The Exeter Advocate, 1892-12-15, Page 3FRILLS AND FURBELOWS, pieturen, did trot prevail in, jeeephiee'a day,
end that ie of inehing 4 perfe.cely ting , LEARN.. knee !' stains with eeeenten iteP
kreshrale reia OE theEwes., I", 14114NlaPra .
weter aed with sleep. ' haath SAVED net MOLT, '
1.---e, 1.41. ,,-----,...
efna of the Noveltiee "gem by Beauty's waist and gracetellinee of litie figure through She begged fg) hard to go 1 Deoh day the aerent me the mung, "do you intend. to
" "Killing Milli ° mid the stern pareut With Tile 4°4°,0 Cenehieee* Plc a Prembieiit• *New Vork OAP "'4 4"441il Ale atilt the IPIt.
Angilleatt. Owe,* nergynianf ; ne Pufferta.
hodice of eilk or eetin, ehowiag, the dainta"
an Empire out front of gireee, ism Or aey With pleeelings soft and wistail eyes, linty here ell night fielding my daughteehr If the six days a creation symbolizeIthe The marriage of .Mios Fiore Davis, of New•
Queensi Thi e Winter,' other tes,respereet matetial. Tide ie whet ,She'd tea in quite resistless Ivey heed and iookiag her in the tree lihe a sick history of the eleuroh end the world, may York, ter Lord Terence Bleckwood, wise se
1,......*_ in ethice in 'theology would be gelled. '° beat- tier longing,e to be big aid we I eau:to "No, sir." "What do you iutenol net the eeveutis day ale° Byrabolize the both gooddooklng,accompliehed,andat meg!,
,ata Empire -ated,,t p000ning_aer ihno,,,, ing the devil esround the lane's," as, ili cow.- 4Ohtiple'enweir aesesereanveertiotehesneekhasnesistiete' todoctintlIt' th‘04 ykilie411,neloistatd04ellarfiltivwohuein4t, Millehninm, or the Veorld'is mit of. 4 nidcent hemmers, will prove a perfeot god-
foiens to air unbecoming flealtioa withont. And more than all, a eery plate theueend yea? We are now for advanced mina to the Dufferias, Who are as poor es
Boatice hakes a hew li., onse or haeohes dortroarontlirslignolon ntnbas, lc jeoar:rtoufrilem *lel beauty ea " like sister'e,' al -to no to echool 1
'Wen, well; no stony tiphthxes, we ; Put toY axle rottnd her Weist, pad if she le the °lath thorhiand year's of the worldn Om traditional (thumb Mieo, Never very
%%twee Quite FAMA.Wi aRd Ep to Pate. did net objeot too forpibly, I might dale n teerveatttottiontreet,bryilt gmtebee Lettr;earet to .Cf OiorkLozpliDorutillue mecktietgeer;durtLate:Itterint
Turkey -Den Ten-alown-Jr4e Dvelling
Lemmata December. And datred. not hint the age ef three, ' kiss,"
mem et e, eohy, humble Since the abort Waist is loon -dug Islore
roacri41, owed,. hothele and more lergely on the horizon, it *nay be Anima with a primer picture book
interesting .to give the opinion on We (In which she'd stitched half a day
Plus one, could ne'er bo very 'wise !
things ttright, At one of the Pablie sehecle the. wericre m111°144141, We have very (lie- eifielef e°1°th which' •fertmletelY, hae a'
reeehtlY the teacher was inetilling "Bra -
Little folio deo, *lime tmderfitam, advert to the opinions Of divines regisrelitig hintheen sabeietiag almoet entirely upon hie
asset indieetioes M eacred history ef ell-01,0;ui. whaavY'eatbeeeoulhvveetrrhyye large.ii04etii v, we _..), i oh he,
ares wooram'a "Mtn Tim Doman Tnitko. We locikedlato her bluebell oyes
bright scarlet or crimson. drees. Her Views on the short evaista are "I said my lessons. too 1 I spelled .gPtebrastleardg:a9hrtilitf ;1:oollioer117:1 lit:
red, Wlich has a nate sehjeet of a Woman of the World who hem Astiteeeceot)mweebealit •vveirthelleeheetartlYealye.ok*. bare. Frietehie" into the mi4448 of her crirtritta:f oir wWffeir irettle tlittlin°2
beautiful tone of soft, very decided views on all things relating to
All dimples, twinkles, bubbling pride cheeps, for oortoeri ed reeitation. One little
giri en reaching , home reeihect be hues in Saviour on fourth thousand year of the 'stone°, the VloShAoYaltY of India end of
color, not the military dialogue she had with the . head, of one of " Noa not ail by yourself ?" ll acid corn, elear, on a cool September merle, the. ver ?taartt:oapzIlect, Ar
It is really geranium eouteaned in ' the following fragment of a A word all by myself I" she cried. thui etyu, ,, up fre,the m„dowheeht with, :ii_iiTryld,eGiitvt ofierzt eeifirhrtestrhoinediLigeht wane atrhae ,
scarlet, which hasanaffins the firms a fashionable dresemakers. ' Her head back with its flurry frizz custard pies (clustered name of prederich ereatiou of the sail on the fourth day, be- haw ea*eallethirig, having always cioteih-
" I shall rebel, sir I Nothing in the Surprised. and pleaeed withal.) _, ' I did I etand.! . , , comae the .4,000 year was on that day corm ered it to be his duty to devote the very
pitted ; but when we remember that the lest cent. of all hie galaxy and allowances te,
ity with orange. Imaaine To seek Me 'eyes long lashes hid,
\ this color -yes, , cloth. World shall induce me to wear your Empire I waited till the teaohee telled
deem !" • ine, ' Yon Beattie I as. n then I tried eventiewhe undoubtedly purple. Mau of
The USW „Olor-for outdoor wear, at all temple of Jeruselem was built on the third the Parlaoees. Par which they were grehted-,
tea -gown , m cloth of
bordered down the ;front . s' But, madam-." , One letter straight; and or.° ail crooked -
To quembor 'like you sadd it looked- the , models in , gowns, bonnete ad Mantis thoutiand, year, and was not only a visible namely, that of repreaettatien.
