HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-12-15, Page 5tM The strike of telegraph operatorson the Rock Island railwryhas caused considerable delay to tratlle on Haat road, 1'BBPARi; FOR CHOLERA. Cleanliness, care and courage are the re• sources of civilization against cholera. Keep the body serupelously clean. Eat hot food, Take Burdock Blood Bitters to maintain regular digestion and ensure pure bloocl which is the very best safeguard against cholera or any other epidemic. Great suffering is reported among cattle in northwestern New Mexie owing to drought. Thousands have died. MILBURN'S COD I:IVEROIL EMUL. MON with Wild Cheery and Hypophosphi- tes builds up and strengthens the entire system. Hundreds of silver mines in Colorado has been closed ow'ng to the decline in the price of silver. TOR SWELLINGS AND FELONS. GENTLEMEN.—My little girl, aged 3 had a large swelling on her neck. I used Hag yards Yellow on it and it quickly disappear- ed in a short time. It also cured a felon 1 was troubled with, MRs. C. E, WtsmoAsrt Mande, Man, i was ,Tis, furor, an Italian, run over and instantly killed by freight train at Niagara Tails South. 011, What a Cough: Will you hoed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure`approaell of /that more terrible disease Consumpt- ion, Ask ourselves if you can .afford J for the sake of savino• 50c to rill the risk and do nothing for it. We knoap from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough. It never fails. The physicians of Waterloo county rriet at Berlin Friday and formedscounty me d- ical, association. If you had taken two of Carter's Little Liver Pills before retiring you would not have had that coated tongue or bad taste in the month this morning, Keep a vial with you for occassioual use. An important conference on social re- form was commenced Friday eveuing it lhaftesbury hall. BURDOCK PILLS, cures Liver ills. They are small and egently coated, sure in effect' I.r asdnt to use. sod p The Italian minister of foreign affairs de- nies thdt the dreibund has been becoming 'cooler, PROVED BEYOND DISPUTE. No one now doubts that Burdock Blood Bitters will cure dyspepsia, billiousuess, constipation, headache or bad blood. The proof is so thorohi:h an\loverwhelming that the doubters have been silence.1 and B.B. B. is secured in its place as the best purifying. ..tonic and regulator extent. BYRON Heim, Princeton Out The Ontatio Jockey club wilt make the value of the queen's Plate of rSe3 a thous and dollars. All disorders caused by a bilious state . of ;the system can be cured by using Carters's Little Liver Pills. No pain,griping or drs- Lotrfort attending their use. Try them. It is thought the great cotton strike in England will last until the end of January. Piso's Remedy for Catarrh is the Bost, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest. Sold by druggists or sent by mail, 50c. E.1. Hazeltine. Warren, Pa. A. school of mining and agriculture' will 3ikely be established in Kingston. CANNOT B F DENIED. ILD. D l\ The curative influence of the pine in lung xllseases is everywhere admitted, andwhen combined with other effective pectoral rem- ' edies os in Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup the effect is doubly, beneficial:No case of .cough, cold, asthma, bronchitis or hears - .ness can resist the healing powers of Dr. 