HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-01-22, Page 7r+� •
Nurses at present under training at Al,exandra.Marine and General"Hospitall.rwere'preSented:A-With
bursaries by local women's organizations this week,- Three -girls trainees from the Perth -Huron
Regional School of Nursing, Stratford, received the awards. Shown -with the M•aple Leaf Chapter.
IODE award presentation are, left to right, Mrs. Bryan Ainslie,, regent; Sharon Littterc triton; Mrs. a
O. R. W. Hughes, treasurer and Mrs: J. Skeoch, educational secretary. --- staff:photo.
Maple Leaf IODE
hold January meeting
The January • meeting of the
IODE, Maple Leaf Chapter, was
held at the home. of Mit: A. M.
Harper with Mrs. • B. Ainslie,
" ""regent; c lfi�hg"`"ttie; Trieetirig ` to
Mrs. J. MacKenzie read letters
from ,the
One dthe recipients • of t and ". totrainee nurse` at. Alexandrar •
•;,arra .
O bursariespresen ed M ay, tra n e s Marine
Genera) Hospital, was a Goderich girl, Anne MacDonald. She,. is shown .ywth- Mrs'; C. MacDonald,
left, ditector of- nursing at the hospital and: Mrs. Hazen Ha,pel, regent ,of the Ahmeek Chapter
IODE, the chapter that presented the bursary. Miss MadDonald is a student at the Perth=Huron
Regional- I?J'uring, 2 -staff photo.
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Colborne Home and
School meet
Colborne Central Home and
Mrs. B. Ainslie thanked all the School Association meeting was'
ciiminittees for their services in held, in the auditorium January
the past year. 12 ,with 27. members and five
" Mrs. R. Hughes, in connection teachers present.
:with .the world affairs secretary,
Mrs. M. Rayner, spake about. her
recent trip'to Alaska. The IODE, opened with "O Canada"--
Mrs. • W. Rutledge the -
president was in charge.. • We
Red Cross asking for, 'as a patriotic organization, was fcl,.,,no y_fm rr,_inu•tee-ef_Ghe-
support in their• annual.campaign
and from Mrs. C. MacDonald
acknowledging the bursary fora
Ideal area nursing student at the
Perth -Huron Scho:01 of Nursing.
• Mrs. F. Curry, reportedthat
the_" Red Cross canvass• will be
held the second• week of March
and also gave • the 'treasurer's`
repeirt, fora the "Opportunity
Mrs. J. Skeoch, education
secretary,. reported that °Miss
Sharon - Little - 'will be the
recipient of the student nurse
bursary for the ,J erth-Huron
School of Nursing. •
Mrs. A.' M: Harper, citizenship
convener,. reported that there»
were 13 new' citizens welcomed
and tater enjoyed a; social hour
with the Harpers.
Mrs. N. T. Ormandy reported
thy, *�' faal�eefor averseas� lad
been sent.." She also read a letter
from,- the teacher at the
Chapter's adopted Indian school
on Christian Island saying how
appreciative all the children were
for their stocking caps .and
mittens for Christmas.
Two new. members, Mrs. K.
Anderson and. Mrs. R. Shortreed,
took their affirmation and. were.,• presented. with pins by the
Mrs. R. Breckenridge brought
forth the new. -`slate of officers
for 1570 that had been
nominated. She . later thanked
her aommittee_fo their hem. ,
in eyes • In hearing Mrs. December meeting being read by
Hughes ' mention that the. Mrs. H. Klaezer.
the on Government is aiding- Reports from our committees
tribe of Indians with were then gi4en. • Roll call was
their argellite „craft work.. The answered -by the rooms. Mrs. W.
argellite crafts, • totem poles,
Indian heads ' and different
figures of sculpturing are made
from the only known existing
slate deposit and it is located on
their Queen Charlotte. Island.
.The February. meeting will be (kindergarten• teacher) gave us a
held at, the home of Mrs; -I- ' real. good outlook -Onw•a. day's
MacKenzie_,, 'work...at kindergarten.: When the:
" `"Mrs. H. Murphy thanked the children come in school off of
hostess for opening her home to the bus they are given free time
the ' members 'for the evening. in which they do games -or
Tea was 4i,S„ s,",.,,,a whatever . - . _
oos,e. to get
Bogie called the teachers' names
and the room there with the
most parents aesent was Mrs. D.
