she has been the guesc of
her sister, ales. .01ara Dyer. -Miss
Millie Baker left on Tuesday last for
Si. Cdtherines in response ±0 0. telegram
statingthat har sisceeinlaw, Mrs.VVill
tam Baker, was laying d<thgerously
ill. -Mrs. Armstrong, Huron St., eoliths
nes in about the same condition -no
sigete of improvement. -The Misses.
aitTeennan, of Stratford, who were the
guest of Miss F. Pineh, left for Hensel'
where they will visit for a , 'few days
P' ior to heir return home. -John A.
Uregory, of Ay hner, ir home spending.
Is holida‘s.-- Mrs. Samuel Sanders is
on the sick list. -Mr. John Dearing,
wife aed foetidly, Mr. Harry Prowse,
wife and family and Mr. and Mrs.
John Ford all of Marlette, Michigan
arrived her on Tuesday evg., to wit-
ness the marriage ceremony of Mr.
William H. Dearing, which took place,
yesterday (Wed) and win spend Christ-
mas and New Years with frieeds and
relatives. -Mr. Geo, Bawden one of our
old town citizensbut now of Parkhill,
was30 town aaredneselay.-Mr. Isaac
Handford continues very itt and is con-
fined to the house. -Mr. Chas. McDon-
ell is at present on the sick list. -Mr.
David Mills aud wife and daughter.
left' on Tuesday for London, where
they will spend Christmas with friends,
sfter, which they will visit friends in•
Wiudsor and Lambeth. They
will be absent about a month.
Division Court Sittings at
0 AUNj
IStIEE.-Judgment for udg,ment
creditor against Debtor for $4, aud
against Garnishee for $10 ---Dickson
for Primary Creditor.
McCLeety al'e'es Coe:. vs." Rovrio...4---
This is an action by the assignee of
Bissett Bros. book account against R.
N. Rowe, who claimed to set off an c -
count against one of the firm. J dg
ment by consent for defendant -plc -
Nab for plaintiffs, Dijkson for de oxid-
ant. (
MeCLarty Mle'es Co. vs. Dare. -
This is another action by the ass.) enees
of Bissett Bros. aainst Richard IDavis.
In this case defendant also clai led. to
set off accounts against ;led sidual
members of firm. Judgment by cote
sent for defendant-McNab fbr plffs ,:
Dickson for deft. i
Thiele another action by sa1ne plain
tiffs, was brought to recover mace of
buggy top, Defendant proved 1i hall
returned the top aed judefrnent was
given for defendant accordingly -,-Mc.
Nab for plaintiffs; Collins for defend
ant, " • I
A ,McCesany M'F'G. CO. VS. ILAMPORT-
Another action by same plaintiffs to
elaimed to have paid am npt. Jud -
recover price dr seed. Defendant
merit reserved.--,McNab f e pleintiffs;
Collins,for defendant. s
aleCLeue vs. &wren -
on account for $18.90.
consent for St 50,and oee
MeNab for plaintiffs, Dick
Eaows vS. Hone -So ,-Judgment
summons -Order made fin' payment
of $5 per month- Dicksonci for plaintiff
Loma ys. SAMPLB-Ju gment sum
mons -order netde for pa3jment of $2
P01 monthe-Dickeon and Collins for
zrreent by
6 r
on for de
Greenway ,
Mr. Needham Geodma of Lockport,
New York, is vishiartnalti 'niece, Mrs. F
Ulens.-Mr. D Patilter 's of ' Moray,
preached in the Metteictilt church here
last Sabbath. ' A large, lumber attend
ed the Chrispnas Tree entertainment
in the Presbyterian chit •ch last Mon
day evening. -Mr. lien y 13illiing had
t he misfortune to cut his foot. ---Mr. D.
Brophey taised a new building
last week to store °0.rehlt ina-Mr IC. II.
Wilson sold one ofhisieautiful black
horses to Mr. Geor,ge al cinner, of Park-
hill.-Tutebrown was verysick last
Monday. Dr. 13rown a teteled her, she
is improving. --Mrs. John Berieg,er is
improvieg. The doctOr gives good
hopes of her recovery -1 -Mr. A. Arm -
steno' spent last week in Goderich as
1110.3 the last man ill Exeter, to Illid
fault or make eomplaint but the worm
itself will turn when trampled ,under
the foot, .We would be worse than the
go ovellin 0. worm did we the ratepayers
of Exeter, sit silently ±0 000 Sid, and
allow a set of imbecilic incapabs to
any further or longer eonduet the af-
fairs of our beautiful little village.