'Wood's Norway floe Syrup: a5 and- 5oc. at druggists. Typhoid fever is raging in ularge number of small towns in Mexico, Harsh purgative remedies are fast giving avay to the gentle action and mild effects. ,of Carter's Little Liver Pills. If you try .them, they certainly will please you. Pour murderers were hanged at Louisville 'Ky., Friday morning: DR. WOODS NORWAY PINE SYRUP cures Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, & Consnmption if taken in time A Young Liberal club was formed at Ridgetownlast night. ' FOUR DOoES CURE A COUGH. GENTLEMEN. --MY little boy was troubled -with a very bad cough and a lady friend ad- vised me to try Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam Tilid not got it atonce andcan true. saydid Y give' more than three or four doses until his cough was gone. I have never been with- out it since, as I find it is the best for troub- lesome coughs. MHs.J S. RUDDY, Glen Willian.s,Ont The Mexican coffee crop this year is vel •cried at $5,000,000. LIr1'TLE MEN` AND LII1LEWOMEN (sometimes suffer from worms. Low's Worm Syrup is very highly recommended as a cure. Influenza has again broken out in Berlin. ABOUT ANNEXATION When dyspepsia invades your system and bad blood occupies a stronghold in your body., th' w.tyout of trouble is to annex a bottle of Burdock Blood /Bitters, the best remedy for dyspepsia and bad blood, and the only one that curts. to stay cured. Clubbing Rates. The Weekly Empif's and premium the Conservative members' f of thc' House of Commons, and the bvooArlm• from now till the end of 1803.=$1.75. The weekly Globe and 'ADvOCATa froni now till the end of 1393—$1,75. The London Advertiser, weekly, and ADVOOATla from now tilt the end of 1598--11.50. The London F -'e Press, weekly, and AnveCnTs: from now till end of [803 —$1.75. The Montreal T'Vec1rlri Herald and 'the ADVOCATE fionl,now till the end of 1833-01,50, The Montreal Ti'itreess, weekly) and A.DvoOAr.S from now till the end of 1803—$1.70. Reduced rates with all other metro politinn weeklies. This is a grand op porttlnit3l. Subscribe; at once end re, eeiyu this balance of the year hee. •t7 =op MSNTK s"Ti•16'55 ABSOLUTELY Cures Lost Power, Nervous Debility, Night Losses, Di- seases caused byAbuse, Over Work, Indiscretion, Tobacco, Opium or Stimulants, Lack ot Energy,Lost MemoryHead- ache Wakefulnes. THIRD MONTH Young, middle-aged or old a. - men suffering from the effects of follies and excesses, restored to perfect health, manhood and vigor. RELIEF TO THOUSANDS BYTHIS MARVELOUS REMEDY.. A Cure is Guaranteed! fie everyone using this Remedy according to directions, or money cheerfully and conscientiously. refunded, d, PRICE,. S t.00 6 PACKAGES $5.00. Sent hymail to anypointi U.S. orCanada, securely sealed free from duty or inspection. Write for our Rook "STARTLING FACTS" for men only. Tess you how to get wetland stay well. Address or call on QUEEN MEDICINE CO.,; NEW YORK LIFE BUILDING, Montreal, Can, Hay. The a Th_ P, irons ofIndustry, of No. 2 School house, intend holding' a debate on the ei ening of the 231.d; subject for debate being, -"The -Poor:-house Question." It Will be worth going; a few miles to hear as able speakers are on both sl' ties and the ' ue i n is. iv stotil o a q ono.—There are some turnips to be seen outstanding in the fields and pro- babilities are they are there' for the- winter.—Mr. Robert EacreIt has had several men engaged in re shingling his barn.—Miss' Lottie Smith of Dun- ; aunon, who has been visiting her brother W•ILJohnston, returned to `her home Thursday. Dashwood, One day last week, Mr. 