HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-01-22, Page 20()PERIM 81QNA STA 'THS$. »AY',. JANUARY 22, 197
Illluli1l11IIIJIIlilir1Ilili iniuI lilill"
Expansion. program planned ax
for: Cooform t
;foundation established
sysem _ ._ ' ' • gets ti gran .
01 be nests, :► . is or o aricliltural pxanixmtiQiis
C. •, fa, [Isher l dinontox , business eginp,OnllP... and
. G •. > president of the - Canadian ill 1)e ecce te, .
r of ' Ontario agricultural" representatives and announced ,the establishment of aap4I ►ted.- to the newly4fornred provincial, it has been the
increased nun'ibe d staff hers of the foundation and the first meeting mainstay ' of a steady and
d' �-� � � 'ti h
�tv participate In _. ..;... , the ex _ � ...... _
new, computerized, monthly recently „participated in - " a . 1n making
• property ver t' 'federal, and
EleYena directors have been .governmen�,
Commencing Jan. 1, 1970, an . CANFARM will be handled by C�a►unc l °on 4.11 Clubst today .
Earners w lrhave an Qpp�ortunity associate, members tile. Cana ian oun a ..o. « ' .- .
RM tension branch WIT have • of the board will be Meld in pro essive development in
C,�.l\ 1 A
ruin program to become Mr, Usher,, -stated -that AO main Head, uarters will be at 1$5 been ,responsible • for the•
�xiail-in farm: record system being training p � ' q .
t foundation t • .. o el�Set Street 1ii�est Qttpwa ' developilcient and administration
the announcement, Ottawa on' ` Febru y ° t26. Cha 'a's .-1, movement and ,., as
e w
i8 0 _ ,., ...
0 In
o h
e &e f.
_. *developed' Q to help fat -triers familiar with the s�►st xn. P � -headquarters of the ofprograms�at the national level.
0Record that . flu . ds would be'. also: ;the-headq.
.. o.
maintain accurate records a,»
' all '1 bl for future Canadian Cou;�il on 441Clubs.. . Upwards o _. •
�0 young "
' tai t ds and,to, The Ontai�o arrri ensure a u w d f 80 0
' "Branch of the » reason to expect that prices may.. the U.S.S.R.contract for . m a n a e.kn e n't, • Book will continue to be made continually 'available e
The Economics, _ , p • , provideg."development•' � _ -.-_ _.. ria �'• � . B. ,.
of . pro ms, 'I'hCil _.ail Cali ell, on li eo le • enrolled in d -I1 w
p ` delive In -the year 1970-71, the available, free, oP.ch e, to p &'► n
Canada Department. the iiaEVe lower world t recent. y ,information.
C p ... • Clubs was .formled fii 1931 and is benefit ;i�cectlyncL :indirec 1
n trade should ossibilit a sts of. Canadian
as u dated Eve , fl' Y CAIVFARM, Ca •
a sari >+$rm farmers wishing , to use it. facilities and other opportunities !,
Agriculture h pC (Canadian 515millional and comparative for, Canadian youth involved int maintained through the from the future.. services ofthe 1 for Wheat folloing exceed last year's,by 200 million disposal of another Management Data Systern)is a Individual P
allowance fo o from st i formation on ' 1969 4-H. Contributions in the form Leadership and financial support foundation.
r+eePit • world develppments,- bushelsk, and with allo t bushels, or, products n ]u national system which will have analysis' in
including the recently- lower production in Australia over ` 22 • million aces•
*Winced sale.; of 75 million and Argentina, there woulkl\not ordinary yields,
hands of major, world exporters , - provincial De artme of CANFARM'receive monthly and
the U•S,S.R. a. j costs of carrying over a :billion p
The updating follows . the and no, sharp 'improve,ment in bushels makes it im five that. Agriculture, the n'�canada .''Ye rid financial. statements
p g
annual Canadian- Agricultural • the world' situation could. be ' further increase of 'stocks be Department of Agriculture,. and and management pf metiers
Outlook Confetence e held in ekpected:, avoided. At the suggested several universities. •pertinent to the farm
Ottawa, November 24 and 25. In Canada, if we assume 50 acreage of �o million for -1970, The Ontario Department of p •
Staff of the
The main features of the million bushels of the newly indicated at the 'Canadian Agriculture and Food, through Extension Branch ' are available
updated o tlook include: announced` sale to U.S.S.R. is Outlook_ Conference in the Extension Branch, will be.to assist farmers in interpreting
no substantial change in the delivered in, thee. 196.9-70 crop -November; average yields would -able to accommodate •a t formation and in'using it
• ghis in
indicated acreage for the year, total disposal,, includingstill provide a large production. maximum , of 70a Ontario to make . management d4cisions.
