HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-12-15, Page 2112 to alt' st, • .. . . ,..., . .. - .... ., . , ... . . . ... - NOTES . F , Qount Ferdinand . for the Vie Headsman 10....juss-50 Elie ithst tilliaek Kent rarits hi , !Ft , ' ' . • "' _ t ' , . cable" he brought.t before tree long „hanging over has become months ago f '1 ' 'd ann y an la Chesnaye he had retired . . body ha d thou lit that, (141 d his rendered P he th 1,43'1.nPa 5' it is not. _ d two or an • %lament has majority of either er aps, however, P h h .. France is accustomed . ,nien• . MSTER, INI The 'proseoution without considerable' Atilt remains things of which ignorant., that the majority posed. to the there was but a Second Quesnay de direct ' ly opp • ' Minister of scene and. leagues in the the prosecution, ity, and would is believed of vengeance , Justice, who 'properly treated important Post," he. is, "but the Cabinet blioe' pu does Grand FraileeiS. seeing howmanywere Canal. ' People faith or honesty., lied hie optimism ' astray: It who induced earned savings the Panama and ensure fortunes. How Rumor claims will whioh will make fortunes tioaite an filled their court. Financial themselves play.a role criminal one Nearly all. -sums to puff kit loan there itself conspicuous d t le* nn er a mg .thing unpleasant, Paris woke it had changed tine of the prosecution movement sumption of ment, however, Chance of success, coup de grace. ' MORE DYNAMITE ,,. . a. eaA Week'hae '•,,tlie'itties des .eenied in that enjoying the less preparing ' or the kind f perhape, is Everybody . h eit er an etep this expectation there 11 b . ere se will be a, good Anarchists stricken b consequences tion, against . t d f killing ins ea. o .._ had destroyed been greater , them a policeman in employed • h• h they w vs ey The stream theft immediately enterprising, Anarchists talents to others to risk PA.CIDITY What is - end feeling sidered, it *ory system of building or ap p' helpe the campaign, . The panic comes no police immures materially ' t lay easier oan house than ehop or to pick offered to the work and to caught in the eiti where it n a day go up a OOP COM takes place time, or to , pearanoe ? manner that iris Angled p h bl roe° a 0 nt1ppotied that • -• : • , arlythmg infernal. PARIS - If M. Deibler 'lodging should qtunice of a dee hautee ceireree hard necesoity Was. in the , Mit - undet hu g, ulnees permissnan La Roquette R OM Thoughts Ilan' Hp , avrig.ht ,IA ealle.•-• , • •,,,,r44',.rae, • asss 4,. find years an he ae ttl ? but forgotten.h• countr held would v!. CD three the or OF The no ground report Beaurepaireawhith orate Justice, suddenly that on consi occasione.who,'' reported not was,he, would them van says show army pockets exposed. in in the the • ,• up canal is which the sweets' V no in 1 onon e are y 'the Of the , _ in propping are of and who the their haproaenino of artements Anarchists which decrease to ,steal dynamiters run acts let 1 arid I 'rge 4, , on detect . . Revo,chol altogether were gl 0 ExECUT/ONDR judicial, . deepeedeney With . THE G ANTAL AY C' , ,, , , ' ' • •. thin the prohlent of lodging his wife would remain Iiiisolved ; for it is evident front the leatdlotel'e acoeunt of ble interview With 14, 'end Madame Deibler -When the lease of the lodgings in the Rue de Bel Air watt .eigoed, that the exeoutioner'e wife' considers' that she and her husband are professionally one and th.e thine, and that she ,is no less .0 pertonege than Madame de Paris. .It musb have been agreed between them before , . . . they entered, the house that the lady should • • . , do all the tellung, Deibler felt that if he sPebe he inight betray iMeasineaS, like one of his owu patients on approaching the goil- lotine. While. t.he conVereation was going re Ifea.as.tehwe aheaobheginrgo-a•wr4dittaeanheoutprho't olineptanade far dentl,v could, with ' his head bent down and bin bends resting 'upon his nrnibing'siliek• He was the picture of the tespeotable . elderly hour g co ts , who has • absolute F014' AeDOS in' his wite's sagacity, and who is not , , . . ., allowed. to interfere. in bueinese matters. Hem°raNusgulaRaAvileD'ImigAteDnAZE,DaEnZA:las.t.ohed, however, with feverish interest, and must Wive given a sigh• of relief when the land-' lord affixed his signature to the nine years , lease. " Something meat have flashed sue- piciouo into the landlord's mind,for,turning .to Deibler, he said : , . "Arenot called Monsieur de Paris?" . you n • - , " Yes, we are," replied Madame Deibler. , , " If I had known that before, 7 said the landlercl, "1 should not have accepted you as tot:tante " . ". So much the worm for you," replied . the lady • "what is done is done.' ,. When it became known in the house Oast Deibler was soon to take up his quarters there the other lodgers gave. notice to 'quit in repid eumession. Believing that the . executioner is destined to be blown up sooner or later by Raeachol's avengers, they d 1' ea, too to run any risk of being blown up with him. . The landlord feels as if a vulture had settled upon his head, and if he cannot get the sinister bird taken off him . the poor man may soon lose his reason. If P , , . Deibler continues to hold on (and this is • • his present' mood) the courte will be ap- pealed to. ' • ' The executioner's adventures in search of a lodging will' make excellent