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Only 81 from now till January
604, Clive it a trial.
The olsons Bak
(Chartered by ner1tianent,1800e
Pa,id up Capital .... $2,000,000'
Rest Pune.... 1,1.00,000,
Head office Montreal.
G ieN BR Alt MAN Ault.9.
Money advane, a geed Farmer's on their
own notes ono or more endorsers tit 7
per cent per antrum.
Exeter Branch.
Open every lawful day from ISO am, to 3 p.
me, Saturdays JO a. in, to.1 p, m
A general banking business transacted
CURRENT RATES allowed for mon-
ey on Deposit Receipts. Savingi Bank at
per cent.
Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Sub ,Manager
Oxetier Abrocate
Is published every Thursday Morning,
at the Office,
One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance
81.50 if not so paid.
Rei.tez cas. .25.1z114.5..ce.
No paper discontinued until all arrearages
are paid. Advertisements without specific
directions will be published till forbid and
oharged. accordingly. .Liberal discount made
for trauscient advertisements inserted for
Long periods. Every description of a013
PRINTING turned out in the fin'est style,
and at moderate rates. Cherines,money ord-
ers. &a. for advertising, subsoriptions, to. to
be made payable to
SanderS & Dyer
Church IEtnectory.
Fatt, Rooter. Sunday Services, 11 a. m
and 7 p.m. Sabbath Sehool, 3 p.m. Holy
Communion, 1st Stinclay of each month at
Mernthg Service. and. in months of five Sun-
days, after Evening Service of 4th Sunday of
the month. Holy Baptism on and. Sunday
of 'each month at morning service.
METIIODIST 0111JR011-•TaMeS-St , Rev, A.. L.
. Russell, Pastor. Sunday Serviees,10.30 a. m.
and. 6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2.90 p. m.
Swann -Rev. W. McDonagh, Pas-
tor. Sunday Serviees,i0 30 a.m. and 6.30 p.m.
Sabbath School 2,30 p. in.
PRESBYTERIA.N Cnuncii.-Rev. W. Martin,
Padtor. Sunday Services, 11 a. ra. and 6.80 p.
m. Sabbath School, 9.0 a.m.
Professional Cards.
P'anson'a Block
two doors north of Carling Store,
MAIN STREET, EXETEI extracts teeth
withont pain. Away at Henson on 13t
Friday; AilsaCraig on 2nd and. 4th Tuesday.
and. Zurich on. last Thursday of each in ontb.
H. INGVRAM, DErnrisT, Member Royal
• College Dental Surgeons, successor to
H. L. Billings. Office over Post Office
Exeter, Ont, A. safe anaeStlietio given for
the painless extraction of teeth. Fine Gold
Filhngs as required.
• and. Surgeon. Office and residence -
Corner Victoria and Elgin streets, Goderich,
Al Residence -Corner Andrew and. North
Streets, Exeter, Ontario.
the College of Physicians anciSurgeons
Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and. Accouch--
eur. Office, Lashwood, Ont.
T-111. T. A.. AMOS, M. Dt, C. M Member of
../L, College of Physicians and Surgeons,.
Ontario; licentiate of the Royal College of
Physicians and Surgeons Edinburg,h; hcen-
date of the Otteuity of Physieitins and Sur-
geons, Gllasgow; Fellow of Trinity Medieal
College, Toronto. Office -Dr. Cowen's for-
mer residence.
. 011, Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Office -Oyer O'NeiPs Bank, Exciter, Ontario.
Money to Loan.
Ad • of Supreme Court, Notary Publio, Con-
veyancer, Commissioner, Sze. Money to loan
Office-Fanson's Block, Exeter.
itors, Conveyancers,
/111/ AUCAtiOn S
TT BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Auct-
IA • ioneer for the Counties. of Perth. and
Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne
Sales promptly attended to and term sreason
abl e. Sales arranged at Post office, Whichelsa
A J, ROLLINS, late of Manitoba, Licens-
1-1...ed. Auctioneer, for the counties of }Jur-
' on and Middlesex, Residence: 1 mile south
of Exeter, Ont. Sale Ordersby mail or other-
wise promptly attended to at reasonable
BOSSENBERRY,HensallOntario. Lie-
ensed Auctioneer for the Counties of
Huron and Perth. Charges moderato and
sa tisfaction. guaranteed.
