HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-12-8, Page 8M
The ' t 'lav t
ltSe.Ot � i
1 s33tt estate
y! :
I i ,,s Quarter. been, wound, Up and will pay
The rapidly eooling weather is are
:Wader that winter is coining and will
it the swift .approdeb. of the noliday sea
son. We are imer witide the. Christ
glee gearter aiat the few flakes ofsaes
aeeasiolially Mitaerittg throb h the ai
bringwith them many plea_9tlut hopes
• Within a'few minus around feel 'like
Iv ng r' an ' 000aSlonal shout in le
thought of wluit may -possibly o of co
fill the pocket or enrich the, ,• .,s be
fore the year closes, We LLC thought
of them and provided many months
ago. Just now'so,e0. the s oocia are
eomnteneing , make their appearance
in laces of cheroot siees. We ;will
have lots. of then, this season—our'
stook is euerally pretty full but.
has Otter. tr
l as1
We 1
�. � , e 11 readers
to watch
our elubbing ratios in another- column
and ,
unarm,: the rate with , .0 S11G leading
1 tl1C. 0 (� C
papers za
Never too late to xnend. 5000 airs of
boots and shoes that Reed re • g .
Reed pa rrn,, Co
be left at the leading, boot and shoe
store next door to the Postoftice.
ceuts on the dollar. Not near as much.
us was anticipated.
81 X00 pay,$ for The 4nvo
CAT from now to
jai).. 1st,1594 to new t list •ib s,
, S 1 t of Sub
. scribe.:tt ,0uce and reap the benefit..
v The two year old child of Mr. Fred
1 Luxton, Usborno, fell from a lounge
00 Saturday and broke Rs arm: Dr,
Rollins was summoned and the tractor
ed member dressed,
A largo number of the Exeter Royal
m mplars drove to Hensen on Friday
la,, to take part ht an open meeting
held there- They -e p '
port of' haying
spent a very pleasant. pmts.
For photo albums the Big Bank'.
and you may look through the door
end see counters, shelves and stands
literally groaning (as the tea meetings
Say) with their large display. Dull
times will not daunt us—the goods
will be here, and we hope—the custom
Tho Big
irockery, Dinner Setts,
Hanging Lamps, Hall and
Parlor Lamps, Fancy Glass-
ware, all Beautiful New
€ oods and very suitable for
We say positively that we are
The balance of our Stock of
m6{1i7si��' tEPJ3
The goods are yours at prices
that will astonish you
FUR COATS must leave our score
Muck. We won't carry them.
J. As3.o Stewart.
Hood's Pills cures Liver Ills,
Carling Bros. change of "ad" in this
issue, read it.
See Frank Knight s new "ad" in
another column
Miss P Down, who has been confined
to the house for some months is able to
bearound again.
Don't forget fur Xmas presents you
can't do better than Aee the show at
the Big Bankrupt Store.
'1'he skating rink since the collapse
is undergoing repairs and .will be fitted
up for the winter as an ice rink.
Messrs Ross & Taylor set ttie engine
and boiler in their new engine -room
on Saturday and hoisted the smok-
Sealette! Sealette! Sealette! An
immense stock at the Big Bankrupt
Store: every price reduced to sale
Cooker and John Glavin char-
with burgarly at Shipka, have
been discharged on suspended 'sen-
$1,800 has been subscribed on the
new list towards the erection of the new
grist mill. $3,000 is the required
As a preventive of the Grip Hood's
Sarsaparilla has grown into great fa•
aror. It fortifies the system and purifies
the blood.
Mr. B. Aubry, of Montreal, will be at
the Commercial House, en Monday
Dec 12th, for the purpose of purchas•
ing horses.
Overcoats. mantles and all winter
goods are on the quick move at the
Big Bankrupt Store. The reduced
prices are,causing the move.
Mr. Langford, of Londoir tp., odea.
pied the pulpit in the Main 'Street
Methodist church on Sunday last in
the absence of the pastor, W McDon-
Perhaps the largest family of dolls
ever seen in L,xeter is now on view at
the Big Bankrupt .Store. Every little
girt in town is invited to call and see
the dolls,
As will be seen elsewhere in oily
columns Mrs. Lizzie' Snell formerly of
Exeter, and widow of the late Edward
' Snell, was married to Mr. Mitchell Mor
gan,Qf Killarney on 'Saturday the ,9th
ult. . We extend congratulations.