Have you seen the statemen or rather
misstatement 01 0511 committers? (if they
deserve the name) then wombs)" why
they have the 1)1 0/1311 faced ness to show
themselves ou our k re,ets. Wonder
why they haye escaped criminal prose-
cution, .Ancl why pot prosecute them?
why 00t put au end to this munieipal
jobbery, this ,vholesale robbery of the
people's money? Loss malicious crimin-
als occupy cells in penitentiary. As a
matter of fact the ratepayers of the
village have been deluded and cajoled
ei the past, and Wieepullers and little
narrow minded jobbers, and men with
a badge, ribbon or (Aber insignia of
some so called secret soctet, have been
selected to represent us in Council, and
good capable, citizens Who either will
not or can not stoop to unworthy
means of election are left at home. The
result, is that peahidministration, 111O1
0.3)10 and too often culpithility eharae_
terizing our representatives and their
Bad as our representatives in the
past have been, 11111111 I will be
endorsed by every right thinking Citi
zen when I say our present council
are even woise than auything we've
had-aed next irretrie,etable mistakes,
ssrievous, egregious bleeders were
committed by our old comic:Bs, every
time they went outside the .ordinary
little routhie of business. Look at their
deal some years ago with W. EL Verity,
School b0 VS 11051' lariat at the silly and
idiotic action of our representative,s iil
that deal. Leberal fellows they were,
but brai n less, Wit 11 110 ideas of business.
They gave all that was aseed of them -
gave it freely ,out of the people's pock-
et; turnel open the village exchequer
to Verity for ten years, if he wished to
make 123s3 of it for so long' a time; hut.
in return did they ask M. Verity to do
anything to enter into any obligatael
whatever. Not it thine, not an obli
gation-They say we °bound him to
build an extensiou to employ extra
men -They slid, yes, poor fellows, they
did, but for how lonie?-exemption. The,
mill, deal was auotrier cue -The 'toevn
Hall, another monument of disgrace to
the Council who are answerable for
these unfortunate blunders. To give
away money and property seern the
one idea our Councillors have been
possessed of.
They refuse nothing that is asked of
them. Let a lot of wags from all over
the county band themselves together
under the (mine of the Exeter aeicket
Club, and petition the Council to hand
over to them 510 of the peoples' money,
and behold it's no sooner said than
done; thoueei be it said, to Councillor
Carling's eredir, he very%trongly 1011
mated that it would be the last.
,Let the owner of a, dog, who is taxed
Si, ask a refund of $4 and lo the refund
is made, the village, is done up fbr $5.
Only last week week we were con.
fident of securine0. two flour mills for
the village but uo sooner were SUM Of
it than some of our more enterprising
councillors make it their business to
kill the scheme And' we find.' them
shamelessly going., about our streets
with a petition to, assist in closing out
one mill, and .why, beca- use forsooth.
We, second: till was to be erected a lit-
tle fertile's niaeth than suited their" nar-
row,selesh minds. But of all the hung -
Reg transactions of which any of our
Council'. have been ,guilty perhaps the
most outrageous wos that of the mar
ket removal, and after the village has
lost valuable property and sustained a
loss of $2,600„ by the infernal and mis-
chievous Lascality of these made:len,
they have the unblushing audacity„ to
DOW tell us that they did not think the
result et tlie removal would be . fait -
1u -e. De they, as they should be com-
pelled tiedoolrer to repay the village
what we hetve lost through their stu-
Piclity and pi=headed blundering. Af-
ter, .31 114' our property, incur-
riegetilh4e expense of that market re-
moyat, tityInd themSelves like so
111049 11 00 ice, unable to move et
fool10aliiels establishiug anything in
the shape of a market. They aro now
told and properly so, that they acted
illegally in using any part of the Town
Hall property for nmrket purposes.
Gibbeting in some parts of the world
would be considered but slight punish-
ment for such highhand and villianeue
work. In the outset rI ' asked you if
yon had examined the statement of
their work for the year. I leave exain-
hied it but I confess it'iii,too seholaras
tic a thing for the mind,cif tewoedinary
ratepayer. I have asked eXplana.
tion of 801110 et our councillors, but their
explanations are even worse than ',the;
statement. Oue Couneillor asked to
explain a $900 loan, replied that it was
interest upon motley borrowed. [± 11 be
interest upon money borrowed, then
add it to another sum shown bo' the
statement, to have been paid for in-
terest viz 51,200 and that in all gives
us $2,100 paid for interest OD money
borrowed, and it makes onr indebted-
ness over $42,000. Another Council -
ler of whom I demanded an explains -
tier), informed. inc that 82,500 of the eves-,
only 525. They Say if the ratepayers
are not satisfied they will resign. A
pretty mess theY would like to leave
for their sueccessors. I would suggest
Ili ey he allowed to finish their dirty
work, They started iti at the begin.
ning of their term of office with a sur-
plus of oyer $2,500, •and before they
were half the year in office they bor.
rowed $1,600. Next year their will
start with a shortage of about $400. r
woeder what they will borrow before
the six mouths are upou them. I will
have more to say next week. Thanks
for this space,
Wednesday, Dec. 21st, 1892.
