The Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-01-22, Page 3+717
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THINK OF BABY'S SAFETY F LRST - The crib, with sides up and securely anchored; is. baby's
'safe shelter when mother ,is occupied' with household chores, or answering- the telephone or
doorbell, says.the druindustry's Council on Family Health in Canada. A baby is born with 270
bones, and has 64 more chances than an adult to injure a bone accidentally: In adulthood, some of
the separate bones have fused to9eth'er and -the normal grownup has only 206 bones. '
How's your household safety sense?
0111. ti
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Mint T.%
SQtpatior j1 y
Trouble is. the common lot.of
Mankind. Some troubles are
imaginary, and "some .•'arre° reap
some never existed;. and .some,
never wills VWe�'. carry' troubles
over `fro, yesterday, and We
borrow trouble` from .tomorrow.
• 'W,e cross our- bridges before we
come 'to them, „But there are
enough real troubles. -to weigh'
down our hearts and to Make
life unbearable if " there wasn't
Someone, to turn to in our need.
Psalm 46:T says,. "Goa ,is our -
Reflge and, Strength, a very
present Help in trouble."
First of all, this verse tells us
that God is our REFUGE.
Instinctively, in times of trouble,
in trouble
and meed, we seek refuge in
someone or something greater
,�thatn , ourselyi�s.
Sometimes, we
seek refuge or a. plaq ,„of retreat
in a friend: Other times we'look
' for it in activities, Sill 'other
times, we seek it in "things.”
But, none .of ,:.these kinds' of
"refuge is 'completely satisfying,
lasting,. or ' ,. coniplete. • The
Psalmist spoke of 'the only
Refuge that successfully passes
every test, in life or death -- and
- 'that REFUGE is, of° Bourse,
God. It is `interesting to note
that Martin Luther was very
,fond of this• Psalm. °It inspired
him to:'write the majestic hymn,'
"A Mighty Fortress Is Q.
The Rev. D. S..Deex: ,9f Kin-
shasa, Congo, a member of
the Review Committee Respon-
sible for translating -the Now
One of the most important regularly, and label it That ova important t
,, . _ y, por an in rooms heated by
words in your home this year, you are always sure what's in the oil, gas or 'kerosene heaters.
and always, - -should be box. Oxygen used _ -by the heater
"SAFETY" -safety in doing 13. Ventilation is especially flames must be replaced, and the
housework, playing games, . .
lighting a stove, using ; and
storing medicines,. bringing up
your youngsters,' bathing and
every other activity where
carefulness counts. . MISS LILY ALLIN
While many -people think 13 is `�
q , a° number to avoid, you will have Miss Lily Allen,- 236 iiixicks
Street- died at Alexandra Marine
deadly: carbon monoxide,
. dispoEsed of. When you sleep in a
room`.' with a portable, heater in
use, be sure.a window is open_ _-
husband, William J. McWhinney
and by one son, Roy.
Surviving are one- sora,
good luck preventing accidents ' Richard, Goderich two
around if you' heed and General Hospital on Sunday, daughters, Mrs. David (Mary)
January 18. She was 77. Harman -Goderich and Mrs.
these 13 quick reminders from ►.
Miss Allen was born i May;
September 20, 1905, a son of
John Petrie andthe former Eliza
Kilpatrick. He had been . a
lifelong resident of the township'
and was a farmer _ �"
He was predeceased by his
the ; drug • industry's, Council mi. n Robert. (Isobel) Turner, Auburn; wife; The former Jessie Hoy who
1.892 in Colborne Township., a died In .1955; and by done son,
Family Health 'in Canada a one sister ...Mrs. George (Ethel)
' daughter. of Richard . Allen and Ro'nal'd. r— •
- non-profit ' organization Sillib, Goderich 10
the former Sarah Jewell^ She had Surviving are one -.. son
established as a public. service to grandchildren , and 17 great, g
lived in Colborne Township until Norman Mississauga; four
home safer • andchildren g '
encourage y
1. Never use . someone -else's was,.-- member of Victoria Street . at McCallum Funeral Home at 2- Nlelick, Goderich; -Mrs. Ray,
Testament into a local lan-
guage .--- Kituba — describes
the painstaking work involved
and then goes on to tell' of the
rewards ' experienced by the
"it is 'worth it for the joy
that can be shared with oth-
ers. When a Roman Catholic
priest recently r bought,,. '1,000.
copies of Acts in our- trans'
iaLion in Kituba tor dis
Lion to his people, it hems - d.