LHARDY, Licensed Auctioneer for ±1ie
. County of Huron. Stiles Conducted on
reasonable terms. Farm and Farm Stock a
s pecialty. Full arrangements can be made
at this office.
•unanftwonc,mr........gereposprwmonvan rpm onsennwtrerne*meesne.m.,
UiRED. W. FA:BROOMS, Provincial Land
1` Sm•veyor and Civil Engineer. Office,
Over Post Officio, Main treet, Exeter, Ont,
T"tAIVD MILLER, Veterinary Surgeon,
Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College, Toronto, (Stccessor to Wth. Sweet,
V. 5) Over 18 years practice. Oiliee arid
residence one bleak east of Richard Pichards
store. Opposite Skating Rink, Exeter, Ont.
The Weetern Fire Assurance Company,
of Toronto
TIio Phoenix Fire Insurance Coy.,
of London, England
The Alliance Fire Assur.
of "tendon, England.
Officce-Main-street, Exoterl Ont.
The undersigned wishes to procure a re-
newed cow tit ence. Parties having same
for eale apply at this office or to
W. H. Daaa xxs, Exeter
Wheat per bushel.. $0.62 to0.63
Barley , ..... ....... 35 to 40
Cate ... 26 to 27
Peas_ , ., .... 52 to 54
Butte- . , , . ...• 17 to 18
Eggs .. 16 & 16
iecken per lb 5 to 5
Ducks " .... . 6 to 8
Get'SO " 54 to 0
Tur keys " . , 7 to 8
Pork , 6.00 to 6.50
Potatoes per ous .... • , .... 50 to 50
Hay per ton .... ...... „ 6,00 to 7.00
British Grain Trade.
London, Dee12.-111e Mark Lane
Express, in its Weekly review of this
British grain trade, sa,ys:---The, record
fer the past week is no brighter. Eng
11810 whew sells at 27s, a price that is
unprecedetitee within the memory of
English farmers. American and Rus
,Sittla Wheats have each declinedels, and
Indian has fallen 3de Australian and
Chilian 'Wheats Sell at previous prints,
but stocks of spot grain from those
'soueces ate nearly exhausted. The
stocks of fo reign flour and wheat are
estimated et 4,300,000 qrs Ameriean
wheat is offered in London at 28s, de-
livered.. It is difileult to see how ex.
ports continue with this price ruling.
Household flour in London sells for
258, being a decline of 10s for the year
The pront in flour has gone wholly to
the bakers.. On the 9th inst. Minnesota
first sold here for 19s. ,
1.6ndonliuron & BruceRalluiag
Pnatsenger Thine Table. . ,.
a.m . p.m.
London,clop't 8.05 4.25.
LUCaI1 UroS'S 5.40.
Clamleboye 852 128.
a.m. p.m.
Wingham . 7.05 340.
Belgrave 7.24 4.00
Blyth 7.38 4.15'
Centralia 9.00 5.45 Londesboro' 7,47 4.25'
EXETER 9.16 5.57. Clinton 8.07 4.45'
Hensall 0.28 ;us. Bruoefield 8.26 5.04
Kippen 9.34 9.17. Xippen 8.34 5.12
Brucefield 2.42 33.26. Hensall 8.41 5.19
Clinton 10.00 6.45. EXETER 8.57 5.57
Londesboro' 10.19 7.03. Centralia 9.09 5.45
Blyth 10.28 7.12. Claudeboye 9.18 5.56
13elgrave 10.42 7.27. Lucan Cros'g 9.24 6.02
Wingham mon 7.45. 14011d0D aar 10 13 6.48
The undersigned has for sole, six first-
class thoroughbred Fox Hound pups.
At, Ilium's', Exeter.
That desirable dwelling situated on Will-
iam street and owned by Mr. John Mathe-
son, col,taining eight commodious rooms.
For further particulars apply at this office.
Or to rent. frame, oontaining eight rooms
and a good hriek cellar, situated on Eliza-
beth street, south of James st. Methodist
(thumb. Hard and soft water on the prem-
ises. Possession given 16th Nov,, '92. .Apply
to T. DEARING orat this office.
Situated on the corner of Waterloo and
William streets, consisting of three lots, on
which. is situated a frame house, stable, a
number of fruit bushes and trees. The loca-
tion is in a splendid part of.the village. For
further particulars apply to
• • MR. ALFRED Boway
---FOR 1893.---
$1.00 130$ Papers for $1.00
lEA esuentaree, wire:Xi CONTAIN;
Rav. DR. TALMAGE'S SERMON delivered the
Sunday previously.
