HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-01-29, Page 3There are -four new members on Huron; County Codncll this year and all of them are fromthe • north' and 'central part of the county,_Picture�d here (left to- ribhtts) are Ken McMichael, reeve. of Turnherry; E. W. Oddleifson, reeve of Bayfield; Clerk. John Berry; Harold Cobb, reeve of Clinton; arid. Eugene Frayne,Mdeputy-reeve of Ashfield Township. -PA photo Separate SchoolBoard Approve - M The Huron -Perth • County Roman Catholic eparate School Board at its meeting iii. -St. James' Separate School,' Seaforth, on Monday night approved a borrowing by-law for $850,000. Trustee- . -James- --•-MGrris, Stratford; was appointed board representative to the Stratford and District Labour --Council "Teen Town." 4F• -•- 1 1 • d • CIODERW% 11$4.114,A S, i , ,A " 4 1,1.1 , nil' the • Minister's, .stud: Rev, -Kenneth J. Knight 44. r /4111.1% l gut' • u rte) of his people arra really Wiled in. spears for ow. d. if he. flidii't ►'utr, !tc" Iltcil Itc'c,tr:ctlr rtt;t", )a'ur(J ?Ode. *from the one or t;uvO) believe that, you couidn't•-drag 1,1(11 �,rr lli r ^tkul .�cirr� �'Uiat are„obviously sleeping, the him into his pulpit,. Think of the anti /)4<li.c• Pastor, learr}s .to recognize tet irmeLsity, of the problenas',tb ° signs df those. wh10have turned , face -us, think Of the cpmpleXlty. him off --: e.g °the. fixed glazed of the relationships that pain us; stare, the glancing out the think of the depth of The Window., the blank look. Perhaps dilemmas that confuse us. ' It has been best,sumtned up by a• Do ' 'you think. that• the medical doctor as he was'quoted minister thins that ou>, of his in the Detroit Free Press `in little head he can ladle , out 1966. r '-panaceas that Will .dissolve our Ur. James II. Laird said this: difficulties? Not, al all% .The "A° sermon has a very personal preacher speaks for God. The message for yc)u. Don't let the minister believes that Christian fact thatyou sit with a. crowd faith has provided him with h 'obscure for you'the profound truth rpeither of, 'his own truth that a sermon i5 intended possession nor discovery, truth. for you. that. has healing power to bind .So as you sit there don't begin tram Irate crerlasting Anel thel - that (tear shall lire" 'And Ile said tarts Meat' tuba' . heed what ye hear " ,h`,•Ziri. ?. 24, .i !hark. -4: 24: Are yOu listening?. 1 often times 'think, '„res rnotit preachers 'probably do, bow Many people` out there are really' listening. t1 ,Muth titre is spent in sermon ,,,..preparation. _A lot or Study goes ifito -detail as to fact and • scripture portions, - illu;;tr-aUons etc., and one Often wonder's on • 'Sunday morning at approximately 11.35 how mart borrowing 150 000 up to to make a list of all thveople you wish were listening, this is for you. Don't poke your elbow into the ribs 6f your•mate and mutter, "Get that, Buster." No, , this is for you" The point of a, Payment o.t' renibership , ees1. - Library Board.contact N rs'. Nvenhpis 'sermon is communication and totalling $1.910 were app�'oved William Innes, Stratford concerning this request as to the call is di"rested to you, so for •they Ontario Separate School trustee, was appointed a5 a what information ' was wanted. ,. pick up""I'fre receiver. Trustees Association ($1,585) member of the Stratford, Iraffic The •Board gave' approval for .