HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-01-22, Page 9• The Goderich Figure. Skating Club .members are workinghard best yet put on by the these days preparing for the up -coming carnival..to be held at the' the junior section this rena on February 27 and 28, Skaters are working out each Week number by the seniors n their numbers .for the show which is expected to be one of the 4iitiiIIII talented members of th4 1ub.-Themeof year Is Candy Land and the introduction will be "Into the galaxies." - staff photo. ho• I I I I IIII! lllllllllll llllllllil Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllll11111111111111111111111111111111181111111111111111111111111t1111 IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIII 1 I Professional. head coach._.. uBob McCrabb gives' a few' to Panic"• a Russian.'numbber and "Inca Paradise." Vofunteers.have 9pointers,s , members of the Goderich Figure Skating Club who are getting been working hard for, the past'few weeks preparingthe costumes ,„ ready.for" the Ice Carnival to be held February, „,27 and 28 at the andin order to save money on butto Manfried ° Dieroff is at arena: Some of the :numbers that° Will be seen are "Freeway- present making 244 buttons from broomsticks. - staffphoto.. . IIII 11111 1111111111 I I I III l 11 I 1 III f 111111 II I II II I 11 II II 1111111 illlllllllllllll IIII 111 I I III II I I 1 IIIIIIIII !IIII 1 1 Illltllllltl IIIIIIIIIItlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIllll1111111111111111111111IIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIItllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllil1111IIf1111IIOIIOIII01i111111111111tl11111111111111111H1 II 1 � . I r ° Let's talk minor hockey' ° -BY JACK CUMMINGS Since it's late in the season we are not • rintin; the schedules of all the games for the All.Star teams and -House League teams. There are only- a few remaining games " left in ' the' League schedule: Four of the. Goderich All Star teams- are leading in their : respective divisions .NOVICE ALL-STARS On Sunday, January 25 at 5.30 at the. Goderich Arena,- the All Stars play against .Seafortli. If you want to see hockey, action ''''"°'°' °°°at its best, be sure to attend the coach, Don Elliott has one . Of' the best,,Novice teams to be seen in the past few years. On. Saturday, January 17, the All Stars defeated 4the hard -checking. Hensall team. -Goderich went ahead 4-0 in the first period. with goals scored by Jeff_ Harrison, Tom Sager, Danny lyiikinson n 'and Gary Peters. , In the second period Goderich -added two more goals by Billy . Gauley and Tom Sager's second goal' of the night.. Hensall started to . play hockey and scored- four goals in the third period. Final Score -= 6 to'4'tor Goderich. NOVICE HOUSE LEAGUE • Saturday, -J , Motors shut out Chicken team 2- axui.ar-y-=-12- _ . Mills Kentucky Fried' O. Earl Raeburn ss were .. the Mills and- Carl and. Ian ...Ru goal -getters` for Gwynne carne up with -a shut out, .` In the second .game of the schedule Gardiner' -s Dairy and o • eric ec nc playelc to 1-1 tie, Rick Leddy and Mike Bradley got the goals. --at-the coaches =or convene would drop in the results to ni office next week I hope to give.. you. the standings and top goal scores. . Starting -on January 24- is Goderich Minor Hockey Week.Be sure to help by corning outto see your son play. MITE HOUSE LEAGUE ` Al• our teams in this league -are well balanced and the coaches and,_ , convener 'Keith Trail' have done an -excellent job: :m Saturdayorr(ing Jan. 17, the Sailors and Fivers Waved a scoreless game \poth