materiel for those . who are writing reviews of the year's events for the theatres , ' • ' . • • FESTIVE GRAND DREES. At resent Paris is a •paradise of Grand Dukes, P . an e e ec a e ground the d 1 t hi' ' huntingd of imperial other " hiohn sees " in ,.eand. , d - e f search . of society an pleasures o , . a. cOarraingly captivating kind. There . - are, or were, a few . days ago, no an mem ere of e fewertheight b th Russian Royal family in the gayand volatile i ' ld ht' brothers fC o ty, me u ingt e two o the• Liar,. the Grand Dukes Alexis and Vladimir, who a end a lot ef their leisure in France, Duke _P George o euc ten erg, 8 a ° 0 f L h b the Grand D k and Grand Dachau of Mecklenberg-SchWerin, and the wife of the Grand Duke Vladimir, when in usua y , a sorb o • Paris,11 holds' b f Imperial Court, en miniature, at which 5 o c oc a is a is we some o ' 1 k tea ' feature.It ' 11 ' ' f these, Grand Dukes, who generally make the. Hotel Continental their headquarters, • • dme go about with their wives in - close atten - th ' Imperiallik anoe, as even eirHighnesses e d d to an o shake a loose leg sometimes. a t_ d " Paristh hl d ' o oroug y during their f re uent visits • and if some beau o l' r , ri . • . ava ie ., of course is seen to be the an - incognito, I / meted 0 , entre of it group of grisettes or. pretty Parisiennes at more or less well- k osvn places of resort Oahe ten to one it n . P -' ' is a Grand Duke, who has escaped his matri- menial myrmidon for a wild half hour' oei , . ' his own account • A FRENCH OPPICER'Si wIFE CuRE. • ' • Apropos of the rage for lady's clubs and the penchant for all sorts of masculine emancipations e which ' raged among • the beauties ,of the , brilliant Second Empire, there is a droll aneodote of a 'French officer who was determined to cure kis young wife of her nudes in that direction. He was attached to the household of the Emperer; and 'she was a very lovely woman, and he kept her under it rather genet .surveillances .However, she, bec.ame. a little restive under e une and me ired b this r g , , p y the example of the frisky matrons about her, joined one f th " • h" clubs' hie o ese manilla . , w h were the vogue for emancipated granola dames in Paris. Her husband was greatly annoyed, •but •said not a word, and bided his oppor- tunity. ..• ' • ' HE FLAYED PENELOPE. , , At length Colonel Madame went into the country for a day or two; and the captain determined to give her a lesson.' When she returned to the capital there was no indul- . gent hubby waitingo meet he ea rail. g y t r I, the way, station ; and when she reached home, still greater was her . surprise.' She found her ' apartments utterly transformed. ',All her pretty little knick-knacks and feminine trifles had disappeared,' and in their place were the various sundries proper to a gen- tleman's dressing -room and sitting -room. ,She rushed to her husband's apartments to , ask the meaning of this change; but paused on the threshold, scarcely believin gher f th • eyes, or ere, surrounded by all his wife's dainty little, ladylike appurtenances and , ornaments, t ' e cap o'ne, a paper of hers over his' eat th stalwart shoulders, and his great hands laboriously stitching at a pica, f f dl k. ' . : • o fancy nee ewer , "Are you mad?" she cried. ' " Oh, dear no 1" replied he, coollythread- ' mg Ws needle • only, as.you wish to change ! I' 1 -,.d e your sex, thought a better do the same-je joue les Penelopes ! ' . . DE mAurASSANT AND HIS MANIA. • . • As the Comedic: Franc:al:se is about to produce a Work VAL Guy ge agaupessant, those who had almost forgotten that the popular novelist and conteur was still among .the, living have ' recently been making 'inquiries respecting him. It appears that, . although statements have been made from ' time to time representing him on the high to recovery, his condition is regarded by medical men as hopeless. ' It is now nearly a year since he began to show those dreaded eyinptoms of mental disease which _ . 1 " d '' fit f f • soon en mutate m a t o furious madness, , His doctor has just given it singularly athetio and mournful icture of th ' t 1 pp .e in e. - lectual ruin that has overtaken the brilliant d , i . - • an too moll c writer at an ag • em 'e a e when InanY a 1. r ry man o ac now e geas k Id al talent h• oly begun to enrietge from Obscurity. aupassant's originality Wei followedabout- him - even in hie madneas. There is . d . f ' 't taking.. no racer o intem y ths t • , ortn 1, , In us ,, ow. en . 't has• 1 ' Wh the terrible eXeitoinent which rendered b ' im • ' dangerous to hirnself and to other e 'named d h d* ti ti d h the o • ' ti own e was ea hie e se . , y onvie on thht he had, lost ideal!: " Where ate - h .ht ? A hto my t oug s ave you seen rely thoug le ?"' ' the that h - ' anyvv erp wore e words at e was ooettanbly repeating. The notion that his ideas could go out of ' himself, could still •"He's t dmight la t d b ' I' exit, an e.reoove e y sear° ing for them, ere* stronger and ettonger, rDITTINO eurrcluxES HIS FLED THOUGHTS. ,. . . . , . TO kis great joy, hearty? ono day the air , . . 