have came oho ih it, aah an aiaborat.a type of Christ's body, but was to continue its He ie a very grand seigneur in hie .WaYla
ostume I oat loiso -a 4
and openieg on a pettiooat of black lees aim it is preoriterous. On tryieg on a, : " Your waist line under the. arra l• Why, Au' J. wanted 'ern all to hear so bad, worahip until Christ Himself appeared in aud althougis his &nary as Amber:seder ati, ' with dark, ' brown fur
Are tea eases' laughed ; they woreso gladeing 'ire" of French dealga in.hav
a deep shade ' it, we e, therefore, this central mile Paris amounts to 050,000 a year and. his
esaid ni, : Iis i , "
of perple faced cloth has, three hands' of tensum entirely occupied ht the manifesto,- allowances to about helf as much more, it.
...het over red silk. Imagine the wearer of you Rent me last month. I found to my
the gown lying back at a big divan Chair ..........-.-.
horror , that I looked like a big baby in darkbrownfauprarro,ouannol ath4hsekairutd,taeovett tion of. this great moral fainieory-the estrapoesible that he should lay aside one
'before a glovving fire, her feet in the ries,teen it. You know h wrote to you at. once eity-
A roan of might is too often e man of
of black velvet. Hitherto tido color Imo not evening and the morning were the • hearth peony thereof. True, he has an estate in
of black patent shoes, with &arming ing that 1 tshould never make such a fright
been popular with: anybody except a few day. ancorditig to this view, the millennium Ireland, hilt as in the case of mod of thes
Ifieecer rug. Suoli is the picture that was place, you .ProPose to. make another • such The treablee that kill are the ones we old ladies who are devoted to it. need not he expected until after the !sixth other great landowners in that kingdom.
buckles, stretched out on a mow -white of myself ; and now, as soon as I enter your "jilt.
THE DEAR)ORATIO.00MET, thourand year of the world's toil has been the oharges thereon exceed: the revenge
• making 'a call. pre:vise to her taste I "Bat nuedatu-." It rather puts a belle on her. mettle when: 0, the Democratic comet is reconsin' with a Lord. 2000; or, rather (as we are told there Se great is Imfd Dafferiths poverty that
completed -that is, until the year of our thereof. •
presented to me a fees deem ago when gown for me. It is madness I" borrow. •
thriend whose chevetare is as black •es neture way a little too long. You, dressmakers haee ' Hotse sense teems to consist of the ahllitY An' the ligheh a-strews:tin' from it, 'tin it makes is an error ,of four years in our chronology), during the time which. intervened between.
But this startling gown reelly suited 'my " No, sir, no I You have had your own she is extolled. , , rush,
' snakes' a.. Her ladyship aril saw her looked begun to think that we 'shall fell -in with all to say "-Nay le the whole world hush ; it will not take place till after the year his Vioe-Royalty of Indie. and his appoint- ;
You manuhsaeueriti just a-roarin' at ten millioomiles 1096. We arrive at this conolusion, not by moat as eanhassa.dor at St. Peterehurg both.
You ofain staitt0Ve retearin' like a, bright en! any reference to propheoy, and 'yet it is he and Lady Dufferin were forced for the . •
--almply bewitching, your caprices. But let me MP y ei we will
Cherlee Darwin's son Francis' iS writing
CYCLAbIEN DURAN:S.0E Lovotanese. nob sa any hem hieeilt to the ware drew.
his fether'a life. remarkable that prophecy does tarnish us sake of economy to live at Paris under the •
Women ought to look a great dein nicer Su do not say any more. I have said my . .
