HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-01-22, Page 11$NQW PlOWing, Phone' Ona #24.840,0 4 4. TO, RENT 0 N E.13EDROOM fUrnialied, all - conveniences. ' Rid ge Wood Park. Phone 0g4.8891. ltf. • oFFicg SpaCe for rent Contact Malcolm -Mathers,_ , 46 Weiit St.reet, Phone 520-9442. - 390- 'FORMAL WEAR RENTALS. Dress right fOrdall OccaSi.OnS We are agents for; Freeman's Formai Rentals '014KETT. Ci;k14.:Bp.L.L. LTD.. - Clinton Goderich _ TWO-REDR.001% , apatment, heated, -centrally located. Phone 524-7885. - 3 FURNISHED light -housekeeping rooms, utilities included, ground floor, Miss Mary ° B. Howell. Phone 524-8642..- 3tf TWO -ROOM apartment, • separate entrance;?bedroom over living room. Heated, furnished or not, two blocks fromsquare, • one block from supermarket and - mailbox. Grouchy -.1 landlord • w'ants $50 a month. 78 Cambria Rd. N, - 3,4 x -TWO-BEDROOM apartment, roomy and. heated. Good location. Available Febrriair 1.5th. Phone 524-9990. - 4tf •OFFICER 1.IELP NAMED 12,. TWDE.11$ .10:ANTE"), ,PQT!EtoCREDiTORS A, BIRTHS 0 : Iit the Estate o08.Ept1001.44INS: ., At. , Alexandra HENRY WILSON,. 'Ute of the IWORital, Goderich,. on Jan, 13, 'TOWn, of , Goderich, in the Collins, ,to, Mr- a;Od, Mrs, , 4araea t County of *iron, Retired LiOn•Oni, Clinton, a clOgnteto" , ' dPa4YrileolN' .OWYch:Pileireg41.944614*49. he 7th CA•1B,Mg",FS 're': 41 All persons ..having dahlia • " ' ' against the above Estate are ' -'-,, LECTRIC IVIOTOR - 4;arf4titi:plars-ed 0:tflt.lireirfscTisialarnr40 ii) ftlihitir il;),,e7.,...'1).4r$0.4117_,°6*.rigikre);"1444"Suit .1mider$10ned,4011,' or before the r""*''' 'et'''. -2-5' . ReWolind,and RePairecl 27th day of ilannarY;1970, after """"s"""e*m"!"'""'"„,k ,,,„ .„,„„,„;„.... ., I Nat -$011 Mot•gr, Sew. iCe61,8, • ,5g4-0891 i 33 Britannia West distributeed, - , ., which (late..,Ile assets will be V. 111 Ilar.MYKIPAM ' J. KENNaBs7NlioHrtUhNsTEtieet. :4,,,..e0a,;,,,Efa-.04-er,ovinw:gilinuaenim744124%as: ., )'• •/%41 .. Iill ' ' Goderich, Ontario. - . Boyce, who passed iway Jan. Solicitor for the ExecutOrs; • 26, 1956.' - All 'creditors' atild° (;'3:e'rs5. , TBilu:oanr;ilillitn:e.Vaat:eaat:11t 'choafirlif'e :r°119 '• 'having any claims against the Thiwicans the .19ye' the vow, the „estate 'hi 'Ontario of the late .• 0 • .'•• DAILY CAR RENTAii • ReasOnable Rates Godench • WOWS , Pbone.52+8301 -NANTFat---Rxeougot-; PtthliC4O; • , and Ironing help reclnired 'th'ree "-•••' Canada. • days weekly. Apply 13QX 5,0, Signal -Star."- "'"• - TEXAS 011- C MP_ NY.,, has .opening in Goderich area. No. experience necessary Age' nee' :imPOTtant. Good Character . a Must We Arahl, Air mail, S. W, DickePotl, Pies, Southwestern Petroleuin Corp, Ft. Worth/ Te, -4 PERSON' wanted to 'continue •Fuller. Brush Service customers in the Town 'of Goderich and Colborne 'Township. 15 hours weekly, no previous' experience needed., , Phone Mrs.. GWynne „ . at 524-6277. RATE' CLERK for branch . Of Guenther Transports Ltd, Apply in person to B. W. Tuckey. t4eter Tuckey ANIMAL CONTROL SMALL dne-bedroom house. r0 Phone 524-6883. -4.• droom a artment at Lak •iew Apartments, 47 Elgin Ave. West. Phone 524-7123 just between five and six. - 4-5. TWO-BEDROOM modern apartment, electric heat, • own Ariveway, .entrance and stdrage. Phone 524-7578 or 52,4-9501. - 4. . 8. HELP WANTED SALES'REPli-ESENTATIVE, Required- fOrwell- established life insurance company, C1inton,e- $550 per Month guaranteed for two years while learnirig.' No ' experience necessary. Married, • with some ' school, , preferred. Phone 271-2041 or * , 393-6610. for appointment. --. 2,3 DOUBLE YOUR INCOME SALESMAN WANTED FOR GODERICH AREA • LEADS 'SUPPLIED / • (Stainless Steel .Kitchen Utensils) REPLY. TO BOX 51 • *TOWN OF GODERICH----- __ Any _person interested in applying for the above,, posi ion s ou su mit an application in writing to the undersigned by January 27, 1970. • '• . interviews will be arranged. S. H. Blake, ToyureClerk, 57 West Street, Goderich, Ontario. 