HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-12-15, Page 8Chistmas 'tarter.
\"I am convinced], of the merit of
hood's Sarsaprilla, after !levitlg taken
but a few doses"' --that is what rainy
people say,
1X00pas for The Anvc
ee.aa from now to
Jan. 1st, 1894,to new subscribore. ,Sub'
scribe at onee and retie the benefit.
Peehaps the largest family of dolls
ever seen in Exeter is now on view at
the Big Batik -rept Store. Every little
girl in town is invited to call arid' see.
the dolls.
The Exeter Woollen Mills sold a
largo number of all wool bed; blankets
last week: You get the very best
goods and at first cost when you buy
your woollens 'at the Mills. You can
save money by doing so.
Du Tuesday evening next the two
Epworth Leagues of this place intend
to unite in an open temperance :meet-
ing, to which all temperance workers
and those who are in sympathy with
temperance, are cordially invited.
By order.—CoM.
Exeter L. 0. L. No 924 elected the
following otbecrs for the current year,
W. M; L. H. Dickson; D. M,, Edward.
Gill;; Chaplain; D. Dow; Secretary, R,
Richardson; Treasurer, John White;
Committeemen, W. Snell, J. Acheson
T. Newton, H Lambrook.
There is a vast difference between
the man who meets you and says, "I
hope your paper will be a success,"and
the one who reaches down in his poc-
ket and says "Here send me your week
ly for a year," and hands over a dollar.
In the latter cage there is something to
work the success with.
The bad roads which followed the
recent fall of snow was enough to
make our business men have the blues
but it seems as though they have their
g. ods marked away down, and people
come in to town from near and from
far, good roads or bad roads, in order
h take advantage of the cheep goods.
A famous soap manufacturer was.
once asked why he did newspaper ad
vertising altogether and did not follow
in the foot steps of other manufactur-
ers, putting' up sign boards, printing
almanac, etc. He replied that in his
experience he found that the man who
did not read the newspapers never
used soap.
Several noblemen in England are in
the habit of giving special orders to
makers in Virginia for their supply of
smoking tobacco. There is no doubt
by that means they get the very best
tobacco to be hada but it costs them
about $2 a pound. The workingmen
of Canada are snicking the very sante
quality of tobacco at 75 cents a pound
and it is known to them by the name
of "Myrtle Navy."
There is not a town in the whole
country the size of Exeter whose mer
chants are making such displays of
holiday goods as ours are. They are
almost over doing it this year. It is
bard to say which is the best, but to
those who contemplate buying Mies
presents we would say start early and
avoid the rush. If we are to be gov
erned by the amount of goods dis•
played, we would say the demand will
be great.
The rapidly eoolinte wentltevr is a re-
1lid 1.
xiari-nder• that winter is coning and with
it the swift Itplu'oaiclr of the holiday sea
son. We are now within the Christ:
plats quarter mai the few flakes of suety
occasionally fluttering throngli the air
bring with thutn natty pheasant hopes.
= § = + = s .;. § —
Within a few miles around feel like
giving an occasional shout in t! -
thought of whet may possibly coine co
fill tlxe pocket or enrich the t• . • .s be
fore the year closes. We i.,r,•e thought
ofthem and provided many mouths
ago. Just now ,soman th goods are
comnreucing I make their appearance
insaces of different sines. Wo will
have lots of them this season—our
Stock is n onerallypretty fall but
and you may look through the door
and see counters, shelves and stands
literally groaning (as the tea meetings
say) with their large display. Dull
times will not daunt us—the goods
will be here, and we hope—the custom
4J a la ar 4o .
ROAMS flillir-SLAIVIL*11,111•11
ThlR 1BIlre'_rVI/
Crockery, Dinner • Setts,
Hanging Lamps, • Hall and
Parlor Lamps, Fancy Glass-
ware, all BeaUtiful New
Goods and very suitable for
We say positively that we are
Clearing Out
The balance of our Stock of
3 • • 3
The goods are yours at prices
that will astonish you.
