HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-02-19, Page 4iT
S[Q 404, THY SD rF ,'k F*EBRU � R1Ry j0,. 1 70�
fetter. to . the Editor.
a1Eranters were (jeterinineci. not to print aliythins till
e : were sue it woutc .Deno no one, therev ouki b
very n t
reo , . ,sn .rt'in
No Scapegoats
The actions of town council at the
February 12 meeting have left many
members of the general puplic who were
present more than a bit disillusioned and
disappointed in some members of council.
We doubt if any member of council
knows: exactly why an apology was given
to town solicitor Ken Hunter, nor exactly
-whatit was apologizing for.
Certainly _there may have been some
cause for an apology if the details behind
the Roberts incident had been cleared up
to the satisfaction of all, but thiewas
prevented by the action of James
DonnellyU who interrupted Coun. Paul
Carroll when the councillor asked 'if he
cold question Mr.. Hunter on some points
in the letter Mr. Hunter had submitted as
justification for the eventsthat transpired
in the Robarts property incident.
-Mr. Donnelly suggested that in view of
the hurt Mr. Hunter had suffered due to
the -action of council and the. subsequent
"manner in which it was reported in the •
press," that Mr. 'Hunter .would be unable
to defend himself.
This is a surprising statement from -a
man who is a lawyer by profession,
particularly :as it was made immediately
after council finished listening to a letter
of. explanation . from' .Mr. Hunter that
'amounted tb airnos't 2,000 words and
which .the effect of causing Coun.
Giesbr`eeht to Withdraw this intention of
introducing the motion referred to in the
notice of motion. We would- have to say
that Mr. Hunter's "case," for" want of a
better -word, was won right there.
if Mr. Donnelly's only intention was to
-extract an apology .from council, he
certainly succeeded. But this does 'not
excuse him frorn interrupting Coun, -Paul
Carroll, the Only' member of -council who
-had--enough--guts to-continue-ta seek some
answers, particularly as Mr. Donnelly had
already informed council he was there as
an observer only.
The - references made by Mr: Hunter
and Mr. Donnelly with regard to the press
. reporting are equally as surprising as both
infer there was something not quite right
about the reporting of an action by
council, made in .public, yet neither one
Of them was present at any of the
meetings pertaining to the Roberts
.Mr., Hut t is statements about the
ry press had ' apparently been brought about
by information- .given to Mr. Hunter by
deputy ' reeve Walter -Sheardown who
informed ':him nothing' had b°gen said at
council that would lead anyone to believe
the Robarts property. incident was the
reason for the notice of motion. Quite
true, ,but the -priews .does not all happen
inside thecouncil, chambers, neither .does
it all -happen after the subject has been
broached in council. Quite often the°press
'hears ofpings that are 'going to happen in
.council,' a day or two before the event.
The deputy reeve also advised Mr. Hunter
'that ,things had been said in council on
that night -"...and on other occasions',"
r that were favorable, to the solicitor, yet
these were not reported. Not true. The
inference ° ,dere is that the press deliberately doctored the news to print
what,: it wanted and left out what it did
Being represented by the One -- would demand an apOlogY
•Council made ° me feel
under circiumstafce$ like' hese:
embarrassed at last Thursday's An ordinary person cannot
e t In g. t h e help but no` ee that no
,handled by -thee Coun'cii
P;okettslHunter "nnetter ,was explanation' was given. for the •
handled- or rather" failed to : be main fact. One week the Connell
f still do passed a bylaw to purchase•. the
not °unders` and why the, Council necessarjr part of the °, Qbarts'`
W I ' property ,..for °$2,500'— and
apologized, as it never got to`the instructed Mr. Hunter to prepare
'point of even discussing the case. the legal papers for this *deed.
The- only Councillor who at Next' week the:.Council learned
least attempted to obtain sorpeafter the papers had been
measure of clarification in the submitted to,Mr. Robarts for his
facts ofthis unfortunate and signature . that . Mr. Hunter
rambling cases was Coun. P. already hadmade an agreeMent
Carroll. He could hardly say a with hire for an easenientat .
