HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-01-22, Page 12'D CH SIGNAL-STAF ,l" U SDA.Y,, JANUARY r r. ....fir.. ... • . xovince-Wide > Property esSrnent results in a dratriatic shift in the tax load Old, threatens hardship on otneQwners; 'the Ontario Government will, take, actionto cushion the 'blow, the "Hen. M w .fey McKeough_ told . the Women's 'Progressive conservative- Association in Hamilton recently. Mr; McKeough, ' , Ontario's. Minister of Municipal Affairs, was discussing ,thew -P' . roxlneaf, assessment systen ands. its implications"for homeowners. He noted that there is no p shortage of speculation that .the . .ro .sed system of, assessment p L will spell , ruin . for saltie..„ horneoivners and that sorni ' seniorcitizens will be "taxed off their land:" "Let me make it perfectlyP clear that this will not happen," MaIone resigns from HurOn Board~ ar. ifdirector of r., c s L. R, Maloney of Bayfield has . '.performane the d lice 'resigned as manager `of education, the chairman of the purchasing, services and ,,; school board, and the school P trans ortation._.with the Hurn • board member of th County ,Board of Education ta-•-•.representing municipality agree accept a position with the Kent to the performances. County ' board as purchasing The board learned that the agent; ' it was learned at a Huron County Health Unit must meeting of the Huron County authorize any school cr'ing School Board Monday. „caused by the large number of - flu cases. ' Mr. Maloney joined the boart ° Trustee D. J. Murphy of in July, 1969 Prior to that he Goderich 'will represent the • was business administrator of. the Clinton 'District Collegiate board from 1963. ' - . The resignation is effective 'January 31. In committee of the whole, the,, board decided to fill the vacancy created ' by Mr. Maloney's resignation with. two persons. Advertisements will ben placed for •;a purchasing agent and a transpo a ion o ice . The boar. d also adopted a , . policy that -school facilities will -be provided for .. benefit board at the officialopening of a five -room addition to . St. Mary's Separate School, Goderich, on February •2. The board also authorized the borrowing of up to, $5,000,000 to meet' current' expenses until revenue is. received. Payment by the municipalities will be- on a quarterly-basisthis-- year with payme is in Mareh, June, S`ept�iret er d Decei�nbe . Last year ' the single education levy ° was ,collected in mid-December. on t said. Mr. MoKeough. "We are not insensitive to problems, ;We do not yet kno.. the4- itude' of t -,w rn any possible tax shiftproblems." He 'pointed out, that ° the government rust lI>:st assess all properties, on the same basis, at market value Only then would it have enough inkpftation to Predict any- .undesirable effects, and be able' to take action to -deal with them in realistic terms: To date the government has been able . to, identify' two specific, areas which may regtiire the ' 'f : One is i a o 'e e � n detailed tam _ it n •n shift ofYthe tax -burden withip h class , gf properties,, as' from newer* to older homes which had prevloitsly been under-as sessed . Or from apartmentbuildings- to single-family dwellings, , becau. $e apartment buildings have paid t- s4 on za • much higher percentage -Of • assessment than homes. He said that a Second problem may result where the tax shift is 'from one class, of property to another, as from commercial and industrial , properties 'tis - residential to'residential properties. Alte a iv ly, the shift could be in t opposite direction. However, Mr. McKeough emphasized that "in the majority of • cases we do not Brightest .'co. -met to be'. seen he re this week • 'The brightest comet, seen in Goderich skies .in 12 years will be... visible with the naked eye for about two weeks beginning January.19, 1070. Called Cornet Tago-Sato-Kosaka, it was discovered October 10, 1969, by` three Japanese astronomers after whom it is'named. Astronomers 'at Toronto's ' 4 ,r' McLaughliirt Planetarium said the Comet' will be nearest the earth on January 19 and during the next two weeks of its visibility it ' will be streakingaway Brough — constellations Cetus, Pisces and Aries ata speed of about 25,000 miles : per hour: They advise sky -watchers during that period - to look southwest • just" .after sunset fg the Comet. The last bright comet easily visible' from this area was Comet Mrkos In 1057. During its periodof visibility, „Y the'McLaughlin Planetarium will give up to datereports-on Comet Tago-Sato-Kosaka at the beginning of each presentation. in the Theatre of -Stars. The •current show describes, another interesting astronomical-; :` -- phenomenon', phenomenon, telling "The Story. of Eclipses it . runs from January 13 to April 5. • O.FFAT PORTABLE DISHWASHERS • ti 144401,.