16: WANTED:(.eeneral) COMPLETE- household effects or small lots wanted. Call CIL E. • Furniture, 524-7231'.. 42tf WANTED - young` girl to share • apartment. Phone 524-6819, after 3.30 pan. - 4x. , • TENDERS , Sealed tenders addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tender fpr- Wharf Repairs; Podericii, ''Ontario," will, be received until 3 (E T ) • Wecinesda.y,' February .4, 1970. Plans, sgetcifieations and forms of tender ,can be -seen at the . ,office of the, ,_,Denartment of , Public Works, Dominion. Public Bnilding, -457 Richmond Street, London, Ontario, or can be obtained from the , Dist4ct Director, Department of Public Works, P.O. Box 668; London, Ontario,,t . To be considered, each tender must be made on the .printed forms supplied' by the Department and in accordance with the conditions set forth therein, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. , • A. Mason, Manager, Administrative Services. 4 13. AUCTION SALE ,,AUdiON SALE Good Household Furnishings at ESTATE MARKETING SERVICES AuctiorLPentre 20 Water Street, Wrigham on • SATURDAY,-J'ANITARY'24 ' at 1 p.m; . This is the first auction of 1970 and the entire offering may be pre -viewed at th& n uc entre on rida-Y 'and Sitifiday till sale time. ,t • CANCELLATION:. IN THE EVENT, OF A SEVERE , WEATHER ADVISORY BEING ISSUED- BY AUTHORITIES, AUCTION WILL BE POSTPsONED ONE WEEK.: TalEICKNX. . • Jack 41exander will auction. EA.& for the Proprietors: .1". A. Currie - 357-1011 • •, , for information ""The only Auction Service of its kind in Western Ontario with a - proven market.;! WANTED. - Older furniture, crocks, antique glass, lams plus 9--dds..#4;1,0 eAcis.,PhArle .4M:787.8 evenings.- 4tf. ..,, . 11. ,EMPLOYMENT • - ..• INiANTED •. WILL --do -rebalir work on most toys and, ,--appliances. Phone 524-7817:- 2-6 ' -• 14. SERVICES AVAILABLE WILL do alteraione, ironing and mending: Phone 524-7695.- 3,4k • 4 14. SERVICES, AVAILABLE TRI -TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE • Income 'Tax • and complete recorkl preparation and maintenance. , Lawrence Beane Brucefield-482-9260 51tf ACE RADIO and TV Service, Frank Wilcox, so Picton St., W., Goderich, Ont. Phone 524-7 Z 71. - 1 tf ' • HAVE your •rugs dand chairs,. cleaned by dependable cleaners. Call ". Superior Maintenance, Rhone 524-8892, Goderich. - 24tf SEWING MACHINE AL ' GRAN,GER'S TV 1 Repairs To All Makes Of TV • • , ' - SERVICE - • By Licensed Technician Experienced service and repairs 258 Huron Road to all makes and models; Phone 524-8925 The _Signal -Star •. _. _ _Call for freeestimate, ._ --------. -44tf- REAL ESTATE SCI11001. for both Ladies and Gentlemen DAY SCHOOL 00 HC ME STUDY COURSE Join Canada's Largest Seller of Property •:4) -Represent Realtor • .MANN MARTEL •.Frorn,your own home.„.In your own Community as a Citi or Rural Salesman. Representatives needed in Counties Perth; Huron; Middlesex, Oxford, Waterloo, Grey, Bruce arid WpIlington. A pleasant and rewarding profession...An excellent'. "Second Career" opporlunity. .Experience . not required - We.train you. If you are over 21 Years -of age, have a car, and have been a resident of Ontario for the past 12 months, enquire now to- find out how easy it Is to get started. Telephone °Toronto collect 112-4b1 6-925-2211 MANN MARTEL, 1499 Yonge Street, -'Toronto 7, Ontario." Also interviews at VICTORIAN INN,,FiCojVIE0 STREET, STRATFORD. Telephone 519-271-4650 1/2 mile East of Stratford Festival Theatre. Victorian Inn sign at East end of Stratford. - Friday, January 23, 2-10 p.m.. Saturday, Sanuary 24, 9 a.m. •- 12 noon. Ask for our Mr. ,Bill Cunningham. EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPER • Conestoga College is seekipg..applicants for the' position of Administrator of Continuing Education in Huron County. The' sucdt...aul applicant illtigt be able to give leadership in