A SERIAL TALE, and other interesting road,
big matter.,
Pric ,e One Dollar a year in advarioe for
11"Altlit AND 110111E -iii all 36 pages.
Baitince of 1892 free to new subscibors.
Agents wanted in every enrepresentod
district te solicjt, subscriptions,
Free Press Printing Co.,
London - Ontario
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the Estate of James
Willis, late of the village of Exe
tor, County of Huron, gentleman
Notice is here bygiven pursuant to chap-
ter 110 of The Revised Statutes of Ontario
1887, that alliiersons having claims against
tho esiate,td. Jain eS Willis late of the vil-
lage of Exeter, in the Conn ty of Huron, gen-
tleman, deceased, who died on the 22nd day
of September 1802, aro rercuirod to deliver or
spnd by post prepaid to the undersigned So-
heitors for Thomas Willis and David mill,
Executors of the said deceased on or before
the lst day of February, 1883,a statement in
writing containing their names and address-
es and full particulars of their SIMMS dilly
verified by s tato Cary deelaration and the Mi-
tt -ire of the Security (if 'any) held by them,
Ana that after the said last mentioned
date the said Exeetitors will proceed to dis-
tribute the assets of the Said eetate
among the parties entitled thereto hav-
ing regard only to elating Of wh11±h notice
shall have been received as above required
and the said Executors will not be liable for
the timid assets or tiny part thereof so distri-
buted to any perso0 or persons Of whose
claim notice 1131111net have been received at
the time al 511011 diStribUtiOD,
Selicitors for Executors,
Exeter, Ontario
Dated this sote day of NOvena her 1892.
Concert 5,n Ald or :the 1000r,
Some of Mer more thoughtful citimeos
beve made a move in the,eight direcs
tion and we hope that eleevill be ready
to lend a helpieg 'hand to further this
needy can8e and make . the Affair 'a
success.. Arrangements for a. concert
are beiog made .which will eske piece
Dee. 21st, in aid of the, poor of , the
town. The programa"!e is tobo lealgily
aed the talent wilt be geoe. Come
one and all.
Farmere Note Tlibto.
Why do farmers still continue buy-
ing fall and summer apple trees, or
Mulberry trees or Apricot trees and
one trash. and anothe,r that cost money
and sire 02 110 value, The 01115011
are about 11015 and of course they will
press anythieg that is new, as a 71051'
thing always sells best. Good apples
for this province are as profitable as
cheese or beef. A armer may buy
one tree each of Red Astrachan and
Duchess of Oldenburg, for summer use
two or three trees of 13113' fall varieties
that he may preeer; but let him put
the bulk of his money into winter ye,
rieties. In this latter he should avoid
new and high priced sorts, and stick
to the Spy, Baldwin, Greening, King
Russet, Blenheim, Pippin, Cranberry
PippereOutario 'iitcl Pewee kee. Among
these the King ie very choice,but a
light bearer; the Baldwin is tender in
the tree aud the Greening is subject
to spot all the rest are safe and eure
After the Pox.
Clinton can probably inast of the
most euthusiastic gun sportsmen in
the Province. Ganie. that be got
within range oe shotgun or refle is a1.
ways sure to bite the clust. It is quite
proper that this should be thus, for -the
Hub leads in nearly all lines. But we
W alit to tell the little experience of two
of our sports while after a fox. They
were feelieig fresh and iiinable on foot
and had experienced dogs. After a
•loug chase the "animal" found shelter
in "his" hole. Spades were brought
into active requisition and the earth
had to fly. "Here he is" said one of
the sports. A long stick was poked
in the hole and the "animal" was there
sure. Gradually the sports and dogs
and guns and "fox" worked eloser to-
gether. The light dawned but the
"fur" did not fly. The dogs hesitated,
the snaps of the gun refused to cliek,
and the sports were powerless. Five
skunks were unearthed, and the vice
ims, it is needless to say, were the via
ors. "Fox" is now a much abused
word among Clinton sports. -Clinton
News- 1?ecord.
P0E60110.1 illiention.
