HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-01-29, Page 1r• 4. • ,- •,.. ..:
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Although there i.a: a "higher
• than usual incidence . of
absenteeism" in Goderich ' and
• area, Huron County Medical""
Officer of Health_, Pt. ("`.•x, P. 4p
Evans c.lainis there is "no cause
for alarm'' .over the .flu. _problem:
"There is a high' attack rate,'
said • Dr. •`!Evans• Monday« ;'but. It'
is not a serious illness."
Dr. Evans, who is just
recuperating from a case of flit,
,said the I -(long 'Kong variety of
the disease has been isolated in
Huron County. This is the same
basic virus as the Asian flu,
'according to Dr. Evans.
Symptoms include tharyngitiS
• ipflanlation of the upper,
breathing tube felt' by . the
patient- as a raw feeling at the
:Ability. Fund Captaiihs met at the home of Mrs. Betty Rodges
Sunday for a brief meeting chaired by Mrs, Lee McCallum, chief
marching mother. Picturedhere are (back left to right) Mrs. Ann ,
Leitch, Mrs. Connie Cover,; Mrs. Rene .Hey,. Mrs. Madeleine
-Edward and Mrs.. Verna Kane• Seated in front are (left to right)
Mrs. Hodges; area chairman and Mrs. 'McCallum. Captains who
were missing when the photo was taken were Mrs. Marion Mills,
Mrs. Janet Kalbfleisch, Mrs. Leona Sherratt, Mrs. Ellen Huck,
Mrs. Rosalind Campbell, Mrs.,.. Betty Cochrane and Mrs: Moyra
Evans. -staff photo y
n Cancer Society preside
dies of multiple stab wounds
Clinton Town • Police and stabbed' repeatedly through the
Ontario Provincial Police are still chest.
investigating the murder . of ' • - Mrs. Frank 'McGregor had
- 70 .ear -old Miss Katherine driven over with a neighbor to
...Mt re or. of 54 Whitehead see why Miss McGregor had not -
gtreet, Clinton. • answered her telephone the
The crime apparently took ' night before. .
place- _ -some __ time before, -A • •brother, •• William, of.
midnight, Friday evening Montreal had : tried to, notify
according to police. The body'Miss" McGregor of -the death of
was -not disco discovered untit«10 mit. his wife and have. her make
rday, January 24 and time arrangements for the funeral to
of death was estimated from the . be held in Clinton.
temperature of the body. When William coujdn't get in
• . No arrests have been made as touch with Miss McGregor he
this paper goes- to` press. but
-Clinton Police 4., Chief, Lloyd
Westlake said more, news would
probably be forthcoming within
24 hours. •
Miss McGregor's body was
found`' her•' sister-in-law,, Mrs.
Frank McGregor at 10 on'
Saturday morning. -She had been
' r
Huron Liberals
name delegate
.had been' found but when asked
when it was uncovered he said
that "It was neyer,,;,zttf�tldry�� lost'•"
No signs of forged entry were
found and little in the house
seemed to be 'disturbe except in
the bedroom where the -body
was found _mad where Hie bed
4 was upset and the mattress
thrown against the wail. 'TIi
body .was fully clothed.
Chief Westlake said that' very
••few residents had co.me forward
The Huron Federal Liberal
Association " held a , meeting' .
Thursday, January 22 at Clinton
at which the delegates to the'
Annual Meeting of the Ontario
Liberal Party veer"e elected.-
_ . ere ates._.nam.ed were Fred
D g
M c -e e— -Winglranr; Y Cya+vin
Krauter, Brussels; Roy
Westcock, -Exeter; lean
K alb f leisch, Zurich; Paul
Steckle, Zurich; and'Mrs. mean
Lunn, Egmondville. i
Gordon McGavin as president
of . the Association will afso'
attend. '
Alternate delegates elected
were Peter Keil, ''Gortie; �' Mrs. •
Clarence Jeffrey,' Zurich;.
