The Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-01-29, Page 5vr I have 'a con* Of dates for your calendar, so haul it down the.calendar, that is. , gave you Marked Feb. 21 and 22 as our Winter Carnival and 27 and 2$ foy the Skating Carnival? Good!' ' Now mark a big X for this Friday nite ,at the gene "when , the mamas and the papas play hockey against the children! They%tell me this Friday is FLJN-NITE for the Minor ;Hockey Club and yon are invitedi, to share it: Their youngsters are playing, good 'hockey and it will siiiely be a fun for all instead of A free for all that 'you have often. seen -on hockey night. Theladies have made •up their' minds to •show these kids that they SideWalit Shopping and Many other. interesting goings on for You And 014 hundreds of visitors Who come from miles around to jet us in this busy °week. So there, you have it, , With so Much Flu, coughs and colds - and other illness at this Little Theatrq Member§ . were a bit worried about casting their next °play. r, think. • everything is under control now and practice will begin this .week ' on. ,very interesting, „muider. mystery With 'several new faces .for director Ruth a Leonard to • 'watch over.#, Ruth is a Very capable little' person who is not afracl to tackle anything. In, just a few _seasons, she has Shown She is the .know 'Something about hockey • and they'R give those young rascals a run for their money! The fathers _ - well; that's different - aif they have enough to make a team, that will be fine - but I still think- they should have h couple .of spares in ccase of • punctured egos or deflated,wind" 'bags. - I mean, I think the kids will "skate • the pants off the "fathers" and THAT should be interesting. Whatever happens you are in • for an hour or so* of real enjoyment and.,...youll be glad you moved yourself to go WITH your children to the arena for their exhibition. TheY want you to see how these youngsters are -coming along, see why we may still be or • able -to hang onto the title of "Hockey Town" - they ' also stuff great directots..are nade of. y_ou.11 nRver, hear any , great shouting or arm' waving because Ruth ip a very humble, quiet person; but one who has worked hours apj, hours in all • phases of theatre and knows what lias* to be done - and I believe, knows HOW to.do it, Anyway, -if she doesn't she will soon find out, because she will never:let a job beat her and she's got herself a JOB. • it has been very interesting to Watch people come and go, work • and develop develop not only a liking for live tbeatre but develop their personality,come out of their shells. Working backstage is • a " wcinderful privilege and 'a real -treat and something everyone should do • even just ONC_E-in their life. - Of course everyone can't get ant_you_o_Ate_43.Dauzi__a_theit in a small community you have the • chance ot a .lifetime to participate in this wonderful bit , of the arts world. If you lived in a city you, would be fortunate if you even SEE live theatre, let along take PART in it. • We are fortunate ' that our younger generation 'realize the value of theatre and know -a great deal tore about it than their parents ever only • thing is that you should try to associate yourself with the hard work -and- pleasure - to- be-- had - when you 'have an active Little Theatre group such as ours in your town and an qpen invitation to join them, at any time. • accomplishments --and start coming to the hockey games again. Just --because the "Bees" are gone is no reason' for you to forsake- Hockey altogether. We have t� have these young people for our .future- national hockey players -and if you don't give them some encouragement NOW, they may just give tip the ghost and then what will you do on Saturday nites for hockey? So DO come out this Friday trite and let them know you still care —PLEASE? Now, -fpr that other date for your calendar - July 15 to 18 for `Goderich Week'-- Art Mart, • Flower- Festival, Kin Carnival, So. the, next play Will. be 'presented early in Match - and Vll give you