Messrs Geo. Bissett and James Mar
tin of Exeter, and Wm. Batman and
Wm. Quinton of Usborneeleft for God
erich, on Tuesday, where they will act
as jurors. -John 'Williams, the wide a-
wake proprietor of the Zurich Flouring
Mills, was town Saturday. -Miss Edith
Steinbach of Zurich, was the guest of
her friend Miss Lillie Hardy, last
Thursda.v.-Mr. Dan. Davis left for
Buffalo, N Y., with a car load of fat
cattle Snturclay. He visited friends
at Brantford nn his way home, yester-
day.- Rev. J. Antliff, London, exchang
ed pulpits with Rey. Russell of the
James St. Meth. church, Sunday. -
Mr. Fred. Dunsford, who is well known
to many of our readers as the jollYe
obliging Second Porter of the Steam-
ship, Mcm arch, is renewing old acquain-
tances about town. Fred informed
that navigation on the lakes is &sled
for the seaeon and the Monarch with
other vessels are laid up at Sarnia
till nayigation evens next spring -
From incorrect information we made
mention in our personals last week of
a Mr. E. Pine as a stupent atelaw with
Messrs. Elliott & Elliott, Jt should
have read E. Pirie, barrister and solid. -
tor. --Mr. Wm Armstrong, of Imlay
City, Mic,h., and George H. Armstrong,
High School teacher, of Paris, were
called home on Monday on account of
the severe illness of their mother. -
Mrs Herrington, of 13:Nth, is, visiting
her mother, Mrs. L 3awden.-Misses
Ada and Edseaseleludsore-ofseeMaple
Lodge, Megelliyeey, are visiting
frieridi ard relatives in town. -We
are pleased tcepote that Mr. E Sam
well has much improved from his re
cent attack. --Mrs. J. L. Davidson is
yisiting her daughter, Mrs. John. II.
Fortner, of London. --Iters. (Rev.) Ilea
left for her old home in Walkerton on
Monday, where she will be the guest
of her perents during Xmas. Her sis-
ter, Miss Sutton who has been her
guest for the past month: accompanied
her. -Miss Emma Senders is visiting,'
friencle in Hee8a11.-Miss Clara Mutart
of Ilensallevas the guest of Miss Emma
Sanders, on Sunday last.-mr. A. W.
Hotham, of Staffe, was in town on Sat-
urday and Sunday. Messrs D. Mills
and T. a Carling, attended a meeting
of the Canada Salt Association Meld at
Clinton, on. Tuesday. -Mies A. Q. 13o.
bier visited friends in London, on Wed-
nesclay.--Miss Polly Bowdon went, to
Lendon, Monday. -Mr. Geo. Samwell
made a trip to London, last Monday, -
Miss Serah MeIntosh who has been
visiting her mother for a shrot time,
returned to Chicego on Monday. -Mrs,
Wm. Daev went to Woodstock, Tiles
clay. --Miss Mortloek left on Tuesday
to visit friends in Hamilton. -Mr. T.
W. Ilawkshaw spent Tuesday in Park.
hill. -Mr. L. Dickson, was in the cir
cuiar town in connection with the
trial of the West Huron election peti
"ion, ItIondey,-Mr. Thos. Johnson, the
ride -awake Woelen Mill mai, of Zur-
ich, vies in town Wednecliiy.
1 - =.,03,\T-, -,0.-4...,,;c4.=,..p.
--when in Deed oe.--
'sale Bills'lianil 13111S,, Letter
.1,..,10.01.:, 411d E7sV0101)0S.-iu fact
all kinds of printing.
4jhristioaS Cheap Sale.
AGJ. W. Broderick's store, Exeter,
speeial sale of cloths and tweeds -big
bargains. Another haul:rapt stock of
boots ad shoes just received, See our
prices before you parches° elsewhere.
The balarice of the baokrupt stoek of
furs must be sold-h;ilf price takes
them, A job lot of boots mid shoes at
50e. per pair. Remember the stand,
four doors north of the post office.
Exeter, Dec. 15th. J. W. 13aonnitiera
1.11nie New G
AS inainated in our issue of the 23rd
ulte the scheme then set npon foot for
the purpose of securing for ,Exeter a
new grist mill has resulted favorably,
and if enterprise, energy and popular-
ity of managemeet, experience and
ability in the milling business, with the
best possible milling machinery and
equipment, mean suecess, then our new
industry will be one of which we maer
be proud. At the request of many of
our citizens, Messrs. A, J. Rollins and
J. A Williams, under the partnership
Dames of Rollins & Williams, leave ta.
ken hold of the matter and will be our
new millers. No better men could have
been chosen for the the perpose
and are just the MCI1 fOr the place. Mr
Rollins is a man of cap 171, thoroughly
acquainted with the village and sar.
rounding' cotritryund jus7such a heist.
ler as our town wants. Mr. Williams
has capital also but what is more to
be desired he is posseesed of long prac-
ticle and varied experience in the mill
in business, has aquired for himself
a provincial reputation for honesty, in-
tegrity and ability in this particular
line of business, and is a mail that we
will be glad to welcome as a citizen.
