HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-02-05, Page 5111 4 aa, The other' day I was sure we were in fox', our: January .thaw, Wot happen?! Anyway, I'm. ,glad we didn't have it as ;,Ihave been really concerned. since the month of the river has been plugged. I_ remember, too .,well, what happened a couple of yearsJigo with' the ice doing fantastic things and even ;IAA- Januaryit• was threatening. So, I ,am. -hoping, :,we have gradual thaws this spring ands do one gets flooded out. The couple of sunshiny days just adds to the colds and other, sickness, it seems, - with the youngsters „ 'casting . off their waren clothing because, the sun is shining and then not putting _ them back on before it gets'rear cool again. The thing that surprisesme every, spring is the way so many mothers let their little ones wander around in practically nothing while TI-IEY are wearing slax and warm sweaters --•- and good Warm boots. Their kids are a reddish -blue to their waists and you just know they'll have a good cold the next day. I know how hard it is to keep those gremlins" dressed properly, them.. They learned to look after The clothes cdme off easily as themselves in self 'defence - just soon as the sun shines but try to.. couldn't stand me chewing at get them back Qn , before:them SQ, we e.1' grew up With.,. nightfall when: it getting real very little; time out for illnesses • cool. THAT is' the big 'pr'oblem a. and :1 think that shouk'd be worth;' I reiixember' when my guys . -an' E for ffort? were little 1 had a motherin-law So I think they are: trying' - W119 -believed in leaving the -long ' to remove some of -:that wall ,of. • johns on, until the twenty-fourth siltin, the river piouth —,but will of May .•-.and we .wel<e.Xiving ltis they have it done in time?_ the Sun Parlour of Canada! You'.. Plans for the "Winter could . get •a'tan• in February and ° Carnival"N ". arc coming along fine it Might he'dayS and -days of real - and, I have..a.MII I4Pli cans warm weather,,,, but no, , you waiting to be ,transformedx,into shouldn't take • off`. the warm curling `stones' for TIN CAN clothes: CURLING; Are you interested? ' Tome ,that „ w as a. 'lot- of nonsense, and you can see that T. wouldn't be very popular with that lady because when- it was warm OFF came the heavy, things, but back they went .,as soon as the temperature cooled. It was quite a job trying to round up kids the neighbor's tach — to get them back into , sweaters etc. but I'll 'bet I had the healthiest kids in the block. I just had no patience — or time — for colds and sickness. . If they were i sick that was different but they caught heck • for trying to be — if I caught MINOR HOCKEY PLAYOFFS 'Sund'ay, February 8 4:30 P.M. Fort Huron vs.,Goderich MIDGET HOCKEY ADMISSION 25c 'THURS.,. RI.; SAT. 30 THE SQUARE PHONE '524-7811 AIRGQNDITIONED' FEB. Si - 6, 7 Jack Lemmon and - Catherine Derieuvq are "The 4pril Fools" - Technicolor! e A Cinema Center Films Presentation. A Nationdi General Pictures Release. (Adult Entertainment) one 'Complete Show on Thurs. starting <at J8.00 ,Two Shows Pri. & Sat. starting at 7.30 and 9.04 SUN., MON.. TUES. FE.B.r, 81 9, 10 4 - We had hoped to get the ice at Snug Harbour ready . for outdoor curling and skating — but I don't know if we're going to make it! .a I see a great many little rinks * 'all over town and the youngsters en �1 hold eel n . UCW er rink. `Dad' was spraying the grass heavily and son John kept electf . firers for 19%'O 4 Goderich's own :Fl ,in Fatherstook the'ice againstPee We es , „ , �' � �the 1111 es ast Friday night at the arena and it was sticks against brooms. That's Doug Cruickshank (who should have been given more penalGties than 'he called) about to drop the puck between centre Ken Hutchins and two Fee°Weer. —.staff photo. saying, "You're not doing it right,, Dad." ,After the second or third failure Dad said, "What did you say?" Son -said, "The lawn is too soggy,. just THROW some pails, of water on and let that freeze, then later we can use the' hose." They have a dandy rink,`now and father learned something. — So did I! How are you doing in the "Knitting and Knotting" department? I . hope, you are makingasome of those" -nice long - . long - scarves.. You" could be a winner! I suppose you .are going to, be all diddied-up for .the big ball this Saturday? Good! I'm sure most of you have your' calendars marked for the Jotary Club Travel Series on the Tenth? Good! Then we have some . winter carnivals.coming up, ours on the• weekend of 21 and 22. Good, Good — Good! Arid how about weiners -and beans, while we watch the big bon -file? That', too, should be Good! Here's another date for your calendar: June 3 for the Hospital 'Auxiliary Tea and Penny Sale. You know February is HEART MONTH — in more ways than one. Have . that• „check-up. ^ • On Wednesday, - Feb. 11., *the Children's Aid Society banquet is held in Goderich this year. Special mention will be made of the Foster Mothers who give so much of . themselves 'and their -family to help less fortunate children. This month we expect meetings to be in Goderich, Colborne - and Holmesville schools arranged by the teaching staff of G.lS:C.I. in co-operation with the teaching staff of the elementary ^sch'ools of Goderich and district. Interested parents will attend to 1 discuss education .in Huron` County. _About ;f 0'0 parents_ have indicated . that , they ARE interested and it is gratifying to know they are not just beefing and staying home, they are taking time out to discuss whether Junior should have more time in•' languages "Or Phys -Ed. and other problems regarding education in our schoofs today. Five weeks.- to .Easter Holidays! How's that for 'a GOTCHA! This Saturday Feb. 7 the Beta Sigma' Phi Sorority have their -- = Bake Sale at Denomme Flower Shop. Lots and lots of goodies and sale starts at 1. The Mirisch Production Company 66Presents h fira 13. row biome United Artiste. COIOIt'ty 1kl.tnf�e united AMiits. One Complete' 'Show Starting at --000 p.m. FRANK ROSS-T.ET.PRODUCTIONS present igB iirs lir 'BOTH SHOWS'— ,ARE ARE A0MIT1AMd1 I, RESTA!•CTED unmsaAct amar BOTH SHOWS ARE Starting WE -D., FEB. 11 for 7 ' Days (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) soot uituee u MOO • NUL IE'ANREDFORD KATRABI BUTCH SSIDY AND THE SUNDANCE KID. _.. A GEORGE ROY Hli4 PAIii MOHASH PRODUCTION CoStarring STROTHER MARTIN JEFF COREY HENRY JONES . Euculiy. Producer. PAUL MOHASH, Produced b% JOHN TOREMAN Directed by GEORGE ROY HILI, Written by WILLIAM 601.01444 Musk Compoud end Cendylt.d by IUIIT IACHAHACH A NEWAAN•FCREMAA PRESEHTATIC PANAYISIOH0 80101 /y 0(LUXE Mµ Euhre, There were seven- tables in play at' the . euchre during;: the weekend at St. George's Anglican Church. Winners were ladies, Mrs. Glenda Tipert; men, Elmer Draper; girls, Susan Tigert; boys, Wayne -Graham. - The officers -of the-U:C.W, of Victoria United Church were installed' during the churrch service January 18. The first general meeting was held Feb. 2 with Mrs:. -S: C: Argyle presiding: - Urlit 1, with Mrs. F. Barker, Mrs. H. Larder and:. Mrs: P. Barker lead -in the worship service. • Mrs. L. Warr sang a solo; Program was provided by Mrs, G. Currell who gave a paper on "How the Bible Came To Us" and "How To Read' the Bible." Business was conducted by the president and the many activities slated 'promise a busy, happy year. Unit 1 served refreshments. Newly elected officers -are: President, Mrs. S. C: Argyle; first . vice pr ident, Mrs. E. , Mcllwain; secd td vice- president, Mrs. Mary' Morris; secretary; Mrs. Al Linfield; treasurer, Mrs. V. Smith. . Corresponding secretary, Mrs. E. -Patterson; • Unit leaders, -Mrs. Ben Freeman,' Mrs. G. Curren and Mrs, E.:Patterson. Other heads of committees 'and representatives to hoards are: • Mrs. J'. Thom•psorr, Citizenship and Social Action,; Mrs. Ruth Hayden, Cofnmu Pity' Friendship. ,.and Visiting And chairman of membership; Mrs. C. Feagan, Co-operation ..