HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-01-22, Page 164A";0 DAR.I k SI A eSTAR,, T U 'S A11t JATV'Ai ." 22.,'x970 The photographer achieved something of a miracle in gettiiig' such a solemn picture of Douglas, because this little boy is usually smiling Douglas is 10 .months ltd; . a healthy, sturdy :baby .of Anglo-Saxon ancestry, with blue -gray eyes; Eight brown hair and fair skin. He" is alert ;and interested in whatever is going on, and loves i Landers. ;i Place dro, DEAR ANN LANDERS: How 'Wasn't that 'wonderful of him?". does one -free •himself from the , It would help- if my clutches of friends who have father-in-law wotild tell us when been on a trip? 1 don't 'mean lie invites somebody. At least we LSD. I mean Europe* the Orient, could keep track. As it is we Hawaii, Puerto Rico or, -heaven have no idea show many to forbid, an' African safari: You'd expect. It .could run up 'tp 40 think no one in the world had extra$. We left out people we been anyplace but them. • wanted to invite because. there's Name dropping. is old hat. Ito,. room,. and now ,'vtire find my Now .it's,, place dropping. -father-in-law's barber, his. wife's Thirteen, countries in eightee a ' h a i rd reser, 41 her interior. 'Fn days! How in the devil could they have seen anything but the airports? The real pain comes when they drag out the film projector and show reel after reel " of ` tec'hnically : lousy pictures, Then there's the dialogue "That's the room we slept' in... There's the car that picked us 'up at the airport. There's the fishing schooner. . Here's a picture of Junior teasing a skunk. Thepicture isn't very good -- I had to move -fast. Ha, ha, ha." Is there a : graceful. way to say 'no to invitations to,hear people talk about and show movies of their trip? — . ,DL'NMORE, PENN. DEAR DUN: Nine times.out of ten, there is NO graceful way. So — my advice is to say "no" if "no" is what you want to say, "and'if you're not asked back, so what? DEAR ANN 'LANDERS: I hate to bother you with this because. so many people „need your help 'with serious problems, but please, Ann,- when you .finish with---t-he others, may -be -you -ea ,attention, especially, from children. Rut e ' oesn use when he's alone and amuses himself with. his. toys. Douglas gets around his foster home by , crawling and he's very speedy. This lively infant isn-'t `a bit shy, being quite ready to make friend's with anyone. He likes to be outdoors and he's always happy to go for a "drive: To, inquire about adopting . Douglas please write to ',Tod ay's Chilli,, -Department of Social and, Family Serv- ices, Parliarrrent Buildings, Toronto 182; For other infor- mation on adoption..ask your Children's Aid Society. ,lames RichilrdsOfl. & Sons Ltd Serving The Feed Dealers ""of Western Q;ntario PHONE 524-838$; GODERICH , help us.. What can we • do,_ about. grandparents who invite everyone they see t� our son's Bar Mitzvah? We . belongto the 'largest synogogue in town but it won't be big enough if everybody corn,es. After the services, we are having a luncheon'in the social -hall. My husband and I sent out 240' invitations. This is all the place will hold. - Every time I turn -around, someone I handl know says, "Our whole family is coming to -Barry's Bar Mitzvah. Your father-in-law invited us. deeorator rand her card club are ,all corning. Please tell us what:to dog— TROUBLE DEAR T: You are stuck: Order extra wine:, more herring, chopped liver, -kugel and sponge cake. And niazeltov: -- HEALTH & SAFETY DEAR A`NN 'LANDERS: Forgive nae for .contradicting you, but you were wrong when you told "Mrs. Bu.nioned that compulsive talkers are, incurable. Not only was 1 a compultive talker, but. I was a compulsive eater: I overcame both illnesses — and so can Mrs. Ear, The 'tvVo prerequisites are (1) a.11 awareness of the affliction and- (2) a genuine desire to overwrite, same. -•-. THINNER, QUIETER AND I-IAPPIER DEAR _ T Q AND 'H: Yoriti-are right. Thanks