'around him peepled with 'hutterfluoi of er3r9 . , , . _ , , oolor, and each was one of his lost ideas. His delight: was then to chase them ana to think thot he held them. As the old pas. , ' • ' ' , non remained strong after the mind was wrecked, he -Soon began to compose, • or; rather, to peiat, with butterflies silitingthe. . • ' • ' i' tt el colors of the imaginary being that flu, ere . around him to tho thotighte, thet he weed far. The black hutter1tes • , were fin, , seduces, the roseeeelored for gaiety the golden for glory. A .lelood-red Varlet; eyntbolized a Drone into which th, hereei and heroines. of WA dation. are es . 'pecially liehle to fall, To see him eeise ! betterflo by its Wings, •which. Were onl; visible ' to 'hiine Pleoe it with' the litre° oare beside another of a different hue, we deeply distressing to his friends, altheugl to hirn this osotipation was Ids only Solage But the dithas. e lees made. such dead; A progress that new Gey de Maupassant n. longer pores imaginary butterfiiee in th. endeavor to recover his, lost ideas, but ha sunk into that etate of apathy which ac companies absolute yummy, of mind. nu DID$ T Luta Bum:, BALD. , Count Teenier, a well•kneWn Parham " elegant " who 'has the misfortune to b 1 ld luso just sued sued a hair ' opeoialist ' foi t1170 .' r eacrio v3 of some thousande o ' frans, The shiny -headed . noblemai finding that his. " billiard ball.' encouraged the playful satire of hi • lady -love, more given , to laughter ' Viai weepbag, went in.quest of the " medico ' of chevelure, begginghtm to ream, We re gretted lecke. The doctor persuaded hio to pay down some thousands of franca, witl the written promise that he would one him in two months, ma the condition of ; free use . of his prescribed lotions um . h • ' 'd . ' lotions eine, however, hqui a of eanou . . , hideous nuts, .and after a week's appliea tion eitnply horrified the Count, the latte has brought an action' against the war "medico " whose defence is: "1 told you 'should cure you if you stuck to my treatmen . for two menthe. ouhave not pursued tha course, therefore your"claims are nil. Th Count Faye that had he done so his hem would now be the odor of mahogan; streaked with purple. ' ' The courte will shortly decide the qua tion. RIDE AN AND GROOM SHOT. , ., ,il LET • as , MORNING Noted Addressed Kissed and in Pathetic , found lot He com, panion Cormier. arose comprised grapes.. solemnized the a,nd then was of Queer's, Jailor the along At by willingness . 'addressed forgiveness injured, as .he and pod then to go the the shouted the Buck Buck's the of into and his body a tremor . his pulse is within noose ' take and and . shirt, wore by ten coroner's in charge in the • but since his only Battle only Bur and had Buffalo. that unconscious to Buck he has Ex -Inspector now night be the and that this at half-mast oittward on Buck's . , Buck's 'of be • This proves his co -called , , posts eight In the of second and fastened • • is him and into is the . spent prisoner, he did Father 'f in which one consolation the last to done anything i am yourself. constant life, forgiveness, andilX s forgiveness died 'before 1 ;wish bub, ifIneVer,. the good friiiiid, in is the and to , ii . a, , ' Identined Radcliffe "Kay ise iiis guilty Steadman lest, paused • Labbe 10 and corridor. there pinioned • prisoner; and '. the the and ' • adjusted. on cap was "Go you." hangman sawdust, the in that 30 seconds.' horror wore' no after ininutes accordance 'Roman in sister Butler, jail Landrigan, deceived Pinkerton and notorious ' the 38.c,alibte, pistol , feet latter the caught jerka instantly. remains 'a .centra not Cormier peniten- id convict sorry meet with as to but with for met Chtistiari. and Paradise, May a the 1 , , w--- ..as , , ,‘ ' ,• Chicago the. the God Geed- Died shirt Letter of" was the dur- At and ate coffee, After- in and theexe• o'clock. the . were • • formed and Tait; the • prayers scaf- noose, then to • these of and forgave thelaat On kiss- forgive' •or very was noose a Good. then to shouted last weight air 'a flash swung ,of the ceased death thirty was ad- it was mei- to dressed dark jacket a black ' the in- , of by • • °moor. 6 ,years brother, of the was of a. son, Buck if he from of saw 'he itr,. burglar. morning on sign body . y leg, mur- con. con- was . • ' about apart, ' are bearna, The pulley, to ' to the - bed of of nearly , who shoot ' a most to you to days of God. yqu art power. We Your effort your a re-, your for us. A . out 1 could • v.. of iii1L',E CIod's may God. fervent guard'. iail foramorwo od tlyiniteartvh1:7 svolrtmlitBert:Oka•tu Praye Jim offered a short prayer, Cleneiderrible conversation took place, jim'e lest words , . • wero c "Be" Be of breve heetrt.' After jun klatl lefb foe. Hervey Atkieeen and Mrs. R. EMinertion, of the W. C. T. IL, entered the cell and sang several hymns. and offered .. prayers in private. ' . ----- AELIOUS 'Wein= ColaVerte a goneywon. Into a Tragedy, ' . , Do Lenge To Be Tried Panama canal swindle. --,— . , Shouted. Robert Olga Jerked Into Eternity " -- IRo.T BY A DIVOlian WIFE. A Cairo Ill. deepetch payee The most ragio event that hag ever eoeurred in this ity took plan) at the :Mutat? gokuie ,thi fternoon, Oeptain. Ransom Sampsona rell-latown eteemboet pilot, was shot and Istantly killed, hie bride of a week is riser. illy wounded, and, the jealoue women who tut the bullets on their minden of death ea npon a cot with a, gaping wound in her wn ,breast. • Captain Sampson oh 6ined a divorce several years ago .om his . firSt wife