\ sermon is a person • to and for • the Ontario School Sub -committee to represent the Mr Vintar and Trustee Francis—pEarsun call. And let. us be eery Trustees Council ($360).. Board, Hic:knell, RR 5. Seaforth, to clear about who the other Jose h Looh ; Dublin, TV ' fe a on arson iS. It Is not the prcather. --Claude -Clande Harve .__..and_-. _:Vic... _ ..: .p __.... ..Y �k�i�. _ii ..�4(�rt ,�c of -s. i' _. . re -appointed Lindsay of Stratford were chairman of the Finance and Program Distribution at the That a preposterous. Ihing `eller to represent the Insurance (,�omtrlittee,_is to calla London Boars{ of Education TV sermon would be if it were - Lindsay l meetingof his committee with' Huron -Perth Separate `Sch�ot (;entre on February 27 in merely„the preacher trying to Board ;on the Stratford ..Public,_, Superintendent John Vintar and London share some;Lof his wisdom with Business' . Adiiiinistrator Jack• \,iticent Young, (;od,erich, ehoScT Who' were : interested- in reported that the Minister of ,whale lief might think about what. Education, 14.m. William 1)'aV is, was going on in the world. , a man nal -Star ublisher tours Abitibi paper mill • Twelve weekly publishers who • are also printers for the weeklies • around them were taken on a trip to the Abitibi papermill in Iroquois Falls near Timmins last 4 ' IIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIitime IIIIIIIIII Colbiorne Corner BY__SHA.RQN WHITELY GR.'5 Friday, January 16, 1070 we held a dance in our school gym. It . lasted from 8 o'clock to eleven o'clock... - We made ,$3p.50: People, in grades five to eight(attended. Il Most of the .people •seemed to enjoy it: Monday, January. 19,'• 1970 the volleyball team from O Brookside, came for a game against ,our school. Our boys won their 'games. Our girls lost -two and won one. Better luck • next time! Monday, ..January 26; 1970 our. school's volleyball teams went to Brookside to play. Both teams lost, Lane and insurance officials to cheek all insurance coverage and ew 1 A letter Was received from , 7 Mrs. Frank Nyenlluis„ K It 1. week. Iii the group was Goderich publisher Bob Shrier. Thursday the party was flown • to Timmins and then proceeded first to tour the original plant and new. spaper . , of . famous publisher' Lord Thomson of- - Fleet and then on to the mill 'at •Iroquois Falls. • 9lt took a complete afternoon -to, tour the huge plant and watch the'rw'hole",operation from th raw. logs roaring into the chute for debarking to - the finished product • rolling • off of the six newsprint making machines - being wrapped and loaded for delivery to plants like the Signal -Starr In30.bbelow zero weather tlift publishers were taken out early- the arlythe morning to watch the eom.plete bush . operation after which it was dinner at the bush• camp, than back to Toronto by Friday afternoon. _"The whole operation from bush to loading is absolutely fascinating, stated Mr. Shrier. "I will never take a `Sheet of, newsprint for granted again." Kir kora Parent •Teacher Association, "requesting 1 bt Board to inform her associatian of matters of business concerning the•-Kink'ora School. Trustee P. S.