Malcolm Davidson, ; B,rucefield; -
-" Hugh • Hill, Goderichl- Jack
Rosser, Ailsa Craig; and Howard
itken; -Goderich:- •
The annual meeting`'' of the
--Miss—K filt+�6regor ; -
with any volunta
Ile asked an', i' w
anything, about, the
come forward,
r active
�lrss NIcl arc �,or k% as vc � t
11a co inTuntt\ fairs. She 4`r�as;_a
member o1' the 11 este\ •11 this
ITnitecj ('hcircla. Was ac•tice in t he
1'nited:.Churc.h 11`omen and \gas
'elected eresidci tr•nf the lluron
Unit ' of the Canadian' Cancer
Society ont last S.enternbrr:
crime to
Goderich taxifores-- rise
from 65:to 7S- basic
Goderich rl'own Council gave -
third and final reading last
'Thursday evening to bylaw ,
191P which • permits the town's
' two taxi companies to 'raise
prices effective immediately.,
Au-ording• to the bylaw, the
prier of taxi •service' for one
person . to tiny' place in town
. between the hi�urs of 6'a.mr. and
12:30 a.nft.' will be 75 cents, a
rise ,of 10 cents from 65 ,cents.
Each additional-passenger,will
be charged f(I cents and each
sto'bover , of not more • than. five
•minutes will cost 25,cents.
1?�tch addtioniii pickup of
passejnge'rs will --rnvoiv,e' another
25 cent charge. `
get organized
of the throat; tet;.npc ratiire
,muscle ;pains; severe headache;
cough; and In some instances, an
"•'upset stuznache • `
Generally, two or three days
in bed, plenty of liquids, .a;spiri:n
,and Ra good cough mix: fixe will
have the flu patient'back`: on his
or her feet..
Dr. Evanssriid that if the flu
persists ,gr gets worse aft.er,,48
hours, a doctor should be
amrnoned: -As well, a doctor
should be contacted' when. the
very young, the old. or the
chronically ill •come down with
the flu,
G,odericli ,Alexandra, General
and Marine Hospital is closed to
visitors. except in emergencies,
because of the high incidence of
E. A. Elliott, hospital business,
administrator, said Tuesday that
judging•• • from the present
'indications the -,--hospital will
remain' closed to visitors for at
least one more week.
A little better than•10 percent
of .the _staff at the hospital was
suffering from the flu Tuesday.
The hospital was •tilled to
capacity with "more coming all
the time". Many .patients. have
the flu.
A check of• the schools on
quesday revealed that flu is
:1 meeting called by. the
Goderich Recreation and
Community Centre Board vas -
held Sunday evening with the
local "and district snowmobile
owners at the - - (T.dderich
Memorial Arena.
Ten people were appointed to_
"ser up a club wi h • (' d
•raks, ort at ting,c • r lairman and
Allan Beange inti secretary -
t reasu re r.
1lemhership t', -ars are being,
thail, risking more serious
T"'1`he students ;ft Robertson
have been advised to be
particularly careful about
-Washing with soap after using
the, washroom Mcilitiesr ,
The situltio'?ti' is 'about the
same at St. Marys Marys Separate,,
School 'where three _'''leachers
were absent from. their
cl.assrs oms Tuesday morning.
There was no report on the
nurnber of students absent. •
(MCI had three "'teachers and
Council saf
100 students 'o>ltt of . > n'
enrolil lent of. `820 absent ,: on
Tui day Inor'niing That's 0,16 t
the sable :last. week,, according'
to the spokesman thelte
fndust .seems, to, be Nixing.
somewhat better. Of'tllr'ee .major'
industries , Goderich
n:terviewed by '' telephone'
Tuesday, none said tbexe was'
any seri"6uS. cutback in staff,
because of die 'fT�,
°We hope the worst is Over,
said ,one spokesman.
y minded;
check sieddIn
g complaint,_
A•; complaint from the Safety
Council prompted the public
works department of the town
of Goderich to look into a
situation at the former Victor
Lauriston School.