`�P y+• I
FUR Cfl''ATS must leave our snore
Tilde. We won't carry them.
0'o A. $te waz t.
See J. D, Atkinson's change of "ad."
in this issue.
Fora neat ,'s attractive window
peep at M. Vis grocery.
Hood's Pills cure liver ills, janndtee
bi'lou ss, sick headache, constipa•
Commercial travellers are very near
ly as thick as the hair. on 'a poodle's
peublic Schools will close on Thurs-
dav'#the 22nd lust., fcr the Christmas
A dividend of fi cents on the dollar
has been declared on the Andrew in-
solvent estate.
Nomination meeting will be held, in
the Town Hall on Monday, Dec. '26th,
at 7.30 o'clock p m
The cheapest place teethe empty to
Arley furniture is at J. 0. Atkinson's
tnxniture wardrooms.
M" Dan. Davis shipped a carload of
fine lambs to Buffalo on Saturday. Mr.
Davis accompanied them.
Don't forget that for Xmas presents
youcan't do better than seethe show
at the Big Bankrupt Store.
Al! ordered work and repairing
placed with. J. D. Atkinson receives
prompt attention and at low prices.
Sealette! Scalette! Sealette! An
immense stock at the Big Bankrupt
Store Eyery price reduced to sale
J. D. Atkinson'e, the only place in
town to buy Yale's Patented Nickel
Plated Wire Mattress—the best and
cheapest in the market.
Overcoats, mantles, and all winter
goods are on the quick move at the
P1g Bankrupt Store. The reduced
prices are causing the move.
The remain of Mrs. W. Hodgins,
which were interred in Fanneville
cemetery early spring, were taIteit<"ftp
on Thursday' and conveyed to Exeter
cemetery for interment.
Poets who write for fame ,rM l"t' and
are requested to send a' costal' to
Easterbrook $s Co., to John Stewart
New 'Tori, for Circtilars explaining
their $1,000.00 °rearr. 48 Prizes.
On Saturday last Mr. &1, Bissett
Met with apainful aecident'b,y letting,
*bar of iron fall on one foot, brui8ing
it severeiy, He is now off duty and
rill be for some days.
iThe wife of Ma Nelson Hooper of
Blenheim, has been reeently blessed
with twits (two boys.)
Nle are sorry to learn of the yery
severe illness of Mrs Armstrong, who is
confined to her bed and small hopes of
her recovery are entertained,
Geo. Bawden, while .engaged work-
ing around Mr, Wm Denring's now
residence in Stephen, on .Ericlav last,
he slipped and fell on a nail which ran
into his knee,. causing a very painful
The corner lot on which,'Christie's
old livery barn stood has been purchas
ed by 'ell'. A.,Cottlo, who intends build-
uild-in;' thereon early in the Spring It is
a desirable corner, and Mr. Cottle in-
tends erecting a suitable building.
At the last regular meeting of Ad-
vance Council, No,' 207, R T. 0. T. it
was moved arid carried unanimously
thee a vote of censure be passed oil
the person or Perseus who fureisho .
the information to the newspapers, to
the effect that Exeter Council were
fixed discourteously on either visit to
the open meeting Held by Hensall
Council on Dec. 1st, such statement
being untrue.
To those who have not -aid their
subscription to ,the . Anvoakns we
would respectfully request a remit
ance, personally' or by mail,a.s we have
to pay several large accounts shortly.
Individually, a dollar or two is. not
much, but taking .several such ac-
counts amounts to quite a stun. The
date when the subscription expires is
on the address label of each paper, the
change of which to a subsequent date
beeomes a receipt for:eemittanee. We
trust this appeal will meet with your
Yesterday, (Wedneday) afternoon,
a surgical operation was performed on
Mr Peter Schroeder jr., of Dashwood,
at the residence of Mrs. Thomas, by
Drs. Rollins, Hyndman and Hyndman
It appears he has been suffering for a
member of years from a running sore,
extending over the greater part of his
Ieg; and finally become so troublesome
as to neccessitate the operation at
which the above named doctors are
busily engaged at time of writing.