the definite date later. , Congratulations were out last week for . Mrand t'Afirs.' Archie. Wilkin on the occasion of their 50th Weddiing AnniveXpary, Boy ° that's a lotof years together and they still lools • just WONDERFUL! ' I won't wish you another fifty, but, -:,25? • Bless you both, '1 ,• , I don't e.xpect to ever make the fifty no* but illy husband thinks by adding up - the years • HE was married - first and ° the years I was married• and then the married years we've had together - it would make up a pretty impressive figure --- but that's a horse of a different color isn't it? • When you • both lose your mates, the anniversaries take a littlelonger together to add up, but I guess as long as you, can niake them count and be happy counting them, that makes it up don't you think go? • Here's ?an •appropriate little • stOry: Mary had a little' -cold but wOuldn't stay at home And everywhere that. Mary went the cold was sure to roam. • .It •wandered into Molly's eyes and filled them full of fears It jumped from there to Bobby's a, nose and then to Jimmy's ears • It painted Anna's throat bright • red and swelled poor Tommy's head Dora had a fever and a cold put • J k fr. b d 30% THE SQUARE PHONE 524-7811 RCONDITION ED GODERICH very quickly said She -could have saved a lot, of pain with just one day in bed. . And that, -is- so. true! The Doctor gays bed is very necessary - stay home etc., etc, and you are not alone - just • everybody is miserable with you. Youys, a-h-choo Martha P.S. Have you started that wild scarf? -We- hope -to -see -everybody wearing a scarf - a long one T at the winter carnival. There will be nice prize for the oner- hose -design we can use for- future Carnivals. Deep blue, gold and black are town colors. • Thursday, Friday and Saturday •January 29, 30 and 31 (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Motorcycle Film With • A' Cowboy Slant Thursday—One Show at 8 p.m.' Friday & Saturday—Two Shows .,at 7.30 and 9.06 p.m. • This was the RUMBLE that ROCKED Las Vegaisi The deadliest gamble everdared. Theodds are against the house when you bet violence against a payoff in millions! ANGELS • HEWS' • • The possibility Of ' anialgamation between the. Health Unit in klurpo and the', Health Unit in Perth looms • larger. after the Alanuary session of fiuron Comity CoUricil. A ' eoPUUittee will estahlialied to study further th ainalgamation pt ,the two urifit4. • This, committee..wili (be of equal , represqntaticm from both Unit • arid consist a five Inembera of the Bparci, of Health plus:the Medical Officer of Health and qi6-$,ecretary-trOasurer. A letter has been sent -to the Minister of Health, with a copy • going ' to Hon. 6. S. MacNaughton indicating Huron willingness to negotiate With Perth in the matter' of amalgamation but that an'y - satisfactory • agreement- wonld involve equal* representation from both Huron and Perth coUnties. The Perth Board has asked for six members with Huron having only five members. There also has been .indiCatiOns that Perth would like to see the offices * located in Stratford. Huron County favors locating _the office in a more central-, • location to both counties: Seaforth has been mentionecLon several occasions.• - A hearing was held Jan. 13 in Toronto establishing the Canadian Union of - Public Employees- as bargaining 'agents for all,staff of the Huron County Ilealth Unit vv,,ith the exception of the MOH. • The `County is attempting to have the director of nurses and the chief public health inspector also exempted from the contract. As well, the county would lie to have Iwo union contracts proposed, one for the • nursing staff and one for all other employedi Of the health' unit. 