1974.71 crop year. The original exports and domestic use, could l ' • farmers on the system as part of This is ' part of *the Farm
. user agencies across Canada. The and 1970 Ontario Farm Record
development of CAN.FA - M�is a Books will also be`available,
bushels of Canadian wheat to be a reduction in stocks in the However the problems and co-operative effort involving Farmers . participating in_.
•sated -that laotixl �pectec] to bg about 51.5 At this roduction level, supplies 1 ��0 Management Advisory , Service
Qi�tlocik-inti R �- l?� ionprng�ru�.,am1.
of a maximum of 20 million, million "bushels. Production for would be main cin Ct ere- ' his total allotment has been offered y e n rio
acres would only make a start in the -year was -685 million. would be very little reduction of distributed among' all counties Department of Agriculture and
reducing stocks. Carry-over would still slightly the heavy stocks by the end of and districts in the. province. Food: -•
- world exports will be exceed 1 billion bushels at the., July, • 1970. With present' Some 70 Ontario farmers Bruce. McCorquodale, a
somewhat ' -higher than , -in end of the year compared wit expectations,any increase above co-operated. during 1969 in the member- of the staff of the
•1968-69 with relative stability in ' 850 million to start:the year. 20 million acres in 1971 would initial testing phase of the Extension Blanch, will
If we tentativelyr'� add to the surplus co-ordinate and direct the
•vrices. assume furthe system and this group wilt be
- -_- no . reduction in stocks in another 5Q million bushels .under problem..:.
the hands of major world
exporters and no sharp arp
h Changing environment •
movement- in _ .the world......
lightly lower world theme of conventi�n -
- than originally
given first opportunity , to implementation of CANFAR
continue. in Ontario on behalt, of the
Cost of the CANFARM Department. His office is located
system. in .Ontario in. -1970. will in` the Department of
be.•$30,.:.paiyable at time of Agricultural. Economics,
registration. One half of this "fee University of Guelph.
-- is being levied by the Canada Further in f o r m ati o n -
i? M -- concernin - - CANEARM ma be,
forecast with the major changes Many farmers -who grow In Theatre B the theme is • Department of Agriculture- and- - g.� � , .��,�:
theOutlook Conference unrelated crops tend to ge f?r. H c ale ha]f 'h3�, ilie Ontario`-obta,nect•by.contactmg-the.loca`1 „
since • y
occurrtn: '� : • , ' d o ve rc ap i ta1 i ' e in arm, Henderson, Michigan State Department of Agriculture and offices of the Ontario
Australian crops equipment according to Mr. University, will discuss "Trends - Food
, Department of Agriculture and
'lihe following is the text of Byron "Beeler, Secretary- 4 in Corn Silage Production.” He Registration . of farmers on Food or Mr. McCorquodale.
the updated outlook: _� Treasurer of the ' Ontario Soil will
be followed by Mr. F. .
The preliminary estimate of and - Crop • Improvement Cohoe, Ontario Soil. and ,Crop r poultry
-Dmand f969-70worldwheat.Association.Imrovement Association,• pp Y �.
production-' conf rms the. "Farming systems," says Mr: speaking on'. "Corn Systems '{
indication given at the Canadian Beeler, "should. be designed to r putting Them . Together." T
Agricultural Outlook :Conference gear cropping programs to the final speaker is 1)r.V.T. S. Young, increasing
st d'I
that theaworld wheat crop would productive .. capabilities of the - C o - ordinator , A g ricu itural ,
ea i
be :down, but in spite of this 'land as well as the effective useExtbnsion; University of Guelph, The demand- for poultry meat • "The egg industry," reports
supplies available for export of ', capital inyestment in . discussing "Corin--- One Big will probably increase annually Professor Hunt, "is also
-, ' would be higher: , buildings and equipment.". Handling Problem." - , by 3.3 percent to 1980. This u n d er-going . rapid change,
The' Soviet Union is•expeeted • To help farmers assess their A team'......... of, -,__agricultural increase can be 'attributed to.especially in terms of farm
to be down -17 peer cent, the farm operations in order to specialists will be on hand to: population growifi,- increased numbers ;and marketing
United States down_ 7: per cent adopt. crops best suited to. the , presents___ information, • answer incomes, and, other meat prices. approaches'," Based - on
and Western Europe.down 5 per soils and climate of their _ questions, and discuss. farmers', . , .`•.,,_ , populatio growth, he predicts
cent although. Eastern 'Europarticular area, a special program Professor -- E. C. Hunt
g pe p p gr problems on an individual basis. an increa of 20 to 25 percent
would be higher. r • has:.been planned for:the Annual. Advice- will be given- on future department of poultry.. • science, in egg consumption by 1980, an
Crop cropping „ Ontario Agricultural
. Coll
The ' Argentine crop forecast Ontario Soil and in methods to increase g �e�""increase of about 2 percent per
previously at '250 to 275 million Improvement' Association production. �:t,..• says that consumption ofb yea'
bushels coidd be closer to last Convention. „ Exhibits featuring aspects of - poultry meat has been increasing
year's 217 million due to poor Over - 400 delegates. are 'Convention themes will . be at the rate of 5.6 percent each
weather. expected to attend the, four-day shown in the Upper East Anne_ x,, , year since the' second World War.