To tlae paregrapher--Re sure you're Throughteilsalts (gfasainst a-tertrin' at ten mil- with this same results . We have alreedn :some of Mr. and Mrs. Temple on the fifth.
meow -a -demi than thet• over dia before, their Ion word.'
bright, then go ahead. 0, the Democratio comet! It means remarked the intimate connection between fioor of the Hotel Windsor on the Rue da
wants are so carefully considered and so sally simple's sad Story. There are 12;700,000 public school chit -
you oan bet
. , ;
than it used to do, Thereis no denying Sam Sampson seemed sad- Saila' Simple in the United States. •
isisiness, Christ and the temple of Jerusalem in a Rivoli, The economies which ;this charm -
'variously Supplied. Dress coats more now . . It's able torchlight proceesion, that's a swain' chronological point of . view, and accord- Ing couple were then forced to exercise were
, dren •
that, but not the result worth the ex- Stn's sweetheart, sat gibbing. Seriously it The £1,000,600 Bank Note "is the title An' whizzia yeti ingiy we find all prophetic eras in some way re painful and even pitiful. sight to those
thoheur oloe°of the waridn' or other connected With it. The 70 years who, like myeelf, had, had the privilege of
umide folksuee4is liana
eTendtture' I The evening bodice whiole is epeaking, Sally reared. Sam, she sobbed eo
of Mark Twain's latest itery. • 'We're still anelebratin' with the °Onset in the Propheeied of by Jeremiah were the time enjoying then greadbus hospitality at.
' made to go with many different skirts, and severely. The temperature of the planet Neptune is lead when Jerusalem was to lie waste; and the Rideau Hall, Ottawa. '
' which is, when turned out by a clever "Sweet Siren,' Sam said, "step sob-
• e • estimated to be 9000 below zero. , . --Atiante Ctenerianfon. prophetic, weeke. of Daniel were to cone Lord Dufferin's ease, I may add, is not
"Stop Vascrearned hally. ' "Sam Samp- Every year the population of the United "Christmas," said My old friend. the. mance from "the going forth of the Com- the exception, but, rather, the rule in the '
• most convenient and becoming inventiohsMajor ' to me one night at the club -a mandment to restore and to build Jerusit. English Government service, and most of
'iwrodiate. a dream of lovelieme, is one of the Mag. ,
^of mir times. It has been three years in son, Sara. Smith said---said-she-she Smiled States in increased by 1,000,01Sh.
"Christmas is not what it used to be. • •It lem 0 (Daniel ix., 25), down to the the holders.of lucrative posts quit offioe in,
in his life have any one tell him all the is being .spoiled by the lavishneas ' of those time • of the destruction of Jerusalem debt,' Amoug the many instances thereof
existence and becomes more and more -smiled-" ,
If he hadn't anemia a man Would never
‘ipopular. . 1 saw one the other day made of "5 weetheert,"epoke Sam sharply, e! hem
truth. -Atchison .Globe. ,. who interchange .presents where formerly in the year 70, which is called the "con- I need only cite those of Lord Augustus .
cyclamen -colored velvet, with the hand- • Sampson scorns simpering Sara Smith." they interchanged remerabrances. ' .And the scintillation" (Daniel ix„ 27). It is an error Loftus, who became it bankrupt . after re- .
eomeet bead -work pozeitele to picture,' "bitUb" Sally shrieked, " tsWear so." Frank Richards, a Boston editor who has hardest part of it is that the children have to suppose thateither thehirthor the death of tiring from fifty years' diplomatic service,
formed into a widebelt and as armlets Sam swore satisfactorily.wife and children, eloped with Pugilist.
become infected by the extravagant spirit ChristformedanyepochfromwhichStujohnn and. the late Earls of Granville and of
sunder the wide puffed eleeves. There was Sally suddealy swooned..
a soft berthe of ivory lisse, whichwas ehot Sam sought stimulants. Sally soon Mileci
Corbett's sister-in-law the Other day. of the age." "That Is quite true," I to- prophecy was to be counted. It was . the •Lytton, who have each left their families in
' S
Tom-By the way, how are you getting Plied,' with a sigh- "My smell son shed a destruction of Jerusalem and Me temple by it very impoverished conditions although,
with the hue of cyclamen, and wlaich eerenely. Subsequently she set spooning
looked quite lovely. This bodice was made eiweetly, Sara's ehoulder serving support
et with Jessie ? • Has she. returned your pailfulof tears la,st Christmas morning be- Tithethat brought the Mosaio ritual to a during their entire Iiietime they hall' held
' .
love? 'Jack -Indeed she has (sadly), with cause Santa Clans, in whom he still fall des& Up to that time the Jewish one or another of the•higliest offices in the
to be worn over a .black skirt, a white skirt Sweet, sweet Bally.
ear one in a paler ahade of its own color. A thetas. felicity. believes, ' had left him a ritual was tolerated (Acts xxis, 21-h6), and gift of the Crown
smart woman whose time is:limited dressee . •
", Sally'," Sam said softly, " say ,goon." $4 tram of cars, for which he anust ' himself the temple sacred (Acta iii., 1) ; after that Miss Davrs wilt find in her father -in -lama
.earlh, and puts it tea gown on over her"Say September seventh, sweetness," pay, a .guinea a year for the privilege of
" September?" sighed Sally. Nearly 40,000 people in Great Britain furnish the motive power, instead .of a $10 the temple service was abolishei, and, even one of the 'best dancers in Europe, net.,
displaying crests on their stationery outfit, . including it nickel:plated. engine, in the opinion of the Jews, could not be re- withstaziding his threescore years: Indeed, ,
'-evening skirt for the reception of afternoon smiled Sam.
