HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-02-26, Page 11Z3 YEAR-' 9, �N��s� �� FEB RURy2, 1970 HIa11111a1a11111101a11U111II_Ulllllll11aa11111IiaIllIIIIip111llhllIIIiIIIIIIIUIIIIIiilhlgj1111111111111lliilllllhll aIIlllll IiIIIIIaIl1aipll111IIA1il al.hIqlgll_11 i1a1fN1 .l i Iii II 1 iiilN ll l 1I1 t llii11p l ! 1I tg glli 'Ice Nicks `on' weekend Ice -Nicks '70 takes to the ice this weekend at Goderich. aSi Mernnorial Arena in a blaze of eofor and excitement. Youngsters 'from ' the Goderich. Figure Skating. Club have been preparing for weeks under the instruction of the club pros, Robert McCrabb and Bruce Brady, for this--show-which goes on Friday arid -Saturday evenings at 8 p.m.., A faintasy in -gay costumes; the show features a Candyland number which vyill delight the w younger members of the audience, particularly. Freeway Panic, a number to be staged by the ,senior skaters, will display the results of many hours of tedious work for many Goderich' women. The costumes fbr this particular number were designed, cut and sewn locally. Many • Cif -.the other costumes. in Ice -Nicks '70 were sewn by. officials and ,mothers involved in the other figure skating clubs in this area. . - • Tickets for the Goderich show may ' be purchased from any. member of „ the Goderich Figure Skating Club or at the arena. 4 injured in local accidents c' •A ' Sunday, February -15, on County Road 13 west of Concession 16,'' -Goderich Township, -Frederick Armstrong, RR,1,, Varna, and Keith Holland, RR 4, Clinton, were involved in -a two -car accident resulting in '6. Two of the fairest sex to try their hands at the log sawing contest during the first Goderich Winter Carnival this weekend were Bonnie White, 14, left, andl3renda Fisher, 13, The girls didn't win the event; but they. sure drew more spectators than the fellows who won did. - staff photo. _ A Goderich lumber•eompany has offered 'to give the town a Swiss chalet style cottage for use . as a •tourist- `information booth, town council learned. Thursday, night. For the past " few years the town ' has been using a rented camping trailer. H. B., Such of . the Goderich Tourist Committee told council, Goderich Manufacturing had offered to donate the building to, the town and place it on the site formerly occupied by the trailer. Mr. Such said the offer was an indication that local business did care about tourism and said v , r acceptance of..tle:Offer would°be a:wonderful opportuniV fort he. - town to'present a better looking face to visitors. • Mr. Such, ' with tourist corriniittee chairman Trevor Ormandy and member Max Cutt were attending the meeting at council's request to explain why the committee .did not wal t to use facilities that had en' provided in a local sery ce station that council has a . five ° year lease on. Mr. Such pointed out the new building offered by TUoderich Manufacturing was free, while the service station facility would `first Goderich _Winter Carnival. ery successful ' The first., Goderich Winter 'town Band. Carnival, sponsored by the Students from Robertson Goderich Recreation and Memorial ,Public Schoolwere Community -Centre. •Boafd was winners of the sculpture contest an outstanding success according and the ladies of the Goderich - to°1_board chairman,- Count Paul' Kinette Club took the longest. Carroll. . scarf award with a 50 ' footer. • • They plan to take the _scarf-, The: event was. held over the apart, mare it into smaller ones past'weekend with special events and 'donate it to the Children's CONSTh►BL, s M •MUTT sponsored by the winter carnival Y Aid` Society. committee of GDCI.4n. Saturday , and with snowmobile racing The Goderich and District ` GratiuttieS, f l"1�111. - under lights. Sunday night and Labour Council challenge of a more racing of the snowmobiles ' Tug 0 War; to local businessmen.' Sunday afternoon all ate' was accepted by six businessmen O'PP college Ontario 'Provincial' police