Gower's. This, room was given a
Miss . Karen McKenzie,
calmed down after the long bus
ingsbridae trip. •
We- were. also shown some
Several from 'here attenaed 'pictures which spine,{ of. ' the
the Ecuminical Service, at the children had drawn ,.ori large.
'United 'Ch bear ,Lifck'nd . off" .sheets. of " paper Another. item
Sunday evening: Rey. Thos. H. which th6' children , do is math.
Casson() was the guest spe. ker R gran_ h- It w,as real Ly
°sr -
,The .'theme was Prayer for interesting to know, what.. one
Christian Unity; • day's 'work consisted. of and how
Congratu lationsato Eddie Van they worked their way for grade
Osch who made his first °Holy 'one. .
Communion at St. .Joseph's Mr. Black then led us- .n a(
Church on Sunday, short dis,cussion " on the\
Jerry` Vogt was a patient in questionnaire which had leen,
the Goderich Hospital last week. sent .home with, the children for
!Norman O'Connor is enjoying the parents to -answer. There
a vacation in Florida. were a few more ideas added to'
Michael Courtney, son •of Mr. this for Mr.. Black •to_ta'ke to the
_and Mrs. Leo Courtney, "is-- next board meeting in Goderich
enrolled in an eight week Motor later this month) The -
•Mechanics" Course at Conestoga situation was also discussed nd
• College,,Guelph, • we Were pleased to have this
,New'andA rnproved
Varier ies of
ex lained aiittle clearer to us.
rs. Raeburn received a letter
front: Mrs. Cooper, the area
president, asking us- to let her
know what. we had planned For.
-the afu tore:.
We closed this part with "Gad
Save the Queen.."
Some of the mothers, fathers
and teachers enjoyed a volleyball
game after -our sale" of home
baking: jam, etc. Everything
sold. A lovely lunch was served- -
by Mrs: W. Fisher. --.....and her
l` " 4
at Kingsbridge
The -Kingsbridge Grp Uuides.
held their , regular meeting on
Lt. Ceasarda. opened with a relay;,;
game, rolloived by roll call: " `
- The •girls then went to Patrol
Corners- to discuss History orad
Guiding. New members are to be
tested on Tender Foot next
rapt.,. Tigert and L•ie lterl-ants,
put Guides Abioirifi Whistle and
Hand signals. 'I his- will also be
u b
tested next week.
Capt. .Tigert also explained'
about Carouser Cahada 1970.7;
Campfire. was: hel�dd by Orioles" -
With skits, jokes arid songs.
The,: meeting closed
prayer and taps.
100 PAIR. . .,�_. :.Ga 100 RAM 100 PAIR,
MEN'S SHOES " Growing Girl's' Flats WOMEN'S,:FLATS
Town. of GODERJCH:
WHEREAS, the uveek of January 24th is being observed throughout Canada as a period to
focus .public• attention on the physical, character -building and other benefits of hockey
for our youth; and
WHEREAS, the game, of hockey is recognized as Canada's National•Game which teaches our
• youth to develop a° co.r'npetitive spiry, ,co-operation with others,, body-building; and
respect for. authority; and
.WHEREAS, it is the hope4•of every municipality to devejop one or more players capable of
representing Canadaas a member of Canada's -National Team, and
WHEREAS the Minor ,Hockey Asociation in this community has earned the commendation
' and support of every citizen,. and
WHEREAS Minor Hockey is the -foundation- from which accomplished` hacRey players
• develop,
NOW THEREFORE, 1, as- Mayer of Goderich do hereby declare .the week commencing
January 24th be observed as °
and, request that all "parents and" o e`t suPpor-t.:t1* observance by attendingo.game's' during
•x•>Mnor HdckeyWeek and thereafter uhi(.the, rninor.hockey season ends.
r �P
DR. G. F.,MILI-SI Mayor
Work boots, safety toes and Tight rubbery and plastic
oversLoes are not included* rn this safe.