'Wiliest, of the 14th concession, Stephen, was star tled by a isqueeling sound at his' front door and at once armed himself `vith a stick, and on opening the door no- ticed a, rabbit in the greatest of agony with a weasel clinging to its throat.. Mr, Willett Struck them st violent blow and 1illt:cl both. Court Dashwood 10. F. intend hold. ing a concert in their hall on Decem- ber 28th for which occasion the ser- vices ervices of Mr. J. >1: Caimcron, an eminent singer and elocutionist of Toronto have Been t•.ngsged. M-. Cameron conies highly recommended and with hini his company and others an entertainment is expected which will be second to none. --Mr Hartman has returned home after spending the summer in winni neo. --The members of the Dashwood "Alliance" visited their Zurich breth- ren on Tuesday evening.—It is carie ing a joke too far to post up a person's funeral notice before one's death. Such acts should be discouraged for it is certain that the artist still lives as he was seen here Sunday evening and notwithstanding his many hair bredth escapes from death by sickness in the "chase", iis'complc ction still preserves its accustomed i0rouge" especially at one particular point in his physiogno my. Zurich was visited by one of our promising' young man on Sunday eve Hing. We don't mean "the Captain" however: (Prom Another Source) Mr. John dolt Sr. has returned from his visit to Berlin and vicinity.—Chas; Steinhagen and Chas. Slant cut split and piled a cord of green beech wood the other day in one hour. The boys say they can do it a •ain;and challenge all comers. Xmas is Coming, And all Good Housewives will _ want the � rOI. y best Mater- ial for their Xmas GO?KING. Frank Will lead the ti•this Season. He has a special Consigtlmcnt of Xmas Goods opened tip' which is bound to be Satisfactory. Remember besides this choice lot of peed'{ he has the choicest stock of staple groceries tobe found in hxeter. DEAirt Iv GROCERIES WINES & LIQUORS OLIO Doo South Cliora hall That our PI aning Mill, Sash Door,&Dlind Factory is 'Litten up with trio latest improve ments Wo aro prepared to do planing en4 matching, liitndFill .a sorsa bJswill g t1.11`11.1.4mauhiing, grooving anti ,ill kinds of; mach - lite work on shortest' notice. Ti, our LUMBER, 1 It YARD you will find a rir e and welt ii,,isorted 01ocll'ol all kinds of buildingrmatc ,irks Pine and henm1.ocklum- ber dressed and not dressed. See our stock of x x and x y e Pine Shiegln s nutnufnetured by rho Host milkers in Ontario, We also liave a large atocls of A. 1 Cedar Sliini;Les which ave exeellon t valud. No. l the Lath cosi- stars fly in Stock L'V1 buy y Iran stoop of rt barn 311 h li'which• eve can ' i urairsh will or w'itliaut: glass We t' 0011 up with inLoh - in 01.17 sr,ecially adapted for makin a' all kinds of Tanks and t i,ternn, which weetan (nt,, ..0 to our dus10111drs on short notion. We show soinetlrbig no'u in this lino for watering cat- tle latiroftoi0 or barnyard. Our celebrated Tlahi1igCabinet is still at trnul.i,ig much attention, and giving entire satisfaction wliOneve 1 11Sod . Cali and txamiII0 t1,n above named stock, all of whielr will be so 41. at lowest prices ROSS & TAYLOR; 11Iain. ut,. :'ntcr PAfld BAKERY The undersigned baying handsome - fitted up his parlor and restaurant will servo - ICE CREAM durixtg the Summer Season. Also; a large supply of Confectionery, Bread, Buns Cakes l&c., Visits Exeter every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon. All orders left,, with George Sanders promptly attend- ed to, Oysters and fruits of all ,kinds in thea season. D, W, FOSS, }Jensall. —All persons who want-- 0,11EAP MONEY at 5*, 6 and 6i PER CENT should coil --at th,e— ®Bice of I, II, COLLINS CAT, TIO:\ EACH PLLTGG OF THE MYRTLE NAVYT IS MARKED Q s Wanted. D'ee$ec or Alive. J` Dressed Hogs bou,,ht subject to the following conditions -2 lbs per cwt; off; 5 lbs extra if shoulder stuck; 3 lbs for either bunggut 01 g ullet, if left in. All % $a to �)(? Hogs.cut through 77 from' i ,� I � to Throat. Highest Price paid for Hogs -weighing fl'om 100 to 200 pounds, dressed. SNELL BROS 8t; i h ,h Fr r, �(r S S A¢ _t���3rj�ry Regu ates the Stomach, Liver and trowels, unlocks the Secreti o ns, t?u rifiesthe, Blood and removes ail irn-' purities from a'Pimple to thewors•t Scrofulous Sore. lair �ft, i , ..