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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-01-29, Page 10
xQ OOPEI UCB 5ZGNM. SCAR, TaVRSDAY, AW A1" `, 9; •9,' Q , i A , thedllhe for taking Clashlfl*d. palls [is ° 1.2 NQONrTUESDAY THE'$IG NAL=STAR PHONE 5243331- 1. ARTICL S FOR SALE 1 RECONDITIQNED • ' SEWING MACHINE CLEARANCE • 14.95 and up , 90 -Day Guarantee SINGER CO. r USED coffee and hot w'a'ter urn. Pressure ' type stainless steel. Capacity:eight gallons coffee, 12 gallons water, Phone 524-8323 or apply to ° Mrs. C., Ross (dietition) at Alexandra hospital. 4,5. _ 1969 SKI-DOO Super Olympic, , single. Price $500.00. Phone ' '524-7040 .d'r apply 56 Essex ee 1-. ARTICLES FOR SALE'= EAVRS.TRO GHING onouse or barn, iVCetaI flashing"s, -Roof' - repairs. CHIMNEYS built. Free estirnatea. Morrison Bros.,. ;Lueknow: Phone 528.2546. Stf COINS Buy,' sell, trade, Also coin collection for sale. Contact Mr. Pope, 87 Kingston Street, 524-7359. r--44tf Dealer for McKee Sno-lander SNOW BLOWERS Model 520 Phone Lloyd LQunsbury 524-7080 49tf VACUUM cleaners'; sales and - service for all makes. R. K. Peck, -Varna, phone Hensall 1-262-5748,,- 48tfn • _NINE' little; pigs for sale. Lloyd Lottnsbury, phone 52.4-7080, --- 2x - AUGER-TYPEsnow blowers,, 6'/2 to 8' wde, front or rear mount. Two V -type snow blowers. All .sizes of tractor chains. George Smyth Welding & 2. _� - Ma+clri'rte'-Shtiip:--I'•hi3r�2�9 8rc2.1u°c;n•13t'e �'ti<:,'+•;}Y•:•' .•LT'{:: • }'',titi;'•r:'�,: {::• •y. ` :t;:. {:•'r,''S•� r,•ry:;r: ti''•'''+'•''•• t },•.:.,v?'y ti•{'r, :'•M'a,. }`r;}:ti ::{.;. .•,;.,i•• •„, •41,. •1iti•;5:,{y.:•;;fi,r,.Y�:••,ti• ::;k��1.;..yr��.::;'•,,.': ,;i�,:};.•.pv }}S:ti.;.. w..� :;1•:•V1:.1;�••i:4 ':4•.. . ::L,•ti •+:•1:Y'.•i:':'?''e,.;{•} n+: }}:a...z. 4?4;•{} •::;,':'4:•: .. 1. ARTICLES* FOR SALE SNOWCQMM, NDER, . 12-11..p. approximately 1.0' hour's running. Like new condition. Reasonably priced. • ' Must sell. Phone 524-81,14. ;•5Itf • • r• - CHOICE •quality refrigerated apples, Del ` • Mac. Orchards, Charles Burgess, turn east at the - Bayfield . Golf Course, turn left at ' Second Concession Road, proceed one . mile. Phone 4824289. - 46tf FEB SALE SPECIALS 9. piece .,Italian Provincial •bedroom -group, includes double dresser, 4 drawer chest,• panel` bed, pair of boudoir lamps, quilt top Springfilled mattress and box spring. Pair of foam pillows. Sugg. List $473.80. Only $329.00. 9 piece modern' bedroom group, includes triple dresser, 4 drawer chest, bookcase bed, quilt top Springfilled mattress and. box spring, pair of boudoir lamps, pair of foam. pillows. Sugg. List. $410.20. Only $289.00. 8 piece French Provincial bedroom group, includes vo-.,2:7.... • • BALED hay, straw and grain. ..... SEE, the new Sno-Hawk, the "sporty one. for the 70's, at Rouse Auto Electric, West Street. -- 40tf. HYGIENIC 'supplies (rubber 'goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelopes with price list,. Six° sampies 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-53, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91,, I•.Iaimilton, Ont. - -.1 tf Phone 524-7453..