Constable S. H. McNutt has ntly graduated from the minor damage to the Armstrong race vehicle. .Passenger . Patricia Ontario 'Provincial • Police Ptiestapp, 20 'Dunlop Street, ° ColIege, T..oronto, after. Clinton, received injuries. •-sticcessflal' completion of the Wednesday, February 18, on "Recruit Orientation course." Highway 21 north of the Upon. graduation . Constable Junction •of - Huron -Road 24 McNutt was posted to the (Township Line), Donald . Elmvale detachment„ No. 7 Douglas Tipert,' `RR• 3, Goderich, District, Barrie. Constable was involved ° in a - single -car . McNutt, -who resides at 76A The accident resulting in damage to • Square, Goderich; is married to . the vehicle he was driving.' the former Sandra --" Lynn • Friday February 20, on Campbell, Goderich. He was Highway._ 21 ;south • of Dunlop, Colin Kennedy, :Clinton _Str-eet,'-;born in .Boston,• Massachusetts Teeswateh, and Joan Crawford, and is a graduate of Debert High Auburn, were involved 'in a , School, Debert, Nova Scotia. He two -car accident resulting . in Was a member of the Canadian 'damage to both vehicles. Driver Armed. Forces before joining the Colin Kennedy received injuries. ppp•, Saturday, • February 21, on County Road 2b. east of ' • Highway 21,- Ronald Glousher, Id 201 South Street, Goderich, and Arthur Roy Whitesell, . 20 -Hyman .Street', Tillsonburg, were involved in a .,two -car accident resulting in ,extensive damage to 'both vehicles!' Passengers 'Arnold and Janet Belpre, Mt. Elgin, received injuries. th nnual LEALAND 13, HILL Victoria and Grey Goderich Manager Mr. R. R. ,)Nlerifield, vice president and general manager of Victoria. and Grey , Trust Company, is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Lealand B. Hill to the post of manager of the- GoderichBranch. ' Mr. Hill succeed Mt. William G. Curry who has been transferred to Whitby. Mr. -•Hill was formerly Trust Officer of the Stratford Branch ° of the company specializing in Estates, He is. married' andd ,,,he and his wife halve two chitdrett They will reside in Goderich.- Agricultural Park.' who were at the park after some coaxing - and the. businessmen More than 2,000 people, won! • turned out, fa - the events and` ' crowd control caused - some Novelty race\ Saturday concern during the Sunday afternoon put on by the races. 2 students of . GDCI ' included • Volunteers from the snowshoe races, skiing races, a Goderich Snowmobile Club toboggan relay novelty race, log helped Co organize and run the sawing and a three legged race races and the major portion of on snowshoes were all well theaccepted by contestants and put weekend races were -planned the spectators Irl, the right mood by.- recreation" board member Paul , and o local fo• r --racing undernlights in the businessman Schutza and snawmobile ,-evening. racer Sam Argyle of Argyle Saturday night races were Marine. Prizes were donated by confined • to the big modified the recreation board, the, machines and conditions were G;o cde•r ich4 _.. Public Utilities : ° almost: as good as •they• could be. Commission • and local Coun. ° Carroll,, expressed' some -merchants. disappointment at •the- .number Events also included .a snow _� -.of entrants being 'less than sculpture contest and a contest anticipated, but the _Stratford .for the longest ',scarf , and _Winter. CarnivaLwas_ nnthe same entertainment by the Goderich day and special races were being �riners rvic� The 56th annual Mariners' Service was held' at Knox Presbyterian . Church Sunday with Rev. G. L. Royal 'officiating. Mr. Royal chose as 'his sermon. "Seeking a' safe refuge."' The service has been held each spring for mariners about to return to their boats and following the great ' storm -of 1913 has leen a combined service and memorial to the 244 mariners who lost -their lives. A minutes .,silence 'was- - observed. for all mariners who have lost their lives, on the water and musical .accompaniment