To the Editor of the Advocate.
Sm. -Not knowing under whose
manarerement "Drew's Opera House"• or
wile' Arctic Theatie" is at present, 1
take this meaes of acquaintingthem
and the Public with thu criminally
frigid state in whieh the hall was
kept &urine°the whole of last evepieg
when the Frost and Faushawe Co.
rendered that most enjoyable com.ady
"'Asa Jenkin
Thellighest complimeet was paid to
the performers last night, I thiuk, that
ever was or eyer will be vouchsafed
to any troupe by the audience with
the exception of the ladies who weren't
accustomed to being frozen to death,
remaining throughout the piece, suf-
fering most intensely from what is
known amoug Arctic explorers as con.
I should like very much to gei to
night to the "benefit of the, poor" con
cert, but are you willing to go again
on Friday for my "Funeral Benefit."
Do the managers of the hall or the
troupe know that they aro bound to
keep the atmosphere in a state fit for
human beings, that it is an imposition
on the Public to invite them to attend
the performance and have suth cooling
arrangements as exist at present.
Can't they put a spring on the down
stair,door? Can they have re.gietrars
and ventilators to regulitte the temp-
erature according to the attendance or
have the Public to put up with every
inconvenience or stay away altogeth
I've heard it said by people in town,
'How 1s1 it no decent troupes come
here" esalow on earth can 'they when
the only inducement for them is to be
frozen or roasted? Las& night's troupe
was as good, if not bettes, than any
I've seen in Exeter,but what will they
say of the accommodation, let alone,the
attendance. How 031) people act a
summer scene in a temperature of 25°2
Sotriething should be done . if Exeter
wishes to -have the amusements and
privileges of other towns or wishes to
keep down the rate of mortalitY, ,as
there is every indication at present of
licaVy suicide roll from giddy,.living
Yours truly, .4 e
- DOS.
Miss Mary Taylor who has been
spending the last six weeks with her
brothers in this vicinity has returned
to her home in Mitchell accompanied
by her brothenet,'1'aylor who intends
to spend Xmas.,ith re, The trustees of
S. No. 5 Hay has secured the sere
vices of Mrs. Robb late of Stratford.
Miss A. M. Pollock resigning. -The
Presbyterians of Grand Bend held their
annual Xmas tree on Monday night
last and was met with grand success
Stephen Council.
Council met at Crediton 15th. Dec.,
all present. Minutes of lastneetings
read and signed, Resolved that no
action be taken in the cases of Mr.
Greib and T. Clarke. A resolution was
passed instructing clerk to receive the
drainage requisition of G. Brown. ,'G.
H. Eilber-G. Sherritt that the Treas-
urer replace into the general funds of
the township the amounts taken out
for G. B. cut purpose. A number of
orders were issued but as they will a,p.
pear, in the Treasurer abstract at nom
ination and copies circulated they are
omitted in these minutes.
'1'here was a largo attendance at
the Christain Endeavor 'meeting on
Thursday evening last. Several ex-
cellent papers were read on temper-
ance. If the society'Would hold a num-
ber.9f temperance meetings clueing
the winter there would, no doubt, be a
large attendance and great good might
be done in'temperanee work. -Mr. Pe-
ter Gerdinerewho has been attending
Stratford ,Model School during the past
session is yisiting friends in the neigh
ladrhoisd. He has been engaged to
teach S. S. No. 5 IIibbert for 1893. No
doubt he will prove to be a successful
teacher as his standing in the Model
school was very creditable. -Mr. Jas.
Ballantyne is able to be out. --There
is some talk of having a shooting
match here on Dec. 23rd, but profe8.
sional markesnien are to be prohibited
from shooting. -The Foresters intend
having another concert. Their concerts
have always been good in the past,
but this one promises to be better than
la' alter Ilt11 yery $1e1c at present.