Council learn d last Thursday.
evening that/ children were
sleighriding on the slopes
adjacent to the school, and in
some instances the youngsters
lit t mit •
were riding rig ou on o�
Britannia Road.
Early suggestion -was to "spoil'
t nor ,,1 , —Ii _tb ' . h�11 ', by t) � ' t'- g it. nff•
• I n�
printed ands ka ill I. e available at a,
cost o1' w.l each at the next
sch�eduted meeting. -
• - Snowmobile owners are
t'rl;iintly. requested to •Ibe at tl.e
a ia•Irt:.L(.11,f.;_,«.tilwday, February' 1. at
S pill, in thr, arena auditorium.
plan are being made tv have
representatives of the. Goderich
P(yli.n 1)c�.partm tit and the
c,;otic rig ,h Safety `�(.'uuneil in _
r at tendance to explain the proper
use of ,atowiitohites.
'Chert is also expected to be
furl her discussion regarding the
use' of sno\\ motiles within the
of,�fro(i 25 cent to SI will' he
charged for .additional iciggag4..
"taxi cabs •(�ugaged 1)n =an .
hourly basis . kkill cost__�c{;' her
hour. _11,here 1In \c;:hicle is
standing, I he cost per hour is
Collect DDT
at Courf� House
I)r. O. P. A. ,';vans, ..Ilurbn
County 'Mediial•,> Officer of
1leattit, says that a.ttihough the
collection_of .11U'I'_. is officially
ever; resid-f�nts of-Card-rrictrai d
phoned another brother, Frank • (;rotary calk, will-eonst.itute area who • have .some 01 the
. and asked him to see if anything -an `extra charge- 10 cents -rot suhLanee • at home may still ,
was the matter one box of groceries and 25 deposit it at the Court (louse,
Mrs. McGregor •. contacted ' rents 1'ortwo or more boxes. v.: .. "We h i quite a -fair amount
Clinton olice when she found . Between the hours of 12:;(0 of 1)1)1' 'collected 'throughout
the bodykand they contacted the a.m. and (i a,m., fares will be the county.- remarked ...Dr.
Identification Branch'of the OPP Evans 11e said. the Ontario
4,at Mount Forest and Inspector
-`"r; Liberal Party of Ontario will be—
at the Chateau ,Laurier,
Ottawa, February 19,2q and 2-'1:-
L. " G: _ Lyle of the Criminal
Investigation Branch in Toronto.
Police believe robbery was the
motive although, they could not
determine if anything -.had been
taken from the home.
A -butcher. knife, believed -to
be- the murder weapon is in
police possession. Chief Westlake
refusedA to say where, the. knife
%additional pas �g per,,,,,, ae Ina isposa
p ay►tl
'absenteeism there. _
At Victoria School, thrP
teachers Oht of 21 were off with
the bug and .11 out of 570 pupils
were at home. . •
At Robertson. • Memorial
School. a little • more khan 10
percent of the student body was
away from classes. An average.of
two teachers O'er day have, been
away durin'' the last couple of
weeks because -of the flu. . _ -'-
.The 'spokesman at Robertson
said there has been a 'gradual
increase . in',tlie cases of 'flu over
'the last three weeks. • It is
believed that parents are being
'especially careful about' coughs,
colds and fevers and are keeping
their children at homer •rather'
either at the top or the bottom.
However, when 'members of the
public works department visited
the site, they could see . no •
immediate ‘and serious danger to
children using the hill and for
the present, the matter h been
dropped. .
Rev: Kenneth J. Knight
appeared before: -council at last.,
week'`s session to advise that it
.emay be three to six months yet
before there will be any •firm
commitment of funds necessary
for his' group to -`purchase the
former, Victor- Lauriston School •
for the -purpose of establishing'a
Bible College here.''
"We are 'vitally interested in
the property but:right now we
can't do much about rty rev.