and pleee. ' , eight oars with real brakes, fifty feet of established,. without a new revelation. Lord Dufferin is one of the few persona, nob,
'visitors. She has then only to put ,on her Sally succumbed. ,
gaud -I had a lovely bet on the election track; and provision' for real steam." aiming ascertained that the destruction of of Slav origin, who have been able to master
evening bodice and is ready for (linear and Sam's email salary seemed slender, Sam "That's it exactly," returned the Major, Jerusalem is the period from which the the intricate mysteries of that magnificent
the opera or theatre without the fatigue of , said.; still Sally seemed satisfied, so surely with Tom. Marie-W.12ot were the condi- sithaking his head sadly; "and my little prophetic chronology eat. John ought tobe Rustlers or'Polish dance known as the grand.
performing aiaother complete toilette.
have to marry him, but Cleveland won, ao girl, who was glad enough two years ago to 'reckoned, there are .no dilficulties remain- rarimake.
Sam should. tions ? gaud -If Harrison was elected ra
get it small wax doll that could shut its eyes Ing. The number of the Beast, 666 (Rev. If there is onereproach that I can address,
Scene shifts. and say 'pima ' if it was slapped on the .xiii., 18), gives as the date from which his to Lord Dufferin, is is thab he is so °roes -
Toques PONILAR AS EVER he'll have to marry me.
That comfortable and becoming style of September seventh. Father Tolton, the first American black back, was very much upset last Christmas life is te be counted ; the '1,260 days (Rev. siaely • amiable and charming in his manner
headgear known. as the toque, which. him Sweet Sally Simple sat speculating. Man to be made a. priest, objects to being because the la,ce on ii. second' doll was' not ,xi., 2), or 42 months (Rev.' xiii., 5), are the that he' almost conveys the irnpreesion of '
-and <are the moat comfortable, weather -
date. .Sorne of the toques are made of fur;
. est; however, are of velvet trimmed ' with
eionsiderea remarkably smart and. up-t0s
defying head covering possible. The sinart. °fa*"
Soon Sally surmised Sam's slowness.
"Singular," sighed Sally, "surely Sam's
Slow, slew, slow Sam seemed.
"'Sloped 1" she . shrieked; .
t, Sam'S to death to drive this horse. I wonder sweetness of it for the real babies should be
celled "colored." "!hat word is an offal- point, andher conversation not phonographi- Maimed the Beast;• and if we add these insincerity and recalls to mind memories of
viva affectation. I am a, negroe-a woolly-
headed liege,' mem Father Tolton- that this beautiful moon should be ruined Jerusalem, we obtain the same date which in N. 170 Recorder.
Woman (to hersalf)-It scares me half for us babies of maturer years, but that the we have above iefeisred to.
gaily extensive. As I say, it's bad enough two sums to the year of the destruction of the Blarney stone. -Marquise Be Fontenoy
1260, .A. ROYAL N.A.Vit OFFICER.
never gone , quite OW) of. fashiou, is now " Sam seems slow," she said.
' fur, and with black upstanding marl& 'sloped?" what he'll do next. Horse (to himself)-- diluted by the gall of unfulfilled *rota- Destruction of Jeruealem.. .. ... . . . ..... 70
That Must be it woman driving,' or • 1 666 lie 'Visits Hamilton. and Talcs of Some
New Ships of War.
'feathers, or with loops of thick black Eatin Sally swooned. wouldn't be jammed into everything on the tion 10 esrhaammert0' oWzhiincol, muse be Rise of Antichrist -
Continuance. of Antichrist
Toronto World: Mr. John Shirley, ME
• pretty one is made varnoat like a turban; road. 1.998
i the RhoirlwaNyatviiinvintroinn,thien ea, ,
• ribbon drawn through an antique,buckle. A Shame, Sam Sampson, shame.
with the brim out a little from the low Scene shifts. The Brooklyn Hospital for Woman and Adderror in chronology
round' crown.' • The btim is of black &tidy Sam Sampson's situation. Salary Children has a Barad of 60 women 'man- Day was trembling on the edge of nig ht MOO c)refficeeenrtloyf,
006 vicinity of which city his friends reside. a
woungto Risk It.
astrakhan, and at one side is it large high severely sinall. Sally Simple seemed satiss &genii a hosnita, staff of 22 physieiana and a The sun had dropped behind the hills and years before Christ
bow of black satin, the loops pulled im fied, still Sam saw sure starvation. 'training school for women nurses. Ib isthe splashed the sky with, red. wAfter a visit there he gees to Victoria, D.
through an ow silver•gilt buckle. .Another Sara Smith's 'shekels snared Sam. only hospital in Brooklyn where women are For two hours Susan and Henry had been Millennium
--- Naval Department, Mr.. Shirley states that •
Moil C., Where he will aesu me it position in the .