on account E infidelity. Later he beciame :Apointed with May Sams of Jonesboro, 1. She had stated to . her friends that ley were engaged to be merriedi and that iehad her wedding clothes made in reparation for that event, which the said as to have occurred soon. Last Wednes- so' Sampson married Miss Lizzie Spiers, a aantiful and highly esteeinedyoung women Hialrma.n Ky., After a short wedding , • , tux Mr. and Mrs. Sampson came to this ty this morning and went to the Planters' ouse. About 1/ o'clock May 'Swam appeared at Le office and. asked to sea the bride and !OOTO. , She is a pleasant -faced woman, id was neatly dressed. There was nothing , her appearance to indicate that she was Toed. and intent upon -an errand. so terrible 1 , events proved. Thinking, her tO be a lend of the • happy couple, the 'clerk reeted her to the room in which they ere. About half an hour later the clerks id others in the office, below were startled r six pistol shots. Simultaneously with Le last shotwere heard.a woman's screams, ad Mrs, Sainpson came rushing down the airway with blood ,pouring from a wound , her bosom. ' Gusts of the hotel helped leer to a seat, Idle others rushed up to her 'room. A tartly sight met their gaze. Sampson lay i the floor in the .agony of death. Seated i the side of the bed was . May i3ants, with hole through the bosom of her dress. redly • over the heart, through which Lod was pouring. Asked who did , the Looting, she replied : "1 did ite". but oidd not say any more., The widowed ride was hit by two of the bullets, both' tar the centre of the breast. May Sam's • ennd is fatal. To -night it was learned, that May Sams Id planned the deed deliberately. She -• we .a friend $90 in money with the :mark : ".That wffl. be enough to bury e," and then affectionately said good-bye. Then she went to the room at the hotel te told Mrs. Sampson that she had male to 11.1 her•the kind of a man she had married id then to kill him. At the hospital she dd she was sorry she shot Mrs. San -Trion. he was glad Sampson was dead; but hoped it) bride would recover. Only alight hopes re entertained of Mrs. Sanipson's recovery. lay Sams is sinking and her death- is ex- acted before morning. 1ind ldis iodgiugs-6uY De Medend littlans ittatternles ouand the -The C ut Re814mlr-ilow a "WO 'ewe from liter Clubs -AU of Dalmatia° Bombs. • penes, Demmeeen, . ,, ,,,, IC transit glom " may well .,,,,, .he. said of Count e , Ferdinand, De L55, - •,, • sePs• rno" P°Pu . , .. ., . known as - ' 414,.e4eserpshtoavuitoogouarst: 0 • tonished the world and been, hailed everywhere as the "Grand F r a n- e himself in his old age the bar of justioe. For the' proSecation has_ been his head, and now at laSt a lished fact A few oescorop . left Paris with his numerous d d ' his Chateau de e . own in . . 1 for some time previous y d from the worldan every. It • ht b him. might e considering the service he , and the distinguished f3orr ,thoh a long period, be found On his, side but . , • course there are clamp ions, , a ere say that the Gov - P- P • . the mede a mistake, but e organic of public opinion are cation approve of the prose . thi ' t t • h' a Is no as onis ing, . to immolate her great . • JUSTICE sTARTs.THE HARE. , . was not decided upon difficulty, and there. behind the curtain mall), the ,publie are at present Procureur•General, finding of the Ministers were o . • . p - prosecution, reported that for taking proceedin ,d gs was drawn up by M. Inane. to a conclusion. M. Rica , ' • ' rd • the however, came. On ;Announced to 'hie col- Cabinet that he had ordered - on.his own personal author. abide bythe consequences. It the whole a,ffair is a piece the part of the Minister of 'dere that he has not been by his colleagues on several a, lose me a! 1 ra':" ' to have remarked, will fall with me." The ' • h the ex- sympathize wat . This is not surprising, ed e the penama ruin y ,won't good may not doubt .his go but they say that ,he oar- too far and led themThey" they.add, and he alone, them to invest their hardly .under the pretensions that outdo the Suet Canal and their families large . PRESS WAS sQuARED. that extraordinary 'die- be Made during the •trial, how . some people can out of public:. eals,mitiee... of contractors who., have .will come before' the celebrities will also find The press, too, will the prosecution, but not a the exact sense 'of the woid. papers .reoeived handsome canal. At the time of the wits one paper that made by . Ha opposition to the day 't published some. every.i about it. One morning and found that in the night , its opinions ; .a represents,' had. paid it a visit. The not calculated to advance the is being made for the re- oanal works: That move. seems to have very, little and the trial may be its . . . ' RxPLOSIONS EXPECTED. . passed since the explosion in Boas Enfants, and all con. abominable crime are still of liberty, and doubt- other tutprises of the' same filo Lunuere " ur r• " , . S p ises, longer the word to use. Paris it. expecting to hear or p news o one. , • the f If be not fulfilled ehortly disappointment,r'I) t th no u ere •.... . deal : of astonishment. The not the men to be conic:learn- horrible and unfore een . . 