compensate for some of ur
endless hours of proof --re
•-uil -4 —4- v en -U c --local Bpi
op ordered and paid for 80
duplicated copies of. our just
completed translation of I
Corinthians, one for every
clergyinan in his' Diocese, it
brought a sense. of satisfac-
tion for the work expended on
that job, We can hardly wait
until the _arrival. of the 25,000
copies of the ' new Digiot edi
.tion of Mark — with -tlie new
French version on one side,
and our revised Kituba on the
: moving to- Goderich. in 1932 and tlau titers Irs. 'William -(Elaine)--
The' -funeral. service was- Field -7,.. g _
prescription medicine, and never United Church. p.m. on Monday, Janual°y 19,- (Anne) Mitchell, Clinton;' Mrs_
give anyone else yours. Discard ,St?rviving are one • brother, Rev. G. G. Russell officiating. John (Doreen) ._Carson, London
preieriptign medicines after the- William., Alliin, Watrous Sask. ' and Mrs. HarryLenore
- ' i'nterment was in Colborne (Lenore)
* . illness for which they were, ..- and one sister, ' Mrs . Harry - Cemetery. e Clements, RR 4, Goderich; two
• , resorbed has passed, . ry Pallbearers were: ,
p p W (Ruth) Emigh, Saskatoon, Sask. . Donald McWhinney, James brothers, William,.rGoderich and
2.. Remember little children The funeral 'service was held: McWhinney; Barry Turner Joseph,-Tillsoriburg; two sisters,
are curious,and'they cannot read at 2' -p.m. on•Tuesday, 'January ••Mrs,- °Dick- • Elsie McIntyre,
labels. Medicines and household Kenneth •.'� . Turner Leonard -Dick----(Elsie)
20 -at .Stiles Funeral Home. with °r Goderich and'Mrs. Case Ma P
��� l :, Harman ...and.. Clare 'H r n (Mary)
Pretnicals`''sirb rid be•kept`out^ of Rev. Leonard:, Warr 'officiatin .)" ma i
reach of . g grandsons O the . c eceased Black', Kitchener; eight',
ell men; -Ne _tell .-a Iriterr Brit -w'as in' C' barna—
' were: Art MVlaskell °. gra rdrefi -and. one -great
child that medicine is candy. Cemetery. Pallbearers- were: and John Collinson. • granddaughter.
3. Serious accidents can and .George Hadden; Clarence Min, ..• The funeral -'service was{ held
do occur -in - the kitchen., To Roy -Walters, William Walters, MRS. CHRISTY CRAI'GIE at McCallum Funeral " *Home, ,,
reach high shelves,. use..solidly Jonathan Fisher and - Guy Mrs. Christy Craigie, 58,, 7Goderich, at 2 l?; r Tuesday,.
based stepstool, not �a chair or - Robinson° Courthouse Square, ' Goderich, January 20 with Rev. R.
other -makeshift. Keep. pot Odendahl officiating.
died at Alexandra Marine and g•
handles turned inward so they ELMER B. ALTONInterment was in Dungannon
do not project over the'ed eh ofGeneral 'Hospital on Thursday, g
g Elm r •B• Alton"of Ashfield January 15, after: a lengthy Cemetery. Pallbearers were: Ken
the range. This reduces the risk passed away in, -Wingham-'and •
°ill-ne: --:
Petrie lack-P-etrae; -Elwin-Petrie;
of scalds from -up pots.. Keep District -Hospital ,on Thursday,Mm; Craigie was born Christy Ivan Rivett, ,Joe Dauphin and
kitchen ,floo-rs dly, ^ ' January 8, following a lengthy Goderich, a Howard Culbert.
' 4: Moisture is an , excellent illness. Hew Campbell in ,
' daughter •of. "Robert and ANDREW BOGIE
conductor .of electricity.. Help Born in Ashfield Townshipon
Christina Campbell.. She had
avoid- shock Hazard by . August 1'? 1891, he was a son had- Bogie, 209 Widder
been a lifelong resident of .
remembering not ., to ' touch of David H. Alton ,and Mary, Goderich and had been in• the- Street, -died Friday, January 16,
electrical ` appliances or light • Jane -Ferrier° afteraa long illness. He was 72:• ".,,°
� millinery business
damp. , in AShfieJd�_ _un ebruary 17, and -,--John _W. Craigie in Colborne 'I`ownship on June 29,
5. Stairs are.a special hazard 1915,..he married -Charlotte March 1949. The _couple bad • 1897, a son of Robert Bogie and
for babies and small children. Helena Bell at Langside. - been �inarried in Goderich' in ,the former Levinia Manning. He'
When you carry your baby while Following "their -marriage they January of 1924. had lived all his life in Colborne
ascending or descending stairs, ' farmed between concession 9 Township until retiring to
keg one hand free and on the . 5jurviving is one sister, Mrs. -
P e and 10, just across the road from . Goderich in 1962. _
r guard rail. Keepagate at theWilliam (Margaret) Pellow
Where Mr. ' Alton was born and'Goderich. On December 7, 1921, Mr.