is of the deep rich. violet velvet that is, now Sly Sam, selfish Sam. permitted to practice. talking. . ,
700° •some new types of naval veseele are to be
• crown over a breed band. of sable all round, sobbing, sobbing, sobbing; SW Sara Smith land owner in' the ..United 'Kingdom. The 'were talking about? •The world's week
Hawke it vessel much similat• to the Blake,
.,moinuch worn. It is rairiei in a gathered So Septembee zieventh saw Sally Simple The Duke of Sutherland is the .largeat Gentle reader, do yen. know what they --Rev. deapatched to the Pecific tquadron, the
• and at the back and in. the front are braces Sam Sampion; saw Sarah's shekels Sam's. Duke possesses no less than 1;358,545 acres No a having been named as the flagship in place
, of small ostrich feathers curling disedesin- . Surely Sally' Simple suffered silent, eat- of land, all of which, save about 15,000 . Then guess. WASHING VENOM.
of the Warspite, wbiela is going out of coma
' occasions the felt hats are immense, most shame, sato Sampson, shame. A. Housekeeper Scores a Treat lreint or
vessel of.the Tartar and Mohawk type were
fully away from each other. For dressy. pendoue sorrow. acres, is in Scotland, and his rent roll'ie Suffice it to my, whatever it was an minion. Two new cruisers and a torpedo.
spictureisque and becoming. • -Max Bluitut. more than $700,000 it year. . amicable conclusion had been reached.
He -I wish yen many hatipy returns of Susan -was sleet -faced and tender, and
Giant Cal:metre. her•face softlwarid the fading light threw a wa‘t'ePriaenaclise.leptt,ithbramth:ess: rae eysltet.hrae°rnestienn a. o r d'fii afht e eonf
SLEEVES era", GROWING. . your birthday. 'She -Thank you, Baron. the amethystine tints of the evening touched alst ttohbeeoosnernste: of his renn'trits Mr'. shirioy
Sleevee for evesaing gowns are assuming. You are rather late, however, as my birth- said that the successor to Admiral Hobart.
even more ample proportions than those for A Jefferson Venue Young woman who has day was three weeks ago. He -Oh, ,no, not halo aboub her head.' Yet she wa,a no spring nainates before you use them," said a lady
as commander on the Manors would be Rear
day wear. (3oly the material all goes to been married about two years informed her at all late, sinceln my eyes you ars really chicken' .
But what odds ? to the • new housemaid, who wes getting
Admiral H. F. Stephenson, C.. B. This ,
. width, since they do not quite reach. the husband one morning at breakfast recently younger to -den then you were three weeks
Henry had. peered all the yeara of his ready to make lemon pies. ' The girl looked
eomewhat aurprised, and the lady con- officer is well known in Canade, and will he
remembered as the commander of thee
utilized as well as much material, and if to take her first lesson that day. .. Rev. Dr. Charles F. Hoffman, rector of 'have told spring chicken from old hen any ,
baohelorhood in a boarding house eadecould
people stop to think about it, but the out -
tinned a " I do not suppose that many
Heron,. it gunboat which was sent up the
elbow. Several yards of lace may be thateshe entered the cooking tchool and was ago.
- any one were impertinently curious enough ." What's that for ?" he asked. in doubtful All Angels' Church, m New -York, is a multi- day.
• • Il St. Lawrence' into the lakes during the . .
to measure .a women's dress, up to date tones. . millionaire. ' He gave the simiety Me church, aide of a lemon is enything but clean.
willlook at it you will see some tiny Fenian disturbances. She was at Toronto,
across the, shoulders it would be interesting "So that I can learn something about ft supports its missiona and. has endowed sev- then slowleeunfolded her. '
He folded her to his throbbing bosom, and you
black spots like scales all over it. These
the salute on the occasion'of the installs,
et the time of Confederation, ' and Sired.
clashion is the added. look of height which it ing;" she twittered sweetly. , tion box does not have to be dodged in All " We shall be so happy," he whispered. am the eggsi of • an ,inseet, and if the Union
tion et the first (hail Lientenant-Governor
to know the result. The advantage of this and cook you dainty dishes every day, drill- eral theological seminaries.. The contribn-
;• imparts. It is reaming to wear these He hadn't anything more say, and in «'res,' Henry," was her murmured re- is not weehed they are. very likely to be -
of Ontario, now Sir W. P. Howland.' Then
, invell, too, for it any one slinks about the evening,when he returned home he laid Mies Summit -Mr. Travers has invited Angels'.
sponse, "and so harmonious. . Whatever
you say I shall believe; now, henceforth and come an ingredient •ot whatever dial] the
lemon is used for. ,For years.I have made se „ass Air.
seafaring life and joined the Queen's Navee.
Shirley. became struck with a.
with •such conspicuous -sized ahoutders, her at official envelope in her lap. me to the theatre to -night, and it 'rains so I forever." . • the:Readies of eleitg all the lemons I use
The rear admiral also ' commanded a slaip
. personelity will be lost, and she will •• leek st What is it, dear ?" she enquired, pro.
don't know whether to nave my Mackinteeh ' He held her close once mare. with a sinali acrub ush kept for the pur-
of during the Aretio expedition of 1875.
date gowns. . " A life insurance policy on myself for ready or not. Of course,. if he has a oar- "1 oan never be such a husbanol as you pose, then dropping them into a, dish
riage I won't need it. . Mashaway-You'd 'deserve, Susan," he almost sighed. water to remain for five or ten mi
. putes
ilk° a badly proportioned back for up -to- ceeding to open it. .