- 4-5 24. -INCH . Spartan black and white TV with stand. Excellent working condition. Reason for selling, new 'color set. Price $75. Phone • 524-8498 after 6 p.m. 5x STANDARD 8 mm used film . editor, - $19.95.' •;Apply' Henderson'sBook' Store, The Square. -.5 . e 'WRINGER washer, automatic timer -and .pizinp, '$40;- roll -away cot, $10. Phone 5.24-8673. = 5 1-969 23- H.P. Sno-Jet snowmobile. ,Phone 524-7014. - 5,6• ° • • TheReeve, and Council of. The Township of. Colborne announce That The Administrative Offices of the' Clerk -Treasurer and Tax Collector'/ are now located at 0 The Square • Goderich Telephone 524-7562 C.C. Arnbery Clerk -Treasurer '4 QDERICH' MOTORS AN1ARY: QVERSTOCKED SALE - _ CONT1NUES WE'RE CLEARING EVERYTHING T SALE PRICES c#056- 4*09 SAFETY CHECKED READY TO GO 1969.M44S C ries ON'THE SPOT FINANCING IMMEDIATE DELIVERY NO REASONABLE OFFER; REFUSED OPEN TILL- 9 EVERY NIGHT Service department open 8 a:r'n. to- 6' 'p.m. Monday tifroUgh Saturdey, 'All Work performed by factory trained mechanics. MOTOR n 5 � w 1,41orto 6 4 3'O8 or 44.7a09 �; y 36 South•..St. �. ;Yri+:lC: -. • CARS, TRUCKS FOR SALE ".., GOOD Selection of -used cars in A-1 condition, fully• reconditioned, and guaranteed, • trade -iris accepted 'and tents ''available- Rouse Auto Electric, West St. -,41tf ° ' • •1965 • B•UICK LeS.abre,. four -door, good condition. Phone 524-9537. - 52tfnc ' MUST ' sell -,1964 .Buick, automatic, pbwer brakes and steering. Good condition. Phone 524.7817.-• 3,4,5 , REAL ESTATE FOR SALE TWO-STOREY brick h.ouse,ftour miles northeast of Goderich, oil heated, four -piece. bath, three bedrooms, living room, dining room, ;kitchen, , two-piece. washroom-, 2:73 acres, spring well. No agent.- Write Signal -Star, - Box 53. - 5;6 ALEXANDER AND CHAPMAN REALTY LIMITED PH 0 N E 4249462 3% Commission Rate. On Houses in Goderich FOR SALE , Two-storey white _brick located on a large lot. This ' home rat -tires --foul -'b car garage, earpeted living -room and dining room, , • --modern kitchen, finish d basement. The exterior is, ' in excellent condition. Three-bedroom two-storey in west end location. Large treed lot, double car garage, •modern kitchen, large bedroom_ s are but- a'few features. - One -storey frame, two bedrooms, rec room, low, taxes. Priced to clear. Modern,, new 4 -bedroom, brick home' on. large rot. This.. house features a double living rooms, broadloomed, 2: bathrooms, electric heating andmany:extras, ° pair of • boudoir lamps, quilt ' top Springfilled mattress and box spring and pair of foam pillows • Sugg, List $346.80. Only $255.00. • Nine -piece living room group in cludes two-piece chesterfield, two step tables, one coffee table, pair of table lamps and pair of decorative cushions. Special $209.95. e ' BLACKSTON,E FURNITURE .341/VEST STREET s GODERICH PHONE ,, -524-8431 NOW Prices Slashed SAVE 9100° ON :MODEL 630 .SINGER .00.• a • 3 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE W. J. HUGHES Real Esfate :,General"Inlrurance' Office 5'24.8100--Re.s.'524-8491* 3$ .BAST STREET Commission Rate„ 3% On Houl;es`In Goderich • NEW LISTING Attractive modern; - 4 -bedroom ranch style • bungalow, broadloom in living roorn,'m.ny extras.. Owner 'transferred and must sell immediately. Attractive modern two-bedroom . bungalow. Large living room- with oom-with fireplace. Full basement with rec room. Sunporch. 3, REAL'ESTAToE 'FOR SALE • -CQLQUI1 UN LIMITED. 10 HO. Fr 'TRA.I.,'ER ONLY' Rei Estate e to &General •Insurance $ra,80f•00 ";. With.,: X2' x 1F" ad t ba P near Clinton. with c 1p ed d di ion ` 2' bedroom's a 4 -piece ` • 5. TO RENT *PLEASE phone 524-9044' if interested in 'three-bedroom gas • ° heated ,home in. the West End. Stove, refrigerator, etc. supplied if desired.:- 5 -„ • th aom ct full y,,equipped FAAIVIE, shouse, barn, 3 acnes, .. kitehen R 1 .