HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-02-19, Page 13. The year 196 was another busy .and successful onentax the" Ladies ;, f.egiQn•' Auxiliary to Bran% 109 Goderieh. The ladies . had 10 general .and112 a ceeuhve meetings,' with an average li attendance. i of 37 ,at each meeting; ' ° . The first meeting of the year 'was +in: the' form of 'a'pot luck Supper "with,: 4,3m.ntembers sitting ,olwn to a bountiful dnieM ' _ The ways• an'd-means used to'° raise money Burin g the past year were fenny . Sale, Tag Day, Christmas Cake Draw, banquets, %luncheons, Cake. Walks. ;_and draws on grocery ' baskets.` The group. also • sponsors a draw at -each dance that the Branch • 40 sponsors. This year ,the Auxiliary participated in -the Goderich Art Mart . by having a `bake sale and a white elephant table. xl' All Auxiliariesin the Zone were . invited to help . the local Auxiliary celebrate its - 22nd Birthday Anniversary with games, ' con%sts; skits and a , penny sale. Many older members were out to the birthday party who are not able to attend regularly. The ladies help the men with 0 their . weekly bingos, hold monthly bingos for the patients at the Ontario !Hospital and also look after the .canteen there two afternoons a -month. . They send a parcel,. to their adopted veteran at Westminster ' Hospital each month as *well as, parcels .ton any •other patients from this area who ,are ' in - Westminster Hospital. • The : group donated $200 to Nestminster. - Hospital for Christmas Treats, $75 to rill Christmas. stockings for the patients at the • Godericlie Psychiatric Hospital, Christmas gifts t� - the Children's Aid for children over 12 years of age as well as a gift of $100 at hristmas' for the CAS and sent s to the patients in the n.rsing homes who had nO families. The ladies served .a ,hot dinner to the veterans from ,Westminster when they came In June - for their' :annual, fishing • trip, . ' Some Qf our .members joined the town Christmas parade as clowns. giving out candy and balloons 'to" ° thie younger children.: These clowns. also telped _entertain- the,. aodrpn the Branch Christmas party,. • The - women catered to 13 banquets,_ five luncheons and two smorgasbords during the year Tag Day netted $109-, in 41969, , • The,; ladies earned $2850.50 • for Relief Fund 'this . year by helping the .Branch at, their weekly bingos. Donations *ere given to the St. John Ambulance, -March of Dimes, Red Cross, Red Shield, ' Canadian Cancer Society, Legion Bursary Fund, War .Memorial Children's "Hospital, Museular Dystrophy Association, the Retarded Workshop and the . Canadian National Institute for the Blind. • 4 M' ►i During this past year the ladies purchased a new dishwasher, a meat slicer, eight dozen mugs.. for the kitchen and . new decorations for the Green Room. They started an Auxiliary Scrap- Book to 'record' all events. They donated replicas, of the Highland Games Trophy to the Highland Games Association and pledged $1000. to the Town Recreation Board to be used for renovations at the Goderich. Memorial Arena: Tickets on a grocery basket netted $8$.94 for ,the Bunny Bundle Fume. • A $200 gift: bursary was given.--•-' to a student entering Teacher's College and $100 wasdonated to the - Comrade ' Tompkins Bursary Fund. Several members of the Legion .Ladies Auxiliary received 20,year pins et the Tuesday everting meeting, They were back, left to''' right, Mrs: Olive MacDonald, Mrs. Evelyn Carroll, Mrs.Mary Vickers, Mrs: Dorothy Barker, ,Mrs. Rose Hill, Mrs. Anne •A Anderson and Mrs. Margaret Young. Front, left to right, Mrs. Norma Kingswell, Mrs. Myrtle . Good,' Mrs: Ferne Moore and illus. Faye Sheardown.'Those who qualified for their pins but were _. absent when the photo was taken were Mrs. Beatrice Needham, :.Mrs. Mae Doak, Mrs. Laura Riley, Mrs. Nora Hugill, Mrs. Vuetta- George'and Mrs, Edna Doak. (Staff photo) m uuuuumnuiminrnunlruninlrtigmnriruiinutluniuunnrullluuututtullllullllttuptlliglttrututtlllltttiilnliiiliiiinrltiiirlr)Illuamm�uuunuuuuunuuuuunuuunnuuunuttuoliilluuuuuuuruuuunnuuulutrun The ladies sponsored a member on the Oxfam Walk at "50 cents a mile -"(she- made it all the way). The group also 'sponsored 'a child for figure, skating both for regular and special lessons. Eight new members were received in , 1969, with one member : being _presented with her pin by her mother who has been an active member for several year's. Pin DANCING : , 1 FEATURING THE COUNTRY BOYS REFRESHMENTS ADMISSION - .