• SEAL earns CONSIDERED Tenni $10,000;" he replied, with a certaia air of
better get it ready. When Isitehrhims this, Suvan's promise crowded in upon her. before using."' .
eflealskin is clown in'priee, but nob to its solicitude. .. . .
. ,
afternooa he hadn't Yet got,the ttliket'S.,7' "No, Henry," she said, "1 suppose not, . Drs. Annie Baker Wants Dig Damages ler
atria* lovely this winter, so ' soft, silky and with e shiver. ' " You don't expect Photographs of groWinas, t,..*4 s . Aar: ' my time of life I can'b afford telt, "L Word With You, Sir."
• sanest figure yet. • It ia, however; teatime, " A life insurance policy ?" she repeated
to die,
:glossy, and so ehatsisiteV malliPnlated The a° you ?" and she hot up and put her arm s some marvelous results, espeinally among ' toeparticular. Come in and have some There mein -Italy 22 crematories.
the climbers. The young stems are said' to supper." ' . 'Annie Baker, of Hamilton, has Denied a write
Barrister EL H.SHIaoaldmters., acting for-Mra., .
most convenient sealskin' garinents for around his teak. , . . Mrs. 'Langtry has a bath of pure silver.
women are the long capes. • • Paper bottles are .extensively made in
' "I hope not at presenn" he said tenderly, move in a suceession of, irregular °treater or ' , 'Andlaenry went in.
, . against'the Toronto Eserang Yews for libel.
• Sleeves have reached such ample pro- "but there is no telling what may ' happen elliptical carviseeeshich vary in every direc-
,\ New nooks or rraYer. • Germany. in the sum of $10,000.
portions that they will not acoommodate later' and asi'velinen Mating it off for some tion. ',These movements are :due to the : . , Laplanders often ideate a distance of 150
. The particulars of the case go back to the
themselves in any ordinary outer 'sleeve, tiine,I thought to -day I'd better do it: Di& irregular growth • in various parts of the
Thentsibricated new Standard 'Book ofmiles a day.
trial of Benjamin MoCauce, who was before
:and even then, so pre:loam is their outline, you go to the cooking class to -clay, dear 1" stem. '
. , . ConiinehPre.yer of the Protestant Episeo- . , '•
.Each oi the Qiseenn State horses carries
Magistrate Denison for . bigamy on 'October
..crushing. Therefore .for convenience, the cently answered that she did. -Droit Free of Borneo is the white • sultan or rajah of neeritig..cemmonth
pletion at the De Vinne Peess. 140 pounds of harness. '
case, but did not appear, and in the Pollee
, cape is charming, and as it is fashioned Press. ' Sarawak. He is are Englishman, Sir Charles Ti edition consists of 1,162 copies. ' Of .this The fruit of the nutmeg tree takes nine 1313th.' gra. lalser was it witness in the .
brews,, .
',that it ' must be jealeasly gearded from and hie eyes filled with teare as she inn's` ' The raost curious character on the Island ibiettay as the " Starsdard of 1892," is
. . ,now, it is both elegant and imposing in seal.
Articles ofithe Toilet in NM • , Brooke, and the United. States is the only :cosobcc 650 . copies ore prioted in royal s to mature. .
TWO -fife -he of. the companiee started yearly Court proceeding as published by the
, -skin. . For country, wear, however, where nation that recognizes his sovereignty. He,
. , ... oaave'size on good book paper, awl bound
. Women take drives and winks abro,ad, in , Among the in.disionsable articles of • a rules over a 'Art of Borneo as teem:nee it cloth, with 'polished red edges pile of id Englend 044 failures. appeared the folloveing words: "Meanwhile
It hi calCuleitecl. thab. there is property she has not been wearing the white flower
.. . the teeth of reds Boreas, a coethahnore Mahe: toilet in 1610 are •mentioned sticks' Ireland, and his subjects nay trihutelia.,fai
-7,' 'these is to be,preeented within a few - days valued at $50,000,000 at the bottom of the
of a blameless life, hencher unwillingness.
to 'undergo a err:ea-examination."
•' comfortable. Some of the newest 'erelong end combs; mascanets, dressings . purles, him in rise. . , s , . .
nee eh to each delegate to the General Conveation " This statement," mid Mr. Holmes, "ie
- enough to reach the knee, have pointedhuffs falls, squares, basks, bodies, eica;fe, net*. ;*rs. liakeside-So your wedffiffig day is which recentlyasseinbled it 13altimore. 'The Atlantic. .
Stammering la almost. unknouaa among
.utterly false.' We can prove it to be totally •
, and heep turned -down cullers and broad laces, rebatOes, border& tires, fans, pelisse seta Jeernme. What minister is going to type will then be reinsporied to as leaf 10 x14 savages' ' unwarranted, and OAR also prove that Mee, . ,
•,. pointed lapels. These will Salem' , over and does, haffe, ruffle oafs,. muffs, Putties. marry yon ? derraima-We haven't decided inthes, mid 500 0°phi-sprinted on hand -made Lord Tennyson had seven' brothers.
s the collar turn bp when occasion demands. fusles, partlets, friziete, bandlets, fillets, yea Mrs. Lakeeide--Then let me'recom- paper and twelve copies on vellum. Those languages. ,
is held in respeet and eateem in Hamilton.