��t]�py,g , ,..+4 v: .. D1-.. �• CURS. •: DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS: CONSTIPATION, HEADACHE SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA.. HEART BURN. SOUR STOMACH DIZZINESS. DROPSY. RHEUMATISM. SKIN DISEASES MII IM "' 3 r Y 'fl t: s "3 /I Thu G A. S EXETER - ONTARIO Has now in stock Azta. IN TH Wes erings Soo ingsi Fr All s aid Winiu z4 and Suitings and TrouS i- •wooduitm S bs and Trouser, and English. CC othWorsted 1 L English. , e ap 1.11 the Latest, best Rate 0 IN BRONZE LETTERS. NONE OTHER GENUINE T IS BIN 11011411 And you may sen a lot of money Y I? Sl in visiting several parts and see lots of excitement,but you tire of that ttnd set t h' ,down some clay, and when you do and have to buy furniture, call at Old established warehouse and see their ilnnlense stock of FURNITURE, from the largest appointed manufaet- uries in Canada, who have the best machinery money can buy and of the latcst improvemdnts, and also the fin- est r� 111„ 1. "Round d rias in the above Round World” and first-class c " s A 1 finishers to the bargain, and then visit some coun try firths who cannot compete at all wich them iu wear or tear, and even in finish, for their machinery is old faith. Toned :and' in soma casts worn out.. Some ot Canada's furniture men have won World Prizes, and from such we buy. Having been forty years before the public we can without boasting. say: we have stood the wear and tear of public opinion and still are flourish- ing. Come and see our new styles just; in ,whether you buy or not, especially our patent Extension Tables. Ri•mem ber we have the largest stock of plot ure moulds in the county. S GIDLEY. Odd -Fellows Block. Opposite J Grigg's Stationery. Extr 11111Sigal IItrillgrIt EMPORIUM. @fig MSPS We Cary the mo complete stock of Musical instruments in the county. PIANOS, ORGANS. VIOLINS, ALSO SEWING MACHINES, BICYLES, FARM IMPLEM Tp- &ocn. rhe above instruments a1 .�l@rYliS to x'11,7,$l71l 'rjAAff,',ttliae,u t GIVE US` . GALL" ; GERYTH{NG 'AWAY ^_' DO If you 'send us $1 for two subscriptions we°will also send you formula for 'making Ess, your ownE, L + n emon, , 'Vanilla, Ginger, Pep- permint etc. Cut this out and send with money,or mention this Papog..r .� W. G Bissett's Livery. First Class .Horses and Rigs.; SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros:' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. y� t W.. `7f. BISSL' 1 T —THE ENTRAL— SHAVING —PARLOR. EXETER, = ONTARIO. A. Hastings, Every attention paid to Ladies' and Children's [falrllt,t Ci 1.11 cr r, ,�..,1--Zastin °s. -t Nal Z!tat Agmy IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell a Farr rr S CIT WANT TO Buy or Sell Town Property IF YOU WANT TO Borrow or Lend Money IF YOU WANT Collections 'Make Call at lir. Jno. Spackman's Real Estate Agency:. Business Transactions strictly con- fidential. Intending purchasers will receive the best adyice in selecting land or town sites. Also agent for Allan Line .. and State Line Steamships. Office- Main Street, Exeter, Ont. Address: -JOHN SPACEMAN, Box 44 —Bargains in— Harness, Trunks, Valises,'Whips, Rugs, Boots, Shoes,Rubbers Sze. —AT— Jahn