- Carty, RR Stratford,'' was instructed - to \VI it VII( 0 ( Of tilt` neer 'addition to Sp • sht•ring his 1}lou);hl with -other Mary s• School in Goderich on men it would.b.e a waste of time. Monday. l•`ehruarv” 2, al. 8 p.m. All most iif us know about life as guest speaker. The addition-• could be told very quickly. A consists ,of a carpetted open sermon has.another.souree than area. •the "first in Iluron and . the brain of the preacher. • Pert h"Counties to, h. p)u'1 into , The ' clergyman ` speaks the effect, a designed` Kindergarten •weird ul' (god. "leo say this .is so room, a ileal (Iv rooirl. stal'1 lounge _Ind general worn. . amsonite heed slated or Goderich banquet F. -A. • Knight. president of Samsonite Ltd.. Siratl",)ret, will' he - the guest.. Spe•aHker at the .Goderich Industrial Commission and Tourist I)e\e`'lopnl€nt dinner at 1larhourlite I44n this' Friday • evening, ° The speaker has tiled ''its the Stratford area since 1952 e'.i.ep1 for a year spent in Rhode Island.. Ile 'was an original member of the - "Stratford Festival hoard in 1953 and '19.54; a metuber of the Industrial Commission from 1954 to 1958: president of the 'Strat.for.d Chamber „(if Commerce in 105(; c16(1 vice-presld('nl (it' .the (Yntario local Obituaries -FRANK X. BAECHLER • McCallum . Funeral Home, •He • farmed in Kinloss ERNEST NIVINS Goderich, Monday, January 26. • Township until 10 years ago ., interment was in Bayfield when he came to Goderich to ' vt'nt,st ,..ions died at ern-etery:r,Tarlbearers- were Jan --'work in the•--8iflo Sait Mine lie'--..Lt...a.+-n.:it>•00t't :'-•p)is1r-w4- e41ioriak,. Koene, Charles . Wallis, John was a •' member ' "of Knox ff spilal \\`ednesday. .Januar•\ Campbell, John Watson, I)orrald' ,Presbyterian Church.' ' '21, following a lengthy. illness. Campl)ell and George Keyes:' •_ He is -survived by his wife, the Mr. \i irs as horn ;il `Blyth. Flowerbearers were .Alf Warner,, former Jean Edith Stot hers: a son of John and 'Margaret .Doug -three > sons, , John: David " find Ni'� ins. lie had h('en0a resident of ,» Elizabet Coxon Ho worked as - Ted Dunn and Wallis. Hire c • a guard in a paper mill until four ` : • ' - m -Andrew and one daughter, Julia, I,eaulliligt.on for many years. arid a half years ago. _ . JOHN•WILFR•ED GODFREY `, all at home; his mother: four Surviving with his wife are He was .an 'adherent of the John Wilfred Godfrey, 270 •sisters, Mrs: (;corge tRena) , a,,E Krill hers. lames h;., United Church. oronto, died 1' isher,� Wirlgham Mrs. • Elden (,i+I,,ar� . • -Alberti: Wilford.' Chisholm Ave.,, ve•(Alma) Lhwr} Iluron Survivors include one 'son, suddenly January 22 �in Toronto .Victoria. fi,('.: and Melvin of • • Charles of . Goderich and two ' Townsh'i p: Mrs, ' Honald London: and - two sisters, Mrs, East General Ilospital. He waS • (Kathieen) Forsl'c'r; l,uc•know: ' grandchildren. 5 �4largaret Foster' of (;oderi.ch and 41 and .Mrs. Uuncarl (LiIT'ian 1 Funeral service was Saturday, He was born July 11, 1928 in 11 r., Martha \lc('all °of Listowel. January 24 at the Stiles Funeral the Township`"of Olden to. Ralph Simpson, Kintail: two brothers, the funeral• servic(' wasMhc ld ,Jc�hn_.ol' _LoTndon and._ Lllio'tt oI-__.Kl.l. -_the p�t�_i�t�._..L'=ttnc�rtil: . Home, Home_ with_ Rey,,_Leonard_ Wa•1.