•Knight remarked. w
He told council the building`is
ideal for the Independent Bible
Institute proposed by Rev.
Council could give Rev.
Knight no assurance that the
building would still be available
in six. months Sime. Council
hopes to ;-reclaim" the .property
soon from the • Huron County
Board of Education and it is
expected that .the_ municipal tax
rate could rise .as much as•. two
— �-
ills-ls-44-he-t-II•e-•enpendit ne
In other business, council
agreed to proclaim Feb. 15 to .21
as National Kinsmen' Week in
Goderich; decided ` to exercise
some .control over concessions •
on the Square during the'
:Kinsmen Carnival July 15 to 18;;-
and voted to . join the :Ontario
Mayors and ' Reeve Association
for 1970•f •
The brief published recently
in the Signal -.Star • regarding
smoking and the 'dangers to
health was taken from the
Canadian Medical Association
Journal by ' permission , of the
sell; Rev. Leonard
heard�Irey oae add.cess.._:ntnderaterRevRusin Victoria Street.United Church"last Tuesday evening: ? ctured Warr;.Mrs. Bob McCallum; and panel member- Ralph. Morley Jr.
ft to ri ht_are anel• members Bill Barlow and Mrs.• Another panel member., riRon Malloch was absent when the
here Ile g PClayton Edward; Rev.• A. J. Mowatt, rClinton, who deliy'ered the picture was taken. (staff photo).
conel at Victoria:United sgys
for one op, fwo personsfo' an-v-.bne . plat c :in. town. --Each Department ci'.resonsihle"for 111'1 d''I
•••seier will•,10��•-pcants-t1nd each' stopovero1' not of the -DDT.
r�st�ans .must
ill t William ' L hmpy has : �" - - ••
�`of. the lair farmed in than things, are done because should serve- mankind because'
Members I y t, .
the panel at Victoria" `Street they have to he done."it was they are children of clad and
united Church last Tuesday ;decided. ,hut rather the church part of the hrothE�rhood.
caning to discuss 1'he_ .Chtrrc•h - . _
and Where it.• Is Going. • ' -_- . _
Panel members were •Bill Congregation reports good yTr
ore persons, ex ra c , r e - Barlow,''Mrs. Clayton Edwards, ,- - -
Ralph Morley Jr. and Ron •
• Malloch. Moderator .was -Rev. .,.
t : pl . -. ,Victoria.)t. OTTICIUIS
Ciarvc�ciorl l`tussel.l •of �t. C,eorge s
more than five min
utes wi cos.
another -25 -
.Jitney service to. and from collection..
_trains,_boat.s and Buses including -. I}D'f was banned January. 1
the toting of ordinary baggage - except iii certain insta-trces-whered-
will be 7,5 cents for one person persons may obtain a license to
and 50 cents each for two or use .the substance, sutth -as in
„m An- t i lar e fruit alld tobacco farming
have 'concern
'co-ordinated the' county -wide'
w Anglican Church. ,
The Rev,• A. J. -Mowatt Athe - '1'hc congrega't'ion of Victoria .and each reported a year_of.fine
Wesley�Willis- Cliprch� in Clinton Str.Pe( [tilted Church met spirituel fellowship ,and better
delivered-. the keynote address yq<tndat evening for the annual than average finances.
entitled "Flow does the Church Meeting, • Rev. Leonard 11 air ` Bart Finlay and John 'Williams
of Today Relaterto the»Affluent presiding. ,• ' were appointed to the Session
Society of Today." .. ` All ' of ' the ° church\ , ,:Tnd Maurice Mcf Iwai_n was made
.Some ol the questions, organizations • were represented ' 'a trustee. �,,
�' pondered by the panel were:
..Should 'the church confine its A
work to evangelism or be active
'in' reform of all kinds' W airs-._....= ..
fi ft n o ,l sr n � n%_success
the funclaon of the Chu .h in
the '70's? ('an it survice`?'Should
. we be busy thi'n'king -only along:
the • lines of theology and, as the
•. 'monk , ,�quielly sta.y__.away_from
.being13art`of the wii idT _
Both panel and audience
A dinner+ "meeting •of the
Mini,Stei'al Association was held
• before the panel'discussion.