was provided by the-Harbouraires, appearing for the 13th time ' at the service. - On Synday, August 3, 1969, a plaque was unveiled here commemorating the Great Storm. The 'storm ravaged' the Lake . Huron region for three days from - November -10, 1913, destroying 19 vessels, stranding 19 others ,and resulting ,in the loss of 244 Jives. Most of the bodies recovered on ' the Canadian shore were washed up on the beaches in the Goderich area. Knox Presbyterian. Church wa'?s decorated with seascapes -.and marine artifacts' fol• 'the seviee• Sunday evening,. with decoration's erected by Local volunteers. ,, chairmam held in .Owen Sound. The machines of up to 800 cc gave' the crowd an exciting -evening:wiith-thrills and -spills -= without injuries. It was the first -time many local people had seen the snowmobiles race and the recreation. board has already received requests for more of the same. Siinday races were field in' the afternoon -starting at one and were for stock -machines. This time theladies got into the act with a powder puff series and showed they could handle the machines -as well as the men. Highlights of the weekend • came, as the sun set on Sunday °whenmachine drivers lighted flares .and held ' a torchlight procession around the track before touching off the giant bonfire of Christmas trees that had been set up'in the infield. Earlier in the afternoon the judging or the scarf contest was held and the announcement of the sculpture winners was made.' The snowmobile races proved so • popular they created , a problem with traffic for a -while on' both days as people who did not want to pay the admission chargearked their cars . along the fencesp`around the park, in some places two in a ro\v Mr Carroll said this..week the tion board learned a lot recrea cost $300 per year.. 'he nevi building ,was also Mtge and better located, he said. Deputy reeve Waiter Sheardown 'said .. he was riot opposed t4 - accepting, the .- ., . ROB T 70AYMON, from they weekend and knoW Minister named how the events can be improved . next year. - ta. o Other events that were held on the weekend included a . weiners and beans supper put on by the ladies of the Royal Canadian Legion branch 109 Auxiliary 'before,the torchlight .:parade; exhibition hockey games between Mt. Clemens, Mill. and Goderich minor hockey teams; a CHHL game and a special "come as you are," ,dance sponsored by, the . Goderich Minor Hockey Supporters Club. Club president, Tom' Thompson said this week the dance was a great success and offered thanks to all who had .helped.•_to make it so. 'In closing ' the weekend, Coun. Carroll offered his thanks on behalf - of the recreation board to all those who helped at 'the park and , to . all those merchants who had contributed ' toward the piizes."- Coun. Carroll thanked particularly the men and women of the Goderich Snowmobile Club, for their *help, the men°and women of the :St. John Ambulance who stood by all through ' the -races, the Goderich .Town Band for attending and entertaining ,- during ' Sunday afternoon and the spectators for attending. A • bitrld>!ng b t felt that when the town had an-agreenbent v ith the ; service, Station, the. town.,shouid: use ,the facility fpr oneyear any way.. fie..stiggested if the town. accept thebuilding anragreer'nent be drawn up with the company offering it 'so that the company the care of the building for a definite amount of tune. . The deputy reeve said he felt, the other site would have :been a. better location but the -members `of ' the tourist • committee disagreed. _ In the annual report ,to - counc Mr. Ormandy predicted • abumper year for tourism in the town based on increase over the past two years. He said 4,112 visitors stopped at the booth last year, an increase of 700 over the year before. Mr; Ormandy said the tourist development . ;committee, composed ,. of T. - - Ormandy, -chairman arid • members M. Campbell, M • Cutt, W. Westbrook; H. Aitken, H. Such, T-..O:�=Sarcnistex; �ave�:�rtciude� • very -successful -year -in developing _tourism.. for the Towne of Goderich. ` "This- program has taken the r �__.w- t.