The sight chosen for the new mill is
central and convenient being on the
Elston property nearly opposite the
Town Halt, Work has already begun
and will be shoved through with all
possible speed The building itself
will be after the most approved and
modern architecture; wleile the maehin
ery will be the most improved and
complete the': the market affords.
Everything points towards a success-
ful business futuie for this new indus-
try. No better loeality for a flour mill
can let found In Ontario, and our pros
eerous farming community will hail
with much pleasure this new enter-
prise, for which they have long stood
in need. The new proprietors should
congratulate themselves upon their
assured success while the people of Ex-
eter cermet but greet the project with
much satisfaction. Now for the foun-
Miss M. A. Woods, of 1Vranbam, is at
present vieiting her sister, Mrs. J.
Curts.-Mr. S. Ross unfortunately re
ceived a kick from a colt on Mr. G.
Pollock's premises, "13" Line, on Satur
day night last. He is now troubled
with a very stiff leg. -Mr. G. Gable
and family have moved into Mrs.
Shadie's house, lately occupied by Mrs.
P. Lyon.
A musical and literary entertain-
ment will take place at the school
house, section No 5, Hibbert on Friday
Dec. 23rd '92. An excellent proerarn
is being prepared and the teacher, Mr.
A. W. Iloatham, is saving no pains to
ineke the entertainment a success.
ineeVery particular. The talent is good
and a good time may be expected. Ad-
mission 15 cents.
. Centralia
MR. Eerrou,-Kindly allow me space
in your yaltiable paper to contradict a
gross injustice which is being current
ly repoyted ihroaghout thus neighbor
hood. ' It has been the talk that cer-
tain parties were recently caught in
the act of stealing wheat from my
granary, which is entirely without
foundation and characterized as being
a false malicious and scandalous lie.
Thanking you Mr. Editor,
Yours Truly
Miss Edith Steinbach was visiting in
Exeter one day last week. -Mr. Chae
Weber has moved into the house next
to Merner & Wings store. --Mr George
Ruby, of Dashwood was in town Tues-
day on business -The Z. P S. concert
will be held in the Town Hall, Friday,
(tcemorrow) great preparations are be
made and no doubt will be a great
success. Every one should take in this
concert It will no doubt be a grand
event -Te season for hunting rab-
bits and patridges will close Thursday
15th inst. Sports will please keep this
in memory.
The Sodom Literary Society, opens
out on Wednesday evening Dec. 21st.
The program for the evening is to be
a discussion on "The relative evile sus-
tained by the Indian and Negro
through their intercourse with the
Whites." The speakers are J. Swett,
J. Carrick, Silas Stanlake, Sir John
Ford, C. ProUty, Silas Stanlake jr. and
Saila Stanlake. The four first mentioncl are in the interest of the Negro. --
This society is willing to discitss the
'Poor House" que8tion,vvith any other
TIP RTON.- In Usborne, on 12t1i inst,
Ann relict of the late Samuel Hor-
ton, aged 74 years.
Wairre-In Exeter, on the 14th inst.,
the Wife of M. J. White, of a daugh,
Genaorin.-In Usborne; Dec. 14th,
the wife of Robert Gardner, of a
Marshal Atkinsoe has returned from
Bay City, Mich, to his home in Bid•
dulph. He reports times lively in
Michigane--1,3011 Wilson, formerly one
of the Mounted Police, and brother of
Mr. S. Wilson, Usborne, is visiting
friends here. Ile intends to return to
Montana, and intends taking in the
World's Fair at Chicago his return.
independent Order of Foresters
are booming in Clandeboye. They
have two lodges and a membership
of seventy, and bight applications for
the next lodge night. -King Hudgins,
Biddulph, killed a five months old pig
that tipped the beam at 290 lbs.