• stove, fridge and automatic washer. SMALL acreages, Bayfield Varna • Large, attractive living room, oil area, 'frame house barn. Terms. heated.,- Purchase •price • includes tandem axle, four ' - new tires_ 30 acres Land rent • pays fuel la � t Where else cou you ge so and ' taxes. .Modern one floor , much for so little, try your own home; '2 bedrooms, hyin ;room down payment or owner willg CLEAN and modern kitchen, 3 ,piece bath, "Basement two-bedroom apartment, not has -one bedroom, rec > obm, suitable-- for children. Phone GROUND floor, one bedroom apartment, living room,'kitchen, two-piece bath, wall gas heater; electric range and fridge. Private entrance, no. pets. Adults. ,only, ' Phone 524-8556.'-- 5,6 trade on small home. ARE YOU RETIRED? Builder Furnace and fruit cellar. will consider a trade on, this • • attractive •new 2 -bedroom with 114 •acres of bush Wi▪ th frontage PARK -LIKE SETTING t nshi extra • bedroom in basement on Maitland River and ow p Red brick west' end home. �. road., .: ' .�. Spacious living room with 9l brick bungalow: Living room parquet floors 'and beamed with wall to wall broadloom, 220 acres, set up for 500-600 • ceiling. 3 bedrooms, full 4 -piece bath and vanity, Well - hogs- Frame. _ house, modern basement. Treed lot 104' x 104'. Planned modern kitchen. d 'u11 conveniences. basement completely panelled JUST COMPLETED • with laundry room, 2 -piece bath RUTH VAN DER MEER Quality built 3-'bedr©om rugL and" recreation. room, electric . 55 Montreal St. brick bungalow. This home is heat. $2,500.00 down and you' GODERICH 524-7014.•- 5,6 NEWLY renovated, modern, ground floor " aparfinei t in downtown "location. Heated, private entrance. Sorry, no children. Phone 524-9370: 4 5 AVAIL• ABLE 'immediately, 'newly decorated one -bedroom ground .fldor , self contained' apartment. Phone 524-8733. - 5 broadloomed throughout, Living can move right in. 524-7875 basement. 4 -piece- bath with 48,2-974 •TWO -CAR • garage on Arthur _.. - .-: fireplace with second fireplace in INVESTMENT PROPERTY Street. Phone 524-6114 after: 6 • room has large angel stone 2 tf • Trade your home on this nearly vanity. Spacious kitchen and new building. Contains six dining area. Many extras. Close modern spacious apartments - 4 to schools three -bedrooms, and 2' two -bedrooms: uns upii'x-in-1 en oca ion INCOME PROPERTY attractive ' • built-in kitchen A good resolution for 1970 - close to the Square. Lower unit elegtric heat. Ample storage area i B All t 1 have HAROLD W SHORE Real Estate Broker General Insurance 38 Hamilton St. -Real Estate for Sale rkin Own has large - living room 2 an plenty of pa g• . er uy a new home - See our bedroom"ns, 4 -piece bath. Floors -.anxious to sell and will consider -display model soon. - 1 are broadloom and hardwood. a good home as *' r-s's, payment. Dial the office at Upstairs;_ -unit- has 2 bedrooms: Call- for -an a. pbintment ' to 5.24 -7272 - Separate entrances Both 'units inspect this good° investment :or ' are in immaculate condition, ,.property. • Mrs. Fran Rae _►�-a�-�- _.__�_�. - • Representative IMMEDIATE POSSESSION -- ROOM TO ROAM 17 ' 524.9557 Owner moving. 11/2 -storey white A RES, two-storey, 6 -bedroom, frame home: 3 bedrooms plus , rame, house . with aluminum panelled den. 2 baths, full siding. Good- •1 arn' for horses or basement. Battle. Highway location, less _., . than 15 minutes from Goderich. P A-• --block. from. -;the-- Square; -' Raise your family '`dowri on the`' t•'-' ; ..`....-'°.. ''' `iietweert five grid six. 4-5. "7"•'''' 3 -bedroom brick 170me, den, farm.