for -the correction; Mainly for Y1.6thers iyCarolHart ., Get' Rid Of Get-At-Ables ''Get-at-ablet" can get you if you don't watch- out. What are -"get-at-ales"? They're. the acet ssible, attainable, available, reachable, just plain lietltdy things that'cpm-lead to acci- dental injuries 'in, the home. An examination --by the Council ...on Family Health of reports of hone accjdent e shoe's that very 1 young Children, 1?eltieultirly those„ under the 1tgi' of five, ,are especially vulneratrle. , Here are some of the more common "get -at -able" situa- tions found l,c the Council, a non-profit ul gitnization pun- sored as a public service by.mem- -- hers of the drug industry: Turpentine left on tijp-of :i''' ‘i'ork .bench by a do-it-yourself dad. — 1,1 nicating ul s ulehe un"t 11 bottom shelf of a closet. —Furniture p611sh left on the dining table when the telephone rang. Medicines became ''get -at-, 'abh5''sft.r toddlers•when: Left on the kitchen sill. •— —Placed on tot, of w bureau in gruldlnutla..L's mon. —Left in lnuther•'s'hanatta> ---Stol•e,l with toads 10 the 1•e-, frigeratol• or pantry. Lola 1vhldow ledges and un- uarde,1 olren NV d rc reachable f ',: —A feut'-year-old who fe 11 • from the .second flour. --A five-year-old who fell 50 .feet frons -the rilird floor: • ---A toddler who toppled onus a second floor porch. , —An oighteelltniunth-oldgirl• who fell two stb'ries,onto a ruse ' bush.. —A two-year-old buy who climbed onto the slanting- roof -arid slid to the ground. --yl akc a agams look • thi oughout your home. You'll rind "get -at - able" situatiuns•in every room., Correct them before they do their damage, 'says the Council on Family idealth.a... Thinking 'back over the year-end reports ,gf the • 1960s, I realize that. all the experts painted a picture of a decade of .violence and change proba- bly unequalled "in history. ' What is especially embarrass - ing isthe thought that 1 did the same thi-tag, though I'm no expert: ., On second thought, it" was all pure poppycock. "It's true .that 'The Sixties included' these, things, but the 1940s, in `ret rospect, make the 1960s look like a children's birthday par- ty: Noisy, disoitanized, messy, but essentially 'kids' stuff in earison.. - Surely it was in The Forties• that today's vidlence, revolt, drug addiction, sexual free done, disgust with. the Estab- lishment, and all the other goodies of The Sixties, had their roots. In' the 1930s, those lucky enough. to- have - a job were working for less than it costs today for a night, on the town. As Toronto newspaper colum- nist Richard Needham pointed out, the Great Depression was not brought to an end by our economists 'or politicians, but by Adolph Hitler. War created jobs, wages went :up, prosperi- -ty • began. Sickening thought, but true. . In The Sixties, we waxed in- dignance over Chicago cops for beating - dissidents over the head. And so we should. But in The Forties, six million non- dissidents...a all ages anal_ both. sexes were beaten, gassed or starved to death. And millions of others were obliterated with °out even ' waving a placard. How's that for violence'.' ,Revolt? It was„, everywhere,. in '.partisan groups and new nationalist :organizations. And the rebels were, just as long-' haired •and bearded and dirty 'sand a lot hungrier than _ today's rebels. They, too, were of both sexes, as today.. BO they .were fighting' for some- thing, not against eyeryth<ing. And they were laying on the line not just a clout en the. head, a 'tripe in.:rhe pads d ag on, and a fine, but their lives. 