- BRANDED T01ry. 4t4 anticipate there will be a shift of any significance." '. • To meet these possibilities his department has.. four n1etins of. remedy under consideration, First -increasing the per capita grant • to municipalities, thus .alleviating the ' local tax burden on resideptial,:property owners, , Second -Taxing • business properties on 100% of 'market value assessmertt, ,While keeping business taxesat current . rates . and toning resident41 properties atless than 100% of ass°ss ent , This measure ' would Offset .any - substantial tax shut, .from business to residential' property. Third -An . increase in existing: grants to help muni'cipalities . provide basic services. Fourth -A reduction in the number of tax-exempt properties such as . universities, hospitals, or government-owned • institutions, thereby gaining an increased tax base for the local municipalities. ---A y "In reaching for perfection, a system .-sometimes overlooks basic human problems," Mr. McKeough said. "We are more than willing to make adjustments if we find that our striving for equity penalize s certain groups °' h i ° � o,. pastime a ° ' 4 and ; n' Fishing for whitefish n cisco through the ice is a popular` pastime In southern Qatari.. .Lake� S . alone, has' ' �imcoe approxii$ately . b,,OQ,Q fishing huts each winter and provides: for untold hours of winter enjoyment, • , Over the years ice fishermen on Lake Simcoe have become .very adept at .catching .both whitefish and cisco. Ice fishing is not a hit and miss proposition and' the most successful fishermen make' plans .that. ensure the west .possible .chance •of a catch. the main e •..., Here are , �....ons 'why Lek '' e • Simco° 'n Winter r fishermen are �. so successful Knudson _la s .06 �. World O. •r Elde Canada's top ` Nprofessional golfer, George Knudson, plays U.S. pros George Archer aid _Lee Elder in the Shells Wonderful World of Golf" television match to be shown "next. .Saturday, January. 24, on the CBC -TV network. One of seven matches in a $12'4 ,000 elimination tournament, the Knudson match was filmed at the challenging Sao Fernando Golf pub in Sao Paulo, Brazil, last spring shortly after Archer had nosed him out n according to ,A,y -_Holder a d Ffi Marshall who worked on Lake Simcoe fish management with' the department of; lands and foreStS: Fish Hut .7 • For those who • wish to. consider the' sport we. recommend. using a ,fish hut, While there are commercial models avails Ie; an inexpensive tut can'be readily constructed from light materials and' hauled out onto the.. lake 'by hand or-- snow snow machine, When ' constructing the hut, weight is a factor to be considered. Space for a small stove must` also be 'considered and the .shac t k><�n ..us. have holes cut In the. _' floor rrther and o olf ,ztby a single 'shot to win the 1969 1Viasters title „Their, head-to-head return irneetin`g in the : Shell. match plus the great play of Lee Elder makes for an -excited hatch. The Sao ° Fernando course is dotted with water hazards, and features, tight -driving holes, a characteristic which should . give Knudson an edge ce computer figures recentl ��, ,'._ • .ped on the 1969 'U.S, pr •1 ol, season show him as number -one in 'accuracy off the tee. through •Wt h thin suspended.- M - ,-Locatioln' ^ , Most local lakes areabun"daiatly , stocked wi th whitefish. The secret is lin owi g :' . to -'•end r The kn , t<.ng Where winter haunts of this species. Whitefish are b ottom feeders - and may be taken in depths .of p up toy 100 fedi- Few if, -any ;local lakes are anywhere close to this deth so the trick is in knowing the type of bottom. The fish are h r°- -generally found over sand, or " v 1• Shoals at varying de`: ths. gra g Shoals p In any case, the bottom should. ,, be firm, • not mucky, and . in Perhaps eight to 20. ,feet of er. ��/at 71.7 Ptrebaiting is probably the most important consideration. in winter - fishing, :for . whitefish. Immediately ice is safe to travel on; fishermen should commence prebaiting their. fishing hole using up to several 1'l -quart baskets for