OrganiZing the .educational rewurces Of the College to,meet the ^ needs -for .,develoOmerif of. bUsiness, +industry and compfunity setvices..in..the..County-Thera.are-no--minimurn_ aeadmic or experience requirements. All persons who feel they can undertake this challenging opportunity are invited to apply. Please apply in writing to: Director of Innovative arid ° Continuing Educatioh, Conestoga College of Applied Arts and Technology, - 290 Doon Valley Drive, —ideCr6141,1011.tario, „ • . . FOR: -your Antenna Sales ad Service contact Alvin's TV, 162 Mary,tStreet, phone 524-9089. -=- 32tf 1 • • SEWING MACHINE REPAIR • For all makes and models cif sewing machines. Free pickup and delivery In town. Phone - 524 -7766. 42tf SEPTIC TANKS CL.E1ANED MODERN,EQUIPMENT, 141,(0.RK„G1JARANTEED' .• ' 'Write or Phone • Harvey Dale Clinton ,HON 4824320 Inn amendments • W mi Chan** have been made t,0 new 1970 OPtarlO Summary of Fisting Regulations, just rologed _ .11n OPen kJ** and Fotvatie•Mlnlater, tnAli of Quebec flOn, 'Rene 00.11101,10,, The biological Minister Paid '-angleo, Vont(' ;An "4 rP1)444 aeM i!inPePlr°utiel4ate°44t.1.1tetb0eXpriA14.0t„ vtolytillnotea :roaSto kittnic:4040.8045, lbeee ,na,licootaisb lished /ken ellan.00_ OPOR '.0040•04 150;00* in information. PrOvided; . and the .effect for Division .24‘ and the de iI. nr:(1:11,l ie-agf • Ornona YA to 0". t:I": _ jias been *Pa In:keit:1r oPt 7,01, :Orirtn:-14a117 sa large ' number. of Divisions PPM' 'Ncirtbern. 04400 in 'educed ' from, 2$ to ;24*, by, •-prot,ent.-„ estaktiting Algonquin' TtieOfven. saisOn for iiinbOvt Provincial Park as aH'sirigle Omit 14 PIVIPion$1*240' 4441.16, DiyiSkon;-- Division 13. and in`0*. sPedfd 'rilierCh4viOgsa', .This ecessitutod a. an extended fail Season has been renumbering Of • all.Divisions to .December The , , from then on (i.e. Diyisions' 14 f season'closedon - to , °24).. The • following November amendments were also made The beginning of- the, winter and *moat have been included Ili • closure on fishing in Alg0041141,: .the.1970 Summary. Provincial Parietaa been sot bacle. The Waters of S. Joseph- from October '15 to November Island have been deleted. from 30. The amendment will provide EDA LOUELLA SPRAGI.J, ' ,Ciist7lieeiinec.who once sat there. • who diedon the. -.5th day of; Ever rerneinbered by the farP.44 13,rt February) 1969; at the City of • 4 Stratford Electric tiniiteci ...•,ptharetiezimers , A m - am, Detroit, are required to send to REWNDING-andiREPAIAS 'claims,. on or before tife 3:fIstt Ida; t..:CARDS:OF THANKS irewd-ritindg inoistrateoar :$.;.--- -7, ..,....o,„.. A., gn' ' ' of January, 1970, after which vICis.ta-m:- i h t ex r To * all Makes of motors,my generators, transformersdate the etsut:f the .said estate sincere thanks and appreciatio'n y ' d to the persons to relatives, friends and '4_el4ers.,, will be distrib entitled thereto haviog, regard •neigh13dirs for •:flowers, gifts, •only to the claims of winch tbe cards and -visits while I was a 136 East Street Goderich - 524-7409 Administrator shall then have patient in Alexandra Hospital. . . , • 44tf had notate. • ' Special thanks to Dr. N. -C. DATED at Windsor, Ontarioir- Jackson, Rev. G, G. Russell, GEORGE SAGER Upholstering & Repairs 255 Mary Street Goderich, Ontario PHONE 5246582 38tf this 8th, day of January, 1970. Rev. Cr. L Royal, nurses, along, LEROY RaDD, with the candy stripers and the. Administrator with Will Annexed, girls in green on 2nd west. I am . _of the property of the deceased most grateful to the members `Of in the Province of Ontario,' the Eastern Star, Ahrneek 41104 Canada Building, Chapter of IODE; Ladia Legion, • WINDSOR 14, Ontario. 