Store takes the Carrawav Bun. Th
cleared out the wholesale stock of Jo
Macdonald & Co., of Toronto: Half pr
is what they are selling for.
Several of the Exeter brethren of
Court A. 0. F. Exeter paid Zurich
Lodge a fraternal visit on Wednesday
evg, of last week and participated in
an oyster supper provided by Zurich
The poetical talent in the countey
roomette Mention. 1,
Mrs. Harness and son went to. Pont
0 lastY r
Hope week l; p .v +. �t here then will. visit.
fr ds daring
,,2.tn ls.--•AVII Geo. Mace,
of Toromo, was in town this week, ife.
18 the same George, —Mr, E. Dine, of
Dundas, arrived in town. on M'onday,
last and will be a student at laxer with
Dir, B. V. Elliot,—Ilenr Y Hockey, v.. 'o £
Fort Gratiot, formerly of Centraiia,
was In town on Tuesday, --Miss I... Mc-
Tavish is visiting under the parental
roof in Ripley,
Farmers assn, nee eau few
Provide yourself with a bottle -of
PAIN KILLtnt. It is a prompt, safe and
sure cure fot mau.y ills. It may Save
you days of sieleness and you will find
it is more valuable than gold. Besure
and bus the genuiILc Perry Davis'
Pain Killer and take no other mixture
26e. is a cheap Doctor's bill.
nest Ofrer Tet.
hn The ADvoCATn hae perfected arrang
ice menta hy`wllich we; offer the Fa)nr'IL/
Herald and lVV'ee1ily Star together with
Great Star Al,ncteae and the ADVO-
CATn from now until Jan. 1st 1894- for
only $1,76. The price of the star is $L
per annuni'and the; Ahnanae 25 ets.
This is an excellent etfer, do not Vdelav
in accepting it.
has now a chane of earning substa
tial rewards. ' Easterbrook & Co.,
John St., New York, are offeri
$1,000.00 in Prizes for Poems on the
Pens. Write for Circulars.
Sarnia's champioe woodsawer, Isa
Wallace, who sawed aesains; J.
Westcott, here, has been beaten by
Smith of Petrolia. One cord of we
was sawed by the winner in, 52 min
tes and 5 seconds. The contest was fo
$50 aside.
The death of Mrs. William Horn too
place at her residence onSaturday la
at the age of 83 yeare, 8 mooths and
18 days,:after an illness of some time,
She has been a resident of Exeter for
many years. Her remains were in-
terred in the Exeter cemetery. on Tues
day last,
Mr. James Gould met with a painful
accident yesterday (Wed.) fie was
engeged in winding up a carcass of
beef on the premises of Mr. Wesley
Snell, Stephen, ashen by some means
the handle slipped from: his grasp and
came back with terrible force, striking
him on the nose and breaking it.
On Tuesday last A. J. Snell and W.
Johns while out sporting cam across a
large owl, measuring over four feet.
from tip to tip. It was carrying a
mink trap on its foot which apparently
had been there for some time. 'rhe
owner of the trap can have same by
calling at this office.
ri. Rumor has it that the Exeter Slott
26 ing rink has been opened for the sea -
ng sou from the fact that a large portion
it of it collapsed on Friday evening, about
7 o'clock. Crash after crash rent the
air and many who heard it thought a
phenomene.u'had struck the earth. It
has been considered dangerous for a
long time and the result has for some
time been expected.
Anniversrary Services.
Anniversary services of the James.
k I Street Methodist Church will be held
st ( on Sunday heti inst. At 10.30 and
6.30 sermons will be preached by the
Rev,' J. Cooper Antiff D. D, of London.
At 2.30 there will be an open session
of the Sunday School, with music and
addresses. On Monday evening there
will be the usual tea -meeting followed
by a program. Admission 16 and 25
In all imitations of the 1Ivrtle Navy
tobacco yet attempted. either inferior
sekeoltlibeet been used or the .plug has
been made a trifle lighter in weight.