__ _ Godfrey and the-- former- ll•a---•-• ,. .Ripley': and one sister -hi -law, Leamington, ,lanuarN • 23, with officiating. Campsel. He moved to M r5 . Verdi n OM a rgarcll 1 Interment was in .Maitland Dungannon ih,19,11 and went to=� i nt e,rrllE'n t ttI Ltt•keview' . Pallbearers were_ -Mowbray, Luci:now. : Cemetery . • Cemetery. P Toronto 10 years -ago. �._. ._ _,_ _. _ _ --. , The .body Is ratting --at t.1it�_` -. �:. _�. - . ,:.���. --_-•,----,-:_- _-- 'James" • James- Corri an; -Norris Davis,_ _ _ ._ - Corrigan, He was married • in 1.90.3 to Stiles Funeral Home in (iuderirh Harold Baethler, Lavrirence' Muriel Shannon who survives. unlit 'Thursday w�hen'itifl rest Burgett, Vernon Marriott and He worked as a' bulldozer A1ItLIAtiS Douglas Young. at the McKenzie Memorial , g g operator: ('liape�ly I,ucknow, filen 10 a.nl. Mr. (nice, ey was an adherent until service at ,3: 3O p.m. Rei . CE MEET E R� of the Unit�,cp Chl�rc'h• (;, p,, Royal will officiate. W. MCKENZIE Surviving besides his wife are 'Inters lit will be in South M .MIR1 A LS his father,' Goderich; two sisters, Kinloss Cemetery.TileDonald W. McKen'tie,R. 'ifill. 1 Mrs. Cliff (Olive)Sproul, EthelKinloss gill ht' (lar �An Bayfield, died Friday, ,.January and. Mrs. David (Gail) In hlgston, ("arruthrrs, Peril 1..ow'r1. 1111 Stratford`d -InscriptionsOntario' 23 at'' Alexandra Marine and . Seaforth and • one brother; ' Fisher, Rt)s Foi'> I . Donald Ro n a I d C. McCollum General' Hospital. • He was 69 Howard, Goderich. • Maclntyre and Lynn Lowi-,„„ 'years old. • - 'Funeral service was Monday, 9 Flowerbearers 'will ley stay He was` the son of Donald 'A. January 26 lh the Stiles Funeral Hamilton. •Mister \lcht'y Jim McKenzie and the former Mary Home, Godeth:b,,with Rev. R. Burt and .lobe Simpon. Elizabeth Stirling and was born C. McClenaghan officiating. on Lot '38, Concession, 2 o1" 4 Interment was in Dungannon Goderich Township. •Cem•et<ery,. 'Pallbearers were ForYour �'� Tecumseh: - .c' A lifelong resident of Thomas. Forsythe, ' - Gode ich Township, he Paroled Roger' Firkin;- Toronto; ,,I)ehfier . INSURANCE: r p ' Sproul, . there.,unt;il' his death.'.. ' � � ° lr ll�ian ' S Weston•, Evans, James rout, James He was married .September, Sproul, p d 21,, 1935, ' • to ° Dorpthy McCreight and Wayne Linington, cotchmer who survives. ' ° Flowerbearers were George A member . of St. Andrews. •, Foy, Mike Sproul, Stephen. United Church in Bayfield, he , Sproul -an erry Sproul. was an elder and a'clerk of -the IRWIN ISA C CARRUTHERS session for many years. He was r • chairman of the Bayfield Irwin ,Isaac. Carruthers, 12:9. ' Donald �. IVIacEwtln Cemetery Board at the Arne of Trafalgar St., Goderich, died' , , y o his death. Mofnda , . January 26 at He is survived.,by his wife; one Alexandra 'General and Marine, RE, ► ESTATE daughter,' Doreen at ,home and Hospital. lie was 50. . one sore, Donald Victoria B. C November Carruthers was born - er 29; •1919 in 'Kinloss' ' <LISTINGS .AND ENQUI,R•IES- INVITED and.. two sisters,., Mrs. Sh td � .;�. ,... ,p}'. .. l t 11 J . i 1 c e �-. Cie I�#� ... ,,..,, :. �w � a �..