The wound was opened at the knee
and extended severa 1 inches up and.
down the leg and the bone scraped.
It is likely he will pull through but it
will be some time before he will be
As announced, the anniversary ser-
vices of the James. Street Methodist
.church were preached on Sunday last,
both morning and event.ug, by the
Rev. J. C. Autliti, D.D., of London, and
on eaeh occasion a large congregation
greeted the very able preacher. His
discourses were listened to with mark-
ed attention, and the facts expounded
by him cannot be shaken by science,
criticism' or investigation. On Monday
evening the usual bright and anus•
ing entertainment and tea took place
at which the crowd was ,very large.
The programme consisted of addresses
delivered by Revs. J. Antiiff, C.Fletch-
er and W. Martin, and singing by the
choir. The proceeds, including Sun-
da'y's collections and Tuesday even-
ing's social, amounted to $190.
Sea -forth Aare -Works.
All orders for the above Dye ' Works
can be left with E. H. Fish.
Parra for Sate. Awa
The undersigned has several first
class farms for sale on easy' terms.
J. SPACEMAN, Exeter.
Geo. Vie e well known piano,
organ and *machine agent, who
did busip sd ihro'iighout:this neighbor-
hood and once a resident of Kirkton
and later of Mitchell, was arrested at
Pittsbur°•>5hiawassee County, Mich.,
and was brought to'Port Huron, Wed
nesday nightof,last Reek by chief of
police Petit on a United States ,'al
rent, charged witu forgery t e
amount of $1,400, He I;''"p*entediii
Mitchell, Ont., for force, 'farmers.
notes and will tubably be returned to
Canada wit radition. '
A "brews s' going the rounds
of the America press to the effect that
an annexation meeting recently too
piaee in Canada,at which the vote wap
overwhelmingly in favor, of ann
tion, the loyalists were thrown lou
the Qstreeterathe American flag wee
cheered and the Union Jack hissed.
All this the despatch states, took place
at a place called "Stimpson" at
we want to know is where "S
is situated We will make
a handsome reward who
"Stimpso What an
this unl. ,n,ci v
person? He'd
At tee meeting,
League the Main tee
church 'Tuesday eve"' n
tollowingddress was i'
of the Lea's ue, to Mr ai er
who is abot to reside in Brant
DEAR SIRb `, B.uoT.11ria, ,
regretfully he :d,
''of you int _
moval from Exgtb and, 'Ys onse
quence, from the m 'hi ,_ln a of our
!League, we connot allo oppor
tunity to pass, withouteeexpressing :to
yohedur h h,§erise of you faithfull
ness to the interests and prosperity of
the'Epworth League of :Main. Street
Methodist church, In this town. Your
uniform consistency of , character be,
fore the pijlblic, together with your
veal in filling all offices of trust com-
iititted to you, has won our confidence
and esteem for you as a Christian, and
Brother beloved. We shall not sop
forget your 'kindness of heaskek all
through the lengthened meal, , ship
you have held among us. And
while we sorrF -; er yo eparture,
and shall mi very,much in our
weekly gather ,,s, we shall not cease
to pra eetbat the Divine blessing may
abide in you, and your family, both
for this world and the spirit land,
where we hope to meet at God's right
hand. Ori behalf of the League.