The latter defeat is apt to escape the
attention of the consumer until he finds
that he is smoking a greater number
of plugs than before. The Myrtle
Navy is made three plugs to the pound
and each plug is carfully weighed. At the regular convication of the
Royal Arch Chapter, No. 85, held on,
Tuesday evening, the following officers
were elected:—
E. Com M. Eacrett, 1st Principal,
" R. H. Collins 2nd u
S. Sweet 3rd
G. A. K. McLeod, Scribe E
B. S. O'Neil " N.
" Wm,:Levett P. S
At the annualmeetingpf the Exe-
ter Fire Company No. 2, held on Thars
day evening, the . following officers
were elected for the ensuing. year:
James Weeks, Capt; Silas Handford,lst
Lieut; Rich Farmer, 2nd Lieut; David
Spicer, Sec Tress; John Rendre, 1st
Branchman; Eli Suell,2tid,Branchman;
Geo. Hill, Foreman of Hose; Ed Treble
asst. Foreman of hose. Toe business
being over all repaired to Mr. Frank
Ki,ight's and participated in an oyster
supper at which an exceedingly en-
joyable time was spent. Mr. Knight
deserves the utmost credit for the very
tasteful and palatable manner in which
it was gotten up.
Advance Council No 207, Royal
Templars of Temperance held their
election of officers in the Lodge Room
in Woods' Block on Monday evening
last, when the following officers were
elected for the incoming term. -Past
Councilor, Bro John Muir; Select coun,
Bro. Geo. Penhale;Vice Coun. Sis. Clara 1
Vosper;,Chap., Bro W. Yoe; Rec Secy,
J. T. Westcott; Asst Secy, Bro. David
Jaques; Fin 'Secy. Sis. M E,•Gill; Tress
Bro Peter I r n
ay e, Herald, Bro. H. F.
Kinsman; Asst Herald, Sis. Aggie
Westaway; Guard, Bro. V. French;
Sentinel, Bro F. Wood; Organist, Sis
Lucy Baldson; Asst Organist, Sis,
Edith Brown. 13 new members were
initiated during the evening and the
order is progressing. rapidly.
Some time ago the Ontario Govern
Ment passed a law stating that whe n
a nerson dies and is not known and
when the body has to be taken charge
of by the municipality it shall,insebad of
being buried, be shipped to the Toron-
to Hospital. A description of the body
is published in the papers in the place
where the death occured, and if the
body is not claimed withnt fourteen
days it is turnedoyer to the college
fer dissecting purposes. The law also
states that an inspector shall be appoin
ted in each county, whose business it
shall be to take charge of the body,find
out all theparticulars Of how the de.
ceased died, and forward both to the
Toronto Hospital The law is regard
ed as a very good one, as hereafter it
will not cost municipalities anything
for their dead paupers, the hospital
paying all expenses, Besides it will
check the crime of body snatching
lseatorth Dye Work's.
All orders for the above Dye Works
can be left with E. H. Fish,
Parini for
The undersigned has several first
curse farms for Sale on easy terms..
J, SPACIMAN, Exeter.
They are Vile Imitations.
"The Diamond Dyes always gives
richer, faster and brighter colors than
any other make of dye." This is the
popular Canadian verdict. No other
dyesnow before the ladies have such a
record of brilliant and satisfactory suc-
cess as the Diamond. Imitations are
now in the field introducing new
makes.'whicI cannot possibly give the
honest`and,.ttue results guaranteed by,
Diamond. DA,.. When buying dyes
beware of imitations, buy only the
genuine. f
Cheap Publications.
In union there is strength. Union
also induces cheapness. As an illus-
tration of this we are able to offer the
ADVOCATE one year, and Western Ad-
vertiser, London, Ontario, for 1893, hal
anee" of 189,2, for only $1.50. The Ad-
•uertiser for 1893 will contain eight
pages, of seven columns each, and is
published weekly, at one dollar per
annum. It is a clean paper for the
home, and contains complete Iiterary
and neivs departments in every num.
ber. Subscribe 'at once. Address,
ADVOCATE. Exeter. Ontario'
Council Minutes.
Council met lst Dec. 1892., minutes
of preyious meeting confirmed. r. B.