• a6iiolfi� on _tile ° Supertest- _Gas p form of operating., the -tourist t• Station property at the . .United ChUrc h intersection df Hwy. No. 8 and • • No. 21; advertising outdoors ^• Rev. Robert ihaymont will be (billboards), radio advertising, inducted as the minister of newspaper, brochures, water North Street _United l3�hctrch, in'a front welcome and special events special service Friday, March 6. advertising such as Christmas , lighting, Santa Clads parade, He will conduct his first service 'at the church Sunday,,March 8. winter carnival, sidewalk sale, ' Mr. Raymont was born in the village of Nor,;h Ridge, 15 miles east of Windsor and brought up there. - After' graduating from the University of Western Ontario in. 1958, he went -to Northern. Saskatchewan where he served the charge of Glaslyn as a lay minister for two years. . - Mr. Raymont spent three years at Emmanual College and graduated in 1963. After being ordained by London Conference, he went to Radville in South Saskatchewan. He comes. to North Street United ' Church from ' Trinity United Church in Ingersoll where he has been the Junior Associate Minister for the past two years.' . - In • 1962, Mr. Raymont was . married to Nancy Stanway. The couple has three children, •Heather ;6, Paul 3 'and Shawna 7months:-- f11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111uuuu11u11111WI11UU1lIMUU11ufuuuluuuluuununl(luunlullu011111unnlllluulluul IIIIuuuuIIIII W IIIIII unmm�nnnmulluWUMIIIIIMnuuulunlnfnlDnmunnlllltfiluuuiMIIIIMWnmiulllufulolpluMINIMIln IIIIIIIIIIII •,„ ' The Ilarb l,uraires performed for the "i th year a - steam._ train, . art , .mart, Museumobile," said L. 1Vh°. Ormandy. In addition to the number of tourists that registered at the tourist booth' - 500 visited the downtown office. "Most of these came to the office after the sign was erected and people could ' more easily find • '•-the office. a Besides the ones • that visited the 'office in - person a great number of inquiries were (Continued on page six) • Junior Farrners. - l hoid annuaG. drama- festival , _ BY iN-I-IrM A ? E . Nancy Lapp, RR 1, Auburn• was named best actress for the Huron County Junior Farmers_ - Drama Festival, Friday night ;at the Seaforth District High - School. ' - ,Grant Jones, RR 2, Hensall, was jedged best actor forilis role in . Cupid's Bow which was presented by the Clinton Junior Farmers'. The directors were Karen McKenzie, RR 3, Goderich; Alice Allen, RR. 2, Goderich; and Daryk Ball, RR 1, Auburn. Miss Lapp 'Was ,in -the play Beany's Private Eye, presented l y the Clinton Junior Farmers . and directed by, Marinus Bakker, RR 3, Auburn. The other play, Tiger Lily,,', was presented by the Seaforth Junior Farmers and . directed. by . Fred Uhler, Walton. .. • The cast • of Cupid's Bow received the Merton Key's trophy for its presentation,,judged best ofthe three by the_adjudicators, . Miss Eleanor Wilma, Belleville and of the University of Guelph; Albert Taylor' of -Galt; and .Allan , Leitch of Thorndale, a county 4 director: of - Middlesex Junior . Farmers. - " Master of ceremonies was -George .Townsend of RR 4, Seaforth. "' Musical entertainment during interfnissions Was provided by . Miss Evelyn Storey of Seaforth who 'sang two solos; Keri and ,Grant Jones, RR 2, Hensall, who sang duets accompanying themselves on' the guitar and accordion; and the Huron County . Folk Singers: Jamieson Ribey and Karen McKenzie of 'Goderich; Ken . and Grant.Jones of Hensall; and Lois• and Faye Merrill of 'Clinton. H6wich Junior Farmers were presented for, the second year in a row the Harold Baker Meeting Improvement Trophy. The *inning play, ° Cupid's ....r_-Bt�w go-zar`t- ',cont°pet�lit�°.h;:. the zoite flats iii Marc ° lad and date not known.