'Turkish is the softest toned of modern Baker bears an unblemished reputation and
'They are often made double-breasted and eroslete, headulets, . amulet& einnulets, mend Rev. gr. Tyet. He is very nioe. 00 band -made pap= are to be bound in The News management has acknowledged,
.onart coat is long, tangle -breasted and has bengracee, foretops, . wigs and periwigs; tion? hgrahleskeside-I erasure of it. He One of the vellum copies, says the Evening ' Sofferera from gout rarely suffer from
other maladies, .
suoh a statemenn and are armoire to have
' look very well on slight women, Another bracelets, fardingdales, Weeds, buskpointa, Jemiicna74ott think he would give satisfam parchment and offered for sale at $20 each. that it had no right or anthorith to publish
.• m• high half collar. ' They are ed . lined with cattle, bodkine, ' bibs, ' biggine, shadows, always Marries me, and always 'shall. 1 Post, will receive unique treetment, both in Fish, files and caterpillars may be frozen
the matter settled. In fact they , offered to
, .aolid end still retain life. be
, plain brown satin,whieh is much less ciumsy shapparoons, patches, noyfes, chinclouts, lain it never have any other. ' printing and binding, as will be the pro- , apologize, but Mrs. Baker refused to
than when quilted. marrymuffs, crofolothes, bodicen three "You can't always depend on popular perty of the General Convention; it is
-Tag low. RUSSIAN SQUARE um. , story plumes backstage und hUPP8.-St opinion," he said gloomily. "How is that?" derognated "The Standard Book," and all
asked his friend. " Why, it is a common other copies musb be certified as accurate A. Sweet Singer 'Speaks Satisfied that way."
at No. 335 Dupont street, who will see that
Mrs. Baker,has relatives in Toronto living
• The newest form of lace berth° is quite Louis Gllobe-Danocrat. One of Montreas sweet singers informed
, marrow in the centre of the front, and also , saying that it 15 as easy to ottlollort tWo as transcripts ' of it. The eleven remaining a druggist the other day that 'Harvard
the suit, which will probably oonie up at
,. sat the back, but' grows wider a,nd wider to. , No Show for Rica. it is to support one." - "Well ?" "Well, copies on vellum will be printed ma hand. Bronehial syrup wee of greab value to her as the Spring Aesizeia is pushed to the fullest
weeds the arras, where it falls over the A pretty and altogether modest young 1 eeent and got married, ,,,and tonley her somely bound at the personal expense of 3.
.ritiliner end me a bill of$25 for a hat. I Pierpont Morgan, who will present them to an „unfailing reraedy for sore throat and extent. -Toronto Star.
, shoulders in immense puffe or epaulettes. trish girl, evidently, a nurse, • stood 1 huskineee el 'the voioe, She was of the
Stenographers% New York.
There is always it aifferenoe of opinion as to 'ardently . waiting her turn in a big . drug
If ' 11 H' i
never paid. more that $3,50 Mr a hat for
myse m my 1 e. Hang popular opin on, preparing bilis sumptuous edition.
those who have most- actively engaged in opinion that it possessed Wonderful proper -
There are now more than 5,000 women,
which is the most becomitg, it low bodice or Store. At last one of the olerks, a ratherties for giving strength and elasticity to the
a equare. The firat has perhaps fewer
, dashing young fellow, disposing of his lasb eaY I." • vocal organs; and elm knew of no other
young and old, who are earning wages in.
flifellotvers thau the square,for the eeason that °manner, made his Way to the young , . , . • ,
that any cud may follow. Boil together, Three liege 'potatom boiled id One
For butterscotch this is a eimple reeipe relate 'Mast. , prepatation. that wee giving such general
New York and Brooklyn. as steriographera,
anoe of the height, whereas, the spier° in- " Ie anyone priming yoo attention, miss'!" quart satisfaction to singers. : , ' '
', Many of the cough remedies of the, day
' the low bodiess &tante front the appear- wianmin Bide and asked politely:
until the syrup will snap when terited in of water ; peel and mesh fine ; add three of ' the • typewriter with their riborthanch
a, host of there cOmbining the manipulation,
- ereaeee it 1,?y being carried up M the The yoang teoinaft blushed, hesitated a mild rveter, one cupful eaqh of edger ana tablespoorifule of tamer. Mit the Mass into aes, naueeeting . mid aerie:ally affect the wok. 1111872 peter ceepet tet aside at,
. shoulders. ' The real HUSSIND &leave goes* moment and anewerelcoely ;
. .• . e New Orleang molasses,
butter, and two tablespoonfuls of oinegar ' been boiled. Add a Mamie:did of good yeast.