Carling—Spackmau,orders. Jno Swett-`
zer $3, rep fire engine; M. Eacrett
glass in town hali•$I; E. Treble 50c.,
Drain, Box; W. Westeoct & P. Roweliif,
$1.75, labor; No. 2 Fire Co $90, services;
Jas. . Creech $1, charity Mrs. Piper; do.
$2, Mrs. McIntyre; do, 10.50 wood for
Town Hall; do 82 charity to Mrs. Mc
Intosh and Wm. Treble $25, salary as
chief engineer to May lst, 1891.—Car-.
ried. Mrs. Piper applied for relief plead
hie- sickness. Spackman—Carling $1;
per week granted until further orders.
The council adjourned until call of the
Reeve, M. EACRETT; Clerk.
How to Eat Oranges.
Not one in twenty knows how to ea
the delicious Florida orat,ge but all
can learn how bysendinee ten cents in
stamps to E. 0. McCormick, G. P. & T.
agt., C. H, & D. Cincinnati, 0, and re-,
ceive by return mail' prepared the new
edition of Martha Washnigton cook-
book. ' It contains 320 pages of tried'
receipts %ally illustrated. Ir.cidentally
the Cineinnati, Hamilton and Dayton
Railroad the direct and great 'through
car line from Michigan and Canada
via Detroit and Toledo to . Cincinnati
and thence south to Florida, the land.
of oranges. Send to E. 0. McCormick
Cincinnati, 0 for the cook -book but for
C. H. & .0 time tables, rates, and tic•
kets to the South call on or address D.
B. Traew, 155 Jefferson Aye, Detroit,
Public School Board IDitinuteM,
Meeting held in the Town Hall, on
Monday, December 5th, 1892, at 8 p.m,
All the members present. Minutes of
previous meeting read and approved.
The following resolutions were then
duly carried. Per T. Fitton and W.
Hoskiu, that the assessment Coma, re•
port as rendered be aeepted and the
Committees discharged. Per Dr. Lutz
and W. Treble, that the following ac-
counts be paid: E. Folliek, sundries,
$4; J Ford, wood, 39.8 t. Per W. Hos-
kin and T. Fitton, that a' special meet-
ing of the Board be held on Tuesday,
Dec. 27th, at 9.30 a.m. Per W. Hoskin
and T. Fitton, that the annual meet.
ing be held in the Town Hall on Wed
ltesday, Dec. 20th, at the hour appoint.
ed by law. Per T, Fitton and W.
Treble, that Mr, M. Eacrett be request-
ed to act as chairman. Per W. Hoskin
and T. Fitton, that T. r eCalluni be
auditor far the Board. Per W. D.
W ekes and T. Fitton, that all claims
for payment be made no laser than'
9,30 a.m,, Dec. 27th, at which time the
books shall be closed for the year. Pet
T. Fitton and Dr, Lutz, that W. Hoskin
be commissioned to purchase forty-five
cords of, wood for the use of the school.
Per Dr, Lutz and T: Fitton, adjourn-
nicht. J. Gluon, Secy.
1TN CIN1xs. A moetln�, of the
Hay. Township Council was held in the
Township Hall, Zurich, on .Saturday
,9th ult.,, but further than the scrutin-
izing and passing of a number of ac•
count there was no business done. A
bylaw was, passed;authoriziug the rais
in • of $$00 by debentures for School
Section No. 10. The Council willagain
meet on the 15th of December, at 10
o'clock a. m., on which occassion all ac
counts against the municipality will be
The November report` for S. S. No.2
Hay, is as follows. Names are in or
der of merit, SEN 4ree-A. °IIAP.vMAN
R, G. Chapman, A. Shirray. JUN 4 -en
A. Northeott, M. I. Russell, N O'Brien,
SRN 311D—J Shirray, N. Gould N.
Forthcott, Jute 3en.—B. Northcott,
J. W. Todd, A. J. Todd. 2ND, -Edgar
O'Brien, H. M. Gould, Carrie Gouli,
SIAN 2ND PART: -Bettie O'Brien, Jessie,
G. Munn, Richard Sotherby, JUN. 2Nn
rear: -Robert O'Brien, Nelson Sother•'
by, Eliza. TinlleV; :1ST PART: -Ethel
Northcott; J. R. Northeott H F. John-
ston. The best spellers in the month-
l.y spel.iiig'matches were: -SEN 4rete
Kate Cnapman; Jule 4rn, Nellie V.
