HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-01-29, Page 17KeUUer
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C t0 . R Aelastweek's
's. carding week . ,
edition of the Signal -Star', I have
had `the flu. 4'ou. see, I'm 'not
quite certain that is. what I did
have ,,.. my ailment had; all the
earmarks of the flu but :nobody
actually told:•the.that was what I
had: 1' doubt if ' anyone really
knows for certain..
At one stage thils week, about
75 percent of 'the. Signal -Star
staff was at home with the flu ....,
or what seems to ' be the flu ,..
and. everyone-isY saying I -started
t, it. Ianrhot particularly happy to,
have that distinction.
At any rate, I'm back on duty
this week and feeling much,
much better.
I thought I should have lost
some weight while .I had the flu.
I didn't eat, much of anything
for several days. So, when I was
able to navigLte, around the
house a little better, • I (climbed
on my . trusty bathroom scales.
You know° what? I gained, a
pound. It must have been- all
those a•'°' liquids, the doctor
'f* prescribed.
information atYone would fieed commenced stick.i urli anon
to know to set up a Day Nursery procedures as: are reoinrnended
n. u
The . Day Nurseries .Act of
1966 is Chapter 37 of.the 1966
Statutes of Ontario. Ontario
Regulation No. 297/67 also
governs day nurseries. The Act
and Regulation have been •
prig ted in one .booldet for' the
convenience 'of the .public and
may- be obtained on request
-from the Day. Nurseries Branch.
Thein main provisions may be
summarized as follows: "_ •
• All nurseries, day nurseries,
private kindergartens • not
operated by a public school or
separate school board, or
registered under the, Department
of Education Act Are required to
obtain a licence from the
Department 'of Social 'and
Family Services under the Day
Nurseries Act, 1966.
A "day -nursery" (regardless
.. �, '?I° �.., of ■
While no one is saying that
the bug that is .circulating, the
• town is actually the flu bug (and
certainly,nobody has isolated
the type, of bug that is going
'round)` many people are - at
home with , complaint's" that--
hat;resemble the good ,old flu. • _
Doctors in town are on the
run these days doling out
medication for' aiiments ranging
from nausea through headaches
and general aches and• pains. At--
- least one doctor intown told me
he was taking a couple of days
off so lie could return with new
vim and vitality' to fight the
`According to a newspaper
friend of mine who checked out
the flu story about the middle of
_last week, there is_no real cause
for alarm. Things.are apparently
running .. about, normal for. this
'time of year although to you
and I, it seems there is much
more flu right now • than there
- has been for several months.
* * * •
The London. Free- ; Press
cartoonist Merle "Ting" Tingley
was in town last Thursday
by. the 'local medical `officer of..
health. The 'nursery shall be
open to • inspection " by the
medical officer of health, at all
• The supervisbr of a . nursery.
must :have had; training in the
group guidance of well children
of- the ages -to-be enrolled and
must. be - approved, by the
'Director. The assistant
supervisory staff should have
completed " at least " part of a
nursery, course; or be planning to
commence training at an early
date, Courses are now available
in parts -of the province for
persons with secondary.
graduation diplomas or " the
equivalent, There are .a limited.
number of courses open to
persons with the equivalent of
Grade XI education. '
There ° shall be two adults in
attendance -on the premises of 'a
ayriuraery ami- hire - hi1e
H 11101110111111 1110 111111111111111111!)1.11llilili0illllll0/i i41u 1/0/ to tilt w Ill l it 11 lit 11 1 III 1 t 1 II 1 I Ii !1 1111 (I tli 1 I I.'
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forwarded directly to the hie McCallum, -As oda marching u h
• leeigrY,40:18;03°,„411314114CUSSIIII ccountattt, >�epalrt>Eden!iG mother"fortie.Ability 'ud,Social anldFaniilytServies, ed McCollumhaspa fuJMQueen's°ParkToron o sch uie. form,:ation of , 'APpea
receipt. wilt be issuted.� I have no`° idea what' ,.work Drive. f'or God,i14:0111:001110:: .
• went , inta thie..'project (fQ>G'trieXl ,. . The 'idea.:ts todate
In speakin g recently With JIM. ` known as the March of Dimes) the eollecti+olia )massive
• but Ido , drive once a -year,
Kinkead/ a (arise~ p�tblie school, duringOther y'+ears; one.
inspector for the county, •. I•. know that �, McCallum . 'he thought is' a ' ood
. , Besrdes ' thea difficulty . to find'
.learned that he � nett entirely in. • exerting' • plenty of energy '
canntassers for several different
favor )01,a situation where� every
towards this years, +rnp�ari
pre-school c °ild is 'mother workS cared ,for in a sand ever/ S dlis 2 pas a as a stores d o 14 • tedious; ox anization necessa ,
]ars 22 oat. rs in ..res felts, annu 1 as wail as t.. ,
;, 'behind' . every- drive. for funis, it
day nursery~type' .setup. Jiztr'. around , town.- Only two
s emris•.•te me that- householders'
believes'"the home is .much. snore, businesses appxoackied hy.• ,Mrs, wound ,.�iuch'� rather •�,a�e ala:
valuable than that. ' McCallum indicated the. would c
coh�triblition annually than to be ,
In fact, kiit�a, Kinkead is: rather trot b bothered' with the approached . once .a•• xt►orith (or
convinced • tlaa the. home • Ability Fund. �," , . • niayba,.4.ftener);�far gifts to this,.