8 their dynamite.demonstra- ..Carniaux Company. If,fateI . • • • • •' four • once, officere they g , p. . , ey 500, their joy would.have the same proportion. To is merely an instrumentfr ' • the whole up e system tryingt blow t 0 01,7 o emcee. the recent plot will make concerned, in it more Put courageinto hesitating have hitherto confined their safer game of Othnulating skins. . . POR BOMB 'PLANTING. . here and the gen. F. .-ng ' ' .road insecurity, ought to be con- strong argument against the great houses to lot out in to numerous occupiers. enormously in their is mainly one of terrorism, , _ , from the knowledge that or other precautions will the danger. It is much • f 1 Machine in a P ''LL in mute Parit a mall article from it a pocket. Every facility is to carry on their . ,, , very little risk of being In a house, for 'butane°, d f I ' th ' f u e o peep o ne e °ounce o come down the stairs, how . he expected to tee what 064 landing at the teme , an Anarchist' by his ap- . .. . - - . dressed himelf Ina , 0 disarmed suspicion. good, hie hot wore eh ine. , ay. 0 and nobody could h • 0 OP ., ' hie little gripsadk °obtained - . • . . IN A PIX. , ' a latest attempt to seente a ,prove a failure in cense. decision the "exeouteor ,f • ' inety be driven to the of stretching his Weary of futile hotuni- en arch of the Font. ea . X o be graiated lom th sleep at , his dear guillotine. EVOil . ... NruAT DID pAp.a. KAT? --• U0E1A0WIS• the 110Y Know% lununna Knows, Out Gm Clerks and We Don't Know, He wad not a ball little boy. ,On the ' eontrery, he was one of the WiVeetesti and. meet charmingly , innocent oreotures of 5 tender yeara who ever went out ehopping with bit proud manuna, He was henget.eriendi His mar:lama-well, what mamma is really, • truly and unflinchingly lion*? . , She was inspectiug some curtains way up in the top story of one of our big retail..a.,,,,,slarty etoreseand, aids usual in such oases, saw' thmethiug better than she could afford. • Of , course the saletnoun Wanted to sell her the higher priced geode. , . .. " • a si h .' "They are lovely, said she, with g , "but I ean't go any higher.' No, we can't go any higher," repeated the little chaps donfidently, "because. •ke are on the top floor, and the elevator don't go any further 1" -, • u hter Mamma s Wes and the geneeal la g . among the ralesmen and cash' girls pleased the blue-eyed darling very much. He felt himself very wise indeed.' . ', ii • • Half an hour later he wasstewing to a B bargain in rugs on roadway. cri don't know whether it vrould please my husband or not," said she," looking at one of the dozen that hed'been pulled down and epread before her for the fourth or fifth. time. . . ' " Papa don't know anything about it,' chimed in little' blue -eyes. . 11 8...-sh fir . . " Well, you told him so this very morn -silent big.' . , -fie " S -ah! 1 ski" But she • looked a tn. red in the neck, while the, saleeman patted the curly head and smiled. "You did, mamma," persisted the child, who'resented both the sign .of maternal dis• approval and clerkly patronage. "And 44-.....- • -- AT DORCHESTER THIS , , _____ Constable E•teadman's ishirderer as lines ' Whom, a , Iturglar-Pather Croutier crowd Before Bangui= Pulled tho Bolt-linek . erliCilitX and Exolainied, . God Forgive Ilse," "Everybody, be" -There Was No Knelt 0. Thirty see,ondsmanged Sleeves-PrisonerJtim's -....: los Last Night on Earth. . , Olson, alias Buck, who was themurder of ,Police constable at Moncton, N. B., on August hanged here this morning. • ' night easily. Hio spiritual ing, the niglat was Rev. Father 7 o °leak the ,condemned man a hearty breakfest, which • . three eggs upon toast and "wards Men for the dead was the cell byFatherio Cormier, 'Gaynor. Owing to a heavyrainstorm cution was postponed untilnearly At 9,30 standard time -the officials hangman, Radcliffe, entered Back shook hands with all tears in every eye. Radcliffe Buck's arms and the procession. as follows .: Sheriff Freeze; Deputy.Keith ; Dr. Teed and • Fathers Cormier and Labbe; Constables Wilbur and Lawrence, .hangman. . ' , , , As the proceseion moved for the dying man were read. fold Buck took his 'stand shook hands with the ha,ngrnan the prieste. He expressed shake hands with anybody. Father Cormier briefly present, and said Buck.asked everybody whom he had ever hoped to receive forgivenese, everybody. • His legs were then pinioned rites of tile Church administered, ing the erucifighe said: "May me. ' The black cap was As at first it did nob appear easily, he laughed. When ;finally adjusted. and • placed around.his neck, he bye," everybody." The prayer recited and Dr. .Gondet ,shouted heaven," and Buck said ".Thank Then there was a pause, waiting.for the signal, and "Let her g9." Theee were words. The signal was given, fell' with a thud into it bed Buck's body sprang up with an instantaneous jerk, then, was a rebound, and to and fro with scarcely , muscles. In seven.minutee to heat. The medical belief s absolutely inatantaneous Bermuda from the time the justed. • , The execution did not There was no hitch or bungle, absolutely devoid of any unfortunate dent which might lend realistic the scene. . 