HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-01-22, Page 17Review -by
WM5 iteRele�'ts � president
° •
Mrs, John, ( Pollock of Mrs, E. Farquar of Clinton Was
Goderieh - was • re-elected given and a plea to help support
the Indian Reserve want . in
president• • �of the p• I-turoir •
Presbyterial of the Women's, Northern Ontario was' stressed,
i` r
Mrs, Joe 1lunbar re oxted fo
rite Press.. of rve
Missionary Society, othe ;
A.GENTLEMAN OF THE summer -about the life and. timesPires0 i Ch h ' C da
.eranurc}n:aa.S of 'LordMountbatten could" not r' 1''� S ;� .. .,._.. . "�M " R. MacLean o
a ., � when dele Ates from, :'01i0.31),
help.. but admire the . supreme'.s d for ,the •
b F,lo d'� Ghal era1 on Presided
Y Y mauxiliaries met in First 'Ch,urch , C int , P
i ' d ' is ers p.
d rt naht • • ., _ 'Church,
r l Y and yearn (Moldy and
P fflice It
ele do 0 officers t
Dob c n f
t 9
i'T`ororl o u leday 1 69 Se f tis •c tl to • th
an a canvas of British history •
0 ' 9 -ar - re idem Nits, k e for for 7p ..are, s
durr h first � ' e Mrs, Polloc. presided. o the P ;.
?fig the v$ years OL the " John Pollock Goderreh first
For t, ore' than half a century„• a . Y meeting whichpwas opened with Pollock, � .. centu • based on the ele .is on g � � �° P -
ac ,'s .Ma azine has ' t . v thepoem -�-• "Hel Me” and the.. vice-president, Mrs. John Wray,
Me at,' g program, are ,contained in this. p
successful) been , informing,„, n h mn, O God Our Help In Ages RR 2, Goderich:; secretary, Mrs,
. volume, � � Y g }
Canadians oil' world affairs.. This • . Past,!' -with Mrs, A. McGregor as Ray Dyke, ,,Godetch, treasurer,
' ul .oof. • the i , Pianist. ' • Mrs, Arnold McConnell,
is the color,, st rY Johan q'erraine, distinguished . P ,�
founder,Cok nel john Bayne mill - hi toirian d'author ofv The president read Psalm' 121 Goderich;; 'adult and" • evening
Y taxy rs an.._au
`° slid based • her '1 w Year's groups, . Mrs" Dale Nixon,''
Maclean, dye is and eccentric Douglas Haig: The Educated �, Seaforth; girls and youngwomen
journalist, wh started as a Soldier, Joined with, Producer .. message on this psalm. $ , In
$5 -a - week repots er to become a. Peter Morleyto dotthis- series in The minutes were approved aa. groups, Mrs. Wes Iradnock,
•publishing -giant yes ected the i° read by- the secretary, Auburn; C.O:C, and Explorer
� P by 1966.. The first • thing he • � jR• P
leaders o the wo discovered with•in minutes ofDykegroups, Mrs. Gordon -Schwalm,
a aur , WOW y 0 reviewe r
f this man-, ::His, -brill
'3: 7 es•
0 pages 1• P P
fan .career
ins rv>�
wor d, cce .t. the re t• �
k aa, •a h s
f •
T r.�
a io" .•ce he of tie
tll n ,
f h ld of Goderich. The financial
Author Fla d Chalmers . • y.. si , _ t literature-secretary,,.Mrs. Schneider.
meetingLord Louis was that statement was received as vee Hex►sall;
A. Viii re Sanderson, .Auburn;glad ' - ' - -
-Maclean as colleag�ie and friend ; been overstated. He ':writes, McConnell . of -Goderich. She tidings secretary, - Mrs. John
for over thirty years. He retired- "Three years,' close contact with reported an increase in givings Thompson, Seaforth; home
during the past year. helpers, • Mrs. 'Harvey ' Hyde;
last -year • as charm an of the . this Haan -have been; for ' me, an� ,
board of Maclean- to I Reports of the various - kiensall; friendship and service,.
The business meeting wit in
charge' of Mos, O' Cartwright and,
the minutes were read and
accepted aa- prepared by
Jciiln Dar who.. was 111. The
f ,.ands) statement for, the pant
..:edr w ,, .v n
, rs w
as a 11!x , ,A die
Kirkconnell, the treasurer
The Day' 'of Prayer service to
be held oh. March 6 In St..Mark's
Anglican church was iscu
d , sse
and plans made forthe .xo am,
l call 1 w •
The rol was; answered.
with a Bible verse telling abo( t
the life of Jesus as a child.