•-envi onMent .ha ` more' to- dQ• As well, placemats telling :t;h
the that r• the' other wor �.wiile
, .with .success or.fa►�ure-of:the_. story- of the._A.lilitty •'E nd '_and that ,
.student of this county (and any bearing the einblem,'the little far , 'caise '
' ,y The° .Kota r Club . has' asked";.
county) •than. mapeople tree with th,. ` missing bra ch � � ..
would like to admit, ° p - P will be ° .laced In three for, press :coverage.. of their
._ p n
Jim : says Huron County is restaurants inuGoderi;ch• upcoming meetig.. A
blessed withParents ho ate 'Mrs. McCallum advised that representative of' the Signal -Star
e par n yv , . . d
inters in children and, one Goderich resident 'is will surely be on: hand if at all
e lei their h axes
their . welfare .at .school and receiving 'direct assistance from•• possible. (Hopefully, the, u l ug
everywhere. That's what makes the Ability Fund, while several . Will .have left the county 'town
the Huron County educational others In the surrounding area by that time.)
system so superior to some are also being helped.
others in the province.. . ' The Marching Mothers are
hat_it-. is-�eal'nd) neans�-a-�-- d
place that receives for temporary
custody for a continuous period
not exceeding 24 ' hours, more
than 3 children under 10 Years,
not •of common 'parentage. The
main licensing requirements are
-. as follows: -
-Zoning restrictions, should be
checked_with •the municipality
before premises are selected~ For
licensing, a. ~letter of approval
from the zoning' authority ' is
Before a new,; building ' is
erected or an existing building is
altered or renovated for use asa
day nursery, the plans should be
submitted` toi the Day Nurseries
There mpsebe 30 square feet
of indoor; Play space for each
child enrolled. All rooms used
by children under- 6• years of age
should be located on or below
the second floor and must have
° adequate- exits. No more than 25
children should` be
accommodated in one room.
.In selecting a location for any
nursery itis better to choose one
evening for the Lions. Club Civic with the., possibility of outdoor
Night. When Signal -Star editor • play space. While a playground is
Ron Price came down with the required. only fors an all -day.
flu,' I was elected to attend the program, it is a desirable feature
rneeting as - the press, ' of a half-day nursery. (See`'
representative. regulations governing ` a •
Being the only woman zit an - playground.) °
affair like that has its ups and Premises must be inspected
downs. Although I'm perhaps and approved by -municipal fire
_ t'home-in such-l-situ.at on .and. health departments. In some
-_ t more�athan most women would be
(generally, in the course or-mydepartment
the: building
department also inspects.
reporting duties, I 'am terribly
,outnumbered by • the ' male , EQUIPMENT AND
pop(ilation) I do get a little FURNISHINGS
I -don't intend to leave the - The furniture to be used for
impression that the -Goderich the children must' be gra size to
Lions' are a rowdy group; but it fit them.
is evident that- an all- There must be arrangements
- organizat ih-such as the Lions for the: display of the play
materials at the child's level, as
must enjoy a certain ;amount of _materials
- _ ....storage for -play
all-male • •,pleasure on those equipment. •
' evenings when they get together. -
That's why I get nervous in a There must be sufficient -play
0 case like that. I alWays fear. I'm, equipment so that all children
cramping their style, are kept happily occupied: Lists
of recommended equipment for
' And 1 felt a little sorry... for various ages of children"` and
Ting. With one lady -1i "the various sizes of ` groups are
crowd, I'm sure he had to sift available -froth the Branch. •
through his rernalks a little more \Washroom accommodation
c, carefully; than if I'd been at , must be conveniently located,.
home with my mending. • with one toilet and basin for
Ting was fighting the flu he ' every fifteen children.
told his audience: He didn't look HEALTH SUPERVISION OF
- • particularly well, but he sure did THE CHILDREN
a bang-up, job of entertaining the ..
Lions and their• -guests, members' + Prior • to admission to ' the
X11 , of 'Huron _ County Council and° nursery each, child shall.. have
9.J.M P StrISIAT4TA H.1' $► YtJ1 U.; Y
Makes real sense, doesn't' it? hoping to collect $2,000 or
•- -agree' wouldn't _ _m _ -this ear's blitz which.
. W.ell, I that _I v.+touldilr ore an year's ,
like to side children herded into takes place Monday, February 2;
nursery schools "en masse" but I r;in the afternoon andfrom 7 to 8
do believe that when mother-"' .m. in the evening.
must go out to, work, it is ideal Last year's, collection
to have an approved nursery amounted -.to $1,650°• and the
school to care for the youngsters women feel that Goderich
,who must stay with a babysitter. residents can do much better
It is my contention that if the than that for handicapped
children must be away from adults.
mother, they' are better off in- a Let's give the project our full
setup where their time is utilized support- this year. hi .Goderich,
in a Learning process: - the Ability Fund drive is
And- like it or lump it, sponsored by the Rotary club.
working mothers are here, to * * *
stay! Speaking of the Rotary Club,
* * * the Signal -Star was advised
woman in Monda mornin: that a'meeting
there are` four or more children. Goderich these days is Mrs. Lee ' has been set
present. Children must never be •
left without staff • supervision.