• in . ChristiSn and Missionary Education; _Mrs. F. Horton, chairman of Finance; Mrs. 'M. Fowler, flowers; Mrs. Ed Linner, L4terature and Communications; Mrs. G. purrell, program;. Mrs. A. Fuller, Stewardship .",and Recruiting; Mrs. R. Hayden, 'Supply and Welfare; Mrs. R. Hoy, Social Functions (committee' not complete); Mrs. •; S. C. Argyle, Press and Publicity. Mrs. Mary Morris was honored Monday evening at the Victoria Street- UCW .meeting when she -was presented with a life membership pin and certificate by -her 'fellow members in Unit 1. • APPOINTMENT Colonel Senclers'Rrrcipe 'r ► F,1EL ,O+ oDERI H' 520111 'DINING N1f We regret thai Thenimensiona we'ui to play last week due to it 1pe"ss. TAKE `HOME -SHOP 87 KINGSTON STREET Located Beside The Gulf Station At The Five Points F1 -O' SA11 wR FEB.' 2 to 8 AND FEB.' 16:to 22 AbOoad FREE KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN SNAK PAK 'WHEN 'YOU 'BUy ONE AT THE'REGULAR PR ICE ° ANNOUNCEMENT RAY .CHISHOLM McGee Pontiac -Buick ,are {leased to announce the addition of Ray Chisholm- to their sales staff for new cars, trucks and,"Goodwill" used cars. Ray has- , been -associated with the service station business for some time and As fully qualified to assist you in the selection pf yotir`next , car or truck. ( 41.A sof 4CIUNO k1n le4o. w 1 A II Oki* t One Show Only Wed., Thura., Sun., .Mon., -Tues.; starting at.. 8.00 p.m: Friday and Saturday, Two Shows starting at 1.30—and 9.25 pm: CULBERT'S BAKERY The Home of 'Tasty Pastries t -os --*'• HOT CRASS BUNS FRESH EVERY DAY * HEART SHAPED CAKES, FOR VALENTINE'S * HEART SHAPED._•,DOO•KIES * SEVERAL• -..VARIETIES OF HOME• MADE BREAD Cocoanut Cream And Chocolate Cream Pies w_a The gutsy newpatsun 1600 Pickup is lots more truck foT$2205` We took the best-selling imported truck in' North America and gave it anew heart. A gutsy 96 horse- power powerplant-.-That's 43-% more power-thanit ,had'Iast year. Now it zooms along even when you Toad it with a ton of anything. And it just won't"quit. -Buy it and it pays you back. Quickly'. Because you ' can •trust Datsun 1600 to deliver up to 30 miles per gallon, and it'spractically marintenanCe-free. It's built like a truck,.with heavy duty. suspension and steel girder frame, but that doesn't.mean it handles like a-1r"uck. It's like a Car -- easy to • handle and a cinch to park. And it has all the good things:'instan.t-acting heater/defroster with blower, all synchro 4 -speed stick shift,• quad headlights, 3 -place bench seat. And the performance is ,something else -- lots of pull. Great acceleration,. Easy all -day cruising -a't-70. Datsun 1600 pickup.When you're careful with a buck, 'this is your truck. Why spend more -than you have rto? x Test-drive a Datsun at any,of the 200 dealers . in Canada. A. n DATSU.N 1600 the 'more--for-your-moneytruck Every Thursday Friday and Saturday • t * SUGGESTED RETAIL_ PRICE AT PORT OF ENTRY,TOFfONTO: There's a Datsun for you: 1000 2•Doar and 4 -Doer Deluxe Sedaps. 1600 2 -boor and 4 -Door Deluxe Sedans and Wagon. 240-r Sports, 1600 and 2000 Sports. 1601) Pickup. Over 800 batsun,dealers in North America. Nissan Automobile Co. (Canada) {,td. factory zone offices and parts depots at: Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Halifax\ Gerald's $•u Pertest Box ,249, Comer Main Straof and Hwy. 8, Soaforth, Ont., Titephofl :597.1010 • 4 dC.wa:� M * SNOWMOBILE RACES . .`ICE SCULPTORS * DANCE HOCKEY 041Y,12„_$.1, * O. rDOO. A ' J �.' �}� •y� eui , y w. : vt �'. ".D�� ,mss. t ,c�� �v ,.:ra,. ..•5.M,1,":�'t,1Gtw'lt5i '1HT..'7 P .a, .�+ .w.�;, EF,.ikXa. rnn i XY::fii � 'd�_:Lxc�; ,w7 •.,'„▪ .,; 4f . "'" s , . "2-b+ fi'li'SA�,i� "`°'� "�N'" 1 W �-...d_'�. •ER■"i0NRrA Sponsored ;y Coder:kit fkecrea"tido And Community :Centre Board