The travelling apron received
a , penny for a each .. letter in
Andrew, dames and John°Lorie
Cartwright received the offering
'which was dedicated with prayer
by Mrs. Cartwright. 1
Plans -were made for 'thee next
meeting - whiek-will beT held at
the home - . of Mrs. James
worked closely 'with Colonel the legend of charm had not by the treasurer, Mrs•
oar _ Unforgettable experience. secretaries were received. ' Mrs. Mrs. Charles Kalbfleisch, Varna;
devote hts , time � to the could wish that it had come- to Miss Jean
t.haricell°orship. of York me eiarlier the qualities of Dale ` Nixon of 'Seaforth, supply s",gcretary,
University.Like his subject, .secretary for - adult afternoon Scott, Seaforth; life' membershi
J � greatness are easy enough to P
Chalmers is - a stickler for perceive intellectually, more .and evening groups, reported on secrletary, Mrs. Walter Shortreed,
difficult to appreciate without the work done hroughout the Brussels; historian, Mrs. Albert
such a contact I am grateful to Presbyterial. Mrs: ' Gordon Taylor, •Goderich; press,.Mrs. W.
have _encountered the force of a Schwalm of Hensall reported fora Bradnock, Aub
the C.O.0 and Explorer groups Following theme inspirational
true. leader." ,
and. Mrs. W. _Bradnock reported . message based on °John, 14th
Mountbatten was ``born in for the• �. C.G.LT. and young chapter; given by. Mrs. MacLean,
-1900 , w hen his great women's groups. Mrs. 'Charles Mrs. Pollock took the chair and
Varna, --reported for outlined ,tile duties of each
t grandmother, Queen Victoria, Kalbfleisch, �.
was on th`i t tone. • e w nenosfiip and serum" n`ti" s.---4--beer=-1Vlrs
named Louis Francis Albert Harvey Hyde of Henaall reported _ Auburn was 'named delegate to
Victor Nicholas Battenburg, the work done among the home the Synodical. meeting in Paris
"Albert" included at the request helpers. `The literature secretary, on April 21„ridd 22 with Mrs. J.
paper and the " pressure of ' of` the Queen. He has always' • Wilfred Sanderson, Auburn, R. Leitch of Goderich "' as
been called "Dickie." In 1917,- -told of her work and visits'to the ' alternate.
deadlines. When he was 20 years-- Plans were made to hold the
old he began , as a reporter for the year the Bhttenburg name societies during the year. spring Were
madg in Seaforth one
the Toronto World at $5 a week,, was changed'to.Mountbatten for ' A report prepared.by the glad
freelancing on" the side for $2 ori--Bolitical, reasons, he launChed'his tidings ' secretary, • Mrs. John May 13., . 'yin invitation was
$3 an article. Five years later he. naval career by joining flagship; Thompson of Seaforth, :who was .extended by Mrs.. H: Rivers to'
started his own paper,' during a "`• H.M.S. Lion as a .midshipman: unable to be: present, was given attend a special meeting on
peric I wire'n>..many publications and Mrs. Walter Shortreed of January 29 in Goderich to hear
• _ , career in which•,heginning of a Blyth reported on. • life . Rev. E. H. Johnston, moderator
This marked the b
were fightingdor existence.was to rise Y P
Within 20 years 'his enterprises memberships arid 'tertiftcatets - of the Presbyterian Church in .
P steadily -to the top:
to 27 publications with '
_accuracy, - and although
sometimes brutally frank," his
story is complete and exactly as
it happened.
John - ,Maclean, described - as
paradoxical, was one man who
happened to be in the right place
.idea. The son of a backwoods
minister, he was raised in rural
Ontario' by a journalist uncle,
amidst the rattle of manuscript
After the benediction, an
auction was: held by Mrs.
Gordon R. Taylor. Lunch was
-served by Mrs. Cartwright
given and there - was° a notable,- Canada.. •
rose F
company offices in _untie. -, -------During the -second' world ware increase in this department. A Lunch- was served by the
Toronto, Winnipeg, New York; he was name
Chicago; and London, England, Coibined Operations, then
d - Chief f report of the supply secretary,`
Seaforth members. —
all ,manned by Canadians.. Supreme Allied Commander in
Despite tempting U.S. offers, his South East -Asia. He was the
publications "' remained strictly captain of H.M.S: Kelly,' which
Canadian epterprises and he was sunk by German aircraft in
boasted - editorials that were the Mediter aaiean, It is a. tragic,
. completely free of any monetary ' moving, heroic story used as the
influence. His hobby- was .b'as1g'Td't the :movie "In Which
collecting eminent friends, .-.,We Serve." TO- this 'daythe
including Churchill, Coolidge,. - survivors meet once a. year, - as
Bache, and -Schwab. He enjoyed the spirit of the Kelly -lives. on.
talking 'and listening to people, After, the war he became thea;t�.�„
be they waitress or king. He did - Viceroy of - India, and handled
notaccomplish success alone •-- the difficult task of negotiating
' his special genius was picking Indian . independence with such
subordinates of exceptional tact and good feeling, that the
ability. He -provided leadership Indians themselves, asked him to
and inspiration. ; • be theirfirst Governor-General.
Today, this • institution,
founded i n quaint, In 1952, his love for the sea
turn-of-the=century . Toronto, is - called, and he was appointed
• worth roughly: $65 million. It is British and NATO Commander
• , a highly deversified operation, in Chxef in the Mediterranean. It
ranging from magazines, business was 'inevitable. that he would
papers;---- i idustrial and trade -_ reach the.-top_o.f:hh profession,__ _
=_.haws,_-- .din ---and- television_ the ,positiononce held by his
stations, and a large commei i11 fat e F=Sea.' cl e retired -
printing plant, ' with published - from" active service in 1965. --aa
periodicals spread in -: five - Chief of .the Defence -Staff. This
, countries beyond Canada. This is book is at Clinton. Library and
aninspirational story filled.with available. in Goderich.