~few words--when--the-ease--was--- different.pnee.
taken over by Mr. J; Donnelly, In conclusion I would like to
who said he wasnot representing mention remarks made about. -
Mr. Hunter and therefore must the Press: -Often when something
, have performed in a personal goes wrong.or the Council
capacity. When Mr. Giesbrecht appears in lss than favourable
moved to withdraw the motion 1 •i g h t s , -4s o m m embers
I e .himself had helped start with immediately try to focus the "
Mr. Carroll; it completely attention on something else and
finished any chance of obtaining usually attack •~ the Press.
pertinent information and at Considering that Mr. Donnelly
lest partly clarifying a matter of was 'a self-appointed guest of the
vious public concern. Whilst Council, I was amazed that the
one may admire the courage of a Mayor allowed him to use the
man who changes his mind after occasion to make rernarks about
important new evidence , has the Press`wh st the .newspaper
come to°his attention, it is a pity representative was in no position
Coun. Giesbrecht did not specify of answering 'back. The,
or- evens_._ indicate whatthe accusations are always of a
decisive evidence was. general nature, never specific or
I doubt whether anybody left . to the point. It.:is convenient to
Photo by Ron Price that meeting feeling proud and be vague, but some people are
pleased; I " wonder whether getting tired of vague references:
Messrs. Hunteratill Donnelly felt My information, on. the
they had won a genuine and matter in question does, not
good victory. If some of- thecome from' newspaper reading.
Councillors may have intended Perhaps Mr Donnelly was not
to play politics„ there was really aware ., that people . go to
nothing, to , help . their cause meetings. Even -if no newspapers
either. ' Doing nothing S. had been printed for weeks, my
undoubtedly' safer on the knowledge and ,opinion ,of the
surface, whilst getting involved case would be no different. The
means- all sorts of dangers. Yet same applies to everybody who'
there must helots of people -who attends Council meetings.:
admire men with the courage to However, the -fact that• I have
get involved - and to question first-hand .. knowledge of ---
what is usually meekly accepted. happenings at Council meetings
Mr. Donnelly's speech should and- also read newspapers places
be noted for two points. In view me in a better position of
of the .fact -that the Council had comparing. I ` find .. that our
intended t o discuss , the ,newspaper reporting ; isaccrirate,
possibility of appointing another o responsible and professional. If
town solicitor .it ° was a bit others, have proof to the
puzzling when Mr, Donnelly contrary, let them present it.
Mentioned how-, lucky the But something , - concrete,
Council was s that Mr. Hunter did gentlemen, please.
not resign. M ,.What. would happen if Coun.
Furthermore, Mr. Donnelly's Sheardown got " up �a't a public ..
main theme was that it is human meeting and accused the Mayor,
to `"make mistakes and that no in vague and generalterms; .of
solicitor is perfect,, just like the doing something badly wrong?
Council members'are human and Most certainly the Mayor .would
therefore imperfect. This led one insist on specific facts. Yet Mr.
to believe that maybe there was S heardowm . appears ti to Leu'
just tie remotest possibility that entitled • to make derogatbry
Mr. Hunter's handling of the' . remarks about tlie� -Press in most �.
Roberts' property case could -'general terms -and without the
have been . less than' ,perfect._ necessity of proving anything at •
-However,--it turned -out --that Mr,. Has the Council some special
Donnelly was a bit mistaken privilege that •allows members to
about his friend. Mr. Hunter make unsubstantiated
a accusations? t
Qur understanding of the law is,
perhaps, no better than Mr. Sheardown's
undernding...... oL- journalism, but we
believe' hearsay not to be admissible as
evidence, yet Mr. Donnelly uses it to
throw , mud at the press and apparently
support his defence of - Mr. Hunter in
leading council to believe ,the town
solicitor had been gravely wronged. Mr:
Hunter used it in his letter to council.
The deputy reeve has, time and time
again, attempted to discredit the press
with -his cries: , -of "misquote,"
"misrepresentation," etc., and now his
'information is leading respectable people
in the community to believe this is true.
We have offered any member of
council space in which to -state where and
when any incidents of misquoting- or
misrepresentation have appeared and so
far no one, including the deputy reeve,
has accepted the• offer
• So we make Xhe offer . again now,
specifically to Mr. • Sheardown: Pout up, or
shut up.
We are sick of being used as a
sdapegoat by people for whatever reason,
and no member of council is going to
continue to attempt, to discredit this
newspaper without being specific.
- if the Goderich Signal -Star, or any.
other newspaper, ,attempts to mislead the
public by3falsifying the news, the public.
has a right -to know about it. If a member
of town council, or anyone else, fuels they
have.just,cause to believe this is happening
they have a duty to - make the public
aware of it.