Corporal punishment of the
children is not permitted.
If children are cared for all
day, outdoor play space of . at
least 60 square feet for each
-child is necessary: The: play area
must be fenced' to protect ,,the
children from traffic hazards. It
must have sufficient outdoor
play . equipment' to occupy' all
-the children; for at least two*
hours daily in -go id weather.
In addition to the supervisory -
- staff as listed above there afitist
be sufficient household staff to
prepare the meals and•keep the
nursery clean.'For the noon
meal a full course hot` dinner
should be served where children
attend. more than h6 hours.
Sample menus may be obtained
nervous in some instances. es
Goderich Town Council..
He clow, cartoon -type, ,
'.'=""'.,lltet leslie some- well-knoWn
Goderich personalities including .
the mayor, Dr. Frank Mills, and
the new warden, Roy Westcott.
They drew applause and •.•'cheers
front the approving audience.
Anyway, I thank the ° Lions
for their hospitality: I enjoyed it
immensely : and , trust that i
didn't spoil ° their evening.°' too
badly, •
Incidentally, a special
thank•you to the _lions for the'
"flimsy" gift I took holne.. No
woman ever has enough ,of that
particular -.,item! - ••
* * —
We've been talking' for a few
weeps about the ,possibility of
setting up a day nurser.
I wrote to 'Elsie Stapleford
who is director of • the Day
Nurseries ilranch of the Ont4rlo
Department df :': Scial..... and`,.
Family Services. I received the
following reply from her and i..
Wantt'o 'share it witist you,
think 'it contains most Of the
upon request.
Individual cots must be
provided so that the children
may sleep for at least one hour a
In day care centre where
children 6 - 9 years "old are
included, a third floor room may
be used. When up• to 30 children
are in attendance an additional
playroom 'is necessary. The
playground • tuna allow , for 75
square feet of play space for
each child. A hot lunch is
permitted as the mid-day meal.
In the holiday - period when
children attend day -care all day,
cots or resting mats must be
The iir<r. earned ostatc till h uve be Lind: -1
trig itis tirtant c� c-t.ntt-. *� . e ��
r .., t ki .. �, c tt lcrl-.t-ci itic, xpcl'ictic.ixt�;
}did tintraint tl ht.� People cvs tt tlrosc.:wli
merit- your trust. die, (Lisa ppeur•, • h;.�,elli'ne
incai�acitated. It happens 'very &l•Fty. F<�
But riot here, because at Vlct.orirt and Orgy
Tr 1st
y,nir e:l,tute m lnage�m nt problems, big and
little. ore the responsibility first, or tt (i°ir`;tidly�, •
synii�athe>tic trirtit officer yuu. get't+i know, and,
sceond,° of a {Cunt c01 competent, trained i
ae tlis(s wl operate winder goa_.err�;rnent 1-iee-q-se
., . ,
f?on,t le�tNc. vc�ul g t,ltc to chance. When you
slake your viJ1. 'pcei1 Vietoria and (;rey as
"l�lll C\4l'Llthl'.
an ,._L.
.W.41. Curry, Manager • • 524-7381
Elgin and Kingston Streets, Goderich
Stokely,, Honey Pod
Peas, ;Whole Kernel
• Cour' or Cut Green•
-Beans ,Assorted
Regular or Mint Tod 'Valu
ToothpCrest aste• CHOICE,
11 -oz.
Municipalities • wishing to w^
:-establish Day Nurseries may
reeeive an 80% provincial 'grant
toward `"their operation. Other
licensed „day.•:nurseries' With the.'
co-operation of 'the municipality
may receive provincial assistance
with fees in special cases:
' The '-fee for a 'licence to
operate a nursery is ten dollars.
It -1s'renewable on January first
of , each year at a cost' of five
dollars. Cheques .of money'
orders should be made payable
to the Treasurer of Ontario and
Exterior And Interior
Painting- & Wallpapering
Let us do ' your interior decorating end
101 Victoria St
Phone 524:6067 or 520287
1�. •n,.-.,Narc1�P+'..;,.,,w Table-._Tripme4 -
,...icau�nty.� style) .. r.-a.-r.r r.«r,,, r.+. .-r .. r, r+-r...,r
Blade bone removed
Boneless Blade
--Mac Apples g: 1e•
1 f J,`
•Prices Effective Wed., -
Jan. 28, Sat;,
Jan. 31, inclusive
We Reserv'e tfie Right
'to Limit' Qu, iii ee.-
Oranges 1Size
, fUg.`'Tomatoes 1
4' F
Oven Ready
Roast With
tender agd
, ° Juicy
48 -oz, tin
Tomato or
To Valu
liaspbed' y nr
Top Valu
Top Valu -
Powdered ,
5 -ib. poly bag
Top Wad
'Cat or. D!otl