'The hangman was. ,unmasked in black clothes. The prisoner striped pants and a white or vest, to the scaffold. He silk • cap, which wag removed execution which was over to 10. (standard time). The quest was held and a verdict with the facts returned. . Buck's body will ' be taken the' prieste,, and buried Catholic cemetery here. - Buck made no confession Batton said that he had lived, old, among criminals ; that was killed in the seven dap' Wilderness, and teat hie. married 18 yeas i ago to Chicago, a sporting man, one of the wealthiest men in insisted, to - the last killed Steadman he was ot the fact, A letter came Belfaet, Me., addressed to and it is now believed everybody as to his name. Police Hascom, Boston, and detective, arrived here last Buck. He declares Buck to Buck Wheton, of Chicago, beyond question, it professional • When the execution was over the black' flag was hoisted the Court House ,as the only of the execution., ' t the est mortem held A p . a bullet was extracted from. lodged there on the night.. der. Thatlaullet proved to the size of Jim's ' tol Ji pis • cluaively that Jim lied in fesgion, and that . Buck whose 32 must have shot Sten/man. , Bides Last Nigh Scaffold consists of upright fourteen feet in height end holding transverse beams. • two pulleys,one in the centre from whichthe noose is suspended. noose is run Oarough the whicli is outside the post • • A 365.1b. weight. This weight a ' beara, and, when dropped, prisoner upwards, killing The body fella with 0. rebound suspended. The weight falls sawdust. To -a ight the jail interest. Rev. Father Cornier , the whole day wah the still protests his belief that - Steadman. •This, afternoon roug t to Buck rom Jim, h f J' tiary, the following letter, unique one of itekind, from . ., another: ... _ • eunAR ERIEND,-,I am sineerbly must die, old friend. It is some know that you have devoted your lifoin preparing your mind. NO Ono,ean qiepaShize more sincerely than 1 have. I would have my power to save your hfo, but 1,6E49 to aid you as item are tolieln both- owe a debt • of geatitude spiritual. ad:visor for hid. to save nob Only your soul. It ie never toolate for Ood'S Buck, if we ask Elie forgiveness pentent heart., , ,iirget tho world, neart ma eternity.' Ask God the sake of that Sainour who few years end we all Must appear Maker to anewet for our deeds. shake oor heed once more, ,l'!"' ill beYa, source f setter/loth:in life to knew you° died like a °nee More I urge you to earilestiV,seek fringivehess. Good-bye,, old we.IJotla ?no day oteet,our Saviour and be setisiled in ' His- presence. pledee te,take yon tee nitneelt nruYor or Your old friend Jina,' late tO-night Warden Ploster took Jim froth. the neniteirtiarti . BILLY P 4TTERSON , .• , • '"•'" An dAtempt at Ilona Suasion that 14 , e . • Ishiastrously. • A good story is told at the expense of ; .reeently appointed supervisor of the publii schools in one Of our large cities. She wa, an estimable. lady, who ' had a strong -belie in moral .thasion, and, naturally, a dietrug of .corporal punishment. One day the hap pened to •be visiting a school where a young incorrigible wterundergOing punishment foe a series of ' iniederneanors. ' Even the pros ence'of the school official.did not cheek hi bad behavior, and the discouraged teache . cited him as the Worst boy in the 'wheel - , . • , • •,_ , one that I can t do anything witn I Y4 ' . . - ' . tried everything in the way of punish . , • ment. ' . " Have you tried kindness ?" was thi , gentle inquired of the other lady. " I did for a king while at first, 'but INT; got beyond that now 1" the teacher wearila replied. • Now, my dear little fellow," the nest , supervisor said, ar, she seated herself besidi . . ' him on the settee where he. awaited a well merited ohastitement, " I want you to coral and see me at my house on Tumid% after . I .' ' b Y noon. like to have little boys come to se; and we'll have a real cosy time. Now. 0 „ • • you come ? The astonished urchin could only tam mer out: "I -.I guess so. I'll git•there if] earl," and the good • lady ' went to her nev duties well pleased with the success of hei • 0 • . friendlyduties, su te uge., . b rf The Tuesday afternoon, exaotly. at thc ,... . Imo appo,ted •k ddt , '' in , an aw war an no over clean bo ushered into he le sant y was us r p a reception room. Never was greater °our tesy shown a •guest. The.host displayed .ta his admiring gaze her choicest engraeingt and brightest betake. ,She played for him the simple and popular melodies that hb taste demended,.and• then invited him te tea. On her most deliaate china , she set .before him viands that would have ,donc credit to it New England Thanksgiving. The boy ate with a half-starved rend and as he showed every sign of , enjoymeni and glee,' she deemed, it time to begin thc moral teaching to which all. this had -bees the mere preface. ' "1 was very sorry , indeed," she began; gravely, and be her sweetest tone, "to set you sitting there in ached the other after noon waiting to be ,.penished, and • 3 ehoughe__,, . , " Uh 1 pleas'e On," her little guest inter. runted, with 'his mouth full of cake, "11 evasive me you save that • afternoon at all. It was Billy Patterson, and he gave me 1C cents to conics' up' here and take yens jawina"- Wide Awake. papa said ta with° e . , "Pape; said • he didn't care What you bought,' ' a - , ' 40 01 course not." murmured the . ileac salesman, laughingly. "You have a good papa, little one." • , Mamma blushingly exemined the precious rug a little closer and hurriedly said she believed she'd take it. , "Would you rather have this old thing than the dress!" anxiously' asked the boy, while his mamma tried in vain to direct his attention to the patent carpet sweeper. " Beentileo...