Messrs Nelson Baker and Wm. Bow-
den have engaged in a sparrow con-
test, 'which we understaaid will be
closed this week. They have visited
almost evere, barn in the vicinity and
beheaded thousands of the little pests.
They intene having an oyster supper
in the near future, the loosing side
having to pay for the supper. The
above captains are supported by nine
on eaell side. -Mn W. H. Dearing is
'sinking a well near his new residence.
Something interesting is expected.
shortly. -Sodom debating club has
been reorganized and we may expect
to have something intereeting every
week as this is a well trained society. --
The dredge in the Hay swamp can be
heard distinctly groaning' -under its
heavy task. It is rapidly nearing this
township and is •expected, to work the
g‘yeater part of the w intme
It is with deep regrett we chronicle
the sad death of one of Usborne4s old•
est aud most respected, in the person
of ann, relict of the late Solna& Hor-
con, at the age of 74 !years. Deceased
has been a sufferer for a number of
Voars and bore her affliction with Chris-
tens fortitude, believing that when
this transitory life was ended she
would assend to those mansions whence
the weary traveller never returns.
Her remains were borne to thcir last
resting place yesterday (Wed) at Lum
ley cemetery, her six sons acting as
pall bearers, and over one hundred
rigs formed the concourse. She lestves
SIX sons and five daughters to mourn
their loss. The bereaved fnmily have
the heartfelt sympathy of the commun
IT WILL BB Goon -A grand enter-
tainment will be given in the Town
Hall here, on Thursday Dec. 22nd, '92,
under the auspices of f he Public School.
A very interesting programme is be-
ing prepared by the school children,
which is to consist of reading, recita-
tions, dialogues, vial and instrument-
al music. Mr. H. Milling -will be
present and give some choice selec,tions
on the violin. The admission fee is in
the reach of all, 15 cents for adults,
10 cents for children. Go and spend a
pleasant evening -Mr. Joeeph Lawson
shipped a carload of sheep to Buffalo.
We wish Joseph success. -Mr. George
Mawson jr, is at present in Toronto.-
SIIBBP KILLING, -Joseph Edwards and
Henry Lamport's dogs strayed away
together the other day and attacked
a sheep belonging to Mr Saniuel'Ess
ery. By chalice Mrs. .Essere- saw the
two dogs and got to them before much
damage was done. Edwards killed his
dog but Lamport's is still renniug at
large. Brock Bros., arc busy cutting
wood for Eli King -Our fashiouabre
dressmaker, Mrs. Dicky, is leaying
town. This is a good opening for an-
other dreSsmaker.-John Nader is vis-
iting under the parental roof. -John
Young has just secured a car load of
eekal for our village folks. -Report says
we are going to lose one of our popu-
lar dressmakers, as she is going to en
ter,. the holy ' bonds of matrimony,
(Cousin Joe would like to know wheth•
er it is "Lady Plato" or uot.
Mr. Simon Campbell is now confined
to the house. While milking a, cow
last Wednesday evening he received
kick which knocked him 'under a
yetteg heifer standing in the same
stall. The animal became enraged
and came nearly tramping hies to
death. He has many painful braises
and a broken rib, but is now improvizig under the able care df Dr. Amos. Mr
John Kay is now recoverieg from ins
juries received by a fall. We hope to
See the two patients around again be
fore the merry titles are all paet.-The
"Patrons" had an interesting debate
last Tuesday evening on the subject -
"Resolved that the feeditig of cattle for
export, tinder present eirciunstancee is
NO 28$
unproeteble." The affirmative eide
sees led by Mr. T. Cameron, the nege-
titre by Mr. R. Gardirier. Both sides
did well but decision was givea in fa-
yor of the affirmative, -Many people
are discussing the poor house cinestioe.
The majority seem to be ageltiet the
building of such a house, they think
that Usborne can keep her poor in the
township without going to so mach,
expense. Othere are against it owing.
to the increase of pauperism in the old
country where sueh houe's hale been
built. We think that meetings should
be called, in aeyeral places, throughout
each township for the, purpose of ha v-
ing tile question 21311 15 and entelligent-
ly discussed.-Mr.A liotluicn intends
having a concert in the school on the
evening of Decernbi3r 22011. A good
time is expected as the program is ex-
eellent,-The attendance in our school
is now very large. It would be advis-
able to secure the services of an ass's -
tent for the whiter months at least, -
Municipal matters are very quiet dile
year. Farquhar cannot do better than.
stick- to her old reliable Reeve, Mr. T.