°' Full p°°rice $17,90.0.00. -HEATED modern two bedroom fireplace., Large: lot 82' x 132'. __ - apartment with stove and frig.- TERRI•FI•P-'T RM BUY!'- This Separate entrance. Not suitable OFFICE space for rent Contact • GOOD STARTEtR HOME e sure p.m. 5 TWO-BEDROOM house for rent, close to the Square. Not suitable for children.,- Immediate possession. Phone 524-7822. - 5 5. TO RENT ' ONE -BEDROOM apartment, furnished, all conveniences. Ridge �v ood Park. Phone 524-88''91. ltf FURNISHED light housekeeping rooms; °utilities included, ground floor. Miss Mary ,• B. Howell. Phone 5.24-8642,m 3tf • •• ONE -bedroom qapartment at ba•keview Apartments, 47 Elgin Ave. West. Phone 524-7'123 just 3 -bedroom, asbestos farm is id allyt d as a .,l'or children. Immediate., • Malcolm _blathers, 46 West Wartime; , d possession: ' A. B.e.dard,. St t' Ph P 524-9442 -• 39tf early occupancy. • siding, deep lot. Newly decorated Retreat property We re excite BRUN'O LAPAtNE Phone 524-8957, LES P.ENTLAND Phone•5 4-9,0072. ;.-..- F 1969.. BOA -SKI 28 two -cylinder, excellent condition, 550, miles. „Price' $875, Phone X5.24-6487 after 6 p.m. -5 1969 MODEL Sao -get 23 H.P.,, Phone 523-437'5. - 5p ti HOUSEHOLD__ appliances, new, aOnditi''on. Wringer washer;,,. electric dryer; also four counters. (two large, two small) suitable for store display. Phone 524-8504. - 5 FOUR lady's size 12 formals, 11 • ent condition• 1,00 -acre farm, all workable larid, fair buildings - $12,"500. 100 -acre farm; stone house and good barn, river flowing .full length of the'property', several spring creeks make good trout fishing; 25 acres workable. Inquire about this if you are interested in something with an outstanding opportunity for development. •-.._1'/2-storey asbestos siding home INCOME PROPERTIES -524-834 6.-.41tf ree . o e• about it and you will be ,too -SPLIT LEVEL when you read all it has to 1 , ... .ENTRANCE .0 +offer. 50 'acres with. I'/2 torey ONE -bedroom apartrne t, self Custom ` . built spacious ` 4 -bedroom house, oil furnace. contained electric heat Frig and 3 -bedroom homy has large rec - House needs new siding, but stove if desired. Available lArdori-i, •1-1-otlywbod kitchen, extra: building is. solid. 50'. x 35' barn "January. 1. Phone 524'7594. ° washroom--._ attached _ garage• `' .with a 30' x 30' "1a„ ,. with_ 5 tf - - - - __ ., wooden stabling: Implements ' WEST END y included with this ra ert .e: 3 -bedroom home all ready to P P `� move in, 9% mortgage, _ tractor, cultivator, 5 section TWO-BEDROOM apartment, harrow; 3, furrow plow, and rooni'y. . and heated.• Good LU•X-URIOUS- 5 FIREPLACES manure spreader. All for only location. Available February Charming ,, 27storey brink $8,900.00.^ 15th. Phone 524-9990. = 4tf executive type home situated tion -spacious grounds,west end• ` QUALITY DUPLEX Spacious apartments, Modern 2 acres of land in ideal location;, • kitchen and bathroom in perfect 3 bedrooms,' living room with condition. Complete privacy. picture window, '3 -piece bath. New awnings, furnace and OWNER WILL TRADE aluminum windows. Excellent Oh this apartmefi.t building garden ' soil. Priced to sell at situated on large lot close to the .$84900•00. 4 .Square. seep4 If ta'ned `units 1 • an ,OVERLOOKING LAKE AND 'RIVER: Thfs one -storey asbestos siding home 'situated on i . i_... d 2 bedrooms. ; '' ° • CLOSE TO .SCHOOLS – Mµ3 acre highway farm, close" to Goderich,' choice level productive soil, two sets of good buildings with grain storage, silo, etc ..... Would make art,ideal hog set-up for "a father and son. Asking -$63,500. in excel] 'Phone - 524=6235 after p.m. - 5 Modernized home, swimming $15 - PUP'P'IES- t& weeks-old;-crxoss between a small Collie and Terrier. Make suitable house pets. Phone •524-7593. or, 523-9562. 