� � - He a cEvua hi >. _ .lVla Jessie) Keyes,. Varna aero--- �rs���''�� Peter • r ., Ctilin:irJear,) Campbell,.Bayfield, ie1d. late} John Carruthers and M s, Dorlatd G. MacEwanSalesman ,XY • )icy 1 onald leek eondueted Ma,r r . , .,i�viee at the . I7 al � W C1L [;lA, • the ft,trielcal ... �inglialta �tr1°to survives, • Y Frank X. Baechler, Nile,' died suddenly a1 hiS residence 'January 21. He was 69. lie was"born• August 27, 1900 in Kinloss Township ,.to Charles Baechler and the former. Jane ('hamber`of ('one\nn rce in 1'9 ,2: allcl has been a \isiting lecturer at ..\\ aterloo Lutheran l ni\er-lacy in foreign trade. .\ reception hcffor( 1•he.diniler • at. 7 :i(1 p.m.' will be . spon,ored Ili '1 li 1 Iliodl (;aS....Co llparll • Honored guests' will include. a.' Ilon: , C. .AIacS'aifghtt)n•. pro\tnc lilt treasurer; llcliinte\ , \1P for Huron: .\li t. Phillips. manager of \1O1):1°ancl 1luron 'County . Warden •Ito `\estcutl: :Members.. of tow n i'i)Ullcil all`CT, the (;odel'i('ti Industrial ('ommission as well as Many Oilier leading (•it:,ens• at,() attend ridiculous as to he almost comical. Who is a minister to speak, for (god'.' 11( is just an ors inar__ iindiidt+al. born of _ordinary parents. and yel--lie the wounds of mankind, A _ sern)on is a persgnal r•Jiessage that demands a -personal response. Often the response is verbal. as -a parishioner` tells his inihister how much he enjoyed' the sermon. '.___.. A response that is merely verbal is inadequate. The man in . the pew should ask himself, "What" word is God speaking to me this morning? How does the truth he is trying to tell me apply' to. my dais life? And • what am I going to do about it? When this happens. sermon..,. can be truly meaningful." 'I'o the foregoing 1 dare say most ministers would say -.ac hearty "Amen". 1 wonder, will' you be tuned in'and listening for (cod's voice this Sunday? If you are, and He should direct you •y Ills spirit 'to do something regarding your future destination, and by that I mean , you personal soul salvation..etlien" why hold back when clearly it is (;ud speaking and not merely a man. • Give your heart, liTe and..your soul completely into Iiis keeping, for eternity.' and -then you too ' will be, able.to confidently say "1, am saved." Church. God N ......�_�._... (PENTECOSTAL.) Oldest Pe,atecostal Denomination 'in North America .. Pastor: RE.V.OMER HE1tDERSON Friday, 8:00 p.rna - Youth,Services. SUNDAY SERVICES 10:00 a -.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL 1 C:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. - CHURCH 'Corner North and Nelson -- MacKay Hall r home 524-7129 W -E• -L -C -O -M -E .12,12 T . P R.Y-D.E and SON' - MEMORI.ALS -- MARKERS & CEMETERY LETTERING ° CLINTON -- EXETEf` EAFORTH •- Goderich District Representative F RAN-1F-•.R",Ct LVVA1 N - 524-7861 or 200 Gibbons St. - 524-9465 REG. J. BELL 45...a fbrta Rad, S. 524.-7464 • • • Representative ' 215 Wellington St..S., Goddrich. Phone 524-6272 or 524;7345,- a • see or call 4 , MtucEWarl &• MuCEWo '44 Nortli St. _ 524-9531_ Peter S. MaeEwan • P „ • tf GODERICH FROSTED :FOODS- ... ¢So HAMa;ITON STREET,.., row 'raising* BY THE ,PIECE SLAB BACON VEAL CHOPS VEAL PATTIES • PORK LIVER CROWN BRAND - •2 ,Iby Bottle CORN SYRUP PALM GARDEN - 100 Bags TEA BAGS le. 794 le. 894 lb. 634. 