The obscuee references made by Mr.
Sheardown, Mr. Donnelly and Mr. ,Hunter
should not have been obscure. If anyone
of these 'men felt they Had' a legitimate
complaint they should have specified
what that complaint was.
It will be a longtime before the people
who were present, at East week's council
_`meeting, .will feel pride in -local
gcfvernment again, and perhaps Coun. Deb
Shewfelt pointed up the whole trouble
with this Council when he said, "If we had
gone into committee probably ,none of
this would have happened. But if anyone
had-' suggested °it they would have been
Criticized." •
The statement pointsoutthat what is
lacking ' in r • thiS ° council is plain
old=fa'shioned guts; the courage to stand
up for what they believe to be right and
defend that belief no matter what:
it's quite true the:.press has been
critical of suggestions. for committee ; of
the whole meetings. But the press has also
pointed out there are times when
committee meetings are justified and one
of these occasions is when matters
referred to personalities.
Perhaps "none of " this" would have
happened if council has met in
committee, Whatever 'this is. But the
fault is not that. council did not meet in
committee (as they certainty should have
until Mr. Hunter could tell his side of the
stdry) , but the fault of those " men on
council who just haven't the courage of
"their own convictions and refuse" to move
for a committee meeting for fear_'' of
�s W ' l► ertr ` • t-�ter
--- j - h ► County Town Niwspapor af Huron --O-w • P U S L ICA T I Cir N
Published pit Goderich, Ontario -every Thursday 'morning by ;y
Signal -Star Publishing Limited
RBERT G. SHRIEK, president add publisher
RONAL! P. 'V.,PRICE managing ed for
SHIRLtY 1,i4ELLE , women's editor
EDWARD 4 BYRSitl adv' ti'sing manager
) .l � to' U
�i�ritititrri Barter � Vial�+ ��t advance)
.�«A.:y►�s:ru {1�'L
tititSmart r'eigistration nutwuber
UliiIn IUIUI11I11UlIullluHuhI1llfIIUllllllnll($TWNI111UUIIII111U1111111HllHuIliHlHftH111111111111111I1111111111111g11111111IUIIu111U11111u11111111IIII1111111I111111HIIhIIIlu11UIU
Rememb�r When ? ? ?
Officers - -for 1945 in.' the
Headlines: Advance Saltford Sunday School are:
Goderich! Passing of Elevator honorary president, - Mrs.
Bylaws Marks- Another Step m Hetherington; superintendent, J.
the ;Progress. of Our Town — E. Harnwell; secretary,. Peter
Additional Capacity .for Grain Walters; treasurer, Miss K.
Handling to ,,Be Ready fbr Fall . Williams; pianist, Miss Barbara
Trade. „ Cutt; roll marker, Jim Bisset;
The American Road 'p' aper distribt4tor, Frank.
Machinery;- Co. of .Ganda: Ltzi_, .. McKeehnie; Bible class teacher;
have for the past few weeks been Mr. Harnwell; senior girls'
busy at work , installing the 'teacher, Mrs. R. Walter; senior
machinery in their factory on 'boys' teacher, Mrs. G. Bisset;
East Street. About six carloads intermediate teacher, H.
of n machinery ' have been McCreath; primary teacher, Miss
delivered and more is to. follow. K. Williams.
Real Estate for Sale — For • Sweet 'peat; cut daily just a
Sale in the Town of Goderich: few with a sprig of green makes
Ten acres'of land with house and a very, sweet remembrance fbr a
barn. Apply to Charles Garrow. sick .friend or a very, pretty table
Notice' to Ratepayers: .The centre. Leave your order at 52
Mayor will be -at the Council - Brock ' Street . - after 5 .p.m.