. many surprising and shocking
facts .about' Granada. Avaiiable.Jn_____.__
Clinton and Goderich libraries.
, GW "January meeting
The January meeting of the -
iglican Church Women • of, St.
1Vlark's Church was held at the
home of the president, Mrs.
Donald Haines. She, welcomed
the; visitors and the members -and
opened the meeting by .singing
"Nearer My °God To Thee" led
by Mics. Gordon- Taylor. This was
followed by prayers.
The scripture lesson, Hebrews
3.:6-15 verses was read by Mrs.
James Schneider. The missionary,
theme :taken . from - the , church- -
paper,_ "The Northland" named,
"Plus Jesus," written by- Violet
by John Terraine -
(London, Hutchinson, 1968; -
197 pages) - •
Those who were fortunate in
seeing the television series last
20% "ii
F. E. Hibbert & Son
Mather, was read' by Mrs.
•Andrew 'Kirkconnell. It was'ler .;
interesting and; told 'about the •,t
church work at Fort George and
Moosonee .:arid about Bishop
Watton opening a new church in a
• that .district. •
A reading - - "A New `Year's
Wish" was given by Mrs. Frank
Raithby. The topic - "Looking
Ahead" was given .'by Mrs.
Cartwright in . the absence off.
Mrs. Ed Davies. -
After singing the hymn; `-`The
Church's -One ,,Foundation,',.',.. the
program was closed with prayer.
assisted" ,by.
Over 30 ne hbors and friends
Mrs. re.ton le
patient in hoapit 1.
wish her a a�Y recovell.
rMrs. .WdfreiSanderson, Mrs.
Donald , ;Haines, , 'Mrs. -Alvin
Leatherland and Wee
Eradnock attended the 44001
meeti'ng, .or the ;'Huron.
• Presbyterial held. at Seaforth l
iedneay Sean
.Mrs. °Hary;...Artbtur and Mi.
Laura ' 'hil ps . visited•
'at 'Owen
honored *''C :les'Strau a:n.• Sound last Wednesday with-
nano., ,d N�rs hat � ,y
last k. on the occasion .of her Judy Arthur, st ,de t ' nurse'
wee:� ther,,. Gash her _ .... � � �
8 h t , " llin durin the , Ow'en" ; Sound School of
�t bast .hday by ca g g
N4... rn
o n. t e- o (:,,O,
h r h e.
e afte n_ o a h rr m ,g
t •
The, t this
The .. uests were welcomed b `� syxnpa by ' . �f
Bradnock andthe e t community is extended 'to:.
Mrs, Wets rade ck gu � -.
book Was- in chdge of Mrs. Robert Turner on the death of
Robert . Turner and Mrs, Oliver her. Mother, . W luteWhinney
Anderson.• , bfGoderich..•
Miss Margaret `Jackson poured Ted Mills *as returned• as
tea during the' afternoon and tea chairman 'of the Co rn initY
and birthday cake were served Memorial Halle Board when the
by Mrs. ' Norman McDowell, Mrs. ....annual ` meeting' was held- last
Sidney Lansing, . Mrs. Kenneth week in the .:hall. Mrs. Gordon
McDougall and a Mrs. Oliver Taylor wase again '"elected
;Anderson. • secretary -treasurer and - William
J. Craig : the caretaker for the
Mrs. Straughan received many . .
,cards of congratulations;
coming year.
telephone calls and a yellow The chairman presided for the
carnation corsage . which she meeting. with members. of title
wore,during the afternoon. _ board, Reeve : gh Flynn and
Leonard Maim
representing u** Tow
Gerald McDowell,
Wawanoit; .: Jon*
Colborne Township; T
West Wawanosh and Mi.
tbby, N 'President ate th
'Rumen's. Institute, print.
'The ;minute of the previo
leering were actepted as read
,Taylor« She presented
th .o
annual. c044+4014 a '�i b��.
whichwas aece tedR Mr, William
Craig re , "rted theeheil rented
►; tunes with 14 Meetings held
fry et charge Makirtg
04 times hehall.was' used. .:.
Taylor . . orted ' ' that
e u
�WQm, � s~ �st t had" given,
► en•
:donations. of $472.7$ during the
,Othlar proceeds ',reported:
-Colborne oncert, $82.82;
rumor sal $23840; .,water,
rentals, $309..80 and Valentine
dance, $15.58. , ' Finanelal.
statements are available from the
treasureron request
Plans were made to holo
dance in the near" future 'and M
Leonard Archambault was
named chairman to inquire when
it could be held. ,
Plain and ..Patterned Drapery
45" wide Reg. , 52.50
54 West St., Goderich,
Dial 524-9953- .
21 WASHERS -=- 10 . DRYERS
O� N � � OR LESS..