'Donnelly* .and Murphy are, Richard Stephent,CallOrt thia.heauty in Mouth of the river • . . , here In coderich, it, is a cohae salmon ,which measured 3Z inches long and weighed 16 lbs. Richard had his, prize stuffed re, and mounted for display in the family living roam. Young tisherthalt.,hangs . , kite Inihiingitiom • Richard Stephen, 12, son of-Ofte-ri up and gone fishing long Mr. and Mrs. W. Stephens, 241 South St., is theproud possessor of a muted cohoe salmon" • which he caught November 15 in the mouth �f. the river here in • Goderich. • The fish was 32 inches long and Weighed 16 lbs. It took a_yotrng. Ri 1,1,00three-quarters of an hour to reel him "I -did it by myself;" beamed Richard. "It gave me a good ” fight. • . • stuffed and mounted the fish for Richard at a cost of $1 per inch. The boy's prize now has a place of honor in the Stephens' living Richard • Owns about $12 worth of fishing equipment. He uses an Open-faced reel and an ordinary • rod • on his fishing outings, and according to This mother' and father,- Richard is before the rest of the .. family rises in the morning. ,0 The lad is 'a real` fisherman too, shown by the fact that he seldom returns without a string of fish to his credit. -- "We keep the neighborhood in fish," laughed Mrs. Stephens who added that Richard cleans' all his own catches. -• • A • Grade 7 student • at 'Robertson • Memorial • Senior Wing, Richard has anOther ."1 . he Stephens' living rotim bgasts two tanks of tropical fish, the pride and joy, of young Richard. Oddly enough, no one else in the 'family goesr fishing • or has much interest in fish.. . What is Richard's • life ambition? - To be '.employed: by the " Canadian • Fisheries -Department, what else? 1 • • • • . 1 acting on behalf Of the county in •annual rental Of $2,400 phs the union riegotiationsp• telephone and caretaklng. -. It Was learned that the public Wingham unit work* out otothe health nurses at Clinton are now former rAnr$00' training School quartered.n a house adjacent to -and rent there Is $1.03 ,par • the nurses' Asidence ,,_at_an_ixica4biluslelephone, r er returns„ p •,Huron County• Council . learned Thursday afternoon that Miss Carolyn. 'Coke, ": twiner Huron County librarian, has forwarded it refund for monies paid to herbeyond.December 5, 1969. ' - Miss "Crolie Jett the county's employ on , that date and accepted work in London,. although she had given illness as the reason for her, resignation °here. There was some opposition registered in council during the November session that Miss Croke should not be paid tO the.: end of the year even though it was county policy to do -so when illness • was the cause of departure, especialry since it was known the former librarian was employed elsewhere.. • „ but to cfate it has not. accepted. ' Clerk John Derry reported, a small siFplUS at the end Of 1969 aMonnting to $150,090, In other business, council , took out membership in Several approved associations ineludIng the .° Ontario • Good Roads Association aikt the 'datiadlaii; Good Roads Association; -agreed • to an increase in fees for auditor — A. M. Harper in 1970 *muting to $675 from $3,300 to $3,975; and entertained delegation .from CNIB, . the University of Waterloo and the University of Western Ontario: Truscott busy t. . • • Total operating expenses for writing DOoK Colonel SandereRecipe .k gentile - Dumpers, arise! • Huronview, during • 1969 were . $771,027„2..7...with Huron's share being $77,084.55, $1°,815.45 • less than the budget forecast. Employee salaries and fringe benefits continue' to rise and account for oyer 70 percent of the total e)s.penditure. -As consisted of of 1.17 full-time employees and 46 part-time. , Negotiations are continuing witt the International Union of •-Operating. Engineeis for a new contract. The present contract expired :Dec. 31, • 1969. The . Committee has offered a seven percent increase to the Union • Steven Trusccitt, paroled in, OCtoller after 10 years in prison charge of murder in the • death of Lynne Harper, ig, a resident of Adastral Park, near Clinton, is 'reported to be doing well and "'busily 'engaged in writing a NOE- Truscott's whir abouts is still jaot divulged. He is living under an assumed name and according to recent .news stories, he hasn't been badgered since leaving prison. 