5 • o Excellent office plus 2 -bedroom apartment, just off the Square Presently rented. Store and 2 apartments available -immediately. Excellen location PUPPIES - German Shephwerd and American Husky: Parents excellent watch -dog and low heeler: Male, $20; female, $15• Phone 524-6498. - 5 • One used chesterfield suite in. pool, 2 silos,' laige barn, new :2=storey hog`b-arn-. a rd___- 00--aeres of good level land in one block; 100 acres of fall wheat sown last -fall. Make an appointment to see this property. - 450 -acre beef farm, large brick • home, ne* implement shed, large barn -•- will feed 200 Battle; • choice• clay loam_, soil, well' located, ex ellent terms available as the ower wishes to _retire. Asking price $73,500.., $18,500.00. very good condition. • - 'busy harbour: Fully equipped. MAKE US AN OFFER - Get • 1 basement, large modern kitchen, beautiful- panelled • den "10' x 11' with wall too wall carpet, 3 good size bedrooms, modern bath, attractive living room with broadloom. Priced at t $12,750.00 for those that know real. value. z , OUT-OF-TOWN PROPERTIES ,000 down, 2' stores and,-. 3_--•_-v ap"artments. Good income. -YOU ' CAN —SMELL '• T'HE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES + NEWNESS of this 3 -bedroom 1 -storey clapboard bungalow Restaurant and dance hall with angel brick front. A nicely situated on -51 acres of ' designed home, living room with •recreationa'1 development ori corner 'window "L°' dining area. Highway 21, close to Goderich. Large modern kitchee.. with lots Year round opera1 ion,. Modern of cupboards, 5 -piece bath with 3 -bedroom -apartment.. vanity. Electric heat. Located_on MARINA' •`re'r? „quiet village. An Snack •gar, boat rental, bait economical and relaxing place to . Asking ei a Fon nci shop. Situatedris 1 oacre on live: • One used ` sofa bed suite in excellent condition. One used bedrcom suite almost like new. .--'One' • brand now' " Kroehler recliner:-•tReg. price `B239.00. On' sale 8149.00. One used kitchen table, arborite. top. ' • ° LODGE FURNITURE 331 West Street-Goderich 2. CARS, TRUCKS, FOR SALE . 1969 DODGE Dart Swinger 340, 13,000 miles, safety ;;checked. Phone 529-7626 after; 6 p.m. -- 5,6x 1963 :-CORVAIR, new tires, - 'excellent •condition, will pass safety check. Phone 524-6871 (ph see it at Joe's B°I': z 4, • 1965 CirlaVRQI'"ET Impala sports coupe in excellent condition.. Phone 5244195 after • ,. • ,1 5' p.m. -°.. 4tf• , ,w $L i `d:C3r aIexlo ur3ooY. . sedan cq1 ent. condition, ce<tiiicatey :1titiSt telt: Phone 5;2417807 after 5 p,z'iiir • 3tf. Completely modern dairy farm, milking 60 cows, modernized, horpe; ample barn space, -4 silos, unloaders, ,automatic feeders, paved yard, well drained,.highly productive land.' Must be seen to be appreciated; good• terms available to the right buyer.