We wish hire a speedy recovery, -
John Niel is finiehing a first classbank
barn for Wm, Hieks.,--Our ,young men
lutve taken a notion to attend Exeter
church. Exeter niust, be favored. -
Wm. Parsoes 18 gettin,g in a good sup
ply of fowl. He expects to ship to
Manitoba soon. -Ed, Stewart and W.
Rutley were the guests of Wes. Hust
on on Sunday lase -We expeet to hear
the wedding bells soon in and aroend
our little city (eheese it). -Tom thinks
Ohris can talk horse about right.
Xmas is about here and people in
this ueighbothood are preparino• foe
the usual family gathering which al
ways take place in this glad season. -
There is not euough snow fallen yet.
to make good sleighing, but several
good sleigh loads of young people will
take advaetage of a sleigh ride eext
week if roads are O. K. If they are
not disappointedahy will amuse them-
selves by an old-fashioned daere at
neighbor , Not withstanding the
low price, wheat is being hatild out to
Exeter market. -Our annual Anniver
sary services will be Conducted Sun-
day (Xrniis Day)by Rev. Russell of
Exeter, on Wednesday 28th. The an-
nual teameeting and entertainment
will take plae.e. Tea will be served
from 6 to 8 o'elock p.m. Program will
consist of Minister's address,recitations,
dialomues, music &a by S. S. scholars
atid alters, Everybody come aud hive
a good tirne.
Thomas Mackey, (aged 1(3 years), of
Biddulph, was arrested on Saturday by
Detective Allen on a charge of assult•
ing John, a 13 -year old SOD of Michael
Jackson. 'I he boys are school mates,
audit is altedged that out of some dif
Unity thE t arose between them in the
class room Mackey "laid for' young
Jackson with a stone, knocked the
younger boy down, an31 then proceed
ed. to pound his ,head to ,mincemeat
with the stone The case came before
Squire J. B. Sursvtli Monday afternoon,
and as the parents of the boys did not
want trouble young Mackey pleaded
guilts -and was fined $2 and costs.
DnsreuerivE Monday
night last between ten and eleven,
o'elock a very destructive tire occured
on the premises of Mr. Jas. McCaffery
Lot 84, con 1. It appears Mr. McCaffery
went to the barn for the ,purpose of
feeding his stock, taking with him the
lantern which he left burning in the
stable, while he event above to throw
down hay. And it is thought the hay
came in contact with the lantern and
upset it, thus causing the tire. 'rho
loss is a hear v one, as all the season's
crop was burned. The horses whieh
were fin the place at the time were
usborne council met on Thursday
last and a few hours were. lively spent.
Some complainants gained their point
while others went home with little sat -
faction. -The roads in this section are
in splendid condition and many far-
mers are taking advantage of the
good wheelinse-Threshing in these
parts is DOW finished and the farmers
will be free from their most dreaded
work, and will now be able to estimate
their returns for their summer's labor.
The small boys are still anxious to get
a few pigeons in their possession.
About a week ago or more Mr,G. Fis-
her was aroused by his deg. giving
alarm that someoue was at his barns.
Mr, F. went to the yard and found the
pigeon roost had. been disturbed but
no one was on the roost, He then went
around the Stra, NV stack and stretched
his arm telt° it hole in the stack which
had, been made by the cattle, when ‘•lo!
and behold! he had little Billie F• by
the leg. It appears this is not B's first
visite-but he has not been successful
in capturing his prey up to date. Pa-
rents should know where their boys
are at night and not allow them out
on such an errand as this. -Mr. Wesley
Welsh is painting the interior of his
house. -Mr. John Hackney and wife
visited her parents on Sunday last. -
Mrs. E. Heywood has been home the
past week helpieg to prepare for her
sister's wedding:.
S'BRIOES ACCIDENT, -A serious ac
cident of a threefold nature took place
on the farm of Echard *Williams, lot 11,
con. 11, Stephen, on Saturday 10th
inst., wherebyseevere injuries were in-
flieted and narrowly escaPed with their
lives. It appeal's that Mr. Williams,
his wife and daughter had just re
turned from Crediton where they had
made the purchase of several house
hold artieles,among which was a broom
and just as they were about to decond
from the rig the horses became fright
ened at the broom held by Mrs Wil-
liams. They at once made a dash for
the barnyard and then arotind the
straw stack, after which the rig upset
throwing the occupante to the ground
with terrific force the result being a
severe gash on Me. Williams 'forehead,
a broken arm for his wife and a bro.