'Auxiliary," • Sunset Circle, 3,4,5 Women's Institute, and St. • George's Anglican Women for their many acts of land thoughtfulness during that 'time, . - Mary Vickers. - 4 - -. • ,•IN THE ESTATE OF HURON .MELITA CATHARINE MUNN • All persons having claims ,DEAD STOCK against the estate of MELITA CATHARINETIVIUNN, late of -GOderich, Ontario, deceased, who died .in r• about. the -2nd day" --of December, 1969, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned • Personal Representative . of the said deceased on or before the 7th day of February, 1970, full particulars of - their clairn& Immediately after the said date the said Personal Representative will -distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to claims of which 'it shalt then have notice. Dated at Goderich"-Ithis 14th dayof January, -1910.° - ..VICTORIA AND,GREY TRUST COMPANY, 1 Ontario Street, • Stratford.. Executor. • By PREST and EGENER, • 3,3 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. Their Solicitors herein. • 4,5,6 REMOVAL . • CLINTON. We pair' $5 to $15 for Tresh-dead r--disabled-rreows-or--horses,--WC Rick up calves and small Rigs as a service to you. •, Call collect 482-9811 -- - Lic. 169-C-68. • 5Ctf • BENNY BJERG General Contracting _ 202 QUeen-st., Clinton Phone 482-9372 25tfn • GRAHAM 'ELECTRIC Complete Ettctrical Service Residential -.Commercial -- Industrial 155Keays Street PIkone.„524-8670 .Goderich, Ontario. Effectilie‘Dec. 1 PE Mon., Wed., Sat. I§ a.m. to 6 p.m. for winter months only SCRIiVIGEOUR,-, I wish to thank all my friends- and relatives who remembered •4me with flowers, cards 'and gifts While -I was a patien-•-Alexandra-41-ospital Special thanks to Rev. G. G. Russell, Dr. NI C. Jackson, Dr. A B Deathe and Miss Helen H add e n. Mrs: Reta Scrimgeour. ALTON: The family of the late • Ehner B. Alton wish to, express their grateful, heartfelt thanks and appreciation for. the many .expressions • of kindness, extended - by donations, floral' • tributes, cards and viiits. during the lengthy sickness and at time rot the passing cif their father. With special thanks to Drs..' . Corrin and McKim, also the nursind. .staff • of 'Wingham District0 Hospital' and visiting. • ministers. The U.C,W. of -Trinity . and Dungannon • United Churches. - Russel Alton; - Elmira and Gordon „Finnigan. - Division 18 and placed in more uniformity in angling Division 2 which., will estabirsb.,.. seasons in SoutherricPntanO. and an open season on 'brook and has little biological .significance, brown trout from the last The - open season on,...brook- Saturday in April to September. and) brown., trout ha § beep 15established- as January 1 to September , Division 7 has been expanded .15 in the following areas: to include the portion„ of the • , • District -of Muskoka formerly in Etigenta- Lake, County or Division 4. This will . permit Grey, Township of Artemesia; winter fishing for brook trout, Bells Lake, COunty of Gray, beginning January 1, throughout Townshit)of Glenelg; CanieFon Lake, County. of Bruce, ther-District of IVJuskdra. The daily -catch limit on lake Township of St " Ediriu1145; 4...-S. has h reduced from five Gillies Lake Cseit;lf Birre nOrth of the__... Freneh and Towns • Mattawa Rivers. The former open season was ---Th-e—Eltilly-atc-h-tiiiit-i—mi '-fr brook trout has. been reduced to to September 15. ' •- • -1 fishTwingo 10 fish or five pounds plus one ,.aarddeiatsionalhavpeilivinbeecialn fish in the following Counties, • which constitute the tOce establithed as follows: . . Huron Forest District: Brant, 'Little Sauble Rive i in Brice;- Grey, Halton, ., Huron, " Inyerhuron Provincial • Park, Orford, -.Perth, Waterloo, ° Township Of Bruce, County of Wellington and Wentworth. • B.ruce. • • . to three in Division 18 and in Township i'3f n P er; that part of Division 15 • _Park Phoinpdo, fC0Bousantynvofett.ain_bton, • • : •the Tow Sauger and blue pickerel have Fishing Area ., . 