° „ 100 -acre farm, - 78 workable, .5 -bedroom ' brick • --home with electric heat, 4 -piece bath; barn 40 x 60;,3 acres of good orchard and storage Price $22,400. Be ready for the spring fishing °away from high taxes, let your season. Act now on this. . children have. ,freedom of the 145 scenic acres, close' to " country, Your wife will -.,have Auburiii. Spring creek, neighbors. ck se by a u will' ' all enjoy`_ 'this, 3 -bedroom House and large building for bungalow listed at just $10,000. commerditl`ttses1 Near Lucknowr Located handy to school. and --I-45 store• -45 acres with4riyer frontage. - Lovely ' 7 -room brick home on the edge of Blyth, new furnace, 4 -piece bath. If you are looking for a home you would be proud to o ivn at the reasonable price of $12,500, make an appointment tosee this. - WANTED, withih 10 - miles of Godbrich, -Nouse and small acreage by a cash buyer. If you have soniething please give us a „call: • If yoiif are thinking of buying or selling your property, we would- °be'pleasba to discuss .it at your convenience. CALL I' G.•�Ii1ti1l Phone 629.73511 RR 2, Lfcknow, Or'iterio ° '8,,4. 230 'acres, near Auburn. OWNER. TRANSFERRED - a 1'/2 -storey frame home, vit,h large living room, dining room, den, LOTS . kitchen, 3 -piece bath, 3 Cambridge St. 80' x 132' bedrooms. New oil furnace and Britannia Road, 85' x 136' Concession 4,'200' x 185' Widder St., $3,300 Keays St. $2;3,10 Jones St., 76' k 140' • ' - Lakefront lot, 85' t 1 f•0' . ,r 5 lots, Auburn - Picton St. $2.500 .• . ,'Cottage lots overlooking La Huron. _ dN workshop in good -,dry basement. - Close to shopping. Asking only $8,500, with down 'payment M just $3,500. - Don't forget to stop in and', pick In? your/ ' copy of our rN,EWSLETTER. There is'a new issue just off the press. JACK CUMMIINIGS ke 5243624 P.EGGY CUNNINGHAM :....52.4.9579 FOR RENT • ,BILL CLIrFORD "T'wo 1-bedrdt'im apartments, available Feb. 1st. DON H0LS1 Rita Allen • ' !•/ :REAL ESTATE LTD. — REALTOR • , 5249 97 154 Essex St. -.524-84g. Deb Sl ewfelf 223 ' 4th'onJ3oad--,5249581 y .y�v a �.�.v ... _,. zu .��f 1/y��.` ( T �' �•Vf• Yau�V' rt� yyy(( 3 Y>� ��tQYY�v'a. Ebb M, .Ro5"ys1skTwi:,�t..,.. = 521395 ,•t. 92' Newgate St -524.8786 • .•FORMAL WEAR': RENTALS for all occasions We are agents for: Freeman's Formal Rentals PICKETT &- CAMPBELL Clinton LTD. •Goderich vommonvommej ATTRACTIVE HOME FOR SUITABLE COUPLE ti Executive will employ competent couple for protective observation his country property near Toronto and provide them an adjacent very attractive modern furnished home. AppIicant must be 'able provide first ` class references integrity dependability. This exceptional opportunity - competent couple without small children have attractive col ntry home and have other work. REPLY BOX 52, THE SIGNAL -STAR • GCjDERICH NSHIP NICE A • • All residents of' the Township of Goderich 'aee entitled td dispose of their refuse at the joint GARBAGE DISPOSAL SITE (Lot 13 and 14, Huron .Rd.) • WEDNESDAYS & SATURD'AYS Between. The Hours Of 9:00°• A.M. and 5100 PISA. CHECK WITH CA/REVAKgR ON DUTY , All • waste' materials will be accepted, with the following ,exceptionst (1) No toxic chemical' wastes, herbicides or pesticides. (2) No hazardous material's that, in the opinion of the caretaker, the licensed holder of the site, or the operator; can safel§ be iniborporated into this 'landfill operation. (3) No' car bodies, farm machinery or other similar refuse. (4) No wastes from the municipality that is not presently being' collected and delivered to the site by private citizens or Icy the Municipality through its agent..; 0 (5) No brick, stone, asphalt, cement, wood, wood shavings, saw dust or other inert n'iaterial, where siich material comprises 5O% or more of the Toad delivered. , .^.'=a^Maohwa< .».w,. gc..:a. w+.' RE' %- r •.°7,.84,4 * riV,�'uasrreg:;a*aM:ltltid�+y'c^'r:ne:.x wru.u»..•ao-.....•.- `: "__s a"e4:,;?;".' w'/ r0.tk 7'.$,z:.e:,'batgi tt,,:=1'>' t• •, -4 8 .11 rrxc