'rho Bazar hold in the Town Han on
the 141h was a 81166055, although tis
attendance was not as large as was
wished for. ale Bazar goods were all
sold at fair price,s under the able atic -
tioueering of Mr. Win. Lewis. A good.
program Was rencle,red.---Sc000l closes
to day. A grand concel't in the Town
Hall will close the school term. -Mr.
Hoyst 00 the 411) 13011. 18 slowly l'OCOV.
cringe -Mr, Bertran aud family have
moved back from Michigan after two
years residence there, Uncle Sam's
territory must not bees agreeable as
Credition,-Mr. Rd:Balzer has opened
an oyster saloon in alark's block. Any
one wishing oysters will do well to
cell there. --What are our constables
doing now? Different things have been
stollen from the rigs stauding on the
streets. People -will do well not to
leave any valuables in their rig's or
Jong lingers will be grasping them, -
Our shop wiudows are showing, a good
display of XMAS goods. _It woulcl de
your heart good Jake to take a look
at our display.
Notwithstanding the, importance of
writing .a. long column or corresnon-
donee you will be contelited this week
with a few short snatchee. gathered
here and there during th e 8tiAz days
of appreetehi rig X111.118 when 63. are.
busy With teller matters and riesersAtte, ,
ful of reading. -The Hay School Ex-
amination was h '0013 Tuesday whn
Mr. S. M. Hanel was made the
recipient cif a h 'edsotee.present at the
hands of his pupils. Mr. H. retires from
his situation at, the end of this year.
His successor will be Mr. Holbs, of
Parthill, who collies highly recommen-
ded -A few oi our eitizens attended
the Christmas tree in Grand Bend Pres
byterian church on Monday evening
last. -Miss Hall, of Ilderton'is at pres-
ent visiting her brother here. ---The
Forestee's concert on the 2811i promises
to be the event ef the season here.
Everybody come and welcome.
(From Another Souree)
Mr. Adam Sehroeder, sr, and Mr.
Hoppag herby challenge the two
champion woodcutters, of Dashwood,
Chas Stunt aud alias Steinhager,to cut
any quantity of wood they desire an(1
for any sum of money they wish. The
statement referring to this matter last
week was overdrawn. We think
it should have read one day instead of
one hour. However there is -$5 staked
that the said parties cannot peeler a
likewise feat in the same space of time
as was said.
Exeter Public Sch.00l.
The followilig are the names of the
pepils who obtained the highest num-
ber of marks during the month of No-
Drv L
Sr. Class -W, Brooks, E. McCallum,
\ W. Ross. IntermediaCe Class -A.
'Ramsay..A.. Martin, M. Kemp. Jr.
Class -N. Fanson, F. Fish, L Bissett.
Number on roll, 66; average attend.-
ance, 54. T. A. BROWN, Teacher.
Div. IL ,
Sr, Class -Willie Bawden, Nellie
Quance, Via White, Ethel Sweet. Jae
Class -Rose Herten, Fred Sweet, Stella
Gregory, -bye Brewning. Number ors
roll, 50; average attendanee, 42.
Miss Vosetus, Teacher.
Div. fir.
Sr. CI ess-Nona Kinsman, 0 lie Mc-
Laughlin, Raymond Fanson, Russell
Southeott. litter. Class -Anna Martin
Henry Gould, Maud Rollins, Edith
Beer. Jr. Class -Bert Ross, Frank.
Ross, Frank Dennis, Fred Hawkshaw,
Number on roll, 55, average attend-
ance, 42. 1VIISS GREGORY, Teacher.
Div. IV.
Sr. Class -Eva Carling, Mary Horn,
Clara Fanson, 'Louisa Eacrett, Etta
alatheson. Inter, Class -4 Powell, H.
Prior, E. Cudmore, C. Rollins. Jr. Class
-J. Leathern, L. McInnes, E. McCal-
lum, Number on roll, 57; average at-
tendance, 47. MIss GILL, Teacher.
Div. V.
Senior Class -P. Browning, A.Peter-
son, B. Hoin, J, Dow. Inter. Class -V.
1-IitwItshaw, IL Fink, J. Newcombe, B.
Edworthy. Number on roll. 82, ayerage
attendance, 68. Mies iNALROND,
. °. , . .
Sr. Olass-E. Davidson, P. Sage, J.
Russell, Peasal Sane). Inter, Class -.M
Taylor, RDavis,LJanosAWood.
Ji Class -M, Newton, H. Huston, M.
Gould, Harold Bissett. Number en
roil, 84; average attendance, 64,
The total number of pupils on the
rolls, 394. Average attendance!, for the
month, 317. P. A. BROWN, Prix,
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