Exeter, Dec. 13fh, 1892. Secretary,
Ma Carley replied in a very feeling .,
adciresst in which he expressed his
tory env in losing his friends, and thank
e e League for their kindness and
friendship shown him, By Order.
ver.too late to mend. 500
alid shoes that need cepa`
leboot and shoe
opy of the
It is de
seem to
r their most
en, Usborne
,andeExeter Courci :, for their liberal
donations towaitd. the'; Society'e build-
ing fund. ALEx. G. DYER, Sec'y..
ee,t Or'fer Yet.
he ADVOCATE, has perfected arra.')
whiche offer the Fano
nd Weekly Star together
ar Almanac and the A
�w until an. 1st 1894
rice of the star is
Alma p6
offer, d not =rd
.4 left at t
store next
we have, `7u
STAR AL 0.40'
cidedly a tr
'know it, fel
Carel i►f Tari
The Stephen
Society 1:,fug„leav
hearty ,t'hanks;
e II'ain.
yiolation of na-
la; Perry Davis has done
avh to all 9ae suffering of the peo-
ple y dial l em out of nature's
store hod: t i i lm for every wound."
Sixe,h is t f n i 'puller, it stops pain
almost ,:is used botl'nter-
llv and ao rnally, and is ofll o'h.
er pain reme"dies,^'. he oldest and best
New size Bi,; Box;
nave You Atece !`Ml a Cllyd.
By consultitxf;.,, e ' sample card of
Diamond;?Dyes you will find full in
structions for obtaining the newest an,d,"
most fashionable colors and shades, grit,
you haye not yet received a samjtl
card of collors, write t jt the Wells Se
ichardson Co., Mont'r'eal, and th
ill send you free, by post, this
card, and the new edition of
ul Home Dyeing," a most u
for every home.
Cheap J'ublleat onrt4.
Ih union there is strength:
also includes cheapness, As a
tration of this we are able to off
ADVOCATE one year, and Western,A
vertiser, London, Ontario, for 1893, hal
ince of 1892, for only $1.50. Tlro Ad.
uertiser for 1893 will contata eight
pages, of seven Columns each, and as
published 'weekly, at one dollar'. per
annum. It is a clean papgi* for the
home, and contains complete literary
and news departments in every num
ber. Subscribe at • once. Address,
ADVOOATE, Exeter, Ontario'
New Telegraph lilachine.
A new telegraph machine has beep
invented by Herr Jrite dircCor of
telegraphs in Berlin, This apparatus
coeta,tas two eleetr•o-magnets,' the one
Wetted ' by al, positive and the other by
a negative enrreut: These set in mot
ion a perforator, whereby holes are
punched in a ,tape. The 'roles instead
of elonsistini of mere dots and dashes,
as in the Morse system, are so arrang:•.
ed that on joining them with lines the
letters. of the Roman alphabet aro
farmed. The chief merit of the ma-
chine is said to lie in the extraordinary
ease with which it can be vi'orked. It
is stated that at a recent trial be-
tween the Berlin and Hamburg' stock
exchanges, a distance of nearly 200
miles, it was found possible to send
from sixty-five to eighty-five messages
pet...hour, or from twenty-fiye to thirty-
five words per minute.
Council A`a'oceedin.;'
Tho council met in the town hall,
Exeter 7th Dee. All present. Minutes
of previous meeting read and confirm-
ed, The annual report of the Board
of Health was received and Oiled ou
motion of Ross=Christie. Carling—
Christie orders for the following sums.
Legislative Assembly per L. H. Dick-
son, $125, re Debenture Act; Dr.Ifynd•
man, $6, certificates of lunacy re Piper
Moreshead; Dr Rollins do; T. Oke, $22,
balance for street watering; Sec. Board
of health, $5, salary 1892; John Mores.
head, $2 25, labor; Dr. Lutz, 90c, dis-
infectants; I. Handford, $1,95, black-
smithing; Bobier Produce Co., $11.25,
coal oil; S. Sanders, $2.40 adv't re
foundry.—Carried. Carling--Ross—
By law appointing Deputy Returning
Officers duly read and passed. Spack•
man-Christie—$10 granted towards
printing re house of Refuge. The
cpuncil•adjourned until Dec. 15th at
7,80p. m. M, EAgaE'Pr, Clerk.