Treble's, NOTE A FEW PRICES: Half fox Felt Bo G • ' , $2.00; Felt Boot, Loose 'ain; 02.25; Men's Rubbers, 50c; Women's Rubbers, 30c, Misses'. Rubbers, 25c; Skilled Workmen are em- ployed to manufacture the goods, ;and the best of ma- terial is used. ofrWrieS reienkg.i s well assorted and eve ry • guaranteed satisfaction.cuStotne isrPpt attention given to all kinds The Prices lean a Sale every time. Call' and be. convinced.;'' FIN TREBLE 3 i)Iai Street;Exeter. We hear a great deal -in the papers about the PURITY of Baking Po =1 dells, but as a matter of fact if 'you want it absolutely pure you should make your own, and especially when you can save 20 cts a pound by doing so. r, H O el r, fl f sfI! ' S fiifht(:i t $a l• EtiLI. HE POW PE'aiS Liyr 3 �.t. HgAr)!ACHE. s'�40 aa, o aseS Laetaera ±in'd ;t'n (tare everlf,: thlAf/,Iri4t004) l(jhhead 00$'. 11 . i„t/aern, it o vt bot o"'S,0a.. fat. ea boas and they a'"e i'rrirmlvss. Tiaey are not a Cathartic. H A brand new stock just opened out at the— ts H nand' L ° icery, aC,r. Aiyrrttltniaii';s 0Ald (4tacr,t, U011LPitTSIN(x— Teas, Coffees. Spices, Baking rcs)3: Powders, Bird foods, Starches, ta Blues, Soaps,rrushes,P,roorns Issr Pail O,ttmrlune, Wheatetil; ' GenaUos, Digs;al Nuts.Dates. Ora I.tf es, Lemons, Peels Exti•a";ts, kine Tierry Salt, • Tl tdrlies, • nPsters,Bone - r a I,SS Codfish sh ,cty coli, and every € O thing 'genera It fly:kept' t in a first chars Cis rOcier v , A Handsome, Cloc k wily,, bo given inlay \vttll pruo''l. co taking pol!ader. Give us a.calll, G. ity nclnla_ 1 Ili• , . V lalcen' i PTHAS VIE o If you would wish an easy shave, As good as barber ever gave, Just call at my shaving saloon, At rc.oi11, at ct'e, or bnsv noon, I'll cut and dress the hair with ,race. To suit the contour of the face: My room; is neat, .towels clean, Scissors sharp and razors keen,; And everything I thiol: yon'li fend to suit tee taste' and please the mind; And all that art and skill i•:in do, If you'll just call, I'll do for sort. I share the old, the points, the E .t 1'11 sh'asczyou all for reads, pis , And calve a shampoo any time, And for a shave I.get a dime- I do not mean a dime in trust, For that would male the barber 'bust. Man.. E. ,I H. FISH, Agent for The Parisian Steam Laundry: 'b Farmers' -.. Attention. n. PRICE LIST: Zurich S. 13. flour Family Choice,, Pastry Bran Shorts Royal Spice VV heat Chop, Oat "r $2.•10 1.75 1.90 0.60 0',5 6.00 0.90 1.00 Pea " 1.15 Any quantity in lots of a ton or over can be purchased by ceiling. Wheat taken at Market Prices. In the Brick Store OPPOSITE T°'WN HALL Satisfaction Guaranteed. A CALL Solicited R. S, Richardson, John Richardsoll, Man. Prop rway } ye Rich in the lung -healing virtues ofthe Pine' combined with the soothing and expectorant properties of other pectoral herbs and barks. II PERFECT CUR.. FOR COUGHS AND COLDS Hoarseness, Asthma, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Croup and all THROAT, BRONCIISIAL and LUNG DISEASES. Obstinate coughswhich resist other remedies yield promptly to this pleasant piny syrup. PRICE EEC. AND D00. PER BOTTLEa GOLD 9V ALL OtiVGGi6TTS. MAKE YOUR R OWN Th.c Puritan Biking Powder. Is guaranteed absolutely pure, and the formula ancl full, direction for making it, so that you can sell it at a nice profit t0 your neigh - ors, will be salt absolutely FREE to.e every oro sei dine' ids 50 cents' f t,13est of one year's subscription to our ,louhl�al, which Is the lest 1,n1:1or for t f)' language, y. 11e money published in the English l�,l.;�,lia�e, and no family can afford to do without it. Address 1EDICAL ADVI&ERJ 5owmanoilla, ou