39:; 394 f- 694. HEINZ CONDENSED - 10 or -Tin TOM'ATQ;SOUP a ,234 BQNUS6 BRAND -- 10' To A Pkg... X44 0 T , (Baptist -Conyentioti of tOntarin and ct<,ets4c) MONTREAL 5311E:ET neat 'T ha "* A WELCOME:TO All- imps) a.m. - Adult l ible'Cla s and. SLlrlday $0hPOI: Fnr.All' 11:00 '4,m. ^ COMM !NtON SERVICE. ' `yvtd. Nursery ..Minister; Rev, AperrthurseMaybury, B,A. a Sexagesirng. Sunday. 'F91 Fruary, 1st. 61,30 a•,r1rm. i9,;• I bLX' Q. MMVISON• 11::A() •a.m, HOLY ,COMMUNION. d •� Nursery at 41 'a.m.. CHURCH SCHOOL CLASSES- at 10 .and. 1,1, a,;n•.. Rice#or 'FIEV. G. G.' RUSSELL, Organist ;Ctloirmaster-Miss Mariann,Aidous,, `.Mus.,KMus aC , nox Presbyterian Churc THE REV. G. LOCKH,ART ROYAL, R.A:., Minl$ter. " WILLIAM CAMEROn, Director of Excise • SUNDAY, -ERR .JARY 1st MOO a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 a,m. - DIVINE WORSHIP Sermon: "CDEE,P CAL;LETH UNTO -DEEP" (Nursery and Junior Congregation) - ,The Rev. R. C. McCalla, i, Goderich - 7:30 p.m. - Young People's Society. • THURSDAY, JANUARY 29 Official" Visit of .the Moderato: . 2:30 p.m. W.M.S. Rally and Interested Persons. 8:0.0 p.m. - Rally to hear the. Moderator. Enter to Worship - Depart to Serve North Street United .-Clurc- • SUNDAY, • r s 10:00 a.m. - SENIOR SCHOOL. 11:00 a.m.,j-ry ` MESSENGERS. (Junior School Age) 11:00 a.m. WORSHIP. REV. J. R. GRANT, frA,, B.D. Calvary United Church;' London WILL CONDUCT THE SERVICE. Supervised Nursery Etearror- #h-errrrgtom Organist and Choir Director BetheIPentecOStaI Tabernacle: Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Cahada CORNER OF ELGIN AND WATERLOO STS. REV. R. CLARK, Pastor SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1st 10:00 a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. --- CHURCH. Tuesday,`•8:00 p.m. - Prayer and Bible Study, Friday, 8:OQ..p.m. - Young People's' Service. • VE'ct�'ria Street United' -Church The House of Friendship Rev. Leonard Warr •'---..10:00 a.m."— BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL GRADES. 11-:00 a.m. - WORSHIP SERVICE.,' Sermon:` "IVISSIONS- IMPOSSIBLE?" 1:30 p.m.} •- BENMILLER WORSHIP __...._.___.� SERVICE AND .ABLE SCHO 3-L -- W -E -L -C -O -M -E -.. 4 momminomminmemoR Mrs. J. Snider Victoria St. Organist & C'hoir Director Mrs. L. Warr Behmiller Pianist & Choir Director UNITEDHOLINESS CHURCH 62 Cambria Street North SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1st. 9; 50 a.m. -• SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. - WORSHIP SERVICE. , 7�i0 p:m V iNCEt-Ib1'lC SERVICE Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. - MIOWEEK PRAYER SERVICE. "AA WELCOME" AWAITS YOU'' _ Pas3or: REV. C. A. JOI-I'N•5O'�l'��.,a-.�—pWO1=68$7 CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET "f1 I l:'I.J.C1lt'. J/Il' CJIC'RCN"r NEED A RIDE? CA:LL"k`OR' BUS PICKUP 524-9565 or 524-6445 ,‘P-- ^. 10:00 -- 10:00 a,m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL: 11:00 a.m. - iVI'ORNING WORSHIP. "FAITH: A FORCE FCR THE FUTtI.IE" Evening Service, 7:30 p.m. - "Total Family" Hour Midweek Bible ,Study -G ednesdays at 8:00 p.m. 'PASTOR:" REV. KENNETH J. KNIGI il WESLEY MEMORIAL CHURCH THE FREE METHODIST CHURCH Park Street at Victoria . H.•Ross Nicholls, Pastor SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:00 THE. WORSHIP HOUR - 11:00 A.M. Sermon: THE CHURCH ON TRANQUILI±ERS EVENING SERVICE - 7:'06 P.M. Mid -Week ,Bible tudy ant! Prayer Hour Topic':, "THE *SPIRIT AND THE WORD" siuitlH '::.Y%'X• •