7. The ' Establishment? Irk 1945 the 13 r, t"i s h threw, .it—out, • including .,-that heroic but un mistakable memhe'r :'of it, Sir Winston Churchill. That" was a .far, far greater thing than'riot- ing on a campus. . --Atrocities? ' We had one, ap- parently, in Vietnam; recently, with the Yanks as villains for a change. Vile? Certainly. But it 'was a mere- trifle 'compared to the atrocities of The ,Forties. On all sides. Tell your kids abeut Lidice, the bombing of Hamburg' and Dresden, and what the Russians did at War- saw, And then there was the big- gest one of all, Committed by the Good Guys —' the atom bombs dropped on- Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Today's- atroci- ties are peanuts,however in- digestible. Drug ' addiction? There wasn't any "pot" around. But I wonder' how many . alcoholics are wandering around today who got their start when- they �tx!',es were. pure bosh f . m were 1d; and in uniform? I could list you • a dozen, from rf personal knowledge. Just mol• „tipsy. Sexual : freedom? ' P! rha s#:,int • wasn't as''blatant and self-con-- scions elf -con=scions and °pupliciti'-conscious as It is today, but ;it was there... lady, it was there. Now, f don't for one minute !Oen. bus- -band.' But those other -guys. Wow! • Change? ' whole , countries disappeared. iViil1ions of people ""-wandered,, ,r,,,,,, iceneelcss. : New, countries sprang into;. being. However, just as The Sixties weren't all rotten, neither were The Forties. They pre, duced 'courage and sacrifice and2 a `greats.' sense of sharing.. and loving, amidst all ' the hatred. They produced a generation thilt sincerely, believedthat a better world was not only needed, but could be built. They produced' entire new con. cepts of world Peace: They set the seeds for the end' of the' old imperialism,. Never mind that these have been frustrated and warped since. And, as asideline, they pro- duced the millions of kids who are now a mystery and 'terror - .and bewilderment ,to those rel- ics of : the f6ightful Forties. . Nuff said? 0 FOR YOUR EIRE JN-SURAN See or Phone MALCOLM -' MATHERS GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT • 46 WEST $T. 5249442 .o - MEN'S WEAR. * FRIGIDAIRE * V>;'ESTINGHOUSE * GIBSON * HOOVER ' Sales and Service TELEVISION , PHILIPS- PHILCO FOR YOUR AD n• APPLIANCES The Square —.Goderich 'Now Owned and Operated by ;Chuck Jewell 1 For That CERTAIN, Flair • • i'J�I.--M-EJ�I''S�-�1.E�113 EARL RAWSON MEN'S WEAR On The Square, Goderich °Colour. 'Television ALES and. :mar ussel _- -- ,24 Piclon St. W. . 524-9432 RIVETT'S TELEVISION ;, -L -RADIO - 34 The square ' Goderich TRAVEL SERVICES- Tom Twamley 304 Regent St. Lloyd Atfiefd 1-53 Widder St. EXCELLENT SELECTION ...Regular or Safety Toe 14 Different Styles DAVE GOWER'S $ndistriat & Garden Centre 5-24-8761: Coming Next: "THE CHAIRMAN" and "THE BOYS OF PAUL STREET" • PAINT, WALLPAPER LADIES WEAR SHOE STOVES "Cid4e ° (goad) liuu!le FOR YOUR AD • YOUR COMPLETE TRAVEL SERVICE , 29 East 'Street GODERItH 524-8366 Painting and Decorating 'Contractors. Painting, Wallpapering Draperies f=loor -Sanding 33 Huron Rd. 482-95-42 Clinton * Gifts '... * Books * Stationery Supplies. -1' Records - * PAINT * WALLPAPER -CARPETS * TiLE- * LINOLEUM • "Your Complete Home 'decorating Centre" THIS SPACE RESERVED Now &good salary Opportunity -security -. - for you in a business career .Go'deric.. BU'!aine`Ss College. BOCK CENTRE 33 'East St. Goderich THiS SPACE NIGHT SCHOOL ' Typing, Bookk'eepirig,,, • Shorthand (Tues. & Thurs. E !ening) 524-8521 LADIES WEAR L'IMiTED' Grou n,t.kloor Fabric Cen`tr.' i, Bedding Luggage Gift sets Fashion Floor - Dresses Coats Sportswear Accessories.. FOR YOUR AD West Sty Goderic Amor `+r _ ^FURNITURE John Duckworth 235 Bayfi d- 'd=....- Por The •' FINEST in FURNITURE Lt DGE_ Furniture West St, - • Goderich `.. Be Sure' To 5ee Our Oisptay Of ORIGINAL OIL PAiNTINS Norman .lvlali-,.w,- 16 Britannia Rd. E. Eootvve lr For The !gamily • ','0,2-4-§1.74 ton fit" Goderich CONTEST RULES Bach week the names and addresses of 6 subscribers will appear in the Business Directory. —Look for yopr name and address in the ads, —Take the Business Directory and. suitable identification to Ad advertiser in `whesit,atI yqurr ame:appeared and -Pick up.your.passes by Saturday night closing. Only,,Subscrlbors to the Signal»Star are eligible.