Goderich 4it►'I~ `Ciy Night last Thu ' ay -visas a�Yr tlidking
success n iia d of Merle 1,�i. firlgley,
n o the cartoon vv r ry
thanks .t
auccessw •.. 'Ting
Mk i. his riend Ltlkevrror'm, ng
:+'i,�.La1�fM�1Vl�..���.:.'�'11��» With- friend,'
ientert Tired Memb4.ers a ftha ;Liairr$ and theiir 'guests,. neimb'ers tof'
. fl Goderich Town Council at the
Huron, Cotln fou til and the .
u tY
'arb.' `i inn. Pictured here arey(left to right) Lion President,
H,.• _ Goderich Mayor Dr. Pr'at•1k Milts; Tang, and,Huron
arold Baird, G �9u�.Y� Y {yam IT.� �
i.' v... ?... K. fad 1 hoiiY'.. km" ,- A i''n' YglfkUf,r WM1NiYr
Warden fitly ?1t e tVi
That's the best way to describe last Wednesday eYening's
" show in the auditorium of GDCI ,:sponsored .jointly by the .,
Goderich • Signal•Star and the , oderich ,, Recreation and
Community- entre-Boarcl in -co -c pera•tierr-with-theCN-R-.
' About 900 'persons were packed' in the_hall and extra
tressed the need to be actjve in bleachers Were needed .to accommodate all those who
attended. n
Caring. for, others. The °church
should not work as a service club • " Andther similar travelogue is being planned for the -fell -with
IUuull•nliliallailUlUUiitllillllllnminIIU1IIIIIiUIIIul Eastern Canada as the subject. •
_. Several door prizeswere won by Goderich p rsons.
't A BIT OF FAITH Ken Burkholder was the winner of a Ian s pe painting;
' ' George Hoy aroiri a seascape painting; Watson Tuff and Mrs.
Doug McNeil won CN tote bgs; Mrs. Roy Black, Percy Barker,
Mrs. Jaynes Dorton and Fred White received. gift subscriptions
to the Signal -Star. '
Ov'erhea'rd hn a Goderich
street during a conversation
regarding the' extreme cold and
the tnounds'df sfrowin town:
"The same man that ,fetched - Prizes• were drawn for by Judy Fisher who was presented
. with a CN tote baq.fpr her efforts
eft will send it awtt. again..". emirs _. _.
y. ,... _...._.
�.,i • " y _/ It1111ti111I111U111111111UtUIIIIUI * , . •
°�(ctttntt(((ttc(tc((t((tc11t 1 y ,
for 1970
Elected to the Committee of
Stewards for a three-year terra.
were Mrs, -Vernon Smith, Mrs. •
Mary Morris. Mrs. Mamie
Sutcliffe. Everett ' Melhvain and
R. J. yVinis. -M'rs. Austin Full.er•is,
the representative ` from the
Mrs• S. C. Ar•le is Presbytry
delegate, for 197,0.
Members , of the manse
- c othrnittee are Mrs. tGebrge
('turrelt, 'Mrs. Austin Fuller,
Charles Ore' and Everett
Mellwain. 4
•Auc T Orti appoinTed wW'e Mrs.
Everett. Mcilwain, Jas. Reid, and
the various church treasurers.
Mrs. Chester Fea.gan, ,.on
behalf of the congregation,
expressed a sincere vote. of...
thanks to Rev. and 'Mrs. Leonard'.`
Warr, to the organist and choiY,
leader, Mrs. Jas, Snider and the
. chu•rch treasurer, Miss Elaine
Bamford, for their excellent and
unstinting service through the
past year.
*An expression of appreciation"
in the U.C.W. was also:, hear`tily:, ,
ed. _.•