Chamber every Wednesday from, . (advert)
10 until 11 a.m. to meet with Mrs. -W is m e r Hardy,
anyratepayer,who desires to see_. Benmiller, spent last week with
;liim on town business_ r_ her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Ball in
Miss Nellie Donog-h is in ,. Torgntu: -
Toronto this week. Miss Helen McGee, Port
Miss Priscilla Dalton, Kintail, Albert, went to London recently
left Tuesday for Toronto to and has obtained a position with
finish her trade as a milliner. Her the Bell Telephone Company.
many friends 'here ° wish her Mrs. J. Leonard has received a
suss• cable from her brother, Staff
In the 'two elevato4 • Sgt. Gorden Yule, R.C.E.M.E.,
prapbsitions w -.now before ' .the announcing his arrival over
ratepayers Goderich has an Gordon enlisted with the
P R-C.O.C.'s in 1941.
opportunity to •place itself
definitely at : the head of
grainzshipping points on this side
of the lakes. - With out present
facilities - we . have distanced
nearly all other ports ,on . Lake
Huron and the Georgian Bay;
two years from now, .with
elevator capacity more than
doubled,- ourspresent
magnificent record. , will look;
smal. "
Letter to the Editor: „The two
bylaws to be submitted to the
ratepayers of Goderich February
12; to grant affixed sum of
taxation ° to the Goderich
Elevator and 'Transit Co. and the
Western Canada Flour Mills Co.,
should commend thennselves
'strongly to every voter- of this
town who considers the future
welfare::and-progress that all are
anxious that our -town should
have. We have reached that stage
inour existence where vire cannot
stand still, and if we wish to
gather to our doors some of the
wave of - advancement and
prosperity- ;that is, passing over
this fair Dominion, Goderich
roust do something, and
continue to do something, in the
same generous way -that we have
been this past few years. -
Crown Attorney here for n1/2
years, H. Glenn Hays QC, 45,
was sworn in on Monday as
provincial magistrate to succeed
° Dudley Holmes who - died, last
December... He followed Mr.
Holmes as Crown Attorney in
1948, at an unusually " ar1y age;
A. P. Boutilier has submitted
"with r -egret" his resignation as a
member of the GDCI board.
• Popular minister of .Knox -
Presbyterian"Church for the past
12 ' years, Rev. R. G: MacMillan
resigned from that pastorate last
week' - and has , a peed the
position of Director -• of the
Children's Aid-,' Society . for
Huron County nwith
headquarters at Goderich.
Rev. R. C. McCallum, former
pastor of the Free Methodist
Church, Goderich, ". and - now -
serving as Director of 'Public_
Relations for Lorne Park
College;. Port Credit, Ontario,
will be the guest speaker at the
Free Methodists, Church here
'Sunday evening.
D.. B. ' Such, Goderich, has
been elected secretary of the
Mid -Western Chiropractic
Hydro will cost more starting'
March 1, PUC Manager- Dave,
Rolston announced this week.
Mr. Ralston said the average -
increase -to residential consumers
would be approximately $1.50
per month with„ tints figure being
lower for families of -one or two
persons. -
K. A. Childs, waste
,management engineer With the
Ontario Department of Public
Health, Thursday night advised
' council to reach -an agreement
for an alternative site for
disposing of' the town's, garbage
by the-end—of—March or .-face
possible provincial action under
new legislation. -.
Editorial comment: In
today's world -antiirpori s a peicfec maiiV or an -arrogant
major attraction: This is even
more of- a bonus' to industry 'im
an area that is as out-of-the-way. 'Tha)"Sl life By G: MacLeod Ross
With the taxes this town is going THE BREATHALYSER'
to be hit with this year, it would •
be a mistake. to suggest the town Mr. Wishart says: Two samples are to be taken from any driver
could have done anything, as far WHOM AN OFFICER HAS .. REASONABLE AND PROBABLE
as making Sky Harbor 'a -
municipal airport — but an •offer e` ressions: as `reasonable' nd'probable'
to help would have at least been a as appear to leave too much
ornethi` discretion_.. in_-l'he hands of the police. Surely : the only criterion
s' • should be whether the driver is handling hisautomobile with due
• Duncan MacAdam has taken
over as owner of Curry's Taxi,' attention to the other users of the highways. If a man can, navigate
effective immediately,
satisfactorily with an alcohol level of 3:3, why should he be hauled
up. • The question is: Can he drive safely?
letter to -the Editor
'THANKS 't""
--The l�teeuf ive and members
of .the ..Maple Leaf .:Chipter,
f�I�►:.:` "wish ' to :,express their
sincere thanks for the'exeellent
e ►verage whfota- I''as giv'en to the
chapter in your newspa er
during the phst year
Your4iassistanw was very
much appeciated. -
Isabelle. Snaith
dor espondi fig Sottotari
must be perfect, * as only
Elsa Haydon sit