bait, Lake Simcoe fishermen - preserved bait ..in November by salting Minnows using about 20 lbs. to 40 lbs. of minnows. During'w.inter months anglers are - restricted- to a possession limit of 40 lbs:' of bait fish. Other foods ai;e ;psed to prebait a hole -and these include pre -softened . grains and boiled macaroni. ._Ho_le$ should lie prebaited up to -five days prior, ' to fishing and the purpose is to allow fish toconcentrate in the -ftreat 110,1e0 o ted �e� i n termlttently, -. never Imimed ateiy before eoFnmencing to fish.. Most successful .aotglere l bait once o!r twice' each week using a pint mof fait? ThIs keeps fish around the hole, Fishing.' Technique,: , Preferred baits are small, Ave or -- preserved Thinnows, Some sis achieved usin al Sucees�g • small:- lures' of the jig -type. The gear consists of a 'tip -up and spreader combination both of 'which are' readily.,available at sporting. ,goods stres or can easily be made. Purpose of the spreader .is to allow the minnow aired be 'placed on or near the' bottom. Whitefish ander •cisco 'have. very soft,' tender ° mouths and, extreme caremust be taken in setting, the; hook and' bringing the fish to• the surface, Sensitive ' - t'i -ups tell . the fishermen ata,_- gl ce when fish take the bait. , So a fishermen insert an elastic. band between the : spreader and fish line which takes up the sudden and har pull ° as the *"' hook is set in anibblingfish's mouth. The advantages :.:cif f inter fishing for whitefish . are numerous: Fish flesh its firth. Many leisure hours ei be spent comfortably seated in a heated f• ish hut (manytake along a portable TV or radio to help spend the time). . a -a court BRANDED 1st FOUR - RIB 5TEAKS BY THE PIECE BOLOGNA SWEET PICKLED OTTAGE- ROLLS. Ib. BREAKFAST' SAUSAGE .KING OF ROASTS) PRIME, RIB ROAST lb.. • • BRAISING- RIBS LUCAS " ARTHURS _ WIENERS 694 ur. Ib. Ib. ZWAN 12 oz. Tins -LUNCHEON MEATS . R. EST BUY! DELUXE Capadian - Pimen N LES o Ofd English -----SAVE• 4ci'- 8-0z-Pkg. S or BEST BUY! - SAVE 21c! FANCY .QU,AL1TY CREAM 14-0x. Tins FACT LLE MODERNE LARGE FACIAL TISSUES FACELLE MODERNS TOILET TISSUE NEWO -� 12's K TEX PLUS REG. 51.15 VALUE! L_ 10c OFF PACK UFFO s ,FEATUiE,! 1.., CHOICE CPQ �n. 3r1• " 'HEALTH and marry FEATURES ! REG. 3 for 49c VALUEI _ 12c OFF PACK • , LUX' BEAUTY SOAP ,HEAD & SHOULDERS.. SWAMP REG. $1.79 Vw — Tube REG. S�'25'VALUEI. -- iQc OFF PACK'.. , FAMILY SIZE ULTRA BRITS TOOTHPASTE',rube' 99c ANACIN TABLETS loo's 994 . FEATURE! -- HEINZ CONDENSED MAT Rolls .889 �m. 10.Or Tins FS. R BEST BUYI -- Save 10c! =-- DRQ BALLQRDS CHAMPION 15.Oz. Tins REG. $1.15 VALUE! --,8c OFF PACK • Cleaner U GREEN GIANT 19 oz. or#ening hied- Sliced - Tid. Bit. 14-O .J ins Giant Pkg. v A Roll -about convenience with custom styling. Washes -and dries your.dishes with thOrd'ugh, jet tower spray action,Top- loading portable with elevating top rkck• Available in White, Antique Copper, Avocado or Harvest. ' BY-PASS FAUCET cO N=til Ecto n Snap -on faucet connector has by- pass dial to give. you full use of taps -.even when dishwasher as connected and in full use. C'LEAR,WRINSE DISPENSER Added tbfinal rinse autOrnatibally. Makes •glasses and 'fine chilli.' shining and streak free. Available or optional, see spedifidations PUSH BUTTON CONTROLS Easy-to•use pusti-button controls indlude ULTRA-CLEAN,_rinse/ hold, plate Warmer set'ting, cycles for fine china, -pots and pans, dishes and classes, mixed load. DOUBLE-WALL TUB DESIGN Do' •ble-wall tub design of port- able dishwashef makesyout , washer quldte All Moffat dish- • washers have porcelain on steel Yom. z#ub i.pish.. a. BEST BUY! -°Minx or Match! - Stokely's • HONEYPOD'PEAS 1.4 -oz: tins- - or 1Z -os ns WHOLE KERNEL .CORN F•EA'IURE! - BONUS -- One-at=aglme Dispenser 10 to Pkg.' SAVE 17c! - _DEEP. BROWNED SAVE 19c! BAGS EuFlskp1F0 : TS.- VEGETABLES FRUIT U.S. NO. LARGE STALKS Celery U.S. NO. -2 lb U.S. NO. 1 Head Lettuce U.S. NO. 1 Golden .Yams 4b.99` 2 HOLIDAY FARMS 2 Ib. BEEF PATTIES • s1.59. ' QUICK or -INSTANT 5•. Ib. QUAKER OATS 79` ROBIN HOOD ' -• 7 ib. Bag • •FLOUR' ALL . V PURPOSE 794 ENCORE --48oz." LIQUI„D' DETERGENT 79' REG. 47C1 'hacCO RM I CKS Crier's' PLAIN Olt BAUD 16 -oz. pkg. FROZEN 111441) IPE11127174113 Frczen Dinners' 1 ech a SUNSHINE FROZ t...EN „ 12SUNS2 Ib. BaHINE ,FROZ'EN -� ''oz. - ,Orainge Juice 2189` Fancy Peas 2 s1 gANQU-ET r,> c)o rricister :"ka'•S4cft:.FF�'-'gyp; .n........., °gin ��teIy .. Unt��I 1O,