}lead of the stairs until the baby raised. ' Bogie. married the" former Alice
The funeral service . was held ° g
grows up�'afii'd can use the stairs., Mrs. Alton passed away- on at McCallum Funeral Home at 4 Ethel Graham in Sheppardton
safely. •. Fasten stair. carpet September -21,.194.7. �' ,. and was a farmer all his life.
p.m. on Saturday, January 17, •
securely. - Mr. Alton is survived by a He was a merriper• of North
6. Fuses are safety valves. daughter, officiating. Mrs. Gordon (Elmira) with Rev. G, L. Royal Street United -Church•
When" a fuse .blows, it is a -sign -of Finnigan, of West Wwanosb'and Interment- was in Maitland •„ 'Surviving with ;,bis, wife are
trouble - a short .circuit of a son, Russel, . of, Ashfield a ' one. ,,,daughter, Mrs,: :John
Cemetery, Pall,bearer�were: -Dion •�'
overload.. ” Make sure the trouble brother, ,,\Welter s Alton,-.' of Sanderson Jim Abell, Bob '(Evelyn) Quaid, Sarnia and one
is located and correoted before Lucknow ,and two sisters, Mrs. ,Sanderson John. Harbinson son,., Graham, ' Waterloo; 'three
replacing a blown fuse Keep . Beth Sherwin of _ Brandon,brothers, Bert:. and . • Robert in
Bruce Donn and Ernest Craigie.
cord's in good' repair. r Manitoba. And Mrs. Lillian A. . .. - Goderich and - Earl in
7.„ Little things can make a ° Reid of Lone Pine California. • } . MRS ELEANOR SELTZER Sheppardtoa; two sisters, ;Mrs.
difference. .Don't allow children, Besides , his •wife he;,. was '- Mrs. Eleanor 'Seltzer, Whitby, Donald -(Jean) MacKenzie
to play with dried peas or beans, predeceased py a brother, Wm., died at Oakville General 'Hospital Goderich , and .• Mrs.-1-iarvey
•--- which can become lodged in E. Alton, of Wingham.on January 18 in her 38th year. y (Alice) Potter; Whitewood.,
their ears or nose. Keep them . Funeral service was held ^ 'at ' Mrs. Seltzer was the .forfner Sask.; and• six grandchildren.
..... away from small non-food items MacKenzfe Memorial Chapel;' Eleanor Jeffery of Goderich. SheThe funeral service was' held'
that can be put in . the mouth - Lucknow, on Saturday, January. ' was born in -Goderich on April at 3 p.m. on Monday, January
nutshells, ' cigarette butts,, 10.. Rev° J. Hummel of Trinit 19, at Stiles .Funeral. Home with'
buttons, Pins, coins, beads, •Unitedi�Church, of which Mr Y Jeffery an28; 1932, adaughter-d the late Florence of John ' Rev. W. J. Mains officiating.
sturdy ste ,loon or Alton was a member •arld Evaline Jeffery. She attended Interment was' in Colborne
P honorary elder of .session, was school Here and was a "graduate Cemetery. Pallbearers were:
, stepladder designed for home minister. He was assisted by Rev. of Goderich HighSchool. Terrance Hunter, - Rod Bogie,
use. Stand firmly on the steps. Barry Passmore of Wingham. ' • ' Mrs. Seltzer as a member of Jim .,Horton, Walter `1rgert,
Mount no higher than the Pallbearers we're Warren Zinn, the Goderich Girls Trurhpet Elmer Hunter and Art Alder^
second step frcim,, the top, Wear Howard•,$lake, Clayton -Alton, Band when it wasp first formed. Flowerbearers _.were: Harvey
low -heel shoes:Above all, never Kenneth Alton, Blake Alton and ' Following, her marriage to Bogie, Barry. Bogie, Robbie,
,*lean away, that stretch may start Andrew Ritchie. Flowerbearers William C. Seltzer in Goderich, Quaid and Ken Stoddart. --
you tumblin downwere ° Wesley._ g down.: � y, :- Tiffin, •Chester -. she,- lived in London and St.' •
- 9. When lighting gas burners Hackett, D. A^ Ffackett, Ralph Thomas ' befote moving ,-to
without pilot lights, have the . Cameron and Henry Jurjens^Whitby. She was a member of
match lighted and hold it near Temporary entorribment -was' 'Victoria Street United Church^
the burner before turning the gas at South Kinloss ,Mausoleum Surviving with her father and,
on, • with final resting-pl• ace Greenhill husband are five children,
10. Falls in bathtubs rate high Cemetery;'. ''�� '1 .Cheryl, Steven, Scott, Danny,
in- bathroom accidents. Unless and Conni, all at ,home m>
the tub bottom has a . on.'skid MI 5: FLORENCE McI HINNEY
it • Whitby and one ,brother Harold
surface, use a rubber mato Grab,; Mrs., ' Florence, McWhinney, Jeffery of Goderich.-' ,.
bars at the side of ,the tub' are 127 Druce Street, Goderich, died ,, The ' funeral service was held
helpful, especially for elderly ,at Alexandra' Marine and General , on Wednesday, January 21 in
persons. •' • • (0 Hospital- On Friday; January •16. Whitby ` -with interment in
switches where your hands are Mr. Alton spent his entire life She was predeceased by her Mr. Bogie was . born in
• 11- Don't have small rugs at She` was.7'b Whitby Cemetery^
the head or foot of stairs ,or in Mrs. McWhinney Was born -in
At other places, Goderielt Township on October • CHARLES K: PETRIE
scatter rugs should be backed 22;1885, a daughter of Edward " - Charles K. Petrie, RR 1,'
with I non-skid material, ' ' or :Maskel.;,and, the former.—.Mary
tacked down. Ann, Campbell. She lived linost of-
you use a small box to tier life in Colborne
.. ,
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