0 Brien; SEN 311D, Nellie Gould; JUN,
Ban Sarah J. Northcott; 2ND Willie H.
Warren; Sen 2ND PART, Bi:rtieO'Brien,
JUN 2ND PART, Nelson Sotherby:. 1sT,
PART, Ethel Northcott.
You will find that rroycr before wot•e
goods so <ttkrat;tire, They. t, •C
'bettor than have over been off trod by tis, and wo don't mind
telling you th;it we propose' to make out•
and will accomplish thie by our GOODS and PRICES. Have you bought vour,
FURS yet? We have u fine range, A choice line of '1'I'l.S and SILK
HANDKERCHIEFS both in Ladies tnd1 Gentlemen's See' our
TWEET) SUITING'S for dresses, G
Beautiful Goods. ods.'.
Gent's Ties, Braces and Underwear in
abundance; nobby goods. For a Fine
Suit get our prices and we will
convince, you that they are the
And see the lino display of LAMPS, BEDROOM SETS, OHINA, &o.
Men's Boots, 98 cts. Men's Felt, $1.59.
Grocery Department is where We Shine.,
Ducks, 7; Geese, 6; Turkeys, 9; Chicken, 5;. Butter 19; La
11; Dried Apples,; ¢ .. z Lard,
Officer A. IL Braley
of the Fall River Police
Is highly gratified with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Ho was badly run down, had no appetite,
what he did eatcaused distress and he felt
tired all the huge. A few bottles of Hood's
Sarsaparilla effected a marvellous change.
The distress in the stomach is entirely gone,
he feels like a new man, and can eat any-
thing with old-time relish. For all of which
he thanks and
cordially recom-
mends Rood's
Sarsaparilla. It
is very important that during the months of
lrltareln April May the blood should be
thoroughly purified and the system be given
strength to withstand the debilitating effect
of trio changing season. For this purpose
Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses peculiar merit
and it is the Rest Spring 'Medicine.
E% Tito following, just
received, demonstrates
its wonderful blood
purifying powers:
"0. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
"Gentlemen: I have had salt rheum for a
number of years, and for the past year one of
my legs, from the knee down, has been
broken out very badly. I took blood
medicine fora. long time with no good results,
and .'was at one time
obliged to weak with
erateten. I finally con-
oncluded to try Hood's
Sarsaparilla, and before "I had taken one bot-
tle the improvement was so marked that
I continued >until I had taken three bot.
ties, and am now better than I have been
in years. The lecaelematiou has all left
my leg and it is entirely healed. I have had
such benefit from
Hood's Sarsaparilla
that I concluded to write this voluntary state-
ment." F. J. TEmrnm, Ridgeway, ¥ich.
HOOD'S PILLS act easily, promptly and em
cientlyon the liver and bowels. Best dinner pin..
For Fall
We have the largest stock of
Blau & Coloroci.
Dress Goods
Shoe 1n Exeter .
We are showing an
Immense. Stock
—or -,
erman Mantles
E. J S ackma
p &Cos
1-. N
jai �s Exeter's
This great momentous question is the talk of the people. .What we want is„
two Gristmills (which we are about to have), Oat meal mill. Binder twine
factory, Fouudry, Electric light, ,'Electric street cars and iu fact a city at once.
This is what we want,
What have we now ?
a lot of stores and a
with a stock that people can buy just what they Want
and at a price the city hardware establishments.
Prices this week are still going down. We' have the stock
and our prices are better than some people's `"cost" or "below
cost" quotations. Call and see for yourself and be convinced
that we have the stockEand prices just p�ppright. N pp
The cheapest line of fur goods ever
brought into Exeter. avis se -
ed a large e eonsig
II II 11 t 1111 I II
We will
give the peo-
ple of this vicin-
ity the advantage of
our close buying. For
the next FEW WEEKS we
will offer Ladies' Storm Collars,
Ladies' Boas and Muffs at
prices bound to sell
Children's Lamb
Bona in the
Come and get the first choice of these goods. We are
offering anything
a so
Goods line 1at` the low
C4„sh price and will be "leased Dryo showyou through our A tzu�,hour
store. No trouble to show Goods:
A. J McTAYISI & Co's.