$1.50 Per Person LUNCH, Sponsored by Goderich Minor Hockey Supporters' Club • Life inembe ps were presented ,-to four members of the Legion Ladies Auxiliary- last Tuesday evening: Those who qualified fdr the -honor, were (left to right) Mrs. Myrtle Good, Mrs. Hattie McMillan and Mrs. Mary Vickers. Absent when the picture was taken was Mrs. Laura Riley. (Staff photo) 'Plan. punch for parties Any time can be party time. At your next `gathering of the clan', • °home economists at "-'Ma¢doniiid Institute, University of . Guelph, b suggest serving ' an attractive and refreshing punch to bring out that hospitality. Pollovv these tips for perfect punch. all ingredients, except carbonated, beverages, • and ' refrigegterci,,24 hours to allow fIavof to .mellow, Don't depend on ice; to chill the punch, as it takes too long. 2.7 -If , you use ice, make it. with fruit juke of iinge"r. ale so that it .will"not dilute the punch as it melts. _ 8. --For a Mess sweet flavor, Tse dry ginger ale or sparkling vater. ,` • 4, . 'or an inotpensive Daae, use cold tea. ,It blends: well .with, fruit jiwices elle 'adds colot. r i ut*t rein fruit jukes. , 6. -Add 'garnish, just ,before serving "' GARBAGE COLLECTION EARLIER 'MORNING PICK -VP Residents are requested to -have garage containers out and ready for pick-up ey 7:00 a.m.; This change is necessary as a result of the change in disposal Iodation. -' yj. PUB LIC WORKS'C ill iTTEE m PRIZES • L PROGRAM SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21 ALL DAY - Building ice sculptures for contest in the infield. 2-4:00 — Free snowmobile rides for kids. 2-4:30 - NOVELTY.. E,,ENTS: winter. games, feats( of, skill. and strength. Sponsored By GDCI Student's Winter Carnival Committee. From 2:00 ° P.M. Log sawing contest (materials supplied). „ 2:0t1P.Nh -- Snowshoe Races. 2:30 P.M.-=- 3 -legged. race on snowshoes or substitutes. .3:00 P.M.. Toboggan race: tow one person with 4 pulling. " 3:30 P.M. -1/2 mile novelty relay (equipment supplied). 4:00 P.M. — Tug-of-war (rope supplied). Labor Council has challenged the businessmen. 4:15 P.M: — Ski race. y , EVe gone is invited to ,participate., Prizes! Prizes! Prizes! You need hot register ahead of time for the novelty events. (Contestants to supply own equipment except where noted) 4:30 P.M. -- Registration for :snowmobile races (in the parking, lot by the grandstand).' . 7:00 P.M. •-= SNOWII,OBILE RACES BEGIN' - MODIFIED. ONLY — Under The Lights. • CLASSES - A - up to 295c.c. B - 296c.c.to340..c. C - 341 c.c. to 440 c.c. D -- 441 c.c. to 650 c.c. E - 651 c.c. to 800 c.c. 5:30 P.M. - 5 MINOR HOCKEY. HOUSE LEAGUE EXHIBITION GAMES - Goderich Squirts vs. Mt. Clements, Michigan, 4, 99:00 P.M. — HARD TIMES DANCE featuring "COUNTRY BOYS" - In the Arena -Li Sponsored by' Minor Hockey - Supporters. (Chicken included, refreshments available.) PRIZES • SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22 11:30 A.M. - .REGISTRATION FOR c, STOCK SNOWMOBILE RACES. 1:00 P.M:--- STOCK RACES -BEGIN. CLASSES - r . A - up to 250 c.c. - 251 c.c. to 295 c.c. - 296 c.c. to 345 c.c. D-'- 346 c.c. to 400 c.c. E -.401 c.c. to 700 c.c. * POWDER PUFF DERBY. * OBSTACLE RACE. * ADDITIONAL RACES ACCORDING•TO ENTRIES. (For -Furter Infc"mation On Snowmobile Races" Contact: SAM ARGYLE'5249201 or PAUL SCHUTZ 524-7314) PRIZES 3:00. Judging of ice sculptures• and presentation of prizes. 4:00 P.M. - Judging of Carnival scarves and presentation of prizes. 4:30 P.M. - EXHIBITION HOCKEY'GAMES. From °5:30 P.M. - DINE OUTDOORS Beans, weiners, buns a nd coffee prepared by Legion LadieCA ixiliti y - " 85ct . • ° • o . • . DUSK -= TORCH -LITE �'ARADE OF SNOWMOBILES (AU VVelcome) (Torches Supplied). DUSK - TREE FIRE. • 8:00 P.M. •- ARENA - CH•HL HOCKEY . DRMCO vs. BAYF1ELD LET'S MAKE OUR FIRST CARNIVAL A REAL SUCCESS LETS SEE EVERYBODY THERE!• aiPONSORED .BY THE GObERIDH RECREATION & nCOMM t IiTY CENTRE ,BOARD'