'been included , Vvith ' 11 George -Challies', • Provincial pickerel relative to catch ei: in the Of and open angling seasons. -- Williamsburg, . County of; P . -, Dundasi. • - .: , trout in SuchLareas are operated under The open season torbrookhas_been-established to provide pnb ,intensiVe management by, th brown and rainbow • The season formerly opened On Department of Lands and Forests Division 10 lic fishing for as January 1 to September 3Q. , The open' season on bass and brook catch limit is 'and. rainbow, trqiit. The cla.ily five trout troutin to the last Saturday in February. any •combination._ • IN THE' ESTATE -OF EVA• ' LASSALINE LATE OF THE • TOWN OF •GODERICH- IN THE COUNTY OF HURON ' ALL -Persons claiming 'against-• '- '-- :the above Estate are required to ,forward full particulars of their° - C & W S• ALVAtE "claims to the undersigned on or before the 20th day • of 'February, 1970, after which date the assets will be 4) • MAIZE: I wish, to thank all who sent cards, gifts and visited-nie while I was'a patient in Goderich skillful operation of • a hospital. A special thanks to Dr. snowmobile comes • proper W. N. Watters, nurses .and staff. -clothing' hnd equipment. - Boy -•• •'. -Adinittedly, this wiff-not insure 205 Nelson St. "At -other thari 524 9514 Scifety hetMets Next -in importance to sane, ft IS. I wish to. thank *ill tjlose the safeZ of a snowinobiler but who remembered will Contribute to cards, flower% and visits while his welfare and Comfort. Me with gifts,/ , trioq •as redly, above days phone distributed. • •was in , Goderich Hospital. A high percenrage . of - Special thanks to Dr. N. C. snowmobile injuries particularly • Jackson and nurses on • the the serious and fatal ones, occur • second • floor , - west. • Als°to the head. ,FOr this reason the .neighbors who -helped in so , Ontario Safety League and•most many ways. -• Gordon Reis. -. snowmobile4xgroups strongly . , .• . recommend the use •of safety McLEA.N: In the loss of our 7 helmets. These helmets come infant son ,we wish to express with warm. liners and can I3e our.sincere thanks to Dr. WanaCe Qbtained with attaehed tinted, . and nurses of Alexandra Marine shatter -proof goggles. A number and 'General Hospital, Goderich, of snowmobile _clubs insist upon M.-.7.,. iannem, Dr. King, the their- members _wearing safety nurses. •of St. Joseph's hospital, helmets at all times when they ' London , for • their alert and -, . • BUying all serap metals; handling both new and used • steel products. DONNELLY & MURPHY, 18 The Square * Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. . .4-6. • • IN THE ,'ESTATE ,• OF • WI'LLIAM ARTHUR REGISTERED - .CULBEFIY, LATE OF THE • TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD, IN • =._111;;KWIMSIL__THE COUNTY OF HURON, ---R-ETIRED--F-26rRMER • .A11 persons claiming against the above Estate are required to • Wishes To Announce The Opening Of Her 'Office • For Information, Free Consultation Or , Appointment CALL 524-7695 . • 3,4,5,6 15. NOTICE to CREDITORS TAX- AGAIN! • Are you having trouble with In•the matter of the Estate of •that return? „ ROBERT REGINALD PHONE 524-6842 Goderich, in the County of 'ELLIOTT, lEate of the Ton of • - • Hurop, Mill Employee. For Quick Specialized Serviee •All persons claiming against TiShoit:$345-A, E.§tatare-required ttr T1 Generals - $20.00 and•Up forward full particulars of their • • -. „• claims to the undrigned on or • Huron Farm Accounting before February 9, 1970., DONNELLY & MURPHY, • 18 The Square, Goderich,- Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. 3,4,5 Goderich Open 9 a.m. td 10 p.m. for your , convenience 4-18- • forward full particulars of fheir claim's to the undersigned on or before the 14th day' ,> of February! 1969, after which ° date the assets will be distributed: DONNELLY & MURPHY, •.° 18 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. SOlicitors for the Estate.. 4,5,8 16, PUBLIC -NOVO DO you drivel from Goderich to Stratford? The Stratford General ,peovides-, LaboratOry 6 Services to pther hospitals and tecniire-s- that a small 'package be • picked up and deliv.ereft8 days a week , (Monday through Saturday). . Interested? Telephone 2712120 ext. 270. - 21e5 GODERICH PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL „. 