Australian crops appear • conference, January 28 to 31, Coliseum. ` ;. °`Consumption'" of poultry
to have -deteriorated:sharply in 1970, at ``.the Coliseum, Equipment which .can be used meat has far surpassed the 1.3
. some areas'and could be as much ExhibitionPark, Toronto. - . ksoybeansto
as 100 million'.bushels below,the On Wednesday afternoon, their feeding quklity will be on meat consumption," says
Conference - estimate of 520 "Pollution and Agriculture" will display.... •-A new method of professor Hunt.
` million
ar oron o. to coo improve percent rise in total- per capita
be discussed by two guest ireatini moist feed stuff, using
, The Canadian -production speakers,' Dr. Freeman McEwen, propionic acid,. will be featured:, After the war* the bulk of
estimate for November, at 684.3 Director of Entomology, The film "Chemicals of Plenty'.' . •poultry -meat consumed was of
- million bushels is ' . virtually— Unive , of . Guelph, and Mr. will be shown daily in Theatre the heavy " roasting type:' With
unchanged; from the previous Howar• '" 'Nodwell, the technical revolution in the
estimate:' This • is 35 "million .,Eng i n e e r i n g, E 7r tension -The- convention is f held breeding ands the feeding . of
bushels higher than last year. • Specialist, Ontario Department simultaneously' with The Canada
World ' trade in wheat and of , 4riculture and Food. Dr. Farm & Industrial Equipment
flour hi-. 1969-70 is now McEwen will speak on -pesticides Show,
expected to • increase over last and pollution, and Mr. Nodwell - •
ye4's 1.8 billion bushels - with on animal. waste disposal
greater sales to Communist problems. -
areas, the near East and - a In Theatre A of the Upper - Canada's 4-H Club program -is
number of low .producing. East Annex of the"Coliseum, Mr. a nation-wide educational
cauntries�-P-aul--Couse-of Maple- Leaf -Mills - -movement f 'young -people=----
Canadian._..-_ trade 'will be Ltd. will question "Our- Futurp 'enrolled in a wide variety. ` of
bolstered by sale to the U.S:S.R. in the Seed Industry" - a topic • • farming, homemaking,
under the long term agreement 'of interest to pedigree . seed community service- and other ,
entered into in June 1966, of 2 -. growers..- -• - ,. projects. More than 75,000
million long- tons‘of wheat (75 On Thgrsday and Friday members . are currently •enrolled..
million bushels) for . shipment. afternoons two programs Will in '4-H clubs throughout the ten
prior _too December 31, 1970.: run concurrently' in Theatres A provinces._
Some. "260,00Q tons will be as - and B. In Theatre A the theme
flour to Ctiba: will be • Corn -Soybeans in
The . majority - of -the two Ontario. Mr, ' Harry Truax,
million' tons would be within the Bluffton, Indiana, will speak on
1969-70 crop year. The contract "Cooking Soybeans"; Professor
also provides that the U.S.S.R. George E. Jones, Crop Science
would ,o endeavor to buy the Department,. University of
rernainirig - quantity of ..,1.43 Guelph, do '""Coin -Soybean.,
million',long tons' as soon as ,Systems for Ontario"; • and Mr.
.possible. Grades are mainly Nos. - R. H. Heard,- Farm Management
3 and 4 Manitoba Northern. Specialist, Ontario Department
With -the---.probability ._:that_ of Agriculture and Food.;
world exports,may be,sornewhat London; on "Economics of -
. higher in 1969.70, and with Corn- Soy bean -Feeding
relative stability in -prices for Systems." -
two or three months, there is • •
Ouar°ariteed Investti ent Certificates are psw pay-
ing' a- record interest of 9% per annum, payable
half: yearly:, For further information write or
tel;phore,col Iect: •
21,4 Bay Street; Torolito,
Brea code 4'16.,fl.
for`tI;e' name of your riearost-agent ,
ZtIt 18fZ "dANA6A.oepo$1,t ,NS11nANcE0 cOFAFOAATipN
poultry,, broiler ' chicken
consumption rose rapidly. Since.
the early 1960's a similar trend
in turkey broilers has taken
placer- . _,
20% 0"
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you can use all the hot water y
Heat 40, 80, 100 gallons a day: ! .
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