half a osteful of a, pint of water ih which the potetoee have atotneols arid digestive tamale. All -who
morn at Cooper Union it which Mrs. Eliza
it band. at lace or embroidery ; but the and one-third of a teaspoonful of Bode- Put in stone jar, arid in feta horde ib Will be hwee used. Harvard Bronohiel Syrup -speak
grapy. • Mr, Cooper himself did not ah-
; • straight WOOS the phest, ad is defined by it egoo sir; 1 axe awned, li. Burns might teecia es free olaes in 'steno-
, most beanniog square bodices are out sOnie Then. MI Sibeke. pot, into a buttered tin when nearly °la! ready to RSO, Keep In it cool place, and wiehitlhdrPelnealBouvresiatbiLlid6 itstakpeleRistanrteatdaiBl7.; iTthieS
evon4more palatal:A e Jaen fine , honey. /sto mare of this branch of work for women.
white Mitt, over which ia laid a little geed "WO Went ellatingon Christmas day, ' wrap each it pa,reffine paper vehen cold. teacupful of yeatit, will make one part of other cough preparatiot is to Strongly fear 'three specific reasons : The art wan
diffieolt and oompticated, requiring a long
two inchee tower, and filled in with eoft, out into egeates with a sharp knife, Loa make fie,/ yeest troit it in four days. Ode
h•most suitable for this purpose ahd it nuey WO eat; and thougls he letW I kneW what
remoted before thehiothes are wain Cade. loaves of bread.
anger -rolls and Orni loaf of bread, or two reconiniendesil by our Canadian dodoes.
Mr. S. It Oldall, of Waterloo, Chita, neried of study and practice to use it 'sue-,
he retnarked that pure white 'lace should A he watt thinking. of, he just remained -silent
until I hit: UPou an idea.” "Wat ./C-- San 10 taken ott with. clear boiling weter s
„,,, Tea- coffee, wine and nearly all fruit Ottani; says : "I cannot speak too highly of Ilars &minty ; the pladdri Where ehorthand Was
practiced were not Mashie for the presence,
- 'lace. ' 'That with Vandyited edge te the tried hard to get hien to PrePosor but th , Fruit, ink, blood or otheretams should b,
' mover be chosen to place next the ahouldem. A Refractory Scholar. Vara Bronchiel Syttip ; iit is Certainly the
A deep- orearri-oolor is far better, Or the ill t ° - " 1 (big AV elie'te° with °eta° ""utee if tot, they will hield to borax; aterneniess Totes rushee heMe fawn seheol and Wrath bed thing / eV"' ft4/ild f6r atz°3 threat and of women ; the bisSiness was a veil. limited
.. desired so long as it is perfectly clean.
, notice how easy it Was to -break the ice."
' '-------'------7.--, .. ink stains can often be remoVed by covering he sobs 1 " no, siert it I'M killed foe it I'
sulphur matchee held under theta thole in "1 rot% go batik to that Se:heel' again" harshtlesti. It works like a cihatre," one, and already frilly occupied by com-
petent practitioners. lint Where aim Inir.
,oriellowtint id old lace leavee nothing M be hito the slippety surface end asked hins. to
ohloride of lime, or the hatnes a boning to te
attollaavatrOrf OF tna Itrarrnit °Raze. Torn -Yon might to have been to the Coopet'e objeetione noW ?
The Empire au. io no universal that oven Mid eritire empire of Persia hare but one :
-Vessel. hent to rercutin several haunt ; if, they
them 'With' salt, dampening and allowing ? ? 1 1 1 theatre with ne last night. Awfully' funny.
Dickens wrote 24 books, oonteining 1,12
s4hoemakerS ate Shoring Binpire slipper& ii They sone to teens ate a enema tot cif We roared with laughter the whole than
limed over the ' inetep, to, *ear with the Husband • (t0 wife from 130aton)-"Yoe demon Oak them in Warm milk or vinegar things that I never heard of before, and I'm ttar17-13et‘imen the "ta) t6a 7 Teta-
. rather Axe in front, show o *ay. foot to of WeleS set. Wife (ttronghnialdedhaNO ; tite or in e weak solution of oitemee si ti -A,04 Ago& •
„ ',AVOCalnitlet:':,1),,c,,argir p„int,to,rthya ;i! the worlel le that bettveett the Manakin
'..,1 that the meet omitly piece of railway 'Melte
Sir E. Wetkirs, the railway magnate, says
- Joilephine gentian The least, being alWays never find any blue Stockings, in the Prince and *Erten Soak 01, eh ei, ,, ee r 0 pa,..0
d ‘"11 tab, in tor on, not owng tp *este my tim tooling theme. NO then we sailed
r Are 1166 WI rosiest bn the encitolitig eibbene. There are said to be twenty-ote lew Anne tile and water', to teutralize the apid, and In tattier WM% defOrthed OCOPIO 'were interesited in Iolanda% that the price of pare); lionee arid Aldgate shaking hi reendern
which required the expenditure: of eleihe ,
' hatantage, but gat IEEtel/S and forge lOints hhos la not a fast color." Acid,. if the latter is used, waoh ai ammo.
. Oregano), era ' 'led it fashion blithe United gteites composed of husband tifixIoloitvfo (dear evetera. A solution of frequently thtmeer into ' Awn ft be keptettt tiel,ill s flotrti:I.eitgraaapeconntttieotf, the scarcity O. upott 810000 R mile.
ad dwill renter° fren Main Setarato of eight
f loWtitif, Which, if we are to lodge from and wife. '