1 REGISTERED NURSES ,•• Required for 250 bed active therapeqtic hospital affiliated With the University of WeSiern Ontario, London. , $12100 $137.00 per week (salary differential for two or more years receTtt experience) QUALIFICATIONS: Registration in Ontario., • ° Apply to: - Director of Nursing, Goderieli „. ,• „ s • Godcriph, Ootatio. ... : .. 19. LOST, AND FdyND LOST brown, and white Springer Spaniel•angwers to name "Pat." Finder - please " eall Bricker's''Jewellery. - 4x. LO8T-i -Small black andr.brown beagle pup Saltford area. Phone .1-1. Turner, 524-6369. - 4x. • , 20. MliFELLANEOUS ani no longer sqlieiting for Lightrnastet Company. Many thanks for orders received and. will. giveassistance in replacing --order& - Nina -Walters.. --4.. A. BIRTHS LeBEAU: .ett Alexandr'a hospital, Goderich, on Jan. 13, 1970 to Mr. and 'Mrs -Larry Lelieau, RR 1, New Dundee, a daughter. PRESZCATOR: At Alexandra hospital, Goderich, on Jan. 20, 1070. to Mr, arid Mrs. -Gary _.„.„Ettk szkLot 0).4 daUghter, • efficient care. Appreciation to our relatives -and friends or their helping hand. - Reth arierDick McLean. - 4. • GRAVER: I wish'to thank . all, my neighbors and friends for cards and flowers while, in boili Goderich arid Victoria hospitals. Also for the help y011 gave the family while I Was in he • hosj-'--•Mrs. Pearl Graver. • di F. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Merrill, Clinton, wish to announce the _forthcoming inatriage • of their • datighler, ,o) Ethel Janette, to Douglas Wayne Henry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross .Henry., Port .Albert. The wedding will take place February 14, 1970, at three o'clock,,iri Ontario 'Street ljniteci Church, Clinton. - 4x- -0. :COMING EVENTS- RECEP-TION dance for Mr. and Mrs. Mike Drenndn at Saltford Union Hall, January 23, 1970. Bolton's Orchestra. Lunch .provided. - 4 • PLAN to attend the Goderich Xinettes' TM Annual Mardi' Gras Ballqn Saturday, Febrnary 7, 1970. For tickets phone 524-9081 or 524-8915. - 3,4,5 • • event injuries • artNopera- ting' •a:;naihine.whether. for r.hticig or casual use. „ .‘; , The Lague•also suggests using the popular and Commonly used snowmobile suit of the coverall style. • This •. is a warm, coinparatively waterproot-type of garment which- makes -for conifort in . cold weather, but . also provides considerable safety against having ejothing caughtin moving parts of a snowmobile,pr • snagged bybrush, fenee, • or other obgtructions along a trail.k The same .applies to popular designs in gloves and snowmobile fo.atwear. These articles have been well designed . , for s the specific purpose of safety in mind; Use them! • :THE HURON, COUNTY Board of Education invites applications • for the following positions: PURCHASING AGENT b , ...._ , ., • . Reporting to the Business Administrator, the Purchasing . 'Agent..will be re:sponsible for ,the purchasing of school ' supplies„ equipment and services for a, system•serving 39 Schools. .• -Experience in educational purchasing preferred,. TRANSPORTATION OFFICER , - Reporting to the Biliness•Administrato? the transportation Officer will 'responsible for the efficient•operatfon of the school 'bus systems, with both Board owned and contracted '• sy stops involved. This pdsition will involve. a continuing systematic review of all existing Joutes,contracts, sludent c'oncentrations and facitities,,with a vie"W to minimizing costs and improviiig ' service. , . - • positions aii-i-salaries paid will be fully conisp"-ctiirv,.% by January 30, 070 to be- directed Replies Repindicating education a te Mr fl B. Duirilop A ,) Business Athoinistratot • 'Huroh-County Board of .Bo 370, Clinton, Ontario Good conlitry tome for three year Md male Black Labrador. 334 Nelson St. Kincaniine 396-2162 , MAYO itoctor