Yon wilt [lt d ,hat never before woro goods so"attract've. They
better than have ever been .ol'E.er'ecl by r usr and we, don't mind
telling yotl that we propose to: Make our
and will aceomplish th is by our C ODDS :and PREECES. Have you bought your
FURS yet? _We harvo,a fine range. A c.hoiee line of 'JIBS and SILK
11AN1).l ERCIIIl 1'S both in Ladies and Gentlemen's See our
TWEED for dresses. Beautiful Goods,
Ger'at's, Ties, Braces and 'Underwear ill
abundance; nobby goods, For a Fine
Snit get 0itt prices and we will
convince you th.atthcy .are the
C r r V ®.-sc rz'.,
And see the fine display of L:1MPS, BEDROOM SETS, CHINA, &a.
Men's Boots, 98 cts. Men's Felt, $1.59.
Grocery Department is where ,,r, e Shire,
Ducks, 7; Geese, G Turkeys, 9; Chicken; 5; Butter 19; Laid,
11; Drier.' Apples„ 4.
it,� 4r�x�f/may
Mrs. M. B. Merrick,
Of Toronto, Ontario, Cured of
Catarrh and Neuralgia
Good authority has said that ” neuralgia is
the cry of the nerves for pure blood." The
prompt action of Hood's Sarsaparilla on the
blood, combined with its toning and strength-
ening effect upon the nerves. make this a
grand medicineforneuraigia and also for
catarrh, ete. Wo",tsommend this letter to alt
having such troubles, and especially to
Suffering ' Women
"For a go od many years I have been suffer-
ing from catarrh, neuralgia and
General Debility
I failed to obtain permanent relief from
medical advice, and city friends feared
I would nee ;,find anything to cure me. A.
short time gent was induced to try Hood's
Sarsaparilla. At that time I was unable to
walk even a short distance without feeling a
Death -,''co Weakness',
overtake me. r I had intense pains from
neuralgia in my head, bank andsrt
whiohAvere very exhausting. But I; g1'
to sat that soon after I began taking', 00
Sarsaparilla I saw that it was doing
good. When I took 3 bottles I wasten tr
Ca �
d of Neuralgia
I gain�.di. strength rapidly, and can
take a %b bile walk without feeling tired.'
Ido Suffer nearly so much from ea-,
tarrh strengthiiiereases
tl errh ani`'', °am indeed a
c ed woma a+ + h rateful to;':
codsS.N' �a,ia.
what it has done for `j, Wish
'this my testimonial sha l ill, hed
lzi order that others suffering
learn how to be benentedJ
ERRIOA, 67. Elm Street, Tor
HOOD'S PILLS euro all Live.,
nest'. Jaundice. Indigestion, Sick 11,e
This great momentous question is the talk of the people. What we want is,
two Grist -mills (which we are about to have), Oat meal mill, Binder twine
factory, Foundry, Electric light, Electric street cars and in fact a city at once.
This is *hat we want,
What have w now ?
a lot of stores and a
with a stock that people can buy just what they want
and at a price the city hardware establishments:
Prices this week are, still going down. We have the stock
and our prices are better than some people's "cost" or "below
cost" quotations. Call sand see for yourself and be convinced
that we have the stockEancl;prices just right. •
e gileapest line of fur goods ever
brou I .n into Exeter. Having secur-
ecured a large consignment at
II $
We will
he peo-
ple its vicin-
ity t: a. anew; e _of
or close buying. Por
the next FEW WEEKS
will offer Ladies' Storm Co
Ladd's' Boas and, Mu.ff
prices bound to sell the
ids Lam
inn ati
era:a:x nt1s
I J. (sr
'n the
$ (jH` p_ $
d get the first choice of these doods. We are
also offeri , n' thing in the Dry Goods line at the lowest
p youg
Cash P . ce and will be ,leased to show through our
store. �(o trouble to show Goods.
A. J.1cTAYISH & Co's.