-.-. "Willie 1 S -ah she sharply interrupted: 44 I gorgb know what I'll do with you! Forty dollars did. you say?" "You know, mamma, you can't have this and the "--- ' She shook the fatal sentence in two. . "'Well, papa Said"--. . . Butjust what paps said the .grinning em- tloyees of. that establishment win never now, for the fond mamma yanked the •blue-eyerlehatterboX out of the store in a hurry. She didn't buy a rug, either.-Ifew York Herald. ' ' A. TERRIBLE JOURNEY. — tirmingincidentlExperieneedleyBiondin, , the Tight -Rope Walker. .Blondin, . the renowned rope -walker, madly carried a man OIL his back when alking the tight -rope. Formerly he was ront to bargain with some one to accent. any him on this dangerous journey. On . , , ie occasion of a performance • in Chicago a an offered his services gratis. Blondin ceepted them and ascended the rope with is living burden. When the pair had Lached the middle of the rope the man be- sn to laugh heartily. ' "What is it that amuses you ?" the rope sneer asked, with astonishment. "'Oh, a comic idea has just struck me. I -as '. thinking what • sort of it face you rout& pull if, during the next half minute, oth of us were to fall down upon the adienoe." "But we shall not fail," replied 331onctin, Lassuringly. ”But I have determined upon this ooca- m to take my life." .At the same Moment the man began to . Tingle about, , so that the rope -dancer early lost his balance. He, however, soon :Imposed himself, dropped his balancing ole and gripped the man • BO firmly with is hands that the tatter WU unable to Love. Then continuing to walk, although a a 'state of great trepidation, he arrived tfely at the, end of the rope, and, allowing is living burden to slide from his shoulders, e administered a box 'on . both ears with ich force that the would-be suicide fell own unconscious. Sindethat terrific mrney Blondin has carried only one plan, is true- and faithful servant; on every, masion. - ' ' ' ' Barber Shop Donna. • Don't beerratio. Find a good shop and stick telt. . • Don't be fickle. . Pick out the man who suits you best and makehim take an interest in your face,. , ' 'Don't be negligent. .Arrange your hours and your days so that your face will never look like a cheese grater. . ' ' Don't be a hog. When yina enter a' crowded shop take notice of the 'next man who comets in_, and be sure you don't claim a chair until he is the "next" after you. Above all, don't be disagreeable vrhen there is a dispute &boat precedence. In short, don't forget that you are a gentleman, eyen. if you do need shaving. • Don't prevaricate. If the barber' wants to cut your hair, and . you .don't' want him to, - don't .get out of the scrape by saying you have . no time, but refuse plumply. . ' Dant let the " artist " do anything to . your head or face that you don't like. If you find him transgressing your • rules or tastesgstop him short. 'Don't 'submit be. e,auee he has the razor. . ,• Don't snub the barber if he wants to talk. It is not his fault.. Go to sleep or talk back. Don't let him put oil on your hair or brilliantine on your mustache. They have gone out of style in the best hirsute circles.' Don't fidget around until he cute yOunind' then swear at him. •', He is not it savage -aa a rule. : s - Don't Late ten the truth when the' bar-. en if the razor hurts.. .Dont for- ber asks' , • get that hie feelings have been hardened, if your face has not. .• ' bub .1 Finally, don't run up an account,i e ,, ., you do, don't forget it. .,, . . ' .. . • Archibald Forbes* Rough Experience In . • • Paris, "1 saw the Long:lamps ' review, entered Paris with the German column, and in the Champs Elyeees was spoken to by the Crown l'rhice of Saxony at the heed of his staff. 3 immediately became it centre of interest on the part of a knot of Frenchmen, .who follow,ed me when I quitted the protection of the German Cordon and then promptlo . df "Spy' " ' I raise the ory o 1 was attacked, knocked down, most of my clothes. were a • . .. _ • . torn on me, a eaeot spilt my Hp open, and men danced on me and kicked at me while I was being dragged by the lege toward a fountain, in which -such was the expressed intention -I was to be drowned. From this db •kt f was rescue , y a pm e. o . national pude, and presently made good iny release. As soonas I was free and had fulfilled a grateful duty tower] one who had helped mo . 0 my d I ' hurried to t a . ee om,- ther h I had d , ace w ereengage a dog -cart with .ii, fast and stout horse to be in reaclinood. . It was neither a aafe nor a pleo,sa,nt ride through Paris to the St. Denis gate. • But once outside I could lot the horse out, and he made good time Over the twelve milee to Margeney, the Crown Prince of Saxony'a headquarters, whence 1 was allowed to deapatch a telegram of don - sidemble length to London. That amens- plithed, 1 drove back to St. Denis in time to catch the regular evening natio for Calais. Writhing throughout the iourney, I reached on on e o osving morn ng, roug on L d th f 11 • • - i b ht i a emend edition of the Daily News, which was selling in the streets by 8, and then a - h fl. f th lay own on t e oor o e editor's room, and went, to eieep, wtth ,ths London direotory for a pillow When I Smoke at . ' 11 the manager and hit staff were standing over ine in sereat concern for I tarn had f tit ' d ' ' f the l'ttl Imee en enee0 o e .1 ,. e "Ine f) ' nun easantness with the gentlemen of the Paris pavement. 