goaltenders, GerryLGainer''and...Jim Wilkin, cam a up with shut -outs: - In, the other game'MacDoriald Marine -lost to Goderich -Electric 4 to 3. Goal scorers were Kevin Trail, ,Shawn Trail and Doug . Cruickshank for -MacDonald Marine and for Goderich Electric, Scott McIntyre had two goals with singles going to Bruce. Melick and,Duanne Elliott. PEE WEE ALL STARS Goderich ,Pee Wee All Stars recent winners in a tour4inent held by the Canadian Legion in's Kincardine, travel to St. Mary on Januaij 31 for the, Grand 'Championships. We hope the coach Don Fritzley and manager George Hudson " can come up -with -ano thertourn am ent : win_ In a regular scheduled VTA A game'�Ias;g'aturday, Hetrsall Pee Wees took the lead in the first period on a goal .by Mike -Veal. is a un final period when Mike Cummings tied it Up. Final Score 11 to thank the sponsors who donated new sweaters for the bantams =• They are Denomme Flower Shop, McGee's Pontiac, i e o crit ltc Yi'errd-$car Hoibt Real Estate. Scorers were McGees 4 Don PEE WEE HOUSE Holst 2; Ron' Sowerby - 3, Jim LEAG,UE�STANDINGS Willis-- 1 for McGees and Larry Lamont - one Brent Boak - 1 for Holst. ; In Pee Wee House League standfl gs, after five games; MacDonald- Marine` leads with three wins, no losses, two ties for • eight.. points; . Goderic"h Motors is -second With -one win; one 'loss, three record , for five. points; Baird Motors; next with -no wins, _one - loss and four ties for four points -and Schaeffers- with zero win,s, two losses, three for three point's. 4- i • We have not received ,to date any reports from the coaches regarding -the goal scores etc; this wlxd be -appreciated if an extra cop of, the game is given :to the convener, - Walter Paltrier so he can make sure the information gets into the paper. , MIDGET ALL STARS The Goderich, Midgets lost to Mitchell :4-2 Sunday at the Goderich Arena. 1 BANTAM HOUSE LEAGUE Four teams °are in this town league which. play every Monday,,,: night starting at 7 o'clock. Since there is only -six more, games- _rmainirig- in the scheduler convener, Doug . Cruickshank advises the playoffs will be a round-robin affair. •'The players along.. with the Goderich Minor Hockey Associatn would like Goderich . Elevator • 5 with goals: by .. Al Hardy,. (2)- Steve' Williams (1) and Mike Palmer, (2); Denomme M"fowers 3 , fpr Kevin Meriam. (1) Earl LeBlanc (1) and Phil Petrie BANTAM ALL STARS. The Bantams have won 'their r last four games` and on Saturday °nighttrounced" Hensall 16-0. :S:r'?.I'Qi3�+,:%:'vi•:sii?>{'::•++,'},CS:r •;•.r r.vv:. ::,. �i... %• •+�%.jG:� � .<: L4{Ya• :•j{ • :..,�r,:�j�r'�' +?:J.ti{.}:..f..:•{if. : . .suri Isis 111115 ...v64111011111A l 011611111111111 • 01111.111r Tromip HIGH 'AND LOW ,-- ALL, LINES 'W • .,JHE E BOSS IS AWAY BUT - The . SALE CONTINUES We Can Gilt Prices Still Further As Long As We Keep Selling 9. HOCKEY NOTES .O,M.H.A. ,Playoffs will be starting ._ ,shpiktly; Pee Wee's, Midget's and Bantams will be playing against Port Huron..^ Orangeville,.,,.,will be here to play- the Juveniles. Dates announced later. later. The Goderich Su_ pportors Club have now made plans to have the Mothers, and Fathers play a hockey game - .during Minor Hockey Week, also with the "datko be- announced. "° SPROULE SALE CONTINUES DONNYBROOK_ New officers installed -at UCW meeting The,, January meeting of the - U.C.`W`." was held. Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Stuart Chamney w„„ith .a good - aUe-ndance Mrs. Wesley Jefferson , had charge„, of . _the meeting and Hi C s meet On -Sunday evening January 18, 'the Donnybrook Hi C's met in the 'basement of the church. ,� =T --The meeting was opened with the call to worship by Linda Snowden. The Scripture was tad by Marion Armstrong: =-A---. hymn "Do Lord” was sung. The `offering was received, =Donna___. -Chamney read the prayer. ` Barbara Chamney gave the • secretary's report. ,Susan Thompson gave the treasurer's_ report. A discussion was . held on; "Generatton ,., Gaps'. • Happy Birthday ' was sung for ,Donna Chamney. -'Next meeting will be February 8.. Hi C president is- Linda Snowden&; • secretary- Barbara -Cham ney , aril treasurer--Suan Thompson. 1. opened with the, hymn 0 God, Our Help in Ages Past" and then • - led in prayer. • ` - Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson read the Scripture lesson, Colossians chap. ` 3, verses 1-16. Another hymn was sung and Mrs. Margaret Leddy gave the topic "Better- Impulses". After singing "Take Time to be Holy'', Pastor A. Fry installed the new officers which are as follows: president -Mrs. William Hardy; 1st vice president -Mrs. Ray*Hanna; 2nd vice president -Mrs. Wesley -- "Te 'f~ Ler"son; secretar"y- treasurer-Mrs. Stuart Chamney; - correspondence secretary -Mrs.` Ernest Snowden; press secretary -Mrs. Charles Je"fferson; stewardship secretary -Mrs. John Hildebrand; supply secretary -'Mrs. Morley SOCIAL CALENDAR Johnston; flower secretary --Mrs.. Sam Thompson; citizenship secretary -Mrs. Murray, Wilson; program-Mrs.Edward' Robinson; pianists. Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson, Mrs. Charles - Jefferson; christi'an education -Mrs. Tom Armstrong; official board -Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson; board of stewards -Mrs. ' Edward R.o b i n son; manse committee -=Mrs. Ernest Snowden. • . , Mrs. William° Hardy, the new -- president, took charge. of the. business 'and _Mrs. Stuart Chamney read the minutes of the previous Rotl call was answered by "A New Year's Resolution". -Mrs. Hardy thanked everyone for the box of gifts she received While in Victoria Hospital. Letters were. read Y from. Mrs.' - Roberts - Margaret Roberts of Costa Rico and John Hildebrand's si"ste"rl"- from Honduras. • Moved Mrs. Wesley Jefferson seconded by Mrs. John Hildebrand to give ' the supply secretary $15. Roll call for.Februay is -each - one bring something for, a layette.- - ' The annual-'- meeting•• . for, Huron -Perth Presbyterial -is, to be held in Clinton January 29. Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson read a' poem "A New Year Prayer". "Come, let us ,join our cheerful songs" was -sung- and Pastor A. ----"-- ifs' a Yn eeting with the benediction. Lunch ' was served by the hostess- assisted- by Mrs. Edward - Robinson and Mrs. Torii Armstrong. . • Miss Barbara Aitchison of St. Helens'spent last weekend . with Miss Jane Thompson. ' Miss Mak Jefferson of . London spenhe weekend with her parents•:Mr. -and Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson and family. Miss - Diane Chamney of •Stratford spent the weekend with her parents 191r.• and Mrs. Stuart Chamney and family; Mr. Wijljazn_ Webste_of .St. Helens visited Thursday at the same Mr. and Mrs. Frank Campbell---- of London visited Sunday at her home here and with her father Charles Jefferson in Wingham ' and District Hospital. • CLIiTQN AT unpbe11 L111Itc TICE A HA-RRISTON; FERTIi1ZERS . DIV. OFCYANAMID OF CANADA LTD. C.L INTO_N PHONES a>enn-ntrrnrrvif 482"9133 4 WILL BE - a COMPETITIVE% ON THE FOLLOWING ANALYSIS: 8-3246 6b 24-4 1545-15 7-28-28 18-46.0. Q: Aero P 482 -993 -8 - Howard.:McKendry° res: , 482 792 ►.. _ lo -LOCATED '.HALFWAY BETWEEN LIN -TON AND SEAFORTH ON HWY. S 5 ialph I �uffiriga