'Grange Street, chairman of the -National Parole ,Board, said he expects things- to Work out for Truscott, as they' do for 90 percent of those on parole. Med felt TAKE HOME SHOP' „ '87 KINGSTON STREET „ - Located Bes'ide the _pulf Station At The fi,ve Points For..Deliiery tCall' 524-7359 ' ,to. be p'ut onl tleaven forbid'. • •, * •4`477:4-» WA91,,P4TI<F1:1!it.4:1'. The ollOwing letter is in •Our last glorious freedom -to be Moggach party postponed . regard to the- Secret Society of Colborne Township and also a fDeuwmmpore notes on the Township - It seems that back , in November ,of- 1969, Colborne Township advertised for a Clerk 'Pi -ea -SU -ref to --lake over duties • January 1st, 1070. The advertisement appeared in • the Signal -Star for a short ..time. It.asked for a party t6" state their -qualifications and also to state a sal* expected. Surely -the Council is not that scotch that they must consider the applicant on basis . of lowest salary. Tendering for the job is ,e what happened and it seems to m, that • es/linen is more - concerned over what is. paid, f rather than the job done and quality of work. - People of Colborne! I ask you this! • . As of January 28, 1970, do, you know who the Clerk. _Treasurer of Colborne Township is?'"Phis'ilas got to be the biggest mystery,of 1970. Now for the best, part. That juicy topic, the Township • Dump.=,1- doWt believe there is • need for further -advertisement to inform people Of the unsupervised dumping area in Colborne Township. It's just a thile and'a half trona., Hungry. 'Hollow, that booming. suburb of. Goderith Citiiens! 1 understand that a •higher fence , is to be built around your Dump! Ail , the better to decorate. And a gateto be• put up! For Hallowe'en pranksters no doplit. And a lock Me, Bert Moggach Farewell Party and . presentation scheduled for the Searorth.and District High School Friday 'evening, January 23 was • cancelled because of the high incidence of flu in the area. • An announcement of the presentation will be made at a future date. taken -away, The seagulls yvith no one to watch them. The rats '‘vith no food.And no more paper to brow Around. PAPER! Arise dumpers, surely you will not allow your durni3,"to be locked. But note! It will be open certain days. No doubt when Holmesville ,durnp is c,loSed.,How :convenient. • . I urge Citizens of Goderich and 'Colborne, 'protest most openly the locking of the The Next 'Time Family Or Friends ,Drop In -.DON'T •COOK CALL US' - ,S"t-T-URDAY MATINEE - January 31 at 2.00 p.m. • WALT DISNEY'S "PINNOCHIV WEEKLY SCHEDULE • FRIDAY • No PUBLIC SKATING • FUN SATURDAY, JAN,. 31 • MINOR HocKEy STERNSATEVAN DYKEIADOR •• COLOR 40. ;ill RNA ' 4101 ,•1969 Airworlaan Intonistierial.Plisture* GODERICH vs. ADASTRAL PARK Pee Wee - 6. p.m: Bantam - 7 p.m, Sunday, Monday,_Tuesday._)Afednesday, February 1-2-3-4 • DOUBLE BILL, —'STARTING AT 8:00 P.M. She is woman: • animal, saint, mistress, lover. . Which is the true Midget - 8 p.m. SUNDAY - PUBLIC SKATING 2:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M. SUNDAY' 8:00 P.M. CHHL HOCKEY GBC: vs. Bayfield • Based on The Alexandria Quarter. by Lawrence Durrell, Yanavition" Color by De luxe 2g, Inteigpirlg–Stoi.y of the Eatt with a Naybr of Politics -• BOTH- SHOWS AR • FIEMERIBEA •WE FrAvE SPECIALCATERING RATES .••••••' TOW nship a As Ever,. • Detonator Dan. , ' I 4,1nYforj 11,1,qt, 1 4,, .01, TUESDAY PRE-SCHOOL SKATING 2:00p.m._ 3:30 P.M. • LIONS FREE SKATING 3:30 - 5:00 P.M. THURSDAY PRE-SCHOOL • SKATING , 2:06P.M. - 3:30 LIONS FREE SKATING 3:..10 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. • SKATES NOT ALLoweD IN - NEW WASH Rooms ...UNLESS PRO1ECIgat,-1.;:,;-:' ° WITH SKATE GU4ROs REXHARRI-SON RICHARD, BURTON in the Stanley Darien . Production "STAIRCASE" WISE SHOPPERS KNOW • QUALITY pRppLICT, d SO •- COME OUT PANAVISIOPP.COLOR by Maxi -t;stitiviiirPerfornied rarna,', of Lonelines,a,,,,,nd Coming Next: "APRIL FOOLS" (Adult Entertainment) TO , Hutchinson Radio -2- •Appliances tot itototv All" MEN $:-pR.gss. SHOES ALL 'wom-EN .ACCENT DRES4, .SHOES AUL OOMPill_ES--. ALL WSS Vinyl SNOWBOPTS