1 taarted 'batik for Paris ' • ' : the same evening. -"War Correspondence a - • ,, . • s a letne Art, in the Christmas Centirry, SHALLP01. ENGLAND. . _ larut Felt over the Spread of the Loath. . some Disease. A London cable says: Smallpox , is ex- Lading its 'ravages throughout England. • a general it is moving slowly, though in nem places it has spread with such rapidity a to alarm the authorities. The ,Tesiclents E Warrington are so Wrought up on the ikject. of vaccination that the doctors are ankh* day and night inoculating them, he disease has broken out seriously at ianchester, Liverpool', St. Helene, Wigan, %fiord Oldham,' Halifax; Rotherham, 0 ' artistry and Bradford. The most serious itbreak has been at Leedle where all avail-. de room in the hospitals is occupied, and ' any cases are being. oared for in private noes. In Leicester, where considerable ?. position was made to the Compuleory 'rumination law, it is amusing to see the • &lawny with which those who were making most loudly against it are rushing I be inoculated now that there is imme• .ate danger a contagion. ,The autheri.' es report that -the disease ie abating in sndon. ' " . • • . . . . . Into the Blue Empyrean a , ' Algernon was whispering low to the 'girl . 11 ' in the gauzy glimmer of lace and tu ee , She had bent her lovely, man -like ,rie,ck to catch his words. ' , Murmurously the floated outward and y y fell upon the pink.white ' ear, as crystal drops touch silver cords and waken sweet- est mneic sleeping there.Gus' "You are much to me," he said. " In all the dozen years since re m ear reopen- ' fi t y h t sive grew to women'ssweet solkitude, have been none Whose fingers Spanned t_here the octave of my soul and wrought the manly he h • - 1' ' ' h rmonles dormant t, ere into a ing t eme. 24o face but yours brongh rto me the , face of angels, fair and pure, beyond the skies that bend • above , the earth • . . a - far, far removed from all its maid thoughts, 'its groveling cares, its motiveless material. 18211' ' yoii conoentered, all ney dreexas In . , m 1flats are realized, , yhopes to full fruition come, dearest wiehee Made m own." • mY - , - 31It Slow/e, she lifted that fair, Wed face, . , 0 , . , until her oft, bineeyes looked into his. Then she laid her little hand upon his arm* • " Algernon " she murmured " won't yen 0 . , , • please donut Off the roof ?" • , And as Algernon clambered down, he re- called the tact that he had tackled a Chicago • • • - - girl.-Detroil Free Press. r .. a ' The Easiest1Tay Out. . Dootor--Why, how is this, my dear sir ? oil sent roe a et stating you had been 1 ter • trooked by measles, and I find you suffer-' g from rheumatism. ' Patient -Well, you see, elector, it in like ifi ; there wasn't a Reid in the house that iew how to spell rheumatism. , . .. _ A Chip of the Old Block. "My papa says t am one .of those chil- en wheecen only he managedbykindnoss,' , • ' . id the little Son cif Leech, the illustrator, a neW servant. "So pleat*, go and get S some none sponge oake and an orange," ' ' . routh's Companton. Ricking fiternlY Forbidden. "Avery man here het; got to obey my °ratite " said the captain of the football * • i . eleVertsternly to bla. men. ' .1 mean pre- doily What l say. I'm not going to have, (MY kicking in thie team." _ - - , . Later, when the cloven lost evens, genie in which they. competed, the outsidere sem that he wafi right. There was no bioking , , , way He cackled so much. ••••-• ''' What'e the matter with the bah ' " - • • asked a lady of a little pirl whose la . . , . - s brother the hod nnderstood to be ailing..,. a "Oh, noggin' much," was the answer. only h.atchin' teeth." single Advertieetuent. "Wanted, a young woman who can cook d clreas the.ohildrezi." Poor little dears, Gazette ad Laysetnne.. . . - . Mrs, Claris ,Stevvart Parnell recently de. wed to insure her lite, but wet rejected by the m d• i '' f t' t� e e, ica examiner o no company .Is' ii h • 1' d w ic s e app le . ... rot en- ou look and. _ ar OVV- , to0 'h V lkB1 I k' hest al to elaurch and IA $2 in the 'V Y , . P late in order to impress her, and she never pn,..., .,,, . "" '''' Mho Sears -What prompted gots to pro. olio • ou ood•fordlothing t Merle '- p_ , y g , , . ,y, Well,. I. theught no one, ebb would if 1. didn't. • - , MS Treasure. , , . "Yon wrong him, papa; he twee Rot love me for my nemey. He Noes at the world's . sordid , . • ts eagerness for wealth, . "What proof have yen, child?" " Why, only last night he tolct, Me he didn't care if he was 0.06,00 tehle to make a „. , •.„.. i., .., t __., , ‘ A , ,y mit m his moo 11 no only no" me. , . h - When a young men as sealed the bar.. ill with We, beat girl, is the, ting at the or hy which 'the afterwards . heralds his ming a. seal ring or an engagement rine . . „ , , .,. , , ,. ., .. .. : , H. cumin; euperetalon le reportea to exist song the Hinder, tentrfee at Denthay. henever a black cat paSeeli they saint° it, the belief that it contains tho soul of an lavilibti ',Min,. ' Nothing in the world grows any faster than a trouble that io nursed.-1?am's ;form , •