Good clean White oats. Present prices 26
to 29% emits. Having contracted vtith
Liverpoo/ firm for all the•meal I can rearm -
facture this season. Farmers having oats
to dispose of should call at the !lensed]. Oat-
meal mills. D. I11,Q11.11.4Tir
MrillePhe,rsonmerchant tailor, has
completed his residence next to his
shop and it preeents a tine appearance
citizens of Ilensall were treated.'
to a rich intellectual treat by Prof.
Scott who brought the living elocution-
ist, Miss Aggie lenox, to our lively lit-
tle town. It is to be regretted that so
few attended, as we aru informed, that
she more than pleased 1,tny who nearti
her: Her imitation of character is fault
less. Her rendering of a piece "The
Soeletybelle's letter to Joe, m the tren-
ches', was a capital hit as w -as else
'eelary Queen of 6totts" and "SparticUe
Should she come again she is certain
to receive a full'house.-A few of the
members of the R T. of T. whe
visited Hensel! Council at their last
"open" meeting, report having "none
too pleasant a time", in reply we may -
say that "Hensallites" regard the Sane.
tua,ry as a place of worship and net
place to have 'a Ing time.' The addrese
wa,s an excellent one, filled with feed.
for those who had intelligence enough
to comprehend it and we exceedingly
regret that our Exeter friends "could
not appreciate such an intellectual
feast. As for courtesy -such talk es
absurd -the breathings of "unmatured
mind" for a known fact that Hensel/
takes DO "second" place in such matters
If the Exeter friends refer to not get-
ting any eatables we have to say, that
Lieusall people get all they want to eat
at home, and don't Fo beggirig for a
meal, and until now had regarded oth-
ers in the same light. We would ad-
vise our Exeter friends who feet so ag-
rieved not to expect people to be al-
ways feasting, and although the Hen -
salt brothers and sisters have al/ that
they desire they always strive to la,sr
past a little for a "rainy" day; and
vei have and never intend to be rum
or dictated to by a fess (and we believe
only a few) of the less sensible of the
R. T. of T's of Exeter. ---There ss no•ex.-
citernent in conneetion with the Muni-
cipal election although some of those
west ef the swamp are busy eanyaSing
How some people do coyet others pre-
perty-It is such a paying busbies;
tom -Rev Mr. Ball of Vstnneck deliver-
ed his address on "Utah, Salt Lake
and the Mormons" at ,a meeting of the
Y. P. S. C. E. on leonday evening. The
address was a good cm e and brimful eie
facts The 8.11(11011 13 were delighted.
He iS a pleasant speaker and easily fol.
lowed.--M8rs Cook Bros, are doing a
good trade at present.-Radways Rea.
dy Relief is in town, it is running oa
wheels, --Clover seed is in demand -
Mr. J. C. Stoneman has a large assort-
ment of goods on hand. He has a large
and much better stock tha,n ever bo.
fore, and sells at popular prices let
picture frames (fancy) he takes the.
lead and outsells all others. It is the
chief Book Emporium in the village --
Call and see. No trouble to show goods
arid quote prices11.23011 come you. are
sure to see something to please you
. -
Mr. Enderson, of Wingham is here ii
the interests of the Manufacturers Life
Insuratee Co. -Mr Wm Welsh is do.
mg a, good business in the building
line, -Fowls are in great deneaad, as
our merchants are anxious to have
plenty for Xrnes --Our carriage ma-
kers have aline display of cutters on
hand. -Election of officers in R. T. of
T. -Peat select Councillor, Bre. John
Pope; Seleet Councillor, Bro. A. Wesleolie
Vice Councillor, Sis 13 Johnston Chet
lain, Bro. Geo. J. Sutherland; Rec. Sedy
Bro. J, T. Wren ;Fin. Seey 11 A. Buell -
open ; Treasurer, Sis. R Sinttllacoinbe;
Herald, Bro. R. Spear,: Guard, Bro. T.
Hudson; Sentinel, Bro. G. Smalla-
Or any other similiar epidemief the
blood and the whole system sheuld be
kept iri hottlety condition, If you reel
Worn ont or have. "that tired feeling"
in the morning, do not be Only of meg
led. Give immediate attention ,ti)
yourself. ,Dtke itOOCE'S Sarsaprilla
gfve strength, purify the blood and
prevent di8ease.